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8 CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School Primary One English 2018 Name: Date: Wednesday, 18 April 2018 English Review 1 ) Class: P4 Skill Attainment 4-&m 908 (at least 80% accuracy) [3m eo (at least 60% accuracy) 0-2m © {less than 60% aceuracy) Tdenilfy the correct pronoun in the context of a sentence. (Q1-05) Identify the most suitable vocabulary word in the context of a sentence. (Q6 - Q10) Rearrange the words to form a sentence or a question. (Q11-0%8) Remarks: Parent's Signature’ Total Marks: 20 Section A: Grammar Multiple-Choice Questions (5 x 1 mark) Read the questions carefully. Choose the most suitable answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. Use the pictures to help you. 1. My mother told ‘to finish up my milk, QI (2)it (3)me ; you ¢ ) 2. My uncle isa chef. cooks very well. (Dirt (2)He (3) She (4) They ( ) 3. Jane, Jack and Jill are triplets. are my neighbours. (1) He (2) We (3) She (4) They ( ) The lion is my favourite animal, so I took a picture of __“ (1) it & y (2)he (3)she (4)you ¢ ) Mrs Singh loved the rose Mr Singh gave her. = thanked him for it. : (I (2)He (3) She A (4) They ( ) parma Section B: Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Questions (5 x 1 mark) Read the questions carefully. Choose the most suitable answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided, Use the pictures to help you. 6. The dog awake, all night and kept everyone (1) mewed a (2) barked (3) croaked (4) quacked ( ) 7 The piglets rolled around happily in the wet and brown . aD (1) mud » (2) sand Lee aks (3) grass (4) water ( ) 8. The elephant uses its long to squirt water on itself. (2) tail (2) ears (3) tusk a (4) trunk ( ) 10. Mama Bear heard a noise and got. . Her heart started beating fast in fear as she tried to wake Papa Bear. (1) brave (2) relieved 2 : (3) annoyed [eer Tey bor (4) frightened ¢ ) Mother was very when she found out that T had broken her favourite vase. SD (1) glad a (2) happy (3) angry (4) scared ( ) Section C: Word Order (5 x 2 marks) Rearrange the words to form a question or a sentence. Begin each sentence with a capital letter. End each sentence with either a question mark or a full stop. 11. tothe zoo liketo go doyou | 12,my arethese presents birthday 13.ate we breakfast bread for flowers favourite sunflowers are

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