Teks Bahasa Inggris

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Teks Bahasa Inggris

H : Hello everybody! Welcome back with me, host, in our favorite program ‘this is talk
show’this time we invited one of the guest stars who recently trend on social media with videos
of celebgram couple uploaded on the youtube platform. the video has been watched by ten
million viewers. Although there are many netizens who don't know both, but this celebrity
couple has been known online by several young & millennia. So this video makes many people
curious to know the truth of their relationship ...

H : here, does anyone know who the couple is viral on youtube?

H : we call our guest stars this afternoon Rakly and Indy

H : Well, we welcome Rakly and Indy

H : sit down please

H : Rakly and Indy how are you today?

R : I'm fine

I : I'm also fine

H : how exactly, there is a problem between your relationship, to the extent that many netizens
discuss your relationship so that your relationship becomes public attention and becomes a viral
video on the youtube platform

R : yes, so the video that we uploaded on youtube is indeed the video we made for clarification
of our relationship

I : because many of our friends, suscriber, followers, ask for clarification from us. then a lot of
people are asking about our relationship and the continuation of our YouTube channel through
messages on YouTube Instagram.

H : Hmm... is it true that your relationship ends, try to tell the beginning of the breakdown of
your relationship

I : Our relationship broke down since Rakly moved to Malang to continue his education there.
and we undergo a long distance relationship. In the beginning I believed that Rakly was fine, but
many friends said that Rakly was close to other woman. I also believed that Rakly could not do

H : what makes you think about revealing all the truth on Youtube?

I : Yes because the initial purpose of making this video is that there are many unclear sources
who say that Rakly is a jerk
H : What do you mean ? how can it be said that Rakly is a jerk, whether he has been treating you
harshly or doing something until he is a jerk

I : Yes, I will explain so there are many friends who tell me that Rakly often plays with women
and has a lot of news about Rakly on social media about Rakly's closeness with other women.
some even said that Rakly often invited these women to the hotel

H : do you believe it or do you find out the truth first and what do you do when you hear the

I : Yes, at first I did not believe the news. But before the news arrived, Rakly's nature changed.
He became more indifferent than usual. I tried to disappear, not giving message / news to Rakly
for one month. but he is not looking for me. we lost contact for 1 month. during this month I
searched the truth about the news by asking Rakly friends. Rakly friends at first no one wanted to
tell about the real Rakly. finally one of Rakly's friends told me that Rakly was in a relationship
with another woman

H : Do you know about that woman?

I : Rakly once told me about this woman, I called her x. She is a rakly friend in Malang. At first I
trusted Rakly that he could not have a relationship with him. But Rakly destroyed the trust that I

H : what if we now invite women who are meant by Indy and Rakly ... Immediately we call
Mawarrrrrrr... Mawar come here

R : What are you doing here? You have to go home, don't make matters worse

S : What is wrong? I came here because I was invited by the Tuman talk show team to clarify all
the news circulating that I am a woman who destroys people relationships. Actually Rakly is
wrong here. Not Me!!!

R : Haha, Me? Whyy was this woman invited to this talk show. instead of solving problems, it
even becomes a problem

H : let's sit down first, we chat, finish it well than many who are curious about your
relationship. what relationship do you have with Rakli?

S : Yes, I am Rakly's second Girlfriend

H : Did you know that Rakly already has a girlfriend?

S : yes I already know that Indy is Rakli's boyfriend. At first I refused to date Rakly, but Rakly
continued to seduce me, so I fell in love with Rakli
H : And then?

S : Due to their relationship, fans of Indi bullied me on social media through direct messages and
comment fields. Even though I don't know what I did wrong

I : why did you blame my fans? it's because they care about me. You should thank me because I
never mentioned your name, never uploaded your photos on social media.

H : Calm down, we invite all of you here to solve this problem.

I : So, when we uploaded a video on YouTube many fans asked about this woman who was close
to Rakli. Then Mawar reported to me that a lot of our fans were bothering her to really bother her

S : You're lying, there's no way their fans know me if you don't publish about me

R : Shut up. here I am wrong because I betrayed Indy who was carried away by the desire to date
with mawar. i am sorry because i betrayed women as well as you

I : I have forgiven you and Mawar, but why do you have to do this, that makes me unable to get
rid of my disappointment with you

S : I also apologize indy for damaging your relationship. At first I didn't think about destroying
your relationship between you and rakli and please allow Rakli to me.

I : I have forgiven you both, congratulations and happiness

H : finally this complicated love story has been resolved well. Don't try to play fire, because if
it's burned it will be difficult to put out. enough here for our program today thank you

Happy Weekend

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