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Community Imports Configuration for GST

The Purpose of this page is to clarify Imports process and configuration for GST and to resolve common errors during
imports transactions.
As per the model GST law, for imports:
- to clear the goods from the customs, custom duties has to be paid for custom clearance.
- the customs invoice consists of the Basic Customs Duty (BCD), IGST, Compensation CESS, Education Cess,
Secondary and Higher Education Cess and in the GST regime.
- to create the customs invoice in MIRO, Basic customs duty, EC and SHEC is derived from the delivery cost lines.
- IGST is computed on the Basic customs duty + assesseble value + EC + SHEC.
- CESS quantity based is calculated on quantity in customes invoice.

Customers have implemented below GST notes for Imports scenario:
2458404 - GST India: Import
2491302 - GST India: Import Cess
2482200 - GST India - DDIC activity and configurations for GST compensation CESS
This document covers the configuration to set up Imports process for GST.

Imports Configuration - GST

1. Create Condition types
a. Create JIMN (Non-deductible reference) and JIMD (Deductible reference) condition types.
b. Create JINC (Non-deductible referece) and JIDC (Deductible reference) condition types for Compensation Cess.
Create JIMN, JINC, JIDC similar to JIMD.
c. Create ZIQN (Non-deductible reference) and ZIQD (Deductible reference) quantity based condition types for
Compensation Cess referring below screenshot.

Note: -Kindly note that the above condition types are reference condition types, customers can create their
own condition types.

2. Classify the condition types

a. For TAXINN tax procedure, assign conditions types (JIMD, JIMN, JIDC, JINC, ZIQD, ZIQN) in the below path:
SPRO > Logistics-General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty >
Maintain Excise Defaults (J_1IEXCDEF table)

b. For Imports Pricing Procedure, classify your custom duty condition (JCDB) in the below path:
SPRO > Logistics-General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty >
Maintain Excise Defaults (J_1IEXCDEF table)

3. Create Account key

 Create accounting key for deductible import IGST condition and Compensation Cess in T.Code OBCN.

4. Change the Tax procedure

. Click on new entries and enter the details as mentioned in the below screenshot in T.code OBQ3.
a. Kindly note that the Condition base formula (‘800’) which is entered in the below screen shot is for indicative purpose.
Choose a number which is available in your namespace / landscape & implement the routine with the logic mentioned
b. You can configure your own condition types and account key, which you have classified in the J_1IEXCDEFN table.
c. Assign the NVV accounting key to the Non-deductible condition types.
d. Create the routine to handle assessable value by referring to the document ‘Note_2491302_Routine.pdf’ attached in the
SAP Note 2491302 - GST India: Import Cess.

5. Imports Pricing Procedure

 Maintain condition types for Customs duty, Ecess and S&HEcess in import pricing procedure as delivery conditions.

Computation of Customs Duty and Cess

As per the current legal clarification, tax calculation will happen as below:

Imports Process
1. Purchase Order: Create the import Purchase order with the JCDB condition and assign it to the customs vendor.
Maintain ECESS and SHCESS conditions in the pricing procedure.
Use Zero tax code in the Invoice tab.

Here, M0 is zero tax code.

2. Customs MIRO: Create the customs invoice in transaction ‘MIRO’. A new field ‘Assessable Value’ is added at the line
item level of MIRO.
Use relevant tax code with correct rates.
The tax calculation with respect to assessable value will happen based on the routine logic. Taxes will be calculated
based on the above calculation.

Assessable field.
NOTE: The above configuration will post IGST to 3 separate lines for each tax condition type. If you want to post single
IGST tax line,
use subtotal 6 for ECESS and SHCESSin the pricing procedure and implement the logic in imports routine similar to
363 routine to modify condition value.
At the time of Customs MIRO, use zero tax code for ECESS and SHCESS.
3. Perform MIGO and MIRO (normal process).

Imports with BCD Zero

 Maintain Basic Customs Duty condition type (JCDB) as 0.01 in Imports Purchase Order.

Common Import Errors

1. Assessable value field in MIRO is not editable.
Classify BCD condition type for the Pricing Procedure as above.
2475533 - GST IN: Assessable value field in MIRO is not editable
2. IGST is not getting calculated on Assessable Value.
Please check if the Include for the routine is present in program RV63ANNN. If this is not present, please refer the
below SAP Knowledge Base Article
2496604 - MIR7/MIRO is not calculating IGST when using routine in tax procedure

Related Content
Related SAP Notes/KBAs
SAP Note 2458404 - GST India: Import
SAP Note 2491302 - GST India: Import Cess
SAP Note 2482200 - GST India - DDIC activity and configurations for GST compensation CESS

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