Teaching The Rise and Fall of God's Children - ENGLISH - It Is Secret Place Prayer & Warfare Prayer That Makes The Difference.

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*Teaching: The rise and fall of God’s children, including the true disciples of Jesus.

Failure to do
prayer & warfare prayer is the reason for the fall! Here is a guide for the God’s warriors! The
way to go for a non stop spiritually fruitful life!*
(Released in English and Tamil versions. Drafted in English and translated into Tamil. The warfare
prayer part was drafted in Tamil and translated into English)

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
11th September, 2018

*1. The sorry state of affairs: Trained disciples also fall away, a grave matter of concern. It is
time for introspection!*

1.1 When a warrior wanes away from the battle scene or falls down, it gives immense pain in the
heart. I find the true disciples of Jesus are also falling away. Or simply they also exist just like the false
church believers, without bearing fruits for the Kingdom! They are trained in every part of warrior’s
life. They are trained to preach, heal the sick, win souls, baptise the new believers and they also do the
mandatory gospel reading and warfare prayers. They are also trained on how to preach the truth to the
slaves of the building church.

1.2 *They are given another important input – how to live a Biblical family life.* This is called
the third hour. All differences of opinion between husband and wife are sorted out during the
incubation period (the church that assembles at our home, 10 weeks) using the word of God. They learn
the art of one mindedness in marriage, praying together and loving & obeying each other in the Biblical
manner. All the hurdles are cleared for making them extremely fruitful for the Kingdom. (John 15:8)
Yet, they also disappear from the scene after sometime, either gradually or abruptly. Why is this fall?
How do they fall into the trap of the devil?

1.3 *The fall is due to lack of prayers, secret place prayers (Matthew 6:6) wherein they are
supposed to meet Jesus alone and renew their relationship with him on a day today basis.* They
also do not obey Matthew 12:29 wherein Jesus has asked His disciples to do warfare prayers, to bind
the strongman. They are trained to do at least one hour of Secret place prayers / warfare prayers as per
Matthew 26:40. They are also given a document teaching on how to do secret place prayers. Without a
direct relationship with Jesus, they do not have the strength to do war with the enemy. Thus such
disciples disappear from the scene, from the active battle field, unable to withstand the devil. *They
stop reading the gospels, teaching, preaching, baptising the new believers, healing the sick and
they are as good as dead. The devil smiles at them.*

*Already published teaching, titled, “The Secret Place”. Ver.3 (available in English only)*
(First released on 1st Aug., 2015, updated on 31st Jan.2016, 7th Nov.2016, 7th Oct. 2017).
1.4 The unfortunate trend is that the number of such disciples of Jesus disappearing from the scene is
far greater than the number of disciples continuing to stand for Christ. *Those who ran away in the
middle of the race are called losers.*

1.5 And thus the Holy Spirit has prompted to write this teaching. Amen. This is an encouragement
for those who have not fallen down but still running for Christ and it is also warning to those who have

embraced a lukewarm spiritual life. The reward is available for only those who run till the end. Anyone
disappearing in between is obviously a loser. _“But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”_
(Matthew 24:13) _“He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments..”_ (Revelation 3:5). The
Lord lovingly invites the befallen true disciples to get back to working mode!

*2. The base verses:*

*One should be an overcomer till the end.*
*2.1 _“But he who endures to the end shall be saved”. “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white

Matthew 24:13 (NKJV) But *he who endures to the end* shall be saved.
Hebrews 3:14 (NKJV) For we have become partakers of Christ *if we hold the beginning of our
confidence steadfast to the end,*
Revelation 2:26 (NKJV) And *he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end,* to him I
will give power over the nations.
Revelation 3:5 (NKJV) He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot
out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His

*2.2 So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.*

Mark 6:46 And when He had sent them away, *He departed to the mountain to pray.*
Luke 5:16 *So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.*

*2. 3 The secret place prayer: “...pray to your Father who is in the secret place...”*
Matthew 6:6 (NKJV) But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your
door, *pray to your Father who is in the secret place;* and your Father who sees in secret will
reward you openly.

*3. Let us get into the deep: - Why do we need prayers and warfare prayers.*

*3.1 The inevitability of having a direct relationship with Jesus through prayers – Jesus set the
right example for us through constant prayers to Father God!*

Having pin pointed that the exact cause of the fall of the disciples of Jesus, let me proceed to explain
the Biblical basis for the finding. Prayer to Jesus is the second step in the walk with the Lord. The first
step in our walk with Christ is following His commandments and verses (Mark 12:30, John 14:15,23).
That means the first step is reading the gospels, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and abiding in
His words. (John 8:31-32) When we say, “abiding in His words”, every aspect of Christian life
mentioned in the four gospels is covered. One of these commandments of Jesus is to remain awake in
prayers! (Luke 21:36) The Lord has asked us to “pray to _our_ Father who is in the secret place” in Matthew
6:6. Praying to Jesus directly, alone is an absolute necessity for the believers to maintain child to father
relationship as well as to remain His disciples (disciples are the true Kingdom warriors). Jesus has
clearly instructed us to _“go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father
who is in the secret place;”_.*

*3.2 Heirship prayer verses warrior prayer, the two sides of a coin!*

Every child of God has two sides, child of Jesus and warrior of Jesus.
Similarly, prayer of a child of God has two sides, just like the two sides of the coin. The first part is
establishing and reinforcing the child to father relationship (heirship prayer) and the second one is the
warfare prayer of a responsible warrior child to crush the devil’s kingdom in order to bear fruits for the
Kingdom. Both the prayers are equally important. Put together, these two prayers are called, “the secret
place prayers” by me. Without the Secret place prayers, there is no continuous relationship with the
King of Kings. *And without the warfare prayers, the child of Jesus cannot have the strength to
overcome the devil in order to do soul winning.* (Matthew 12:29) Sickness in the family starts
creeping in if we do not wage war against the devil (Ephesians 6:12). It is a sign that the devil had
overtaken us if we do not do warfare prayers. Then why wont the diseases and curses afflict us!

(to be continued in Part 2)

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
11th Sep. 2018

*Part 2*
*Teaching: The rise and fall of God’s children, including the true disciples of Jesus. Failure to do
prayer & warfare prayer is the reason for the fall! Here is a guide for the God’s warriors! The
way to go for a non stop spiritually fruitful life!*
(Released in English and Tamil versions. Drafted in English and translated into Tamil. The warfare
prayer part was drafted in Tamil and translated into English)
19th Sep. 2018 (Part 1 was published on 11th Sep.)

*4. Let us meditate the Biblical basis for the above two prayers in the following section:*

*4.1 Relationship/heirship prayer: Prayers to establish/renew child to father relationship. Prayer

to “the Father who is in the secret place” - The Secret place prayer #1.*

This prayer is an absolute basic necessity in Christian life. Through this prayer, a child talks to its
Father. Jesus has instructed His disciples on how to pray in Matthew 6:5-6. Jesus has recommended a
prayer which is a quiet one to one conversation with the Father God. It is not a prayer in a congregation
or in a crowd. He never suggested a crowd’s prayer. Jesus never did such a prayer too. The Lord Jesus
never recommended a fasting prayer, convening 50000 people in one place, making elaborate
arrangements such as huge pandal, huge public address system etc. There is no word basis for such
“prayer” or “fasting prayer”.

Matthew 6:5 (NKJV) “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to
pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men.
Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 6 *But you, when you pray, go into your room, and

when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place;* and your Father
who sees in secret will reward you openly.

By stating *”but you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door,
pray to your Father who is in the secret place”* the Lord has made it clear that prayer is a private
affair, a secret one between Father and son. It is a direct one to one conversation. Thus it is very
clear that the Father is in the Secret place only and meeting Him in the secret place is the way to go.
Apparently, the Father loves such “secret meeting” only. Today, we pray to the Father ONLY
through Jesus. Jesus is the everlasting Father now. Jesus does not endorse the hypocrites prayers
done in synagogues (building churches) and the corners of the streets. Stage show prayer is not in
the dictionary of Jesus.

*Jesus set the right example for us by praying to the Father everyday. Jesus is the right role
model for us on how to maintain connectivity with God. Amen.*

Jesus interacted with the Father God through prayers on a routine basis. Jesus is the image of the
Father God. (Colossians 1:15) He and Father God are one (John 10:30). Yet, Jesus prayed to Father
everyday / night in order to teach us the importance of such relationship prayer between us and Jesus.
This prayer is essentially to praise Him as the King of Kings & Creator God and acknowledging all His
mercies in our life. Petitioning Him for needs is a part of this prayer. Let us read a few sample verses in
this regard.

Mark 1:35 (NKJV) Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, *He went out
and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.*
Mark 6:46 And when He had sent them away, *He departed to the mountain to pray.*
Matthew 14:23 And when He had sent the multitudes away, *He went up on the mountain by
Himself to pray.* Now when evening came, He was alone there.
Luke 5:16 *So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.*
Luke 6:12 [ The Twelve Apostles ] Now it came to pass in those days that *He went out to the
mountain to pray,* and continued all night in prayer to God.

More details about this prayer are given in a document titled, “the secret place”.

*4.2 Warfare prayers to bind the strongman. Prayer to “the Father who is in the secret place” -
The Secret place prayer #2. A key requirement for every disciple.*

Every child of God has to bear fruits for the Kingdom. Winning souls is key to bearing fruits for the
Kingdom. Satan keeps majority of souls under his custody through sins and blindness. (John 8:34, 2
Cor. 4:4) In order to rescue these souls, a child of Jesus has to wage spiritual warfare against the devil.
Jesus has mandated it in Matthew 12:29.

*Matthew 12:29 (NKJV) Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods,
unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.*

The Lord has given an assurance that if we bind the strongman we can plunder the souls under his
custody. Amen.

Without doing this warfare prayers, it is not possible to win souls and become fruitful for the
Kingdom. More details are available in the teaching titled, “the Secret Place”.

*5. Heaven’s guarantee: One hour of secret place prayer everyday keeps us away from satan’s

The Lord says this prayer should be at least for one hour in the midnight. (Matthew 26:40) And if a
child of Jesus follows the counsel of the Lord, he/she will not be brought down by the devil through
temptations. Let us read more about the importance of the secret place prayer in the following section.
*Failure to do this prayer brings down the disciples. They fall for temptations. This is the core
message from this teaching.*

*6. The Jesus exclamation - “What”!*

*_“What! Could you not watch with Me one hour?, “Watch and pray”_*

Matthew 26:40 (NKJV) Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter,
*“What! Could you not watch with Me one hour? 41 Watch and pray, lest you enter into
temptation.* The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Luke 22:40 (NKJV) When He came to the place, He said to them, *“Pray that you may not enter
into temptation.”*
Luke 22:46 (NKJV) Then He said to them, *“Why do you sleep? Rise and pray, lest you enter
into temptation.”*

*6.1 Did you notice the exclamation in the Lord’s voice, saying, “What!” in Matthew 26:40?*

These verses are a hit in the face of all those who ignore personal prayer with Jesus. Even today, He
is exclaiming in a similar manner when the believers and disciples sleep all through the night! The
devil wages war in the night doing all the destruction. (Matthew 13:25) The Lord wants us to wait for
Him in prayers for at least one hour in the night. From Luke 22:53 we discern that this prayer is a
warfare prayer which is to be done in the middle of the night or early morning.

6.2 The Lord has made it clear that if we have to escape from the devil’s snares, we need to wait in
(secret place) prayers in the night for at least one hour. *He has given a very simple solution to keep
the live connectivity to Heaven that does an additional job of keeping the devil away from our
life. We can have heavenly life, the life and abundant life promised by Jesus in John 10:10 if we
follow this simple advice.* But all simple, yet powerful counsels are the ones which are too difficult to
understand. Here devil is at work. So, it is not surprising to see the disobedience of the children of God.
The ones who have real love for Jesus never fail in this! Kingdom of Heaven is just like a hurdle race.
Once has to clear these hurdles in order to inherit the Kingdom. Amen.

*7. How the devil makes monkeys out of God’s children – the classic monkey trap!*

7.1 Disciples fail because of lack of this secret place prayers as they have faulting love on Jesus.
They are invariably caught in temptations of the devil and they are unable to come out of it. This is
precisely the warning given by Jesus in Matthew 26:41. *The devil is very good in setting up
monkey traps. All he needs is only one trap to extinguish our spiritual life. One will go round and
round the problem, never coming out of it.* The ones who are caught in the monkey trap will find it
extremely difficult to come out of the trap and bear fruits for the Kingdom. Kingdom focus will be
totally at loss when they are in this monkey trap. The sad thing is that the ones who are trapped in this
monkey trap are oblivious to this reality but remain convinced that they are spiritually in an excellent
condition! The deception of satan is very strong in this manner! You can make a comparison with these
fallen disciples with the deceived Sunday church believers who feel that they are on the way to Heaven
whereas they are all deceived by satan.

7.2 They would have no thinking about the Kingdom of Heaven or bearing fruits for the Kingdom.
That is the obvious and dangerous result of this spiritual monkey trap! I can hear your voice
demanding, _“where is this monkey trap in the Bible? What is the Bible authority for this teaching?”._
Please take a look at John 8:34 and you will know what is a monkey trap!

John 8:34 (NKJV) Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a
slave of sin.

7.3 Now you know that a monkey trap is one that is set up by the devil to convert a child of God into
a monkey. We know very well that a monkey can never bear fruits for the Kingdom. It is end game.

7.4 *A good example for monkey trap is taking loans, credit card loans for various purposes,
even genuine purposes.* Satan sends his disciples to the disciples of Jesus with jaw dropping offers to
take loans for various purposes, consumption loan, housing loan, credit card loan etc. This is a time
tested trap by the devil. The devil has enslaved almost all the gentiles using this trap. Now the disciple
of Jesus becomes a slave to the loan. His only purpose in life is to earn to service this loan. His eye is
fixed on meeting the monthly EMI! His run for the Kingdom ends here and the run commences for the
self / world. This is the precise target of the devil. Now such families are in the trap set by the devil as
his slave. Derailing from the Kingdom run is the sole purpose of the satan’s monkey trap. Husband-
wife life takes a back seat. In fact there is no time for love within the family. Meeting other people for
Kingdom or other purpose does not even arise. Where is the time for that? Their whole life effort is
meant to repay this loan. They work overtime. Husband and wife start working in this manner. They
work even 15-17 hours a day. Week ends are mirage! As they are unable to meet each other due to
shifts and overtime, the husband wife mating also takes a back seat. Satan closes all avenues of God
ordained relaxation and happiness within the family. One simple way out is to sell the flat/house for
which the huge housing loan was taken or sell any other property and close the loan. If they don't take
such decision fast, they will end up in continuing sorrow only! Such families do not have future.

7.5 For some people, their children education becomes a monkey trap. This is an iron chain trap from
the devil. Many families are under this powerful satan’s trap and they are not aware of it. It is sufficient
if either of the spouses is caught in this trap. That family would lose peace and happiness. Such trapped
couples hire expensive houses/flats in commercial areas paying a rent which is beyond their reach thus
increasing the already heavy debt burden. *The devil annihilates or attempts to annihilate such

families using solely this trap.* Only the wise ones would escape from this trap and get back to the
Kingdom pathway. The unwise ones would continue in this destructive path and take loan more and
more to provide the _“best education to children”,_ thus killing their spiritual life and probably their
eternal life too. All the children belong to the Kingdom (Matthew 18:3). If we seek the Kingdom and its
righteousness first then everything is added unto us, including children education and bright future.
Definitely they will study well. Even if there is a shortfall in studies, you should know that your child
will have a more successful life than the ones who do not do Kingdom duty. This is the assurance we
get from Matthew 6:33. The word of God does not tell lie. All those who are trapped in this monkey
trap act in flesh. We know that being _“carnally minded is death”_ (Romans 8:6). Such people have no
faith in Jesus. They lose their future because of such lack of faith in Jesus.

7.6 The examples we dealt with here are only illustrative only. We know that the monkey list is very
very long!

*8. The critical question – can a child survive without prayers?*

Can a Christian believer or a disciple of Jesus who is essentially a warrior against the devil
(Ephesians 6:12) withstand the onslaught of the devil without this mandatory one hour warfare prayer?
No. This is where the so called Christians (building church patrons) have failed. And this is exactly
where the trained disciples of Jesus also fail. Just like the false church patrons these troop trained
disciples also want to take life easy! They give up the secret place prayer, warfare prayers. *If a
warrior wants to take life easy, can such a person be called a warrior?* (Matthew 16:24) So, it is
hell on earth for all these false believers and also the false disciples. The Lord’s warning in Matthew
26:41, “lest you enter into temptation”, actually happens in their life. Anyone not doing spiritual
warfare prayer is bound to come under heavy attack by the devil through temptations. There is no
escape from this “hell”.

*The way to go!*

Matthew 16:24 (NKJV) Then Jesus said to His disciples, *“If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.* 25 For whoever desires to save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

*9. Lord’s prescription for the end time disciples: _“ Watch therefore, and pray always”_*

*9.1 Non stop / Ceaseless prayer needed in order not to miss a place in Heaven – the Lord
counsels, _“pray always that you may be counted worthy ...and to stand before the Son of Man.”*_

Luke 21:36 (NKJV) *Watch therefore, and pray always* that you may be counted worthy to
escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

9.2 It is necessary to read two verses prior to the above verse to understand the context. The Lord
makes it clear that there is only one Second coming and thereafter death for everyone. And so He
suggests His disciples to remain in prayer all the time. Amen.

Luke 21:34 (NKJV) “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with
carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 *For it will
come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.*

9.3 *The Second Coming of Christ spells death, eternal death for all those left behind on the
earth.* The second coming of Christ does not distinguish people for punishment. All those left behind,
whether church goers or unbelievers, everyone would be burnt alive as per the word of God. Whether
2nd Coming of Christ or death before that, it always comes unannounced. People are too casual about
the Second Coming of Christ because they are not sure about the Second Coming of Christ in their
lifetime. But can they be casual about their death, which is certain to happen and which also comes
unannounced. Once death happens, there is no scope for improvement. The Lord has made it very clear
in rich man verses Lazarus parable (Luke 16) that once death occurs, there is no scope for
improvement. Amen.

*9.4 More verses from Jesus warning His children / disciples to remain awake in prayers:*

Matthew 24:42 (NKJV) *Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is

Matthew 25:13 (NKJV) *“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in
which the Son of Man is coming.*

Mark 13:35 NKJV) *Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming*
—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning. 36 *lest, coming suddenly, he
find you sleeping.*

Mark 13:37 (NKJV) And what I say to you, I say to all: *Watch!”*

Mark 14:34 (NKJV) Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. *Stay here
and watch.”*

*9.5 What is the appropriate time to do the secret place prayers – is it during day time, or night
time or midnight?*

While analysing the wordings in Matthew 26:40 and also the above mentioned verses where the
Lord has repeated warned, saying "watch therefore", we get a clear idea that the time for watch is in the
night, when men usually are deep asleep. Night time is the suitable time for doing the secret place
prayers. Now a question arises, which part of the night? Is it the first part of the night or the midnight
or early morning? Luke 22:53 and also Mark 14:40 reveal that the time is midnight when everyone
goes into deep sleep. The Lord calls this period of the day, _“but this is your hour, and the power of

Luke 22:53 (NKJV) When I was with you daily in the temple, you did not try to seize Me. But this
is your hour, and the power of darkness.”

*Description of the timing of betrayal of Jesus:– the word of God describes, _“He found them
asleep again, for their eyes were heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him.”.*_

Mark 14:40 (NKJV) And when He returned, *He found them asleep again, for their eyes were
heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him.*

We can safely presume that the hour of darkness is between 12 midnight and 3 in the morning. If
we expand this, we may presume this from 12 midnight till 6 in the morning (sunrise). This is the
period of deep sleep. The devil reigns during this hour of darkness. Heaven has ordained that the forces
of darkness can do active destruction during this hour of darkness. In Matthew 13:25, the Lord has
warned, _“but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way”._
This is the appropriate time when the warriors of the Kingdom have to do spiritual warfare against the
devil and disarm him and his demons. Amen. If we praise and worship the Lord in spirit during this
period, that itself would disarm the devil and his dark angels to a large extent. If a warrior does binding
and rebuking prayer, it would disarm the devil and destroy all his plans for the day. In this manner, the
midnight prayer has more usefulness in disarming the devil’s kingdom. Amen.

*9.6 Married women and midnight warfare prayers: (Para 10.3 in part 3 has been shifted to
*A word of caution on midnight prayers with regard to married women.* As per the word of
God, the priority of a married woman is to obey her husband and take care of his needs. *Married
women should not commence the midnight or night prayers without the consent of their
husbands.* Serving the husband is more important than doing night prayers. However, there is no such
bar on doing prayers in the daytime after the husband goes to office. In such cases, there is no need to
seek his permission to pray.

*End of part 2*
Part 3: My personal testimony about doing secret place prayers.

19th Sep. 2018.

Part - 3
*Teaching: The rise and fall of God’s children, including the true disciples of Jesus. Failure to do
prayer & warfare prayer is the reason for the fall! Here is a guide for the God’s warriors! The
way to go for a non stop spiritually fruitful life!*
(Released in English and Tamil versions. Drafted in English and translated into Tamil. The warfare
prayer part was drafted in Tamil and translated into English)

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
2nd Oct. 2018
(Part 1 was published on 11th Sep., 2018, Part 2 on 19th Sep. 2018)

*10. My personal testimony about doing secret place prayers. You can also attempt to do the
Secret place prayers in this manner, with suitable modifications to your liking. Uniformity in
prayer style is not a virtue. Variations are welcome.*

10.1 I have been doing the secret place prayers right from 2011 onwards. It started with mere
personal prayer and grew into warfare prayers. I started with early morning, 4 a.m and then upgraded it
to midnight. Now I am doing it between 12 midnight and 6 a.m. At present, the Holy Spirit alone
decides at what time I should wake up and pray. No alarm clock. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit wakes me
up within one hour of sleeping. On certain days, the Holy Spirit does not allow me to sleep throughout
the night but makes me do the intercession throughout the night. *In all these variations, I do not get
the feeling of sleepishness or physical tiredness.* The Lord is marvellous in keeping my physical
condition excellent. The first one hour is usually spent praising Jesus, the King of Kings. Sometimes
the praising and worship itself goes for 1 ½ – 2 hours. Standard prayer time is two hours. Praying for 3
hours a day happens almost routinely.

10.2 *Everyone is given the grace to pray for at least one hour in secret place. This is the
minimum benchmark. As you pray more, the Lord will give you grace to pray more (Matthew
25:29). The devil is always out there to deceive you by telling that doing midnight prayer is a
special call & anointing and everyone cannot do it!* The Biblical truth is that everyone who is
washed by the blood of Jesus can do this secret place prayer / midnight warfare prayers with full power
and without getting backlash attack. The Lord expects all of us to do this prayer as per Matthew 26:40-
41, Luke 10:19.

*10.4 How to do the warfare prayers – the way to go! - Part 2: You need to bind the strongman
in Jesus name.*

*10.4.1 The way to do warfare prayers – What is the meaning of the Lord's commandment in
Matthew 12:29 that we have to bind the strongman first?*

In the new covenant, our war is with devil and his army only. And hence it has become imperative
for us to do warfare prayers against the devil everyday in order to do mere survival and to flourish in
our spiritual life. *If we fail to do the spiritual warfare prayers, the invisible army of the devil
could silently overpower and overtake us!* This has happened to majority of the so called Christians.
The Lord has permitted the devil through John 8:34 to lead the people to hell under his custody, who
have surrendered to him through sins. If one has to escape from doing sins and to remain free from
satan’s hold he/she has to necessarily do the spiritual warfare against the devil in order to defend and
promote the Kingdom of Heaven. *This has to be a non stop process till the end.* It is necessary for
a warrior to rescue the captives from the devil. There is no alternative to this role play. Paul the apostle
has explained it very well in the following verses.

Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV) *For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,* against spiritual hosts
of wickedness in the heavenly places.

*10.4.2 Anyone who does no do this spiritual warfare is one who has been compromised by the
devil!* He may be a member in the building church or a church operating from house, it makes no
difference. That anyone who does not do spiritual warfare against the enemy is one who has
surrendered to the devil. The Lord confirms this through Matthew 12:30.

Matthew 12:30 (NKJV) He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me
scatters abroad.

10.4.3 Paul the apostle also confirms this through the following verses:

2 Corinthians 10:3 (NKJV) *For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the
flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down
strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the
knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,*

10.4.4 For doing such spiritual warfare against the devil, the Lord has empowered and enabled us
through very high level Heaven's powers. The Lord has sealed all these people from being harmed by
the devil by giving the following powerful verse:

*Luke 10:19 (NKJV) Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.*

10.4.5 I fondly call this verse, "nuclear bomb of the new covenant". This is the verse that the devil
hates the most. *In fact the devil trembles and flees when you utter this verse and claim your
authority over him.* Because the Lord has made it abundantly clear that the devil cannot do any
damage to the Lord’s warrior. He has sealed us from any harm by the devil. On the other hand, the Lord
has given us complete power and authority over the devil to trample upon him and to win over him. Do
we need a better guaranteed protection than this? *Can anyone have fear over the devil after
reading this powerful guarantee from the Heaven to all His warriors?*

*10.4.6 The Lord is faithful – lessons from Cain:* In the old covenant, in order to protect him from
death by strangers, the Lord put a mark on Cain who had murdered his own brother Abel in cold blood!
Are we not more valuable than Cain to the Heaven in the new covenant? Yes, we are! In the old
covenant there was no preaching of gospel, no need to heal the sick in God's name, no need to do
spiritual warfare against the devil! Yet, Cain got protective seal from God!

Genesis 4:15 (NKJV) And the Lord said to him, “Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall
be taken on him sevenfold.” *And the Lord set a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill

The Lord Jesus also has confirmed such a protection to His faithful children. In the new covenant,
we have far greater protection than the one given to Cain. Apart from Luke 10:19, the Lord Jesus has
promised greater protection through the following verses:

Luke 21:17 (NKJV) And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. 18 *But not a hair of your
head shall be lost.*

Luke 12:6- (NKJV) “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is
forgotten before God. 7 *But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore;
you are of more value than many sparrows.*

Apart from these, hasn't He promised life and abundant life in Him in John 10:10?

*10.4.7 Sons of the wicked one alone would suffer in spiritual warfare and not the true saints:*

So, if anyone tells you that he had suffered due to spiritual warfare prayers, it is false. The Lord has
revealed through the parable of “Wheat and the Tares” in Matthew 13:38-39 that the devil introduces
sons of wickedness among God’s children. These sons of wicked ones live among the saints till the
end of the age. The devil has complete control over these sons of wicked ones and he inflicts a variety
of torments on them including death. These ones are not true saints of God. They are men of the devil,
those who practice lawlessness. The Lord calls them son of wicked ones. They will be put into furnace
of fire in the end. Whatever happens to them will not happen to the true saints doing the Lord’s work.
*Can these wicked ones who have held hands with the devil fight against the devil through
warfare prayers?* As per John 8:34 anyone who does sin is a slave of sin. So, these people who
practice lawlessness are slaves to the devil. If these lawless ones do spiritual warfare prayers, they are
bound to be attacked and crippled by the devil because they belong to the devil. On the other hand, a
true saint doing spiritual warfare is fully protected by the Lord and His angels. Amen. I would be happy
if at least few of these lawless ones repent and get back to the Lord after reading this teaching. Amen.

*10.4.8 How to identify the sons of the wicked ones living among the true saints of God?*

The Lord has shown us an easy way to identify the wicked ones among the true saints - _ “nor can a
bad tree bear good fruit”._
Matthew 7:18 (NKJV) *A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.*
Matthew 12:33 (NKJV) “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad
and its fruit bad; *for a tree is known by its fruit.*

*10.4.9 How to identify the sons of the wicked one - a few few practical examples.*

A so called minister of God beating his wife is a classic example of the son of the wicked one!
Similarly, a woman doing the Lord's ministry while not submitting to her husband and not doing the
wife's duties as given in 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 is a daughter of the wicked one. Such women are servants
of the devil and nothing more.
Anyone divorcing his wife or sending his wife away permanently is not fit to do the Lord's ministry.
He can only serve the devil. (Matthew 19:3-11, I Timothy 3:4-5 ).
These are given as easy examples. You can also discern the sons of the wicked ones though various
such means as you know now that there are sons and daughters of the wicked ones among us, even
“doing the Lord's ministry". Amen.
Such sons of wickedness bring disrepute and damage to the Kingdom of Heaven and they bring no
benefits at all.
*A while ago, when Dr.Arun and I went out and prayed for deliverance of some people, the
devil spoke clearly, saying that such Christian people are only serving him satisfactorily!
_“He/she is doing the ministry well for me, why are you disturbing him/her?”*_ This was the
devil’s refrain! Now only I understand the true meaning after getting revelation from the parable of
wheat and tares in Matthew 13! These are the sons and daughters of the wicked ones. *They hinder
true repentance among people and thus block the revival.* The devil uses them from inside the

Lord’s congregation to meet out his ends. They do false ministry. *They bring glory to the devil.
Should we shed tears when these sons of the wicked ones are hurt by the devil?*

*10.4.10 The true servants of God get 100% protection from Heaven. They cannot be harmed by
the devil.*

The Lord protects His true servants by sealing them through Luke 10:19. If we do not have the
assured protection of this verse, it is not possible to wage spiritual warfare against the devil and win.
The Lord has granted us the power and authority to wage spiritual battles against the devil and win over
him. The Lord has given authority to trample upon the devil. Amen. In the new covenant, the devil’s
head remains crushed. But the Lord has allowed him to wag his tail. The devil is allowed to run his
kingdom with his disciples. These are people who have surrendered their rights that were got on the
Cross, through the blood of Jesus. Through John 8:34, the Lord has granted the devil this authority.
*Yet, the devil has no authority over the true children of God who never surrender to the devil
through sins and lawlessness.* To escape the snare of the devil its just sufficient to obey the words of
Jesus. The Lord has commanded us to resist the devil (1 Peter 5:9). We need not fear him even a little.
The Lord has already got us the authority to trample upon the devil. *If anyone preaches that we
should fear the devil that means he is a son of the devil, a hand picked coolie by the devil! Amen.*
The Lord has commanded His disciples to lay hands on the sick and heal them in His name (Mark
16:19). *If anyone preaches that the believers should not lay hands on the sick, then he is a son of
the wicked.*

*10.4.11 False ministers of God, saying satan is the ruler of this world!*

Till date, many pastors and evangelists preach, saying that the devil is the ruler of this world! They
are false preachers. Because the word of God tells us clearly that after the Cross, Jesus alone is the ruler
of the Heaven and earth. Satan has no power as he lost everything on the Cross. *When the false
preachers preach, satan is the ruler of this world, all the sheep under him fear only satan and not
Jesus and His commandments.* When they fear him, satan gets authority over them and he chooses
to torment such false believers and false pastors with all types of bondages, diseases and curses. The
Lord has made it clear that satan is good only at steal, rob and kill in John 10:10.

Jesus had made it clear in John 16:11 that satan had been already judged. Such false pastors do not
read the word of God in Colossians 2:13-15. They skip reading the gospels and so they fail to notice the
Lord’s declaration that He is the sole authority in the Heaven and Earth in Matthew 28:18. They do not
understand Revelation 1:18 wherein the Lord has said, _“I am He who lives, and was dead, and
behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death”._ With the keys of
hades and death with Jesus, what can the devil do? All these false pastors choose to read John 14:30
only. The devil to whom they serve allows them to focus only on this verse. There is a preceding verse
in John 12:31 wherein the Lord has prophesied that the devil, the ruler of this world was going to be
judged. In the subsequent verse in John 16:11, the Lord has concluded that the devil had been judged,
meaning his head had been crushed! The devil does not allow these pastors to read and understand this
verse too. Their master, the devil has blinded their eyes! These are blind who can not understand the
fundamental fact that after the old serpent’s head had been crushed on the Cross, how can he ever be

the ruler of this world? The ones who serve the Kingdom for money can only serve the devil! (Luke

10.4.12 I am printing below the above cited three verses regarding the ruler of this world for your
ready reference. The ones who truly wage battle for the Kingdom should never be deceived through the
false preachings. They should never fear the devil. The devil is a serpent whose teeth had been removed
on the Cross. He cannot harm the true believers and true disciples of Jesus. Amen.

John 12:31 (NKJV) Now is the judgment of this world; *now the ruler of this world will be cast
John 14:30 NKJV) I will no longer talk much with you, *for the ruler of this world is coming,*
and he has nothing in Me.
John 16:11 (NKJV) 11 of judgment, *because the ruler of this world is judged.*

10.4.13 From Genesis 3:15 prophecy and its subsequent fulfilment on the Cross, we know that
satan’s head had been crushed on the Cross! *Can the old serpent whose head had been crushed be
the ruler of this world or the one who crushed his head on the Cross can be the ruler of this
world?* As you have stepped out to wage war against the devil’s kingdom, you should not have even
an iota of doubt on this subject. If you have any doubt, that means you will have the spirit of fear in
you. Fear is always from the devil and so the devil will not allow you to do your ministry properly. The
ones who fully believe that Jesus alone is the ruler of the Heaven and earth alone are the true Kingdom
warriors. The devil cannot stand against such warriors. He flees and goes into hiding, immediately on
seeing them. Amen.

*10.4.14 The last word: Who is actually the ruler of this world now? What is the Biblical truth?
The Biblical truth is that the old serpent, satan was fully judged on the Cross. He is no more the
ruler of this world. Jesus has taken back everything on the Cross. Jesus is the only ruler now, for the
Heaven and earth as well. Without the permission of Jesus, the devil is not allowed even to wag his tail.
Amen. In the new covenant, the ones who believe in Jesus through water baptism are His children as
per John 1:12. They are royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). They are heirs to the King of Kings, Jesus. True
prince and princess, each one of them. Can the enemy touch these royal children? Is it that the King of
Kings who has created the Heavens and the earth is so powerless to allow the devil to butcher His true

*10.4.15 The ones who preach saying, the devil is the ruler of this world is a son of devil.*

So, it is very clear that anyone still preaching to the contrary belongs to the devil. We need to pray
for the believers who are enslaved by these false preachers. This is one of the prayer points for every
night prayer warrior. Amen.

*10.4.16 Video teaching: Jesus is the ruler of this world*

*MUMBAI # 2 & 3 (ENGLISH/HINDI) How to find out a dead church and a dead Christians?*
*Ask 2 questions HD, Mumbai Nallasopara East, Nov 27, 2016*
Question # 1 Who is the ruler of this world?
Question # 2 Can satan heal the sick?
42 minutes

*#8 Who is the ruler of this world now - Jesus or devil?* (Tamil) - Ambattur 1st May 2017
உலகததததனத அததபதத யயரத? இயயசவய பதசயசய?
யவத வசனமத எனதன சசயலதகதறத?
Duration: 7 minutes
9 minutes.

*10.4.17 Many Christians are under various tormenting diseases today! Even the pastors and
evangelists undergo serious health problems! What is the meaning of it?*

Many have this question in their mind that a large number of Christians are also under the grip of
diseases and witchcraft related bondages. These Christians go through divorces. A few Christians have
been charged with murder! Suicides are found in the Pentecostal churches too. These building
Christians die in road accidents! Why does it all happen to the Christians? Please read and meditate
John 8:34, Matthew 13:38-39. These are the sons of the wicked one. The typical chaff. They live and
grow among the true children of God, the wheat. They were sown by the devil, the enemy. They are not
true Christians. So, the devil has complete authority over them. But the devil has no authority on the
true children of God, obeying His commandments. The devil has not been given the authority to
torment God’s true children. The God who put the seal on Cain, the murderer of his own brother, from
being killed by strangers is faithful today to protect His true children under the new covenant. He is a
never changing God. Amen. (Heb. 13:8)

*10.4.18 To whom we should be afraid of - devil or Jesus?The counsel from Lord Jesus!*
_“Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!*_
Luke 12:4 (NKJV) “And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and
after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who,
after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!

*10.4.19 What is the edification we have received so far?*

The edification from this teaching till now is that we have been called to do spiritual warfare against
the devil. This work has been given to everyone who has entered into covenant with Jesus through
water baptism. The devil has no powers against the true warriors of the Kingdom. With the Kingdom
powers available through the word of God, a child of Jesus has to overpower the devil's kingdom and
capture new souls. This is a non stop process. The new souls have to be converted into disciples of
Jesus. Amen.

End of Part 3
*Coming up : Part 4- Binding the strongman. How?*

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
2nd Oct. 2018

Part 4
*Teaching: The rise and fall of God’s children, including the true disciples of Jesus. Failure to do
prayer & warfare prayer is the reason for the fall! Here is a guide for the God’s warriors! The
way to go for a non stop spiritually fruitful life!*
(Released in English and Tamil versions. Drafted in English and translated into Tamil. The warfare
prayer part was drafted in Tamil and translated into English)

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
4th Oct. 2018
(Part 1 was published on 11th Sep., 2018, Part 2 on 19th Sep. 2018, 3rd part on 2nd Oct. 2018)

*10.5 Warfare prayers – Continuation of Part 2: Binding the strongman. Who is this
strongman? What is the Biblical basis?*
*Let is know about the strongman against God and His Kingdom!*

*10.5.1 Spiritual strongman controlling geographical areas:*

Every nation has a strongman who is none else but a leader in the devil's kingdom. We read it in the
Book of Daniel (Daniel 10:13,20) that specific demons control the nations. They are called
princes! The angel of the Lord names them, “prince of the kingdom of Persia” (verse 13) and “prince
of Greece” (verse 20). Even today the same hierarchy in the devil’s kingdom exists. There is one
strongman for the entire India and there is a separate strongman for each and every State. There is
strongman in every imaginable space, in villages, streets, offices, buildings etc. Their main role is to
prevent the Kingdom of Heaven from advancing within their jurisdiction. In addition to that, they
advance the devil’s kingdom through “steal, kill and destroy” activities. (John 10:10) We need to
rebuke, bind and destroy them in Jesus name. (Matthew 12:29, Luke 10:19) This is the role assigned to
each and every child who is washed by the blood of Jesus (Ephesians 6:12, Matthew 12:29). When we
do this, the demons would be chained and thus the people who are chained by these demons would
escape and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The gospel would spread easily in places and
nations. Their diseases and afflictions would also flee. When we travel to a place to preach the gospel,
we need to bind the strongman controlling that place in Jesus name and send the demon to the abyss.
When we do this, our Kingdom work in that place would become fruitful. Whenever we visit hospitals
to preach the gospel and heal the sick, we routinely bind the strongman of that hospital before starting
the work.

*10.5.2 There is a strongman controlling various activities of human life: Matthew 12:29.*
They are specialised in a particular task of steal, kill and destroy. For example, anger is controlled
by a strongman named anger. Abortion is controlled by that strongman. If people are addicted to mobile
phones, mobile games, that is controlled by a strongman. Similarly, there is a strongman who makes the

people get addicted to liquor drinking and also other types of narcotics. Divorce is controlled by that
strongman. Accidents are caused by the strongman called accident. Suicides are caused by the
strongman suicide. The strongman named division breaks the love between husband and wife. There is
a strongman promoting destruction through witchcraft. There is a strongman driving people to lusting,
adultery, prostitution, fornication and pornography. There is a strongman promoting homosexuality.
There is a strongman making the people to receive and give bribes in Government offices. Similarly,
there is a strongman for murder, violence, death, destruction etc.

*10.5.3 A strongman controls each organised religion.*

Every organised religion is in the control of the devil / strongman. This includes the Sunday
Christianity as a religion practised by the building churches. Each church has become a cult, following
its own rules and regulations (their own Bible). Jesus has never come to the world to establish a
religion. He came to open a new and living way for us to enter the Kingdom through His flesh
(Heb.10:19). If people of other faith are not accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, it is
because of the religious strongman controlling them. There is one strongman each controlling the
Hindus, Muslims, Roman Catholics, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, atheists respectively. There is one
strongman controlling the churches of today which made them devoid of fruits. There is a strongman
controlling the pastors justifying and receiving the old testament tithes (mammon spirit). There is a
strongman controlling the pastors preaching mostly from the old testament, violating the Lord’s
commandment to teach only His commandments in Matthew 28:20.

*10.5.4 There is a strongman for each and every disease!*

Each and every disease named by the medical science is backed by a strongman of that name. Their
job is to zealously afflict the people with the disease, torment them and then finally kill them. For
example, cancer is controlled and promoted by the strongman called cancer. There is a strongman for
tumour, heart attack, heart failure, lung failure, liver failure, kidney failure, kidney stones, gall bladder
stones, all types of spinal cord diseases such as lower back pain, spondylolysis, disk prolapse, disk
bulge, bareness, brain related diseases, brain stroke, blood related diseases, diseases affecting women,
typhoid, dengue, AIDS, cholera, brain fever, rheumatoid arthritis and other types of arthritis diseases,
blood pressure, diabetes, ulcer, gastritis, thyroid, Asthma, etc. There is a strongman for amputation of
the limbs, hysterectomy (surgically removing the uterus), mastectomy (removal of breasts). *A warrior
has to name each and every such strongman and rebuke/crush and disable them.* When a warrior
does such a warfare prayer, these strongmen would be totally disabled and they would not be able to
carry out their destructive work. Rather they would be chained. There would not be new occurrence of
such diseases in your region. People who are already afflicted by the diseases would also get huge

*10.5.5 Blood spilling spirits (kali) and spirits that torment the victims with pain – a short note
on how to contain them in Jesus name!*
There are specialist spirits / strongman for spilling blood from human body and also for tormenting
humans with pain. The Lord has given complete authority over these spirits also. The blood spilling
spirit causes the bleeding through road accidents and other type of accidents. They bleed the victims to
death. And they suck the blood of the victims in this manner. So this strongman is called blood hound.
This is also called kali spirit. All the sorcerers use this spirit to do destruction. When we bind and cast
out this spirit to the abyss in Jesus name, all such unwanted bleeding would stop. Accidents would also
reduce. This is the spirit that causes women to bleed more than 3 days during their monthlies. This
spirit is out to destroy husband-wife relationship. It does not want the couples to mate and thus the

bleeding beyond the normal 3 day period. Bleeding in pregnant women is also caused by this spirit.
When we rebuke and cast out this blood hound / kali spirit in Jesus name, women who are affected by
the bloodhound spirit get immediate relief. Amen. I have seen the affected women get healed instantly.
One beloved daughter was healed of 5 year bleeding in five minutes. She subsequently bore a baby girl
which is noting less than a miracle. Another daughter who was pregnant yet continuously bleeding for
4 months was healed instantly and she had normal gestation and delivery. Glory to Jesus. Similarly, we
can release the people in the torment of pain in Jesus name by rebuking the pain causing spirit. As soon
as you command the pain causing spirit to leave in Jesus name, you will see immediate relief coming to
the patient. These two spirits are powerless spirits yet causing maximum damage to the people. You
and I have the powers from Jesus to finish them instantly. Amen.

10.5.6 These are only illustrative cases and you need to perceive the strongman for each activity and
bind the same. Unless the strongman controlling each and every segment mentioned above is rebuked
and bound in Jesus name, it is not possible to save the victims and bring them into the Lord’s Kingdom.
*A strong warfare prayer, binding the strongman of each segment is needed before going out to
preach gospel to them. The more you bind and crush them in Jesus name through warfare
prayers, the more you will become fruitful in bringing these segments into the Lord.* This is a
mighty power that the Lord has given us – a superior power over the devil to bind & disable him thus
enabling us to plunder souls under his custody.

10.5.7 If we are going to a place with an intention to preach the gospel of the Kingdom, then we
need to necessarily bind the strongman of that place before commencing the journey. Then only our
work will be fruitful. Otherwise, the strongman of that place will prevent the people from accepting the
gospel. Amen.

*10.5.8 Experience Sharing: Bind the strongman of hospital before going there to preach gospel
and heal the sick. Additionally you need to bind the strongman’s mouth and gestures too! This
will prevent him from using the mouth or gestures to stop your ministry. Devil can never shut the
doors opened by our Lord Jesus – Rev. 3:7.*

Please know the reality that every hospital is controlled by a spiritual strongman whose role is to
steal, rob and kill. Killing the patients is the main role of this strongman. Anyone attempting to heal the
sick through other than the medical method is not welcome inside these hospitals. The strongman of the
hospital would do everything to prevent divine healing of patients. So, before setting out to preach the
gospel and heal the sick in any hospital, a warrior has to necessarily bind the strongman pertaining to
that hospital. If this is not done, the warrior would be resisted at every ward by the duty doctors, nurses,
hospital staff and even the patients. *They would shout at you and ask you to show “permission”.
Such permission is never given to anyone and it is non existent.* These doctors and nurses also
know that there is no such permission. Their intention is to send you out. A few of these people scream
and drive the warriors out of the wards. We know that our warfare is not against the flesh and blood.
These opposing people are not our enemies at all. They are actually victims. We must pray for them.
Our enemy is the devil only and none else. Amen. The warrior has to bind the strongman of each and
every hospital in their secret place prayers. While doing the binding and rebuking prayer, the warrior
has to make an additional point of binding the mouth of the serpent / strongman so that the strongman
is disabled from using the mouth of the doctors/nurses/hospital staff and also patients to prevent the
warrior from doing the gospel & healing work. *It is my experience that when I bind the strong

man of the hospital with an add on command, binding the serpent’s mouth, all the hospital staff
maintain absolute silence when we do the preaching and healing work in hospital.* This is an
effective weapon to keep the hospital doors open for preaching the gospel to the unsaved and healing
them in Jesus name. Amen. You must always remember that the devil has no powers to shut the door
opened by our Lord Jesus (Rev. 3:7). And our Lord has opened the doors for healing prayer in the
hospitals. Let us move forward with absolute confidence. (Status: Sep/Oct – 2018).

10.5.9 In the book of Revelation, the Lord has warned us about a variety of false preachings. A
strongman of the same description carries out its work even now. In Rev. 2:14 the Lord has warned
about the spirit of Balaam. This is an evil spirit justifying and promoting adultery and prostitution
within the body of Christ. In Rev. 2:6,15 the Lord speaks about “deeds of the Nicolaitans” and
“doctrine of the Nicolaitans”. This is a spirit that promotes hierarchy within the body of Christ. It has
created religion out of Jesus. Jesus never came to create a separate religion. He came to open a new
way for us to inherit the Kingdom through his flesh (John 14:6, Hebrews 10:19). It makes the body of
Christ into two categories viz., clergy and the laity. Understandably, clergy has been given a controlling
status over the laity. *The laity should remain a spectator all through their life. This doctrine
nullifies the benefits received through the Cross.* In the body of Christ, everyone is a child of Jesus,
equal. Everyone has been given the liberty to directly address Him, Abba, Father (Galatians 4:6).
Everyone is a member of royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). Hierarchy is neither permitted in the word of
God nor blessed by the Lord. The spirit of the Nicolaitans is dead against this equality before the Lord.
It is a spirit of division that aims at making the body of Christ barren. It is also a rebellious spirit
against God and His commandments. It makes the pastors and preachers a higher class and believers as
a lower class. *Thus it seeks to make the body of Christ a spectator. If the building churches are
devoid of fruits, it means the congregation has been bound by this spirit.*

*To know more about the spirit of Nicolaitans, please read this external teaching:*

10.5.10 As per the commandment of Jesus, anyone wishing to become greater has to wash the feet of
those to whom he seeks to serve. He has no business to say “I am great”! (Mark 10:43-45 John 13:12-
17). So, the spirit of Nicolaitans is a spirit of lie and deception. This is a strongman as per Matthew
12:29. Many lower level spirits operate under this strongman working with the same purpose. *When
we bind this strongman, the spirit of hierarchy that has destroyed the building churches will be
subdued. Everyone will start working for the Kingdom within the body of Christ, thus the revival
will start.* Today, this spirit prevents revival in the body of Christ. It has made all the believers who
have the full Kingdom powers as mere spectators of what the pastor speaks on Sundays! We need to
destroy this evil spirit in our warfare prayers. The believers who have been set free through our warfare
prayers would start working for the Kingdom, thus shaking the kingdom of satan. More soul winning
will be the result.

*10.5.11 Works of the flesh – a type of strongman.*

In Galatians 5:19,20,21 Paul the apostle has described the works of the flesh. Each and every work
of the flesh described by him is backed by an evil spirit, a strongman. We need to bind each and every
one of these works of the flesh in our warfare prayers and send them back to the abyss in Jesus name.

People get released from these works of the flesh when we do the warfare prayers against these

Galatians 5:19 (NKJV) Now the *works of the flesh* are evident, which are: *adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts
of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and
the like;* of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice
such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

The wording shows that this is only an illustrative list and not exhaustive!

*10.5.12 Sins leading to hell as per the list of sins enumerated by the Lord in the book of
Revelation. Each such sin is a strongman.*

The Lord Jesus has enumerated the sins that lead to eternal death, hell. Each such sin is a strongman
against Heaven. We need to bind each one of these strongmen in our warfare prayers. If we rebuke and
cancel the works of these spirits in our warfare prayers, a lot of people would get out of the clutches of
these demons. Amen.

Revelation 21:8 (NKJV) *But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually
immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars* shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and
brimstone, which is the second death.”
Revelation 22:15 (NKJV) *But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and
murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.*

The above description is only a sample to teach you who is a strongman and how to bind them in the
name of Jesus. There are many many such strongmen doing the destruction. The spirit of Jezebel is one
such example not covered in this teaching. We need to bind them one after another in our warfare
prayers. We can also send them back to abyss in Jesus name. *Authority has been given to us in the
word of God to send them back to abyss. (Luke 8:31, John 14:12).*

As this final version with translation check was being done, the Supreme Court of India struck down
Indian Penal Code 377 and made homosexuality an approved human activity. It decriminalised the
homosexuality sin as a holy one. This is clearly defined as an abomination by the Lord. What is written
in the Bible is supreme and cannot be changed by men. One of the Honourable judges in the bench has
apologised these abominable homosexuals for the alleged injustice done to them by India over 150
years! Homosexuality is not biological but it is demonic. This is the reading given in the Bible. But the
Honourable judges find this abomination, biological. In Genesis 19 we read that the Lord Himself came
down to see the abomination of homosexual sins and later He destroyed two towns, Sodom and
Gomorrah through fire from Heaven. Such a fiery punishment is promised for any city doing it as per
Jude verse 7. Sodom and Gomorrah were set before us as example for punishment. The world
witnesses such punishment in California, USA through uncontrollable forest fires that keep destroying
houses. It is a clear sign that India is ready to receive fiery punishment from the Lord.

Similarly, within a couple of weeks of making homosexuality an approved activity, the very same
Supreme Court, headed by the same Chief Justice of India has made adultery an approved activity. No

more it is an offence under the Indian Penal Code. All these sections that made adultery an offence in
the Indian Penal Code had been quashed by the Supreme Court! Thus there is no holding back the
hands of God in giving out His judgment on India.

The Lord’s church is doing everything else except what the Lord has commanded them to do, the
great commission! The whole building church has been sold for offerings and tithes (mammon spirit).
If not they are sold for traditions which is nothing else but religiosity spirit. So the Lord has sold India
to this abomination – homosexuality abomination and adultery. (Romans 1:25-27). Disciples such as
you and me have to intercede before the Lord seeking mercy of the Lord for the sins of India! We need
to bind in Jesus name the strongman who promotes homosexuality in India and elsewhere. We need to
bind and send this spirit to the abyss in Jesus name. Amen. Last but not the least, we need to
continuously go out, preach the gospel of the Kingdom and heal the sick in Jesus name. Baptising them
in Jesus name is the next logical step we should do non stop. Amen.

End of Part 4.
*Coming up next in Part 5: How do I do warfare prayers, a personal experience sharing.*

4th Oct. 2018

*Part 5: My personal experience of binding the strongman. Importance of praise and worship in
secret place prayer.*
*Teaching: The rise and fall of God’s children, including the true disciples of Jesus. Failure to do
prayer & warfare prayer is the reason for the fall! Here is a guide for the God’s warriors! The
way to go for a non stop spiritually fruitful life!*
(Released in English and Tamil versions. Drafted in English and translated into Tamil. The warfare
prayer part was drafted in Tamil and translated into English)

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
9th Oct. 2018
(Part 1 was published on 11th Sep. 2018, Part 2 on 19th Sep. 2018, Part 3 on 2nd Oct. 2018, Part 4 on 4th
October 2018)

*10.6 Warfare prayers - Continuation of Part 2: My personal experience of binding the

strongman – an experience sharing: Warfare prayer is an inevitable means towards fruit bearing.
It is not an end in itself. It is a necessary means enabling going out, preaching gospel, healing the
sick and earning souls for the Kingdom.*

We have seen in the foregone sections that praising the King of Kings, Jesus is the first part of the
warfare prayer. In the subsequent section we have seen some details about the strongman. In this
section, I am sharing my personal experience on how I am doing everyday warfare prayers, rebuking
and binding the strongmen. This experience sharing is meant to help you to shape up your warfare
prayer style. *There is no one best way of doing warfare prayer. You follow the method best suited

for you and treat my experience sharing as a guide only.* The end result should be bearing fruits for
the Kingdom. Warfare prayer is an enabler to bear fruits for the Kingdom and the prayer itself is NOT
the end in itself.

10.6.1 As explained in the earlier section, the first part of my secret place prayers is to worship and
thank Jesus. I thank Jesus for having “brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay”. I
praise and thank Jesus for all the blessings, spiritual and worldly. It is customary for me to thank Jesus
for His death on the Cross for my sins. He chose me to be His child and He has given me His ministry
for which I am not at all eligible. I gratefully remember His grace upon me in these respects. I thank
Jesus for the wonderful word based revelations and the Holy Spirit teachings through me. I thank Him
for the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven given to me. I thank Him for protecting me from falling down.
Thereafter I start worshipping Him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. At one part, I interact with
Him with much love. I have made an attempt to describe the way I worship and pray to the Lord in my
secret place prayers in the following paragraphs.

*Importance of worship and praise of Jesus.*

*i) Heaven needs our praise and worship of the Lord Jesus.*

A praise and worship that comes from the heart is received by the Heaven as a sweet incense. It
makes the Heaven happy. Such a worship by His children enables the Heaven to carry out the will of
the Lord on earth. (Rev. 5:8, 8:3-5).

Revelation 5:8 (NKJV) Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-
four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, *and golden bowls full of incense, which
are the prayers of the saints.*

Revelation 8:3 (NKJV) Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He
was given much incense, *that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden
altar which was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints,
ascended before God from the angel’s hand.* 5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire
from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an

*ii) All the created beings, including men and women should worship their Creator God, Jesus –
this is the mandate from Heaven.*

Psalms 148:3 (NKJV) Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars of light! 4 Praise Him,
you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens! *5 Let them praise the name of the
Lord, For He commanded and they were created.* 12 Both young men and maidens; Old men and
children. 13 Let them praise the name of the Lord, For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above
the earth and heaven. (Please read Psalms 148, full chapter).
Revelation 19:5 (NKJV) hen a voice came from the throne, saying, *“Praise our God, all you His
servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!”*
Psalms 150:6 (NKJV) *Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.*
Psalms 67:5 (NKJV) Let the peoples praise You, O God; *Let all the peoples praise You.*

Psalms 69:34 (NKJV) *Let heaven and earth praise Him, The seas and everything that moves
in them.*
Psalms 107:15 *Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His
wonderful works to the children of men!*

*iii) Worshipping Lord Jesus in the spirit shatters the plans of the devil. Jericho fort was
destroyed when the Israelites praised!*

When the creations praise the Creator God, Jesus, the evil plans of the enemy are automatically
shattered to pieces! Amen. The moment you start praising Jesus, the devil’s kingdom starts shaking,
and then disintegrates. (II Chronicles 20:22) Jericho fort was destroyed in this manner only. (Joshua
6:20) You get closer to Jesus when you praise Jesus more. You also become a trustworthy warrior for
the Kingdom. So, a spirited praise and worship of the Lord Jesus is key to success in a disciple life.

*Jehoshaphat’s victory:*
2 Chronicles 20:21 (NKJV) And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who
should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, *as they went out before the
army and were saying: “Praise the Lord, For His mercy endures forever.”* 22 Now when they
began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount
Seir, who had come against Judah; *and they were defeated.*

*The fall of Jericho’s wall!*

Joshua 6:20 (NKJV) So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened
when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, *and the people shouted with a great shout, that
the wall fell down flat.* Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they
took the city.

*iv) The book of Psalms and praise & worship of the Lord – the book of Psalms is a treasure
trove for praise and worship of the Lord. But the portions touching upon the Law should not be
followed by a disciple!*

*Psalms: What is to be followed and what should be avoided?*

The Psalmist has clearly indicated why we should worship the Lord God. *This is a typical
treasure which our Lord mentions in Matthew 13:52.*

There are areas in which the book of Psalms has to be totally avoided. Whatever the Psalmist had
mentioned about temple of the Lord was meant to indicate the brick and mortar temple that stood at
Jerusalem city. This was destroyed and gone. In the new covenant, we are the temple of the Lord. The
Lord resides in our hearts (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). The Lord does not reside in any buildings now.
(Acts 7:48 and 17:24). A disciple should take note of the changed scenario and should never be

Similarly, when the Psalmist speaks about vows, he is speaking about the Moses commandment
which is not valid now. Vow is a part of the Moses law (Deuteronomy 23:21). The law was fulfilled by
Jesus on the cross and no part of the Law survives now. (Matthew 5:17, Ephesians 2:14-15 Romans

10:4). Paul the apostle says, the Law was abolished on the Cross in Ephesians 2:14-15. So, a disciple
should not follow anything connected with vows that is mentioned in the Psalms.

Similarly, the Psalmist connotes human beings as enemies. In the old testament, enemy means
human beings. This reading is not applicable for the new covenant. In the new covenant, the enemy is
the devil only. No human being is our enemy. (Ephesians 6:12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5). While reading
the Psalms a disciple has to take note of this change.

*But whatever the Psalmist has written praising the Lord is an everlasting word and they are
applicable for us in the new covenant as well, for the Jews and gentiles.* A disciple should learn to
discern the difference in this area.

*v) We are going to read below a number of verses from Psalms wherein the Psalmist, through
the inspiration of Holy Spirit has written about the need to praise and worship the Lord. All
these verses are fully applicable for the new covenant believers / disciples of Jesus.*

Psalms 18:3 (NKJV) I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; *So shall I be saved
from my enemies.*
Psalms 18:49 (NKJV) *Therefore* I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the Gentiles, *And
sing praises to Your name.*
Psalms 22:3 (NKJV) But You are holy, *Enthroned in the praises of Israel.*
Psalms 22:23 (NKJV) *You who fear the Lord, praise Him!* All you descendants of Jacob,
glorify Him, And fear Him, all you offspring of Israel!
Psalms 22:26 (NKJV) The poor shall eat and be satisfied; *Those who seek Him will praise the
Lord.* Let your heart live forever!
Psalms 33:1 (NKJV) Rejoice in the Lord, *O you righteous! For praise from the upright is
Psalms 63:4 (NKJV) Thus I will bless You while I live; *I will lift up my hands in Your name.*
Psalms 86:12 (NKJV) *I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify
Your name forevermore.*
Psalms 99:3 (NKJV) *Let them praise Your great and awesome name*— He is holy.
Psalms 105:1 (NKJV) *Oh, give thanks to the Lord!* Call upon His name; *Make known His
deeds among the peoples!*
Psalms 106:1 (NKJV) *Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures
Psalms 140:13 (NKJV) *Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name;* The upright
shall dwell in Your presence.
1 Chronicles 16:25 NKJV) *For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised;* He is also to be
feared above all gods.

Exodus 15:11 (NKJV) “Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in
holiness, *Fearful in praises,* doing wonders?

*Apparently, a new covenant believer also has to praise and worship the Lord. This is an
inevitable privilege and also a duty of every child of Jesus. Hence my counsel is that everyone

doing the secret place prayer should spend considerable time in thanking, worshipping and
praising Jesus.*

*vi) Fill in the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues and pray.*

If you have the gift of Holy Spirit with tongues, then allow the Holy Spirit to intercede through
tongues as much as possible during the worship time. *During the worship of Jesus, the angels also
take part along with us. If you wish to have angels to get into your house, all you need to do is to
worship Jesus, calling His name - Jesus.* As you continue to worship the name of Jesus, the devil
starts fleeing from your limits. The devil cannot withstand worshipping the name of Jesus. His body
would start burning when you continue your worship of Jesus. *The power lies in the name of
JESUS.* (Phil. 2:6-11) So, you need to call His name, Jesus and worship Him. That is the most
powerful worship.

*vii) Worshipping Jesus, the way to go: How I do it? (illustrative only)*
Jesus, the Lord of Hosts, I thank you, I worship you.
Lord Jesus, the one who crushed the satan's head on the Cross and opened the way for me to enter
Heaven, I praise you Jesus, I worship you Jesus.
Jesus, the only living God, I praise you, worship you.
Lord Jesus, the one who is entitled for all the praises, I praise you, worship you.
The one who does great signs and wonders, Jesus I praise you, worship you.
Abba, Father, I praise you, worship you.
Lord Jesus, the one who loves me like His own life, I praise you and worship you.
The one who paid the price on the Cross with His blood and life, Jesus I thank you, I praise you and
worship you.

*In this manner, I thank, praise and worship Jesus for one hour before starting other prayer

*viii) Please do not follow my pattern just like a parrot.*

*Please do not follow my pattern just like a parrot. This is not a Bible. Bible alone is infallible.
Do not keep a print out of of this teaching and read it out while doing the praise and worship.*
That will make the prayer a traditional prayer. *All traditions are useless and it will not have the
desired effect.* Prising God has to come from one's heart. Not through reading a paper. This teaching
is only a guideline to enable you to start worship and warfare prayers. When you start having a
personal relationship with Jesus, you would be able to praise and worship Him from your heart. When
you read the Bible more and more, you would automatically start loving Jesus more and more. Praising
Jesus would come so automatic from your heart. The Holy Spirit will enable you. Each one should
praise and worship Jesus in a different manner. I myself do not follow this uniformly everyday. Rather I
make changes everyday. *Uniformity in worshipping Jesus is not a virtue.* Calling the name of
Jesus alone is uniformly important. Because the name of Jesus alone has been given the name above all
the names in the new covenant (Phil. 2:11). The demons do not fear any other name. The demons
tremble at the mention of the name Jesus. I hope you understand the importance of calling the name of

*10.6.2 Confessing our sins to Jesus – the repentance prayer:*

Committing sins in our everyday life is inevitable. Without even our knowledge, sometimes we
commit sins. So, it is important that we confess our sins before the Lord everyday during the secret

place prayers. Holiness is utmost in our walk with Jesus. This repentance prayer is a must item. I do the
sin confession as the second item or as a part of the worship I do the repentance prayer too. According
to one’s requirement one can do this. Even in this area also, I don't follow any uniform method in the
secret place prayer.

*10.6.3 Praying for the salvation of Israel, for their worldly blessings and protection.*

The Lord made a covenant with me in February 2010 trough audible voice. He wanted me to
intercede for the salvation of Israel. Today the Israelite are prevented from inheriting the Kingdom
because of a curse from Jesus (Matthew 21:43). Because of this curse, the Israelites have not accepted
Jesus as the Christ and Messiah for the past nearly 2000 years. They are still following the old
testament only.

After the Cross, Jesus is the only way to Heaven for the Israelite and also gentiles as per John 14:6.
The Israelites have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah yet. So, without Jesus they continue to miss
Heaven. They are landing in outer darkness or hell. The Lord said, _“you intercede for the salvation of
Israel and I will reveal everything to you”._ This may explain why I get special revelations when I
speak or write. As per this covenant, I intercede for the salvation of Israel and also for their blessings &
protection. As a custom I do this prayer as soon as I finish my repentance prayer. The doors of salvation
for Israel had not been opened yet. Romans 11:25 had not happened.

Everyone of us should pray and intercede for the salvation of Israel. The Lord has to give them the
heart to repent as per Zechariah 12:10. If you want to be blessed, first bless Israel and also for their
salvation. The Lord will bless you as per Genesis 12:3. It is not for getting blessings, but in order to
please Jesus more. The Lord wants Israel to be saved soon. He wants us, the gentiles to intercede for
Israel. That is a pleasing prayer for Him. If we pray more interceding for Israel, He is ready to open the
gates of salvation for them. Our ministry also would flourish. In fact the whole world flourishes when
Israel is blessed. Amen. Let us intercede for salvation of Israel everyday.

*10.6.4 Individual prayer points:* The next is the prayer for individual prayer points. Prayers are
done specially for those who have not been saved. Special prayers are done for the disciples who are
running in the forefront, for their protection and also blessings. Special prayers are done for the
pregnant sisters / daughters. Prayers are done for those who do not have child and those who are
waiting for marriage. This is only an illustrative list.

*10.6.5 Warfare Prayers to bind the strongman. The practicals!*

*1. The first part of the warfare prayer is to bind the strongman in different areas* whose power
has kept the nations under the devil.

*You need to bind and cast out the demons to the abyss in Jesus name in the following manner:*
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke and bind *all the evil & dark forces in the heaven and earth* and
command them to go back to the abyss.
In the name of Jesus, I bind and rebuke the *spiritual hosts of wickedness* in the heavenly places
and command them to go to the abyss.

In the name of Jesus I bind the *serpent spirits* and command them to go to the abyss in Jesus
name. In the name of Jesus I release all the captives that are bound by this strongman.
In the name of Jesus *I rebuke and bind the strongmen associated with all idol worship* and
command them to go to the abyss. In the name of Jesus I release the captives held by this spirit of
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke and bind all spirit of religiosity that controls all the religions of the
world, including building based Christianity. The spirit of religiosity works against the Kingdom of
In the name of Jesus, I bind and cast out the strongman of India.

*Following is the illustrative list of strongmen you need to bind everyday in Jesus name.*
Accident spirits. (These spirits cause deaths and destruction due to road accidents and other
Suicide spirits. Spirit of murder.
Witchcraft and conjuring spirits. Blood hound spirit. By binding this spirit you would be crippling
witchcraft and related deaths.
Spirit of abortion.
Spirit of anger and division. The spirit that makes people hate one another.
Spirit of jealousy.
The spirit that causes bitterness. (bitterness is one of the major sources of sickness among people).

*Spirit of adultery and fornication.*

Spirit of adultery and prostitution. Fornication. Spirit of homosexuality
Spirit of pornography. The spirit that spreads porn across the world using internet, mobile phone and
other sources.
Spirit that makes the people do pre marital sex.
Spirit that justifies and thus promotes pre marital sex.

*Women related*
The spirit that abducts young girls and forces them into flesh trade.
The spirit that makes men rape women.
The spirit that gives a variety of diseases to the women only. (women specific diseases)
The spirit that gives painful menstruation to women. (After the Cross victory, women are entitled for
a pain free menstruation)
The spirit that seeks to remove the blessings given to her. The spirits of mastectomy and
The spirits that give cysts to women in their uterus and ovaries.
The spirits that give hormone related problem to women.
Spirit of bareness.
Spirits that case irregular periods in women. Heavy bleeding spirits.

Spirit of divorce.
Spirits that prevent the husbands from doing their duty to their wives as per 1 Cor. 7:3-5
Spirits that prevent the wives from doing their duty to their husbands as per 1 Cor. 7:3-5
Spirits that cause the husbands beat their wives.
Spirits that make the wives disobey their husbands, make them talk back.

Spirits that prevent husband and wife mating.
Spirit that makes husband lust after some one else wife.
Spirits that block timely marriages for men and women.
The spirit that prevents husbands from loving their wives in the manner laid down in the Bible.
(Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:28)
Spirit of division attacking the couples thus making family life a misery.
Spirit of disobedience attacking the children. Also depression spirit.

Spirit of mammon that makes the political leaders, government officials and others take bribes.
Pray for the salvation of the national and state leaders - Warfare prayer needed to bind the
strongman controlling them in Jesus name.
Pray for the major political parties. Warfare prayers.
Spirits that prevent the judges from doing justice.
Spirits that make the people working in the police force not do their work as per righteousness.

*Church/body of Christ*
Tithing spirit. This spirit is a mammon spirit, which deceives the believers into believing that the old
testament tithing is valid in new testament. Both the giver and receiver are greedy to get more mammon
out of tithing.
Spirit that enslaves God's children, the royal priesthood. This is called Spirit of Nicolaitans
The spirit that makes the preachers preach mostly from the old testament, disobeying the
commandment of Jesus in Matthew28:20.
Deceiving spirits that prevent preaching of the gospel of Christ.
False prophet, false preaching spirits.
Spirits that made the believers barren, making the believers lazy and without doing any work for the

This is only a sample list of evil spirits that have be bound in the warfare prayers. We need to hear
the voice of the Holy Spirit and bind the spirits as per the priority of the Holy Spirit. Everyday, the
most important strongmen such as serpent spirit, spirit of idolatry should be bound.

*2. Secondly, I rebuke and bind the strongmen that give diseases and send them to the abyss in
Jesus name.*
*For example:* How do we rebuke and cast out the cancer spirit?
_“In the name of Jesus, I rebuke and crush all the cancer causing spirits / strongman and command
them to go to the abyss. In the name of Jesus I command all the captives of these spirits to be freed
In a similar manner you need to rebuke and cast out the following disease causing evil spirits /
strongman in Jesus name. You need to release the victims of these evil disease spirits in Jesus name.
This is only an illustrative list.

Tumour spirit, spirit that gives diseases in the brain, brain stroke spirit, spirit that causes blood clot
in brain, heart attack spirit, spirits that give a variety of heart diseases, heart failure spirits, blood
pressure spirit, diabetes spirit, TB spirit, Cholera spirit, Dengue, Typhoid, Malaria, Swine flu, Thyroid,

Knee pain and knee disabling arthritis spirits, Asthma, wheezing spirit, lung failure spirit, Ulcer and
gastritis spirit, spirits affecting the spinal cord such as spondilites, disk prolapse, lower back pain,
spinal cord failure, crippling spinal cord diseases, coma spirit, spirit that causes kidney and liver
dysfunction. Jaundice, AIDS, spirit that makes people go mad, bipolar disorder spirit, spirits that attack
women, and the list goes on.

There is a strongman controlling every hospital. So, the spirits that control the respective
Government/ private hospitals have to be bound in advance. You need to bind their mouth, hands, legs
and gestures too in Jesus name. Now, you will have a cool ministry when you visit that hospital.

*10.6.6 I submit my family and my spirit, soul and body into the hands of Jesus and His blood.*
In the initial days, it is better to do the prayers against the backlash spirit in the first part of the
prayer itself. A separate guide has been given on how to bind the spirit of backlash in Jesus name.


*10.6.7 Self deliverance (prayer) from possible sins.*

This is a preventive prayer, a vary powerful one, to keep the devil away from us. We need to
examine ourselves and find out if there is any scope for the devil to side track us using our own habits /
weaknesses. We need to examine ourselves to find out whether there is any part of our activity,
behaviour or thinking that prevents us from obeying the commandments of Jesus. We need to
surrender us to Jesus and release us from all such tendencies. This blocks the devil from attacking us
from within. Commit your soul, body and spirit into the hands of Jesus and ask Him to lead.

*10.6.8 Share your day's plan with Jesus, seek His blessings, ask His permission wherever
needed, spend quality loving time with Him. Sing and dance with Jesus, if you like. This is the
Secret place meeting with Jesus. A no holds barred relationship building time!*

This is what I call the next phase of secret place. We meet Jesus in secret place, away from others.
You are spending quality loving time with Him through this secret place meeting with Him. *You are
not asking Him anything during this quality time. Nor you are interceding for anyone.* It is a just
a loving time with Jesus. Whatever you want to speak to Him in person, you can speak now. No
barriers. Share with Him your feelings and love. Also if you are disappointed on anything, you can
place it before Him and tell him how much you feel about it, in a non complaining manner. Jesus loves
this secret meeting with Him, such a secret sharing time with Him. If you are Happy in Him and want
to sing and dance, this is the occasion. So go ahead, sing and dance. No one is there to watch. You and
Jesus alone. Amen. I do such song and dance *very occasionally* with Jesus when I feel so happy with

I always make it a point to ridicule the devil and praise Jesus while doing such song and dance.
When I pray, “My Lord Jesus is the original God and satan you are a cheap duplicate”, the devil gets
angry. If I sing, Haa.. Haa, the devil gets more angry. It looks like Paul and Silus, when they were
chained & confined in Jail, sang reciting Haa... Haa… When we genuinely love Jesus and do this, the
devil’s plans are shattered to pieces. (Such a dance should never be performed in the public). *Devil
always wants to prevent human beings coming close to Jesus. So, when you come close to Jesus
through compliance to His word and secret place meeting, he gets thoroughly disturbed.* Devil’s
destructive plans for the day are totally dismantled through such love meeting with Lord Jesus. A good

praise and worship meeting with Jesus in Secret place has such a magnificent power. We need to
understand this power. The secret here is that by coming very close to Jesus you become His friend. A
friend of Jesus is a potential bomb against the devil. (John 15:14, John 15:7, 1 John 3:22). Amen.

During this secret place meeting, you can ask Jesus His counsel on your personal matters. He would
surprise you with reply. Sometimes immediate reply. I guarantee you. Today (6 th Sep. 2018) I had a
pleasant surprise when He replied instantly when I made a certain assertion. It was a joyous prayer for
nearly four hours. If you want to do a new thing, consult Him and seek His blessings. (Please do not
seek His counsel on preaching gospel, healing the sick, giving help to the poor etc., which are already
written in the Bible that we SHOULD do).

*The don't*

*One should be always careful that we should never argue or fight with Jesus.* He is not an
equal nor ordinary, though the Lord makes you feel very very comfortable. Always remember that He
is the mighty God who created the Heaven and earth. (Rev.1:8, Col. 1:15-16). He is the one who split
the red sea to rescue His people from Paroh and his army.

The second important precaution is that we should never ask Jesus, “why”? Never question Him.
Always seek His grace and mercy.

In the secret place meeting with Jesus always put yourself in the position of a small child and Jesus,
the Father. Love and reverence should be shown together. *Just because He loves us so much, we
should never try to argue with Him. That will be going beyond our limits which we should never
do.* Dangerous too. If the Lord has not allowed or granted something He has a valid reason. Never
pester or argue about it. *The secret place meeting itself is to exchange love and it is not a time for
argument or seeking things.* Spend this part of your prayer time happily with Him. You will get
super charge and anointing too.

10.6.9 The last part: Thank Him for the day and close the secret place prayer.

Part 5 ends here.

*Coming up: Part 6 & concluding part - “Your secret place is a spiritual recharge station. You get
supernatural experiences too! Watch out for the possible speed breakers too!*

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
9th Oct. 2018

*Part 6 & concluding part - “Your secret place is a spiritual recharge station. You get
supernatural experiences too! Watch out for the possible speed breakers too!*

*Teaching: The rise and fall of God’s children, including the true disciples of Jesus. Failure to do
prayer & warfare prayer is the reason for the fall! Here is a guide for the God’s warriors! The
way to go for a non stop spiritually fruitful life!*

(Released in English and Tamil versions. Drafted in English and translated into Tamil. The warfare
prayer part was drafted in Tamil and translated into English)

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
30th Oct. 2018
(Part 1 was published on 11th Sep. 2018, Part 2 on 19th Sep. 2018, Part 3 on 2nd Oct. 2018, Part 4 on 4th
October 2018, Part 5 on 9th Oct. 2018)

*A testimony: The divine protection I enjoy due to the secret place prayers.*
10.7 As a result of the constant secret place prayers, probably the enemy’s plan to pull me down in
these years even in unguarded moments did not succeed. On the other hand, I am able to work more
using the powers of Heaven. Healing the sick in Jesus name has become a routine. Now, I get surprised
only when someone is not healed! The Lord has been revealing superb secrets hidden in the word of
God through the Holy Spirit. As a result, I am able to write path breaking teachings, based on the
revelation given by the Holy Spirit.

10.8 Yes, every disciple can and should do at least one hour of secret place prayers everyday to stay
afloat and crush the devil through signs and wonders, winning souls for the Kingdom. Amen.

*11. Your secret place is a spiritual recharge station. You get supernatural experiences too.*
11.1 This is the immediate benefit of secret place prayer that you get spiritually recharged during the
secret place meeting with Jesus. Just like a mobile phone battery recharge, a child of Jesus gets fully
recharged during this prayer. This is my feeling almost everyday that when I start my secret place
prayers I am usually feeling low or drained but when I finish the prayer, I feel like a strong warrior. The
spirit man in me gets charged full, to the brim. *My connectivity with Heaven is fully renewed
through this prayer.* This is always an amazing feeling at the end of the secret place prayers. It is
very easy to crush the demons in Jesus name while praying for the sick and demon possessed people,
with the power acquired from the secret place prayers. The devil loses the power to hit back. So, there
is hardly any backlash felt. Every backlash attack withers.

11.2 If anyone has the spirit of fear attack, it will flee during the secret place prayer. The devil cannot
withstand the power of Heaven when you worship Jesus. Amen.

11.3 While doing secret place prayers I normally get supernatural experiences such as angelic
shower (angelic touch) and sometimes attacks from the demons also. When the angels touch me I get
the feeling like a perfume spray. I usually get this cold spray on the face or neck, hands or legs. There
are occasions, my prayer point has been immediately answered by the Heaven through this angelic
touch. Yes, you will also be getting such supernatural experiences when you do the secret place prayers
and even better experiences than what I get. As I get such angelic touch on my feet, I do not get usually
tired even if I pray for hours together, walking up and down. When I get almost tired, I experience the
angelic touch on the feet, thus renewing my energy to pray more! Amen. The devil also makes stupid
attempts to stop me by giving pain here and there. I laughingly drive these stupid attacks away with the
power of Heaven. Amen.

11.4 As I got more and more into the secret place prayers, I stopped falling sick. I do not get
common cold any longer. Earlier I used to get common cold routinely. (After this write up was done, I

got a severe throat infection attack. God healed it without medicine). Getting lower back pain and neck
pain was regular earlier. I had lumber and cervical spondylitis even 18 years ago when I served as
District Collector. But all these diseases have completely vanished after the Secret place prayers. That
is one of the advantages of having an intimate relationship with Jesus / Holy Spirit. Medicines are not
needed for me any longer. (This does not mean that I am against taking medicine. If someone wants to
take medicine, it is not at all a sin. No one can judge anyone taking medicine. Taking medicine is
perfectly alright). My family members too do not fall ill easily. That should be an encouraging factor
for you and your family. My wife, son and I routinely go to hospitals, to pray for the sick. Hospital
healing prayer is the best way to share God’s love, the God given abundant life with others (John

*12. The wise counsel: Caution about the inevitability of gospel reading: The four gospel books
are the lifeline for a warrior, the living water!*
For a warrior, the word of God is a necessary input. Gospels provide the updated and upto date word
of God. Father God revised the old testament through the words of Jesus. Whatever Jesus spoke was
from the Father. (John 12:49-50, John 14:24, John 14:6-11, John 8:26,40, John 7:16, John 5:19-20,
Deuteronomy 18:18-19). *Apparently, for a new testament believer the word of God means the
words of Father God through Jesus in the four gospel books, namely, Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John.* The words of Jesus cleanse us (John 17:17, John 15:3, Hebrews 4:12). Unless this cleansing is
regularly done, it is very difficult to even pray. *A warrior has to be thorough with the entire Bible.
So, there should be reading of the entire Bible too, after giving due importance to the gospels.* If
anyone ignores the position of the gospels in the Bible, he is a loser. A proper focus in reading the Bible
is necessary for a warrior to stand firm in the battle. Amen. Already enough teaching has been given on
the importance of the gospels verses the old covenant. So, no further discussion is proposed in this
teaching on the old covenant.

*Importance of Bible reading – without regular Bible reading it is not possible to withstand.*
I come across people who do prayer but they seldom read the word of God. They will have no
power, without the word of God. I recommend at least one hour of reading the word of God every day
for an effective warrior life. It is better to read the Bible for 2-4 hours during the initial period. Initially
this is a must. As the days go by, the warrior would be operating on revelations from the word of God.
He/she will be able to do preaching and writing from the input taken.

*13. Watch out for the possible speed breakers!*

When a warrior grows into the word and prayer, he/she becomes a great threat to the devil. So, the
devil does everything to stop the warrior from doing the warfare prayers followed by preaching the
gospel of Christ. He would try to make the warrior to operate on flesh instead of spirit. Paul warns as

*13.1 Speed breaker #1 – Spirit verses the flesh struggle.*

Galatians 5:17 (NKJV) For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and
these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
(Flesh = The law of Moses)

*13.2 Speed breaker #2 – Holiness verses sin struggle.*

Romans 7:23 (NKJV) But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind,
and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
But let us remember that the devil is always the loser. The devil can never win over a child of Jesus
who is in real love with Jesus. Let us know the ways of the devil and escape from his trap. Enough
word of God has been given in this teaching on how to escape the devil’s snare. Amen.

*14. Your secret place relationship is meant to empower you to go out preach the gospel, heal the
sick and baptise new believers. It is not an end by itself:*
We need to keep this in mind all the time. Warfare prayer or secret place prayer is not the end. It is a
means to make us become fruitful for the Kingdom. Everyone has to do the great commission given by
the Lord in Matthew 28:18-20. One has to necessarily go out, preach the gospel and heal the sick. New
believers have to be baptised and they should be taught the gospel to become true disciples of Jesus.
Amen. Your secret place prayers provide you the ground to go out and preach gospel, heal the sick and
make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of Jesus.

*15.The reward: “Everything shall be added unto you”.*

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) *But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
things shall be added to you.*
This verse is the most powerful guarantee for anyone who seeks His Kingdom through warfare
prayers and preaching of gospel. For material and spiritual blessings, this verse provides us the biggest
guarantee from Heaven. All we need to do is to blindly believe in Matthew 6:33 and proceed ahead
with Kingdom focus. Amen.

*His words never fail:*

Luke 21:33 (NKJV) Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
Thus it is very clear that if you seek His Kingdom first, you are the biggest beneficiary. Amen.

*16. To conclude:*
Disciples of Jesus are expected to spend at least one hour everyday with the Lord in secret place, in
prayers. As a disciple starts becoming more and more fruitful for the Kingdom, it is essential that this
one hour prayer duration has to be increased appropriately. The Lord is faithful. He always gives grace
to pray more. He needs your warfare prayers. So, the Lord enables you to do the secret place prayers.
Trust in Him and start the word reading and prayers. The Lord Jesus would honour you with non stop
Kingdom work and exciting fruits. Amen.

Bro.C.Umashankar IAS.,
30th October, 2018
This document is shared on:
*Teaching: The rise and fall of God’s children – it is prayer & warfare prayer that makes the

*External links given in this teaching:*

*Already published teaching, titled, “The Secret Place”. Ver.3 (available in English only)*
A simple guide to do spiritual warfare prayers.
(First released on 1st Aug., 2015, updated on 31st Jan.2016, 7th Nov.2016, 7th Oct. 2017).
*Spirit of Nicolaitans:*

*Prayers against spiritual backlash*


*Video teaching: Jesus is the ruler of this world*

*MUMBAI # 2 & 3 (ENGLISH/HINDI) How to find out a dead church and a dead Christians?*
*Ask 2 questions HD, Mumbai Nallasopara East, Nov 27, 2016*
Question # 1 Who is the ruler of this world?
Question # 2 Can satan heal the sick?
42 minutes

*#8 Who is the ruler of this world now - Jesus or devil?* (Tamil) - Ambattur 1st May 2017
உலகததததனத அததபதத யயரத? இயயசவய பதசயசய?
யவத வசனமத எனதன சசயலதகதறத?
Duration: 7 minutes
9 minutes.


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