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Reg. No.: | © | | | lel Question Paper Code : 40315 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015. Elective BA 7033 — ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulation 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10x 2=20 marks) 1. What do you mean by organization? 2. Whatis organizational effectiveness? 3. Define organizational design. Give any two advantages for centralization. . Define organizational culture. What is mechanistic structure? _ What do you mean by organization development? What is evolutionary? ‘ What is innovation? ~ 0. What is organi tion learning? “PART B— (5 x 16= 80 marks) (a) Discuss the need for organizational existence and highlight the issues involved in organizational effectiveness. : y One approach to measure effectiveness of any mam : : 12. 13. 14. 15. (@)> ) (a) ) @ ) (a) _ to halt decline and restore organizati nal growth? € Explain the determinants, components and types of organizational design. Or ‘Success and Failures are inevitable in designing an organi: Substantiate. Discuss how culture helps and hinders in shaping a strategy. Explain it! implication for practicing managers. Or 3 “An Organization should always adopt a broad. st n responsibility” —Enunciate your views. we What are the various forces influencing organizational change? Being change agent, how will you overcome the resistance from organization: members? e on Socié e . Obs What is OD intervention? Explain how OD intervehtions improve # functioning of the organizations. : Explain the different stage in organizational life cycle and whi strategies a HR manager will deploy to achieve effectiveness at eac stage. f OF es Or Why do organizations decline? What steps can the top management tal

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