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After conducting this experiment, the specific gravity (SG) of dishwashing
liquid and shampoo were observed using the hydrometer in order to get their
densities. Before measuring the specific gravity of the said liquids, their
temperatures were observed first. The temperature for the dishwashing liquid and
shampoo were 30˚C and 28.889˚C, respectively. The hydrometer scale reading of
dishwashing liquid and shampoo were both 1.200 and by using the formula:

SG = ρsubstance / ρH2O
the density of the liquids were computed by multiplying the scale (that was
observed using hydrometer) to the density of water which is 1000 kg/m3. The
density of dishwashing liquid and water were both 1,200 kg/m3 and both were also
converted to g/ml with a density of 1.200 g/ml using the density of water which is
1 g/ml.

Since the gathered data was a bit baffling due to the similar densities of
dishwashing liquid and shampoo, the computed percentage errors were high. It is
due to the hydrometer as we wait for it to stop moving in an unstable way while
floating to read the hydrometer scale. We had a really hard time reading the
accurate hydrometer scale of the liquids due to the hindrances of being unable to
read it accurately because the line of sight is obstructed by either the substance
itself due to the touching of the substance with the wall of the tube or either the
appearance of obstructions like bubbles at the top surface of the liquid where the
reading of the hydrometer scale is. But, the gathered data were still justifiable due
to the mere fact that the densities of the said liquids were higher than that of water.
It is precise, because it was observed that the resistance to flow (viscosity) of
dishwashing liquid and shampoo were greater than water, therefore their densities
were also greater than the water (1,200 kg/m3 > 1000 kg/m3).

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