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Can you provide me an update with payment details for these invoices? Please let me know when is the
best time to follow up with you.


(Name), If I could have a moment more of your time, we do have delinquent invoices that were not paid
with this check that I would like to ask you about. I appreciate that you are probably busy, but I could use
some help with obtaining payment status of our delinquent invoices that are listed below.

Thank you in advance for your help and prompt response.


Good morning (Name), I hope that you are well.

Please review the attached statement of account and advise payment details for the highlighted invoices,
some of which are more than 100 days past due. This is my 2nd request regarding the payment status of
these invoices.

Please review and advise payment details or if not paying, please advise reasons so that I can help resolve
the issue.

Thank you both in advance for your help and prompt response.


(Name), thank you for your inquiry. Carriers have 180 days within which they can rebill for additional
charges, per section 49 U.S.C 13710 of the rules and regulations on the BOL. I appreciate the frustration
of receiving charges after a shipment has delivered! This is also part of our tariffs agreements as well.

US Statute for Justification of Re-bill Charges 180-day rule” set forth in a federal statute (49 U.S.C. 13710)
that applies to “charges in addition to those originally billed”:

These are normally accessorial charges for which we bill, what the carrier invoices us for, (Name). There
is no profit added to these charges.

Moving most of our carriers to submit their invoicing and documentation to EDI has dramatically reduced
this additional billing and we will continue to work with our carriers to eliminate the need to receive and
bill for charges after-the-fact.

Please advise how else I can be of help to you!


Good morning (Name), I hope that you are well!

We are automating our processes and I would like to request switching our payment method to ACH or
credit card. As an incentive to switch to ACH, which is our preferred payment method, we are offering a
2% discount on the payment balance made to bring the account current! If you would like to take
advantage of a merchant provider point program with a credit card, we are happy to process payments
using that card with no additional fees charged!

If paper check is still the best way for you, then please forget about stamps and mail and simply email that
check to me for payment processing. The original check can be kept with your banking records. We can
process the image in our office with our banking scanners.

Please let me know if you would be interested in taking advantage of one of these other payment
methods. I am here to help you!

Thank you in advance for your help and prompt response.


Good morning (Name), I hope that you are well.

We have been trying to reach AP for quite some time via email and leaving voicemails without response.
I was fortunate today to find an employee who gave me the additional email addresses, for which I'm
hopeful that someone will respond.

Attached are our open invoices, which include the shipment documents and a statement of account that
will transfer to our legal department at the end of the week.

I don't know what we did to deserve being left without payment and not so much as a return phone call
or response to an email. I would appreciate a response to this payment request, as I'm sure that you
would much rather work with me than a lawyer, who will contact all parties involved with these shipments
and involve them in a lawsuit. I will not wait any longer for a response or to beg a debtor to contact me
regarding monies owed. If this is turned over to our legal department all parties involved will be notified
and suit will be filed immediately.

Please review the attached and please give me a call so that we can discuss payment arrangements for
these invoices.

Thank you in advance for your help and prompt response.

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