Allahabad Address - Wikipedia

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11/21/2019 Allahabad Address - Wikipedia

Address 1930
Iqbal was elected president of the Muslim League in 1930 at its session in Allahabad, in the United Provinces as well as for the session in Lahore in 1932. In his presidential
address on 30 December 1930, Iqbal outlined a vision of an independent state for Muslim-majority provinces in northwestern India.[5]

The Address basis

In 1930 Iqbal delivered the Presidential Address the Allahabad Address, before address Iqbal also delivered landmark lectures on
Islam in 1928 and 1929 in Aligarh, Hyderabad and Madras. Because Iqbal's address eye-plot was based on Islam. Iqbal's views on
Islam and introversion with the modern conditions and modern situation helps him to generate the Allahabad Address. In 1932,
Iqbal also presided over All India Conference that was held at Lahore and during that conference, he repeated some of the ideas and
some of the thoughts which he had presented in his Address at 1930.[3]

News clip reporting the landmark

The Address outline Allahabad session
In his address, Iqbal called for the creation of "a Muslim India within India", especially in North-western India.[7] Iqbal demanded
the right of self-government for the Muslims.[8] as he said:

India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages, and professing different religions [...] Personally, I would like to
see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without
the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West

Within his address, Iqbal also touched on his fear that Islam may have a similar fate as Christianity. "To Islam, matter is spirit realising itself in space and time" whereas
Europe had "accepted the separation of Church and State and disliked the fact that their leaders were "indirectly forcing the world to accept it as unquestionable dogma [...] I
do not know what will be the final fate of the national idea in the world of Islam. Whether Islam will assimilate and transform it as it has before assimilated and transformed
many ideas expressive of a different spirit, or allow a radical transformation of its own structure by the force of this idea, is hard to predict. Professor Wensinck of Leiden
(Holland) wrote to me the other day: "It seems to me that Islam is entering upon a crisis through which Christianity has been passing for more than a century. The great
difficulty is how to save the foundations of religion when many antiquated notions have to be given up.

Iqbal spoke of: 1/2
11/21/2019 Allahabad Address - Wikipedia

The unity of an Indian nation, therefore, must be sought not in the negation, but in the mutual harmony and cooperation, of the many. True statesmanship
cannot ignore facts, however unpleasant they may be [...] And it is on the discovery of Indian unity in this direction that the fate of India as well as of Asia really
depends [...] If an effective principle of cooperation is discovered in India it will bring peace and mutual goodwill to this ancient land which has suffered so long
[...] And it will at the same time solve the entire political problem of Asia. 2/2

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