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Special Populations

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trainers who work with apparently healthy or medically
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Chronic Nonspecific Low

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Back Pain and Exercise

Peter Ronai, MS, RCEP, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D1 and Paul Sorace, MS, RCEP, CSCS*D2
Exercise Science Department, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut; and 2Hackensack University Medical
Center, Hackensack, New Jersey

SUMMARY Back pain is typically classified by the EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOLOGY

etiology, location, and duration of Evidence indicates that lower PA levels
symptoms (14). (21,23), physical functioning (5), and
Some evidence indicates that persons physical fitness (6,7,19) exist in persons
with CNSLBP experience PA intol- with CNSLBP. The reported lifetime
erance, lower levels of physical fit- prevalence of LBP in westernized
ness and function, and PA avoidance countries ranges between 49 and 70%
and thus engage in a more seden- and 70 and 85% in the United States
tary lifestyle than age- and gender- (3,14). LBP is generally classified by
matched persons without CNSLBP its cause, location, severity, and dura-
(5–8,19,21,23,24). tion (14). Typically, LBP is classified as
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOLOGY AS This column will discuss the epidemi-
 Specific pain caused by unique or
WELL AS EXERCISE EFFECTS, ology, pathophysiology, benefits of
unusual pathophysiologic mecha-
BENEFITS, AND GOALS FOR PER- exercise, and exercise program goals
nisms (disc herniation, tumor, oste-
SONS WITH CNSLBP. for persons with CNSLBP, whereas
oporosis, arthritis, diseases, trauma,
the accompanying One-on-One col-
mechanical disorders or spinal
INTRODUCTION umn will discuss specific exercise pro- pathology)
ow back pain (LBP) is a com- gram recommendations. This article is  Nonspecific pain not caused by a spe-

L mon musculoskeletal disorder

affecting 70–85% of people in
the United States at one or more times
not intended to help exercise profes-
sionals diagnose, treat, or rehabilitate
clients with LBP of any type (specific,
cific disease or spine pathology
 Acute pain lasting less than 6 weeks
 Subacute pain lasting 6–12 weeks
in their lives (4). Chronic nonspecific nonspecific, acute, subacute, or  Chronic pain lasting longer than 12
low back pain (CNSLBP) is the second chronic). Information within this col- weeks (14).
leading cause of physician’s visits, the umn pertains to clients who have been Table 1 lists a number of “red flags”
leading cause of lost time at work, the discharged from rehabilitation and (identified by qualified health care pro-
second leading cause of disability, and medically screened and cleared to viders) as conditions often accompany-
most common cause of physical activ- engage in a comprehensive fitness/ ing specific LBP that can indicate
ity (PA) limitations in persons younger exercise program. Clients with new possible underlying spinal pathology,
than 45 years (3). The annual estimated or worsening symptoms of LBP nerve root problems, and a need to
medical cost of back pain in the United should be referred to their physician consult the client’s physician or health
States is approximately $50 billion (4). or health care provider. care provider.

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Special Populations


“Red flags” indicating possible spinal pathology or nerve root problems
Onset age , 20 or . 55 y Exercise has been shown to be effec-
tive in increasing PA tolerance, phys-
Nonmechanical pain (unrelated to time or activity)
ical fitness, strength, HRQOL, pain
Thoracic pain tolerance, and overall PA participa-
tion levels in persons with CNSLBP
Previous history of carcinomas, steroids, or HIV
(4,11–13,15). Although home-based
Feeling "unwell" exercise programs have been found
to be beneficial, significantly greater
Unexplained weight loss
physical benefits and compliance rates
Widespread neurological symptoms (including saddle area numbness) have been observed in persons engag-
ing in supervised individualized exer-
Structural spinal deformity
cise programs (4,15). Both aerobic
Spontaneous or persistent pain at night or with lying supine training (AT) and resistance training
(RT) programs have produced
Indications for nerve root problems
increased PA tolerance, physical fit-
Unilateral leg pain . LBP ness, and HRQOL in persons with
Radiating pain to foot or toes CNSLBP (4,9,11–13,15). Periodized
progressive RT programs have been
Numbness and paresthesias in same distribution well tolerated and proven effective
Straight leg raising test induces more leg pain for increasing strength and PA partic-
ipation levels and in reducing disabil-
Localized neurology (pain/symptoms limited to one nerve) ity levels in sedentary and athletic
HIV 5 human immunodeficiency virus; LBP 5 low back pain. populations with CNSLBP (11–13).

Adapted with permission from Van den Hoogen et al. (22). EXERCISE PROGRAM GOALS FOR
CNSLBP is generally diagnosed or  Decreased neuromuscular function Exercise program and PA goals for medi-
“ruled in” when red flags, magnetic res-  Decreased physical fitness, strength, cally cleared persons with CNSLBP are
onance imaging, and x-ray results are and function similar to those previously established
found to be negative for spine or nerve  Decreased PA levels for apparently healthy populations with
pathology, respectively (14). CNSLBP  Fear/avoidance of PA secondary appropriate adjustments (1,2,16,18,20).
is generally defined as pain, muscle ten- to pain anticipation (4,6–8,10,11– Current PA guidelines encourage per-
sion, or stiffness localized below the 13,15,18,19,24). sons with diseases/disabilities to main-
costal margins (ribs) and above the tain an active lifestyle, avoid being
EFFECTS ON EXERCISE sedentary as much as possible, and
inferior gluteal folds with or without RESPONSE
leg pain (sciatica) (14). Persons with strive to meet the same PA guidelines
Although many persons with set for apparently healthy individuals
CNSLBP are typically treated with CNSLBP are less physically active
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (1,2,20).
and physically fit than apparently
and acetaminophen and are advised healthy aged-matched cohorts, Common exercise program goals for
to stay active and avoid bed rest (14). CNSLBP does not exert specific clients with CNSLBP are to increase
Occasionally, muscle relaxants and effects on the exercise response (18). the following:
narcotic analgesics, which can cause  Health and well-being
Exercise response limitations are typ-
drowsiness, increased reaction time,  Exercise tolerance
ically affected by the following:
and impaired judgment, are prescribed  Individual pain severity and location  Physical function/functional capacity
for severe pain.  Physical fitness and strength  HRQOL (15,18).
CNSLBP can contribute to the  Body positions required during exer- Components of a comprehensive exer-
following: cise testing and training. Prolonged cise/fitness program include RT, AT,
 Recurring pain and increased standing, sitting, and frequent bend- flexibility training, and neuromotor
severity ing (trunk flexion) can exacerbate (1,2,16,18).
 Lost work time CNSLBP symptoms and prevent cli- Because of the potential physical
 Decreased health-related quality of ents from obtaining their best exer- deconditioning and pain/discomfort,
life (HRQOL) cise and/or testing efforts (18). a slower rate of exercise program


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