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Ellayne Joy A. Lucero.



Data were collected from 10 sophomores at a local university, including their gender, the number of hours they
studied per day (hstudied), the number of cups of coffee they drank per day (cups), and their grade point
average (gpa).
a. Create a bar chart for the categorical variable.
b. Create histogram for continuous variables.
c. Create scatterplot using the variables gpa and hstudied.
d. Create a boxplot for the variable cups.

No. of hours studied per No. of cups of coffee drank per

Gender Grade point average
day day

Female 6 5 3.78

Female 2 3 2.65

Female 3 2 3.2

Male 1 0 2.05

Male 5 3 2.98

Female 0.5 1 2.75

Female 1.5 1.5 2.3

Male 3 2 3.5

Female 5 6 3.32

Female 3.5 5 2.69

a. Create a bar chart for the categorical variable.

b. Create histogram for continuous variables.

c. Create scatterplot using the variables gpa and hstudied.

d. Create a boxplot for the variable cups.

The table below contains data on 15 people including whether or not they had allergies (allergy), the number of visits
made to a doctor over the last year (docvisit), and the number of days missed from work during the same time period

a. Create a bar chart for the categorical variable.

b. Create histogram for continuous variables.

c. Create scatterplot using the variables docvisit and daymiss.

d. Create a boxplot for the variable docvisit.

Allergy No. of visits made to doctors No. of days missed from work

Yes 3 5

No 2 7

No 1 3

No 0 12

No 1 15

Yes 15 35

No 3 4

No 5 12

Yes 4 9

No 1 10
a. Create a bar chart for the categorical variable.

b. Create histogram for continuous variables.

c. Create scatterplot using the variables docvisit and daymiss.

d. Create a boxplot for the variable docvisit.

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