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INPV611 e-class

Exercises for File 10B

Nombre estudiante: Marcelo Escobar Sección: INPV611-001V

I. Correct the mistakes.

1. We use to enjoyed loud music. We use to enjoy loud music

2. He used to likes his toys. He used to likes his toys
3. She uses to hate homework. She used to hate homework
4. It used started early every morning. It used started early every morning
5. I used to hate housework. I used to hate housework
6. He used spends 2 hours commuting. He used spends 2 hours commuting
7. She used to likes going to the supermarket. She used to likes going to the supermarket
8. They used love the theater. They used love the theater

II. Responde las siguientes preguntas usando la estructura USED TO.

1. What did you use to do after school when you were 10?
I used to play football with my friends

2. Where did you use to like going in summer?

I liked going to the camping

3. What did you use to eat for dinner when you were 15?
I usually don't eat dinner

4. Who used to be your hero when you were a kid?

My grandfather used to be my hero

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