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Make a brief research what was happening in history during the time QUADRAGESSIMO ANNO,

In the decade prior to the submission of Pope Pius XI’s encyclical, Quadregessiomo Anno, the world saw
a major paradigm change in light of rising industry. With transformations in transportation,
communication and entertainment, society began to witness a new urban lifestyle. These changes,
however brought about a split in economic situations. In the beginning of the 30s began the Decade of
Depression with the stock market crash of October 1929. National income dropped by more than half.
An identifiable gap could be noticed between social classes.

In 1960 we saw the end of the Great Depression and another World War, but with the Cold war just
brimming the horizon. Technology was evolving, but vast poverty still remained. Major action was taken
to improve civil rights during the Civil Rights movement, made in the 50’s. People began to speak out
against inequality and injustice.

2. Who wrote the above encyclicals? Date?

Quadragessimo Anno Pope Pius XI May 15, 1931
('In the 40th Year')
Mater Et Magistra Pope John XXIII May 15, 1961
('Mother and Teacher')
Pacem En Terris Pope John XXIII April 11, 1963
('Peace on Earth')

3. What are the major themes of each encyclical?

Quadragessimo Anno- On reconstruction of the social order

Mater Et Magistra- On Christianity and social progress

Pacem En Terris - On establishing universal peace in truth, justice, charity, and liberty

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