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Week 1 / Activity1

Module 6: “My world in another Language”

Name: Claudia Jacqueline Ledesma Victoria

Facilitator: Yenisey García Contreras

Introducing myself
 Imagine that you are at a party with your friend,
and you have to introduce yourself and him. Write
both your presentation and your friend's
presentation. It includes the following data:
greeting, name, age, occupation, marital status,
and telephone number.
 Once you write the presentations, record them in
an audio and upload the file in a Dropbox or Drive
to share.
 Copy the link in the Word file where you typed
your text.
 4. Save and upload your file to the platform.
Week 1 / Activity1

Introducing myself

Name: Claudia Ledesma

Nationality: Mexican

Age 30 years old

Occupation: merchant

Marital status: married

Telephone number: 55-47-81-30-44

Name: Yeimy Rocha

Nationality: Mexican

Age: 25 years old

Occupation. student

Marital status: single

Telephone number: 55-61-56-27-28

Presentación de mi amigo:

Hello! Nice to meet you. My name is Claudia Ledesma. I am 30 years old. I work
as a merchant, I am married, my telephone number is 55-47-81-30-44

And she is Yeimy Rocha she is 25 years old, she is a student, is single, your phone
number is 55-61-56-27-28


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