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Prior to Unit Week, a re-test was given to test the knowledge and background on three specific
Arctic animals; The Polar Bear, Walrus, and Arctic Fox. The students were told that there were
different Arctic Animals placed around the room. The student’s job was to find one of each
animal (one polar bear, one walrus, and one arctic fox). After finding one of each animal, the
student had to write on the back a fact about each animal whether it be about what they can do,
have, or what they are. They were asked to put their names on the back of each and then they
were collected for further review.

Lesson One Formative Assessment:

The formative assessment for the first science lesson is a Kahoot! about what polar bears can do,
have, and what they are. The students will complete the Kahoot! on their iPad’s at their tables.
The teacher will read each Kahoot! question and have the students choose which is correct.

Lesson Two Formative Assessment:

The formative assessment for the second science lesson is called, “Walruses Can/Have/Are.”
This assessment required the students to identify three categories (can/have/are) and place the
nine traits/behaviors of a walrus under the appropriate category. An example would be: Walruses
can swim. The word swim would go under the “can” category. The students will complete this
for all nine words provided.

Lesson Three Formative Assessment:

The formative assessment for the third science lesson is called, “Individual Arctic Fox Tasks.”
During this assessment, the students will be assessed on either what an Arctic fox can do, what
they have, and what they are by drawing illustrations and attempting to write about each. Once
they are complete, they will be reviewed as an entire class and discussed further.

Lesson Four Summative Assessment:

The summative assessment for the fourth lesson is called, “Polar Bear, Walrus, and Arctic Fox
Facts.” The students will be given polar bear statements with plank spaces, walrus statements
with blank spaces, and Arctic fox statements with blank spaces. The students will be required to
match each statement card with the word that fills in the space to make the statement true. The
students will review each card with the teacher and she will assist during the completion. The
game will then be reviewed for each animal.
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