Q2e Rw2 Q Classroom Audioscripts

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 1, Marketing, The Q Classroom

Page 3

Teacher: Every unit in Q starts with a question. As we go through the unit, we’ll
discuss this question. We’ll start with the Unit One question: “Why
does something become popular?” Think about your favorite music
group, radio station, TV show, website…how did you find out about
them? Yuna?
Yuna: Friends, usually.
Teacher: And how did they find out about them?
Yuna: Maybe from their friends.
Teacher: So popularity spreads by what we call “word of mouth.” Why else do
things become popular? Sophy?
Sophy: Sometimes thing become popular because someone famous likes
them and talks about them.
Teacher: True. But sometimes your friends or a famous person like something,
and it doesn’t become popular. Why do some things become popular
and not others?
Felix: I think things become popular when they fill a certain need at a
certain time. They say that comedies are popular when things are
hard because people don’t want to think about their problems.
Teacher: Good point. Why else does something become popular, Marcus?
Marcus: Maybe because it’s something a lot of people can enjoy. Like popular
music that has a catchy beat or words that people can sing to. Lots of
people like these things, and that’s why they’re popular.

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 2, Psychology, The Q Classroom

Page 26

Teacher: The Unit Two question is “How do colors affect the way we feel?”
Imagine you can paint your bedroom any color. What color do you
choose? And why? Marcus?
Marcus: I like bright colors. My house back home has a lot of bright colors, and
I always feel comfortable in a place that reminds me of home.
Teacher: How about you, Sophy? How do bright colors affect the way you feel?
Sophy: I don’t like bright colors in a house. I like colors that help me relax,
like burgundy and dark blue and gold. Not on walls maybe, but on
furniture and carpets. Those are relaxing colors to me.
Teacher: How about you Yuna? What colors do you like in your bedroom?
Yuna: I like white. It’s peaceful.
Teacher: What do you say, Felix? How do colors affect the way we feel?
Felix: Well, I think your culture’s opinion about colors can affect the way
you feel You know, I don’t want my room to be pink because to me it’s
a girl’s color. But that’s just something I learned when I was growing
up. It’s probably different for people from other cultures.

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 3, Social Psychology, The Q Classroom

Page 50

Teacher: The Unit Three Question is, “What does it mean to be polite?”
Marcus, what do you think? Define “polite” for me.
Marcus: It means to consider other people’s feelings, to make them feel
Teacher: Yuna, what are some examples of being polite?
Yuna: Saying “Thank you,” Please,” “Excuse me.”
Teacher: OK. And is it important to say those things?
Yuna: Yes, it is.
Teacher: What do you think it means to be polite, Sophy?
Sophy: There are all kinds of ways to be polite—to not interrupt people, to
not ask personal questions, to smile, to eat slowly, and not be messy.
Teacher: Is it the same for everyone?
Felix: No, sometimes what’s polite is different for different people. Like
maybe Marcus thinks he’s polite if he compliments a woman’s dress,
but maybe she thinks he’s too friendly. You have to think about the
other person’s culture.
Teacher: Good point.

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 4, Sociology, The Q Classroom

Page 74

Teacher: In Unit 4, we’re going to talk about competition. The Unit Four
Question is, “What makes a competition unfair?” Marcus, you like to
watch soccer, right? Have you ever seen a soccer match-up you
thought was unfair?
Marcus: In a way, yes. Some teams have more money and are very popular, so
they can get better players. That’s kind of unfair.
Teacher: What about where they play the game? Can that make it unfair?
Sophy: Well, I guess it’s unfair when one team has a lot of supporters. That’s
why they move around, because the home team has an advantage.
Teacher: What do you think, Felix? Do you agree with that?
Felix: Not completely. I mean, the home team has an advantage, but since
they do move the games around, I don’t think the overall competition
is usually unfair. “Unfair” makes me think of when someone cheats.
Teacher: Yes, cheating is definitely unfair! Yuna, Marcus mentioned money.
Sometimes athletes have more money and can afford better
equipment or uniforms. Do you think that makes the competition
Yuna: Yes, I do.

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 5, Business, The Q Classroom

Page 99

Teacher: Today we’ll start with the Unit 5 Question: “What makes a family
business successful?” So, who knows someone with a successful
family business?
Sophy: My uncle has a grocery store. My aunt and my cousins work there. It’s
small, but it’s always busy.
Teacher: What’s your uncle’s secret? Why is his business successful?
Sophy: Well, partly because it’s only place in the area where you can get
certain Persian foods.
Teacher: Yes, sometimes family businesses are successful because they can
specialize in something. It’s harder for big businesses to do that. What
else makes a family business successful? Felix?
Felix: Well, you need a strong family relationship to make it work.
Teacher: Why do you say that?
Felix: Let’s say that an employee is lazy. If he’s a stranger, you can just fire
him, but if he’s your nephew, you need to be able to talk to him.
Teacher: Do you agree, Marcus?
Marcus: Maybe, but because he’s your nephew, he’s going to work harder
because working hard helps the family.
Teacher: Do you agree, Yuna? Do people work harder when they work for their
Yuna: Yes, I think they do.

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 6, Information Technology, The Q Classroom

Page 123

Teacher: For Unit 6, the Unit Question is, “Do you prefer to get help from a
person or a machine?” What do you think, Felix? Which do you
prefer? And why?
Felix: I like to get help from people. I don’t like machines like the automatic
check-out at the supermarket. I think those machines take people’s
jobs away. I prefer to say hello to a friendly cashier and know she is
being paid to help me.
Teacher: How do you feel about getting help from machines, Marcus?
Marcus: I like the automatic check-out at the market and the library. I like the
credit-card machine at the gas station and the movie theater, too. It’s
so much faster than standing in the regular lines.
Teacher: How about on the telephone? Yuna, do you prefer to get help from a
person or machine?
Yuna: I don’t like machines on the telephone.
Sophy: Oh, me neither! I hate it when they keep transferring your call and
never let you talk to a person. Sometimes you have an unusual
question, and it’s very frustrating.

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 7, Environmental Studies, The Q Classroom

Page 146

Teacher: The Unit 7 question is, “Is it better to save what you have or buy new
things?” Let’s start with electronic things, like computers and phones.
What do you think, Marcus?
Marcus: I think you have to buy new things. The old ones become outdated
very quickly and they’re too slow. It’s much better to buy new ones.
Teacher: Felix?
Felix: Of course it’s better for me to have a new computer, but it’s terrible
for the environment. Everyone always buys new electronics, but the
old ones don’t just disappear. It’s a huge waste problem.
Teacher: That’s true. What do you think, Sophy? Are there any other reasons
why it’s better to save what you have than to buy new things?
Sophy: I keep my old phone because I like it and I know how to use it. I don’t
have to learn how to use a new one.
Teacher: Marcus mentioned that old things get outdated. Are there any other
reasons it’s better to buy new things, Yuna?
Yuna: Yes, it’s good for the economy.

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Q2e Reading & Writing 2: Audio Script

Unit 8, Public Health, The Q Classroom

Page 171

Teacher: The Unit 8, question is “How can we prevent diseases?” Yuna, what do
you do to stay healthy?
Yuna: Eat right, exercise, wash my hands.
Teacher: All excellent habits! What else can we do to prevent disease?
Sophy: Well, people can wear a mask when they’re sick. I think that helps a
lot. I hate it when I go to a store and the employees are sniffling.
Teacher: That is a good idea. So hand-washing, face masks—anything else we
can do to prevent disease? Marcus?
Marcus: Everyone should get vaccinations, like flu shots. Vaccinations prevent
a lot of diseases.
Teacher: What do you think, Felix?
Felix: I agree with Sophie. People should wear a mask or stay home when
they’re sick. I don’t like it when I see sick people working in a public
place. You shouldn’t come to class sick, either. But that means
teachers and bosses have to allow you to make up work.
Teacher: True. It’s hard to stay home sick if you’re afraid of losing your job.

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