Workshop 3-4 English 1

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Workshop # 3


Physical description and description of clothes (10 points)

Make a description about yourself including information about your face, body and clothing (10 ideas)

I have oval face, thin lips, a small nose, little eyebrows, brown and piggy eyes.

I have brown, curly and short hair, my body is thin, and I am dark skinned

Now I use blue jeans, black t -shirt, black shoes and black jacket

Description of places (10 points)

Using there is and there are mention 6 things that are in the apartment and using there isn’t or there aren’t mention 4
things that don’t appear in the picture

1. There is a Tv 1. there isn’t a dining room

2. There is a bed 2. there isn’t sofa
3. There is a mirror 3. there aren’t glasses
4. There are chairs 4. there aren’t people
5. there are doors
6. there is a stove

Adverbs of frequency (5 points)

Complete the text with the information in brackets.

Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She 1. (get up/usually) early so she can run before work. She 2. (not/have/often)
time to ski, but she 3. (go/occasionally) on Saturdays during the winter. Mary 4. (ride/often) a horse at a stable near her
home. She 5. (go/sometimes) after work, but she 6. (go/usually) horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She 7.
(go/always) to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She 8. (everyday/ music /listen to)
but she doesn't have much extra money, so she 9. (go/rarely) to concerts in the city. 10. (She watch/seldom) TV because
she likes doing things outside. She 11. (go/usually) to the gym if it's raining outside. She 12. (not be/alone/often) because
she has many friends. They 13. (have fun/always) together, but she 14. (do activities with one of her friends /once in a
while). Mary 15. (almost never/ angry/ be), she's a happy woman!

1. Usually gets up 2. Hasn´t often

3. Occasionally goes 4. Rides often

5. Sometimes goes 6. Usually goes

7. Always goes 8. Listens to music everyday

9. Rarely goes 10. Seldom watches

11. Usually goes 12. Isn’t alone often

13. Always have fun 14. Does activities with one of her friends once in a while

15. is almost never angry

Workshop # 4


Countable and uncountable nouns (5 points)

Complete the conversation

Man: What’s for dinner?

Woman: Well, lest’ see. Oh no, we don’t have any eggs.

M: So I can’t make an omelette ___is_ there _a___ spaghetti?

W: Yes, there’s ____a_ packet of spaguetti.

M: Do we have ___some__ tomatoes?

W: Yes, but there _is____ only one.

M: Oh, ___is__ there __some___ butter?

W: Yeah, we have ___some______ butter.

M: Great. So dinner is … spaghetti with ______some___ butter on it!

Places in a city (10 points)

Look at the map and answer the questions

1. Where’s the police station? It is on the lane street and queen avenue, next to hospital, appositive pub and near to

public toilets

2. Where can I eat pasta? you can eat pasta in Italian restaurant

3. Is the phone box near the town hall? Yes, it is

4. Can I buy CDs at the music shop? Yes, you can

5. Where is the supermarket? It is on the palm street, next to car park, behind theater and near to bus stop

6. Where can I buy a sports magazine? You can buy a sports magazine in the newsagent

7. What activities can I do in the park? You can play soccer, drink something with friends , see animals, run, walk and so

many thing more.

8. Are there any public toilets? Yes, there are

9. Where’s the car park? it is on the palm street and queen avenue, appositive the public library.

10. What can I do at the shopping center? you can buy clothes, eat ice-cream, go to the cinema, drink something and etc

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