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Asia Pacific College

3 Humabon Place, Magallanes, Makati City

Physics for Electronics Engineers Lecture
Long Quiz 1

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Subject Code: Date:
Instructor: Section:

For items with choices, write the letter of the best answer before the number. Show your solutions
explicitly on all items. (100 points)

1. A pan of water is heated from 25 ˚C to 80 ˚C. What is the change in temperature in Kelvin scale and
in the Fahrenheit scale?

2. A segment of steel railroad track has a length of 30.0 meters when the temperature is 0.0 ˚C. What
is the length when the temperature is 40.0 ˚C?

3. On a hot day in Manila, an oil tanker loaded 37,000 liters of fuel. He encountered lower temperature
on the way to Baguio, where it was 23 K lower than in Manila, and where the load was delivered.
How many liters were delivered?

4. An engine transfers 2000 J of energy from a hot reservoir during the cycle and transfers 1500 J of
energy to the cold reservoir. A) What is the efficiency? B) How much work does this engine do in one
cycle? C) What is the power output of the engine if it operates at 2000 rpm assuming there is 1
thermodynamic cycle per revolution?

5. A newly designed refrigerator has a capacity of 3140 watts and an input rating of 735 watts. What is
the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator?

6. A steam engine has a boiler that operates at 500 K. the energy from the burning fuel changes water
to stream, and this steam then drives the piston. The cold reservoir’s temperature is that of the
outside air, 300 K. What is the maximum thermal efficiency of the steam engine?

7. A container filled with a sample of an ideal gas at the pressure of 1.5 atm. The gas is compressed
isothermally to one-fourth of its original volume. What is the new pressure of the gas?
a. 2 atm
b. 3 atm
c. 4 atm
d. 6 atm

8. In a non-flow process there is heat transfer loss of 1055 KJ and an internal energy increase of 210 KJ.
Determine the work transfer and state whether the process is an expansion or compression.
a. -1265 KJ, compression
b. 1265 KJ, compression
c. -1625 KJ, compression
d. 1625 KJ, expansion

9. Convert 110 ˚F to ˚C?

a. 50 ˚C
b. 43 ˚C
c. 20 ˚C
d. 37 ˚C

10. Convert 98 ˚F to ˚R.

a. 460 ˚R
b. -558 ˚R
c. 558 ˚R
d. 200 ˚R

11. A Carnot engine takes in 3000 calories of input heat and rejects 2000 cal as waste heat. The
temperature of the waste heat is 600 ˚C. Determine the efficiency of the engine.
a. 33.3 %
b. 43.4 %
c. 25.6 %
d. 39.8 %

12. The actual work done by a heat engine in 1 hour is 2.7 x 106 J while frictional losses within the engine
are 6.0 x 105 J. The engine operates between temperatures of 500K and 1000K. Determine the A)
Carnot efficiency of the engine B) number of joules of input heat taken.
a. 25%, 3.4 x 106 J
b. 63%, 7.5 x 106 J
c. 50%, 6.6 x 106 J
d. 50%, 2.9 x 106 J

13. A Carnot engine utilizes a heat source at 550 ˚C and has an ideal (Carnot) efficiency of 28%. To
increase the ideal efficiency to 35%, what must be the temperature of the heat source?
a. 670 ˚C
b. 639 ˚C
c. 645 ˚C
d. 679 ˚C

14. A heat pump is used to keep a house warm at 22 ˚C. How much work is required of the pump to
deliver 2800 J of heat into the house if the outdoor temperature is 0 ˚C.
a. 100 J

b. 110 J
c. 200 J
d. 210 J

15. A Rigid tank contains a hot fluid that is cooled while being stirred by a paddle wheel. Initially, the
internal energy of the fluid is 800 KJ. During the cooling process, the fluid loses 500 KJ of heat, and
the paddle wheel does 10 KJ of work on the fluid. Neglect the energy stored in the paddle wheel.
a. 100 KJ
b. 300 KJ
c. 200 KJ
d. 400 KJ

16. A household refrigerator with a COP of 1.2 removes heat from the refrigerated space at a rate of 60
KJ/min. Determine A) the electric power consumed by the refrigerator and B) the rate of heat
transfer to the kitchen air.
a. 0.78 W, 210KJ/min
b. 0.60 W, 100KJ/min
c. 0.83 W, 110 KJ/min
d. 0.54 W, 250KJ/min

17. A 600-MW steam power plant, which is cooled by a nearby river, has a thermal efficiency of 40%.
Determine the rate of heat transfer to the river water.
a. 700 MW
b. 900 MW
c. 800 MW
d. 1000 MW

18. An air conditioner with refrigerant as the working fluid is used to keep a room at 26 ˚C by rejecting
the waste heat to the outdoor air at 34 ˚C. The room gains heat through the walls and the windows
at a rate of 250KJ/min while the heat generated by the computer, TV and lights amounts to 900 W.
The refrigerant enters the compressor at 500 KPa as a saturated vapor at a rate of 100L/min and
leaves at 1200 KPa and 50 ˚C. Determine the maximum COP.
a. 25.8
b. 33.5
c. 23.7
d. 37.4

19. What is an energy that can be transferred from one object to another causing a change in
temperature of each object?
a. Power
b. Heat transfer
c. Heat
d. Work

20. What is the SI unit of energy?
a. Newton
b. Btu
c. Calorie
d. Joule

21. One joule is equivalent to one _____.

a. Kg ∙ m/ s^2
b. Kg ∙ m^2/s^2
c. Kg ∙ m^2/s
d. Kg ∙ m/s

22. One calorie is equivalent to how many joules?

a. 4.448
b. 4.184
c. 4.418
d. 4.814

23. Another unit used to measure atmospheric pressure is the “torr”. This is named after the Italian
physicist, Evangelista Torrecelli. An average atmospheric pressure is how many torr?
a. 740
b. 750
c. 760
d. 770
24. 1 atm is equivalent to how many pascals?
a. 101,325
b. 101,689
c. 101,102
d. 101,812

25. 1 bar is equivalent to how many pascals?

a. 10^3
b. 10^4
c. 10^5
d. 10^6


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