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Normal Distributions and the

Empirical Rule

Normal Distributions and the Empirical Rule
One of the most important statistical distributions of data is known as a normal
distribution. This distribution occurs in a variety of applications.

Types of data that may demonstrate a normal distribution include the lengths of
leaves on a tree, the weights of newborns in a hospital, the lengths of time of a
student’s trip from home to school over a period of months, the SAT scores of a
large group of students, and the life spans of light bulbs.

Normal Distributions and the Empirical Rule
A normal distribution forms a bell-shaped curve that is symmetric about a
vertical line through the mean of the data. A graph of a normal distribution with
a mean of 5 is shown below.

Normal Distributions and the Empirical Rule

Normal Distributions and the Empirical Rule

In the normal distribution shown below, the area of the

shaded region is 0.159 units. This region represents the
fact that 15.9% of the data are greater than or equal to 10.

Because the area under the curve is 1, the unshaded region

under the curve has area 1 – 0.159, or 0.841, representing
the fact that 84.1% of the data are less than 10.

Normal Distributions and the Empirical Rule
The following rule, called the Empirical Rule, describes the percents of data
that lie within 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations of the mean in a normal

Normal Distributions and the Empirical Rule

A normal

Example 2 – Use the Empirical Rule to Solve an Application
A survey of 1000 U.S. gas stations found that the price charged for a gallon of
regular gas could be closely approximated by a normal distribution with a mean
of $3.10 and a standard deviation of $0.18. How many of the stations charge

a. between $2.74 and $3.46 for a gallon of regular gas?

b. less than $3.28 for a gallon of regular gas?
c. more than $3.46 for a gallon of regular gas?

Example 2 – Solution
a. The $2.74 per gallon price is 2 standard deviations
below the mean. The $3.46 price is 2 standard
deviations above the mean. In a normal distribution,
95% of all data lie within 2 standard deviations of the
mean. See Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4

Example 2 – Solution
Therefore approximately cont’d

of the stations charge between $2.74 and $3.46 for a

gallon of regular gas.

Example 2 – Solution cont’d
b. The $3.28 price is 1 standard deviation above the mean. See Figure 4.5.

In a normal distribution, 34% of all data lie between the

mean and 1 standard deviation above
Figure 4.5
the mean.

Example 2 – Solution
Thus, approximately cont’d

of the stations charge between $3.10 and $3.28 for a

gallon of regular gasoline.

Half of the 1000 stations, or 500 stations, charge less

than the mean.

Therefore about 340 + 500 = 840 of the stations charge

less than $3.28 for a gallon of regular gas.

Example 2 – Solution
c. The $3.46 price is 2 standard deviations above the cont’d
mean. In a normal distribution, 95% of all data are within 2 standard
deviations of the mean.

This means that the other 5% of the data will lie either more than 2 standard
deviations above the mean or more than 2 standard deviations below the
mean. We are interested only in the data that are more than 2 standard
deviations above the mean, which is of 5%, or 2.5%, of the data.

Example 2 – Solution
See Figure 4.6. cont’d

Thus about Figure 4.6

of the stations charge more than $3.46 for a gallon of

regular gas.


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