INPV611 Test 2 Written Test Choose One of The Forms Below and Follow The Instructions

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Test 2

Choose one of the forms below and follow the instructions.

Form A
A biography


Write a biography of someone you know, or a famous person, who is still alive. Write three
paragraphs (at least 100 words). Use the following information to help you.

Paragraph 1 Where and when she/he was born. Her/his

early life (where she/he lived, studied, etc.)
(use simple past)
Paragraph 2 Her/his life as young adult (studies, first jobs,
activities she/he used to do, etc)
(use mostly simple past)
Paragraph 3 Her/his life now (career, family, etc)
(use simple present, present perfect or
Form B


Use the following questions below in order to write a paragraph (at least 100 words) about a
phobia or fear that you have.

Do you have any phobias?/ What are you afraid of?

(Use simple present)

How did it start?

(Use simple past)

How long have you had your phobia/ fear?

(Use present perfect and for/since)

How does it affect your life?

(Use mostly simple present )

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