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Smooth Interpolation of Zero Curves

Ken Adams

Smoothness is a desirable characteristic of interpolated zero curves; not only is it

intuitively appealing, but there is some evidence that it provides more accurate
pricing of securities. This paper outlines the mathematics necessary to
understand the smooth interpolation of zero curves, and describes two useful
methods: cubic-spline interpolation—which guarantees the smoothest
interpolation of continuously compounded zero rates—and smoothest forward-
rate interpolation—which guarantees the smoothest interpolation of the
continuously compounded instantaneous forward rates. Since the theory of spline
interpolation is explained in many textbooks on numerical methods, this paper
focuses on a careful explanation of smoothest forward-rate interpolation.

Risk and other market professionals often show a smooth interpolation. There is a simple
keen interest in the smooth interpolation of mathematical definition of smoothness, namely, a
interest rates. Though smooth interpolation is smooth function is one that has a continuous
intuitively appealing, there is little published differential. Thus, any zero curve that can be
research on its benefits. Adams and van represented by a function with a continuous first
Deventer’s (1994) investigation into whether derivative is necessarily smooth. However,
smooth interpolation affected the accuracy of interpolated zero curves are not necessarily
pricing swaps lends some credence to the smooth; for example, curves that are created by
intuitive belief that smooth interpolation gives the well-known technique of linear interpolation
more accurate results than linear interpolation. of a set of yields are not smooth, since the first
The authors took swap rates for maturities of derivative is discontinuous. This article extends
one, two, three, five, seven and 10 years together the simple mathematical definition of
with the six-month zero rate, removed the seven- smoothness, and then describes the implications
year swap rate from the data and created the of the extended definition for the smooth
implied zero-rate curve from the remaining data. interpolation of zero curves.
The resulting zero-rate curve was used to
calculate the missing seven-year swap rate which The mathematics of zero curves
was then compared to the actual seven-year swap
The mathematics of zero curves is derived from
rate. The authors found that swap rates the prices of discount bonds; a discount bond
calculated with smoothly interpolated zero-rate being a security that pays, with certainty, a unit
curves were closer to the actual seven-year swap amount at maturity. The following axioms define
rate than swap rates calculated with curves that the discount bond market:
were linearly interpolated.
• The market trades continuously over its
This paper aims to describe the mathematics and trading horizon: it extends from the current
finance theory necessary for an understanding of time to some distant future time such that


Interpolation of zero curves

the maturities of all the instruments to be maturity of coupon-bearing bonds and yield
valued fall between now and the trading curves derived from the continuously
horizon. compounded yields to maturity of zero coupon
(discount) bonds. This article is concerned only
• The market is frictionless: no transaction with the latter, which are called zero curves. In
costs or taxes are incurred in trading, there addition, the term zero yield is used to refer to
are no restrictions on trade (legal or the continuously compounded yield to maturity
otherwise) such as margin requirements on of a zero coupon bond. Note that all rates are
short sales, and the goods in the market are continuously compounded. It is an easy matter to
infinitely divisible. convert to and from periodic compounding, and
the use of continuous compounding enables the
• The market is competitive: every trader can
expression of the mathematics of zero curves in a
buy and sell as many bonds as desired
particularly simple and elegant form, which
without changing the market price.
greatly simplifies the discussion.
• The market is efficient: information is
Prices and yields
available to all traders simultaneously, and
every trader makes use of all the available Consider a bond which is sold now, at time t, and
information. is due to mature at time x, where t ≤ x < x∞ . The
• The market is complete: any desired cash trading horizon, x ∞ , is much greater than zero
flow can be obtained from a suitable self- and is longer than the maturity of any bond.
financing strategy based on a portfolio of Suppose the price of the bond is denoted by
discount bonds. P ( t ,x ) . Since the bond pays a unit amount at

• There are no arbitrage opportunities: the maturity, we must have P(x ,x) = 1 . When t < x
price of a portfolio is the sum of its the bond sells at a discount and P(t ,x) < 1 . Thus,
constituent parts. in general, we have P(t ,x) ≤ 1 .

• All traders in the market act to maximize Now, define the zero yield in terms of the bond
their profits: they are rational and prefer price. The zero yield, as seen at time t, of a bond
more to less. that matures at time x, t ≤ x < x∞ , is denoted by
y ( t, x ) and is defined, for t < x , by the relationship
These axioms are necessary for the development
of the mathematics of zero curves. However, they
P (t,x) = exp ( – ( x – t ) y ( t, x ) ) (1)
may not apply to real markets. For example, one
conclusion that can be drawn from the axioms is Equation 1 states that the price of the bond at
that the market prices equal the intrinsic value of time t is equal to its discounted value. Note that
the bonds; that is, there is no “noise” in the
this relationship does not define y(t ,t) since
market prices. Further, the market completeness
P ( T, T ) = 1 for all T; so, for a discount bond
axiom implies that all points on the zero curve
are known. In fact, the zero curve is not defined maturing at t = T , both sides of the equation are
by an infinite set of values, but rather by a equal to unity, irrespective of the value of y(t ,t) .
discrete, finite set. The zero yield in terms of the price of a bond is
obtained by rearranging Equation 1:
Discount bonds are often called zero coupon
bonds, in contrast to coupon bonds that make – ln ( P(t ,x) )
y (t,x) = -------------------------- (2)
more than one cash payment to their owner. It is x–t
usual to distinguish between yield curves derived
from the periodically compounded yields to provided t < x .


Interpolation of zero curves

Forward rates where

Suppose that at time t we enter into a forward ∂
y x (t , x ) = y(t ,x)
contract to deliver at time x1 a bond that will ∂x
mature at time x 2 . Let the forward price of the To derive an equation for the instantaneous
bond be denoted by P(t, x 1 ,x 2) . At the same time, forward rates in terms of the bond prices,
Equation 2 can be rearranged to obtain
a bond that matures at time x 1 is purchased; the
price of this bond is P ( t, x 1 ) . Further, again at – ln ( P(t ,x) ) = ( x – t )y(t, x) (8)

time t, a bond that matures at time x 2 is bought; Differentiating Equation 8 with respect to x gives
the price of this bond is P ( t, x2 ) . Note that the
– P x(t, x)
complete-market axiom guarantees that these ------------------- = y(t, x) + ( x – t )y x(t, x) (9)
P(t, x)
bonds exist. In addition, the axiom specifying
that there are no arbitrage opportunities implies Finally, by direct comparison of Equation 7 and
that the price of the bond maturing at time x2 Equation 9
must be equal to the product of the price of the – P x(t ,x)
bond maturing at time x1 and the forward price: f(t ,x) = ------------------ (10)
P(t ,x)

P(t ,x2) = P(t ,x1)P(t ,x1 ,x 2) (3) It is now possible to define y(t, t) , which, as noted,
is not defined by Equation 2. First, note that
Let the implied forward rate, as seen at time t, for Equation 7 implies f(t ,t) = y(t ,t) . Then, noting
the period x 1 to x2 be f ( t, x 1, x 2 ) , defined by: that P(t, t) = 1 , Equation 10 can be used to
P(t ,x1 ,x 2) = exp ( – ( x2 – x 1 ) f ( t ,x 1 ,x2 ) ) (4)
– P x(t ,x)
y(t ,t) = lim ------------------ = lim – P x(t ,x)
Note the similarity between the definition of the x → t P(t ,x) x→t

implied forward rate (as defined in Equation 4)

Defining the zero curve
and the zero rates (as defined in Equation 1). On
substituting Equation 1 and Equation 4 into Assume that the prices of all bonds in the market
Equation 3 we obtain are known; the implication being that the value
of y ( t, x ) for ( t ≤ x ≤ x∞ ) is known. Then, the
exp ( – ( x 2 – t )y(t ,x2) ) = exp ( – ( x 1 – t )y(t ,x i) ) current zero curve (i.e., the one seen at time t)
× exp ( – ( x 2 – x1 )f(t ,x1 ,x 2) ) comprises the zero yields, as seen at time t, of the
zero coupon bonds, which mature between t and
Rearranging Equation 5 gives x∞ , inclusive; that is, the current zero curve
( x 2 – t ) y (t,x 2) – ( x 1 – t ) y (t,x 1) defined by y ( t, x ) for ( t ≤ x ≤ x∞ ) .
f ( t, x 1, x 2 ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------- (6)
x 2 – x1
Though the zero curve is defined in terms of the
zero yields, it can be defined in terms of the
The forward rate f ( t, x 1, x2 ) , defined in
instantaneous forward rates. In this case, the zero
Equation 6, is the period forward rate. However, curve is defined by the instantaneous forward
the instantaneous forward rate is of much greater rates f (t,x) for t ≤ x ≤ x∞ . The zero yield in terms of
importance in the theory of the term structure.
the instantaneous forward rate is obtained by
The instantaneous forward rate for time x, as
integrating Equation 7:
seen at time t, is denoted by f (t,x) and is the
continuously compounded rate defined by x
y(t, x) = --------- ò f(t ,u) du (11)
f(t ,x) = lim f(t ,x ,x + h) = y(t, x) + ( x – t )y x(t ,x) (7) x–t
h→0 t


Interpolation of zero curves

This completes the essential mathematical methods, here, we consider those methods that
theory of zero curves. In the following sections, require knowledge of the data points only. This
the relevance of this theory to the interpolation excludes, for example, Hermitian interpolation,
of zero curves is shown, with particular emphasis which requires knowledge of the derivative
on smoothest forward-rate interpolation. values as well as the values at the data points. In
addition, the use of algebraic polynomials, such
The smooth interpolation of zero curves as Lagrange polynomials, are excluded because
the order of the interpolating polynomial must, in
To construct zero curves from market data, general, be n – 1 , which implies that there could
assume that the n data values are be as many as n – 2 maxima and minima, and this
{ (x1,y 1) ,(x2,y 2) ,… ,(x n,y n) }
is not a desirable property of a zero curve.
Consequently, we consider only piecewise spline
where 0 ≤ x1 < x2 < … < xn < x∞ are the times to curves. Splines were originally strips of elastic
maturity of n ≥ 1 zero coupon bonds and material used by engineering draughtsmen to
y i = y ( 0 ,xi ) is the zero rate corresponding to the draw smooth curves through a given set of
time to maturity x i ( i = 1 ,2 ,… ,n ). Note that we points, known as knot points. Being elastic, the
splines assume the shape that minimizes their
have implicitly set t = 0 , as is customary when strain energy. Unconstrained, this shape is a
constructing a zero curve from current market straight line. However, when the splines are
data. This allows the simplification of the constrained to pass through a set of points, and
notation as follows. Use y(x) and f(x) to denote no other constraints are imposed (e.g., they were
y ( 0 ,x ) and f ( 0, x ) , respectively. Using this new not twisted at the ends), an elastic spline assumes
notation, yi = y ( xi ) . a shape that is “as straight as possible.”

In developing the mathematical theory of zero Analogously, the zero curve is defined by the n
curves, it is assumed that the value of y ( t, x ) for data points { (x1,y1) ,(x2,y2) ,… ,(xn,yn) } , where each
( t ≤ x ≤ x∞ ) is known. In reality, the current zero one of the data values represents a knot point,
that is a point at which the (as yet unspecified)
curve is not defined by this infinite set of values
spline segments join. If the spline segment
implied by the complete market axiom, but,
function for the interval x i ≤ x < x i + 1 is denoted
rather, by a set of discrete data values { (xi,yi) } ,
by S i , then the zero curve can be defined by the
each value comprising a time to maturity and a
zero rate. If we wish to use the mathematics of set of functions {S1, S 2 ,… ,S n – 1} . If it is necessary
zero curves derived above, the discrete set of to extrapolate beyond the end values, (x 1,y1) and
values must be extended to an infinite set. This is (xn,y n) ,
two further spline functions, S 0 and S n ,
achieved by defining the current zero curve by a
will be needed; the former being used for the
combination of the set of discrete data values and
range at the left-hand end, 0 ≤ x < x 1 , and the
a method for interpolating those values. Given
these, the value of y ( x ) for any value of x in the latter for the range at the right-hand end,
xn ≤ x < x ∞ . Though nothing has been said about
range ( 0 ≤ x < x ∞ ) can be found. Note that one
the form of the spline functions, polynomial
consequence of this definition of the zero curve is
splines are sufficient for our purpose.
that changing the interpolation method changes
the zero curve. The simplest type of interpolation algorithm is
the two-point algorithm, where interpolation of
values in the interval xi ≤ x < x i + 1 depends only
Interpolation methods provide a means to on the two points (x i,yi) and (xi + 1,y i + 1) . In
calculate values of y ( x ) for times xi that do not
contrast, the multi-point algorithm requires
coincide with the given times to maturity, knowledge beyond the adjacent knot points. The
x 1 ,x2 ,… ,x n . Though there are many interpolation well-known technique of linear interpolation is a


Interpolation of zero curves

two-point algorithm, and cubic-spline Though the theory of strain energy is not
interpolation is a multi-point algorithm. discussed, note that the smaller the quantity, the
less the strain energy or, intuitively, the smaller
Smoothness the “bending” of the elastic spline. This quantity
Recall that a smooth function is one that has a is taken as the measurement of smoothness for
continuous differential. Thus, any zero curve that the splines: the smaller this measure of
can be represented by a continuous function is smoothness, the smoother the interpolating
smooth. However, the same is not necessarily curve. The measure of smoothness shall be used
true for interpolated zero curves; for example, to determine the “best” interpolation methods
curves that are created by linear interpolation are for zero curves.
not smooth. This observation applies to all two- A second property of elastic splines is useful.
point interpolation formulae, since, in general, Since the only constraints are that the splines
there is a discontinuity in the first derivative at must pass through the given points, the parts of
the knot points. For similar reasons, it also the splines that project beyond the curve defined
applies to any method that does not use the full by the specified points are not subject to any
set of data points in the construction of the spline constraints. This implies that the portions of the
curve. In general, there must be at least one knot splines beyond the ends of the specified points
point at which the derivatives are not are linear (since this minimizes the strain energy
continuous. Consequently, only those in those parts of the splines). Thus, the second
interpolation methods that use all of the data derivatives of the splines beyond the given data
points to construct the spline curve are points are zero.
The determination of the smoothest possible
The mathematical definition of smoothness does interpolation method depends on whether we
not help to distinguish between different spline want to find the smoothest zero curve or the
functions; in particular, it does not provide a
smoothest forward-rate curve (specifically, the
measure of smoothness. To define a measure of
smoothest continuously compounded forward-
smoothness, we begin with a simple idea that rate curve). Thus, two interpolation methods are
makes intuitive sense and then give it a precise considered. Cubic-spline interpolation
meaning. Intuitively, interpolation functions with
guarantees the smoothest zero curve, and
the smallest number of maxima and minima have
smoothest forward-rate interpolation guarantees
the fewest possible “bends,” that is, they are as the smoothest continuously compounded
close as possible to a straight line. Recall that forward-rate curve. Since cubic-spline
straight lines can not be used to join the knot
interpolation is a standard technique dealt with
points, because when data sets contain more
in many books on numerical methods, it is
than two points, linear interpolation is not reviewed only briefly here.

Elastic splines are a mechanical equivalent of our Smoothest zero-rate interpolation

intuitive idea to draw a curve with the fewest
possible bends, as well as a means of defining a The cubic-spline interpolation method produces
precise measure of smoothness. The strain energy smooth zero curves. Moreover, it can be shown
depends on the shape, g(x) , assumed by the spline that (see, e.g., Burden and Faires (1997)), for the
( g(x) is used to avoid confusion with f(x) , which is measure of smoothness defined by the strain
energy, no interpolating function passing through
used to denote forward rates). It can be shown
(see, for example, Schwarz (1989)) that the the given data values is smoother than the cubic
spline passing through the same points. The most
strain energy over the interval [a,b] is related to
commonly used cubic spline is the natural cubic
the quantity
spline, which is constructed so that the second
b derivatives at both end points are zero. This is
æ ∂2 ö2
ò è ∂ x2 ÷ø dx
ç g (x ) analogous to allowing the ends of the splines to
a be unconstrained so that the free ends are linear.


Interpolation of zero curves

Values beyond the two end points are calculated Smoothest forward-rate interpolation
using linear extrapolation. However, if the
gradient of this line is too steep, the extrapolated Though smooth zero curves are desirable,
values may be unacceptably high (positive practitioners often state a preference for zero
gradient) or negative (negative gradient). If our curves that have the smoothest forward rates.
aim is to create a zero curve with a better shape, The interpolating function that guarantees the
smoothest continuously compounded
it is possible to constrain the cubic spline so that
instantaneous forward-rate curve is a quartic
the gradient at the right-hand end is zero; the
spline. Recall that the data consist of zero rates,
constrained spline behaves like zero curves that
not forward rates. Therefore, the quartic spline
tend to flatten at longer maturities. Then linear
that is constructed does not pass through the
extrapolation gives a smooth curve, albeit a data points. In this section, the equations of the
horizontal one for maturities longer than the smoothest forward-rate interpolating function
maturities in the data set. are given, and the linear equations to be solved
to find the coefficients defining that function are
A financial cubic spline denotes a cubic spline specified.
that is constrained so that its derivative at its
right-hand end is zero, and its second derivative We wish to construct a quartic spline for each of
at the left-hand end is also zero. These additional the n – 1 sections between the knot points. The
constraints mean that it will have a slightly ith spline segment can be expressed as
different shape than the natural cubic spline 2 3 4
S i(x) = a + bx + cx + dx + ex (12)
passing through the same set of points, so it will
not be the smoothest curve to interpolate those
where S i(x) represents the function f(x) over the
points (the natural cubic spline is). However, no
other interpolation function that is subject to the range x i ≤ x < xi + 1 .
same constraints as the financial cubic spline,
Each spline segment is a quartic polynomial and
and which fits the given data, is smoother than
there are n – 1 segments; 5 ( n – 1 ) = 5n – 5
the financial cubic spline that interpolates that unknown coefficients must be found.
The system of linear equations is defined by the
A further property of cubic-spline interpolation is following constraints:
worthy of mention. The general equation for a
• the n original zero rates must be recoverable
cubic is y = a + bx + cx2 + dx 3 , suggesting the
from the zero curve
need for four coefficients (a, b, c and d) for each
section of the spline curve. However, it is also • there must be continuity:
possible to define a cubic spline in terms of the
given x and y values and the second derivatives • at the n – 2 interior knot points
at the knot points. Thus, to create a cubic-spline • of the first derivatives at the n – 2
zero curve, it is necessary to find only the second interior knot points
derivatives at the knot points, which leads to a
set of tri-diagonal linear equations. A standard • of the second derivatives at the n – 2
algorithm for solving sets of linear equations is interior knot points
LU decomposition and back-substitution. When • of the third derivatives at the n – 2
the set of equations is tri-diagonal, the algorithm interior knot points.
takes a particularly efficient form so that the
Thus far, n + 4 ( n – 2 ) = 5n – 8 conditions have
implementation of cubic-spline interpolation is
been defined. The additional three conditions
computationally efficient. These algorithms are
imposed are f ′(x n) = 0 , f ″(x1) = 0 and f ″(x n) = 0 .
described in standard texts on numerical
methods (see, e.g., Burden and Faires (1997)). The first condition, f ′(x n) = 0 , ensures that the


Interpolation of zero curves

right-hand end of the curve is flat. The last two In the second case, where 0 < x1 , the spot rate at
of these conditions constrain the second time zero is unknown. Again, from Equation 11
derivatives of the forward curve at both the left-
hand and right-hand ends to be zero. Together,
these ( 5n – 5 ) conditions ensure that the ò f(u) du = x1 y1 (16)
interpolating spline has the smoothest 0

instantaneous forward rates.

In addition, the functional form of f(x) must be
Each of these constraints is considered in specified. Since S 1 ′′(x 1) = 0 , an obvious choice is
constructing the linear equations that will be to use linear extrapolation for the range 0 ≤ x ≤ x 1 ;
solved to find the coefficients. this corresponds to the straight line that an
Recovering the yields unconstrained elastic spline would take. Thus,
the equation for the left-hand extrapolation is:
Recall from Equation 11 that:
f(x) = f 1 + m ( x – x 1 ) (17)

( x – t )y ( t, x ) = ò f(t, u) du (13) where

2 3 4
f1 = a 1 + b1 x 1 + c1 x 1 + d1 x1 + e1 x 1 (18)
Then, since t = 0 , Equation 13 takes the form
2 3
x m = b 1 + 2c 1 x 1 + 3d1 x 1 + 4e 1 x1 (19)
xy ( x ) = ò f(u) du The values of m and f1 are derived directly from
Equation 12. Substituting Equation 17 into
This must apply at each knot point. Thus, at the Equation 16, we obtain
knot point (x i,yi)
xi xi + 1 xi + 1 xy = ò ( f 1 + m ( u – x1 ) ) du
xi + 1 yi + 1 = ò f(u) du + ò f(u) du = x i y i + ò f(u) du (14) 0

0 xi xi
Hence, the extrapolated zero rate is
This is true for 1 ≤ i ≤ n – 1 . Substituting mx
y = f 1 + ------- – mx1 (20)
Equation 12 for f(x) in Equation 14 over this 2
range and integrating gives
The validity of Equation 20 can be checked by
bi 2
noting that y ( 0 ) = f1 – mx 1 = f ( 0 ) , as expected.
2 (15)
x i + 1 yi + 1 – xi yi = a i x i + 1 – xi + --- xi + 1 – xi Therefore,
ci 3 3 di 4 4 mx1 b1 x1 d1 x 1 4
+ --- ( x x + 1 – x i ) + ---- ( xi + 1 – xi ) y ( 0 ) = y 0 = f 1 – --------- = a 1 + ---------- – ---------- – e 1 x 1 (21)
3 4 2 2 2

ei 5 5 Equation 21 is also valid for x 1 = 0 ; so it suffices

+ --- ( x i + 1 – x i )
whether or not the spot rate at time zero is
We consider two cases. In the first case, the spot known.
rate at time zero is known; in the second case, it First, note that the validity of the extrapolation
is unknown. backward from x 1 to time zero depends on the
Equation 15 can be used to match all yields value of x 1 . Here, x 1 is the shortest maturity; so
except the first. If the spot rate at t = 0 is known the larger its value, the greater the time to
( x 1 = 0 ), then f(x 1) = f ( 0 ) = y1 and maturity over which extrapolation is linear. Thus,
the smaller x 1 , the better; if possible, the
y 1 = S 1(x 1) = S 1(0) = a 1 overnight rate should be used.


Interpolation of zero curves

Continuity constraints are numbered 1, 2, …, n – 1 to correspond to the

Continuity at the interior knot points is spline segments S 1, S 2, …, Sn – 1 , then the rows in
equivalent to requiring that block i ( 1 ≤ i < n – 1 ) are, in order,
S i(x i + 1) = S i + 1(x i + 1) for 0 ≤ i ≤ n – 2 , so that, on
• Match yi + 1
substituting the equations for Si and S i + 1
• Ensure continuity at internal knot points:
2 3 4 S i(x i + 1) = S i + 1(xi + 1)
ai + bi xi + 1 + ci xi + 1 + di xi + 1 + ei xi + 1
2 3 4
= ai + 1 + bi + 1 x i + 1 + c i + 1 xi + 1 + d i + 1 x i + 1 + ei + 1 x i + 1 • Ensure continuity of first derivative at
internal knot points:
Continuity of the first derivatives at the interior S ′ i(x i + 1) = S ′ i + 1(xi + 1)
knot points is equivalent to
S ′ i(x i + 1) = S ′ i + 1(x i + 1) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n – 1 , so that • Ensure continuity of second derivative at
internal knot points:
2 3 S ′′ i(x i + 1) = S ′′ i + 1(x i + 1)
b i + 2c i xi + 1 + 3d i xi + 1 + 4e i x i + 1
2 3 • Ensure continuity of third derivative at
= b i + 1 + 2c i + 1 x i + 1 + 3d i + 1 xi + 1 + 4e i + 1 xi + 1
internal knot points:
Continuity of the second derivatives at the S ′′′ i(x i + 1) = S ′′′ i + 1(x i + 1)
interior knot points is equivalent to
The last block, i = n – 1 , contains the rows
S′′(x i + 1) = S′′ i + 1(x i + 1) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n – 1 , so that
• Match yn
2 2
c i + 3d i x i + 1 + 6e i x i + 1 = c i + 1 + 3d i + 1 x i + 1 + 6e i + 1 x i + 1
• Set S ′ n – 1(x n) = 0
Continuity of the third derivative at the interior
knot points is equivalent to the constraint • Set S ′′ n – 1(xn) = 0
S ′′′ i(xi + 1) = S ′′′ i + 1(x i + 1) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n – 1 , so that
• Match y1
d i + 4e i xi + 1 = d i + 1 + 4e i + 1 xi + 1
• Set S ′′ 1(x 1) = 0
Additional constraints
Note that the second, third and fifth lines
The first additional constraint, f ′(xn) = 0 , implies contain the additional constraints.
b n – 1 + 2c n – 1 x n + 3d n – 1 x n + 4e n – 1 x n = 0
3 Unlike cubic splines, the system of linear
equations describing quartic splines cannot be
The second additional constraint, f ″(x n) = 0 , represented by a tri-diagonal matrix; standard
diagonal decomposition and back-substitution
implies must be used to solve the system of equations.
2 (For a description of this standard method, see
cn – 1 + dn – 1 x n + en – 1 x n = 0
Burden and Faires (1997)).
The third additional constraint, f ″′(x1) = 0 , Once the coefficients are known, it is possible to
implies interpolate and extrapolate values from the zero
curve, such that these values correspond to the
c 1 + 3d 1 x 1 + 6e 1 x1 = 0 smoothest forward-rate curve.

Solving the system of equations Interpolating values from the zero curve

The linear equations defined above are arranged In order to interpolate the value of f(x) for
into blocks of five equations each. If the blocks x1 < x ≤ x n , first determine the index i such that


Interpolation of zero curves

x i ≤ x < x i + 1 . Then, from Equation 11 value fn where

x 2 3 4
æ i x
ö æ x
ö fn = an – 1 + bn – 1 x n + c n – 1 xn + d n – 1 x n + e n – 1 xn
1-- ç 1-- ç
y = ò f(u) du + ò f(u) du = y i x i + ò f(u) du÷
xç ÷ xç ÷
è0 xi ø è xi ø Thus, the integral of the forward rate is
1 bi 2 2
= -- æ x i y i + ai ( x – xi ) + --- ( x – xi ) xn
xè 2 x x

c i 3 3 di 4 4 ei 5 5 ò f(u) du = ò f ( u ) du + ò f ( u ) du
+ --- ( x – x i ) + ---- ( x – xi ) + --- ( x – x i ) ö
3 4 5 ø 0 0 xn
x (22)

The value x = x 1 has been excluded to avoid = x n y n + ò f n du

problems with division by zero when x1 = 0 .
= xn y n + ( x – xn )f n
Extrapolating values from the zero curve
From Equation 22, the zero rate is
It has already been shown that, if 0 ≤ x ≤ x1 , the
forward rates can be extrapolated using x n y n + ( x – xn )f n
y = ---------------------------------------
Equation 17. Now, the value of the zero rate at x
x = 0 is given by
for x n ≤ x .
y ( 0 ) = f ( 0 ) = f 1 – mx 1
Comparing interpolation methods
where f1 and m are defined by Equations 18 and
Most practitioners judge the quality of a zero
curve not by the quality of the underlying
Two cases must be considered, 0 ≤ x ≤ x 1 and mathematics, but by the quality of the curve
itself. In the absence of an objective measure of
xn < x .
quality, they rely on subjective observation of the
The integral of the forward rate is candidate curves. To demonstrate the nature of
the curves produced by the methods discussed,
x x zero curves constructed from the same initial
ò f(u) du = ò ( f1 + m ( u – x1 ) ) du = x æ f 1 + m æ -- – x 1ö ö data using different interpolation methods are
è è2 øø
0 0 presented and compared. The data is presented
in Table 1.
where 0 ≤ x < x1 . Therefore,
Zero rate
x (years)
y = f 1 + m æè -- – x1öø
0.5 0.0552
Finally, consider extrapolating zero rates for 1 0.0600
values of x such that x n < x . Recall that the
2 0.0682
additional constraints stipulate that the first and
second derivatives of the right-hand end of the 4 0.0801
forward-rate curve be zero, that is 5 0.0843

S′ n – 1(x n) = 0 10 0.0931

15 0.0912
S′′ n – 1(xn) = 0
20 0.0857
Thus, it is possible to extrapolate the right-hand
end of the forward-rate curve with constant Table 1: Zero-rate data


Interpolation of zero curves

The following three graphs show the zero- and extrapolated rates, but distorts the forward-rate
forward-rate curves interpolated from this data curve. Though the zero curve is smooth, there is
using the smoothest forward rate, natural cubic- an abrupt transition at the maximum maturity
spline and financial cubic-spline interpolation (20 years) where the forward-rate curve ceases to
methods. Note that though the maximum be smooth.
maturity in the data is 20 years, the graphs have
been extended to 30 years to show the
differences between the extrapolated values.

Figure 1 shows the curves constructed from the

smoothest forward-rate interpolation method.
Note that the gradient of the forward-rate curve
is zero at the maximum maturity of 20 years and
the gradient is zero when extrapolated. Beyond
the maximum maturity, the zero curve tends
towards the forward-rate curve with increasing
maturity. Both the zero and the forward-rate
curves are smooth.

Figure 2: Natural cubic-spline interpolation

Figure 1: Smoothest forward-rate interpolation

Figure 2 shows the curves constructed from the

natural cubic-spline interpolation method. Note Figure 3: Financial cubic-spline interpolation
that the extrapolated zero curve is downward The zero curves are very similar in the maturity
sloping, whereas most zero curves tend to zero range of the given data, but differ substantially in
gradient at the right-hand end. Also, note that the extrapolated sections. As illustrated in
the extrapolated zero curve is linear and leads Figure 4, the zero curves are similar up to about
inevitably to negative zero and forward rates. 11 years when the zero rates attain their
Both the zero and the forward-rate curves are maximum value. Beyond that point, they show
smooth. considerable differences and only the smoothest
forward-rate curve has a shape consistent with
Figure 3 shows the curves constructed from the
that of the majority of zero curves.
financial cubic-spline interpolation method. This
method corrects the problem with the


Interpolation of zero curves

all produce smooth zero curves. Only smoothest

forward-rate and natural cubic-spline
interpolation methods produce smooth
(instantaneous) forward-rate curves. In addition,
all three methods guarantee the smoothest
interpolation of a curve, though the smoothest
curve depends on the chosen method. The
natural cubic-spline interpolation method
guarantees the smoothest zero curve and a
smooth, but not necessarily the smoothest,
(instantaneous) forward-rate curve. Similarly, the
financial cubic-spline interpolation method
guarantees the smoothest zero curve whose right-
Figure 4: Comparing zero curves hand end is constrained to have a zero gradient;
it does not guarantee a smooth forward-rate
The differences in the resulting forward-rate curve. Finally, the smoothest forward-rate
curves are more notable, as illustrated in interpolation guarantees, as its name implies, the
Figure 5. Though the data was chosen to smoothest (instantaneous) forward curve and a
illustrate the differences among the interpolation smooth, but not necessarily the smoothest, zero
methods, financial cubic-spline interpolation curve.
always causes similar distortions of the forward-
rate curve. Though natural cubic-spline There is some evidence that using smooth zero
interpolation does not distort the forward-rate curves results in more accurate pricing, though
curve, the right-hand end of the curve does not there is insufficient evidence to show that one
flatten, and the method is less suitable for interpolation method is always the best. Hence,
calculating rates for maturities close to the practitioners have to make a choice, and that will
maximum maturity. depend on the nature of the market data from
which the zero curve is constructed. Swap
traders, in particular, desire smooth forward rates
and one would expect them to prefer smoothest
forward-rate interpolation to cubic-spline
interpolation. Other practitioners may regard the
degree of smoothness of the zero curve to be
paramount. In that case, they will have to choose
between the two cubic-spline interpolation
methods, choosing the one that best suits their
needs. Both cubic-spline interpolation methods
give better results for short- and medium-term
maturities, whereas, the smoothest forward-rate
interpolated curve can be used over the whole
range of maturities. As smoothest interpolation
methods are more widely adopted, the benefits
and trade-offs of the various methods will be
Figure 5: Comparing forward curves
better defined and better understood.
Given that there are three ways to interpolate
the zero curve, it is natural to ask what This discussion has extended the mathematical
differences arise from the use of these methods. concept that a smooth function is one that has a
First, it is important to note that all three continuous first derivative. To do this, a measure
methods interpolate the same set of points, and of smoothness used by engineers when fitting


Interpolation of zero curves

smooth curves to a finite set of points was of how to set up the system of linear equations to
adopted. This measure of smoothness implies solve for the coefficients of these quartic splines.
that there in no smoother interpolating function In addition, it is shown how to interpolate values
than the set of cubic splines interpolating the and how to deal with rates beyond the ends of
given points. the zero curve.

In addition, we develop a theory of the There is anecdotal evidence that finance

mathematics of zero curves that enables the practitioners consider maximum smoothness to
definition of a real zero curve in terms of a set of be intuitively important. The little research that
market data points and an interpolation method. has been done indicates there is some basis for
Without this dual identity (data points and this intuitive judgement. A better understanding
interpolation method) the assumed bond market of the interpolation of zero curves depends on
is incomplete and the theory does not apply. the dual nature of the definition of a zero curve
Many practitioners have been in the habit of in terms of both the market data points and the
extracting a curve by bootstrapping, which interpolation method. This understanding—
typically implies the use of a two-point
together with the knowledge of which method
interpolation formula, and then using a different
guarantees which smoothest curve, and
interpolation formula when using the curve to
experience in the use of those methods—will
value cash flows. The dual nature of interpolated
allow risk practitioners to make informed choices
zero curves implies that more care should be
about the appropriate interpolation method to
taken in defining the way in which the rates are
interpolated. use in different situations.

Finally, by combining the mathematical theories References

of zero curves and smoothness, we show that the
smoothest interpolation method depends on Adams, K. and D. van Deventer, 1994, “Fitting
whether the smoothest zero rates or the yield curves and forward rate curves with
smoothest, continuously compounded forward maximum smoothness,” Journal of Fixed
rates are desired. The well-known cubic-spline Income, June, 4(1):52–62.
interpolation method ensures that the smoothest
zero rates approach is well established as an Burden, R. and J. Douglas Faires, 1997,
interpolation method in financial software Numerical Analysis, New York, NY: Brooks/
systems. The smoothest forward-rate Cole Publishing Co.
interpolation method, which ensures the
smoothest continuously compounded forward Schwarz, H., 1989, Numerical Analysis: A
rates, is as well known. This method uses quartic Comprehensive Introduction, Stanford, CT:
splines and it was possible to give a full account Wiley & Sons.


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