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Vaping Life of Teens and Why It Is Addictive


Vaping is the inhaling of a vapor created by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or other

vaping device. Although e-cigarettes have been around for more than a decade, vaping rates
have increased in recent years, especially among teens. E-cigarettes are now the most
frequently used tobacco product among adolescents — some 2.1 million middle and high school
students were e-cigarette users in 2017 — far surpassing traditional combustible cigarettes.
JUUL, a popular vape device that comes in fun flavors, looks like a flash drive and can be
charged in a USB port, is especially concerning. JUUL delivers high levels of nicotine, making
the product extremely addictive. The company that makes and markets JUUL recently
exceeded a $10 billion valuation faster than any company, including Facebook.

E-cigarettes contain high levels of nicotine. E-cigarette juices are sold in flavors like fruit,
candy, coffee and chocolate. Most have the addictive ingredient nicotine. The more kids vape,
the more hooked they become. Because of these high nicotine levels, vaping is extremely
addictive — and teens are already more susceptible to addiction than adults because their
brains are still developing, which makes them more likely to habituate to using drugs and
alcohol. Once nicotine binds to that receptor, it sends a signal to the brain to release a well-
known neurotransmitter—dopamine—which helps create a ‘feel-good’ feeling. Dopamine is part
of the brain’s feedback system that says “whatever just happened felt good” and trains the brain
to repeat the action. But nicotine, unlike other drugs such as alcohol, quickly leaves the body
once it is broken down by the liver. Once it’s gone, the brain craves nicotine again.

When an addicted teen tries to quit nicotine, the problem of cravings is of course tied to
the drug that causes the dopamine rush. What’s more, recent animal study research and human
brain imaging studies have shown that “environmental cues, especially those associated with
drug use, can change dopamine concentrations in the brain,” he says. This means that simply
seeing a person you vape with, or visiting a school restroom—where teens say they vape during
the school day—can unleash intense cravings. “In the presence of these cues, it’s difficult not to
Teenage Substance Abuse: Short Term Gain For A Longer Term Pain

Ever since I was a child, I have seen numerous news on televisions relating about drug
addiction, and substance abuse and its powerful effect on people that enables one innocent
looking person become capable of such inhumane actions. But before this very day that these
“substances” were marked as dangerous and life damaging, it once saved lives.
The alarming question here in the Philippines is “Why do people have to overuse it?”
Having read several researches and articles, drug use is multi-factorial and it commonly
involves the younger generation.
We’ve all been on that stage. As young and carefree people, the world is to explore. Try
new experiences, go and have fun. The world is for us to conquer. I admit if I say that I have
tried drinking alcoholic beverages solely on special occasions for the sake of social context,
then it would have been a lie. I am curious. “What’s with these drinks that make everyone
around me want it?” I thought. This drive made me go for it. I’m quite sure I share the similar
story for others. Yes, it was fun at first, but in the end, I resented it.
Fortunately, alcohol is the only substance I became involved with. I knew people who
smoke tobacco out of sheer influence. Looking at them now, it sure surprised me. I used to
know these people as the “good kids” of our school. Years have passed and nowadays I’ll see
them huffing and puffing smoke, just like their influential friends. Peers pressure is a major
factor. Of course, who wants a friend who can’t even fit in around your circle?
My mother used to tell me that drug abuse is directly related with genetics. Meaning, it
runs along the family line. It’s true on how easily our brains getting addicted to a certain
substance may be genetically predisposed, but there is another possible reason behind that.
The youth will try involving themselves all over these drugs because it’s what they see around
them. The environment we have can influence on how we see what’s right from not. It is highly
possible for a ten-year old kid be involved in using illegal drugs living in a place full of drug
addicts. Much worse, his parent or guardian is also partaking in it.
We can clearly notice that those who are involved with substance abuse are more often
or not, once victims of abuse or are in difficult positions in life. Problematic past experiences,
present life plights, and mental disorders. Who wants that? These substances alter how much
brain chemicals will be released, thus making us either euphoric, manic, depressed and other
extreme mood changes. People who want to forget the burden of their emotions may seek
substances as their own unhealthy coping mechanism. The high was great, but after some time,
it all goes back to reality
Alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs. -Are they all worth to give it a fly? Under the age of
teenage hormones spiking in, we ought to set out for new adventures and there is nothing
wrong with it. The only thing that matters is how are we going to control it. Is “Tikim lang ‘to” only
up until once only? To be honest, no. It’s not worth it. We have seen it all. The damage and
consequences. Is it not an enough evidence that while we can still avoid it, don’t even think
about it? There are A LOT of other healthy solutions to problems other than involving with
substance abuse. We have to face the reality. The only escape to our endeavors is when we
choose to face it and find a way to end it. Yes, I am in no position to speak of everyone, but my
main point here is: A. Problem. Won’t. Be. Solved. By. Another. Problem. Please, you can do it,
but don’t ruin your long term life for a short term pleasure.

Where Do Real Help Begins


“Everyday is another chance to change your life.”

People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives. People
have given for taking drugs for the reason that they want to fit in, escape or relax, rebel, or
experiment. The environment that they live has a great effect to each individual. They think
drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs become the problem. That’s why drug
rehabilitation centres open their doors for those who want start a new life. Rehabilitation, or
rehab, aims to restore someone life that is damaged by their past activities. Drug rehabilitation
serves as a second home for those individuals who are voluntarily seeks someone’s help. That
may sound easy, but it can often be very challenging. For many, the most difficult part is
acknowledging a need for treatment. Once in treatment, the challenge is usually staying in
treatment long enough to not only break free of drugs, but to get your life back on track. Here
are the benefits of drug rehabilitation program that would help you or your love one:

* Stop the addictive cycle

Being in a drug-free environment with a proper guidance would help them to achieve
their goal. Drug rehab may include detoxification which helps the addict rid his or her body of
the drugs, but detox alone is not enough treatment to effectively break the addictive cycle long-

* Educating oneself About Addiction

Once you are free from drugs, you have the ability to think more clearly and can educate
yourself about your addiction. Learning about your addiction means gaining insight into which
people, events, sensory experiences and habits trigger cravings for drugs.

* Dig into the Underlying Issues

There are many reasons people get addicted to drugs, but you must gain insight into
what draws you towards your substance of choice. It’s important that you peel back the layers of
your behavior to understand what is behind your drug habits and help you build new coping
skills that don’t rely on substance use.

* Build New Habits and Practices

Most people with a history of drug use have poor discipline and self-care habits. A
critical part of self-care for a person in recovery is setting and accomplishing goals. Rehab can
help you set short and long-term goals in the areas most important to a strong recovery. These
areas include goals for your physical and emotional health, relationships, occupational and
spiritual aspirations.

* Establish Healthy Boundaries

What emerges from relationships with poorly defined boundaries is a survival mentality
where family members assume roles to help cope with stress. Though these roles can
temporarily lessen stress, they increase confusion and anxiety because the underlying issue of
the substance use is never directly dealt with. Rehab can help you understand where these
boundaries get tangled up and show you ways to keep them healthy.

According to the Department of Health, there are 53 Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation
Centers (DATRCs) around the Philippines that are ready to cater drug addicts who voluntarily
apply to undergo drug rehabilitation program.

Sometimes just a shift in our thinking can provide a catalyst for the change we wish to see in our
realities. After all, we become what we think, and we attract what we are, so we must utilize our
own power if we want to start living a different life.
You hold the key to a new reality, and one thought could flip your world upside down if you
simply believe in your own ability to create positive change.

Act now before it’s too late.


Alcohol is a major part in most young adult lives. Although it is hard to accept, we could
all agree that as teenagers we were already exposed to alcohol and that includes me. I was
exposed to alcohol at a young age through my parents. They had this philosophy of "start em
young so they know what to do" and in this case they are somewhat right. I first had alcohol at
the ripe age of 14 at a New Year's night, 2 shots of peach flavored vodka. From that moment on,
it was a staple for me to drink at special family occasions but they don't allow me to drink outside.
My own parents were shocked at how much I can consume. I can down hard drinks such as
whiskey, brandy, rum, and the likes. Personally I prefer harder drinks as to beers because I feel
full after 2 bottles of beer. One of the worst experiences I've had was when my dad had a family
gathering and I sat down with my uncles and cousins. I had by then drank 2 glasses of wine, one
beer, and an outstanding 12-14 shots of emperador rum in short duration of 30-45 minutes. Once
me and my dad left, I felt queasy and unfortunately vomited on the driveway. This led to a series
of unfortunate events which I wouldn't disclose for reasons. After that I was more careful with my
drink but still drinks large amounts, I learned to pace myself.

I wanted to share my experience with alcohol in where I in excess has had an unfortunate memory
in which I do not wish to repeat. I also mentioned how a large portion of minors are exposed to
alcohol. Many of my friends share stories of their nightlife where they enjoy with friends and
consume alcohol. It may be normalized by the younger generations but it raises a question. "What
happens to them in the future?". As we know, alcohol is addictive and is one of the most
accessible of substances. We as young adults already drink a lot and this is troubling due to the
dangers of being an alcoholic. There are also cases where alcohol related incidents are caused
by minors. It is usually DUI. In my village there was an incident where a maid was cleaning the
outside of the house peacefully until she was smashed in between the gate of the house and a
large SUV containing 3-4 people. The details may be inaccurate but I remember that the maid did
not survive and the driver was found to be under the influence.
Alcohol may be an escape for most young people, may it be problems with family or something
else. But the bottomline is that it is the norm for the underage to be out there drinking with or
without the knowledge of the parents. I am concerned about my peers as I don't want them to
meet the same fate. Alcohol is good in moderation but once you go over the threshold there are
consequences to this. I want to enlighten the population to be more careful in supervising the
children to avoid any further harm to anyone.


Since mid-2016, extrajudicial killings, also known as EJK, confederated with President
Rodrigo Duterte’s action to war on drugs have claimed more than twenty thousand lives. Last
2017, as many as 32 individuals were killed in Metro Manila in a single night. The primary plan of
this action is to unjustly kill someone who is known to be a user or a pusher of illegal drugs in the
Philippines. These people are abusing or overusing the said substances. Drug abuse is the main
topic of this phenomena. Til now, there are a lot of hidden stories behind this happening. Last
March 2019, Phillipine President Rodrigo duterte stated that the drug situation in the country has
worsened. According to philstar, the PDEA recently intercepted at least P2.8 billion worth of illegal
drugs in a house in Alabang, Muntinlupa City and another P1.8 billion worth of shabu at a port in
Manila that were placed inside tea and biscuit packages. The President is stressed that it has
been difficult to guard the shoreline of the country, through which the illegal drugs could be
smuggled. As long as there’s a supplier of drugs, Filipinos will still continue on using and abusing
it. This is an actual situation on how our fellowmen abuse the illegal substance. The President
was also worried with implementing his war on drugs action since even some of the personnel in
the government, police and military as well as those in judiciary are also involved in the illegal
drug trade. Does this mean that only those who are poor or unfortunate are subjected to be killed
due to drugs and not those who are wealthy? Basically, extra judicial killings is out of hand since
the goverment officials are somehow given the power to decide whether to kill a drug addict or
not. Eventhough, people are abusing this substances, there is no one in this world who can decide
whether we live or die. It should always follow the proper process of our justice system which is
actually violated in this war on drugs. Each one of us should be given the power to defend
ourselves and be given a second chance to change. Drugs is all over the country, it cannot be
stop easily, it is endemic but the occurrence happening right now in our country is totally unlawful.

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