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Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 1

Chapter 1



The pedal operated power generator utilizes human energy to

produce electricity quickly and efficiently. The goal is to provide

technological solution to problem in the rural world by using detailed

opportunity recognition, evaluation, and development of prototype. The

prototypes are then turned over to the developing world for manufacturing,

distribution and use.

Using human powered generation gives a power source that is not

directly derived from natural sources. An example is that a human powered

generator can be operated if there is no sun for solar generation, no wind

for wind generation, and no water for hydro generation. The power

generated from pedal is perfect for remote areas, hilly regions, strategic

location, Islands etc., where electricity generation is scanty if not nil. In these

situations, a small portable power generating unit would be of great help to

provide power supply to charge battery-operated gadgets like mobile

phones, lamps, radio, communication devices, etc. It is important to

visualize new ways to bring power to the people as population continues to

grow and power shortages continue to occur. Much of the power that is

provided to people today is done in very un-sustainable ways; new ideas

are needed to transit into a post cheap-petroleum era. This design relates

to very compact and easily portable power-generating unit, which besides

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 2

being used as a power generator can also be used as cycle exerciser. It

serves dual purpose of power generation and helping the person to maintain

physical fitness through exercise of muscles of legs. It can be pedaled or

cranked by hand/foot to charge 12 volt batteries and run small appliances.

Background of the study

There are many types of generator, this generator will help a lot of

people especially if you live in a place that is prone to power interruptions.

This generator is one of the best alternative source of electricity. Furnishing

a generator is not only a convenience, but a safety precaution.

The researchers choose to do this study because not all people could

afford to purchase one due to its expensive price. It is for this reason that

this “Improvised Generator” was conceptualized. Benefits of biking and

exercise is weight loss and it is also an effective strength training option and

cycling also burns a large number of calories. So, they created this idea to

combine these two ideas to create a unique way to produce electricity while


Significance of the Study

Company Owner. They could gain some ideas on how to save


Student. They can use the research for the future references.
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 3

General Pu blic. They could get a new source of electricity and they

can use this study for emergency backup, as it does not rely on the sun,

wind and hydro powered generator.

Theoretical Framework

Law of conservation of energy in physics, the law of conservation of

energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transformed

from one form to another (Valdez, 2006). The meaning of this is that it is

possible to convert one form of energy into another to create another kind

of energy. For example, a burning candle provides a light energy but the

light energy can be converted to heat energy. Heat energy can be converted

to another form like electrical energy.

Electromechanical conversion theory allows to establish expressions

for torque in terms of machine electrical variables, generally the currents

due displacement of the mechanical system (Krause, 2013).

Mechanical Energy refers to the sum of potential energy and kinetic

energy associated with the motion and position of an object. (In this study,

mechanical energy was be produced by pedaling.

Electrical Energy is the energy that is caused by moving electric

charges, denoted by voltage when it is per unit (Silverio,2013). It is also a

form of kinetic energy and the faster the flow of charges, the higher the

voltage. The piezoelectric effect refers to the ability of certain materials to

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 4

generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

Input Process

 CD disc Collection of
materials in
 Dc motor A prototype of
conducting a
 Rubber bicycle
prototype of a generator
 LED light

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to find an alternative source of electricity

during power outage.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the experience of the users in this generator, how can you rate

your experience in terms of:

a. Reliability;

b. Usability;

c. Creativity
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 5

2. What are the effects of Pedal Type Generator in terms of;

a. Brightness of LED lights;

b. Safety of the device;

c. Benefits to the users

Research Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between cycling generator and

solar energy generator.

Scope and Limitations

The study focused on developing a pedal generator. This generator

let the users (the given respondent) to learn more about the information that

is related to the pedal generator.

The researchers selected thirty (30) families in Luisiana, Laguna to

test the generator. The result gathered affected on how this study goes in

the future.

Definition of Terms

Bicycle. A vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the

other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front


Bulb. A glass housing in which a partial vacuum has been established, that

contains the filament of an incandescent lamp.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 6

Circuit. A roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes

at the same place.

Electric Circuit. A path in which electrons from a voltage or current source

flow. The point where those electrons enter an electrical circuit is called

the "source" of electrons. The point where the electrons leave an electrical

circuit is called the "return" or "earth ground".

Electrical Wire. Usually pliable metallic strand or rod made in many length

and diameters, sometimes clad and often electrically insulated, used chiefly

for structural supporter to conduct electricity.

Generator. A machine that converts one form of energy into another,

especially mechanical energy into electrical energy, as a dynamo, or

electrical energy into sound, as an acoustic generator.

Regulator. A device for maintaining a designated voltage or current, at a

predetermined value, or for varying it according to a predetermined plan.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 7

Chapter 2


Related Literature

In physics, power is defined as the rate or doing work. Work, in

physics is done only when a force is applied to a body and moves it. Work

is the product of the force and displacement resulting from application of

force, (Silverio, 2013).

Law on conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created

nor destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another. According

to Katoch (2012), humans are able to generate approximately 150W of

power while riding bicycle. If this energy will be used it would be able to

power many electronic devices. Nowadays, it is known that many of people

who go to the gym uses stationary bike as a means for losing weight. Also,

there are quite a number of people here in the Philippines that uses bicycle

as a mode of transportation. That is why generating power from the energy

we released can make quite a difference to the world instead of continuing

wasting our limited resources.

Power generated by pedaling can be converted from mechanical to

electrical energy by using either dynamo or alternator. Small powered

lighting devices can be charged using dynamo and can be used in the night

by students for study purposes. This principle can be extended to power

mobiles, iPods, laptops etc.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 8

Power can be also generated from the rotation of the wheels of

alternator vehicles like bikes and cars, where there is a possibility of

generating more power. The generated power can be either used in the

same vehicle or can be stored in a battery for powering some other devices.

Riding bicycle helps in maintaining a good physic and along with it power

can be also generated (Katoch, 2012).

The rotational energy that is generated when the tire rotates because

of the application of force on the pedals can be used in two ways. This

energy can also be used in dynamo/alternator, which is then converted to

electrical energy. Rotational energy of the tire can be used to pump water

out from the well, to drive a washing machine, to operate blender/grinder

etc. These applications can be of very great use in un-electrified places.

Refrigerators can also be powered by pedaling, which are used to preserve

the food during a bicycle trip. Pedal powered pump can pump water from

wells and bore wells, which are very deep and can be used for irrigation and

drinking water purposes. In pedal powered washing machine, the plastic

barrel rotates as we pedal. Thus, water consumption can be also reduced.

Using exercise bikes also power can be generated. Particularly for people

living in cities, it is an added advantage that no separate time is needed and

along with exercise, our effort will not go waste (Koch, 2012,).

Diversifying energy carriers for the production fuels, electricity, and

heat; enhancing energy security; and reducing the long-run price of fuels

from conventional sources. Reducing pollution, environmental emissions,

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 9

and safety risks from conventional energy sources that damage human

health, natural systems, crops, and materials. Mitigating greenhouse gas

emissions down to levels that can be sustained. Improving access to clean

energy sources and conversion technologies, thereby helping to meet the

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) while taking advantage of the local

availability of renewables and Reducing dependence on and minimizing

spending on imported fuels (Turkenburg, 2011).

In the above enumerated examples of advantages that can be driven

from renewable sources of energy, the researchers can infer that the bottom

line of it is that we can help solving environmental problems the most, not

to mention that by doing so, in the long run the one who will really benefit is

the human population. But while renewable sources are basically free and

unlimited, it has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is the cost.

Although the energy from renewable sources is most often available for free,

renewable energy conversion technologies are often quite capital-intensive.

(Turkenburg, 2011). This can make renewable sources less attractive,

especially when high discount rates are applied, depending on the level of

investments needed as well as governmental interventions. The market for

renewable sources are also few, thus, making it hard to market unlike

nonrenewable sources.

She also stated that the defining equation of power is work done or

force applied to the object multiplied by displacement over time. For

example, the power rating of a person refers to how fast chemical energy
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 10

can be transformed by the body into mechanical energy. Valdez (2006) also

stated how the unit used for power was derived.

The total percentage of body weight that is fat ranges between 15

and 25 percent for males and 25 to 35 percent for females. This amount of

energy from fats that can be stored in the body is 30 to 60 times that of the

amount obtain from carbohydrates. Studies made on fat metabolism and

exercise show that during prolonged light to moderate exercise, there is a

progressive increase in the absolute amount of fat oxidized. This means that

more energy from fat is released by the body. The studies also showed that

total fat combustion is at a maximum during moderately intense exercise

and becomes during very heavy exercise (Valdez, 2006).

Related Studies

The proponents primarily chose the topic because of the abundant

resources around, Resources are one of the most important factors to

consider before conducting a research or study. The proponents were able

to found out that there are a lot of studies before that is related to the one

presented now.

Facelli (2009) conducted a research on how to crank generators to

produce electrical energy. On that time, one of the major problems of U.S.A.

was energy. He stated that there must be another option than clean coal

technology, and investment in renewable energy sources such as wind and

hydroelectric power. Wind, water and steam turbines generate energy using

natural kinetic sources to rotate drive shafts connected to electric

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 11

generators. Even students could do pedaling while they are studying and

listening. Also, consider exercise facilities like treadmills stationary bikes

could be harnessing energy if equipped with a small generator. Maybe in no

time they could build a portable pedal-powered generator that can be easily

installed in every desk.

Starner (2009) a scientist in Georgia Tech discovered that there are

390 megajoules of energy stored in the body fat of the average person (the

equivalent of 93, 150 calories—about the amount in 283 jelly doughnuts). If

only you could get that energy out, and store it and distribute it—batteries

per se could be eliminated. That is when he started making a research about

this human-powered energy. He wants to come up with a prototype that can

convert all of our wasted energy into a renewable energy and stores it like

a battery.

Gulland (2008) conducted a study about pedal-powered generator.

He was just curious if he can turn his workouts in to a useful energy. He

found out that an efficient bike generator pedaled by a reasonably fit person

can produce by up to 100 watts of electricity. Also, an experienced biker can

produce by up to 400 watts of electricity.

The pedal-powered generator cannot produce as much as a wind

turbine or a photovoltaic array it can create usable force that adds to the

general vitality needs. On the off chance that one utilize less power in the

first place, the sum created by pedal force can meet a bigger percent of the

energy needs.
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 12


Power generated by pedaling can be converted from mechanical to

electrical energy by using either dynamo or alternator. Small powered

lighting devices can be charged using dynamo and can be used by students

for study purposes.

One study showed that one of the major problem of U.S.A is energy.

Even student could do pedaling while they are studying and listening. Also,

the considered exercise facilities like treadmills stationary bikes could be

harnessing energy if equipped with a small generator.

This study helped previous researches to thicken the findings

regarding on how generator benefit the human population. In the above

examples it can be driven from renewable sources of energy; it can be

inferred that the bottom line of it is that we can help solving environmental

problems in the most; not to mention that by doing so, in the long run the

one who will really benefit is the human population. Additional factors are

being presented in this study compared to the previous studies conducted.

Pedal power generator can serve a dual purpose for an individual.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 13

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the design phases of a project and the

hardware components of it. Those that were included in this chapter helps

in understanding how the machine work.

Research design

According to Okstate (2013), experimental research design is the

blueprint of the procedure that enables the researcher to test his hypothesis

by reaching valid conclusions.

This study used an experimental research to help studying the pedal

generator that made a huge impact in the world and to let people have an

enjoying moment while studying. The major instrument that is used in this

study was the questionnaire that is given to the respondents so that they

can answer, the questionnaire with the numerical rating scale. It includes

seventeen (17) questions.

Respondents of the study

A certain dictionary defines quota sampling as a sampling method of

gathering representative data from a group. It requires representative

individuals chosen out of a specific group. In this study, quota sampling is

used from gathering data where in thirty (30) selected families in Brgy Sto

Tomas Luisiana, Laguna are chosen.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 14

Sampling Technique

Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a

predetermined number of observations are taken from a larger population

depends on. The researcher used quota sampling to minimize the

respondents that will test the proposed machine. The respondents helped

the researcher gather relevant data from them.

Research Instrument

The researchers chose to have a set of questionnaires for the

population that they have selected to tests our generator.

They chose thirty (30) families in Brgy. Sto Tomas Luisiana to test

the generator and let them rate on what they think about the generator and

ask them about their opinion and suggestions which would be related to the

question that are given. Using those gathered information we can improve

the generator on what most people are compatible of or rather what they’ll

think will be best for them to see or experience.

Research Procedures

Before making the generator, testing and more data gathering are

further required for the complete success of the generator.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 15

A generator can work thru a human effort the use of pedaling the

bicycle with a corresponding angular speed and torque. This mechanical

power turned into electric power by generator.

Statistical Treatment

The weighted mean treatment was used to interpret the gathered data

WM= 5(f) + 4(f) + 3(f) + 2(f)


F = frequency

N = total number of respondents

WM = weighted mean

Table 2. Interpretation of Data

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 16

Product Design of Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb.

Model of Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb.

Chapter 4
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 17


This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

gathered to answer the sub problem relative to the main problem of this


Materials used Cost

 2 old CD Disks ---

 3 V Motor as a Generator ₱ 20
(Tape recorder or toy car
 Wire ₱5

 Bearing ₱ 25

 Clay ₱ 15

 Cello Tape Ring ---

 LED x 1pc ₱5

 Big Rubber Band ₱1

 Glue Stick ₱9

 Long Metal (from electric fan) ---

 Bottle cap ---

This table shows the materials used in constructing Improvised Pedal

Type to Light the Bulb and the other materials cost. The researchers used
recycled materials.
Table 1. show the prices of each materials used in making the product, but
since A Improvised Pedal type Generator to Light the bulb, all the
materials use in cheaper and can be found in your houses.
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 18

Table 2. The process and procedure of each materials used in

making the product.

Process Procedure

 STEP 1  Make a pulley

 STEP 2  Attach the long metal

from electric fan to the
middle of pulley.

 STEP 3  Make a wooden stand

 STEP 4  Connect LED light to the

motor (as a generator)
terminal by flexible wires.

 STEP 5  Fix a pulley on the end of

the motor. When rotate
and turn & turn the
handle, the armature will
rotate in the magnetic
field (in the case above,
motor will work as a
generator). This spinning
armature will generate a
current in the coil which
will light up the LED.
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 19

Table 1. Mean Level of Improvised Pedal Type Generator to Light the Bulb

in terms of Reliability

Statement Mean Standard Remarks


1.The generator 4.7 0.46 Strongly Agree

is reliable.

2. The generator 3.95 0.74 Agree

is lasting.

3. Overall wiring 4.65 0.48 Strongly Agree

of the LED light

to the generator.

Total 4.43 0.56 Strongly Agree


4.21- 5.00 Strongly Agree 1.81- 2.60 Disagree

3.41- 4.20 Agree 1.00- 1.80 Strongly Disagree

2.61- 3.40 Moderately Agree

Based on the data gathered, the level reliability of the Improvised Pedal

Type to Light Bulb in has a total mean of 4.43 and has a total standard

deviation of 0.56 with remarks of “Strongly Agree”.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 20

Table 2. Mean Level of Improvised Pedal Type Generator to Light the Bulb

in terms of Usability.

Statement Mean Standard Remarks


1. It is easy to 4.85 0.36 Strongly Agree


2. The generator 4.7 0.56 Strongly Agree

is fully functional.

3. The generator 4.85 0.36 Strongly Agree

is easy to


Total 4.8 0.43 Strongly Agree


4.21- 5.00 Strongly Agree 1.81- 2.60 Disagree

3.41- 4.20 Agree 1.00- 1.80 Strongly Disagree

2.61- 3.40 Moderately Agree

Table 2 shows the level of Effectiveness of Improvised Pedal Type to Light

the Bulb in terms of usability. It has a total mean of 4.8 and has a standard

deviation of 0.43 with remarks of “Strongly Agree”

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 21

Table 3. Mean Level of Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb in terms

of Creativity.

Statement Mean Standard Remarks


1. Easy to make. 4.8 0.4 Strongly Agree

2. Overall 3.95 0.59 Agree


3. Easy to find 4.2 0.75 Agree


Total 4.32 0.58 Strongly Agree


4.21- 5.00 Strongly Agree 1.81- 2.60 Disagree

3.41- 4.20 Agree 1.00- 1.80 Strongly Disagree

2.61- 3.40 Moderately Agree

Table 3 shows the level of effectiveness of improvised pedal type to light the

bulb in terms of creativity. It has a total mean of 4.32 and has a standard

deviation of 0.58 with remarks of “Strongly Agree”

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 22

Table 4. Mean Level of Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb in terms

of Brightness of LED lights.

Service Mean Standard Remarks


1. Brightness of 4.2 0.68 Agree

light compared to

fuel generator

2. Usefulness of 4.45 0.50 Strongly Agree

the light emitted.

Total 4.33 0.59 Strongly Agree


4.21- 5.00 Strongly Agree 1.81- 2.60 Disagree

3.41- 4.20 Agree 1.00- 1.80 Strongly Disagree

2.61- 3.40 Moderately Agree

Table 4 shows the level of improvised pedal type to light the bulb in terms

of brightness of led lights. It has a total mean of 4.33 and has a standard

deviation of 0.59 with remarks of “Strongly Agree”

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 23

Table 5. Mean Level of Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb in terms

of Safety of the device.

Statement Mean Standard Remarks


1.Heat level of 4.55 0.59 Strongly Agree

the light bulb.

2. The generator 4.9 0.3 Strongly Agree

is safe to use.

3. The generator 4.95 0.22 Strongly Agree

is not harmful.

Total 4.8 0.37 Strongly Agree

4.21- 5.00 Strongly Agree 1.81- 2.60 Disagree

3.41- 4.20 Agree 1.00- 1.80 Strongly Disagree

2.61- 3.40 Moderately Agree

Table 5 shows the safety level of the device improvised pedal type to light

the bulb. It has a total mean of 4.8 and has a standard deviation of 0.37 with

remarks of “Strongly Agree”

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 24

Table 6. Mean Level of Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb in terms

of Benefits to the users.

Statement Mean Standard Remarks


1.Budget 4.85 0.36 Strongly Agree


2. Generator for 4.6 0.58 Strongly Agree


3. This also help 4.7 0.46 Strongly Agree

you with your


Total 4.72 0.47 Strongly Agree

4.21- 5.00 Strongly Agree 1.81- 2.60 Disagree

3.41- 4.20 Agree 1.00- 1.80 Strongly Disagree

2.61- 3.40 Moderately Agree

Table 6 shows the benefits to the users level of improvised pedal type to

light the bulb. It has a total mean of 4.72 and has a standard deviation of

0.47 with remarks of “Strongly Agree”

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 25

Chapter 5


This chapter provides the summary, conclusion, and

recommendations of the study. The finding of the study is written after the



The Improvised Pedal Type Generator is an alternative solution in

producing electricity quickly and efficiently in the most cheapest and

uncomplicated way. This research contains the details on how to operate

the prototype and the ways that it can help people thru their own effort.

The research study also includes how different the prototype is comparing

to the existing electric powered type generators such as solar generator,

wind generator, hydro generator etc. and how limited and affordable the

resources are needed in order to create the prototype. But in order for the

research to be successful, the researchers needed some feedback from

locals that might need this kind of power supply thus;

The researchers conducted a survey to selected thirty (30) families

in Luisiana, Laguna to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the

prototype. Each question contains important details needed by the

researchers in order to make some changes in the study to better

understand the needs and complaints of the respondents.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 26

The study focuses on gathering information and recommendations

that will likely change the process of the research in the future.


The following findings of the study were gathered from the study based

on the analysis:

1. Status of level of effectiveness of Improvised Pedal Type to

Light the Bulb in terms of Reliability, Usability, and Creativity
rated by the selected respondents.

The status of the level of effectiveness of the Improvised Pedal Type

to Light the Bulb in terms of Reliability, Usability, and Creativity was Strongly

Agree with the weighted mean of 4.52.

2. Status of level of effectiveness of Improvised Pedal Type to

Light the Bulb in terms of Brightness of LED Lights, Safety of
the Device and Benefits to the Users rated by the selected

The status of the level of effectiveness of the Improvised Pedal Type

to Light the Bulb in terms of Brightness of LED Lights, Safety of the Device

and Benefits to the Users was Strongly Agree with the weighted mean of

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 27


The following conclusions are drawn with the help of the findings of the


1. There is no significant difference between the evaluations rated by

selected respondents. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted.

2. Effectiveness in terms of Reliability, Usability and Creativity by the

selected respondents is Strongly Agree. Therefore, the generator is

trustworthy and working without any problems. Also the generator’s

design and functionality are easy to understand according to the

selected respondents.

3. Effectiveness in terms of Brightness of the LED Lights, Safety of the

Device and Benefits to the Users by the selected respondents is

Strongly Agree. Therefore, the generator’s LED light, Safety of the

Device and Benefits to the Users is working without any problems

and safe to use. Also it can benefits the user.

The Improvised Pedal Type Generator to Light the Bulb is highly

effective based on the survey conducted by the researchers.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 28


The following recommendations are suggested based on the findings

and conclusions provided:

Future researchers can improve the generator by adding more

essential parts that can store more electricity. Everyone can use the

generator without worrying of gaining any physical injuries. Use

larger pedal to increase the voltage that will be emitted to the lights.

Enlarge the light and DC motor.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 29

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 30


Name: ____________________ Age:______

Address: _______________ Gender: ____________

Strongly Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree

Agree (1)

Questions 5 4 3 2 1


The generator is reliable.

(Ang impormasyon ng generator ay


The generator is lasting

(Ang generator ay pang matagalan)

Overall wiring of the LED light to the


(Pangkalahatang kable ng LED light sa



It is easy to use.

(Ito ay medaling gamitin)

The generator is fully functional.

(Ang generator ay maayos na gumagana)

The generator is easy to understand.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 31

(Madali unawain ang generator)


Device environment friendliness.

(Ang katulungan ng device sa kalikasan)

Generator design uniqueness.

(Ang disenyo ng generator ay kakaiba)

Resourcefulness of the product.

( Pagiging maparaan sa produkto)

Brightness of LED lights

Brightness of light compared to fuel


(Liwanag ng ilaw kompara sa fuel)

Usefulness of the light emitted

(Kapakipakinabang ang ilaw na inilalabas)

Safety of the device

Heat level of the light bulb.

(Init na nilalabas ng light bulb)

The generator is safe to use.

(Ligtas gamitin ang generator)

The generator is not harmful.

(Hindi nakakapinsala ang generator)

Benefits to the users

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 32

Budget friendliness.

(Pasok sa budget)

Generator for emergency.

(Magagamit sa emergency)

This also help you with your family

(Makakatulong ito sa iyong pamilya)

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 33



Dean, T. (2008) The Human-Powered Home: Choosing Muscle Over

Motors, New Society publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 64,

George, A. H. (1988) Design of a Human-Powered Generator using

Recumbent- Bicycle Technology, B-Eng. project, Massachusetts Institute

of Technology.

Gerard, J. (2008) The Green Gym’, Fitness Matters, American Council on

Exercise, 14, 12-14.

Heslin, J. A. and Annette, B. (2005) Understanding Calories – Introduction

The Calories counter. 4thed, New York.

Jamie, Y. and Aaron, O. (2012) Charge cycle: Generating electricity

through pedal Power.

Jansen, A. and Slob, P. (2003) Human Power; Comfortable One Hand

Cranking. International Conference on Engineering Design ICED 03.

Kris, D. (2011) The Short History of Early Pedal-powered Machines, Low-

Tech Magazine.

Maha, N. and Kimberly L. (2010) Human Power Generation in Fitness

Facilities, Proceedings of ASME 2010 4th International Conference on

Energy Sustainability, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 34

McCullagh, J.(1977). ‘Pedal Power: In work, leisure, and transportation’,

Rodale Press, New York, 2-6.



Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 35

Curriculum Vitae

93 Bonificio St. Luisiana, Laguna
Personal Data

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 15,2001
Place of Birth: Luisiana, Laguna
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Aglipayan
Mother’s Name: Olivia O. Rapsing
Occupation: House Wife
Father’s Name: Celso D. Rapsing
Occupation: Dressmaker
Language Spoken: English and Filipino


Senior High: Luis Bernardo Memorial High School

Luisiana, Laguna
Junior High: Luis Bernardo Memorial High School
Primary: Luisiana Central Elementary School
Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 36

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Data

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: December 20, 2001
Place of Birth: Luisiana, Laguna
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Arsenia R. Racoma
Occupation: House Wife
Father’s Name: Eriberto M.Racoma
Language Spoken: English and Filipino


Senior High: Luis Bernardo Memorial High School

Luisiana, Laguna
Junior High: Liceo De Luisiana


Primary: Luisiana Central Elementary School

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 37

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Data

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: December 20, 2001
Place of Birth: Luisiana, Laguna
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Arsenia R. Racoma
Occupation: House Wife
Father’s Name: Eriberto M.Racoma
Language Spoken: English and Filipino


Senior High: Luis Bernardo Memorial High School

Luisiana, Laguna
Junior High: Liceo De Luisiana


Primary: Luisiana Central Elementary School

Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb… 38

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Data

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: August 21,2001
Place of Birth: Luisiana, Laguna
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Aglipayan
Mother’s Name: Jonalyn P. Rondolo
Father’s Name: Mario A. Rondolo
Language Spoken: English and Filipino


Senior High: Luis Bernardo Memorial High School

Luisiana, Laguna
Junior High: Luis Bernardo Memorial High School


Primary: Luisiana Central Elementary School


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