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for acing
There is no one way to write a winning
scholarship application. If you gathered
together all the scholarship entries that
have ever won a prize, you would find
it difficult to identify what made them
the same. Each would offer a distinctive
style employed by the author; a unique
insight into his or her past, present and
future aspirations.

This uniqueness is the key, and the first point to

remember when you pick up your pen to write.
Make your scholarship application essay exclusive
to you, personalize it, delve deep into your passion
and drive to study your subject, and create a
response that could only ever relate to you. It is this
individuality that stands out, and that’s exactly what
catches a judge’s eye and defines a winner.

That being said, there are some key elements

which all scholarship essays need to have or bear
in mind. Use this checklist when writing your own
scholarship essay to ensure your application is as
good as it can be.

Understand the
eligibility criteria

Don’t waste time on a

scholarship essay if you
aren’t going to be eligible
for consideration. If
you’re unsure, contact
the scholarship provider
and ask.

2 Avoid grammar &

spelling mistakes

Don’t give the people

assessing your
application an easy
reason to dismiss it.

Stay focused on
the objective of the

Have you been asked

to write on a particular
topic? If so, focus on the
objective and what you
are trying to say. What
do you want the person
reading your essay to
take away from it?

Be creative

You need to stand out

among thousands of
scholarship applications,
so don’t be afraid to be
creatively bold (while still
meeting the application

Don’t lie or
exaggerate your


People will be able to

tell when you’re being
dishonest and it will sink
your application.

Be consistent

Your language and tone

should be consistent
throughout your essay -
as should your thoughts!

Have someone
check and recheck
your essay

Before you submit it, get

at least one fresh pair
of eyes to check it reads
clearly and is free of

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