Acquaintance Games: Morning Games Team Building Activity: The Boat Is Sinking

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Team Building Activity: The Boat is Sinking

To form a cluster or group of a given number of people.

The participants are given the premise that the imaginary boat they are on is sinking and therefore have
to form groups to make it to safety.
The facilitator starts by saying “The boat is sinking…group yourselves into…” he/she also assigns the number
of people the group has to form.
Once everyone has formed their group the facilitators make sure to count if no one is out of place. If there was
then that participant would be the “IT” and thereby subjected to the consequences set by the facilitator or as
agreed by the group (e.g. They get to answer a question related to a topic they have just discussed).
The activity ends when the facilitator says so.

The activity can productive with or without debriefing questions. To stimulate team learning, you may ask these
sample questions after the activity:
● How did you feel when you were able to find a group?
● How did you feel when you weren’t able to find a group?

Blind Count Off

Objective: Icebreaker
Best for (group size): Small or medium groups
● Each team should have 25 or more members.
● All participants should form a circle and face outward, away from one another.
● The group must see how high they can count as a team, with only one person saying a number at a time.
If two or more people say the same number, the group must start again from one.
● The first to count up to the final number (the total number of players in a group) wins.

Cookies on Face Game

● Each team should have 5 members each.
● The first player will have a cookie placed on his/her forehead. He/she will then move his/her face until
the cookie gets into his/her mouth. And give the turn to another player.
● Use of hands is not allowed.
● If the cookie falls, the player will start again with another cookie in his/her forehead.
● The team who finishes the turns first wins.

Chubby Bunny CED Edition

● The game begins with the distribution of marshmallows to all the players.
● Participants take turns placing marshmallows in their mouths and saying the phrase, “EDUCATION.”
● Players who can no longer say the phrase intelligibly are eliminated after each round. The last player
remaining is the winner.

● If a player spits out a marshmallow, they are eliminated from the game.
● Players may not chew their marshmallows up, eat them, or swallow them whole. Players who do so are
● Players may use fingers to rearrange the marshmallows in their mouths.
● Decide before you begin playing if players are allowed to liquefy their marshmallows intentionally with
saliva to avoid arguments.
● Players must dispose of their marshmallows in a provided trash bags when they are disqualified.

Calamansi Relay
● Each member of a team will carry the calamansi with a plastic spoon in their mouth.
● Starting from a certain position, the member races to a designated spot and then back to his
teammates where she relays the calamansi thru the spoon.
● The first team to finish wins.

Pass the Card

● Each team should have 3-10 members each.
● Each team will be given the same amount of cards.
● The first person places the card on their lips and sucks in air to keep it stuck there without any hands.
Inhale through your mouth only so you use as much air as possible to keep the card attached to your
● He/she should pass the card without letting it fall using only the lips to the next player. And so on.
● The first team to finish wins.

Soft drinks Challenge

● Each player will be given the same amount of soft drinks and a small straw.
● The one who will finish drinking the soft drinks using the straw wins.

Please be Careful with my Egg

● The game must be played in pairs.
● Each pair will be given one egg.
● The pairs stand about one metre apart, and a raw egg is tossed from one partner to the next.
● Those who catch the eggs without breaking them continue in the game, the others are out.
● After each successful catch, the players must take one step backward so that the tosses are longer and
● The last team left with an unbroken egg wins the game.

You may want to have the players wearing old clothes as they may get their clothes dirty. You could play with
boiled eggs, but the breaking of the eggs provides most of the fun.
Pass the Powder
● Each team must have at least 10-20 members.
● The team must line up according to their own strategy.
● The first person on the line will get a handful flour given in front of him/her and pass it backward to the
second person without facing him/her.
● The second person will also do the same to the third person and so on.
● The last person on the line will pass the flour on the container beside his back
● The team with the most amount of flour wins..

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