Rapunzel Retold

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Sotomayor and Roberts 1

Charlize Sotomayor and Breon Roberts


Professor McGriff

September 20, 2019

Rapunzel Retold

This is the story of how I fell into the life of crime. Be warned, this is actually a very

depressing story. And the truth is, it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl named, Rapunzel. I

really shouldn't have to explain the origin story. We all know it, a single drop of sunlight. The

magic golden flower with healing abilities. The terminally ill queen. The devious witch, Gothel,

who steals Rapunzel for her magic hair. The part you may have misheard is what really

happened to our dear Rapunzel. Instead of a happy life as a princess she was reduced to stealing

to get by. Now of course, this was after accidentally killing gothel and meeting Flynn Rider,

that's me, outside the tower as he was being chased, Meeting the gang at the snuggling duckling

and proving her worth, and finally becoming a thief within the kingdom of Corona.

No one would ever expect something was wrong, not with how the sunny, bright sky

shining happily down on the lonely tower, mocking the girl on the ground next to it. The only

evidence of anything wrong would be the awful human shaped bundle sprawled out on the

ground a few feet away. She didn't mean for it to happen, in fact when Mother had called for her

to let down her miles long, blond hair, as a means to get back into the tower, Rapunzel tried to

warn her. Rapunzel had just gotten over a cold, and her muscles were still very weak, so halfway

up with pulling her Mother into the tower, her arms failed her and she accidentally dropped her.

Now here she is, alone, scared and wondering what she should do next, and how she would
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possibly survive on her own in a world she knows nothing about. Thrown into this new world

with no knowledge of her surroundings, Rapunzel gets off her feet and starts to explore.

Meanwhile, a few miles away from the tower, a dashing young man is running from a psychotic

white horse, literally who decided to let this horse wield a sword? The horse, Maximus, a trusted

comrade of Coronas Guard, is following the brunette man known as Flynn Rider for stealing the

lost princess’s crown. Flynn swiftly slides into a nearby patch of vines, completely intentional by

the way, to hide from Maximus’s vengeful sight, unknowingly sliding right into our fearful

heroine Rapunzel. “What in th-” Flynn yells as he bumps into the soft mass of flesh. The blond

screams as this charming man runs straight into her, knocking her off her feet. Rapunzel begins

to freak out, grabbing her trusty wooden bat and swinging wildly at the unknown man before her.

“W- who are you, what are you doing here?!" she exclaims completely frightened. "What are

you? An angel that has blessed my presence ready to take me away from this dreary life?" Flynn

asks flirtatiously. I totally nailed didn't I? Rapunzel stares blankly at flynn while Pascal,

Rapunzel's pet chameleon, slowly shook his small scaly head and rolled his eyes. Rapunzel

points her brown bat at Flynn cautiously, “I’ll only ask this one more time, who are you and what

are you doing here?” Flynn quickly moved away from the threading bat, “The names Flynn,

Flynn Rider,” he eyes her up and down for a moment “Who are you Blondie? You don’t look

like the type to wander aimlessly out here on your own.” Pascal made a displeased noise while

Rapunzel looked at the brunette in disbelief, “First off, Flynn Rider, I’m perfectly capable of

taking care of my self, and incase you haven’t noticed, I’m not alone, Pascal is with me.” She

said pointing to the Chameleon on her shoulder. “Okay, sure blondie, anyway sorry I have to cut

this short but I’m kinda in a hurry.” Flynn rushes out as he hears an unforgettable horse noise in

the distance, he starts to leave, carefully moving around thorny bushes and browning, crunchy
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leaves. “ Wait, where are you planning on going? There's nothing around here for miles.”

Rapunzel watches him curiously, hoping to get information about the world around her without

giving away how vulnerable she really is. Maybe I can follow him to a nearby town. She thinks

to herself. “Well bondie, I’m going to the one place where I can stop to get food and rest,” Flynn

pauses dramatically, “The Snuggly Duckling!” Rapunzel's eyes light up at the name.

“So, why exactly did you follow me again?” Flynn asks, shifting around anxiously in his

stool seat, they had walked for almost two hours, with Rapunzel doing everything from rolling

down hill to dancing and singing about how her life is finally beginning. Like seriously, what

type of song even is that? Fynn didn't know, however he did almost start dancing himself when

she had finally stopped singing. He didn't realize she had stopped when she had mentioned her

mother, too busy with the relief of silence that flooded into his ears. “I’m didnt follow you, we

just so happened to be going to the same place, besides you owed me food after you had us

chased by a crazy, sword wielding, horse.” Right there was that bit to,a few minutes of walking

after he had announced his destination, Maximus had flown out of the bushes behind them and

proceeded to chase after them relentlessly. When they had finally lost sight of him, Flynn found

himself trying to avoid her bat trying to acquaint itself with his, dashingly handsome, face once

again. He was forced to come clean about who he was after that, all while her-what was it? A

frog?-chameleon watch him with an expression that looked suspiciously like a glare. “Of course,

how could I forget?” Rapunzel didn't respond right away, she was too preoccupied with how

strange The Snuggly Duckling was. The Snuggly Duckling, in fact, was a very misleading name,

it was actually a tavern where criminals and other unlikely people, came to hangout and have a

few drinks. Its once beautifully glossy walls, were now stained with old food stains and

something that looked a lot like blood, meanwhile the floors were covered with dirt and mud that
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many had trudged into the taverned with before. The smell of food was something she didn't

expect, instead of smelling something foul, the entrancing aroma of sweet bread and all kinds of

pies filled the room, going perfectly with the lovely sound coming from the soft keys of a piano

in the corner of the room. When they had first went inside, many people instantly recognized

Flynn, once again almost getting them caught by the guards or worse, killed by the thugs in the

tavern. Maybe he's more trouble than he's worth. Luckily for them, Rapunzel had saved the day

with another song, this time about having a dream.The crowd was easily swayed after that,

touched by the idea of having their dream, personally Flynn didn't get it.“So what's the plan?”

She looks to him, waiting for an answer. Flynn kept eyeing the door anxiously, he knows this

isn't the best place to regroup, with how he’s a wanted man and everything. “Well, first we eat,

then we should go into the nearby town.” And hope I don't get us caught. He looks at the blonde

girl next to him, “We will have to be careful making sure there isn't any guards around.” Green

eyes meets brown ones, “What if they catch us stealing?” she inquires. She had come clean

halfway to the travern about her mother when he had questioned her on how much money she

had, or more like lack of. “Don’t worry about that part, i've been doing it since I was a kid, I'll

teach you how to do it on the way.” She only hums in reply. They use this time to just relax and

have a good time with their new friends. Sounds of joyful laughter and loud storytelling goes on

for about another hour or two. That's when it happens, a loud sudden bang echoes throughout

the room, causing instant silence to follow straight after. “Where is he?!?” A guard shouts as

many storms in behind him, including Maximus the horse.”Where is Flynn Rider?!” Oh no. They

both thought simultaneously.

“I hate you.” Rapunzel at him with the most unamused look possible. They had been on

the move for days, wanted posters of them everywhere. It's been about three years of them being
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on the run. Together they are almost impossible to stop, especially now that they convinced

Maximus to be on their side, well that is until Flynn does something completely reckless without

telling anyone. “I'm sorry!” After the fateful day of running from the guards in an underground

tunnel and almost drowning, the trio had finally made it to the nearby town. Thats where they

were able to convince Max to go with them, promising the very unappreciated and underpaid

horse he could have all the apples he wanted if he went with them. All thanks to Rapunzel's

caring and understanding nature of course. “I just thought we could get away with stealing it.”

Flynn huffed. “You tried to steal the Queens crown!” Rapunzel yelled, “It was on her head!”

Max and Pascal both looked at each other. In the beginning the two tiptoed around each other,

careful not to get caught by guards or spotted by townspeople. However, after getting caught

three times and becoming the most infamous thieves around, they did whatever the want. Why do

I even love this idiot? Rapunzel had this thought for years, but one look at the diamond ring on

her finger made her remember it all. Flynn had stolen that from the castle on one of the times he

got caught. It was the Lost Princess’s ring that the Queen and King had saved for when she

returned, unfortunately for them, Flynn decided it looked perfect to propose to Rapunzel with,

after all she does deserve the best. Now here they are arguing about Flynn’s stupidity and

causing mayhem wherever they go.

In the beginning I mentioned this was a very depressing story. You're most likely wondering in

what way. Our attempt to flee after stealing the queens crown Rapunzel fell, tripping over her

own hair. The guards caught up to her before I could even help. Now, I'm staring at my wife

who's kneeling over a guillotine. Pascal, Max and me are watching from a distance, waiting to

find the moment to save her. She's too young, too beautiful. Along with this I made a discovery,

she may be the long lost princess. Ironic really, but that won't save her from this fate now. I
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begin to wonder if I will be alone with a frog and a horse. That's when a miracle happened,

Remember the lovely folks of the snuggly duckling. Well as the story goes a large group of men

came and took out most of the guardsmen at the guillotine while a mime distracted the crowd.

During which the bound Rapunzel was whisked away to a safe spot where sooner, or in my case

later, I was able to meet her again. From this point on we kept stealing, everything we possibly

could really. I guess the moral of this story is, don’t use hair as an elevator, it’s not safe and can

cause a chain reaction that can change the entire story. That's the end of our story, you can go

now.. you know that?

Charlize Sotomayor- Paragraphs 2 and 4

Breon Roberts - Paragraphs 1 and 5

Both- Paragraph 3

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