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INDD 828.2.) 83 MH 2595832 OO779G4 458 ASME-B18.2.1 ADOPTION NOTICE ASME-B18.2.1, “Bolts, Hex and Square, and Screws - Inch Series," was adopted on October 3, 1994, for use by the Department of Defense (Dod). Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the DoD Adopting Activity: Commander, Defense Industrial Supply Center, Attn: DISC-£, Philadelphia, PA 19111- 5036. DoD activities may obtain copies of this standard from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017. . Custodians: Adopting Activity Army - ME DLA - IS Navy - YD1 Air Force - 99 FSG 53 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public releases distribution is unlimited. Copyright by the American Soctoty Of Machanical Engineers Thu May 08 11:21:20 2003, STD-ASME BLS.2-LA-ENGL 3459 MM O759670 0623377 Sb) il AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASME B18.2.1a-1999 ADDENDA to ASME B18.2.1-1996 SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS (INCH SERIES) ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Three Park Avenue © New York, NY 10016 Copyright by the American Sociaty Of Mechanical Engineers ‘Thu May 08 11:32:08 2003, STD-ASME BRB-2-3A-ENGL 399% OH 075970 -Ob33a78 YTS Dat of Issuance: October 8, 1009 [ASME isthe registred trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or activity. AeA as not take any position with respact tothe vais of any patent igh asserted) ent cath ay me mertonedin tie Gocumant and doesnot undertake 0 lnsure soyoNe warn oatanderd ogra iabityforintngementof any applicable Letters Fatent-ne asses a tty, Users of a code or standard are expressly acsed that determination > a eee ary each patent rights, and the rik of infringement of such rights, fe entirely their Tasponsinilty arte pation by federal agency representatvel) or person(s} afitted wit industry Is notte tbe mtntetod az government oF industry endorsement ofthis code or standard, arate renponatlity for only those nterpretaine iseuedin accordance with governing Ashe procedures ane pots wich precludea tho issuance of Interpretations by indvigual teers. No part ofthis document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, “without the prior writen permiasion ofthe publisher. “The American Society of Mechanical Engineer “Throw Park Aver, New York, NY 10016 Copyright © 1989 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. ‘AI Rights Reserved Printed In USA. Copyright bythe Ames ae Stra ay 08 4032-08 2005, Yr meshanieal Enaincers STD-ASME B2S-2-LA-ENGL 2999 M9 0759670 0633379 334 mm ASME B18.2.1a-1999 Following approval by the ASME B18 Committe and ASME, and after public review, ASME B18.2.[2- 1999 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on April 9, 1999. f ‘Addenda to the 1996 edition of ASME B18.2.1 ae issued in the form of replacement pages. Revisions, ‘additions, and deletions are incorporated directly into the affected pages. I is advisable, however, that this age, the Addenda title and copyright pages, and all replaced pages be retained for reference. ‘SUMMARY OF CHANGES: ‘This is the first Addenda to be published to ASME B18,2.1-1996, Replace or insert the pages listed. Changes given below are identified on the pages by « margin note, (a), placed next to the affected area. The pages not listed are the reverse sides of the listed pages and contain no changes. Page Location Change vil Comrespondence With BIS ‘Added Committee ix Contents Updated to reflect Addenda 10 Table 3 {In fifth column, second entry corrected by errata 10 read 1%g 16-18 Table 4, Note (5) Pour equations deleted by errata Fig. 2 Four equations added by errata Table 4, Note (11) Revised 23,24 Fig. 5 Four equations added by errata Table 6, Note (7) Four equations deleted by errata, Table 6, Note (11) Revised 3B Appendix 1 Deleted 35 Appendix It Revised in its entirety Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engingers Thu May 08 11:22:18 2008 STD-ASHE B28.2-3A-ENGL 1999 MM O759570 Ob1a380 Ob Mm CORRESPONDENCE WITH 818 COMMITTEE General. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent the consensus of concemed interests. As such, users of this Standard may interact with the Committee by requesting interpretations, proposing revisions, and attending Committee ‘meetings. Correspondence should be addressed 20: Secretary, BI8 Main Committee ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 Proposing Revisions. Revisions are made periodically 10 the Standard to incorporate ‘changes that appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained rom the application of the Stndard, Approved revisions will be published periodically ‘The Commitee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals should be as specific as possible, citing the paragraph numbers), the proposed wording, and a Aettled description of the reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation, {nierprettions. Upon request, the B18 Committee will ender an interpretation of any requirement of the Standard. Interpretations can only be rendered in response to 2 writen request sent wo the Secretary of the B18 Main Commitee. ‘The request for interpretation should be clear and unambiguous, I is further recommended that the inquirer submit hishher request in the followi Subject Cite the applicable paragraph number(s) and the topic of the inquiry. Edition: ite the applicable edition of the Stendard for which the interpretation is being requested. Question: Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation of a specific requirement suitable for general understanding and use, not as a request for an approval of a proprietary design or situation, The inquirer may also include any plans or drawings which are necessary to explain the question: however, they should mot contain proprietary names or information, Requests that are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committee Prior to being answered, which may inadverently change the intent of the original request ‘ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of eny interpretation when or if additional Information that might affect an interpretation is available, Further, persons aggrieved by fan interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME. few, FIG. 1 UNDERHEAD FILLET FOR LONG STD-ASNE B38-2-1-ENGL 149b MM O754670 OS82347 385 a ‘SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS (INCH SERIES) Fa sal within => FIG. 2 _UNDERHEAD FILLET FOR SHORT ‘SCREWS THREADED FULL LENGTH (8) Length Tolerances, Sorew length tolerances are given i Table 10, Tolerances for pointed products shall apply. (©) Thread Length. The length of thread on serews shall be controlled by the grip gaging length, Lc, max. and body length, Le, min. Long screws not threaded fall length of diameters through 1% in. and lengths though 10 in. are epecified in Table 5, For shor screws threaded fall ength, Lc, max. and Ly, min, are given in Table 4B (see Fig. 3). For diameter-length combinations not included in ‘Table 4B or Table 5, the maximum grip gaging length, tq, max, for long screws which are not threaded full length, as calcolated and rounded to two decimal places, shal be equal to the nominal screw length minus the nom- inal thread length (Lg, max. = L, nom, ~ £7). It shall be ‘sed asthe criterion for inspection, Nominal thead length, Lr, is a reference dimension ‘tnded for ealcalaton purposes only, which represents the distance fom the extreme end of the screw to the last bai Lg max. FIG. 3 Lo MAXIMUM AND Lp, MININIUM FOR SHORT SCREWS THREADED FULL LENGTH " Copyright by the American Soclaty Of Mechanical Engineers Thu May 08 14:34:00 2003 ‘ASME 818.2.1-1006 ‘cornplete (fll form) thread. Nominal thread length equals twice the basic thread diameter plus 0.25 in. for nominal ‘screw length up to and including 6 in., and twice the bar jc thread diameter plus 0.50 in. for nominal lengths over i ‘Body length, Lp min. i the distance measured paral- {el to the axis of screw from the underhead bearing sit- face tothe last scratch of thread or wo the top of the ex- trusion angle, For diameter length combinations not Inchuded in Table 4B or Table 5, the minimum body leagts, Ly, min, as ealcalted and rounded to two deci- ‘mal places, shall be equal to the maximum grip gaging Aength minos the maximum transition thread length (La, min, = Lg, max. ~ ¥, max). It shall be a ettetion for inspection. ‘Transition thread length, Y, max, ia reference di- ‘mension equal to five course (UNC) pitches and intended for calculation purposes only. It includes the length of ‘incomplete threads, the exirasion angle on rolled threads, ‘and tolerances on grip length. (10) Tocomplete Thread Diameter. The major diam ‘er of incomplete thread shall not exceed the actual ma {Jor diameter ofthe fll form thread. (11) Body Position and Screw Stralghtness. The alignment and straightness of the thread and body shall bbe such that the screw will meet the gaging requirements set forth in Appendix I In addition, screws of nominal lengths over 10 in. through 12 in. shall be straight within 4 maximum camber of 0.006 in. per inch (0.006L) of screw length; and screws of nominal lengths over 12 in. through 24 in. shall be straight within a maximum cam- ber of 0,008 in, per inch (0.008L) of screw length when. checked by the gage and gaging procedure given in Appendix {(12) Threads. Threads, when rolled, shall be Unified Inch couse, fine, © 8 tread series (UNRC, UNRF. of 8 [UNR Series), Cass 2A. Threads produced by other meth- ‘ods shall preferably be UNRC, UNRF, or 8 UNR, but ‘manufacturer's option, may be Unified Inch coarse, fine, (or 8 thread series (UNC, UNF. or 8 UN series), Class 2A. Acceptability of screw threads shall be determined ‘based on System 21 ASME BLIM, Screw Thread Gaging Systems for Dimensional Acceptbility—Inch and Metric Screw Threads (UN, UNR, UNI, M, and MD). (13) Identification Symbols, identification marking symbol on screw heads hall be raised or indented at the manufactures option unless otherwise specified. The smarking shall be in accordance with the requirements of para, 2.8, Markings shall be legible to the unaided eye ‘with the exception of corrective lenses. When raised, the height ofthe marking may not exceed 0.015 in. over the specified maximum head height for screws % in. and STD-ASHE BL4-2-1-ENGL 199b MM 0759670 0582348 211 mm ‘ASME 818.2.1-1096 ‘SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS UNCH SERIES) smaller. For srews larger than % in, the marking may ot project more than 0.030 in. over the specified maxi- ‘mam head height. When indented, the depth ofthe mark- ing shall not redoce the load carrying capability of the fastener. (14) Materta. Unless otherwise specified, chemical ‘and mechanical properis of stel screws shall conform to ASTM A 207, ASTM A 449, ASTM A 354 Grade BD, or SAE 1429, Other materials and grades shall be as greed upon by manufacturer and purchaser, ‘(15) Nominal Size. Where specifying nominal size in decimals, zeros preceding the decimal and inthe fourth decimal place shall be omitted. pli meno Corman, es eres hex cap screws shall have the following char dees inset i ASME BIB.182M wo te npc: tion levels shown: (Charactertte Inspection Level Teas © ‘Wath ames camert € ip eng € Seww lag © Visual € IE verifiable in-process inspection is used, see para. 2.10. (27) Additional Requirements. For additional re- ‘quirements, see Section 1, Introductory Notes, and Section 2, General Data. Copyright by the American Soclety Of Mechanical Engineers Thu May 08 11:34:03 2003, STD-ASME B18-2-1-ENGL 39% MM O75S9b70 0582349 156 Mt ‘SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS {INCH SERIES) ‘ASME 818.2.1-1096 ssa8saagaaegsEaae 395538 Sghanggsasgegsgagegegse SRARRRRASSES GSES ETESS Gaggdguegeegsasegace guggegggcgegcgagees ggaagbessgeesgeess SEEESEEEESS EPS LEE KEREEEEPEPEPEPEPEPEDES guegaggeseegegagsssgee shageggsegegegagegsgeeee sugagggaggessgegasegages agegngegsgsegg3e35as3§ ERE EES PEEET EEET EES long, see Note (9) for hex cup screws oF for hoary hex scraws, ‘TABLE 6 MAXIMUM GRIP GAGING LENGTHS, Lg AND MINIMUM BODY LENGTHS, Ls FOR HEX CAP SCREWS AND HEAVY HEX SCREWS: 28 42 38 a0 388 ggugertugogugegeazal REBSHGgGe SESS IgS TAGES) | Ragggegageaggegegegna| ¢ seeded cea : g58g aa¥azagl é $423 aiegy | $535 nengs| § 3588 na | gags saga t 99g888 age| i hace 35 : Copyright by the American Soclety Of Mechanical Engineers STD-ASME BLS.2-1-ENGL 19% MM O7S5670 0582350 97T ASME B18.2.1-1996 ‘SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS (INCH SERIES! Upefiel]ilsssa age tag cena - [iyases ang 28 SE888 TABLE 6 DIMENSIONS OF HEAVY HEX SCREWS Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanleal Engineers Thu May 08 11:34:07 2003. STD-ASME BL8-2-1-ENGL 19%b MMH O7S9L70 058235) a0b Me ‘SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS (NCH SERIES) ‘ASME 918.2.1-1996 ‘TABLE 6A_ DIMENSIONS OF UNDERHEAD FILLETS Long Screws, ‘Long and ‘Short Screws Fg. 4) Short Serews, (Fo. 8) & be ® & ue Fillet Regus Filet " ‘Transition let ot ‘Transition | Filet cenath Diameter Length Fat Diameter_| Length Product Diameter [Max | Min. | Max. | Min. | Max. Min. | Max, | Max. %» | oso | oss | oss | o087 | oo | 002 | oo | osso | 0.053 % | 0520 | ors | sss | 187 | oo7e | ooas | ooz | o7s | oo7e % | 07500 | os | o7%0 | 0157 | 0078 | oss | on20 | oss | oer % | osvo | 1005 | og | ozz7 | ors | 0965 | 000 | 1005 | 0.105 1 1190 | 1.170 | 0332 | 0166 | 0095 | 006 | 1.190 | 0.140 ts vais | 120 | 0332 | 01s | 0095 | coe | 1315 | 0.106 ™ aso | 137 | 0332 | 0186 | 0095 | 0080 | 1440 | 0.148 ve | tam | 186s | 1495 | azz | 0166 | 0095 | 006 | 1505 | o.16e 1% | 15000 | 180 | 1220 | oss | ates | oss | ooo | 1690 | 0.156 ve | 17500 | 190 | 1s | o3az | o166 | oo | one | 190 | 0.166 2 zoo | 2190 | 2120 | 3a | 0166 | 0095 | oo6o | 210 | 0.179 2% | 226800 | 240 | 2370 | oss | 0166 | 0095 | 0000 | 240 | 0.173 2% | 25000 | 260 | 2620 | o3sz | 0166 | 009s | oo | 200 | ors 2% | 27500 | 2940 | 2970 | 392 | 0166 | 009s | oo | 290 | o.183 3 3000_| 310 | 210 | oa | 0166 | oo | ooo | 310 | 183 a Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers Thu May 08 11:24:08 2003, STD-ASME BL8-2-4-ENGL 159b MM 0759670 0582352 742 Mm ‘ASME B16.21-1906 ‘SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS (INCH SERIES) ‘TABLE 68. 1g, MAXIMUM AND Lg, MINIMUM LIMITATIONS FOR SHORT SCREWS ‘THREADED FULL LENGTH For te, ‘Nominal te. te Max. Product ax. Min. Note (21 Length ote (1 {Note iat ‘a Lee Then or | Coane | Fee | 3 all Teed Equal to | (UNC) | (UNF) | (UN) | Thread Sores | tess Than | Note | Theead | Thread | rhreed | Series 12 | 1.900 vse | ow | ons 0.085 om | 1250 2us | az | an 0078 020 | 1500 2500 | 0280 | 038s 2.081 270 | oz | 0x79 0.105 300 | oa | ozs | * ono 3500 | 0357 | a2 | o3i | os 370 | 0387 | 028 | os | ore * 22s | oa | one | os | ose % : : : e500 | 47 | 0208 | 0312 % : 7 5126 | 0800 31 2 Oo 7 5760 | ns86 oat 2 oa 500 | osse os | ows 2m : 715 | 085 os | ows a : o res | ose |. | oa | one 3 7 : ans | ons | oa | one NoTEs: (1) Tabuteted values aro equal to 2 umes the basic product diameter (2) Tabutoted values ore equal to 15 times the coarse thread (UNC) pitch (9) Tabulated values ere equal to 25 tines the thiead pitch. (di Ly min, equals filet length, (4. max, given in Table A. (8) Longe serew threaded fll ongth. Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers ‘Thu May 08 11:34:10 2003, STD-ASNE BUA-2-U-ENGL 19%b MM 0759670 0562353 69 mw ‘SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND SCREWS (INCH SERIES) Notes to Table 6: (1) Top of Head. Top of head shall be full form and chamfered with the diameter of chamfer circle being ‘equal tothe maximum wid across fas, within x toler ance of minus 15%, (2) Wrenching Height, J. Wrenching height is a dis- tance measured from the bearing surface up the side of the head atthe comers. The width acrots comers shall ‘be within the specified limits for minimum wrenching eight @) Bearing Surface. Bearing surface shall be flat and washer feed, Diameter of washer fae shall be equal to the maximum width across flats within a tolerance of mi- rus 10%, Thickness of the washer face shall be not less shan 0.015 in, nor greater than 0.025 in, for serew sizes % in, and smaller, and not fess than 0.015 in. noe greater than 0.035 in. for sizes larger than % in, Measurement of washer face diametce shall be taken ata height of 0.004 in, above the bearing surtce. ‘Circular runout ofthe bearing surface with respect to ‘he aus ofthe body shall be within the FIM limits spec- ified. Measurement of FIM shall be made as close tothe periphery of the bearing surface as possible while the serew is being held in a collet or other gripping device sa distance of one screw diameter from the underside of the bead. (4) True Position of Head. The ais ofthe bead shall be locate at true postion with respect othe axis of the body (determined over a distance under the head equal to one diameter) within a tolerance zone having a diam- ‘eter equivalent to 6% ofthe maxim width across fat, ‘regardless of feature size. (6) Fle. Two styles of hoad-toshank filets are pro- vided for long screws in lengths longer than the mxi- ‘mum length specified in Table 6B. Style | wil be sup- plied unless Style 2 is specified by the purchaser. Style 1 isa contimous radius in accordance with the smaximom-misimum limits for R showa in Table 6A. Style 2 as an elliptical shape defined as a amocth, ‘mulliradin, concave curve tangent to the underbead bear ing surface ata point no greater than one-half of Ee, max. not les than one-half of Eq min. from the exit ofthe Serow and tangent othe shank a a distance from the un | Tle) ONT masts Oe xan 20) s8 owes | x0} 10) sr wes aosoo | szvo+a oot =s 6% | manag x0p Annoy, Wo) e10N om x04 20) 38 owes ooo | svo+aomies % wo XH Aseon, asto-H aoso0 acme <3 & sevo-a s90=H wee wt t 1k ™% ™ mag deg x0 oe ut 1“ mang O01 x04, aoot=s | res put mW LES = stv0+ se0=H cose | eo+g oot =3 % wou 7H gw ee = 9 UW zon +a 9100 awe0-H oso aost=s | mim | mang On ents gn) zr = 9 zoo +8100 090-4 coane | voro-aoost=3 | orn | pus yog svenbs oT Teme 2 eta) Tea Soni ee Go TH oni ae 5 erp ‘eau. 7 weuie9 HOEY PM aH Pes Sa OY (?Aws wepeuin6}u1 04 PEpMPUT 8] PUE 9651-17 @LA BWSY J0 Hed YoU el pUEddy SU) SNOISNAIWIC GV3H M3H9S GNV 1108 HOJ SVININHO4 V XIGNAddv a Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers Fh May 08 11:34:42 2003 STD-ASME BLA-2-2-ENGL 199 MM 0759670 O5823bb 237 Ml APPENDIX B ‘SPECIFICATIONS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF BOLTS AND SCREWS (This Appendix i not part of ASME B18.21-1896 and i included fr information only.) B1 SCOPE ‘This Specification establishes a recommended proce- dare for determining the identity ofan externally threaded fastener aga bolt ows a screw. B2 DEFINITIONS B2.1 Bolt ‘A bolt is an externally threaded fastener designed for insertion through holes in assembled pars, and it nor ‘mally intended to be tightened or released by torquing a ut 82.2 Screw ‘A screw is an exterally threaded fastener capable of being inserted into holes in assembled parts, of mating with a preformed internal thread or forming its own ‘dead, and of being tightened or released by torquing the bead. BS EXPLANATORY DATA ‘A bolt is designed for assembly with a out. A screw ‘has features in its design which make it capable of being Used in 2 tapped or other preformed hole in the work. Because of basic design, itis possible to use certain types ‘of screws in combination with « nut. Any externally thyeaded fastener which has a majority ofthe design char- acteristics which assist its proper use ina tapped or other preformed hole is a serew, regardless of how itis used in its service application Ba PROCEDURE ‘To identify an extemally threaded fastener as bolt or as a screw, two sets of criteria — Primary and ‘Supplementary — shall be applied. The Primary Criteria (paras. BS.1 through BS.4) shall be applied first. Any fas ‘tener which satisfies one of the Primary Criteria shall be Copyright by the American Sociaty Of Mechanical Engineors Thu May 08 11:34:46 2003 identified accordingly, and no futher examination need bbe made. The Supplementary Criteria (paras. B6.L through 6, and not listed in order of importance or priority of application) shall be epplied to 2 fastener ‘which does not satisfy completly any one of the Primary Criteria. The Supplementary Criteria deal the principal ‘features in the design of an externally threaded fastener hich conte to is proper use ata screw. A fasener ving a major of hese characteristics shal be er. ified as a screw, B5 PRIMARY CRITERIA BG.1. An exterlly threaded fastener which because of head design or other festure, is prevented from being ‘tured during assembly, and which can be tightened or released only by torguing anu, isa bol. Example: round ‘ead bolts, tack bolts, plow bolts.) BS.2 An externally threaded fastener which has a thread form, vhich prt smaby with «nat bang & 1B5.3 An extemally threaded fastener, which must be assembled with a nut to perform its intended service, is bolt. Example: heavy hex structural bolt) (B5.4 An externally threaded fastener, which must be {torqued by its head into a tapped or other preformed hhole to perform its intended service is a screw. (Example: square head tet screw.) (86 SUPPLEMENTARY CRITERIA 186.1 Under Head Fillet A serew should have a controlled fillet at the junction of the head with tbe body. Because of the severe com bined torsion and tension stresses at this junction when STD-ASME B18.2-]-ENGL 149b MM O7S9670 0582367 173 mm torguing the head, the minimum limits of the fillet radius should be specified, Becanse the sorew must be capable of being tumed through a minimum clearance hole and. {nto an immovable tapped bole, the maximum limits of the fillet radius should be specified to assure solid seat- {ng ofthe head, and to prevent interference st the top of the hole with the junction of heed to body. 86.2 Besring Surface ‘The under-head bearing surface of a screw should be ‘smooth and fat to minimize frictional resistance ducing tightening, o prevent scoring of the surface against which the head is tumed, and to produce uniform clamping loads. 186.3 Perpendicularity of Bearing Surface ‘The angulaity (squareness) ofthe under-head bearing surface with the shank of a screw should be controled to minirize eccentic loading in the screw or assembled rs, and to assure complete seating and uniform under- head bearing pressure, BGA Body ‘The body of a screw should be closely controlled in ‘scoursey of size and roundness To fit effectively through ‘4 minimum clearance hol, the body diameter must have close tolerances, preferably unilateral on the minus side, B65 Shank Straightness ‘The shank ofa screw should be straight to permit ready ‘engagement with the internal thread, to prevent eccentric Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers Thu May 08 41:34:80 2003 loading in the fastener of in the assembled pars, and to ‘minimize interference with the walls of a minimum clear- ance hole, 8.8 Thread Concentricity ‘The threads of a screw should be conceatric with the ‘body axis within close limits to permit assembly into a ‘upped hole (which usually has a length of thread en- ‘gagement longes than a nut) without binding of the body against the walls of a minimum clearance hole, 86.7 Thread Length ‘The length of thread on a screw must be sufficient to develop the full strength of the fastener in tapped holes in various materials. 868 Point ‘A screw should have a chemfered, or other specially ‘prepared point a its end to facilitate entry into the hole and easy start withthe internal thread, which may be dis- tant from the op of the hole. The point also protects the first thread, which, if damaged, may gall or scar the in- temal thread throughout its entire length. B69 Length ‘The length of a screw should be closely toleranced, with variance preferably unilateral on the minus side to prevent bottoming of the fastener in a tapped bole. STD-ASNE BLS.2-2-ENGL 2956 MM 0759670 0582368 OOT mm APPENDIX C WEIGHT IN POUNDS OF 100 HEX CAP SCREWS FOR GIVEN DIAMETER/LENGTH COMBINATION (This Anpenclc isnot part of ASME B1f.21-1896 and is included for information only.) act Diameter Maite of Diameter Me Me % 1 2D 748 1159 3023 90.86 2 um 435 58 308 0 208 a 5609 1812 oD 2a wo 622 39720 2D a7 ne 7555 8.30 20, an 25.30 2438 2013 4“ Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers Thu May 08 11:34:82 2003 STD-ASME BLS-2-1-ENGL 2596 MM O7S9670 OS82]L9 THb Mm APPENDIX D COUNTERSUNK CENTER HOLES (This Appendie ie not pan of ASME 818.2.1-1988 and fe included fr information only) lain or bell-type 60 deg. combined drills and countersinks may be used to produce countersunk ceater holes inthe Points for support of loog parts under the provisions of para. 2.12 (see ASME B94.11M-1993). MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE COUNTERSUNK CENTER HOLE SIZE BY DRILL DESIGNATION NUMBER FOR VARIOUS BASIC BOLT OR SCREW DIAMETERS Phun: Type Namber ‘Bol-Type Number Borrorserow oe. | 1 [2 tala[slel7[el[u[ul ul u|w|w| 7] iw a through % x x Over S through % x x Over through % x x Over through 1% x x Over 1 through 2 x x ‘Over 2 through 3 x x ‘Over 3 through § x x Over 5 through 8 x x MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CENTER HOLE DEPTH Dit Size Depth, Max. 101 ons 020 0297 azz 0.485 O56 0.708 (Notes 1), cat ores a sad on Included angle of 80 deg. Larger angles are not ‘recommended, (2) Dail length tolerances of +0008 In. through #2 and '+0016 Infor eines #2 through #8. 0° Copyright by the American Soclety Of Mechanical Engineers Thu May 08 11:34:54 2003 STD-ASME BLA-2-1-ENGL L996 MM 0759670 0582370 7h8 Mt APPENDIX E GOVERNMENT STANDARD ITEMS AND PART IDENTIFYING NUMBERING SYSTEM (PIN CODE) FOR SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD (See ASME B18.2.1, Table 4 Data) (Tis Appendix i not part of ASME B18.2.1-1096 and i included fr information only.) [NOTE: The Government encourages the eneral te ft Appendix ‘macheve aim pars andardzaten, ‘This Appendix, together with ASME B182.1, Table 4 ata, establishes the standard items for Governmeat ap- plication, selected from the possible variations of items ‘within the scope ofthe Standard, an provides apart nam- bering system for identification and application in engi- neering documents for screws, cap, hexagon head, inch- ‘pound products. (@) Variations. The following variations shal be stan- dard: ‘() document identifier: ASME standard number less decimal points, (2) diameterithread designation and length combi- nations: as specified in Table El. (3) materia/performance: alloy steel, Grade 8 — as coded in Part Identifying Nambering System; @ finish: cadmium plating or zinc coating — as coded in Part Identifying Numbering System; ‘G) fastener coafiguration: hexagon head cap screw (© thread designation: a8 coded in Pan Identifying [Numbering System: (special features: (@) none: () drilled head, self-locking or drilled head, and self-locking as coded in Part Identifying Numbering System, ‘NOTE: The Part Nusberng Syste maya be wed for nonstandard aretehiends per ich and ee combinations Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers, Thu May 08 11:34:65 2003, @) Requirements (D) Seff-Locking Element, Self-locking elesnent re- ‘quirements shall be in accordance with Table El and the following for the nominal size show: (@) the self-locking element shall be # patch type or longitudinal strip in accordance with MIL-F- 18240, () for X and Y dimensions and design and us- age limitations, see MS15981; (©) maximum ring gage diameter thet locking re- sion of screw must pass through freely or with finger ‘resaure shall be the nominal size plus 0.010. (2) Drilled Head. Drilled ead requirements shall be in accordance with Teble El forthe nominal tize shown. (2) ddentfication Marking (@) Grade Symbol. Heads shall be marked 10 ‘dentfy chemical and mechanical properties in accor- dance with the specified material specification. In addi- tion, sorewa with self-locking elements shall be marked with six dots in a circular pattem on the head. (©) Source Symbol. The source accepting re- sponsibility forthe conformance ofthe serew to this spec- ification shall be marked on the head in accordance with identifying symbols of MIL-HDBK-57. (A) Quality Assurance Provisions, Quality assur- ance provisions shall be in accordance with ASME B18.18.2M. Inspection level B shall apply for thread ac- ‘ceplability. (3) Packaging. Packaging shall be in accordance with ASTM D 3951 and cite the country of origin. STD-ASME BL8-2-2-ENGL L996 MM O759b70 058237) bT4 mm Hole — Hees Haat. Diameter, J ‘Soe [we | win | wae | Min | some, 0002 % ox | arco | ome | 007 04a % | oa | ome | ote | come oars x cao | oz | ano | orn ome % | oem | cam | ons | one oes * om | oz | orm | om ose ‘ can | came | one | ote ose x eas | cass | ase | 220 eee % ose | cso | ose | 0208 ons 1 carr_| os | ose | ozo ans ‘TABLE E1 SELF-LOCKING ELEMENT AND DRILLED HEAD DIMENSIONS ” Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineors Thu May 08 14:34:67 2003, STD-ASHE B18.2-1-ENGL 19% Ml 0759670 0582372 S30 a “sey 40 1G) ony 21 soqusm Yusnoy | qunU seyBhy sou 04 soquITL PA WO PUROL (L) "U0N ‘euure) Bupcoryes pUF peeU POND LUMA "OUD UL-UL OGY “>PeBUUN YE SSEE) INN (uoU 40d speBKAaOWOIP) YZ-ONN (02-0820 ‘poteyd wnuuped "g opeup joes Aoye Jo epeus “peoy UoBeKDY ‘ded ‘mace © SEIU! QOSYORCOHV ZHU 'FTAMIWAS TLTIT NOUWZIOHVGNVAS SINWd WAWIXYH 3ASIKOV O1 W2JSAS SIKL JO 35N THHSNED 3HL SJDVUNOONA LNSANYAAOD SHL :2LON 38M ANSWINUAAOD UO SWALI GUVONV1S DNIEIAGD WALSAS ONIEISINNN Lived Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers. Thu May 08 11:34:68 2003 STD-ASNE BLS-2-2-ENGL 1996 MH O759%70 0582373 477 i e]? ae ] nie “ ws fw {ef | 2 n ] 0 18 «lel. 2 | 20 | INCH HEXAGON HEAD CAP SCREWS — STANDARD SIZES FOR GOVERNMENT USE 7%] 8 za | “Tesed Designation (Ticesearn 7 Ey ‘UNc-28 NEA Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Enginoors Thu May 08 11:36:00 2003, STD-ASME BLS-2-2-ENGL 1994 MM O7S9L70 0582374 303 me AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR BOLTS, NUTS, RIVETS, SCREWS, WASHERS, AND SIMILAR FASTENERS ‘Small Solid Rivet. Large Fivets. Meitic Small Sold Rivets... ‘Sue and Hox Bots and Ss inch Sr ‘Square and Mex Nut (inch Sere. Matte Hex Cap Seton. ao. Motte Formed Hex Serows, Metric Honvy Hex Screws... Motrc Hox Flange Screws... Mette Hox Boks Mote Hoavy Hex Bolts... Motric Heavy Hex Structural Bots Metric Hex Lag Scrows « eaeeete “Metric Hoavy Hex Flange Screws 20.0... Square Head Bolts (Metric Serio... Mots Hox Nuts, Sivie 1 : Motte Hax Nuts Sie 2. .s-ccccsssoss Motte Slotted Hox Nuts . Motrc Wax Fiange Nuts... Motrc Hox Jam Nate... .soccsen Marie Heavy HOE NUtS vescccccec ase Fesicners for Use in Structural Applictioné co... ‘Socket Cop, Shoulder and Set Serows — Inch Series. ‘Socket Hoad Cap Screws (Metric Sais... ‘Maivi Series Hexagon Keys and fits... Hexagon Socket Head Shoulder Screws (Metric Series), Hexagon Socket Button Heed Cop Screws (Metric Series) Hexagon Socket Flat Countersunk Head Cap Screws (Matic Saas) - ‘Metric Saree Socket Set Sores. ...+.--+ Round Head Bolts inch Sarion)--.- “Metric Round Heed Short Square Neck Bok Metric Round Head Square Neck Bolts... Round Head Square Neck Bolts With Large Head (Mote Series) « Wood Seraws (inch Sete) ‘Slotted Head Cap Screws, Square Head Sat Screws, and Sioted vasdiose St Screw. [Machine Screws and Machine Screw Nutt ‘Thraad Forming and Thread Cutting Tepping Sorewe ond ‘Metalic Drive Seraws finch Serio)... [Metric Thread Forming end Thread Cutng Tappiag Screws. “Matric Machine Screw Genera Parone Ser Tabor Rivet, Ful Tabor Bats, Bit Rte ‘and Rivet Cape... . Metric General Purpose Semi-Tubuioe Rives. ecedadstet Clovis Pine and Cotter Pins (inch Series! : Tepe: Hn, Dowel i Stagh Pn, Grooved Pins, sd Spring Pn inch Seis. Spring Pins — Coiled Type (etic Series)... Spring Pins — Siotted (Metric Seria) «-- Machine Dowel Pine — Hardened Ground (Metric Serie. Coter Ping (Matric Series. Handiass Covi Pins (Mei Series) Headed Cleve Pine (Metric Series} : Plow Botts (neh Serias)..------ : “rack Bolts and Nuts : Minature Serows .... Glossary of Terma for Mechanical Fasteners «... Scraw and Washer Assemblies —Sems (nch Series) ‘Screw and Washer Assamblies — Som (Metic Srias) Forged eyebatte.-...... estan nd Petia Raaramens or Proving Torn Ty = BIBA-19741R1985) SL ptaizss7aiat998) '810:1.3M. 1905071995) 12.3.1M-19794R 1995) [1 91823.2m- 197901996) Spnazgam-1979(8 1996) ‘910.23.4M- 198481096), ‘810.23.5M-1979(R1995), '3.6M- 1979071095) 31.23.76-1979(81996) 205182.38M- 1981081991) (B10.23.9M-1984(81996) (818.23.10M-1996 18.241 1096 12.4. 2M-19704R1998) 1B10.2434-1970(R1905), ra.444M-1982(81990) 810.245M-1970(81900), 24.6M-1975(R1990) Taras 39721983) . 8186 419811991) .8187-19721R1992) ‘8187.1Me 158401992) TBA. 1994 ‘ta 10-1962(81982) 18.37-19616R1992) Bra 121962181991) B1813-1987(R1985) B1@.72.1M-1991 ‘ta. 15-1965(81995) Stee! Metric Hex Nuts and Hex Flange Nuts 7 BIR 16.1M-1979181995) ‘Torque-Tension Test Raqulrerants for Prevaling Torque Type ‘Stool Metric Hex Nute and Hex Flange NUR ow... ceeeseceecececee sees 1818.18 2MA879(R19951 Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Enginoors Thu May 08 11:36:02 2003, STD-ASHE BLS-2-L-ENGL 1996 MM 0759670 0582375 2uT Me Diadora! Regma tr Preval Trae Typ Se! Motrc Hex Note and Hax Flange Nuta 2 Wing Nuts, Thumb Screws, and Wing Screws. 7 Ingpoction and Quality Aseurence for General Purpose Fasteners... ‘napection and Quality Assurance for High Volume Mochine Assembly Fasteners Inspection and Quality Ascurance for Special Purpose Fasteners «...-...-- lngpeaton and Qusty Assurance for Fase for Hg Sredlied Engineared Applicaions..... Lock Washers (Inch Serie)... Lock Washers (Metric Seria). Motic iain Washers. Ploin Weshors« Pare Wdanttying Number (Pin) Code Systor Stonder {818.16 3N-1082(R 19931 INL 216.17 -196@R10931 Tata.te.a-r9671R 99) a1e.18.2m- 1987181293) "818.18:3- 1987181993) i.e 7s) 2. B1B21.7-194 Vore21.2M-1994 221951181990) 22.1-1965(R 1800), edie 8 sey “Threaded Products... 10.24-1996 Square and Rectangular Keys and Keynays '518.25.1M-1996 Woocrutf Keys and 1810.25.26 1096 olieal Coll Serow Theead tne inch Serie) ‘Bim20.1-1003 The ASME Publications Cotelog shows @ complete list of all the Standards published by the Society. For 8 complimentary catalog, or the letont information about out publications, eal 3-800-THE-ASME (1-000-043-2789). Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineors Thu May 08 11:36:06 2008

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