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______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook____________________________________

LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name TNAMB0065085000 / PANIMALAR ENGINEERING COLLEGE

lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name TNAMB00650850000000965 / SARAVANAN S
dk;kZy; dk uke | Office Name (SRO) AMBATTUR
;w , u | UAN 100338724820
deZpkjh 'ks;j | Employee Share ₹ 22,257
fu;ksDrk 'ks;j | Employer Share ₹ 50,328

fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku

deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For 092019 2,082 550 1,250

Cont. For 082019 2,013 550 1,250

Cont. For 072019 2,013 550 1,250

Cont. For 052019 2,047 550 1,250

Cont. For 062019 2,047 550 1,250

Cont. For 042019 2,047 550 1,250

Claim Against PARA 68K 7,800 0

Cont. For 032019 1,638 501 1,137

Cont. For 022019 2,047 550 1,250

Cont. For 012019 2,047 550 1,250

Cont. For 122018 2,047 550 1,250

Cont. For 112018 1,774 542 1,232

Cont. For 102018 [ Backlog ] 2,047 550 1,250

Cont. For 092018 1,979 550 1,250

Claim Against PARA 68B(1)(c) 150,000 0

Cont. For 082018 2,047 550 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2018 10,374 2,908 0

Cont. For 072018 2,047 550 1,250

Cont. For 062018 1,845 550 1,250

Cont. For 052018 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 032018 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 042018 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 022018 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 012018 1,977 550 1,250

TNAMB00650850000000965 Page 1 of 4
fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku
deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For 122017 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 112017 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 102017 1,911 550 1,250

Cont. For 092017 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 082017 1,977 550 1,250

Cont. For 072017 1,779 544 1,235

Cont. For 062017 1,755 537 1,218

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2017 7,985 2,205 0

Cont. For 052017 1,696 519 1,177

Cont. For 042017 1,755 537 1,218

Cont. For 032017 1,755 537 1,218

Cont. For 022017 1,755 537 1,218

Cont. For 012017 1,696 519 1,177

Cont. For 122016 1,755 537 1,218

Cont. For 112016 1,755 537 1,218

Cont. For 102016 1,696 519 1,177

Cont. For 092016 1,755 537 1,218

Cont. For 042016 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 082016 1,696 519 1,177

Cont. For 072016 1,053 322 731

Cont. For 062016 1,410 431 979

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2016 5,965 1,603 0

Cont. For 052016 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 032016 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 022016 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 012016 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 122015 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 112015 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 102015 1,515 463 1,052

Cont. For 092015 1,515 463 1,052

Cont. For 082015 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 072015 1,567 479 1,088

Cont. For 062015 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 052015 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 042015 1,380 422 958

TNAMB00650850000000965 Page 2 of 4
fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku
deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2015 4,096 1,071 0

Cont. For 032015 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 022015 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 012015 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 122014 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 112014 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 102014 1,380 422 958

Cont. For 092014 1,380 239 541

Cont. For 082014 1,333 239 541

Cont. For 072014 1,380 239 541

Cont. For 062014 916 239 541

Cont. For 052014 1,145 239 541

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2014 2,644 736 0

Cont. For 042014 1,145 239 541

Cont. For 032014 1,069 239 541

Cont. For 022014 1,145 239 541

Cont. For 012014 1,069 239 541

Cont. For 122013 1,145 239 541

Cont. For 112013 1,145 239 541

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2013 1,474 439 0

Cont. For 102013 1,069 239 541

Cont. For 062013 990 239 541

Cont. For 042013 957 239 541

Cont. For 052013 990 239 541

Cont. For 022013 924 239 541

Cont. For 122012 693 212 481

Cont. For 032013 990 239 541

Cont. For 012013 693 212 481

Cont. For 112012 990 239 541

Cont. For 102012 720 220 500

Cont. For 082012 990 239 541

Cont. For 092012 990 239 541

Cont. For 052012 720 220 500

Cont. For 042012 720 220 500

Cont. For 062012 720 220 500

TNAMB00650850000000965 Page 3 of 4
fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku
deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For 072012 990 239 541

Cont. For 092013 1,069 239 541

Cont. For 082013 1,145 239 541

Cont. For 072013 1,145 239 541

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2012 628 192 0

Cont. For 032012 720 220 500

Cont. For 022012 720 220 500

Cont. For 012012 720 220 500

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2011 113 35 0

Cont. For 122011 720 220 500

Cont. For 112011 720 220 500

Cont. For 102011 720 220 500

Cont. For 012011 510 156 354

Cont. For 112010 510 156 354

Cont. For 102010 510 156 354

Cont. For 092010 510 156 354

Cont. For 082010 510 156 354

Cont. For 072010 0 0 0

Cont. For 122010 510 156 354

Cont. For 022011 510 156 354

Cont. For 032011 510 156 354

Cont. For 042010 0 0 0

Cont. For 052010 0 0 0

Cont. For 062010 0 0 0

Cont. For 092011 720 220 500

Cont. For 082011 720 220 500

Cont. For 072011 696 213 483

Cont. For 062011 510 156 354

Cont. For 052011 510 156 354

Cont. For 042011 510 156 354

OB Int. Updated upto 31/03/2010 0 0 0

Grand Total 180,057 50,328 157,800 0 93,389

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-10-2019 13:08:13

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.

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