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Cobots - A new way of technology

D. Becerra, J. Paredes, G. Vaca

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE, Ecuador

Resumen—Cobots also known as collaborative robots, they are sions, thus saving the need for brakes to reduce movement
a marked deviation from industrial robots that, unlike them, will or eliminate displacement [1]. Each mechanical system is
not get away from people, they interact with these software dares created according to control parameters starring the amount
that restrict and guide the movement of payload.
Index Terms—Collaborative robots, movement restrictions, of governable variables with respect to those existing in that
industrial technology, virtual education, degrees of freedom same system within the space.
These systems have unique properties that vary according to
I. I NTRODUCTION the implementations made, for example, within an articulated
An immense variety of technological needs have emerged system with a scroll wheel (unicycle), the restriction formed is
as the years go by, technology to help human beings, the radius of curvature according to the speed supplied in the
collaboration, continuous action, problem solving and robot’s movement , as shown in Figure 1, then, despite having
support in various activities are developed more and more allowed addresses (x, y) there are dependent parameters.
electronically, robots have taken a wide market and they
gained prominence in relation to advances and inventions thus
creating various types according to the needs and mission.
A very young industrial solution that has evolved with cobots,
collaborative robots, which, unlike standard robots, which
drive alone, without help and in controlled isolation, help users
as if it were a human. Destined to generate balanced work,
and harmony in specific tasks, having a different technological
approach, developing through various degrees of freedom,
architectures that agreed on their objective, the physical
appearance also changes according to the environment
in which they are, have been destined to many uses, from
industry to education and various approaches in human health.


Description of these computer systems, together with an
architectural base that moves according to the programming
established in a processor embedded within the circuits of
the machine, began to develop as it was better understood,
the approach and the guidelines that were to be be taken
to ensure an efficient design, which meets the minimum
standards (since they existed), as well as visually appealing
within the context in which it will be used.
The co-bots were born as an efficient solution to the energy,
temporary and ergonomic expenditure of industrial workers in
environments that created psychological stress and excessive
physical fatigue, such as extremely repetitive tasks, very
heavy loads, toxic environments for the respiratory tract,
large jobs terrain, like painting cargo planes. Figura 1. Radius of curvature created due to limitation of wheel movement.
Its implementation required development and understanding Speed is u, phi is the angle on the x axis [1]
of mobile systems, in addition to an efficient use of freedom
of movement in the created joints. The first variables that were controlled were x, and within
which you can easily add a third (x, y, theta), creating a more
independent system, with fewer undetermined (ungoverned)
II-A. Rotation and displacement variables, as observed in Figure 2 These systems were the
Singularly, the restrictions and movement capabilities within rotational ones, creating an angular speed in the joints where
Co-bots robotic systems are carried out through transmis- the tires were implemented, we take into account that the
Cuadro I
machines we are talking about are primitive, the first inven- I NDUSTRIAL C O - BOTS
tions and prototypes were made with wheels without angular
movement. After this they followed investigations in question Year General Robots Co-bots Co-bots percentage
to movement, ranges, freedom, rotational and longitudinal 2017 400000 11100 2.75 %
2018 420000 13672 3.25 %

Cuadro II

Year MDD
2018 710
2025 12303

speed and repeatability with the cognitive abilities of the

human being. [3]

III-A. Implementation costs

It is evident that the implementation of robots generates a
high output for the industry; According to the Word Robotics
report in 2018, approximately 16.5 billion dollars have
been invested, representing around 422,000 industrial robots
distributed worldwide. The implementation of collaborative
robots is significantly low in comparison, since they only
represent 3.24 % of industrial robotics, that is, no more than
Figura 2. Angular velocity applied to wheels, rotatory mechanism [2] 14,000 collaborative robots have been implemented in the
industry. As shown in Table I, the implementation of co-bots
in the industry is minimal, however it can be seen that
II-B. Artificial intelligence and control between 2017 and 2018, the implementation of Co-bots has
The data processing can be performed more efficiently, each grown considerably, in an annual increase of 23 %. [4]
programming of instructions supplied to a co-bot is unilateral, According to the “Collaborative Robots Market” market
can be performed in a specific way, can not leave ranges, vary study developed by MarketsandMarkets, it is estimated that
parameters or skip steps, beyond the conditions created within the global co-bots market will grow from 710 million dollars
of the programming code, which creates certain limitations. in 2018 to a value of 12303 million dollars by 2025 as can
In terms of efficiency, the processes have variation according be seen in the Table II
to the context in which they are presented, the artificial intelli-
gence implemented to the co-bots can fill that uncontrolled ho-
le creating a criterion of differentiation according to the capa- III-B. Impact to industrial worker
bilities, objectives and obstacles, an example are implemented
in hand tasks, such as, circuit building, classification of objects Audi, an automotive company, presents a survey to study
according to their type. Another example of this technique is the attitudes of workers towards the implementation of robots
the co-bots used as ”third hand”, capable of generating a space in their industry; For the survey they took a sample of 42
to help the user to hold tools, plans, assemblies, among others, workers, of which, given the question
that require highly specific and specialized attention, holding Can the implementation of Co-bots generate changes? a) Quite
parts of a system or tools , performing periodic measurements, positive, b) Very Positive, c) Quite Negative, d) Very negative.
assembling parts and more. [3]

III. I NDUSTRIAL C O - BOTS As you can see in Figure 3, 83 % of respondents think that the
It is proven that Collaborative robots are eighty percent implementation of Co-bots is a positive factor, however when
more productive than traditional robots or than a worker; asked, do you think your current work could be done by a
Efficiency is due to the fact that collaborative robots and an robot? The following was obtained:
operator work and save half the time that workers or robots
work on their own. Industrial robotics is one of the new As seen in Figure 4, there is a suspicion of the operator towards
frontiers in which collaborative robots have been introduced, the machine because there is a fear of being replaced, and
coupling the characteristics of the robots such as: precision, losing jobs [4]
III-D. Universal Robots e-Series
They are a series of collaborative robots, applied to the
industry. Each one with a different scope payload, but with
the same accuracy, precision and reliability, an example of
implementation of these Co-bots is the Spanish multinational
Continental Automotive Spain that in the sector of the most
robotic automotive in Spain, in 2017 it implements two UR10
robots to load and unload PCB boards and to assemble
components, thus reducing change times by 50 %, from 40
to 20 minutes. [8]

Figura 3. Does Co-bots implementation generate changes?

Figura 4. Do you believe that your actual job could be made by a robot?

III-C. Characteristics and advantages of co-bots industrial


The characteristics that make Co-bots important for the

Figura 5. e-Series, UR10e, UR16e [8]
industry are Accessibility, that is, any operator is able to assign
tasks, without much knowledge, since the interface of a Co-
bot is friendly; Flexibility, due to its compact and lightweight
structure a Co-bot. [5]
Security, given that it is a robot, its design must not be The implementation of education for students with
detached from the safety standards of the traditional robot (ISO disabilities or specials explains that the collaborative robots
EN 10218), since it is designed to interact with collaborative better called co-bots in interaction with the students already
robots, they must adhere to the technical recommendations said with cognitive impairment or disability of some kind, can
set out in ISO / TS 15066 (Robots and robotic devices - create openness to a different point of perception regarding
collaborative robots), this allows interaction between robot cognitive development and emotional A Co-bot used for this
users to be more secure. [6] purpose can be described as integrators and sources of vital
Despite the cost of implementation and involvement in wor- information for students belonging to this type of disability.
kers, it is important to highlight the following crucial advan- [9] An example of the social use of co-bots with the Ave
tages in the industry when implementing Co-bots. [7] Marı́a de Sitges Foundation and its Robotics Institute for
Dependency is shown in Figure 6.
The industries that implement Co-bots are more compe-
titive, because production times are reduced, so they are
allowed to offer products at lower prices. IV-A. Laundry ID
The accuracy and repeatability of the Co-bot provide The Ave Marı́a de Sitges Foundation in Spain, which
better quality and increased production founded its Robotics Institute in January 2015, for dependency
It reduces the risk of occupational diseases in workers, is an iceberg in social assistance with collaborative robotics,
that is, improves the work environment. fully understanding that support for learning for dependent
Co-bots provide more security to the worker, so the risk people, created to research and create products began by
of injury is reduced. solving problems such as putting chips on clothes that
humanoid robots, to be able to capture the moods or emotions
of Patients and showing empathy is a complex process that
is booming research; Collaborative robotics with neuronal
impulses is a present of the technological world. Pepper is
a co-bot created in France in order to socialize with people,
its motto is to help people in Figure 6 we observe Pepper
who answers questions and shows empathy to change your
mood, used this or some prototype in foundations to provide
cognitive rehabilitation for people struggling with clinical
concerns including children with autism spectrum disorder
people with dementia individuals DI. [eleven]. Social robots
Figura 6. Pepper Robot.[9]
show an empathetic interaction that is crucial for the release
of cognitive stimulation with ID people, the Rehabibotics
project presents a multi modal database with individuals
armchairs do not break and ended up in the world of
with registered identification in almost real environments for
collaborative robotics that is the most compromising future
the affective analysis of moods MuDERI is a Multimodal
of technology, says the founder of this institution, now
database equipped with audiovisual recordings, RGB-D
they do much smarter things, robots to help educator and
videos and physiological signals from 12 participants in real
the learning method; Laundry ID is an creator of inclusive
environments, and most importantly, the database is publicly
employment for people with disabilities is an inclusive,
available. [12]
ergonomic and ecological Laundry, the system allows to
identify and distribute without mistake the personal clothes
of residents, presents a chip with RFID is a radio frequency
identification, workers they are residents and they make the
clothes go through a reader that the owner detects, the color
and name of the owner is illuminated on the screen and in
the place where you must leave it for classification a red
emergency LED until you take out the tray and Enter the
selected garment, Laundry ID is awarded by the European
Union for its technological and social value. [10] Figure 7
is an image of Laundry ID, the washer and dryer where the
clothes are placed with radio frequency chip and there is no

Figura 8. Rehabibotics

IV-C. Operator’s and educator’s impact

The (RAIA) Robotics Automation and Artificial Intelligence
is very relevant today with the change of how a job is done,
but the fear of a worker is to be replaced, ethically we can
not innovate damaging it we have to analyze the impact
from the perspective of the worker and educator. [13] The
Figura 7. Laundry ID [7] . best idea is to make it a machine operator, the analysis of
the MarketsandMarkets consultancy with the market study
Çollaborative Robots Market”states that working human
IV-B. Rehabibotics machine (Collaborative Robotics) is eighty percent more
The use of humanoid robots in therapies with intellectual effective than working only the human or vice versa. Due
disabilities (ID), seeks to increase the quality of life of to its great influence in the education and therapy industry,
these people, among its objectives we have to analyze the a 50.31 percent growth during the forecast period, the
requirements for efficient cognitive stimulation through reason covers its quality efficiency and, above all, its fastest
safe programming, they have accepted and adopted the impact, as a government company or leader of an organization
collaborative robots in the industry and education. [14] Figure that wishes to make a productive change, social assistance or
8 presents an example of a collaborative robot in the industry a benefit, should focus on the skills of workers and how to
for the manufacture of mechanical parts by the order of an ensure a positive impact of this technology on employment,
operator which guarantees a safe procedure and adequate quality of work and remuneration. [16]
revision in its intervention.
Further research in this area is needed to ensure employees
The majority of workers around the world are concerned are well positioned against the changes and that they can
about the negative impact of the RAIA on work, the surveys manage such improvements in a positive way. [17]
carried out in different geographical areas support it, in
the Eurobarometer on the impact of robotics most think
negatively; “The position is lost by the use of robotics”, but
they affirm that they would feel more comfortable with a IV-D. Third Hand, Co-bots Assisted Precise Montage
robot to help them at work, and one in twenty respondents Collaborative robots (Co-bots) are indispensable tools in the
do not know how it affects the worker and the educator. [15] factories of the future. Due to their safety-focused design, Co-
Figures 9 and 10 present the responses to the Eurobarometer bots are allowed to work side-by-side with humans, making
survey regarding the perception of the impact of the RAIA their use as a third part of assistance attractive for tedious
on the work data provided by the European Commission. assembly tasks. Consequently, a robot is proposed that can
be guided by hand to lift and hold the pieces in place while
the human being performs assembly tasks. This functionality
reduces the risk for workers (falling components, for example),
provides precision, allows heavier parts to be lifted and
increases productivity by allowing human workers to focus
on tasks of greater added value [10]. The name identifies it,
the third hand is a direct reference of collaborative robots
working together with an operator and most of the time they
do precision work force or a difficult function for the operator
as shown in Figure 11.

Figura 9. RAIA Knowledge EU[16]

Figura 11. Third hand, Co-bots Assisted Precise Assembly

IV-E. Acceptance on Education

Inclusion is what matters most in Co-bots projects in
experiments and intentions of use during the design of a
Figura 10. RAIA Knowledge US[16] co-bots states that Research and comments on how to evaluate
the future acceptance of technological design have agreed
It is inevitable, the RAIA exposes its employees to constant that there is acceptability the development of new systems ,
technological advances. It is necessary to educate those although in real life ecologically speaking they are not seen a
affected enough to be able to move forward by improving the viable future, the creation and design of co-bots can greatly
quality of work so that it becomes reliable and competent; influence the evolution of society, if it accepts it [17]
The use of co-bots is new, we need to be able to adopt the
changes for the future career and positioning in the labor
market, it can be tragic to ignore these significant changes, V. C ONCLUSIONS
we run the risk that the Robots as much as the Co-bots * The creation of a new technology requires adaptation
are rejected, every field will experience a specific degree of of several parameters, studies and understanding of all
the variables to be controlled inside and outside the
system to be carried out, the Co-bots are an example r11sRobotics Industry 2019, Global Industrial Robot
of avant-garde technology that had and has an extremely Industry 2018
high evolution and covers several paths in information,
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parameters studied were necessary for the adaptation 2016
of a model with minimum standards to meet efficiency
and profitability within the market, whether industrial or r13s Arvin Agah John-Jhon Cabibihan Ayanna M.,Social
commercial. Robotics 8th International Conference, Howards 2016
* Every invention needs optimization, this is how you reach
products with wide applications and few restrictions in r14sJ Shukla, M Barreda-Ángeles, MuDERI: Multimodal
terms of use. Database for Emotion Recognition Among Intellectually
* The acceptance of collaborative Robotics leads to analyze Disabled Individuals, 2016
several points of view as positively or negatively affected,
making clear the difference of a robot with a cobots; r15sJ E RIMBAU-GILABERT, La digitalización del entorno
cobots are a functional advantage saving time, money, de trabajo: la llegada de la robótica, la automatización y la
it is ethical for the worker for the joint work he provides. inteligencia artificial (RAIA) desde el punto de vista de los
trabajadores. Una revisión exploratoria, R TERMINIO, 2017
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