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Introduction to Merch by Amazon

1 What's Merch by Amazon?
It's a platform developed by Amazon that allows you to create an online selling business from
the comfort of your home without upfront or any cost at all!

The main difference from the regular FBA seller account is that you do not need any products or

2 How does it work?

Let's look at some examples:

These are listings created by Merch by Amazon. These t-shirts are available when searched on
the Amazon store (, like any other product.

When someone searches and buys a t-shirt, you don't have to fulfill it! Amazon produces it,
delivers and pays you a royalty.
3 What do you have to do?
Come up with design ideas. You can create sophisticated graphical designs if you're an artist,

PRO TIP: Text best designs sell the best!

4 Why this is revolutionary?

For print on demand

While there are other print on demand sites (teespring, zazzle, etc.), Merch by Amazon is the
only one where you don't have to pay for advertising (and get sales). This is because your
designs get listed in the Amazon store like any other product.

Everybody know Amazon has millions of people searching and buying things from their store
and you benefit from that.

With regular print on demand site you have to drive the traffic by buying expensive advertising
that usually results in wasting your money.


The usual route to sell on Amazon is to open a seller account which is not free. After that you
have to list products that you have to buy yourself. If they don't sell, you get stuck with money
invested in stock. If they sell, you still have to handle the shipping, returns, customer service, etc.

Merch by Amazon is free. You don't have to bother with the products, shipping, returns or
customer service, but you still benefit from the organic searches from Amazon, like any other
regular seller.

Another advantage is that Merch by Amazon is opened to all the world, available to any country.
5 Signing up
Now that you understand how this works, let's dive in the actual platform.

Merch by Amazon is such a huge success, that they have a hard time keeping up with all the
sales they get. That's why they have an invite only system.

The official website is:

This is how it looks like:

You can see the big "Request invitation" button. That's what you have to click to submit your
application to get your invitation. It will redirect you to this page:
You can either use an Amazon account if you have one, or create a new one.

After setting up the account and agreeing to their Terms & Conditions comes the actual
application page:
If you do not have a company, you can enter your name for Organization Name.


• after you send your request and log in again, you'll still see the above from. Don't worry,
your application was submitted
• when you get approved you will receive an email. Some people didn't receive any
although they were approved, so make sure you try to log in from time to time to make
• if you log in and still see the above image, it means you're still not approved. You'll see
in the next section how your account looks like after you get approved.
6 Creating Your Listing
When you are approved and sign in, you'll see something like this:

You will have 0 products sold and 0 royalties, of course.

Step 1:

To create your first design you can click on the "Create" link from the top menu, next to
"Dashboard". You will get redirected to this page:
The rectangular area on the t-shirt is the printable area, where your design will appear. You have
the options to create a t-shirt with a design in Front, Back or both. Next:

Step 2:

Let's say you come up with this funny text. This is how it will look on the t-shirt.

At this step you can select up to 5 colors.

PRO TIP: Dark colors sell best!

You can also select if this t-shirt to be available to Men, Women or Youth. You should keep all
of them with the exception when your design is clearly targeted to either men, women or kids.

You can set the price here as well. The estimated Royalty is how much you get paid for each

Note: Notice the "Produced by Amazon" at the bottom of the screenshot. The shirts are produced
by Amazon and not outsourced, which means good quality.
Step 3:

This is where you configure your listing name, brand and description. This is very important
because it's the only way people will be able to find your design.

PRO TIP: Always use T-Shirt at the end of the title. Most people will use the term "t-shirt" in
their search.

You can use whatever you want for the brand (not real registered brands that are not yours, of
course). Each design can have a different brand and you can edit this later if you want.

PRO TIP: The brand name is searchable in the Amazon store!

Step 4:

IMPORTANT! Make sure you select "Sell - Public on Amazon" to get your listing showed on
Amazon store.

If you select "Sample - Direct link only" your listing will not be available for people to search on
Amazon store.

Use "Draft" if you want to modify it and make it live in the future.
Step 5: Done!

Now it will go through some review and processing phases. You'll get an email when the shirt is

You can see the design live here:

7 Editing a listing
You can only edit a listing after it goes live. Go to "Manage" from the top bar for that.

What you can edit:

• Brand name
• Title
• Key product features
• Description
• Price

What you can't edit:

• design
• colors
• gender

After editing a design it will go into review and processing phase again. During this time your
design will still be live, searchable and buyable on the store, but with the old configuration.
To delete a design, click on Actions -> Delete.

8 Analyzing your sales

In the main dashboard you can only see the last 7 days sales and royalties.

Go to the "Analyze" from the top menu. Select your desired date range and click "Go". You'll see
the shirts that sold in that period of time.

To see exactly what size and color sold, click the down arrow next to the shirt's name.

9 The Promote Tab

Unfortunately you can't create any promotions. This is only for Amazon application developers
who want to integrate Merch by Amazon in their applications.

Originally Merch by Amazon was created for game developers to sell t-shirts as an extra
monetization method for their games. But that's a thing of the past.

Good thing Amazon's team realized the true potential and allowed everyone to use Merch by
Amazon platform, not only game developers.

10 How do you get paid?

They only support payments to bank accounts (no paypal unfortunately for some of you).

What if your country doesn't support bank transfers?

PRO TIP: The easiest way is to open an account at

They will give you a bank account number in USA. You can use that to get payments from
Merch by Amazon.

Payoneer will send you a card by mail and you can use that to withdraw money at any ATM in
your country.

11 How much money will you make?

To be honest, I have no idea how much money you will make. But I know how much I make and
some of the people I consulted.

To get an idea, I asked permission from some of my clients to show their earnings.
Dan (the one you saw on the video):

Bobby Allan (PR Assistant)

"Hey mate. You're the best. I just wanted to send you this. I've just hit my $10k month thanks to
your help."

Bobby just hit his $10k milestone in October after only 3 months!
Tun Li (graphical designer):

“As a professional designer I over complicated things. I tried to make complex graphic designs,
but they didn't sell.

The answer was that people weren't searching for them. The most important thing I've learned
from MerchInsider was how to get people to search for my designs.”

Note: He started applying the tips at the end of September.

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