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Vol. 69,Christian
No. 12
Courier The Christian
Bellingham Courier
First Christian The Christian
Church Courier
December 2019

Advent 2019
hope peace joy love

Preparing the Way

Saturday, November 30, 2019
10a Hanging of the Greens — Come for
Third Sunday of Advent - Joy
the fun of decorating the sanctuary Sunday, December 15, 2019
and the narthex. 11a Worship, featuring the 2019
12p Head to lunch at the Food Court at Children’s Christmas Pageant
the Mall (just for fun!) 12:15p Potluck Lunch & Cookie Exchange
— Bring three dozen of your favorite
cookies to share as we join together in a
First Sunday of Advent - Hope time of fun, fellowship, cookies, and a bit
of holiday cheer.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
12:15p Commitment Sunday Lunch
2p Cookie recipes due to office Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love
11a Worship, featuring the Chancel Choir
Second Sunday of Advent - Peace Christmas Cantata “Appalachian Winter”

Sunday, December 8, 2019

2p Someone Cares! Community Christmas Eve
Meal and Joseph’s Closet Tuesday, December 24, 2019
4p Set up for Family Promise 6:30p Candlelight Worship Service
5p Family Promise guests arrive
Shoe’s News

First Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ) Shoe’s News
“Advent — a new journey”

495 East Bakerview Road What would happen if we approached this Advent Season
Bellingham, WA 98226 without all our preconceived notions and expectations?
360.734.6820 What if we threw out the schedule of what’s suppose to happen on the first Sunday of Advent and then the
Find us on Facebook second, the third? What would happen if we pretend that
Follow us on Twitter this is the very first Advent that any of us has ever
experienced? How would we choose to celebrate this
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) season of preparation? A season where we truly make
A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. room for Jesus. I wonder.
As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all
to the Lord’s Table as God welcomed us.
But really, isn’t that the true meaning of Advent? We’re
All of Us waiting for something to be revealed. We’re waiting for
something new, something amazing, something earth
Rev. Gary Shoemaker, Pastor
shattering. We can’t really accomplish that when we think
Rev. Tamalyn Kralman, Associate Pastor
we know what to expect, can we? So this Advent season,
- Ed. & Community Outreach - even if just for a fleeting moment, let’s look for the
Courier Editor unfamiliar, the unexpected. Perhaps Jesus will come in a very different form this time around. Maybe he’ll come as
Amelia Nye, Accompanist an old person needing to feel included. Maybe he’ll come
Rev. Sandy Messick, Regional Minister as one of our homeless friends who wants to share a
Rev. Terri Horde Owens
poem they’ve written. Maybe he’ll come as music, or a
General Minister and President painting that points us to a new way of seeing life.
Sunday Schedule
9:15a Older Youth-Adult Sunday School As we walk through Advent this year, let’s stop along the
10:50a Gathering Time way and look for Jesus. Not a Jesus born in a manger.
11a Worship But a Jesus who’s present with us everyday. A Jesus who
12:15 Fellowship Time
1p Out-to-Lunch Bunch
hasn’t even been discovered yet. Who knows, maybe he’ll
(4th Sunday) surprise us. Maybe we’ll surprise him!
2p Someone Cares! Community Meal
(2nd Sunday) Pastor Gary
Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday

We wish you a joyful

9 a.m. - noon
Our staff are in and out of the office throughout the

and peaceful
week. Please feel free to stop by during their office
hours or make an appointment that fits your

Christmas. With love

Gregg Heyne, Moderator from your church
Leslie Pinkston, Vice-Moderator
Betty Schmidling, Secretary staff.
Cheryl Perry, Treasurer

Important Links:
Pastor Ta m Ameli
Regional Website (including monthly
Gary or
General Church Website: Past

2 Sign up in the Fellowship Hall to bring Christmas Poinsettias December 2019

Nurse’s Notes Stewardship Schedule

Suicide: A Mounting Health Concern (Part Two)

Nurse’s Notes
from Your Faith Suicide is a difficult subject (and in many cases, a difficult reality) to
 acknowledge. But it is real and becoming a sad decision for many,
Nurse given their place
Tuesday in society, their
Wednesday health, theirFriday
Thursday age, their gender
identification, and many other factors. Because suicide is such a
predominant risk to health and life it is important to be informed.
This is second in a series of articles about suicide. It is hoped the
articles will be helpful toward a better understanding and greater
awareness about suicide and who is at risk.
Suicide: Race and Ethnicity
Suicide rates in Washington are highest among American Indian, Alaska Native, and white populations,
consistent with national rates. American Indians and Alaska Natives face severe historical trauma, high
rates of poverty and isolation, cultural taboos around death and suicide, and lack access to mental
healthcare. Among American Indian and Alaska Native youth age 15 to 24 years, the suicide rate is 3 to
4 times higher than other American youth and is the second leading cause of death for American Indian
and Alaska Natives in this age group (WSDOH, 2016). The risk for co-occurrence of substance abuse,
depression, and diabetes is over 12 times for these groups. The suicide rate tor American Indian
juveniles is more than double the white non-Hispanic rate and more than triple the rates for the other
racial/ethnic groups.
Among Hispanic/Latino youth and young adults the prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors
increase due to being more acculturated to mainstream American culture.
The suicide rate for African Americans is 70% lower than that of the non-Hispanic white population,
however, in 2014 the suicide death rate for African American men was more than four times greater than
for African American women (OMH 2017).
Gender and Age differences
Men are more likely to die by suicide than women, but women are more likely to attempt suicide. Men
are more likely to use deadlier methods, such as firearms or suffocation. Women are more likely than
men to attempt suicide by poisoning *(WSDOH, 2016).
During 2012-2104, 77% of suicide deaths is Washington were males. Men 75 and older had the highest
rate, while men 45-64 had the highest total number of suicides. Economic issues are linked to middle-
age adult suicides. For elderly men, contributing factors include economic insecurity, loss of significant
relationships, loneliness, fear of being a burden and the physical and mental stresses of aging (WSDOH,
Among women in the US, suicide is concentrated in the 35 to 64 age group (64.8%), peaking among
women 45-54 years. From 50 years of age, the suicide rates among women tend to diminish
progressively, until old age when rates start increasing again (Mendez-Bastos et al, 2013).
Affirmation: May we as fellow human beings be in mindful awareness of and extend compassion to the
vulnerability of the other. May we, as well, recognize our own vulnerability to the stresses of life. As we
live out each day may we be mindfully aware of Sacred grace and solace. So may it be. Amen
Jane E. Kletka, RN FCN

Timeline of Stewardship Emphasis and Preparation of 2020 Budget

December 1 — Commitment Sunday. Estimate of Giving cards will be turned in during worship. Lunch provided after
December 15 — Present budget to board for consideration
December 29 — Congregational meeting to consider 2020 Budget

3 Sign up in the Fellowship Hall to bring Christmas Poinsettias December 2019

Pageant & Cookie Exchange Joys & Concerns Stewardship Letter

Have we got a story for you! A Letter from the “This Service of Love”
We all love those adorable
Kids & small-sized people. Come on Finance Committee
Sunday, December 15,
Cookies Tuesday
during our worship service Wednesday
to see them at them in the
As we look atThursday
our ministry, one of
the phrases which comes to mind
Christmas Pageant! is taken from the Apostle Paul as
he teaches about commitment
After worship we will have a and response of the early church
potluck meal followed by to their Stewardship and ministry.
Our Annual Cookie The early church saw their
Exchange. Make sure you ministry as “This Service of
email the recipe for your Love.” II Corinthians 8:7
cookies to Tamalyn so we
can publish a recipe book. Include your name and where This is what our ministry is
you first acquired the recipe. about, “This Service of Love.”
Together as a united community, serving Christ, we will
build on the past and look ahead to grow our ministries
Joys and Concerns that will continue to make Bellingham Christian Church a
Please submit written requests to update this list. church that is vital to its people and to our greater
Medical concerns community. We are making a difference in the lives of
• Chloe Gibson people.
• Chuck Page, Connie Page & Family Ministry is about making choices as a church and as
• Diana Findlay’s son, Gary Schwebel individuals. It is about being faithful disciples; caring for
• Bob Fisher’s brother Allen Fisher; sister-in-law, Ellen and being responsible for all that God has entrusted to us.
Fisher We are Ministers of Jesus Christ, and it is our responsibility
• Kris Ann Lewis’s family, including stepdad-in-law, Pat to fulfill that commitment. We do that with our time, our
Spiller, & mother-in law, Vivian Lewis talents and our resources.
• Maureen Thompson, Melissa Henderson’s mom/
Leslie Pinkston’s sister The past four Sundays members of our congregation have
• Tamalyn Kralman’s mom, Virginia Bock shared with you how they see “This Service of Love” being
• Megan Shoemaker’s dad, Kyle Davis carried out in the ministry of this church. They have
• Sandy Grant’s friend, Bruce shared experiences in their lives telling how important this
church has been to them in their lives. We are currently
Life’s challenges working on the budget for 2020. While a budget has to do
• Ardythe Hannah & granddaughter Stephanie with money, it also shows where our priorities in ministry
• Jimmie & Dick Talley lie and how we, as a church respond to God’s love and call
• Kris Ann Lewis’s family: brother Phil, sister-in-law to Ministry.
Cary, nephew Matt, niece Hannah, Branchy family If you do not receive a Covenant Card in the mail, you will
find one at the church. These are available for you to
Beyond Our Walls seriously and prayerfully estimate your giving and
• Rev. Sandy Messick, Regional Minister and President covenant to the ministry of Bellingham Christian Church in
• Rev. Teresa Hord Owens, General Minister and 2020. This Sunday, November 24, we will conclude our
President Stewardship Emphasis in worship with Rev. Dick Talley
• Kristine Tissinger, missionary partner in Ghana preaching. Then on Sunday, December 1, again as a part
• Yakama Christian Mission of worship, we will offer and dedicate our Estimate of
• Our General Church ministries Giving Cards.
• Iglesia de Dios, as together we share God’s love
• Community to Community families in their The 2020 Commitment Theme; “This Service of Love,”
gardening program in our field challenges us to discern how we express to God, to each
• For the healing of our nation other, and to the world how we fulfill our ministry as
• Refugees worldwide Christ’s disciples. Bring your Estimate of Giving Card to
• Victims of hatred, injustice, violence, poverty, worship on Sunday, December 1, or send it to church for
disease, and disaster dedication. Please keep our church in your prayers.
• All troops involved in world conflict Richard Talley
• Peacemakers worldwide Finance Committee, Chair

4 Sign up in the Fellowship Hall to bring Christmas Poinsettias December 2019

Sunday Ministry Teams Birthdays & Anniversaries Financial Summary

Sunday, December 15
Elder: Leslie Pinkston
Deacons: Kris Ann Lewis, Celia Obrecht
Reader: James Becker
Children's Moment: Linda Heyne
Children’s Church: Tamalyn Kralman
Sunday, December 1 Flowers: Poinsettias
Elder: Steve Hutchens Fellowship Time: Book Group
Elder of the Month: Linda Heyne
Sunday, December 22
Deacons: James Becker, Bentley Becker
Elder: Kathy Wheeler
Reader: Marceille Kobel
Deacons: Linda Botts, Melissa Henderson
Children's Moment: Megan Shoemaker
Reader: Kris Ann Lewis
Children’s Church: Linda Heyne
Children's Moment: Megan Shoemaker
Flowers: Poinsettias
Children’s Church: Tamalyn Kralman
Fellowship Time: Brenda Riseland, honoring
Flowers: Poinsettias
December birthdays
Fellowship Time: Esther Group
Sunday, December 8
Sunday, December 29
Elder: Jane Kletka
Elder: Bob Fisher
Deacons: Renee Hoemann, Zoe Ila Becker
Deacons: Linda Botts, Melissa Henderson
Reader: Gregg Heyne
Reader: Fran Frazee
Children's Moment: Tamalyn Kralman
Children's Moment:
Children’s Church: Marceille Kobel
Children’s Church: No Children’s Church
Flowers: Poinsettias
Flowers & Fellowship Time: TBD
Fellowship Time:TBD

Sign up in the fellowship hall to help in these important ministries.

Care for Your Soul

• Sunday School, 9:15 Sunday
• Out-to-Lunch Bunch, 1p, 4th
Happy Birthday • Book Group, 7p, 4th Sundays
Cyndy Koehn 1 Joe Plancich 28 • Esther Group, 11:30a, 3rd Mondays
Walter Bayless 2 Blair Whitney 30 • Bible Study, 11a, Tuesdays
Alisha Sanchez 7 Happy Anniversary • Pub Theology, 6p, 3rd Wednesday
Terry Udo 9 Gary Shoemaker & • Checking in Group, 5p, 4th Wed.
Devon Martin 12 Tamalyn Kralman 27 • Bell Choir, 6p, Thursdays
Sandy Grant 13 Don & Melody Hoffman 30 • Chancel Choir, 7p, Thursdays
Betty Erickson 21 James & Bridget Becker 31 • Men's Breakfast, 7:30a, Sat., Denny's

Care for God’s World

• Alternative Christmas Faire
Finan¢ial Update •

Blessing Bags
• Clean Water Projects
General Fund • Comfort Quilt Ministry
Balance 1/19/19 $0 • Community Gardens
Income 1/1/ - 9/30/19 $101,206.65 • Community Meal
• Family Promise Hosts
Expenses 1/1 - 9/30/19 $111,925.02
• Family Promise Day Center
Balance 9/30/19 -10,718.37
• Food Bank collections
• Joseph’s Closet
Saving From Deemer Road +$13,888.06 • Justice Sunday
$3,169.69 • Socks on the Street

5 Sign up in the Fellowship Hall to bring Christmas Poinsettias December 2019

December 2019
December 2019
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4
 6 7
9:15a Sun. School
 Bulletin deadline
 7:30a Men’s Break-
10:50a Gathering
11a Meditation
 fast, Denny’s
11a Worship

 5:30p Nurture

6p Bell Choir 
 6:30p Vision
7p Choir Rehearsal

 9 10 11
 12 13 14
9:15a Sun. School
 Bulletin deadline
 7:30a Men’s Break-
10:50a Gathering
11a Meditation
 fast, Denny’s
11a Worship
6p Bell Choir 

12:15p Fellowship Time
 7p Choir Rehearsal

2p Com’ty Meal Family Promise Hosts

15 Courier deadline
 17 18 19
 20 21

9:15a Sun. School
 11:30a Esther Group Bulletin deadline
 7:30a Men’s Break-
10:50a Gathering
Lunch 11a Meditation
 fast, Denny’s
11a Cantata/Pageant
6p Bell Choir 
 6p Pub Theology
12:15p Potluck Lunch &
 7p Choir Rehearsal

Cookie Exchange

22 23 24 25 26
 27 28
9:15a Sun. School
 7:30a Men’s Break-
10:50a Gathering

 fast, Denny’s
Wednesday Thursday

11a Worship


12:15p Fellowship Time
 Merry Christmas!

Sign up in the Fellowship Hall to bring Christmas Poinsettias

6:30p Christmas Eve Pastor Gary’s 2nd week of sabbatical
7p Book Group Candlelight Worship

29 30 31 1 2
9:15a Sun. School


10:50a Gathering

11a Worship

12:15p Fellowship Time


December 2019
December Calendar

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