Tabel Simulation by Hand G

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Nama: Ghinadhiya Zafhira Ramadhini Hamsir

NIM : D22116013
Teknik Industri

Simulasi Sistem Industri

Waktu kedatangan dan proses (menit)

Entity Arrival time Service time
1 0.00 0.43 3.00
2 0.43 1.54 5.09
3 1.97 0.06 2.50
4 2.03 0.17 5.58
5 2.20 0.50 1.94
6 2.70 0.06 3.09
7 2.76 0.61 4.26
8 3.37 1.12 4.80
9 4.49 4.30 2.77
10 8.79 0.28 5.39
11 9.07 1.80 1.55
12 10.87 1.62 4.87
13 12.49 2.36 1.39
14 14.85 0.95 2.36
15 15.80 0.52 3.24

Kurva Q(t)

Kurva B(t)
Simulation by Hand.
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 0.00, Intialize
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [1, 0.00, Arr ]
0.00 0 0 empty [-, 20.00, End]

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 0.00, Arrival of Part 1
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [2, 0.43, Arr ]
0.00 1 0 empty [1, 3.00 Dep]
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 0.00 0.00

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 0.43, Arrival of Part 2

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [3, 1,97 Arr ]
0.43 1 1 0.43 [1, 3.00 Dep]
2 1
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 0.43 0.43

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 1.97, Arrival of Part 3
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [4, 2.03 Arr ]
1.97 1 2 1,97, 0.43 [1, 3.00 Dep]
3 2 1
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 1.97 1.97

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 2.03, Arrival of Part 4

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [5, 2.20 Arr ]
2.03 1 3 2.03, 1.97, 0.43 [1, 3.00 Dep]
4 3 2 1
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 2.03 2.03

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 2.20, Arrival of Part 5
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [6, 2.70 Arr ]
2.20 1 4 2.20, 2.03, 1.97, [1, 3.00 Dep]
5 4 3 2 1
3 3 [-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 2.20 2.20

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 2.70, Arrival of Part 6

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [7, 2.76 Arr ]
2.70 1 5 2.70, 2.20, 2.03, [1, 3.00 Dep]
65 4 3 2 1
1.97, 0.43
33 3 [-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 2.70 2.70

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 2.76, Arrival of Part 7
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [1, 3.00 Dep]
2.76 1 6 2.76, 2.70, 2.20, [8, 3.37 Arr ]
7 65 4 3 2 1
2.03, 1.97, 0.43
33 3 [-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 2.76 2.76

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 3.00, Departure of Part 1

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [8, 3.37 Arr ]
3.00 1 5 2.76, 2.70, 2.20, [2, 8.09 Dep ]
76 5 4 3 2
2.03, 1.97
3 3 2 1 [-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
2 2.57 3.00 3.00

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 3.37, Arrival of Part 8
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [9, 4.49 Arr ]
3.37 1 6 3.37, 2.76, 2.70, [2, 8.09 Dep ]
8 76 5 4 3 2
2.20, 2.03, 1.97
7 3 3 2 1 [-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
2 2.57 3.37 3.37

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 4.49, Arrival of Part 9

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [2, 8.09 Dep]
3.37 1 7 4.49, 3.37, 2.76, [10, 8.79 Arr ]
9 8 7 65 43 2 2.70, 2.20, 2.03,
77 3 3 2 1 1.97
33 [-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
2 2.57 5.98 4.49

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 8.09, Departure of Part 2
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [10, 8.79 Arr ]
8.09 1 6 4.49, 3.37, 2.76, [3, 10.59 Dep]
98 7 6 5 4 3 2.70, 2.20, 2.03
77 3 3 2 [-, 20.00, End]
3 3 of
Numbers 1 Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 8.69 13.18 8.09

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 8.79 , Arrival of Part 10

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [11, 9.07 Arr ]
8.79 1 7 8.79, 4.49, 3.37, [3, 10.59 Dep]
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2.76, 2.70, 2.20,
77 3 3 2 2.03
33 1 [-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 8.69 15.28 8.79

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 9.07 , Arrival of Part 11
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [3, 10.59 Dep]
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 9.07 1 8 9.07, 8.79, 4.49, [12, 10.87 Arr ]
3.37, 2.76, 2.70,
11 7 7 3 3 2
33 1 2.20, 2.03
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 8.69 16.12 9.07

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 10.59 , Departure of Part 3

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [12, 10.87 Arr ]
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 10.59 1 7 9.07, 8.79, 4.49, [4, 16.17 Dep]
3.37, 2.76, 2.70,
11 7 7 3 3 2
33 1 2.20
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 17.25 20.68 10.59

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 10.87 , Arrival of Part 12
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [13, 12.49 Arr ]
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 10.87 1 8 10.87, 9.07, 8.79, [4, 16.17 Dep]
4.49, 3.37, 2.76,
11 7127 3 3 2
33 1 2.70, 2.20
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 17.25 21.80 10.87

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 12.49 , Arrival of Part 13

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [14, 14.85 Arr ]
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 12.49 1 9 12.49, 10.87, 9.07, [4, 16.17 Dep]
3 3 2 8.79, 4.49, 3.37,
11 7127 13
33 1 2.76, 2.70, 2.20
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 17.25 28.28 12.49

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 14.85 , Arrival of Part 14
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue [15, 15.80 Arr ]
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 14.85 1 10 14.85, 12.49, 10.87, [4, 16.17 Dep]
3 2 9.07, 8.79, 4.49,
11 7127 13
3 14
33 1 3.37, 2.76, 2.70,
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 17.25 37.72 14.85

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24, …

t = 15.80 , Arrival of Part 15

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15.80 1 11 15.80, 14.85, 12.49, [4, 16.17 Dep]
3 15
2 10.87, 9.07, 8.79,
11 7127 13
3 14
33 1 4.49, 3.37, 2.76,
2.70, 2.20
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 17.25 41.52 15.80

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 16.17 , Departure of Part 4
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue
10 9 8 7 6 5 15.80 1 10 15.80, 14.85, 12.49, [5, 18.11 Dep]
3 14 215 10.87, 9.07, 8.79,
11 7127 13
33 1 4.49, 3.37, 2.76,
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
5 31.22 43.00 16.17

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

t = 18.11 , Departure of Part 5

System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue
10 9 8 7 6 15.80 1 9 15.80, 14.85, 12.49, [-, 20.00, End]
7 713314 215 10.87, 9.07, 8.79,
11 12
3 3 1 4.49, 3.37, 2.76
[6, 21.20, Dep]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 46.63 52.70 18.11

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24
t = 20.00 , The End
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calender
custs. in queue
10 9 8 7 6 15.80 1 9 15.80, 14.85, 12.49,
7 713314 215 10.87, 9.07, 8.79,
11 12
3 3 1 4.49, 3.37, 2.76
[6, 21.20, Dep]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 46.63 75.15 18.11

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Interarrival times 0.43, 1.54, 0.06, 0.17, 0.50, 0.06, 0.61, 1.12, 4.30, 0.28, 1.80, 1.62, 2.36, 0.95, 0.52
Service times 3.00, 5.09, 2.50, 5.58, 1.94, 3.09, 4.26, 4.80, 2.77, 5.39, 1.55, 4.87, 1.39, 2.36, 3.24

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