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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Fall 2019
The feedback you provide to students on your scoring guides or verbally is important and critical in helping students
progress in their learning. Feedback should ALWAYS provide them with information about their strengths and their
weaknesses. How you help them use it is also critical and includes concrete reminders, PLUS the learning
experience to use the feedback.

Students do not automatically use the feedback of what you write or tell them. You will need to have conversations
with them each day to help them reflect on what you shared with them from the day before (meta-cognition). You
can also think of concrete support that may help them to reflect on the feedback. (index card with a reminder, poster,
a string on their finger).

What you are doing in this clinical practice, is what you will be doing the rest of your career. It should become part
of your daily practice and be included in your unit week, though not recorded.

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you

Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use the
1. Oral or written feedback?
2. What you shared

Day 1 - Math Whole Class: I provided written feedback to I would provide the rubric to the
each child on the child-friendly math rubric students for Day 2 of the lesson.
for the exit slip. This rubric provided The students will use the
students with a red, yellow, or green smiley feedback by talking to their
face to determine if they need more practice partner about what they need to
if they are starting to understand it, or if work on today. The students and
they understand the material. their partners will determine two
things that they need to work on
Student #1: This child required specific for the lesson for Day 2.
feedback. The rubric was helpful in
providing the child with explicit feedback
on the math lesson. I reviewed the rubric
verbally with the child to explain what he
needs to work on for telling time by five
minutes. I wrote that the student needs more
practice. I explained that the student needs
to review which hand is which and the
placement of the hour hand. I wrote that the
student did well drawing the different sized

Student #2: The rubric was helpful to this

student to provide detailed feedback on
their progress. I wrote that the student did
very well with telling time to the nearest
five minutes, but to pay close attention to
the placement of the hour hand as the
minutes have increased.

Day 2 – Language Arts

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you
Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use the
1. Oral or written feedback?
2. What you shared
Whole Class: Each student in the class was The students will be given their
given written feedback on the character rubrics with the written feedback.
response rubric. This rubric provided The students will write down
students with a red, yellow, or green smiley what they need to focus on today
face to determine if they need more practice on a notecard. This notecard will
if they are starting to understand it, or if be on the students desks as they
they understand the material. work on the activity for Day 2.

Student #1: The child was provided with

written feedback that was verbally
explained to the student. This helped the
student understand his understanding of the
lesson and to examine what he still needs to
work on. I wrote that the student is starting
to understand character response by using
the think, feel, do, say anchor chart to
determine character response, but needs to
be more detailed in his answers. The student
was asked to explain why the character felt
a certain way after the major event.

Student #2: The child was provided with

written feedback. This student can
understand written feedback well, therefore
I did not have to meet individually with her.
I wrote that the student is doing great with
character response by identifying what the
character does, thinks, feels, or says, but to
pay closer attention which events are major
to a story.

Day 2 – Social Studies Whole Class: A checklist was used to The students will receive verbal
determine if students were understanding feedback in group conferences
personal accountability by providing based on checklist. The teacher
examples from the text. I provided candidate will meet with groups
immediate verbal feedback to students that struggled with like concepts
while visiting each group to hear their of personal accountability.
conversations. Groups will be for responsible
choices, responsibility for
Student #1: The verbal feedback helped the personal actions, and respecting
student by immediately providing feedback others. The students will use this
to the discussion. I told the student that he is information to help guide them in
understanding personal accountability of the lesson for Day 2.
respecting others and making responsible
choices, but to think closely when
examining responsibility for personal
actions. I provided an example.

Student #2: The child was given verbal

feedback immediately during the
discussion. I told the student that she is
doing great with providing examples of
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you
Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use the
1. Oral or written feedback?
2. What you shared
personal accountability. She can provide
great examples from the text to support her
discussion. She had some confusion with
responsible choices, but she understood
after I provided clarity.

Day 3 - Science Whole Class: Each group was provided The students will be provided
with feedback, as well as, each student that with verbal feedback of the
required more assistance in completing the checklist. The teacher will meet
task. feedback was provided verbally during with students that had trouble
and after the activity. Data was collected identifying a change caused by a
through a checklist for the graphic living thing. The teacher will also
organizer. meet with students that did
understand by providing feedback
Student #1: The student was given verbal on how they can expand their
feedback, as this helps the student when knowledge. This information will
working on new material. I told the student be provided to students to use for
that he had great understanding of the day 2 of the lesson.
change that was made by humans. He said
that it was a good change, so we examined
if cutting down trees is a good or bad
change to the environment.

Student #2: The student was given verbal

feedback to provide assistance in
understanding the changes of living things. I
told the student that she understood the
change made by humans, but to think about
how the change effects the environment.

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