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Nilai Normal Laboratorium

Add a comment November 13th, 2008 dr. Arief

Determination Normal Reference Value
Conventional units SI units
Blood, Plasma or Serum
Ammonia (NH3) – diffusion 20-120 mcg/dl 12-70 mcmol/L
Ammonia Nitrogen 15-45 µg/dl 11-32 µmol/L
Amylase 35-118 IU/L 0.58-1.97 mckat/L
Anion gap (Na+-[Cl - + HCO3- ]) (P) 7-16 mEq/L 7-16 mmol/L
Antithrombin III (AT III) 80–120 U/dl 800–1200 U/L
Arterial 21–28 mEq/L 21–28 mmol/L
Venous 22–29 mEq/L 22–29 mmol/L
Conjugated (direct) Total  0.2 mg/dl  4 mcmol/L
& &
0.1–1 mg/dl 2–18 mcmol/L
Calcitonin < 100 pg/ml < 100 ng/L
Total 8.6–10.3 mg/dl 2.2–2.74 mmol/L
Ionized 4.4–5.1 mg/dl 1–1.3 mmol/L
Carbon dioxide content (plasma) 21–32 mmol/L 21–32 mmol/L
Carcinoembryonic antigen < 3 ng/ml < 3 mcg/L
Chloride 95–110 mEq/L 95–110 mmol/L
Coagulation screen
Bleeding time 3–9.5 min 180–570 sec
Prothrombin time 10–13 sec 10–13 sec
Partial thromboplastin time (activated) 22–37 sec 22–37 sec
Protein C 0.7–1.4 µ/ml 700–1400 U/ml
Protein S 0.7–1.4 µ/ml 700–1400 U/ml
Copper, total 70–160 mcg/dl 11–25 mcmol/L
Corticotropin (ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone) < 60 pg/ml < 13.2 pmol/L
– 0800 hr
0800 hr 5–30 mcg/dl 138–810 nmol/L
1800 hr 2–15 mcg/dl 50–410 nmol/L
2000 hr  50% of 0800 hr  50% of 0800 hr
Creatine kinase
Female 20–170 IU/L 0.33–2.83 mckat/L
Male 30–220 IU/L 0.5–3.67 mckat/L
Creatinine kinase isoenzymes, MB fraction 0–12 IU/L 0–0.2 mckat/L
Creatinine 0.5–1.7 mg/dl 44–150 mcmol/L
Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I) 150–360 mg/dl 1.5–3.6 g/L
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Female 2–13 mlU/ml 2–13 IU/L
Midcycle 5–22 mlU/ml 5–22 IU/L
Male 1–8 mlU/ml 1–8 IU/L
Glucose, fasting 65–115 mg/dl 3.6–6.3 mmol/L
Glucose Tolerance Test (Oral)
(mg/dl) (mmol/L)
Normal Diabetic Normal Diabetic
Fasting 70–105 > 140 3.9–5.8 > 7.8
60 min 120–170  200 6.7–9.4  11.1
90 min 100–140  200 5.6–7.8  11.1
120 min 70–120  140 3.9–6.7  7.8
() – Glutamyltransferase (GGT)
Male 9–50 units/L 9–50 units/L
Female 8–40 units/L 8–40 units/L
Haptoglobin 44–303 mg/dl 0.44–3.03 g/L
Hematologic Tests
Fibrinogen 200–400 mg/dl 2–4 g/L
Hematocrit (Hct)
female 36%-44.6% 0.36–0.446 fraction
of 1
male 40.7%-50.3% 0.4–0.503 fraction of
Hemoglobin A 1C 5.3%-7.5% of total 0.053–0.075
Hemoglobin (Hb)
female 12.1–15.3 g/dl 121–153 g/L
male 13.8–17.5 g/dl 138–175 g/L
Leukocyte count (WBC) 3800–9800/mcl 3.8–9.8 x 109/L
Erythrocyte count (RBC)
female 3.5–5 x 106/mcl 3.5–5 x 1012/L
male 4.3–5.9 x 106/mcl 4.3–5.9 x 1012/L
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 80–97.6 mcm3 80–97.6 fl
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 27–33 pg/cell 1.66–2.09 fmol/cell
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrate (MCHC) 33–36 g/dl 20.3–22 mmol/L
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sedrate, ESR) 30 mm/hr 30 mm/hr
Erythrocyte enzymes
Glucose-6 – Pphosphate dehydrognase (G-6-PD) 250–5000 units/106 250–5000
cells mcunits/cell
Determination Reference Value
(Conventional units) (SI units)
Blood, Plasma or Serum: 20–120 mcg/dl 12–70 mcmol/L

Ammonia (NH3) – diffusion

Ammonia Nitrogen 15–45 µg/dl 11–32 µmol/L
Amylase 35–118 IU/L 0.58–1.97 mckat/L
Anion gap (Na+-[Cl - + HCO3-]) (P) 7–16 mEq/L 7–16 mmol/L
Antithrombin III (AT III) 80–120 U/dl 800–1200 U/L
Bicarbonate: Arterial 21–28 mEq/L 21–28 mmol/L
Venous 22–29 mEq/L
22–29 mmol/L
Bilirubin: Conjugated (direct) Total  0.2 mg/dl  4 mcmol/L
(0.1–1 mg/dl) (2–18 mcmol/L)
Calcitonin < 100 pg/ml < 100 ng/L
Calcium: Total 8.6–10.3 mg/dl 2.2–2.74 mmol/L
4.4–5.1 mg/dl 1–1.3 mmol/L
Carbon dioxide content (plasma) 21–32 mmol/L 21–32 mmol/L
Carcinoembryonic antigen < 3 ng/ml < 3 mcg/L
Chloride 95–110 mEq/L 95–110 mmol/L
Coagulation screen: 3–9.5 min 180–570 sec

Bleeding time 10–13 sec 10–13 sec

Prothrombin time
22–37 sec 22–37 sec
Partial thromboplastin time (activated)
0.7–1.4 µ/ml 700–1400 U/ml
Protein C
0.7–1.4 µ/ml 700–1400 U/ml
Protein S
Copper, total 70–160 mcg/dl 11–25 mcmol/L
< 60 pg/ml < 13.2 pmol/L
(ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone) – 0800 hr
Cortisol: 0800 hr 5–30 mcg/dl 138–810 nmol/L
1800 hr 2–15 mcg/dl
2000 hr 50–410 nmol/L
 50% of 0800 hr
 50% of 0800 hr
Creatine kinase: Female 20–170 IU/L
0.33–2.83 mckat/L
0.5–3.67 mckat/L
30–220 IU/L
Creatinine kinase isoenzymes, MB fraction 0–12 IU/L 0–0.2 mckat/L
Creatinine 0.5–1.7 mg/dl 44–150 mcmol/L
Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I) 150–360 mg/dl 1.5–3.6 g/L
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): 2–13 mlU/ml 2–13 IU/L

Female 5–22 mlU/ml 5–22 IU/L

1–8 mlU/ml
Midcycle 1–8 IU/L

Glucose, fasting 65–115 mg/dl 3.6–6.3 mmol/L
Glucose Tolerance Test (Oral) (mg/dl) (mmol/L)
Normal Diabetic Normal Diabetic
Fasting 70–105 > 140 3.9–5.8 > 7.8
120–170  200 6.7–9.4  11.1
60 min 100–140  200 5.6–7.8  11.1
90 min 70–120  140 3.9–6.7  7.8
120 min
() -Glutamyltransferase (GGT): 9–50 units/L 9–50 units/L
8–40 units/L
Male 8–40 units/L

Haptoglobin 44–303 mg/dl 0.44–3.03 g/L
Reference Value
Conventional units SI units
Hematologic tests: 200–400 mg/dl 2–4 g/L

Fibrinogen 36%-44.6% 0.36–0.446 fraction of

Hematocrit (Hct), 40.7%-50.3%
female 0.4–0.503 fraction of 1
5.3%-7.5% of total Hgb
male 0.053–0.075
12.1–15.3 g/dl
Hemoglobin A 1C 13.8–17.5 g/dl 121–153 g/L

Hemoglobin (Hb), 3800–9800/mcl 138–175 g/L

3.5–5 x 106/mcl 3.8–9.8 x 109/L
4.3–5.9 x 106/mcl 3.5–5 x 1012/L
Leukocyte count (WBC)
Erythrocyte count (RBC): 80–97.6 mcm3 4.3–5.9 x 1012/L
27–33 pg/cell 80–97.6 fl
33–36 g/dl 1.66–2.09 fmol/cell
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
30 mm/hr 20.3–22 mmol/L
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
(MCH)  30 mm/hr

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin

concentrate (MCHC)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

(sedrate, ESR)
Erythrocyte enzymes: 250–5000 units/106 250–5000 mcunits/cell
Glucose-6 - 23–862 pmol/L
Pphosphate dehydrognase 10–383 ng/ml
7–28.1 nmol/L
(G-6-PD) >3.1–12.4 ng/ml
150–450 x 109/L
Ferritin 150–450 x 10 /mcl
Folic acid: normal 0.5%-1.5% of
erythrocytes 165–835 pmol/L
Platelet count
223–1132 pg/ml

Vitamin B12
Iron: Female 30–160 mcg/dl 5.4–31.3 mcmol/L
45–160 mcg/dl 8.1–31.3 mcmol/L
Iron binding capacity 220–420 mcg/dl 39.4–75.2 mcmol/L
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1.2–7 units/L 1.2–7 units/L
Isoenzymes 14%-26% of total 0.14–0.26 fraction of
Fraction 1 29%-39% of total
0.29–0.39 fraction of
Fraction 2 20%-26% of total total
0.20–0.26 fraction of
Fraction 3 8%-16% of total total

Fraction 4 6%-16% of total 0.08–0.16 fraction of

Fraction 5
0.06–0.16 fraction of
Lactate dehydrogenase 100–250 IU/L 1.67–4.17 mckat/L
Lactic acid (lactate) 6–19 mg/dl 0.7–2.1 mmol/L
Lead  50 mcg/dl  2.41 mcmol/L
Lipase 10–150 units/L 10–150 units/L
Lipids: < 200 mg/dl < 5.2 mmol/L

Total Cholesterol 200–239 mg/dl < 5.2–6.2 mmol/L

Desirable > 239 mg/dl > 6.2 mmol/L

Borderline-high < 130 mg/dl < 3.36 mmol/L

High 130–159 mg/dl 3.36–4.11 mmol/L

LDL > 159 mg/dl > 4.11 mmol/L

Desirable < 35 mg/dl < 0.91 mmol/L

Borderline-high < 200 mg/dl < 2.26 mmol/L

High 200–400 mg/dl 2.26–4.52 mmol/L

HDL (low) 400–1000 mg/dl 4.52–11.3 mmol/L

Triglycerides > 1000 mg/dl > 11.3 mmol/L




Very high
Magnesium 1.3–2.2 mEq/L 0.65–1.1 mmol/L
Osmolality 280–300 mOsm/kg 280–300 mmol/kg
Oxygen saturation (arterial) 94%-100% 0.94 – fraction of 1
PCO2, arterial 35–45 mm Hg 4.7–6 kPa
pH, arterial 7.35–7.45 7.35–7.45
Reference Value
Conventional units SI units
PO, arterial: Breathing room air 80–105 mm Hg 10.6–14 kPa

On 100% O > 500 mm Hg

Phosphatase (acid), total at 37°C 0.13–0.63 IU/L 2.2–10.5 IU/L or

2.2–10.5 mckat/L
Phosphatase alkaline 20–130 IU/L 20–130 IU/L or

0.33–2.17 mckat/L
Phosphorus, inorganic, (phosphate) 2.5–5 mg/dl 0.8–1.6 mmol/L
Potassium 3.5–5 mEq/L 3.5–5 mmol/L
Progesterone 0.1–1.5 ng/ml 0.32–4.8 nmol/L

Female 0.1–1.5 ng/ml 0.32–4.8 nmol/L

2.5–28 ng/ml
Follicular phase 8–89 nmol/L
< 0.5 ng/ml
Luteal phase < 1.6 nmol/L

Prolactin 1.4–24.2 ng/ml 1.4–24.2 mcg/L
Prostate specific antigen 0–4 ng/ml 0–4 ng/ml
60–80 g/L
Protein: Total 6–8 g/dl
Albumin 36–50 g/L
3.6–5 g/dl
Globulin 23–35 g/L
2.3–3.5 g/dl
Rheumatoid factor < 60 IU/ml < 60 kIU/L
Sodium 135–147 mEq/L 135–147 mmol/L
Testosterone: 6–86 ng/dl 0.21–3 nmol/L
270–1070 ng/dl 9.3–37 nmol/L
Thyroid Hormone Function Tests: 0.35–6.2 mcU/ml 0.35–6.2 mU/L

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 10–26 mcg/dl 100–260 mcg/L

Thyroxine-binding globulin capacity 75–220 ng/dl 1.2–3.4 nmol/L

Total triiodothyronine (T3) 4–11 mcg/dl 51–142 nmol/L

Total thyroxine by RIA (T4) 0.25–0.38 fraction of 1
T3 resin uptake
Transaminase, AST (aspartate aminotransferase, 11–47 IU/L 0.18–0.78 mckat/L
Transaminase, ALT (alanine aminotransferase, 7–53 IU/L 0.12–0.88 mckat/L
Transferrin 220–400 mg/dL 2.20–4.00 g/L
Urea nitrogen (BUN) 8–25 mg/dl 2.9–8.9 mmol/L
Uric acid 3–8 mg/dl 179–476 mcmol/L
Vitamin A (retinol) 15–60 mcg/dl 0.52–2.09 mcmol/L
Zinc 50–150 mcg/dl 7.7–23 mcmol/L

Tergantung pada usia
Bayi dan anak sampai 104 U/L
Bayi usia 1 tahun sampai 6 mg/dl

Reference Value
Conventional units SI units
Calcium 50–250 mcg/day 1.25–6.25 mmol/day
Catecholamines: < 20 mcg/day < 109 nmol/day

Epinephrine < 100 mcg/day < 590 nmol/day

Catecholamines, 24-hr < 110 µg < 650 nmol
Copper 15–60 mcg/day 0.24–0.95 mcmol/day
Creatinine: 8–22 mg/kg 71–195 µmol/kg
71–265 µmol/kg
Child 8–30 mg/kg
5.3–13.3 mmol/day
Adolescent 0.6–1.5 g/day
7.1–15.9 mmol/day
Female 0.8–1.8 g/day
pH 4.5–8 4.5–8
Phosphate 0.9–1.3 g/day 29–42 mmol/day
Potassium 25–100 mEq/day 25–100 mmol/day
Protein 1–14 mg/dL 10–140 mg/L
Total 50–80 mg/day 50–80 mg/day

At rest
Protein, quantitative < 150 mg/day < 0.15 g/day
Sodium 100–250 mEq/day 100–250 mmol/day
Specific gravity, random 1.002–1.030 1.002–1.030
Uric acid, 24-hr 250–750 mg 1.48–4.43 mmol

Tergantung pada diet.

Drug Levels*
Reference Value
Drug Determination
Conventional units SI units

(trough) 1–8 mcg/ml

20–30 mcg/ml
(peak) 1.7–13.7 mcmol/L 34–51 mcmol/L

(trough) 0.5–2 mcg/ml 1–4.2 mcmol/L

(peak) 6–10 mcg/ml 12.5–20.9 mcmol/L


(trough) nd
5–10 mcg/ml
(peak) 20–25 mcg/ml nd

(trough) nd
0.5–2 mcg/ml
(peak) 6–10 mcg/ml nd

(trough) nd
< 5 mcg/ml
(peak) 5–20 mcg/ml nd

(trough) 1.1–4.3 mcmol/L

0.5–2 mcg/ml
(peak) 5–20 mcg/ml 12.8–21.8 mcmol/L
Drug Determination Reference Value
Conventional units SI units
Amiodarone 0.5–2.5 mcg/ml 1.5–4 mcmol/L
Bretylium 0.5–1.5 mcg/ml nd
Digitoxin 9–25 mcg/L 11.8–32.8 nmol/L
Digoxin 0.8–2 ng/ml 0.9–2.5 nmol/L
Disopyramide 2–8 mcg/ml 6–18 mcmol/L
Flecainide 0.2–1 mcg/ml nd
Antiarrhythmics Lidocaine 1.5–6 mcg/ml 4.5–21.5 mcmol/L
Mexiletine 0.5–2 mcg/ml nd
Procainamide 4–8 mcg/ml 17–34 mcmol/ml
Propranolol 50–200 ng/ml 190–770 nmol/L
Quinidine 2–6 mcg/ml 4.6–9.2 mcmol/L
Tocainide 4–10 mcg/ml nd
Verapamil 0.08–0.3 mcg/ml nd
Carbamazepine 4–12 mcg/ml 17–51 mcmol/L
Phenobarbital 10–40 mcg/ml 43–172 mcmol/L
Anticonvulsants Phenytoin 10–20 mcg/ml 40–80 mcmol/L
Primidone 4–12 mcg/ml 18–55 mcmol/L
Valproic Acid 40–100 mcg/ml 280–700 mcmol/L
Amitriptyline 110–250 ng/ml 500–900 nmol/L
Amoxapine 200–500 ng/ml nd
Bupropion 25–100 ng/ml nd
Clomipramine 80–100 ng/ml nd
Desipramine 115–300 ng/ml nd
Antidepressants Doxepin 110–250 ng/ml nd
Imipramine 225–350 ng/ml nd
Maprotiline 200–300 ng/ml nd
Nortriptyline 50–150 ng/ml nd
Protriptyline 70–250 ng/ml nd
Trazodone 800–1600 ng/ml nd
Chlorpromazine 50–300 ng/ml 150–950 nmol/L
Fluphenazine 0.13–2.8 ng/ml nd
Antipsychotics Haloperidol 5–20 ng/ml nd
Perphenazine 0.8–1.2 ng/ml nd
Thiothixene 2–57 ng/ml nd
Reference Value
Drug Determination
Conventional units SI units
Amantadine 300 ng/ml nd

Amrinone 3.7 mcg/ml nd

Miscellaneous Chloramphenicol 10–20 mcg/ml 31–62 mcmol/L
Cyclosporine 250–800 ng/ml nd

(whole blood, RIA) nd

50–300 ng/ml (plasma, RIA)
Ethanol 0 mg/dl 0 mmol/L
Hydralazine 100 ng/ml nd
Lithium 0.6–1.2 mEq/L 0.6–1.2 mmol/L
Salicylate 100–300 mg/L 724–2172 mcmol/L
Sulfonamide 5–15 mg/dl nd
Terbutaline 0.5–4.1 ng/ml nd
Theophylline 10–20 mcg/ml 55–110 mcmol/L

(trough) nd
5–15 ng/ml
(peak) 20–40 mcg/ml nd

* Nilai yang diberikan secara umum dapat digunakan untuk terapi tanpa terjadi efek toksik pada
kebanyakan pasien, Namun pengecualian juga tidak jarang terjadi.
nd = data tidak tersedia.
Metabolit N-desmethyl beserta turunannya.
Nilai 24 jam.
Toksik: 50–100 mg/dl (10.9–21.7 mmol/L).

Diambil dari The Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure, National Institutes of Health.

Classification of Blood Pressure *

Reference value
Systolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg)
Optimal < 120 and < 80
Normal < 130 and < 85
High-normal 130–139 or 85–89
Hypertension 140–159 or 90–99
160–179 100–109
Stage 1 or
 180  110
Stage 2 or

Stage 3

* Untuk dewasa berusia 18 atau lebih yang tidak dalam pengobatan anti hipertensi dan tidak
dalam kondisi akut. Ketika tekanan sistole dan diastole masuk ke dalam kategori lain, maka
kategori di atasnya harus dipilih untuk menentukan klasifikasi status tekanan darah penderita.
Sebagai tambahan dalam menentukan stadium hipertensi, seorang praktisi medis harus
menentukan ada atau tidaknya penyakit pada target organ serta faktor resiko lainnya.
Tekanan darah yang optimal terhadap resiko kardiovaskular adalah dibawah 120/88 m Hg.
Namun demikian, nilai rendah yang tidak wajar harus dievaluasi untuk menemukan kelainan
klinis yang signifikan.
Berdasarkan atas pembacaan sebanyak 2 kali atau lebih pada pemeriksaan awal.

Nilai Normal Laboratorium Patologi Klinik


Jenis Spesimen : darah
Darah Lengkap

Eritrosit : 4.5 – 5.9 (4.5 – 5.5) (juta/ul)

Haemoglobin (Hb) : 13.5 – 17.5 (13 – 16) (g/dl)
Hematokrit (Ht) : 41.0 – 53.0 (40 – 54) (%)
Trombo sit : 150.000 – 440.000 (150.000 – 400.000) (/ul)
Leukosit : 4.000 – 11.000 (5.000 – 10.000) (/ul)
Laju Endap Darah (LED) : 0 – 10 (mm/jam)

Diff count / Hitung Jenis Leukosit

Basofil : 0 – 1 (%)
Eosinofil : 1 – 3 (%)
Batang : 2 – 6 (%)
Segmen : 50 – 70 (%)
Limfosit : 20 – 40 (%)
Monosit : 2 – 8 (%)

Jenis Spesimen : urine midstream / porsi tengah
Urine Lengkap

Warna : kuning
Kejernihan : jernih
Glukosa : negatif
Bilirubin : negatif
Keton : negatif
Berat jenis : 1.005 – 1.030 (1.003 – 1.030)
Darah samar : negatif
pH : 4.5 – 8.0 (5 – 8)
Protein : negatif
Urobilinogen : 0.1 – 1.0 (EU/dl)
Nitrit : negatif
Esterase leukosit : negatif

Leukosit : 0 – 5 (0 – 3) (/LPB)
Eritrosit : 0 – 1 (/LPB)
Silinder : negatif (/LPK)
Epitel : +1
Kristal : negatif
Lain-lain : negatif

Kimia Darah
Glukosa N : 80 – 100 (mg/dl)
Glukosa PP : 100 - 120 (mg/dl)
Glukosa S : < 150 (mg/dl)

Kolesterol total : < 200 (mg/dl)

Trigliserida : < 150 (mg/dl)
HDL – Kolesterol : > 55 (mg/dl)
LDL – kolesterol : < 150 (mg/dl)

Ureum : 15 – 40 (mg/dl)
Kreatinin : 0.5 – 1.5 (mg/dl)
Asam urat : 3.4 – 7.0 (mg/dl)

Bilirubin total : 0.2 – 1 (mg %)

Bilirubin direk : 0 – 0.2 (mg %)
Bilirubin indirek : 0.2 – 0.8 (mg %)

SGOT : 5 – 40 (u/l)
SGPT : 5 – 41 (u/l)
Alkali Fosfatase : 45 – 190 (iu/l)
Gamma GT : 6 – 28 (mu/ml)

Protein total : 6.1 – 8.2 (gr %)

Albumin : 3.8 – 5.0 (gr %)
Globulin : 2.3 – 3.2 (gr %)

Imunologi dan Serologi

Salmonella typhy
Salmonella paratyphy A
Salmonella paratyphy B
Salmonella paratyphy C

VDRL : negatif
Anti Hbs
RF : < 8 (lu/dl)
CRP : < 0.8 (Mg/dl)
ASTO : < 200 (lu/dl)


Jenis Spesimen : darah
Darah Lengkap

Eritrosit : 4 – 5 (juta/ul)
Haemoglobin (Hb) : 12 – 15 (g/dl)
Hematokrit (Ht) : 36 – 47 (%)
Trombo sit : 150.000 – 400.000(/ul)
Leukosit : 5.000 – 10.000(/ul)
Laju Endap Darah (LED) : < 15 (mm/jam)

Diff count / Hitung Jenis Leukosit

Basofil : 0 – 1 (%)
Eosinofil : 1 – 3 (%)
Batang : 2 – 6 (%)
Segmen : 50 – 70 (%)
Limfosit : 20 – 40 (%)
Monosit : 2 – 8 (%)

Jenis Spesimen : urine midstream / porsi tengah
Urine Lengkap

Warna : kuning
Kejernihan : jernih
Glukosa : negatif
Bilirubin : negatif
Keton : negatif
Berat jenis : 1.003 – 1.030
Darah samar : negatif
pH : 5 – 8
Protein : negatif
Urobilinogen : 0.1 – 1.0 (EU/dl)
Nitrit : negatif
Esterase leukosit : negatif

Leukosit : 0 – 3 (/LPB)
Eritrosit : 0 – 1 (/LPB)
Silinder : negatif (/LPK)
Epitel : +1
Kristal : negatif
Lain-lain : negatif

Kimia Darah
Glukosa N : 80 – 100 (mg/dl)
Glukosa PP : 100 - 120 (mg/dl)
Glukosa S : < 150 (mg/dl)

Kolesterol total : < 200 (mg/dl)

Trigliserida : < 150 (mg/dl)
HDL – Kolesterol : > 65 (mg/dl)
LDL – kolesterol : < 150 (mg/dl)

Ureum : 15 – 40 (mg/dl)
Kreatinin : 0.5 – 1.5 (mg/dl)
Asam urat : 2.4 – 5.7 (mg/dl)

Bilirubin total : 0.2 – 1 (mg %)

Bilirubin direk : 0 – 0.2 (mg %)
Bilirubin indirek : 0.2 – 0.8 (mg %)

SGOT : 5 – 40 (u/l)
SGPT : 5 – 41 (u/l)
Alkali Fosfatase : 45 – 190 (iu/l)
Gamma GT : 4 – 18 (mu/ml)

Protein total : 6.1 – 8.2 (gr %)

Albumin : 3.8 – 5.0 (gr %)
Globulin : 2.3 – 3.2 (gr %)

Imunologi dan Serologi

Salmonella typhy
Salmonella paratyphy A
Salmonella paratyphy B
Salmonella paratyphy C
VDRL : negatif
Anti Hbs
RF : < 8 (lu/dl)
CRP : < 0.8 (Mg/dl)
ASTO : < 200 (lu/dl)

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