WWF Indonesia To Present Human

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WWF Indonesia to present human-

elephant conflict mitigation project

at Paris Peace Forum
 Sausan Atika

The Jakarta Post

Jakarta / Mon, November 11, 2019 / 03:45 pm
A group of wild Sumatran elephants forage for food at an estate belonging to locals in Negeri Antara
village in Pintu Rime district, Bener Meriah regency, Aceh, on Sunday. (Antara/Irwansyah Putra)

Mount Merapi spews hot ash

 Ardila Syakriah

The Jakarta Post

Jakarta / Sat, November 9, 2019 / 02:06 pm

Residents carry food during Merapi Kenduri in Kaliadem Village, Sleman, Central Java, on Oct. 14. The village
is around 4.5 kilometers away from the top of Mount Merapi. (JP/Boy T Harjanto)

Mount Merapi in Central Java began to spew volcanic ash on Saturday morning, bringing down mild ash rain on
several villages located on its slopes.

The eruption occurred at 6:21 a.m., reaching 1,500 meters in height and lasting around 160 seconds.

"The eruption of hot ash was recorded [at a] maximum amplitude of 65 [millimeters] and a duration of about 160
seconds. The eruption reached 1,500 m from the peak, leaning toward the west," the National Disaster and Mitigation
Agency spokesperson Agus Wibowo said in a statement on Saturday.

As a result, some villages in Boyolali and Magelang regencies of Central Java experienced mild ash rain, with no
reports of ash sighting in Yogyakarta, the statement said.

"In relation to the ash rain, residents are advised to [wear] face masks when leaving the house," Agus added.

He went on to advise residents to stay clear of areas within a 3-kilometer radius of the peak of Merapi to avoid any
possible danger.

As the latest development was not considered a threat to local residents living on Merapi’s slopes, authorities decided
to maintain the alert level at waspada (caution), the second-highest level in the country's four-tiered alert system,
which had been imposed since May 21, 2018.


Three killed, 20 injured in Iran earthquake: state television

 News Desk

Agence France-Presse

Tehran, Iran / Fri, November 8, 2019 / 11:11 am

Map locating the town of Tabriz in Iran's East Azerbaijan Province near where a shallow 5.9-
magnitude earthquake struck early Friday. (AFP/-)

An earthquake in northwestern Iran on Friday killed three people and injured 20, according to the first
official reports on state television.
The shallow 5.9-magnitude quake struck about 120 kilometres (75 miles) southeast of the city of Tabriz,
in East Azerbaijan Province, in the early hours of the morning, the Iranian Seismological Center said.
The quake, described as "moderate", was eight kilometres (five miles) deep and was followed by four
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) issued an alert warning that "significant casualties are likely
and the disaster is potentially widespread".
Iran sits where two major tectonic plates meet and experiences frequent seismic activity.
The country has suffered a number of major disasters in recent decades, including at the ancient city of
Bam, which was decimated by a catastrophic earthquake in 2003 that killed at least 31,000 people.
In 1990, a 7.4-magnitude quake in northern Iran killed 40,000 people, injured 300,000 and left half a
million homeless, reducing dozens of towns and nearly 2,000 villages to rubble.
Iran has experienced at least two other significant quakes in recent years -- one in 2005 that killed more
than 600 people and another in 2012 that left some 300 dead.

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