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What competition will the subscription have?

The Primary competitors for the subscription service are PlayStation plus, Xbox game
pass, EA access, Google Stadia, humble monthly, Apple Arcade and origin access ETC…

We classified the competitors into 3 groups, platform controllers (PlayStation, and Xbox) ,game
developers (EA, Ubisoft) and PC store platforms (Valve Steam,humble bundle).

Platform controllers or console manufacturers like the Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation
create their own content for their platform. As we are going to also provide access to games on
these platform controllers, they are the largest issue, as they will pressure for a cut of profits
from the subscription service harming margins. The model Epic should look for reference is
EA’s relationship with the platforms. EA access will allow customers to download games for free
even on a console platform. There was no available information on the negotiations between EA
and the console manufacturers but it can be assumed it is similar to the 70/30 split. Leading into
our discussion on game developers EA access is a model for Epic to follow. While EA’s pricing
is cheaper 5.99$ they only allow access to older games which are primarily sports games. This
reduces the value of the service in comparison to Epic Key as it will provide primarily non-sports

Other secondary competitors include other gaming companies without a subscription

service and larger entertainment companies. Blizzard has AAA developers.

- Primary Competitors
- Platform Controllers
- Secondary Competitors
- Cost to Value ratio

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