Thesis Proposal

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A. Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is a list of word. Alizadeh (2016:1), generally define

vocabulary as the knowledge of word meanings. In other words, students cannot
use a language without having vocabulary knowledge of the language. To get
the meaning from the words in foreign language, the people should have known
much vocabulary. Students need to be master in vocabulary. Because
vocabulary is component available for arranging to make a sentence has
In learning English, there is no doubt that vocabulary plays important
roles in the field of foreign language learning and teaching. By mastering it,
students can communicate using English. Learning vocabulary is necessary.
According to Boongkongsaen and Intaraprasert (2014:1), in the sphere of four
language skills, vocabulary is an indispensable part of the four language skills.
It means that, vocabulary play important roles that cannot be separate with four
language skills. In speaking, students who lack vocabulary may get to be harder
to find the right words to communicate in English. In writing, students cannot
produce writing without have rich vocabulary. In reading, without vocabulary
students cannot understand the text. Also in listening, vocabulary plays
important role to help students understand the speaker’s utterance.
As one of the components in learning a language, mastering vocabulary
is getting important for students to be success in English. According to Stæhr
in Boonkongsaen & Intaraprasert (2014 : 1), vocabulary knowledge is generally
assumed to be a good predictor of language proficiency in a second or a foreign
language. By mastering it, help students to reach English proficiency. English
proficiency has been found to be closely related to vocabulary knowledge. This


strong relationship can be explained by the role of vocabulary in language

learning. Vocabulary is considered as a very essential component of any
languages. To be able to achieve high language performance, learners need
large and rich vocabulary to use language effectively.
Vocabulary are the most important things students must learn. According
to Susanto & Halim (2016 : 1), English vocabulary are the basic building
blocks of the language. Without vocabulary, we cannot be master in language.
Grammar is important, but vocabulary is much more important. In the case of
language learning, students need to be educated with the strategies which can
help the learners acquiring the meaning of words. Vocabulary is considered as
a very essential component of any languages. The mastery of vocabulary is
getting important for students as vocabulary can support them when they
communicate in the target language. Students who lack vocabulary knowledge
may get to be harder to find the right words to communicate in the target
Mastering vocabulary is one of the most challenging tasks that any learner
faces while acquiring another language. Acquiring vocabulary is not easy for
students. For acquiring it, they will face some problems According to Ghazal
in Boonkongsaen & Intaraprasert (2014:1), learning vocabulary is one of the
major challenges that foreign language learners face during the process of
learning a language. It is a continual process of find new vocabulary items in
meaningful and comprehensible language contexts. Further, it is a more
complex process than simply memorizing the meanings of words because it
encompasses seeing, hearing and using words in meaningful contexts.
In addition, Boonkongsaen & Intaraprasert (2014 : 1), in the context of
teaching English as a foreign language at the tertiary level in Thailand, some
students are likely to learn and memorize a new word once it has been indirectly
taught. Thai EFL students are taught to repeat the English words spoken and
memorize the words spelling and meanings in a teaching method which seems

to be passive. Others may look up the meaning of new words they encounter in
a bilingual dictionary. It is noted that these students may easily forget the new
words they come across. It is necessary for them to hear and use the vocabulary
repeatedly before they are able to acquire the vocabulary items. However, there
are other students who can solve the vocabulary problems on their own. They
seem to have sufficient vocabulary knowledge and are considered better
English language learners.
To deal with vocabulary learning problems especially, there are strategies
to learn English vocabulary to enhance language students’ effectiveness.
According to Dóczi in Saengpakdeejit (2014 : 3), language learning, vocabulary
learning strategies are important because the acquisition of vocabulary is never
ending process and it also helps the learners overcome difficulties the use of
vocabulary learning strategy.. It is called Vocabulary Learning Strategy (VLS).
Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) may help facilitate their vocabulary
learning; Nation in Boonkongsaen & Intaraprasert (2014:1), a large and rich
vocabulary can be acquired with the help of VLS. It is essential for students to
be conscious of the basic vocabulary learning strategies which help them in
learning vocabulary and apply the strategies effectively.
In related with the vocabulary strategy in solving their problems in
learning vocabulary. The researcher read some article from journal. The first
journal, discuss about Thai students’ English language writing difficulties and
their use of writing strategies. From this article, she knew that the reasons which
caused such problems was due to students anxious when writing, which in turn
was due to inadequacies in vocabulary competency.
The second journal, the tittle is a study on students’ difficulties in learning
vocabulary. The journal explain about the difficulties faced by the students’
were almost all of the students have difficulties in pronouncing words, how to
write and spell, the different grammatical form of a word known as inflection.
In addition, the students found difficulties in choosing the appropriate meaning

of the words and also still confuse in using the word based on the context. The
last, the students are also still confuse when they found words or expression
that are idiomatic. There were some factors that caused students‟ difficulties in
learning vocabulary (1) the written form is different from the spoken form in
English, (2) The number of words that students need to learn is exceedingly
large, (3) the limitations of sources of information about words, (4) The
complexity of word knowledge. Knowing a words involves much more than
knowing its dictionary definition, (5) causes of lack of understanding of
grammatical of the words, (6) the incorrect pronunciation is often caused by the
lack of sound similarity between English and the students‟ native language.
Based on the both articles, it can be concluded that many students have problem
in learning vocabulary. There are so many problems that students faced when
they are learning vocabulary.
Based on the preliminary research which was done to two of nine
Thailand students who study at IAIN Batusangkar by doing interview, the
researcher knew that from the first informant, when he was in Senior high
school in Krabi, Thailad. He learned English 5 times a week. He said that in the
class, his teacher taught vocabulary him by giving view vocabulary then
students asked to write it. Then, students should memorize all the words. Then,
students come in front of the class and mention all the vocabulary that had been
memorize. In this activity. Informant said that he got problem when he
remember the vocabulary. It is difficult for him to pronounce new word that he
never know before and also he did not know the meaning of words. But, he
tried to solve his problem by using dictionary to find the meaning. He asked his
teacher how to pronounce words.
Next, the second informant explain that when he was in Senior high
school. He learned about part of speech, grammar, 5W + 1H question form. His
teacher taught vocabulary by asking the students to memorize ten vocabulary
every meeting and V1, V2 and V3 forms. Then, all the students will perform

what are they had been memorize before. He got problems in this activity. He
did not know the meaning, how to write, how to pronounce and difficult for
him to remember the new vocabulary. But he tried to ask his teacher when he
did not know to pronounce words. He tried to get meaning in dictionary
(English – Thailand).
Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in
investigating the strategy applied by Thai students in learning English
vocabulary. As vocabulary learning strategies help the learners increase their
vocabulary mastery, it is also important to know the strategies used by Thai
students in learning vocabulary and also help them to solve their problem in
learning vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher wants to conduct a research
entitle “An Analysis of Thai Students Strategies in Solving Their Problems in
Learning Vocabulary.”

B. Focus and Question of the Research

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher focuses on

Thai students’ strategies in solving their problems in learning vocabulary.
Based on the focus of research, the question of this research is: “What are Thai
Students’ strategies in solving their problems in learning vocabulary?”

C. Definition of Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity about this research, the key terms
are defined as follows:
1. Thai students’ strategies
Thai students’ strategies is a plan that applied by Thai students in learning
vocabulary and to solve their problem in learning vocabulary.
2. Thai Students’ Problem
Problem in learning vocabulary is the problem that faced by Thai students
in learning vocabulary.

3. Learning Vocabulary
Learning Vocabulary is acquiring the new words, the meaning of words and
also how words and also about how to use the vocabulary into correct usage.

D. Purpose of the Research

Based on the focus and question of the research, the researcher wants to
analyse and describe Thai students’ strategies in solving their problems in
learning vocabulary.

E. Significance of the Research

The result of this research are expected to be able to give good

contribution and information for all readers, whether they are students or
lecturers, even the researcher. For more specific as following:
1. Theoretically
This study may can explain the results of Thai students’ strategies in
solving their problems in learning vocabulary.
2. Practically
a. Thai students
By doing this research, it hopes to give information to Thai
students about kind of strategies that can help them to solve their
problems in learning strategy. So, they can apply the strategies to solve
their problems in learning vocabulary.
b. English Teacher in Thailand
The result of this research is expected to give significant
information related to the strategy in learning vocabulary. Teacher can
ask the students to apply the strategy to solve students’ problems in
learning vocabulary.

c. The researcher herself

It may enrich researcher’ knowledge about the vocabulary
learning strategy applied by Thai students to solve vocabulary learning
problems. In addition, this research is one of requirements to get
undergraduate degree at IAIN Batusangkar.


A. Review of Related Theories

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

There are many explanations of vocabulary stated by some

experts. Alizadeh (2016 : 1) generally define vocabulary as the
knowledge of words and word meanings. Vocabulary as a list of words
arranged in alphabetical order with their definitions. A word, in most
linguistic analyses, is described as a set of properties, or features, each
word is the combination of its meaning, register, association,
collocation, grammatical behaviour, written form (spelling), spoken
form (pronunciation) and frequency. To master a word is not only to
learn its meaning but also to learn seven other aspects.
Next, Hatch and Brown in Bouteliaten (2010) consider that
vocabulary as list or set of words of a particular language that individual
speakers of a language might use. It means that vocabulary as a tool in
Then, Lehr (2010:1) states that vocabulary is knowledge of words
and words meaning. Vocabulary can divide into two form. First, words
come and two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes words


that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary

includes words that we recognize and use in reading and writing. It
means that, oral vocabulary can be recognized while listening and
speaking activity. For print vocabulary can be recognized while writing
and reading activity.
Second, words knowledge also come in two forms, receptive and
productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that we recognize
when we hear and see them. Productive vocabulary includes words that
we use when we speak and write. In other word, every word that we
hear directly and see them it called by receptive vocabulary and every
word that we use to speak and write it called by productive vocabulary.
Next, Young in Hafizah (2010:15) defines vocabulary in four
ways : the meaning of words, how the words are used, root words,,
prefixes, suffixes and analogies. It means that vocabulary is knowledge
of meaning words how the words are used, root words and etc.
Based on the experts’ opinion above, it can be said that vocabulary
is list of words that is used to communicate in English, knowledge of
words and words meaning.

b. Importance of vocabulary

Vocabulary is considered to be one of the most important elements

in comprehending lesson materials, especially when learning a foreign
language. The mastery of vocabulary is getting important for students
as vocabulary can support them when they communicate in the target
language. Vocabulary is considered as a very essential component of
any languages. To be able to achieve high language performance,
learners need large and rich vocabulary repertoire to use language

Vocabulary are the most important things students must learn.

Susanto & Halim (2016 : 1) state that English vocabulary are the basic
building blocks of the language. Without vocabulary, we cannot be
master in language. Grammar is important, but vocabulary is much
more important. In the case of language learning, students need to be
educated with the strategies which can help the learners acquiring the
meaning of words. Vocabulary is considered as a very essential
component of any languages. The mastery of vocabulary is getting
important for students as vocabulary can support them when they
communicate in the target language. Students who lack vocabulary
knowledge may get to be harder to find the right words to communicate
in the target language.
Mastery of vocabulary is very important for learner as vocabulary
can support them when they communicate in the target language.
Leaners who lack vocabulary knowledge may get to be harder to find
the right words to communicate in the target language. They may show
their feeling with gestures or sounds. English vocabulary skill is
considered a necessary skill that learners studying at the tertiary level
need to be equipped with, some textbooks as their reference are written
in English. Students who lack of vocabulary feel difficult to get the point
from the text. Vocabulary is considered a key to understand what they
are reading as Nation in Boonkongsaen & Intaraprasert (2014 : 1)
points out that reading requires knowledge and skill. This knowledge
includes recognising the letters and words of the language, having
substantial vocabulary, grammatical and textual knowledge.
Next, Nation in Alqahtani (2015 : 2) states that mastering
vocabulary is essential for successful second language use and plays an
important role in the formation of complete spoken and written texts. In
English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language

(EFL) learning vocabulary items plays a vital role in all language skills
(i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Followed by Susanto & Halim (2016 : 1) state that English
vocabularies are the basic building blocks of the language. In the circle
of language learning, language learning, vocabulary is an indispensable
part of the four language skills. With no vocabulary, the four skills of
English language learning may not be successfully achieved. To be
master in language, student should master the vocabulary.
Based on experts’ explanation, it can be concluded that
vocabulary is important aspect in language. Mastery of vocabulary is
very important for learners as vocabulary can support them when they
communicate in the target language. In other words, the learner cannot
use a language without having knowledge of the language. To get the
meaning from the text in foreign language, the people should have
known much vocabulary. Because vocabulary is component available
for arranging to make a sentence has meaning.

2. Vocabulary Learning

a. Definition of Vocabulary Learning

There are many explanations of vocabulary learning stated by

some experts. According to Harmer (1991:56), vocabulary learning is
more than presenting new words and of course it has its place but there
are other issues too. Vocabulary learning is not only interaction but also
discovery techniques for the beginners. It is determined by the context
where it is formed and its relation to other words.

Next, Cook (2008:13) states that vocabulary learning is acquiring

the words with their meaning, whether through some direct link or
translated into first language. It means that vocabulary learning is

acquiring about the words or new vocabulary through from first

language into second language.

Then, According Min and Hsu in Ahmadi, (2012 : 3) stated that

vocabulary learning is closely related to foreign languages. In the
foreign language learning process, the readers need to understand most
of the vocabulary and the contextual meanings used in the passage. A
better understanding of the vocabulary meaning, it would produce a
better understanding on the whole meaning of the text.
So, based on explanation above, it can be conclude that
Vocabulary learning means that acquiring the new words, meaning of
words and also about how to use the vocabulary into correct usage.

b. Problems in Learning Vocabulary

Mastering vocabulary is one of the most challenging tasks that any

learner faces while acquiring another language. Acquiring vocabulary
is not easy for students. For acquiring it, they will face some problems
According to Ghazal in Boonkongsaen & Intaraprasert (2014:1),
learning vocabulary is one of the major challenges that foreign language
learners face during the process of learning a language. It is a continual
process of find new vocabulary items in meaningful and
comprehensible language contexts. Further, it is a more complex
process than simply memorizing the meanings of words because it
encompasses seeing, hearing and using words in meaningful contexts.
In addition, according to Harmer (1991 : 12), the problematic
issue of learning vocabulary is meaning. Some words have more than
one meaning. We know that book means a collection of words between
covers. But, of course, that book has much meaning. The point is even
there is the same collection of sounds and words can have many

different meaning. The second is words have synonyms. When we say

bad and evil, these words are quite same in meaning. The word used
depends on the context and situation. Sometimes, it is difficult to find
the real synonyms. Sometimes, it is difficult to find the real synonyms
Problems in learning vocabulary in English as Foreign Language
such as a limit of English background knowledge, a fear of being
blamed and a feeling of shyness for making mistakes, or a lack of chance
to be in an English environment, may cause the different strategy use of
the learners. Thornbury (2004: 27) states some factors that make some
words more difficult as follows:

1) Pronunciation
Research shows that words that are difficult to pronounce
are more difficult to learn.
2) Spelling
Sounds-spelling mismatches are likely to be the cause of
errors, either of pronunciation or of spelling, and can contribute
to a word‟s difficulty. While most English spelling is fairly law-
abiding, there are also some glaring irregularities. Words that
contain silent letters are particularly problematic: foreign, listen,
headache, climbing, bored, honest, cupboard, muscle, etc.
3) Length and complexity
Long words seem to be no more difficult to learn than short
ones. But, as a rule of thumb, high frequency words tend to be
short in English, and therefore the learner is likely to meet them
more often, a factor favoring their “learnability”.
4) Grammar
Also problematic is the grammar associated with the word,
especially if this differs from that of its L1 equivalent.

Remembering whether a verb like enjoy, love, or hope is

followed by an infinitive (to swim) or an –ing form (swimming)
can add to its difficulty.
5) Meaning
When two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to
confuse them. Make and do are a case in point: you make
breakfast and make an appointment, but you do the housework
and do a questionnaire.
6) Range, connotation and idiomaticity
Words that can be used in a wide range of contexts will
generally be perceived as easier than their synonyms with a
narrower range. Thus, put is a very wide-ranging verb,
compared to impose, place, position, etc. Likewise, thin is a
safer bet than skinny, slim, slender. Uncertainty as to the
connotations of some words may cause problems too. Thus,
propaganda has negative connotations in English, but its
equivalent may simply mean publicity. On the other hand,
eccentric does not have negative connotations in English, but its
nearest equivalent in other languages may be deviant. Finally,
words or expression that are idiomatic (like make up your mind,
keep an eye on....) will generally be more difficult than words
whose meaning is transparent (decide, watch).

3. Vocabulary Learning Strategy

There are some experts’ opinions about definition of Vocabulary

Learning Strategy. According to Nation (2001 : 326 ), VLSs are a part of
language learning strategies which in turn are a part of general learning
strategies. He also states, “It is not easy to arrive at a definition of what a

strategy is, but to deserve attention from a teacher, a strategy would need
to: (1) involve choice, that is, there are several strategies to choose from and
one choice could be not to use the strategy; (2) be complex, that is, there are
several steps to learn; (3) require knowledge and benefit from training; and
(4) increase the efficiency and effectiveness of vocabulary learning and
vocabulary use”.
In addition, Schmitt in Bakti (2018 : 3) classifies the strategies into
several specific groups:
a. Determination strategies (DET)
DET are individual strategies used to understand the meaning
of words without any help from others, such as guessing context,
guessing from L1 (first language) cognates, using reference
materials such as dictionaries, analysing affixes and roots, and
using dictionaries to convey particular words. Strategies belonging
to this group are commonly used to find the meaning of new words
rather than recalling words that have already been learned.
b. Social strategies (SOC)
Strategies belonging to this group involve interaction with
others in learning new words, such as asking the teacher or
classmates. Social strategies are not only used to discover new
vocabulary, but are also used to remember words that students have
previously been exposed to. Thus, the foundations of these
strategies are social interaction and engagement.
c. Memory strategies (MEM)
These strategies are also commonly known as mnemonic
strategies. They are used to recall vocabulary that has already been
studied. Through these strategies, learners will relate their prior
knowledge with the target words by grouping the words according
to their form or topic, forming imaginary links, using physical

actions, connecting new words to past experiences, studying the

spelling of the words, and speaking the words out loud while
studying them.
d. Cognitive strategies (COG)
These strategies are similar to memory strategies, but they do
not focus as much on the mental process. Cognitive strategies
emphasize the mechanical means of comprehending known words.
Thus, cognitive strategies utilize repetition and specific tools to
learn vocabulary. Strategies belonging to COG include repeating
words verbally and on paper, making lists of words, and labelling
physical objects with their meanings in the target language.
e. Metacognitive strategies (MET)
MET are strategies in which learners consciously determine
the best way to plan, monitor, and evaluate their strategies of
studying vocabulary. Learners who use metacognitive strategies
decide on their own which words they will focus on and examine
further. Learners also check their understanding by doing word
Examples of metacognitive strategies include using English-
language media, skipping or passing new words, constantly
studying new words, and testing oneself by using word tests or

B. Review of Relevant Studies

The researcher found a relevant studies related to this research. First,

Guma, Tuan Fatonah (2018) did a research about Thai Students’ Strategies In
Learning English Vocabulary At English Language Education Department Of
Iain Salatiga In The Academic Year 2018/2019, he found students applied some

strategies like using dictionary, memorizing vocabulary, writing down the

word, listening to music/news, watching a movie/ video, using English
application, repeating and practicing and etc.


A. Research Design

This research will be a qualitative research, a case study. She will find out
the vocabulary learning strategy applied by Thailand students to solve
vocabulary problems. According to Gay, Mills, and Airasian (2012:452), case
study research is a qualitative research approach in which researchers focus on
a unit of study known as a bounded system. It is an all-encompassing method
covering design, data collection techniques, and specific approaches to data
analysis. Followed by Gay and Airisian (2000:204), qualitative research is to
provide understanding of social setting or activity from the perspective of the
research participants. The qualitative research involves the collection and
analysis of preliminary nonnumeric data obtained from observation, interviews,
tape recordings, documents and the like. In this research, the researcher want to
find out the vocabulary learning strategy applied by Thailand students to solve
vocabulary problems.

B. Research Setting

This research setting will be at Thailand that located in Nakhon Si

Thammarat Provinci, South Thailand. In this research, the researcher will
analyse the Thai Students’ strategies in solving their problems in learning
vocabulary. According to Sugiyono (2011:207) states that research setting of
qualitative research includes three elements such as the place, the actor and the
activity. Place is the location where the interaction in social situation
happening. Then, actor is the people who will be the subject of the research.
Last, activity is acting of actor in social situation that happening.


C. Research Informant

Research informant is defined as whom the data will be gotten. According

to Gay and Airasian (2000:139), research informant is chosen based on who
was the right and have information, perspective, and experience related to the
topic of the research. Research informant is people that will give information
about entire situation about the problem in this research.
Research informant fulfil some criteria of informants. According to
Moleong (2006:132), there are five criteria in selecting the research informant:
honest, reliable, speaking up, subject is neutral, subject has view point about
certain case that happening. Miles and Huberman also state the criteria of
informants are : they are guaranteed as reliable sources, they know well the
situation at the moment, and they have different role and have different
perspective. Gay, Mills & Airasian (2012) add the characteristics of a good key
informant include the ability to be reflective and thoughtful, to communicate
(orally, in writing, or both) effectively with the researcher, and to be
comfortable with the researcher’s presence at the research site.The research
informant of the research will be the Thai students that apply vocabulary
The researcher will use purposive random sampling. Accroding to
Creswell (2012) in purposeful sampling, researchers intentionally select
individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon. The
researcher want to find out the information about the the vocabulary learning
strategy applied by Thailand students to solve vocabulary problems within the
accurate informant as the researcher need. Therefore, the researcher will
observe when the Thailand students learning vocabulary in the class.

D. Research Instrument

The researcher has the important role in this research. The researcher
is the keyinstrument. Data will be collected by applying interview in
interview guide. According to Gay (2000:219), an interview is a purposeful
interaction, usually between two people, focused on one person trying to
get information from other person. This techniques of data is used to get
direct information.
To guide the interview, the researcher is followed some steps that
support by Gay (2000:23):
1. Listening more, talking less. Listening is the most important part of
2. Following up on what participants say and ask question when you do
not understand
3. Avoiding leading question, ask open-ended questions
4. Avoiding interrupt. Learn how to wait
5. Keeping participants focused and ask for concrete details
6. Tolerating silence. It means the participants is thinking
7. Avoiding judgemental about participants’ views or beliefs.
8. Avoiding debate with participants over their responses.

E. Technique of Data Collection

The data will be collected by doing interview. The researcher as the

key instrument get the data by doing observation, after that the researcher
will do interview. According to Gay, Mills, & Airasian (2012), an interview
is a purposeful interaction in which one person obtains information from
another. Interviews permit researchers to obtain important data they cannot
acquire from observation alone, although pairing observations and
interviews provides a valuable way to gather complementary data.

The interview in this research is an unstructured interview in order to

get more information from informants without making them mind about
that. According to Gay, Mills, & Airasian (2012), that the unstructured
interview is little more than a casual conversation that allows the qualitative
researcher to inquire into something that has presented itself as an
opportunity to learn about something at the research setting. The goal of
informal interviews is not to get answers to predetermined questions but
rather to find out where the participants are coming from and what they
have experienced.This technique is used to get direct information from the
informants who use strategy in learning vocabulary. It means the researcher
interviewed the informants to get more data about the vocabulary learning
strategy applied by Thailand students to solve vocabulary problems and
then the researcher recorded the interview process. On the other hand, there
are some additional instruments that will be used in this research. They
audio recording and documentation. The interview itself will be conducted
during November – March 2020 in several places of School in Nakhon Si
Thammart, Thailand.
To create a rapport between the researcher and the informants, the
interviews are conducted in Thailand Language, so that the close and
infromal relation can be established. The researcher will ask the native
Thailand society that help researcher to translate the question into Thailand
language. In addition, in order to get full information from the infromants,
the researcher will use some additional isntruments such recorder to record
the interview process.

F. Research Procedures

This research will be conducted by applying the several steps. They

are pre-operation, whilst operation and post-operation.
a. Preparation
1. Finding research problems
2. Finding the theories that related to research problem
3. Writing proposal of the research
4. Consulting with the advisors
5. Revising the proposal
6. Making instrument
7. Consulting with the advisor
8. Revising the instrument
9. Doing the proposal seminar
10. Revising the proposal
b. Operation
1. Doing interview
2. Recording the interview
3. Transcript the interview
4. Analysing the data of interview
c. Post-Operation
1. Checking the data trustworthiness
2. Constructing data reduction of the interview result
3. Drawing conclusion
4. Writing the research report
5. Consulting with advisor
6. Revising research report
7. Having munaqasah
8. Revising research report

G. Checking the Data Trustwoerthiness

Checking the data trustwoerthiness is used to esure the trustwoerthiness of

the collect data. Sugiyono (2007:127) states that triangulation is a technique of
data collection combine two techniques of data collection in order to get same
the result. Furthermore, in order to check the credibility of the data, the
researcher compared the result of interview of the students and theory.
In this research,checking the data trustwoerthiness is the purpose that has
to be reached by the researcher use the qualitative approach. The analysis of
this data trustwoerthiness will do continously and repeteadly, either in
collecting or analyzing the data. First, the researcher will interview the students
about the research’s problem to take the data from informants. Then, in order
to check the credibility of the data, the researcher will do another interview.

H. Technique of Data Analysis

The data will analyze based on the the result of the interview. The result of
the interview will be analyzed in three steps; reduction of the data; data display;
and conclusion or verivication of the data.
1. Reduction of the Data
Miles and Huberman (1994:10) state that reduction of data is
interpreted as the process of choice, interest focused, simplifications,
abstractions and ata transformation that exist from written noted in the
field. The reduction of the data is occured during the interview happend.
It means when the data is collected, the phase of the continuing of
reduction is occured such as drawing conclusion, codification,
investigating themes, grouping and writing memorandum.
In the data reduction, the researcher will do some step. First, she
will make transcriptions of the interview result. Second, she will tide

up the data that the she collects to make sure the date, organize, and
sequence all scripts. Third, she will give the initial reading for the data,
for example, informant 1 (1), informant 2 (2), informant 3 (3) and so on.
Fourth, she will select the ata related the topic. The researcher also
discard and unneed ones in the transcript. Fifth, she will code and bold
the important section strategies with some codes, for example ; A for
the problems, A.1 as the first strategy, A.2 as the second strategy and
henceforth. At last, the researcher put the same information in the table.
2. Data Display
Miles and Huberman (1994:11) state that data display is the set of
informant arrange to give possibility to draw a conclusion and do a
treatment. In this step, the researcher will analyze Thai Students’
strategies in solving their problems in learning vocabulary by drawing
a conclusion of the interview result of students. She will try to make and
conclude the result of data that have been reduce in table. She will make
a table that has clear information about the information that has already
given by the informants.
3. Conclusion and Verification of the Data
After reducing the data and display the data, the final step is
conclusion or verification of the data. The researcher will try to make
conclusion and verification of data. This activity is aimed to conclude
about the Thai Students’ strategies in solving their problems in learning


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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………... 1
A. Background of the Problem…………………………………………………… 1
B. Focus and Question of the Research…………………………………………...5
C. Definition of Key Term……………………………………………………….. 5
D. Purpose of the Research………………………………………………………..6
E. Significance of the Research………………………………………………….. 6
A. Review of Related Theories……………………………………………………8
1. Vocabulary………………………………………………………………….. 8
a. Definition of Vocabulary………………………………………………….8
b. Importance of vocabulary…………………………………………………9
2. Vocabulary Learning……………………………………………………….11
a. Definition of Vocabulary Learning……………………………………... 11
b. Problems in Learning Vocabulary……………………………………….12
3. Vocabulary Learning Strategy…………………………………………….. 14
B. Review of Relevant Studies………………………………………………….. 16
A. Research Design……………………………………………………………... 18
B. Research Setting……………………………………………………………... 18
C. Research Informant…………………………………………………………...19
D. Research Instrument…………………………………………………………. 20
E. Technique of Data Collection………………………………………………... 20
F. Research Procedures…………………………………………………………. 22
G. Checking the Data Trustwoerthiness………………………………………… 23
H. Technique of Data Analysis…………………………………………………..23
BLIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………. 25


Submitted to the English Teacher Department of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Batusangkar
as A Requirement for Writing Proposal


Reg. No. 1630104042




1. Warming-up 1. Greeting 1. Assalamu’alaikum

2. Memperkenalkan warrahmatullahi
diri wabarakatuh.
3. Menyampaikan 2. Maaf sebelumnya,
tujuan perkenalkan nama saya
wawancara Nelvi Zuliani dari
4. Menyediakan English teaching
kesediaan department IAIN
informan untuk Batusangkar.
diwawancarai 3. Maksud dan tujuan
dan direkam saya kesini adalah
untuk melakukan
wawancara terkait
penelitian saya tentang
An Analysis of Thai
Students Strategies in
Solving Their
Problems in Learning
4. Apakah
bersedia untuk
Apakah selama proses
wawancara ini saya
boleh merekam

2. Level check Memastikan apakah 1. Sebelum saya memulai

informan cocok untuk wawancara,saya ingin
diwawancarai bertanya apakah
saudara/saudari belajar
Bahasa Inggris ?
2. Apa apa saja yang di
pelajari di kelas Bahasa
3. Apakah dalam mata
pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris belajar tentang
4. Apakah saudara/i
mengalami kesulitan
dalam belajar Bahasa
Inggris ?
3. Probing Menggali informasi 1. Bagaimana cara
tentang strategi yang saudara/i untuk
digunakan siswa Thai mengatasi
dalam mengatasi permasalahan dalam
permasalahan dalam belajar Vocabulary?
belajar Vocabulary 2. Strategi apa saja yang
saudara/i gunakan
dalam meengatasi
permasalahan dalam
belajar vocabulary ?
4. Wind-down Mengakhiri wawancara 1. Baiklah,dari apa yang
dan menginformasikan saudara/saudari
kepada informan tentang sampaikan tadi saya
kemungkinan hal-hal mendapatkan
yang kesimpulan....
dibutuhkan selanjutnya. 2. Terimakasih atas
waktu dan ketersediaan
saudara/saudari untuk
diwawancara. Jika
nanti saya hendak
melakukan wawancara
berkenan untuk
diwawancara lagi?
3. Bolehkah saya
memintak kontak
saudara/saudari yang
bisa saya hubungi
4. Saya mohon pamit.

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