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The Ultimate Guide For Your Kid’s Room

Furniture Set
During their growing years, children long for their own comfortable space within the confines of their
home. Specially crafted beds, tables and racks give them a sense of importance and well being. Kid’s
room furniture sets therefore deserve proper thought and planning along with handcrafted designs.
Choosing your kids furniture can be great fun, but you have to be practical enough to keep their room
clutter free. If you are now wondering where to start, we are here to help.

When your little ones get ready for their own bed, they need their first bed to be the most comfortable
place to lay their head on. While planning the first bed you have to keep into consideration the arrival
of new guests, later on and make it big enough for sharing and durable enough to withstand the rigors of
kids growing up. A standard sized single bed will be practical for many years and can double up as a
guest bed once kids grow up. Your choice of mattresses should provide support to the kids through their
growing years and should be replaced every seven years.

Just by its side kids need a small bed-side table which also doubles up as an essential storage place for all
the items which accompany them to sleep and are a must have at all times. With easily open-able
drawers, they are the perfect place to go to when kids decide to go for self-cleaning of their messy
rooms. With a height at par with the bed, they also serve as the perfect place for night-lamps and water

Once done with their day’s play, kids will cherish their own work-station comprising of a well-lit
desk and a comfortable chair. With a height adjustable revolving chair and a computer desk with
keyboard supporting slider rack, it’s an investment for the future as the kids will spend more and more of
their time into their most loved corner. The desk should also come with its own drawers and a small
book keeping open shelf for optimum usage.
The only thing which we have missed out till now is the wardrobe. It’s also a big attraction and a value
addition to the room décor as the wardrobe is a big challenging space for the kids to manage all by
themselves. They will love this space and will meticulously plan and fit all their clothes into it. A well
made and in-reach wardrobe will go a long way in teaching the kids the beauty of space management
while letting them mess things again and again!!

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