Effect of Therapeutic Swedish Massage On Anxiety Level and Vital Signs of Intensive Care Unit Patients

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Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2017) 21, 565e568

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Effect of therapeutic Swedish massage on

anxiety level and vital signs of Intensive Care
Unit patients
Tatiana Alves da Silva, PT, Debora Stripari Schujmann, PT,
Leda Tomiko Yamada da Silveira, PT,
Fátima Aparecida Caromano, PhD, Carolina Fu, PhD*

Department of Physiotherapy, Communication Sciences & Disorders and Occupational Therapy, Faculty
of Medicine, Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Received 16 March 2016; received in revised form 15 July 2016; accepted 16 August 2016

KEYWORDS Summary Objective: To evaluate how Swedish massage affects the level of anxiety and vital
Anxiety; signs of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients.
Massage; Methods: Quasi-experimental study. Inclusion criteria: ICU patients, 18e50 years old, cooper-
Intensive Care Units ative, respiratory and hemodynamic stable, not under invasive mechanical ventilation. Exclu-
sion criteria: allergic to massage oil, vascular or orthopedic post-operative, skin lesions,
thrombosis, fractures. A 30-min Swedish massage was applied once. Variables: arterial pres-
sure, heart rate, respiratory rate, S-STAI questionnaire. Timing of evaluation: pre-massage,
immediately post-massage, 30 min post-massage. Comparison: T-test, corrected by Bonferroni
method, level of significance of 5%, confidence interval of 95%.
Results: 48 patients included, 30 (62.5%) female, mean age 55.46 (15.70) years old. Mean S-
STAI pre-massage: 42.51 (9.48); immediately post-massage: 29.34 (6.37); 30 min post-
massage: 32.62 (8.56), p < 0.001 for all comparison. Mean vital signs achieved statistical sig-
nificance between pre-massage and immediately post-massage.
Conclusion: Swedish massage reduced anxiety of ICU patients immediately and 30 min post-
massage. Vital signs were reduced immediately post-massage.
ª 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Department of Physiotherapy, Communication Sciences & Disorders and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of
Medicine, Sao Paulo University, Rua Cipotânea 51, Cidade Universitária, Sao Paulo, CEP 05360-000, Brazil. Fax: þ55 11 26617969.
E-mail address: carolfu@usp.br (C. Fu).

1360-8592/ª 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
566 T. Alves da Silva et al.

Introduction Initial evaluation was performed immediately before

receiving the massage. Then, each patient was submitted
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients may experience emotional to one Swedish massage session. Patients were evaluated
disorders such as loneliness, anxiety (Dunn et al., 1995) stress, again immediately after receiving the massage and 30 min
pain, and fear. Such disorders may even lead to physical re- after massage was completed. Data collection and massage
percussions such as elevation of arterial blood pressure, res- were performed by the same investigator.
piratory rhythm and heart rate levels and deterioration Collected variables were: age, gender, cause of ICU
of level of consciousness (Vahedian-Azimi et al., 2014). admission, length of ICU stay from admission day until study
Therapeutic Swedish massage has positive physiologic inclusion, vital signs and anxiety status. Evaluated vital
effects such as a decrease of sympathetic activity, vasodi- signs were: HR, RR, SAP, DAP and MAP, which were
latation, reduction of muscle spasm and tissue congestion, collected using DX2010 or DX2020 Dixtal multiparametric
improvement of metabolites removal and pain relief. It also monitor (Dixtal Biomédica Indústria e Comércio LTDA,
influences psychological status, provides relaxation and Manaus-AM, Brasil). Patient’s anxiety status was evaluated
welfare, diminishes agitation, tension and anxiety by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (STAI)
(Vahedian-Azimi et al., 2014; Cassar, 2001). questionnaire (Spielberger et al., 1983) in the Portuguese
Previous studies have suggested that massage can be version (Gorenstein and Andrade, 1996).
beneficial for critically ill patients (Hill, 1993). Relaxation The state form of STAI questionnaire (S-STAI) was cho-
interventions like therapeutic touch may reduce panic, sen, since we intended to evaluate a temporary condition
provide comfort and improve sleep quality (Gosselink et al., of anxiety, which may vary according to the environment
2008). However, not much is known about the impact of and/or situation. Higher score reflects greater anxiety level
massage on the level of anxiety and vital signs in ICU pa- in a certain moment. S-STAI scale is a 20-item questionnaire
tients. Existent studies have some limitations such as sub- that graduates the levels of anxiety. Each item of the
jective evaluation, utilization of more than one massage questionnaire may score from one point (‘not at all’) to four
technique and massage given by a family member points (‘very much’). Ten items refer to the presence of
(Vahedian-Azimi et al., 2014; Cutshall et al., 2010). anxiety symptoms and the other ten items reveal the
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of absence of it. For sum score calculating, the latter items’
Swedish massage on the anxiety status and vital signs of ICU score are inverted and then added to the score of the first
patients. ten items. The sum score ranges from 20 to 80 points and is
directly related to the level of anxiety. It is usually
administered as a self-completion questionnaire
Method (Spielberger et al., 1983) but in our study, the questions
were read to the patients by the same investigators.
This was a quasi-experimental study performed at the Cen- Swedish massage was applied to the lower limbs, upper
tral Institute of Clinics Hospital, Medical School, University of limbs and to the upper trapezius muscle, with the patient in
Sao Paulo, a high complexity school hospital. It was approved dorsal decubitus position with a 30 elevation of the head.
by the Ethics Committee for the Analysis of Research Pro- Swedish massage was the chosen technique because of its
jects of Clinics Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the well-known relaxation effects. Massage was applied by the
University of Sao Paulo (process number 673.919). Data were same physiotherapist and lasted 30 min. Massage sequence
collected from June to November 2014 at a 15-bed clinical (Cassar, 2001) was: (1) stroking: backward and forward
ICU and a 17-bed post-operative ICU. movement of the therapist’s hands with light pressure; (2)
Inclusion criteria were: admission to ICU, age between effleurage: backward and forward movement of the ther-
18 and 50 years old, who presented a Glasgow Coma Score apist’s hands with a medium pressure; (3) kneading:
of 15, hemodynamic and respiratory stability and were not compression of the soft tissue using one hand’s thumb
under invasive mechanical ventilation. After being assessed against the other hand’s fingers, alternately; (4) effleurage;
for inclusion in the study, patients who agreed to partici- (5) stroking. Each body part received one complete
pate were asked to sign a consent form. All participating sequence of the Swedish massage. Hypoallergenic oil
patients were awake, alert and oriented, since Coma Dersani (Saniplan, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil) was used
Glasgow Score of 15 points was an inclusion criteria, so they during the massage.
were able to sign the consent form by themselves. Statistical analysis was carried out using statistic soft-
Hemodynamic stability was defined as heart rate (HR) ware R (Lucent Technologies, Murray HilleKY, USA).
between 60 and 140 beats per minute, systolic arterial Descriptive analysis was made for all collected data.
pressure (SAP) between 90 and 140 mmHg, diastolic arterial Comparison of S-STAI and vital signs between the three
pressure (DAP) between 60 and 90 mmHg, without vasoac- times of evaluation was performed using paired t-test
tive drugs or with low and reducing doses. Respiratory corrected by Bonferroni method, with significance level of
stability was defined as respiratory rate (RR) between 12 0.05 and confidence interval of 95%.
and 35 breaths per minute, peripheral oxygen saturation
above 90% with maximum inspired fraction of oxygen of 50%
delivered by oxygen therapy. Results
Exclusion criteria were vascular and orthopedic post-
operative, limb amputation, allergy to massage oil, burn A total of 48 patients were included and their character-
wound, open wound, skin lesions, vascular thrombosis, istics are displayed in Table 1. Mean age was 55.46  15.70
allodynia, hyperalgesia. years old and cause of ICU admission show that both clinical
Therapeutic Swedish Massage and Intensive Care Unit patients 567

Table 1 Characterization of the study population.

Demographic data (n Z 48)
The main finding in our study was the reduction of anxiety
Female, n (%) 30 (62.5)
level status, both immediately post-massage and 30 min
Age, years 55.46 (15.70)
post-massage. Anxiety was evaluated using a specific and
ICU length of stay from admission 5.38 (6.23)
quantitative questionnaire, after a single massage tech-
day to study inclusion, days
nique, in a population that comprised both clinical and
Cause of ICU admission, n (%)
post-operative patients, mainly abdominal surgery.
Respiratory 10 (20.83%)
We also observed reduction in vital signs values but only
Renal 9 (18.75%)
immediately post-massage; this result was not sustained
Post-operative of abdominal surgery 7 (14.58%)
30 min post-massage since S-STAI score 30 min post-
Neurologic 4 (8.33%)
massage was not different from pre-massage S-STAI score.
Cardiologic 2 (4.17%)
A previous study (Adib-Hajbaghery et al., 2014) used a
Other 16 (33.34%)
specific questionnaire for anxiety evaluation and found that
Data are expressed as n(%), when indicated, or mean (standard anxiety levels decreased; however, that study included only
deviation). ICU: Intensive Care Unit. a specific population: patients admitted due to coronary
disease or acute myocardial infarction. In a prospective
controlled randomized trial (Cutshall et al., 2010) it was
observed that massage reduced anxiety levels, measured
and post-operative patients were included. Post-operative
by an analog scale. However, the studied population
patients included in our study were mainly abdominal sur-
comprised cardiac post-operative patients and they sug-
gery patients.
gested that other surgical patients should be evaluated.
S-STAI score was: 42.51 (9.48) before massage, 29.34
In both studies mentioned above, different massage
(6.37) immediately after and 32.62 (8.56) 30 min after
techniques were used, making it difficult to determine
massage. There was statistically significant difference be-
what is the effect of each technique. In our study, we
tween the S-STAI pre-massage versus immediately post-
included other post-operative patients and also non-
massage, pre-massage versus 30 min post-massage, and
surgical patients. Also, a physiotherapist applied one spe-
also between immediately post-massage versus 30 min
cific massage technique.
post-massage, with p < 0.001 for all comparison.
Previous studies performed the massage in a private
Table 2 presents vital signs data. Heart rate, RR, SAP,
room, sometimes associated with relaxing music. In our
DAP and MAP were smaller immediately post-massage when
study, massages were performed at the ICU bed, thus pa-
compared to pre-massage; however, they were greater
tients were exposed to the ICU environment. The presence
30 min post-massage than immediately post-massage.
of other patients, ICU team, loud noise, movement and
Comparing values between 30 min post-massage and pre-
bright light, for example, may be stressful. One could argue
massage, it was observed smaller values 30 min post-
that the disturbing environment might compromise the
massage only for HR.
relaxing effects of the massage. However, anxiety level did
reduce immediately and 30 min post-massage. This may
suggest that removing the patient from the ICU to receive
Table 2 Vital signs pre-massage, immediately post- massage sessions is not mandatory. This makes the appli-
massage and 30 min post-massage. cation of massage in the ICU more feasible.
We used S-STAI to analyze anxiety levels. S-STAI score
Pre-massage Immediately 30 min ranges from 20 to 80 points. Total score is directly related
post-massage post-massage to the level of anxiety. We observed that massage reduced
HR (bpm)b,c 91.64 (15.86) 84.81 (14.78) 90.16 (15.44) anxiety levels immediately post-massage. Thirty minutes
RR (rpm)a,c 21.41 (4.51) 18.56 (3.56) 20.37 (3.93) post-massage, S-STAI score was still smaller than pre-
SAP (mmHg)a,c 131.87 (25.53) 125.64 (22.71) 132.41 (25.08) massage, although it was higher than the score immedi-
DAP (mmHg)a,c 77.00 (17.32) 71.39 (14.59) 75.93 (17.30) ately post-massage.
MAP (mmHg)a,c 96.14 (20.18) 89.45 (16.33) 95.56 (18.93) The fact that S-STAI score 30 min post-massage was
Data are expressed as mean (standard deviation). HR: heart
greater than immediately post-massage may indicate that
rate; RR: respiratory rate; SAP: systolic arterial pressure; DAP: perhaps the effect of massage did not last for long in this
diastolic arterial pressure; MAP: mean arterial pressure; bpm: population. However, since we applied massage only once
beats per minute; rpm: respirations per minute; mmHg: milli- and final evaluation was performed after 30 min, we cannot
meters of mercury. make a statement about the duration of the massage effects.
Statistically significant difference between pre-massage vs. A recent study (Vahedian-Azimi et al., 2014) claims that
immediately post-massage, with p < 0.001 for HR, RR, DAP e complementary therapies such as therapeutic massage
MAP and p Z 0.006 for SAP. have beneficial effects on vital signs in cardiac post-
Statistically significant difference between pre-massage vs. operative patients. Authors observed reduction of SAP of
30 min post-massage, with p < 0.001 for HR.
c ICU patients submitted to massage. This may be a sign o
Statistically significant difference between immediately
post-massage vs. 30 min post-massage, with p < 0.001 for HR,
relaxation, since it induces endorphin secretion and pro-
RR, DAP and MAP and p Z 0.003 for SAP. motes vascular dilatation, which leads to blood flow in-
crease and arterial pressure reduction. They affirm that
568 T. Alves da Silva et al.

emotional changes such as stress and anxiety may affect and this effect remained after 30 min. Arterial pressure, HR
physiological parameters including vital signs. They and RR were reduced immediately after massage.
observed decrease in DAP, HR and RR, supporting the hy- Furthermore, there was no instability issue, since values
pothesis that massage is beneficial to patients in a coronary remained within normal limits.
unit since it promotes muscle relaxation, decreases
norepinephrine production, thus reducing anxiety levels.
We demonstrated that Swedish massage could be Conflict of interest
beneficial for clinical and post-operative ICU patients
because it reduced anxiety status. It also reduced arterial None.
pressure, HR and RR, as previous studies suggest (Hill,
1993). In our study, the reduction of arterial pressure and
HR was not associated with hemodynamic instability. Vital Acknowledgments
sign values after massage remained within normal limits.
We considered that it was a positive result because it is in None.
accordance with the physiologic effects of massage, such as
decrease of sympathetic activity, vasodilatation, relaxation
and pain relief. It is noteworthy that our population References
included only patients who were stable from hemodynamic
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was also perceived in previous study (Martorella et al., 2014). Vincent, J.L., 2008. Physiotherapy for adult patients with crit-
One of the limitations of the present study was the se- ical illness: recommendations of the european respiratory so-
lection of a restrict population, since pediatric patients and ciety and european society of intensive care medicine task
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points were not included. This proceeding was adopted Med. 34, 1188e1199.
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to receive the massage or not and to answer the anxiety Nurs. 9 (2), 116e121.
questionnaire. Another limitation was the use of a single Martorella, G., Boitor, M., Michaud, C., Gélinas, C., 2014. Feasi-
center, although we included one clinical and one post- bility and acceptability of hand massage therapy for pain
operative ICU. Finally, we used a convenience sample, management of postoperative cardiac surgery patients in the
without control group. Since the objective of this study was intensive care unit. Heart Lung 43 (5), 437e444.
to analyze a cause-effect relationship, we chose a quasi- Spielberger, C.D., Gorsuch, R.L., Lushene, P.R., Vagg, P.R.,
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Conclusion Mon. 19 (3), e17031.

Swedish massage reduced anxiety status of clinical and

post-operative ICU patients immediately after application

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