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World Ancient

“The land between two rivers“
Levantine alphabet
• How do people communicate now?

• How do people communicate 4000 or 3000

years ago?

• Nowadays, people use paper to write. What

did people use to write 4000 or 3000 years
Cuneiform ['kjuːnɪəfɔrm /-fɔːm]
hieroglyph ['haɪərəʊglɪf]
hieroglyphic alphabet
Chinese logogram ['lɑgəʊgræm]
Chinese logograms
(1200 BC to present)
The earliest Chinese writing was
done on bone
a The symbols were made of clay.
b The typewriter’s keyboard is still used on
computer keyboards today.

1. Which form do the sentence passive form?

2. Which sentence is about the present? Which
sentence is about the past?:
3. How do you form the past simple passive?
Grammar past simple passive

We form the past simple passive using was/were + past participle:

The first computer was invented in the early twentieth century.
Computers weren't used by many people until later in the century.
When was the first computer invented?/ Were computers invented in the
twentieth century?

For further information and practice, see page 165

Grammar past passive
The passive voice places the focus of a sentence on the receiver of an action instead
of the doer of the action.

Active voice (simple past)

Fans downloaded over a million albums.

Passive voice (past of be + past participle)

Over a million albums were downloaded.

Use the passive voice when the doer of the action is not known or not important.
The game was released in 2008.

When the doer of the action is important to know, use the passive voice with by.
The first rap recording was made by the Sugarhill Gang.
4. The complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs.
(Note that some of the sentences contain false information.)
1. Papyrus _________ (make) from a type of tree.
2. Objects from the Indus Valley _________ (use) as identity cards.
3. Early Chinese Writing _________ (do) on bone.
4. The first alphabet _________ ( not/create) by the Phoenicians.
5. Pictures _________ (not/use) by the Maya to represent dates and times.
6. Lots of books _________ (publish) because of Gutenberg’s invention.
7. The typewriter _________ ( invent) in 1873.
8. eBooks _________ (not/sell) before 2010.

5. Work in pairs. Read the article again and decide which sentences in Exercise 4 are
Invention of Papyrus

 The Egyptians invented paper

made from the papyrus reed.
 This enabled people to write
hieroglyphics much faster than
carving in stone or painting on
6. Make quiz questions about the article. Use the past simple passive form.
1. How / Cuneiform symbols / make? ( Answer: With clay).
How were Cuneiform symbols made?
2. How / papyrus/use / by the Egyptians and the Romans? ( Answer: For writing on)
3. In the Indus Valley, why / stone objects / possibly / use? (Answer: For people’s
identity or symbols of a tribe)
4. Where / the earliest Chinese writing / do? (Answer: On bone)
5. How / dates and time / represent / by the Maya? ( Answer: with pictures)
6. By the end of fifteenth century, what / books / publish / with? (Answer:
Gutenberg’s printing press)
7. When / more eBooks / sell / by Amazon than paperback book? ( Answer: In 2010)
1. How / Cuneiform symbols / make? ( Answer: With clay).
How were Cuneiform symbols made?
2. How / papyrus/use / by the Egyptians and the Romans? ( Answer: For writing on)
 How was papyrus used by the Egyptians and the Romans?
2. In the Indus Valley, why / stone objects / possibly / use? (Answer: For people’s identity or symbols of a tribe)
 In the Indus Valley, why were stone objects possibly used?
2. Where / the earliest Chinese writing / do? (Answer: On bone)
 Where was the earliest Chinese writing done?
2. How / dates and time / represent / by the Maya?
 How were dates and time represented by the Maya?
2. By the end of fifteenth century, what / books / publish / with?
 By the end of fifteenth century, what were books published with?
When / more eBooks / sell / by Amazon than paperback book?
This is the country where the first
paper was invented by its people.
When was America discovered ?
Writing and speaking

7. Work in groups. Prepare a history

general knowledge quiz for another
group. Write five questions about
historic sites or famous people,
inventions, places, objects and
important dates. Use the past
passive form.
Expressing sequencing
Firstly, you need too...
The first thing you’re asked to do is…
Next, the form is sent …
When you’ve completed the online enrolment form …
Then send us payment.
After we’ve received payment …
Once you’ve enrolled …
Having done that, you need to…
At the end, click ‘enroll now’.
Beginning instruction Continuing instruction Ending instruction

• Firstly/ to start with/ • next, • Finally,……

to begin with.. • then, • To finish, ……..
• Second….. • following this, • The last thing you do
Secondly.. • after that, is…..
• Third…. • after this,
Thirdly…. subsequently,
• at this point,
• previously
D Pair work Number the instructions from 1 to 5.
Then have a conversation like the on in Part B

How to download a ringtone:

________ Select the ringtone that you want.
________ Register with the site that you chose.
________ Send the ringtone to your phone by text.
________ Listen to the ringtones that are available.
________ Find websites that offer ringtones.
Speaking Step-by-step
A Pair work Choose a topic from the list below or your own idea.
Make a list of instructions about how to do it.

• Prevent your computer from virus

• Register 3G package for your phone.

• Upload a video to YouTube

• Burn a CD or DVD

• Book an airline/ train ticket online

• ……………

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