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Nallely Gomez, Dawn Sonnenberg, Xavier Mays,

Katrina Nesiba, & Laura Acosta
Shield Incorporated
5423 Snappy Street
Socorro, NM, 87801

Hello! We are Shield Incorporated. A company created from ex military elite marksman. For
twenty years we have served our country abroad and protected it against terrorism. Now we
want to fight modern day terrorists, the zombies.
These terrorists are difficult to attack since they were once someone's relative. This is why we
need government support to save the humanity since no one wants to kill someone who was
once their family member. For the greater good, we can accomplish this zombie eradication with
your support within 6 months.

We are experiencing a national crisis. Zombies have invaded several Homeland cities. More and
more people fall victim to the terrorizing zombies each day. The size of the enemy’s army has
grown at a rate faster than we can track and could soon outnumber us. People are beginning to
lose their faith and trust in the nation’s ability to support and protect them.

If the Government fails to step in, the zombie population could outnumber the healthy
population. Not putting an end to the zombie terrorist’s rampage could lead to the downfall of
the economy, the country, and even humankind. Expecting civilians to kill zombies could result
in complete loss of order and respect for laws. Lack of Government interference will lead to a
lack of trust and value in the nation from its people.

The spread of disease is assumed to be because people continue to leave their homes
unprotected. It is inaccurately predicted that heavily populated cities contain the highest
number of infected individuals. The lower income towns where clean water is unavailable is also
a misconception of where there are the most zombies.

Studies are showing that the most heavily zombie populated cities begin with at home
outbreaks. Civilians struggle to do what is necessary when their loved ones begin to show signs
of infection. Patterns show that worried family members express their concern and grief to
family members that do not live with them. This usually results in family members visiting a
household that has infected individual, resulting in the exposure of the disease. They then care
for their infected loved ones and hope they will get better, only for them to turn and infect the
rest of the household. Whole towns and families are experiencing overnight outbreaks all
because civilians cannot emotionally handle killing their loved ones.

When a civilian calls our company a van will arrive within 45 minutes to pick up the infected
person. A quick blood test will be done on the supposedly infected person when the van arrives.
If the blood test results are positive and the person is infected, the van will transport the infected
person to a truck. The trucks will be centralized and once filled they will bring the infected
individuals to the kill zones. Once the truck arrives to the kill zone they will drop off their trailer
full of infected individuals and replace it with an empty trailer to continue picking up infected
individuals. At the facilities we will dispose of the infected individuals.

We will have 20 facilities spread across the
country based on population distribution. These
facilities will be our kill zones, but will be publicly
known as quarantine zones. Each facility will be
on a secluded two acre plot of land. The facilities
will include a portable trailer office similar to
those of construction sites. The trailer will be
equipped with bathrooms and a break space for
the employees.

We will have 100 vans spread across the country. Each van a reused utility van that will be
converted into a holding van. The vans will be for picking up infected individuals and bringing
them to a centralized truck. We will have 20 trucks. Each truck will be assigned to a specific
facility. Once the trucks are filled they will transport the infected individuals to the kill zone. At
the kill zone the trucks will exchange the full trailer for an empty one and return to the
centralized area.

We plan on employing 1500 total employees. We will have three employees for each van and
each truck. There will be an additional seven employees at each kill zone. We will need 500
employees at any given time. If employees work eight hour shifts and we operate 24 hours a day
will use 1500 employees a day. Each employee is paid anywhere from $30 to $40 per hour
because of the nature of the work. Our company also provides free therapy for our employees.
Each employee will have full tactical armor in order to ensure that the zombie virus is not spread
to our employees.



We plan on disposing of the infected individuals by burning them. Each trailer will be
transformed into an incinerator. They will be lined with heavy duty, high density fiber bricks
that retain heat. They will be fully automated and computerized so they are easier to use. The
With these adjustments we will be able to burn 142 infected individuals in each incinerator every
three hours.

The rate of infection of the zombie virus is 26% a year, and about 327 million are estimated to be
infected. With our facilities running 24 hours a day we can eradicate 99% of the infected
population in five months. The sixth month we will focus on eliminating the stragglers and the
last of the infected individuals.

Shield Inc. is managed by the most highly honored and distinguished of ex military elite. With
over 45 years of combined military experience and a barrage of medals and honors. With three
of our board members being former four star generals, one Medal of Honor recipient, and a
Distinguished Service Cross, we are the highest honored protection company in the nation.
Along with the military experience, Shield Inc. has also been successfully ran as a high profile
security detail for the past 20 years.
While being run as a zombie termination company for the past month in our home state of New
Mexico, we have eradicated 98% of the zombies in the recent outbreak in Socorro, which
tragically turned the entire population of Socorro, with no human casualties or employee injury.
With just one of our elimination facilities, we were able to take control of the situation. We are
fully qualified and capable of completing our objective of total annihilation of the terrorist.


We plan to spend around 200 million dollars for transportation and for secure eradication sites
called quarantine zones. This overall cost includes prices for protection gear that provide
employee protection, ensuring our employees do not become part of the problem we are trying
to eradicate. The cost benefits included by funding our Proposal with a measly sum of 200
million dollars versus suffering a full on economy crash with the rise of the zombies is
unparalleled. The last financial crisis this country has suffered through cost the US around $22
trillion. However, even this sum will seem insignificant if society were to crash and suffer mass
panic due to the rapid spread of zombies. An economic crash would only make it more difficult
to stop the spread of zombies, so consider our company your solution to ensuring the end of
zombie terrorists nationwide.

Overall cost outlook

Total Number of 1-Day Operational 6-Month Operational
Personnel and Cost Cost

Elimination Facilities 20 $400,000 $800,000

Trailers 40 $160,000 $160,000

Trucks 20 $3,200,000 $3,200,000

Transportation Vans 100 $350,000 $350,000

Acres of Land 40 $400,000 $400,000

Loading Ramps 40 $12,000 $15,000

Van Employees 900 $270,000 $48,600,000

Truck Employees 60 $54,000 $9,800,000

Facility Employees 140 $134,000 $24,200,000

500lb Propane Tanks 15,000 $81,000 $14,500,000

Tactical Gear 500 sets $220,000 $440,000

Gas Expenses 540,000 gallons $6,000 $1,080,000

Other Expenses ------ ------ $96,400,000

Total: ------ $5,287,000 $200,000,000

$103,545,000 total of all costs for 6 months, but needed to add amount to reach our asking price
of 200 million dollars.

Population map-


1. The ethical concerns related to the total extermination of zombies
a. The ethical and moral dilemmas that come with exterminating zombies who were
once innocent civilians can be solved by reinforcing to the public the true
terroristic nature and threat these new zombies bring to the public order and
safety of the entire nation’s population.
b. It is our duty to eliminate the zombies, and free the innocent souls who were
attacked and forced into becoming mindless killing machines. It is a mercy to put
down the zombies to preserve the previous life of the innocent civilian before
husk of the dead innocents are forced to become cannibals.
2. Privacy Concerns for the operation of the secure extermination zones
a. The public will have no knowledge of how and what is done to their zombie
relatives to preserve the public order, and to ensure as little resistance to this
solution for the eradication of zombies nationwide.
b. Access to the facilities will be highly classified and the property surrounding the
facilities will be fenced and electrified to ensure two matters. The first regards the
secrecy of the project; the electrified fences will prevent the public from gaining
unauthorized access to the property and facilities. The second regards public
safety; in the improbable event that the zombie terrorists do manage to escape
from the quarantine facility, the electric fences will ensure the escaping zombies
fail to make it off the property.
3. Treatment of workers who will be working closely to fight the zombie
a. Our field workers will be paid handsomely, and are required to wear protective
gear the entire time they are working to ensure they do not contract the zombie
affliction, and become part of the problem we are trying to eliminate.
b. To ensure the effectiveness and alertness of our employees, no one employee is
allowed to work for more than one eight hour shift every twenty four hours. To
further the effectiveness of our workers, there will be three employees per vehicle
to ensure proper force and back up is on hand in case something goes wrong at
the intendent pick up site, or if they need back up while transporting the zombie
terrorists to the proper locations.
c. Therapy sessions will be offered to our workers in case they face any trauma or
have any difficulties performing the duties our nation requires they pay to rid the
nation of zombies for good. Employees must have strong mental fortitude and
support to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively.

Contact Information:
Thank you for considering our proposal, we look forward to working with you in the future.
Contact us at 1 (800) SHIELD5 or at our website for further
details and questions regarding our proposal.

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