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Nisrina Nur Alifah

Faculty of Psychology, Esa Unggul University

This study aims to determine the writing ability of mentally retarded children
because one of the characteristics of children with mental retardation is the
ability to write. This study included qualitative descriptive research and data
collection techniques with observation and interviews. Observations were made
by a 14-year-old child who had mild mental retardation and interviews were
conducted by the teacher who taught him daily. The results of this study are
children with mild mental retardation can write clearly even though the writing
still looks irregular.

Key words: mental retardation, writing.

Introduction Mental retardation has several

classifications, namely mild mental
Mental retardation is a term used
retardation, moderate mental
to refer to children who have
retardation and severe mental
intellectual abilities below average.
retardation. Each classification has its
Children who have mental retardation
own characteristics and also has
are children who have limitations in
different levels of intelligence.
some classifications, namely,
limitations on intelligence, social Mild mental retardation has
agility and limitations of other mental intelligence or an IQ of 68-52. In
functions (difficult to adapt to new social problems, children who have
environments, limitations in language mild mental retardation cannot adapt
and lack of ability to consider themselves independently but they
something good or bad or right and can be independent and have the
wrong). ability for themselves. Children who
have mild mental retardation in the writing. The use of uppercase and
academic field can still read, write lowercase letters also has certain
and count simple if guided properly. placements.
Therefore, children who have mild
Posts made by children with
mental retardation attend school with
mild or moderate mental retardation
learning difficulties. In mental
are not in accordance with the
retardation there is a level of
teacher's expectations at the time of
intelligence or an IQ of 51-36 and can
writing in a two-lined book, such as
still be used for self-growth and self-
something out of the line; reach two
help from danger. Education is very
lines; and irregular. And that ability is
difficult to learn, but children with
constantly being trained by the
mental retardation are writing social
teacher, but still has no change.
messages. Whereas children with
severe mental retardation have Research Question

intelligence or an IQ of 32-20 or the Based on the description above,

same mental ability as children who it can be concluded that children who
have been less than 3 years and have mild or severe mental
assistance from women in total retardation have different writing
independence. abilities. Therefore, researchers are

Writing skills are not something interested in conducting research on

that is obtained from birth but is an 1. What is writing ability of a child

activity that is accustomed and with mild or moderate mental
endeavored to be able to retardation?
communicate in written form. 2. How is writing ability on a
Therefore writing skills must be given children with mild or moderate
and trained in every child, especially mental retardation?
in children who have problems or
Literary Review
disorders such as having mild or
moderate mental retardation. Even Mental retardation is a condition
when writing cannot write as he in which intelligence develops
pleases, there are rules at the time of obstacles so it does not reach the
optimal development stage. There are c. Limitations of other mental
several general characteristics of functions
mental retardation that can be known, Children with mental
namely: retardation need more time to
complete the reaction of the
a. Intelligence Underdevelopment
situation they have just known.
Children with mental
retardation have a deficiency in Among the several obstacles
this case because it is the ability experienced by the child of mental
to learn information and skills retardation are the obstacles to
adjusting to new life problems writing ability. The results stated that
and situations or the ability to mentally retarded children experience
learn from experience, think impaired writing skills such as
abstractly, creatively, and writing sequentially, writing is not
critically low. The learning reversed, and the difficulty of
capacity of abstract mental distinguishing letters and numbers in
retardation children such as almost the same shape (Putri, 2013).
learning to count, write and read
According to Text-Oriented
is also limited because their
Approach, writing ability is viewed as
learning abilities tend to be
the capacity to produce
without understanding or tend to
“acontextually” (Hyland in Yi, 2009)
learn only by repeating.
correct forms of language; following
b. Social limitations
prescribed patterns at either sentence
Children with mental
or discourse level. Meanwhile, on the
retardation also have difficulty in
basis of Process/Cognitive Approach
taking care of themselves in the
which is focused on what the writer
community, therefore they need
does during the process of writing
help. Mentally retarded children
(Nunan in Yi, 2009), writing ability is
tend to be friends with younger
defined to initiate and evolve ideas
children and also have a
and then use certain revising and
dependence on large parents.
editing practices to develop them to When conducting interviews
maturity in a given context. with the teacher, the teacher said if
sometimes the subject was still
Method of the Research
having trouble writing, the letters
This study uses descriptive written were sometimes still irregular,
qualitative techniques. The subjects some were still missing the line or
in this study were a 14-year-old child even too small.
with mild mental retardation and data
collected using observation and
interview techniques. Observations Based on the results of the study,
were made to see the writing ability of the writing ability in mild mental
the subject. Meanwhile, interviews retardation children still looks
were conducted with the teacher who irregular and not in accordance with
taught him in school the wishes of the teacher even though
(heteroanamnesa). it can be read clearly.

Results of the Study One problem that occurs in

children with mild mental retardation
This study was conducted with
is intelligence ability that involves
children who have mild mental
writing skills.
retardation. Observations were made
when the subjects were asked to write References
their own names and home addresses. Mangunsong, Frieda. 2009. Psikologi
When asked to write a name, the Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Jilid
1. Depok: LPSP 3.
writing still looks irregular but can be
Putri, Ni Luh. 2013. Kesulitan
read. However, when asked to write
Menulis Permulaan Pada Anak
his home address, the subject asked Usia Dini dengan Kelainan
the teacher for help to write down his Tunagrahita Ringan. Jurnal Ilmu
Pendidikan, 1(19). Diambil dari:
home address. The way the subject
holds the stationery also looks weak ip/article/view/3760
and inappropriate. Yi, Jyi-yeon. 2009. Defining Writing
Ability for Classroom Writing
Assessment in High School. Pan-
Pacific Association of Applied
Liguistic. 13(1).

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