Portfolio Feedback Log

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Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you

Provide the day and State if it is oral or written and if it is written encourage students to use
content what you wrote on it (i.e. rubric, rating scale, the feedback?
post it)
Day One – Considering this math lesson was an With this feedback, especially
Mathematics introduction lesson at the carpet, a lot the verbal and physical
of the feedback was orally. We feedback, I want the students
communicated a lot talking back and to be able to apply it to
forth and asking and answering future lessons to come using
questions. If a child did not correctly number racks. This was the
answer a question or demonstrate on very first lesson using
their manipulative correctly, they were number racks, therefor they
corrected both orally and physically. The will have numerous
students were also able to use the new opportunities to use the
math tool at work places which took manipulatives and show
place after the introduction. Once again, progression. I would also like
feedback was provided both orally and them to be able to self-assess
physically at the center as they were themselves using the Smiley
completing a similar task. Written Chart eventually. They will
feedback was provided by using the hopefully be able to
Smiley Chart that my cooperating physically see the progress
teacher frequently uses. The students they are making.
were asked to demonstrate one task
three times. Depending on the
correctness of their demonstration,
they either got to shade in a smiley face,
a straight face (in between smile and
frown) or a frowny face. They knew
these either mean completely correct,
semi-correct, or not correct.

Student 1: This student was actively

engaged in the entire lesson. She was
following directions and verbally
participating. She was using her
manipulative to the best of her ability.
She was watching what the other
students were doing. She would often
check her work and then look at the
other students around her to compare.
She used the counting strategy
correctly. She would begin by saying,
“Star means start,” and move all of her
beads to the side with the star sticker
on it.
Student 2: During the review, this
student was actively engaged in
conversation. He was overly excited to
be called on to come up to my larger
number rack and show counting four.
He would count as he moved the beads.
When given his own manipulative to
use, he began playing with it. He was
asked to count to five, but he over
counted. He tends to count slower than
he moves the beads.
Day Two – Science Oral feedback was provided to the With this feedback, I was
students throughout the entire lesson. hoping that the students
The students were constantly asking could really understand what
and answering questions. Written they were producing and to
feedback was provided on the student’s be able to explain it. Also, I
handouts that they were to complete. wanted them to be able to
The teacher would star it once compare it to their students
completed, but she would also talk to as all of their work for this
the students while checking it and lesson could be a little
makes comments or notes. Also, the different. This was a great
students were able to share their way for them to begin to
handouts if chosen to. make comparisons and the
see how things could be the
Student 1: This child was actively same or different.
engaged in the lesson the entire time.
Especially during the weather forecast
video, she was repeating what the
forecaster was saying. She was dancing
and singing to the songs that were
played. By completing the activities
provided on handouts, she was able to
draw what she was trying to say and
talk about it.

Student 2: With constant re-direction,

the child was able to complete the
activities provided. The child did his best
to participate and answer questions.
When he would answer question
wrong, he would be given another
chance and then corrected.
Day Three – Feedback was provided to the students By engaging in conversation
Language Arts / both orally and written. The students as a whole, I wanted the
Social Studies were consistently asking and answering students to be able to
questions as well as engaging in generate thoughts and ideas.
discussion at their tables, with partners, By completing the graphic
and as an entire class. Also, the students organizers, they were able to
were able to complete a handout as a organize their thoughts and
whole class on the screen, complete a their ideas. The feedback
bubble chart as a whole class at the provided that was written on
carpet, and then at their desks they their handouts was also
were able to complete a handout that verbally explained to them. I
allowed them to color and write. wanted them to be able to
Feedback was sometimes written on understand why I was giving
their handouts, but it was always them the feedback pertaining
discussed with them too. to what they did.

Student 1: This child is an ELL, so she

works well with visuals. She followed
along with the lesson the entire time.
She is always raising her hand to
participate and collaborate. She was
able to contribute when creating the
bubble map, and she also demonstrated
knowledge by completing the picture
re-tell activity accurately.

Student 2: This child does better with

verbal praise and consistent re-
direction. He was engaged in the lesson
the entire time, but he became easily
distracted by minor things.

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