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yw B.C. : MKA-S-EEN WN : “ 12054 52.0[ DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO. | Ny Test Booklet Series Serial oo : TEST BOOKLET ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300 INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT ‘THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC, IF 80, GET I REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET, Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without amy omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheef. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet Liable for rejection. : ‘You have to enter your Roll Number on the ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside ©02005% DO NOT write anything else on the Test Bookict. This Test Booklet contains 150 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark an the Answer Sheet, In case, you feel that there is toro than one correct response, mark the response which yon consider the best, in any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. You have to mark your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. Alll items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Shoot the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fll in some particulars in the Answer Shect as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Certificate. ‘After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination bas conckided, you should hand over to the Luvigilator only the Answer Sheet, You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booldet at the end. Penalty for wrong answers : ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE. | ‘There are four alternatives for the answer ia jon, For cach question for which 4 wrong answer © Gia'fooy ghea bythe cudnt onwisled BB} 0 th sce aig fr wtih a ane deducted as penalty. a ‘Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as. a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be seme penalty as above to that question. Gi) Ha question is Te Blam, Lc, no answer i given hy the candidat, there will be no penalty for thot question DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARK ASKED TO DO SO waseaty “oO (4-A) \s 1, If a square matrix of order 100 has exactly 15 distinet eigenvalues, thea the degree of the ‘minimal polynomial is @) Atlesst 15 “ (b) At most 16 SI Always 15 (d) Exactly 100 5 43 33 SFA ow? 2 "The solution ofthe differential equation yyt—x? dy+x fi-y? ax=0 is ta) ft-s?. ) finy? few + fy ae ). 5. The Fourier series expansion of the saw-toothed waveform x) =x in (-7,1) of period 2n gives the series,” 1,11 MeptecRt ‘The sum is equal to x @ > 2 x (b) TT 2 x t) 6 x @ 1 - 6, What is the value of m for which 2x — x? + my” is harmonic ? @ fiex? st fisyF =e . ‘ 7 . ) 2 3. The general solution of the differential equation -@ - aty ody (ody ody, gg, [4% Bealuate at a a wea ty is ~ (@) y=(ey~ex) e8 +05 008% + 6 sin x [= where cis x2+y"=1. ) y= (c, +43) ec, cosx +c, sing e (yale, regte’ +e, conn +e, sinx 2 x . wm 2 (A) y=(e, +653) 0 + cy cos xe, sinx . . Jo 0 . an = @ -1 4. Given the Fourier series in (~x, 2) for f(x) = x cos x, the value of a, will be, . 2 8 ‘Tho sum of residues of flz) = 2. @ ~3" - @-)PG@-2B . at its singular point is moe fe) -8 ) @ 2 -4 pe a wv @ tn _ @ 0 a vt @ 4 MKA-S-EEN “A “ dodge OA oy, ay Ltey® 9, A bag contains 7 red and 4 white bails, Two balls are drawn at random. What is the probability that both the balls are red? fa) h) oO 28 55 21 55 7 5 wm 4 55 10. A random variable X has the density function =k A, where ~ 0 < x < Thon the a value of Kis @ by (o) d) wie Brie § i. density function (nis an integer) otherwise with mean 3. The values of lk, nfare @) £ | @ 1,2 What is the probobility that at most 5 defective fuses. will be found in a box of| 200 fuses, if 2% of such fuses are defective ? 12, A random variable X has a probability | @_ 083 {a) 0-1 Bohr magneton o) on {b) 10 Bohr magneton () 069 (©) 10 Bohr magneton Lew i pe i — @ 082 om 100 Bohr magneton ae MKA-S-EEN @ Oe (3-a) iss wae GF La. 18. IFX is a normal variate with.mean 30 and standard deviation 5, what is. (26 SX £34), given A (2 = 0-8) = 0-281? 02881 5762 08181 0-1616 14. For high speed reading and storing of information ia a computer, the core shall be on " we Ferrite (b) Piezoelectric {e) Pyroclectrie (@ Ferromagnetic above 768°C 15, Saft magnetic materials should have (a) Large saturation magnetization. and large permeability JS. Low saturation magnetization and large permeability (Large saturation magnetization and low permeability Low saturation magnetization and low permeability @ 16. Gauss’s theorem states that total electric flox © emanating from a closed surface is equal to (a) Total current density on the surface (9% Total charge enclosed by that surface © ‘Total current on the surface (@) Total charge density within the surface Orbital magnetic moment of an electron, in an atom, is of the order of 6-5 Iq 18. When the temperature of a ferromagnetic material exceeds ‘the Curie temperature, it behaves similar to a (a) Diamagnetic material (b) Ferrimagnetic material (c) Paramagnetic material (@) Antiferromagnetic material 19, Photoconductivity is a characteristic of semiconductors. When light falls on certain semiconductors, it (a) Sets free electrons from some of the atoms, increasing the conductivity (b) Bjects electrons into space JS Betablishes a potential difference creating a source of EM (@ Produces heat raising the temperature The resistivity of intrinsic germanium at 30°C is 0-46 Om. What is the intrinsic carrier density n, at 30°C, taking the electron mobility p, a8 038 m'/V-s and hole mobility Hy 28. 0-18. mV-3 ? (@) 24x 10%? ®) 42%10%mn? © 24%10%m? @ 42x10? For intrinsic gallium arsenide, conductivity at room temperature is 10°8(Q-m), the electron and hole mobilities are, respectively 0-85 and 0-04 m°VV-s. The intrinsic. carrier concentration n at room temperature is (a) 70x10" m4 ) 07x10" a @ 70x10 m4 @ 21. o7x10? a4 MKA-S-EEN (4- 22. A copper conductor has a resistance of 155 © at O°C, What is its pereentage conductivity at 16°C (to nearest unit valne) assuming the temperature coefficient ‘of copper as 0-00428 por °C at °C? (o) 54% At temperatures shove a Hmiting value, the energy of lattice vibrations, in 2 conductor, increases linearly with temperature 80 that resistivity increases linearly with temperature. Tn this region, this limiting value of temperature is called (a) Bernoulli temperature (b) Curie temperature (©) Debye temperature i Neel temperatore 24. Consider the following statements : 1. ‘The critical magnetie field of a superconductor is maximum at absolute ero. ‘Transition temperature of superconductor is sensitive to structure, a its & The critical magnetic. field of a superconductor is zero at its critical tomperature. 4, Superconductors show very high 6n B>29 podns23+ o p>23+ 22 ™ 2 Ra where, n= Ft. 8 87, A tued-collector oscillator bas a fixed inductatice of 100 wH and has to,be tunable over the frequency band of 500 kHz to 1500 KHz. What is the range of variable capacitor to be used ? (@) 115-1021 pr (b) 113 ~ 1015 pF @) 93-1016 uF (@ 110-1021 pF he logical expression, ABC + ABC+ABC ‘equivalent to (a) AW®+C) ~ = x 4U ® A+B+6 ru @ ABE ae @ A+B) ¥ What is the analog output for a 4-bit R2R ladder DAC when input is (1000), for Veg BV? (a) 28338y O) 2aaav (@ 26656V 89. Fourier series of any periodic signal x(t) can be obtained if Tr 1 | - 9 2. Finite number of discontinuities within finite time interval t I xt) [dt < oo 3. Infinite number of discontinuities Select the correct answer using the cades given below : (@) 1,2and3, ©) Land 8 only we 1and 2 only ~ oO | (@) 2and3only @ 26667 ~ Which logic inputs should ‘be given to the input lines Jp, 1y, Ty and Ip, if the MUX is to behave as two inpat XNOR gate? 90. Which one of the following statements is ? . correct LTT eystem is causal (a) Tf and only if its impulse response is non-zero for negative values of n, {Wd only i impale espns i non-zero for positive values of n, (© If its impulse response is zero for negative values of i, . (@) Wits impulse response is zero for positive values of, RB ABE aC EteO 91. Consider the following statements with respect to Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): “we Tb is obtained by performing a campling operation in the time domain, It transforms a finite duration sequence into a discrete frequency spectrum, 98. The number of complex additions and multiplications in direct DFT are, respectively (@) " NON-1) and N? . (by NON +1) and N* (NOV +1) and N @ Nanen? ° Y It is obtained by performing a sampting, operation in both time and frequency domains, 94. The Fourier transform of a unit rectangular . pulse shown in the figure is ‘Which of the above statements is/are correct ? x lf Land 2only + 4 J 2andSbnly ©) only - @ sonly ar) at @) wsina 92 The Laplace transform of the below function 2aino : is 2sine Att) ° . os 8 sine a) mo @ em i 95, The number of complex additions and (@) Fls)= 8s (1-0) wt Ms) = 8 are {c) Pis}= Bs (1 +e") t o @ Fe=2a-0% MKA-S-EEN a2 g 3! * ~ Se Be (15-A) ‘toltiplications in FFT are, respectively, we x logy N. and N log, N @®) Wlogy and ogy x : (logy and log, N logy and X togy é Syed 4 \ OTS 96. Consider. the folowing driving point (s+2) 2,{s) = O° re i G+ Zs) = 8+? — Od +2)(e44) WO ernie Which one of the above is positive real ? (@) 4% @) 2, @ % @ % ‘97, The closed-loop transfer function of a aystem js a2 is 2s? Ris) 84857 4195412 The system is Stable Unstable Conditionally stable (@) Critically stable 98. A system has 14 poles and 2 zeros in its ‘open-loop. transfer function. The slope of its highest frequency asysuptote in its magnitude plotis (a) - 40 dBidee (b) ~240,dBidee fe) + 40 dB/dee (d) +240 dB/dee MKA-S-EEN (16- 99. ‘The open-loop transfer function for the Bode’s magnitude plot is OdRMee 1G Go) H Gu) aB osm va a trades) —~—* 8°14 0.28) (1 +0.02s) Ks +025) (1 + 0.028) fa) Gis) H{s) = (b) Gis) His) = Ka? {c) Gis) His) = wines0 @ G@)H@=~—E _ 8°(3 +5) (5 +50) 100, While forming a Routh array, the situation of arow of zeras indicates that the ‘system (a) has symmetrically located roots ‘is stable (©) is insensitive to variations in gain (@ has asymmetrically located roots 101. A linear time-invariant control system with unsatisfactory stoady state error is to be ‘compensated. ‘Which is/are the correct type of cascade compensation to be provided ? tL Lead ~ x lag 3. Lag-lead Select the correct answer using the cndes given below : (a) Loiy ~ * PO” Donly 1) 3only @) 1,2and3 A) ‘102. A pbase-lead network has its transfer function (1+ 0-048) . What is the frequency at whieh the maximum phase-lead occurs ? (a) Oy © @ 25 rad/see 50 rad/see ‘75 rad/sec 100 rad/sec 103. What is the open-loop transfer function for the system, whose characteristic equation is | +8874 (K+2)5+5K=07 104. In a gystem, the damping coefficient is -2, The systom response will be (a) Undamped (b) Oscillations with decreasing magnitude US Oscillations with increasing magnitude (@) Critically damped MKA-S-EEN (17 105. A dynamic system is described by the following equations : (2) Re -3 -4| Y=110 Olu ‘Then the transfer function relating ¥ and u is given by 0 x- wand 1 Y@)_ 0s © We” Frasce Ye _ 10 @ » wis) +4843 © 5 342841 a sé 4as¢1 re 108. The characteristics of a mode of controller are summarized : 1. If error is zero, the output from the controller is zero. 2. Werror is constant in time, the output from the controller is zéro. 4 3. For changing error in time, the output from the controller is |K|% for every - 1% see rate of change of exror. 4. For positive rate of change of error, the output is also positive, ‘The mode of controller is (a) Integral controller (b) Derivative controller 1,2anda only (@) 2, 3and4only” 112, A 12-pole, 440 V, 50 Hz, S-phase synchronous motor takes a Tine current of 100 A at 0-8 pf leading. Neglecting losses, the torque developed will be (a) 705 Nm (db) 1265.Nm ered {eh 1058 Nm « (d) 525Nm 113. Consider the following statements : 1, Salient pole alternators have small diameters and large axial lengths. 79 2. Cylindrical rotor alternators have a distributed winding. 8. Cylindrical rotor alternators are wound for lange number of poles, 4: ySakient pole alternators ran at speeds slower than cylindrical rotor machines, ‘Which of the above statements sre correct ? (a) A and 8 only (b) and 4only ©, and 4 only 2and 3 only MKAS-EEN (19- 114. A permanent magnet stepper'motor with 115, A) 8 poles in stator and 6 poles in rotor will have astep angle of fa) 75 ) 15° {30° dd) Gr The transmission line is represented as a tsvo-port network as shown in thie figure. The sending end voltage and current are expressed in terms of receiving end voltage and current for the network as v, Va+Bly Ig=CV,+DIy where A, B, C and D are generalized circuit constants. 4,B,C,D men tv The condition for symmetry for the network is (@) A=C oY A=D © B=c @ BeD 116. A power system has two synchronous generators having governor turbine characteristics as” P,=50(50~f) P, = 1061-1) where f represents the system frequency, Assuming a lossless operation of the complete power system, what is the system frequency for a total lond of 800 MW? (a) 5599 He ) 502 © 4593 He () 40H ALT. Two networks are connected in cascade in the figure. The equivalent ABCD constants are obtained for the combined network having C=01 290, a What is the value of 2, ? (a) 5004-60" (hb) 0-103 @ 10) (@ 502-60" 118. Which one of the following does not have an 0 corona ? Spacing between conductars () Conductor size (Line voltage (@) Length of conductor « MKA-S-EEN 119. Consider the following statements regarding corona: we It causes radio interference, 2 yy Ib attenuates lightning surges. 3./, Th eauses power loss, 4. It is more prevalent in the middle conductor of a transmission line employing flat conduetar configuration, ‘Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) 1,2.and3 only -) 4,2and 4only ( 1,2,8and4 VAS 8 and 4only 120. The loss formula coefficient matrix for a two-plant system is given by 0001 —0-0001 B= Mol -00001 00013 The economic schedule for a certain load is given as P,=150MW and P,=275 MW. What is the penalty factor for plant 1 for this condition ? (a) 1324 {b) 1515 () 1576 @) 1722 (20-A) 121. A lossless power, system has two generators 122, MKA-S-EEN G, and G,; and2total load to be served is 200 MI. The respective cost curves C, and Cy aredefined as | 2 y= Py 10-01 P2, .09-p2 C,~5 Poy + 002 P2, Assume the minimum leading on any genérator to be 30 MW, the most economical loads Pg, and Pap for the two generators are, Tespectively (a) 170 MW and 100 MW (6) 200 MW and 100 MW (© 170MWand 30 MW (@ 200 MW and 30 MW In-a S-phase ac power transmission system using synchronous generation (a) The steady state power limits of both xan rotor and salient pole machines are reached at @ = © of their respective power angle characteristics, ‘The steady state power limit of round rotor machines occurs at a much smaller angle 0 as compared to that of salient pole machine power angle characteristic: (The steady state power limit of salient pole machines occurs at smaller angle & as compared to that of round rotor snachine power angle characteristic. ‘The transient state power limits of synchronous generators do not depend on initial, load just before. the large change in load or on 3-phase faul, ) 123, ws 124, 125, (21-A) Bulk power transmission over. long HVDC lines is preferred because of (a) Lov cost of HVDC terminal ” (b) Noharmonic losses Minimum line power losses {@) Simple protection ‘The turn-off time of a thyristor is 30 us at 50°C. What is its turn-off time at 100°C? f@) (b) © @ 15 ps ‘The IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) used in the circuit has the following data : ton = 305, topp = FZ us, Duty eyele (D) = 0-7, Vegieay = 2 and f, = 1 kHe, What are the switching power losses during tnrn-on and turn-cff, respectively? 198 Wand 1-7 W 22.Wand 17 W . 1-98 W and 0-792 W 2-2 W and 0-702 W.. fa) ob) © @ 126. Consider the following statements with regatd'to a G10: ' 1. 'The turn-off gain of the GTO is large. 2. Lange negative gate current pulses are required to turn off the GTO. 3 GTO has large reverse blocking capability, ‘Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (by) 2only (@). 3only @) 1,2and3 Consider the following statements with regard to power diodes : 1. ‘The breakdown voltage is directly proportional to the doping density of the ~ drift region. 2 Tasses in the diode are less due to conductivity modulation of the drift region in the on-state, 3, The vertically’ oriented structure supports large blocking voltages. Which of the ubove statements is/are correct ? Lonly 2only fa) ) (© Sonly @ 1,2and3 MKA-S-EEN 128, A three-phase fully-controlled bridge converter is connected to a 415 V supply, having a source resistance of 030 and inductance of 12mH per phase, The converter is working in the inversion made at a firing advance angle of 30°. What is the average generator voltage for the conditions : ‘dc current 1 = 60 A, thyristor drop = 15 V and f= 50 Hz? @) 1s0v &) 210 @ 230V @) 240V 129. A large de motor is required to control the speed of the blower from a S-phase ac source. ‘The suitable ac to de converter is, 3-phase (a) Fully controlled bridge converter 9S Fully controlled bridge converter with _ freewheeling diode (©) Half controlled bridge converter (d) Converter pair in sequence control 130. Consider the following statements : 1. The voltage. developed across the OFF switches of the half bridge converter is the maximum de link voltage. 2. In the full bridge converter, the voltage across the primary of the transformer is the delink voltage. 3. The voltage developed across the OFF switches of the full bridge converter is. half the maximum de link veltage. Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) 1,2and3. (b) Land 3 only (c) Land 2 only {d) 2and 3 only (22-A) Directions: Each of the next twenty (20) items consists of too statements, one labelled as ‘Statement (1) and the other as ‘Statement (I). Examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below : Codes: (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (ID) are individually true and Statement (iI) is the correct explanation af Statement (1) {b) Both Statement (1) and Statement (ID) are individually true but Statement (11 is zot the correct explanation of Statement (1) () Statement (1) is true but Statement (ID is * false . (d) Statement (1) is false but Statement (ID) is true 1BL, Statement (D: supercondictor is a perfect’ diamagnetic material. 0 Statement (i): np Aperemauctor in a perfect conductor, 132. Statement (I : itniting factor of DC transmission is the high of conversion equipment, Statement Q): @ ration of harmonics is used for reactive rer transfer only which has the ability to alter voltage levels, 138. Statement (1): A lattice defect gets created whenever the _Abetiodicity or order of the-erystal lattice gets disturbed. Statement UD) : © frit defect, line defect, surface defect and ‘volume defect create defect in lattice, MKA-S-EEN 134, Siatement (1): , ‘To measure power consumed by. the load, itis necessary to interchange the pressure coil terminals when the pointer of a wattmeter ‘kicks back. ‘Statement (ID: ‘The pressure coil terminals are interchanged to get upscale reading in a wattmeter without affecting the continuity of power to the load. 195, Statement (D : An instrument manufactured as an ammeter W should not be used as a voltmeter. , ‘Statement (ID) : 1¢ high resistance windiay of an ammeter ill suffer serious damage if eannected across ahigh voltage source. 196, Statement (: Moving iron instruments are used in ac cireuits only, @ Statement (10): ‘The deflecting’ torque in moving iron instruments depends on the square of the current. 13%. Statement (2): PMMC instruments are suitable in aircraft and air spave applications, Statement (TD : PMMC instruments use a core magnet which possesses self-shiclding property. 138, Statement (1): A ballistic galvanometer is preferred as a — detector in an. AC bridge to measure inductance supplied by a source at power frequency. Statement (UD) : An AC bridge to measure inductance is ‘balanced at the fundamentel component. (23-A) 139. Statement (1): Phase lag network is used to increase stability. ‘as well as bandwidth of the system. rc a7 Statement: e Phase lead network increases bandwidth of ’ the system. * 140. Statement () ‘The inductor is not used to fabricate a lag AP retwork as it produces time delay and hysteresis loss, © ‘Statement (ID : A capacitor cannot be used to fabricate a lag network. 141. Statement > _/ Rants of closed-loop control systems can be obtained from the Bode plot. Statement (II) ; @ _AMyquist criterion does not give direct value of corner frequencies. 142. Statement () : IGBT makes use of the advantages of ‘both powers MOSFET and BIT. Statement 1) : “he IGBT has MOS input characteristic and bipolar output characteristic, 143, Statement (): Pi power distribution systems are 3-phase a ‘wire circuits, A, nestal_wite is necessary to supply ‘single-phase loads of domestic and marginal commercial consumers. Statement (ID : 144, Statement = ‘The maximum torque of an induction motor is P? independent of rotarrsit Spatement (ID lip at which the maximum torque oocurs is directly proportional to rotor resislance. MKA-S-EEN (24 1145.) Statement () : * 4-phase induction motor is a self-starting ‘machine, Spatement (11): a® A stardelta starter “is used to produce starting torque for the induction motor. 146, Statement (1): 5 Leakage reactance of the lower cage in a double-squirrel-cage motor is considerably higher than that of the upper cage. Statement (1D): ‘The lower cage has high permeance’ for Jeakage flux. 147, Statement (D : Superconducting compounds and alloys must o//vave components which are themselves eupercondueting. Statement (II) : letals. and compounds which are ‘superconducting are rather bad conductors at ordinary temperatures. 148. Statement (Us ‘The relative dielectric constant of an insulator v/ decreases with increase in the frequency of the applied alternating field. Statement (I): ‘p With increase in frequency of the applied field, polarization process increases, 149. Statement (D : One series RC cireuit and the other series RL circuit are connected in parallel across an ac supply. The circuit exhibite two resonances when L is variable, Statement (ID : @ The cireuit has two values of L-for which the imaginary part of the input admittance of the cireuitis zero, 150. Statement D: ‘The power available from wind is directly ‘proportional to V8, where V is the velocity. Statement (1) : ‘Drag type wind Yutbines have lower speeds and high torque capabilities. ~A)

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