Indradhanush: Scene 1

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Scene 1

Aryan: ​What is an adolescent mindset? You know what, before we get into
that let’s see who are these “Millennials”. Apparently Millennials as a
generation is a group of people who are born approximately 1984 and after.
Yes, you’re a millennial, you’re a millennial, and yes you too, and of course I
am as well. These millennials are accused of being entitled and narcissistic,
self-interested, unfocused, lazy and because they confound leadership so
much, what’s happening is that leaders are asking them, you know, “What
do you want?” We say we want to work in a place with purpose. Love that.
We want to make an impact. We want free food and bean bags. Yet for some
reason, there’s this unhappiness. The reason being, there’s some missing
piece. And you can break it down into 3 thing:

Esha:​ One, Technology. [Technology Placard] {Kid staring at a phone}

Anoushka:​ Two, Patience. [Patience Placard] {Kid frustrated}
Srujan:​ And three, Environment. [Environment Placard] {Kid raising out
his hand}

Now, let’s take this hypothetical situation of simple school trip...

*​airport* *all the kids are either taking pictures,texting on their phone or
listening to music*

Leo :​ Come on guys! Could you please put away your phones?! I feel like
I’m travelling with a bunch of dementors, not human beings. No one has
uttered a single word since we’ve gotten here...
Alexa:​ Come on, Leo. Join us. Don’t tell me you don’t have Instagram...

Hailey:​ Also... Ray just hit 900 followers, I need to catch up!!

speaker : ​We know that when we get a message our brains release a
chemical called ‘Dopamine’. That’s why whenever we get a text, feels good!
This is also the reason our log section is filled with “Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.” For
example, if you’re at at a table and you’re texting someone who’s not there,
that’s a problem. Or if the first thing you do when you wake up is check
your phone before you say good morning to your brother. In other words,
it’s highly, highly addictive. And in turn this addiction will cost money, time
and can destroy relationships.

Scene 2

*Kids arrive at the hotel, and are waiting in the lobby to check in*

Tour Guide:​ So, while we’re waiting, and we have nothing better to do i m
going to bore you all ,to entertain have you kids thought about
your career choices ,or….?

Alexa:​ I don't know yet… but I just don't want to work under someone, I
hate being pushed around, but what I do know is that I want to make a
difference and have on impact on society, you know?

Hailey:​ Yeah, like I want to have my own creative space, and being rich
won’t hurt.

Tour guide:​ Okay, you have a plans on how u guys are going to get

Alexa:​ Not really. I mean how hard can it be, right?

Guide:trust me ….its not as easy as you play it out in your head.

Anoushka:​ Now, let’s add a sense of impatience. It’s as if these millennials

are standing at the foot of a mountain and they have this abstract concept
that they call ‘impact’ which they wanna have on the world, which is the
summit. What they don’t see is the mountain. It doesn’t matter if you go up
the mountain quickly or slowly, but there’s still a mountain.
So, what the young generation needs to learn is patience. Like, some things
that really, really matter like love, job fulfillment, joy, or any ANY SKILL
SET, they all take time.

Scene 3

*students are sight seeing ,tour guide is explaining*

So this is the famous “la grande cafe du lyon”.it is famous for its creamy,
chocalaty and heavenly baked croissants ,and also known to serve the best
coffee in france,go on place your orders.

Alexa :i’ll have a venti macchiato with a double shot of espresso,with some
extra drizzled hazelnut syrup on top,,and make sure you don’t make it too
Counter:we give u the sugar aside for macchiatos.
Alexa:right,of course

*drink is put on the counter*

Claire: hi can I get a vanilla bean frappuccino with extra cream? Thanks
Counter:et vous, monsieur?
Leo:ill have a salted caramel mocha,merci.

*at the table*

*kids are having a casual conversation*

Claire:​ Hailey, you play the guitar right?

Hailey:​ Not really… at least not anymore. I quit 2 months ago.

Leo:​ wait,but werent u learning for like 3 years?

Hailey:​ exactly. That’s a lot of time and the thing is, it would have taken
way too much time to perfect it. I can't wait that long And also, i barely get
any gigs to play at.

Claire:​ woah, hold up It takes years for musicians to get recognised. Like
i’ve been dancing for like 9 years but theres still so much i have to learn,and
so much space for improvement.

Hailey:​ see, that’s the thing. i dont think I have the patience to wait and
practice for years.i dont know,i just want to keep learning new things,and i
get restless when i do one thing for too long.

*from the diners entrance, the guide speaks into his microphone*

Guide:hurry up !!You wouldn’t want to miss the tour of vieux lyon,its got
some of the craziest architecture,
And alexa…..really good picture spots.

alexa: hurry up then.

ray:exactly, I need good lighting

Srujan : You see, We’ve grown up in a world with instant gratification.
Wanna buy something ? Just go on Amazon. Arrives the next day. You
wanna watch a movie? Log on and watch a movie. You don’t check movie
times. You wanna watch a TV show? BINGE! You don’t even have to wait

Scene 4

Tour guide:so for our last day,*pauses*we have a small surprise for you?

Hailey:i hate surprises

Ray:kill joy

Guide:so….we are going on a wilderness camp

Claire: what? Ew.

Guide:but that not it….best part, you aren't allowed to use any gadgets,no
phones ,no ipods ,no ….ugh ,the list is too long,you get the pack a
small bag with essentials.
I believe you are Mature enough,and i don’t need to hand you a list
labelled “items to carry”

Ray: are you kidding me ??No gadgets? Who even came up with this idea?

Hailey:yeah, how s that for a surprise ray?

Leo: come on I’m sure it’ll be great.

Ray: no one asked you Carson

*everyone packs*

*at the camp*

Ray: we’ve been here 5 minutes and I'm already bored.

Claire: right? There’s only so much you can do with sticks and stones

Leo:exactly,u ve been here 5 mins only….,ever heard of the phrase “give it

some time???”

*An hour later*

*everyone’s around the bonfire, laughing and having fun*

Alexa: this is way too much fun*

*kids are talking to each other and enjoying themselves*

Leo:told you!

Speaker :Our environment is our first introduction to the development of

our social skills, right?
That’s why it is necessary,that all of take time of our phones and interact
with the people around us ,or just observe our environment,because that is
how we learn new things ,and build stronger relationships.

Scene 5
Speaker: We should never charge our phones by the bed.

Random guy: but I set my alarm on my phone...

Speaker: well, Buy an alarm clock. It costs 100 bucks. I’ll buy you an alarm

Aryan: So This is the stage of adolescence. It is a time of self learning. You

are the change you want to be. Create your own mindset. It’ll be an arduous
journey and It’s not going to be easy. Keep trying. That’s why we have our
motto. To dream. To dare. To do. Thank you.

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