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NO Question Option A Option B Option C Option D Correct Option

The role of customer service and

1 Mutual Funds Banking Insurance FMCG C
relationships is more crtical in……

Unable to
Unable to Unable to
2 Intangible means……. smell Unable to hear understand touch and D

The purchase of insurance is basically Immediate

3 Fear & Anxiety wellbeing Help others B
led by…….. pleasure

In the process of selling insurance it can

4 be seen that production and One after Simultaneously At different None of B
other times these
consumption happens ………
If the insurance service exceeds the
5 customer's annoyed not bothered delighted complain C
expectations, the customer would be
Reliability &
Major indicators of service quality Assurance & Both option A & None of
6 Responsivenes A
……………. s Empathy B these
The leading insurance agent gets Existing Only from new None of
7 Agents A
patronage and support from ………… clients clients these
The seceret of Successful agent comes
8 from commitment to serving their TRUE FALSE A
The sum of economic benefits can be
Over a long
derived from building a sound Over a cup of Over a short
9 Immediately period of D
relationship with a customer …….. tea period
Sumofoftime time
Sum of costs benefits that Maximum
Rank given to insurance
incurred while can be achieved
customer based that can be
10 Customer lifetime value means servicing the on business by building a attributed C
customer over long term
generated to the
his lifetime relationship
with the customer
The insured needs to make sure that the Greater than Equal than the
11 possible expected loss involved is ……….. the cost of Lower than the cost of None of A
cost of insurance these
insurance insurance

If the probability of loss or damage to an

asset (including one’s body or health)
12 due to a peril is Retain the risk Insure the risk Avoid the risk Study the A
negligible then he may …………………...

reduce cost of increase the cost having right

13 Opting deductible method is a way to reinsure A
premium of premium sum insured

A perosn who
Risk assessor, Designer of
underwriter, customised
14 The role of insurance Agent is that of a risk solutions and a trust term
and long- All of them D
management relationship
counsellor builder relationship.

After the
The agent has to be in touch with the Well before Exactly on the Only after the customer
15 customer... renewal due renewal date. renewal date. care A
date. department'
s follow up.

Greeting him whatever
on special Visiting client assistance
What is the ideal way to keep the
16 relationship strong with the client? occasions like from time to possible in All of them D
birthdays/fest time moments of
ivals difficulty or
During a claim settlement an agent
does not have any role to play
non verbal & none of
18 Communication may take place oral & written body language option A & B these C

The appearance of agent help to create

19 the right first impression with customer True FALSE A

Listening to
Interrupting Sensing, Keeping silent the speaker
evaluating and
20 Active listening is ……… the speaker responding to while the other while B
with counter what is being person is actively
arguments talking. doing
told. something

21 What leads to good governance is…..? Unethical Ethical Gentle Respectful B

behavious behaviour behaviour behaviour

Unethical behaviour shows: 1) Little No or little

concern for others. 2)High concern for High concern for None of the
22 others. 3) Little concern for self 4)High concern for others Both A and B above C
concern for self others

Public Public Interest

What are the two instruments which awareness and Litigation and Strict regulation None of
23 have helped in achieving better and high B
accountability and governance? Consumer Right to penalty these
rights Information Act.

none of
24 Brech of trust is Ethical Unethical Legal B

An agnent recommending
25 discontinuance of an existing policy and Regular Criminal act Legally Unethical D
taking out a new one out of self intrest practice acceptable practice

Holding in strict confidence of clients Ethical Commercial Customary Unethical

26 information is …………….. practice practice practice practice A

All insurance policy wordings, rates and

the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and Insurance
the documents issued by insurance Regulatory and
27 companies are scrutinized and The Insurance Development Indian Judiciary Indian B
Company only. Parliament
approved by ……….. Authority of
All insurance policy wordings, rates and India
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..

An AGENT is guided by ………. over and

Code of IRDA none of
28 above all other rules and regulations Conduct. Insurance rules Regulations these A
under Insurance Act.

Where a proposal is not filled in by the

proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
29 incorporated at the end of proposal TRUE FALSE A
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal

As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________

facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
30 Assignment Nomination Both None B
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance

The insurer should respond to all

policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
31 the receipt of any communication from 10 days 15 days 7 days 30 days A
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from

Material information disclosure is Both Insurer &
32 Insurer Policyholder Agent C
applicable to….. Policyholder
While filling a proposal form, no agent is Omit any Submit wrong
33 material information or Both Neither. C
to induce the prospect to ……
information documents

Grievence redressel procedure should

None of
34 be clearly described in the policy TRUE FALSE Optional A
document. these

A mediator
between Insurer's representati
35 Ombudsman is ………………. insurer & Judicial officer representative A
Customer p
Ombudsman award should not
36 Rs.10 lakh Rs.20 lakh Rs.30 lakh Rs.40 lakh B
Redressal of Public Grievances Rules General Health
37 1998 applies to ….. Life Insurance Insurance Insurance All the three D

A customer can resolve his complaint

through: (1)Insurers' individual
38 (1) alone (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) Any of the 4 D
grievance cell (2)IGMS (3)Ombudsman
(4)Consumer Forum.

One cannot file an IGMS complaint

without the help of an advocate.

One can approach the Ombudsman,

even as the complaint is pending in any
Court or Consumer Forum or in

An award passed by Ombudsman can

41 never be contested by the insurer…. TRUE FALSE A

Hospitalized Hospitalized Hospitalized

42 protection against expenses following treatment to treatmets to treatments ALL THE D
manage manage surgical arising from three
illnesses only procedures only. accidents only




44 A, B and C B, C and D C, D and E A to E D
(B)Responsiveness (C)Assurance (D)
Empathy (E) Tangibles



Sum total of
premiums and
other revenue
Premiums and received in the
other revenue Premiums and past plus
that can be
As per definition, what is Customer Life expected to be other revenue premium and None of the
46 Time value in insurance? received in the received in the other revenue above C
past from the expected in
future from policyholder. future and what
the is possible to
policyholder .
derive in future

BEST ADVICE clarifications at Empathy and
47 What are the roles of an INSURANCE at the point of proposal stage help at the ALL the D
sale and accepatnce CLAIM STAGE

Which of the following are

communication modes?(i) Oral (i) and (ii) (i), (ii) and (iii) (i), (ii) and (iv)
48 (ii)Written (iii)Non-verbal (iv)Body- only only only ALL the four D

Hard-to-learn Professional or Strongly

49 Hard skills are….. skills work-related Manual skills learnt skills B

Personality/int Skills which

Easy-to-learn Skills acquired
50 Soft skills are………. skills softly erpersonal cannot be C
skills taught at all.

ONE among the choices does not Arriving late Presenting Talking in a
contribute to making a favourable FIRST for an oneself in neat A confident professional
51 IMPRESSION in CUSTOMER appointment/ and clean smiling face A
RELATIONSHIP? meeting clothing manner

52 What are the elements that go into POSTURE EYE CONTACT GESTURES - ALL THE D
impressing your customer? SMILING FACE ABOVE

What is not an element OF ACTIVE PAYING NOT BEING messages
prospect is


54 LISTENING PHRASES? I don't agree I understand You are wrong help it B

55 POLICYHOLDERS' INTERESTS) became 2002 1999 2005 2015 A
effective in year……
A pair of
57 _____________ is not a tangible good. House Insurance Mobile Phone jeans B

Reliability,Res Reliability,Respo Reliability,Resp Reliability,R

Components of “SERVQUAL model” ponsiveness,A nsiveness,Insura onsiveness,Assu esponsivene
58 ssurance, ss,Assuranc A
are……….. Empathy, nce, Empathy, rance, Empathy, e, Smpathy,
Tangibles Tangibles Intangibles Tangibles

What is not an indicator of service

59 Tangibles Reliability Empathy Cleverness D
quality among the ones listed?

Sum of
economic Maximum
Sum of costs Rank given to benefits that insurance
incurred while can be achieved
What is meant by customer lifetime customer based that can be
60 value? servicing the on business by building a attributed A
customer over long term
his lifetime generated relationship to the
with the customer

Customer life value consist

61 of.1,HISTORICAL VALUE 2.PRESENT 1,2,3 1,2,4 2,3,4 1,3,4 B

The agent has to insurance
policies have to
support the be renewed
Role of insurance agent in customer Giving Best customer in each year and All of the
62 service. advice filling out the above D
proposal for the customer
insurance. has a choice at
the time of each

In India _______________ insurance is Motor third Fire insurance Travel Personal

63 insurance for A
mandatory. party liability for house accident
domestic travel
Health policy has to be renewed
64 _______________ Every month Every year Every Quater Half yearly B

After the
The agent has to be in touch with the Well before Eexactly on the Only after the customer
65 customer... renewal due renewal date. renewal date. care A
date. department'
s follow up.

needs to be a
designer of building
risk assessor, customised trust and long-
66 The role of insurance Agent is underwriter, solutions and a term All of them D
management relationship relationship.
counsellor builder

Which of the following documents is Investigation Confidential

67 considered basic to take any decision Proposal form Agent's report report report A
on accepting or refusing the insurance?

Health The
Renewals can policyholde
insurance It is not be effected r can file a
contacts are mandatory for within 30 days consumer
Which statement is NOT TRUE so far as annual insurance of expriy of case against
68 renewal is concerned? D
contracts and companies to earlier policy the insurer,
send renewal with all if s/he fails
require notices. continuity to get a
renewal every benefits. renewal

BEST ADVICE clarifications at Empathy and
69 What are the roles of an INSURANCE at the point of proposal stage help at the ALL the D
AGENT in CUSTOMER SERVICE? sale and accepatnce CLAIM STAGE three

Grievence redressel procedure should

70 be clearly described in the policy TRUE FALSE Optional None of A
document. these
A mediator
between Insurer's Customer's
71 Ombudsman is ………………. Judicial officer representati A
insurer & representative
Ombudsman award should not
72 exceed….. Rs.10 lakh Rs.20 lakh Rs.30 lakh Rs.40 lakh B

Redressal of Public Grievances Rules General Health

73 1998 applies to ….. Life Insurance Insurance Insurance All the three D

A customer can resolve his complaint

through: (1)Insurers' individual
74 grievance cell (2)IGMS (3)Ombudsman (1) alone (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) Any of the 4 D
(4)Consumer Forum.

One cannot file an IGMS complaint

75 True FALSE B
without the help of an advocate.

One can approach the Ombudsman,

even as the complaint is pending in any
76 True FALSE B
Court or Consumer Forum or in

An award passed by Ombudsman can

77 never be contested by the insurer…. True FALSE A

78 protection against expenses following AN D
Insurance Integrated Integrated
Grievance Grievance Grievance None of
79 Full form of IGMS is. C
Management Marketing Management these
System System System
District Forum entertain complaint
80 Rs.10 lakh Rs.20 lakh Rs.30 lakh Rs.40 lakh B
State Commission entertain complaint Above 20 lakh Above 10 lakh
81 and below Below 20 Lakh and below Above 1crore A
1crore 1crore
Above 20 lakh Above 10 lakh Above 50 lakh
National Commission entertain
82 complaint upto ….. and below and below and below Above 1crore D
1crore 1crore 1crore

complainant The complaint
had not The complainant should be made
Which ststement is not true: received any is not satisfied within one year Complaints
83 Complaints can be made to the reply within with the reply from the date of above 2o D
Ombudsman if: one month given by the rejection by the lakh only.
after receipt of insurer insurance
the complaint company.
by the insurer

Recommendat ns have to be
ions should be The copies accepted in
should be sent to writing by the
Which statement is true regarding made within both the complainant All of the
84 :Recommendations by the Ombudsman one month of complainant and within 15 days above D
the receipt of
such a the insurance of receipt of
complaint company such

insurer shall
The award comply with the If the insured
does not
should be award and send intimate in
made within a a written writing the
Which statement is true regarding period of 3 intimation to the All of the
85 :Awards by Ombudsman months from Ombudsman acceptance of above D
the date of within 15 days such award, the
insurer may not
receipt of such of the receipt of implement the
a complaint such acceptance award

Message Source/Message Source/Messag sage
Which is the proper communication / /Encoding e /E ncoding
86 process
/ Encoding/Decodin
/Channel/Decoding /Channel/Decoding /Channel/Decoding
/Rec eiver/Feedback /Receiver /Rec eiver/Feedback g

87 Out of these which one is not a part of Confidence Oral Trust Gesture and B
Non verbal communication. posture

Sensing, Listening to
evaluating and Interrupting the Keeping silent the speaker
speaker with while the other while
88 Active listening is ……… responding to counter person is actively A
what is being arguments talking. doing
non verbal & none of
89 Communication may take place oral & written body language option A & B these C

will the appearance of agent help to

90 create the right first impression with YES NO A

warm, confident Less

91 Making a great first impression means Not Be on time Be aggressive and winning Interest in C
always the other
smile person

92 unethical behaviour automatically leads TRUE FALSE B

to good governance

Unethical behaviour shows: 1) Little

concern for others. 2)High concern for
93 others. 3) Little concern for self 4)High (1) and (3) (2) and (3) (1) and (4) (2) and (4) C
concern for self

Public Public Interest

What are the two instruments have Strict regulation
94 helped in achieving better awareness and Litigation and and high None of B
accountability and governance? Consumer Right to penalty these
rights Information Act.

95 Brech of trust is Ethical Unethical Legal none of B


Recommending discontinuance of an
96 existing policy and taking out a new one Regular Criminal act Legally Unethical D
out of self intrest is practice acceptable practice

Holding in strict confidence of clients Ethical Commercial Customary Unethical

97 information is …………….. practice practice practice practice A

It is the first
It is normal stage of
It is form of documantai
form of questioner on where
What is proposal form in Health questioner which gives the It only informs insured
98 which shoul about the OPTION - 4
Insurance be completed detail Health company disclose the
to take a status of the complete
Proposer material
Health policy information.

claim will
In a Personal Accident insurance policy be
If a person declares that he is not claim will be claim will be claim will be entertained
involved an any motor sports or horse denied as non denied and accepted based and there
99 on his OPTION - 2
riding, and throughout the year is in disclousre of policy will be declaration on will be a
invoved in the same and once the claim material fact cancelled proposal. loading for
arises what will happen future

the policy can

be issued as
the heart If the No scope for
In a proposal, a person opting for disease is It is a declined otherthings are dcleartion
personal accidental policy declares that
100 he has heart disease, how will it affect nothing do risk so policy all right then for Personal OPTION - 3
the underwriting? with the cannot be given the policy can Accidental
pesonal be issued policy

yes, profession Profession Profession does Profession

Do the profession of a Proposer make is a very becomes not make any has no
important important in the direct link
101 any impact in the health insurance factor in accpetance of of impact in with the OPTION - 1
underwriting? health risk accident risk underwritting a hazard of a
health policy
assumption. only person.

Dependts upon Should not

How many questions are there in a Maxmium of It is decided by the class of excee 10
102 OPTION - 3
proposal form? 50 question IRDAI insurance question is
concerned required
To know the
In the underwriring of Personal material to know his
To Know his To know his
103 Accident insurance, why is a Ocupation bearing of risk education
work Hours Income OPTION - 1
is required? in his qulafication

The proposer The

proposer is It is optional
for proposer
is required to The the the
disclose his not
required to proposer has to
Which of the following statements is disclose his to disclose
105 entire disclose any about OPTION - 1
true? previous previous thing about his the only
Insurance Insurance previous declined
history. Insurance
history. insurance only.

To make sure responsibili
that all the
To inform the ty is
insured about material towards
106 What is the role of a Intermediary? To collect the the terms and information both the OPTION - 4
conditions of the about
the risk is parties,
provided by the the ie,
policy insured to insurer
and the
insurer insured.
It is a detailed
which has to It is a leaflet
be completed It is a form of informing the about the
107 What is a prospectus? by the questionnaire to customer about OPTION - 4
proposer cancel the policy the Company fit,condition
before taking and its branch
an Insurance
policy premium
for the
age groups.

The entire process of scrutinizing the

108 propasal and deciding about the Modification Warrenty Underwritting Endrosment OPTION - 3
acceptance is called ……………….

after a
certain age,
Only If the and also in
Is Medical test mandatory in health Medical Test is proposer Only for higher case the
109 OPTION - 4
insurance policy not mandatory declares pre- age group disclosures
existing diseases indicate

As per guidelines an Insurer company

110 has to process an Insurance proposal 7days 15 days 30 days 45 days OPTION - 2
within ……….

Any refund of Any refund of

Any refund of the premium the premium
the premium
which may which may
which may There
become due to become due to become due to cannot be
an insured on an insured on
an insured on any refund
account of the account of the
111 Which one of the statements is correct? account of the cancellation or cancellation or of premium OPTION -1
cancellation or in alteration
alteration of the alteration of the
alteration of and
the term and term and term and cancellation
condition is paid condition is
condition is of premium
to the insured kept to adjust in
directly paid through the the future
to insured
agents.. premium

Free Look Premium is to be Claims are not Cancellation

What is meant by 64 VB of insurance Act period of paid in adavance paid in the of policy for
112 1938? before the cover fraud OPTION - 2
policy. starts grace period practice

Amount paid Remunarati

113 What is premium? to buy a Cost of a risk Cost of medical on of an Option -1
insurance Test
policy agent

114 A Prospectus is the document issued IRDA Govt of india Insurance SEBI OPTION - 3
by……….. company

Most of the Non life Non life

Non life Most of the Non
Insurance life Insurance insurance Insurance
115 Which one of the statements is correct? policy are policy are issued cannot be can be OPTION 2
issued for one issued only
issued for five on annual basis year for 10 Years

A condition
A condition is a
A condition is provision in an is what
what speaks insurance A condition speaks
about the
116 A condition in the policy is ……….. about the contract which means a benefit limit of sum OPTION -2
premium in forms the basis in the policy insured
the policy of the
agreement. available in
the policy

The risk may

be assumed on The risk
the date on The risk may be The risk may be may be
assumed on the assumed on the
In case the premium is made in cheque, which the date on which date on which assumed on
cheque is is the cheque is the date on
117 then which of the following statements issued by the the cheque is which the OPTION -1
will hold true proposer or deposited by the received by the cheque is
the date of insurance insurance cleared by
company company
posting, if the Bank
posted by him.

A warranty is
If a
A warranty is expressely warrenty is
a condition A warranty is stated in the breached ,
which is policy and
118 Which of the statement is correct with implied condition communicated the claim OPTION - 2
regards to a warranty without being expressly stated to the insured can still be
in the policy paid if it is
stated in the separetly and not material
policy not as part of to the risk
the policy

In certain terms and condition of the

policy need to be modified at the time of Modificatio
119 the issuance ,It is done by setting out warranty Endrosement Alteration n are not Option - 2
the amendments through……….

The meaning of The policy

The word used The word used the word used wording
in the policy in the policy
wording is in the policy can wordings can be does not
120 Which of the statement is true,………… taken from the only understood understood by have OPTION -3
by the court of grammer or
oxford law the ordinary punctuation
dictionary . man on the in it.

In the wordings take In a policy
insurance precedence over Typed wording wordings,
policy, printed typed wordings always grammer
121 Which of the statements is correct wordings take and typed supercede and OPTION - 2
precedence wordings take handwritten punctuation
over typed precedence over wordings do not have
wordings printed importance.

As per
As per As per As per regulations
regulations regulations regulations there is no
there is a legal there is a legal legal
obligation on there is a legal obligation on obligation
insurers to obligation on insurers to send on insurers
Which of the statements is correct with insurers to send
122 regards to a renewal notice send a a renewal notice a renewal to send a OPTION -4
renewal notice to insured, 15 notice to renewal
to insured, 30 insured, 7 days notice to
days before days before the before the insured
the expiry of expiry of the expiry of the before the
the policy policy expiry of
the policy

Criminals obtain Money which is

funds through deposited in the The money
To Change the their illegal Banks or which is
123 What is Anti Money Laundering old and torn seiged from OPTION - 2
notes actiivities but Insurance is the
seek to pass it as money criminals
legal money laundering

To stop money
Laundering the
agents should To stop
To stop the collect all the money
money To stop money relevant laundering
laundering Laundering documents there
124 Select the correct sentence agents should agent should not from the should be OPTION - 3
not sell high collect money in costumer, like verification
premium cash. ID proof, from the
policy Adress proof, company
and PAN Card side.
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the strict confidence
documents of clients
issued by insurance none of
125 ethical unethical marketting tool Option 1
companies is
are scrutinized and these
approved Company Judicial none of
126 All insurance policy wordings, rates and itself IRDA authority these Option 2
the documents issued by insurance
128 Thecompanies
IRDA wasare scrutinized
established and
in-------- 1999 2000 1938 1986 Option 2

Where the proposal is not filled by the

prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
129 Where the proposal is not filled by the TRUE FALSE Option 1
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal

International Indian Insurance Income

130 IRDA Stands for Regulatory Regulatory & Regulatory & Regulatory
& Option 3
&Developmen Development Development Developmen
t Authority Authority Authority
t Authority

As per IRDA guidelines, only___________

facility is available for health insurance Both option A & None of
131 products. Assignment Nomination B these Option 2

132 Which is launched an IGMS TRAI RBI SBI IRDA Option 4

Consumer disputes redressal agencies All the
133 District State National Option 4
are established at which level? above

State level Consumer disputes Redressal

134 Agencies will deal with value of 20 to 100 15 to 75 100 to 120 All the Option 1
Goods/Service/Compansation valued Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs above
upto _________

The insurer should respond to

policyholders’ servicing requests such
as issuing a duplicate policy within _____
135 of the receipt of any communication 10 days 15 days 7 days 30 days Option 1
from policyholders.

Material information disclosure is Both Insurer &

136 applicable only to insurer customer Customer advisor Option 3

During a service failure, a customer

137 feels there is a sense of unfairness, a TRUE FALSE Option 1
feeling of being cheated

Grievence redressel procedure in the

policy document should not be
138 TRUE FALSE Option 2
bought to notice of customer

Mediator for insurers customers

139 Ombudsman is the insurer & judicial representati Option 1
Customer ve

How much fee for filing a complaint in

Each Rs.
140 all three Consumer DisputesmRedressal 100 Rs. 120 No fee Rs.500 Option 3

more than 20 more than

141 Ombudsman award should not be lakh less than 20 lakh cannot award 10 lakh Option 1
Insurer's own
142 Customer Grievance can be made thru IGMS Consumer forum All of these Option 4
Grivence Cell

An advocate is necessary for the

143 purpose of filing a IGMS complaint. True FALSE Option 2

Complaints can be made to the

Ombudsman, when the complaint is
144 True FALSE Option 2
pending in any Court or Consumer
Forum or in arbitration

"Health Health cover

Cover" provides for only Health cover
Which statement is correct among the provides for surgical or provides for All the
145 only assuerd option 4
following? only sickness hospital benefits and above
or medical expenses long term cases
benefit. benefits

For providing
finanacial For preserving
assistence to the savings ofan Option 1 is All theabove
Health isurance inportant mainly for the pay for individual which correct and 2 All theabove 2
146 statements are
following reasons medical may otherwise Option 2 is statements
facilities in be wiped out wrong are write write
case of any due to illness

The first retail health insurance

147 products covering hospitalisation costs 1986 1987 1988 1985 1986
mediclaim was introduced in the year of
insurance Health insurance
Health insurance
products products products available
available in available in the in the Indian
Which statement is correct among the the Indian Indian market Only option 2 is Both 1 & 2
148 following market are are mostly in the wrong are correct market are mostly
mostly in the nature of in the nature of
nature of surgical products
hospitalisation products

Jana Arogya
Which statement is correct among the Jana Arogya Jana Arogya Jana Arogya Bima Policy' Jana Arogya Bima
149 Bima Policy' is Bima Policy' is Bima Policy' is is for all Policy' is for poor
following for all indians for rich indians for poor indians middle class indians

basically deals details of Both
expenses could
150 Which statement is correct among the with sickness also be incurred Both statements statements Both statements are
following and therafter due to accidental are correct are not correct
expenses correct
incurred due injuries .
to illness

Indemnity Indemnity
Broad Classification of Health Insurance cover,Fixed Indemnity cover Fixed benefit cover,Fixed cover,Fixed benefit
151 products are benefit & Critical Illness cover,Critical benefit cover,Critical
cover,Critical cover Illness cover
Illness cover cover Illness cover

The world
over health The world over
and disability health and
insurance go disability The world over
together but insurance not go health and
disability insurance
In India together but In Option 1 is Option 2 is go together but In
152 Which of the following statements are Personal India Personal correct and correct and India Personal
correct Accident cover Accident cover Option 2 is Option 1 is
has has traditionally wrong wrong Accident cover has
traditionally been sold traditionally been
sold independent of
been sold independent of Health Insurance
independent Health
of Health Insurance

Individual Group cover Mass policies

covers offered offered to for GOVT
corporate clients schemes like
153 Which of the following statements are to retail covering RSDY covering All the 3. All the 3.
correct customers and employees as very poor
their family
members well as there section of the
family . populations

maternity Critical Illness Reinstatement All the

154 Add on covers includes Covers Covers of SI above All the above

A top up cover Option 1 is Option 1 is

Which statement is correct among the is also known A topup is wrong and corrct and Option 1 is corrct
155 as a higher allowed in all and Option 2 is
following deductable type of policies Option 2 is Option 2 is wrong
policy correct wrong

Network provider Cashless service All the
156 The Key term of Health Policies are Provider above All the above
covers,wiating Premium Employer All the
157 Group Health covers provides employee All the above
period weived calculation groups above
Tailor made All the
158 Group Health covers provides covers Maternity covers Child cover above All the above
dealy in
arrival of Cancellation of All the
159 Oversesas Travel Insurance offerd Loss of passport All the above
checked in trips above
Accidental Medical loss of checked All the
160 Oversesas Travel Insurance offerd Death/DISABI expences due to All the above
LITY ilness /accident in baggeg above

Family Package covers maybe granted earning Spouse (if not Children(5yrs- All the
161 on the following pattern members and earning 25yrs) above All the above
spouse member)

Any existing Death or

Death or
Which are the common exculision under disability Disability due to Disability due to All the
162 PA policy prior to the mental disorder vernacal,sexual above All the above
inception of transmitted
the policy or any sickness deases etc

Parmanenet Parmanenet
163 Type of coverage in PA total disability partial disability Temp total All the All the above
disability (TTD) above

PA provides The policies

compensatoin provides some
Which statement are correct in terms of sand
due to death form of medical In PA policy the All the
164 disability covers along Death benefit All the above
PA & Disabiltycovers in the event of with the payable @100% above
unforcen Accident
accidents benefits

satisfactory Acesses to
opreration of
Which statement are correct in terms of the pension, Accidental All the
165 'PRADHAN acc for the All the above
MANTRI JAN DHAN YOJANA' 6 mnths , an insurance insurance cover above
OD facility will products
be permitted

Beneficiary of
Govt Schemes
Which statement are correct in terms of LI cover of Easy transfer of will get direct All the
166 'PRADHAN money across benefit All the above
MANTRI JAN DHAN YOJANA' Rs.30000/- india transfer above
in these
Which statement are correct in terms of Interest on Accident No minimum All the
167 insurance cover balance is All the above
of 100000/- required

Total loss of both

Which statement are correct in terms of coverage Total loss of 1
168 'PRADHAN MANTRI SURKSHA BIMA allowed s, OR partial eye/hand/foot, All the All the above
loss of above
YOJANA' policy Rs.200000/- Rs.100000/-
as SI Rs.200000/-

The central Choise to the

Beneficiary to
Which statement are correct in terms of and state Govt beneficiary pay Rs.30 pa as All the
169 'RASHTRIYA SWASTHYA BIMA YOJANA' pays the between public All the above
registration fee above
policy premium to and private
the insurer hospitals or renewal fee

These plan is
designed to
offer cover to Senior Citizen
Which statement is correct among the elderly people name does effect All age band is All the
170 allowed to take All the above
following who often the normal above
the plan
denied policy features
coverage after
certain age

The premium Doctors opinion Basic features

Which statement is correct among the All the
171 is unchanged is mandatory in are same for all All the above
following above
in all ages all caseas policies
172 Hospital Daily Cash policy includes No of Payment cover or addon Supplimentory All the All the above
Days cover above

advancement in
This policy is This policy is medical science
also known as also known as people are All the
173 Critical Illness policy incluides the dreaded the trauma care survivning above All the above
deases cover cover some of the
major deasese
like Cancer, Etc

A standard
A standard A standard A standard condition
A standard
condition seen condition seen condition seen seen in all
condition seen in all
Which statement is correct among the in all critical in all critical in all critical critical critical illness
174 illness policies illness policies illness policies illness
following policies in the
in the waiting in the waiting in the waiting policies in
period of 90 period of 60 period of 30 the waiting waiting period of 90
days days days period of 80

175 There are the following types of plan for Pre funded Immidiate need Both statements statements Both statements are
long term cover plans plans are correct are not correct

This policy is
designed to
provide cheap The coverage is The policy is
Which statement are correct in terms of along the line of available to All the
176 'JAN AROGYA BIMA' policy medical the individual individuals and above All the above
insurace to mediclaim policy family members
poorer section
of the soceity

Total SI of
Which statement are correct in terms of Rs.30000/- Pre existing coverage of all All the
177 'RASHTRIYA SWASTHYA BIMA YOJANA' per BPL family deases to be eligilable health above All the above
policy on a family covered
floater basis servivces

Coverage of
related to
Which statement are correct in terms of hospitalisation Provision of
178 'RASHTRIYA SWASTHYA BIMA YOJANA' s and servises Provision of PRE & POST All the All the above
SMART CARD hospitalisation above
policy of surgical expenses
nature which
can be
provided on a
day care basis

The mediclaim
introduced in The mediclaim
eightees by introduced in
PSU insurers ninetees by PSU
was the
earliest insurers was the
179 Which of the following statements are standard earliest standard Only option 1 is Only option Only option 2 is
correct health products wrong 2 is wrong wrong
health and was the only
products and products
was the only
products availablein the
availablein the market for a
long time.
market for a
long time.

A rgular
A rgular
hospitalisation hospitalisation
indemnity indemnity policy
policy covers As per the
180 As per the guideline of hospitalisation is expenses only more than 24 May be less patient covers expenses
if the duration hrs than 24 hrs agrees only if the duration
of the stay in
of the stay in hospital is for 24
hospital is for hrs
24 hrs

If the patient If the patient

goes in for a goes in for an
planned unplanned
surgery there surgery there
181 As per the guideline of Pre- would be would be Option 1 is Option 2 is Option 2 is wrong
hospitalisation is expenses expenses wrong wrong
incurred by incurred by the
him prior to doctor prior to
the the
hospitalisation hospitalisation

After stay in Medical

hospital in expenses
most cases incurred Both
As per Guideline 'Post Hospitalisation' there could be immidiately Both statements Both statements are
182 means expenses after the insured are wrong statements correct
related to person is are correct
recovery and discharged from
follw up the hospital

A waiting A waiting period

period of 30
days from of 60 days from
inception of inception of Option 1 is Option 2 is
policy is Option 1 is correct
183 Waiting period' means policy is applicable for correct and correct and and Option 2 is
applicable for any deases Option 2 is Option 1 is wrong
any deases wrong wrong
related claim related claim
other than other than

A health policy
has a
A health policy has
provision to a provision to take
take care of Hospitalisation Hospitalilation care of expenses
expenses Hospitalisat
184 Domiciliary Hospitalisation means incurred for without the without any ion in other incurred for
medical Doctors health than cities medical treatment
permission insurance without being
treatment addmitted to a
without being hospital
addmitted to a

This is almost
health paln
otherwise it
would mean Means deasess Means deasess
covering a which are which are All the
185 Pre existing deases means All the above
certainity and disclosed to the disclosed to the above
porse a high doctors. hospitals
risk to the
insurers. This
will enable the
insurers to
declare an
accepting the
proposal for

An individual
insured can
cover himself
along with
186 Individual coverage means members such Can over cover Both are correct Both are Both are correct
as himself wrong
ts,parents In

Third Party
187 The Key term of Health Policies are adminstration Notice of claim Free health All the All the above
(TPA) Check up above

As per IRDA guideline a __________gress

188 period is allowed for renewal of 15 days 30 days 40 days 60 days 30 days
individual health policies
Health insurance
Health insurance deals
Health insurance neither Health insurance
Indentify which of the statements is insurance with
189 correct deals with deals with MORBALITY as deals with deals with

In a varient
know as a
Family Floater
can only covers
consisting of
the group Both are
190 FamilyFloater means spouse, members of the Both are correct wrong Both are correct
ts are offers a
single SI which
floats over the
entire family

It is cost Policy holders /

shairng insurer will bear Co Payment
requirement are specified % All the
191 In health insurance CoPayment means dose not reduce All the above
under a health of the above
insurance admissable the SI
policy claim amt

Introduced in Premium would

certain zone depend on the Only option 1 is All the
192 Zone wise premium involves All the above
with higher age of the correct above
claim cost insured person

Public Preferred Provider

Identify the correct full form PPN with Public Private Preferred Provider
193 preferred Provider Preferential
regards to hospitals in health insurance Network Network Network Network Network

A Group
policy taken
by the
employer A Group policy
for his taken by the
An Employer A Bank can take A Shopkeeper employee employer for his
Identify which of the below statement is can take a a Group policy can take a
194 can be employee can be
incorrect ? group for this for its Group policy for
employees. customers. his customers. extended to extended to include
include the the family members
family of the employees
members of

Hospitalisation expenses
as well as pre are covered Hospitalisation as
and post from the well as pre and post
Hospitalisation hospitalisation first year hospitalisation
Only as well as pre expenses are and pre and expenses are
Which of the statement is correct with
195 regards to a hospitalisation expenses hospitalisation and post covered and a post covered and a
policy ? expenses are hospitalisation lumpsum hospitalisati lumpsum amount is
covered. expenses are amount is paid on expenses paid to the family
covered. to the family are covered members in the
members in the from the event of insured's
event of second year death.
insured's death. if the first
year is claim

Risk selection none of the

196 Underwriting is a process of Risk selection Risk pricinng and pricing above 3
Health insurance is based on the Mortality and none of the
197 concept of Mortality Morbidty Morbidity above 2

198 In risk classfication among prefered risk Average Lower than Higher than All the 2
the anticipated morbidty is average average above
or modification comes into effect. Any revision or modific ation in a
policy which is approved by the Authority shall be notified to each
policy holder at least_________ prior to the date when such revision
or modification comes into effect. Any revision or modific ation in a
policy which is approved by the Authority shall be notified to each
policy holder at least_________ prior to the date when such revision
199 or modification comes into effect. Any revision or modific ation in a 3 Months 30 days 90 days 3 years 1
policy which is approved by the Authority shall be notified to each
policy holder at least_________ prior to the date when such revision
or modification comes into effect. Any revision or modific ation in a
policy which is approved by the Authority shall be notified to each
policy holder at least_________ prior to the date when such revision
or modification comes into effect. Any revision or modific ation in a
Underwriting Branch
200 Who is the primary underwriter officer Agent Customer Manager 2

Can the life insurance health policies only to stand

201 ported to other General or Standalone yes alone health NO none of the 3
Co insurance co above

Portability can be opted by the During policy Both option 1 & none of the
202 policyholder only at period Renewal 2 above 2

A policyholder wanting to port his

203 policy to another insurance company at least 45 at least 15 days at least 30 days at least 40 1
has to apply ________before the premium days days
renewal dt of the existing policy.

The insurance company receiving such a

request on portability shall furnish the
requisite data in the data format for none of the
204 porting insurance policies prescribed in 10 30 7 above 3
the web portal of IRDA within___
working days of the receipt of the

No commission shall be payable to any

205 intermediary on the acceptance of a TRUE FALSE 1
ported policy.

period already elapsed under the

existing policy with respect to pre-
existing diseases & time bound
206 exclusions Shall be taken into account & TRUE FALSE 1
reduced to that extent under the newly
ported policy

The portability shall be applicable to the

207 sum insured under the previous policy TRUE FALSE 1
and also to an enhanced sum insured.

All Health insurance policies issued with

medicals only
Agent & Medical All the
209 Tools for underwriting Proposal form Age proof report above 4

The purpose of underwriting to prevent

adverse selection against __________ and The Insurer, Insured and none of the
210 also ensure proper classification and Equity Equity Agent, Insurer, above 1
_________ among risks.

The principle of utmost good faith in

211 underwriting is required to be followed The insurer The insured Both the insurer The medical 3
and the insured examiners

Financial Each insurer’s The amount

share of loss of the loss
interest of the The asset which when more than that can be
212 Insurable interest refers to person in the is already one company recovered 1
asset to be insured
insured covers the same from the
loss insurer

1) In a group health insurance, any of

the individual constituting the group Statement 1 is Statement 2 is Statement 1
could anti select against the insurer.2) true and true and Statement 1 and and
213 statement 2 are 4
Group health insurance provides statement 2 is statement 1 is true statement 2
coverage only to employer-employee false false are false

In risk classfication among standard Lower than Higher than All the
214 risk the anticipated morbidty is Average average average above 1

In risk classfication among sub standard Lower than Higher than All the
215 risk the anticipated morbidty is Average average average above 3
accorded as per the File and Use
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has
the prior Clearance of the Authority
accorded as per the File and Use
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has
the prior Clearance of the Authority
accorded as per the File and Use
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has
the prior Clearance of the Authority
accorded as per the File and Use
216 No health insurance product shall be TRUE FALSE 1
marketed by any insurer unless it has
the prior Clearance of the Authority
accorded as per the File and Use
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has
the prior Clearance of the Authority
accorded as per the File and Use
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has
the prior Clearance of the Authority
accorded as per the File and Use
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has
the prior Clearance of the Authority

Any subsequent revision or

modification of any approved health
217 insurance product doesnot require the TRUE FALSE 2
prior clearance of the Authority

The insurer has to take prior approval of

the authority by giving reasons for
218 withdrawal and complete details of the TRUE FALSE 1
treatment to the existing -policyholders

In overseas travel insurance the

premium rates are would depend on the none of the
219 ______ of the proposer and the _________ of age, duration age, purpose habits, purpose above 1
foreign travel.& which country

For PA underwriting the following falls

under which risk group. Dr, Risk Group
220 Lawyer's,Consulting engineers, Agents, Risk Group 1 Risk Group 2 Risk Group 3 4 1
Bankers and people involved in admin

For PA underwriting the following falls

under which risk carrying
employees, garage and motor
221 Mechanics, Machine operators, Drivers Risk Group 1 Risk Group 2 Risk Group 3 Risk Group 2
of trucks or lorries and other heavy
vehicles, professional athletes and
sportsmen, woodworking Machinists

For PA underwriting the following falls

under which risk group. Persons
working in underground mines,
explosives magazines, and workers
involved in electrical installation with
Risk Group
222 high tension supply, Jockeys, circus Risk Group 1 Risk Group 2 Risk Group 3 4 3
personnel, persons engaged in activities
like racing on wheels or horseback, big
game hunting, mountaineering, winter
sports, skiing, ice hockey, ballooning,
hang gliding, river rafting, polo

the acceptance of a risk by more than

one insurer. This is done by way of All the
223 allocating a percentage of the risk to Re insurance Insurance Co insurance 3
each insurer. Thus the policy may be above
accepted by two insurers Know as

The insurance company protects his risk All the

224 by insuring his risks with other Re insurance Insurance Co insurance above 1
insurance companies known as

Mr.Ramesh ported this FY, his 5 year old

policy of SI 2 Lac with NCB 50000 from
Insurance Co A to B for S I of 5 lac. If he
225 admited for PED in this FY and 4 lac 2 lac 3 lac 2.5 lac 4
admissiable hospitalization bill is for 4
lac. How much will be settled

Reinsurers accept risks of insurers by Treaties & Either of 2

226 way of standing arrangements called facultative Treaties facultative &3 2

Reinsurers accept risks of insurers by Treaties & Either of 2

227 way of case to case basis is called facultative Treaties facultative &3 3

Mr Sudhir working for a company for

the last 2 years, Which provides a group
health insurance form a Gen Insurance
228 Company A. Now he wants to take a yes / yes No / No Yes / No No 1
retails policy with the same insurer A.
Can he port ? If yes whether he will get 2
years seniority benefit or not ?

adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
229 adults due to increased risk of infections TRUE FALSE 1
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections

For adults beyond the age of 45 years,

the premiums are higher, as the
230 probability of an individual suffering TRUE FALSE 1
from a chronic ailment like diabetes, a
sudden heart ailment or other such
morbidity is much higher.

The term “Equity” means that applicants As per

Same Different none of the
231 who are exposed to similar degrees of premium class premium calss underwriter above 1
risk must be placed in wish

intention of
232 What is Moral Hazard Age Gender Occupation nsurance 4
just to
collect a
is still awaited from the
new insurer on the date of renewal. the
existing policy shall be allowed to be
extended, if requested by the
policyholder, for the short periodWhen
the outcome of acceptance of portability
is still awaited from the
Both the
233 new insurer on the date of renewal. the By paying pro By paying full Both above are above are 1
existing policy shall be allowed to be rate premium premium false true
extended, if requested by the
policyholder, for the short periodWhen
the outcome of acceptance of portability
is still awaited from the
new insurer on the date of renewal. the
existing policy shall be allowed to be
extended, if requested by the
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
Standard age Non standard Sub standard Option 1 &
234 documents are divided into broad 4
categories asIn India, age proof proof age proof age proof 2
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
Standard age Non standard Sub standard Option 2 &
235 PAN Card and Passport proof age proof age proof 3 1

236 Ration card, Voter ID Standard age Non standard Sub standard Option 2 & 3
proof age proof age proof 3

For an accident family package cover

237 usually ___% discount given on gross 10% 5% 7% 3% 2

238 Which of the following factor does not Gender Spouse job Habits Residence 2
affect the morbidity of an individual? location

The actual
The actual The sum insured A fixed amount losses
According to the principle of indemnity, losses to the irrespective of
239 the insured is paid for __________. extent of the the amount agreed between irrespective 1
sum insured actually spent both the parties of the sum
underwriter is his ________________.The
first and the primary source of
240 information about an applicant, for the Age proof Financial Previous Proposal 4
underwriter is his ________________.The documents documents medical records form
first and the primary source of details of the
proposer are
through the
formAll the
information The received The policy
related to the
health and All the medical information is is issued to
The underwriting process is completed personal examinations carefully the
241 and tests of the assessed and proposer 3
when ___________________. details of the proposer are classified into after risk
proposer are completed appropriate risk selection
through the categories and pricing.
formAll the
related to the
health and
provides points without This method It ensures
greater speed medical referees can be used by consistency
Which of the following statements about between the
in the or persons without decisions of
242 the numerical rating method is handling of a experts.Analysis any specific 2
incorrect? different
large business of difficult or knowledge of
with the help doubtful cases is medical science. underwriter
243 Overseas Travel Policy premium rates Age Duration Country All the 4
depends on above

1) In a group health insurance, any of

the individual constituting the group Statement 1 is Statement 2 is Statement 1
Statement 1 and
244 could anti-select against the insurer. true and true and statement 2 are and 4
2) Group health statement 2 is statement 1 is true statement 2
insurance provides coverage only to false false are false
employer-employee groups.

Holders of credit Borrowers of a

Employer bank and
245 Which of the following is not Group of welfare cards issued by a professional Bank and its 4
Convenience associations specific associations or Employees

246 The role of customer service and Mutual Funds Banking Insurance FMCG III
relationships is crtical in……

Unable to
247 Intangible means……. Unable to Unable to hear Unable to touch and IV
smell understand feel
A pair of
248 _____________ is not a tangible good House Insurance Mobile Phone jeans II

The purchase of insurance is basically Immediate

249 led by…….. pleasure Fear & Anxiety wellbeing Help others II
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
One after At different None of
250 In the process of selling insurance it can Simultaneously II
other times these
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens ……...
In the process of selling insurance it can
………Ifbe the
that production
service and
the customer's
expectations, the customer would be
251 ………If the insurance service exceeds annoyed not bothered delighted complain III
the customer's
expectations, the customer would be
………If the insurance service exceeds
Reliability &
252 Major indicators of service quality Responsivenes Assurance & Both option A & None of I
……………. s Empathy B these

_______________ is not an indicator of Responsive

253 Cleverness Reliability Empathy I
service quality ness

The leading insurance agent gets Existing Only from new None of
254 patronage and support from ………… clients Agents clients these I

The seceret of Successful agent comes

255 from commitment to serving their TRUE FALSE I
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer …….. Over a long
Over a cup of Over a short
256 The sum of economic benefits can be tea Immediately period of time period of IV
derived from building a sound time
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer ……..
The sum of economic benefits can be long term
derived from building a sound Sum of costs Rank given to relationship Maximum
incurred while customer based with the
of that
can be
257 Customer lifetime value means servicing the business customerSum III
customer over on
his lifetime generated benefits that to the
possible expected loss involved is ……….. can be achieved customer
The insured needs to make sure that the Greater than Lower than the Equal than the None of
258 possible expected loss involved is ……….. the cost of cost of insurance cost of these I
The insured needs to make sure that the insurance insurance
If the probability
possible expectedofloss
or damage to an
is ………..
asset (including one’s body or health)
Retain the risk Insure the risk Avoid the risk Study
259 due to a peril is I
negligible then he may …………………... risk
If the probability of loss or damage to an
260 Opting deductible method is a way to reduce
cost of increase the cost having right
premium of premium sum insured reinsure I
needs to be a relationship.
designer of building
risk assessor,
customised trust and long-
261 The role of insurance Agent is underwriter, solutions and a term All of them IV
relationship relationship.
counsellor builder building
trust and long-
After the
The agent has to be in touch with the Well before Eexactly on the Only after the customer
262 renewal due care I
customer... renewal date. renewal date.
date. department'
s follow up.

Greeting him whatever
on special Visiting client assistance
What is the ideal way to keep the
263 relationship strong with the client? occasions like from time to possible in All of them IV
birthdays/fest time moments of
ivals difficulty or

264 During a claim settlement an agent TRUE FALSE II

does not have any role to play
non verbal & none of
265 Communication may take place oral & written option A & B III
body language these

will the appearance of agent help to

266 create the right first impression with YES NO I

Listening to
Interrupting Keeping silent the speaker
evaluating and
267 Active listening is ……… the speaker responding to while the other while II
with counter person is actively
what is being
arguments talking. doing
told. something

268 unethical behaviour automatically leads TRUE FALSE II

to good governance

Unethical behaviour shows: 1) Little

concern for others. 2)High concern for
269 others. 3) Little concern for self 4)High (1) and (3) (2) and (3) (1) and (4) (2) and (4) III
concern for self

Public Public Interest

What are the two instruments have Strict regulation
awareness and Litigation and None of
270 helped in achieving better and high II
accountability and governance? Consumer Right to penalty these
rights Information Act.

none of
271 Brech of trust is Ethical Unethical Legal these II

Recommending discontinuance of an
Regular Legally Unethical
272 existing policy and taking out a new one practice Criminal act acceptable practice IV
out of self intrest is

Holding in strict confidence of clients Ethical Commercial Customary Unethical

273 information is …………….. practice practice practice practice I
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and Insurance
approved by ……….. Regulatory and
The Insurance Indian
274 All insurance policy wordings, rates and Company only. Development Indian Judiciary Parliament II
the documents issued by insurance Authority of
companies are scrutinized and India
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
approved by ………..
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All the insurers, agents or
275 intermediaries are expected to be The Code of The Insurance The IRDA none of I
Conduct. Act Regulations these
guided by ………………….
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
276 Where a proposal is not filled in by the TRUE FALSE I
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
proposer, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where a proposal is not filled in by the
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
277 As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________ Assignment Nomination Both None II
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDAI guidelines, only___________
facility is available for health insurance

The insurer should respond to all

policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from

The insurer should respond to all

policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
278 The insurer should respond to all 10 days 15 days 7 days 30 days I
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from

The insurer should respond to all

policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from

The insurer should respond to all

policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from

The insurer should respond to all

policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
Material information disclosure is only Both Insurer &
279 applicable to….. Insurer Policyholder Policyholder Agent III

Omit any Submit wrong

280 While filling a proposal form, no agent is material information or Both Neither. III
to induce the prospect to …… information documents

Grievence redressel procedure should

281 be clearly described in the policy TRUE FALSE Optional None of I

A mediator Customer's
between Insurer's
282 Ombudsman is ………………. insurer & Judicial officer representative representati I
Customer ve

283 Ombudsman award should not Rs.10 lakh Rs.20 lakh Rs.30 lakh Rs.40 lakh II
Redressal of Public Grievances Rules General Health
284 Life Insurance All the three IV
1998 applies to ….. Insurance Insurance

A customer can resolve his complaint

285 through: (1)Insurers' individual (1) alone (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) Any of the 4 IV
grievance cell (2)IGMS (3)Ombudsman
(4)Consumer Forum.

One cannot file an IGMS complaint

286 without the help of an advocate. True FALSE II

One can approach the Ombudsman,

even as the complaint is pending in any
287 Court or Consumer Forum or in True FALSE II

288 An award passed by Ombudsman can True FALSE I

never be contested by the insurer….

289 protection against expenses following AN DISEASE ILLNESS/ACCID ALL THE IV




291 CUSTOMER SERVICE? (A) Reliability A, B and C B, C and D C, D and E A to E IV
(B)Responsiveness (C)Assurance (D)
Empathy (E) Tangibles


Sum total of
premiums and
Premiums and other revenue
received in the
other revenue
Premiums and past plus
that can be other revenue premium and
As per definition, what is Customer Life expected to be None of the
293 received in the other revenue III
Time value in insurance? received in the above
future from past from the expected in
policyholder. future and what
is possible to
policyholder . derive in future

BEST ADVICE clarifications at Empathy and
What are the roles of an INSURANCE ALL the
294 AGENT in CUSTOMER SERVICE? at the point of proposal stage help at the three IV
sale and accepatnce CLAIM STAGE

Which of the following are

communication modes?(i) Oral (i) and (ii) (i), (ii) and (iii) (i), (ii) and (iv)
295 (ii)Written (iii)Non-verbal (iv)Body- only only only ALL the four IV

Professional or
Hard-to-learn Strongly
296 Hard skills are….. work-related Manual skills II
skills skills learnt skills

Personality/int Skills which

297 Soft skills are………. Easy-to-learn Skills acquired erpersonal cannot be III
skills softly
skills taught at all.

ONE among the choices does not Arriving late Presenting

Talking in a
contribute to making a favourable FIRST for an oneself in neat A confident
298 IMPRESSION in CUSTOMER appointment/ and clean smiling face professional I
RELATIONSHIP? meeting clothing

What are the elements that go into GESTURES - ALL THE

impressing your customer? SMILING FACE ABOVE

What is not an element OF ACTIVE PAYING NOT BEING messages
prospect is


301 I don't agree I understand You are wrong II

attention to
the speaker,
Paying Giving an Providing giving an
302 Active Listening involves attention to occasional nod feedback occasional IV
the speaker and smile nod and
smile and

Ethical Ethical
Ethical Ethical behaviour helps behaviour is
behaviour is behaviour is not in developing expected
303 Select the correct statement: impossible III
while selling necessary for trust between from the top
insurance insurance agents the agent and managemen
the insurer t only

By being on
In customer relationship the first By being By showing showing
304 impression is created: confident By being on time interest interest and IV

has jurisdiction to entertain matters

where value of goods or services and State National
305 the compensation claim is up to 20 High Court District Forum Commission Commission II

Complaint Complaint insurance
against Complaint
306 Consumer Protection Act deals with: insurance against against brand companies, IV
companies shopkeepers brand and

A customer having complaint regarding District District
307 his insurance policy can approach IRDA IGMS Consumer Ombudsman Consumer I
Forum or
through Forum Ombudsma

308 One of the methods of reducing Reinsurance Deductible Co-insurance Rebate II

insurance cost of an insured is
In India _______________ insurance is Motor third Fire insurance Personal
309 mandatory party liability for houses insurance for accident I
domestic travel
310 Who provides the bred and butter of a Government Customer Company Obdusman Option 2
businees Owner

The role of customer service and

311 relationships in insurance is more TRUE FALSE Option 1
crtical than any other product

312 ____________is an intangible. House Insurance Mobile Phone Computer Option 2

The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
313 The purchase of insurance is based on Fear & Anxiety Immediate wellbeing Help others Option 1
The purchase of insurance is based on pleasure
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
The purchase of insurance is based on
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens one after at different None of
314 In the process of selling insurance it can simultaneously Option 3
other times these
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
In the process of selling insurance it can
be seen that production and
consumption happens
If the
In the insurance
process serviceinsurance
of selling exceeds the
it can
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
315 If the insurance service exceeds the annoyed not bothered delighted complain Option 3
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
expectations, the customer would be
If the insurance service exceeds the
Customer Companys
316 "SERVQUAL" stands for Service quality Agents Quality Option 1
Quality Quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality Reliability &
317 Major indicators of service quality Responsivenes Assurance & Tangibles All of these Option 4
Major indicators of service quality s Empaty
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality
Major indicators of service quality

318 The leading insurance agent gets only from new Agents existing clients None of Option 3
patronage & Support from clients these

319 The seceret of Successful agent comes TRUE FALSE Option 1

commitment to serving their customers
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound short period of long period of None of
320 relationship with a customer over aThe once only Option 3
time time these
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
sum of economic benefits that can be
derived from building a sound
relationship with a customer over aThe
long term
with the
m of
that can be
achieved by
building a
long term
with the
m of
that can be
achieved by
building a
long term
Sum of costs Maximum relationship
incurred while Rank given to insurance that with the
customer based customerSu
321 customer lifetime value means servicing the on business can be m of Option 4
customer over generated attributed to economic
his lifetime the customer
that can be
achieved by
building a
long term
with the
m of
that can be
achieved by
building a
long term
with the
m of
that can be
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the greater than equal than the
the cost of lower than the cost of
322 possible expected loss involved is cost of insurance All of these Option 1
The insured needs to make sure that the insurance insurance
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
possible expected loss involved is
The insured needs to make sure that the
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
None of
323 due to a peril is retain the risk insure the risk avoid the risk Option 1
negligible then he may these
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
due to a peril is
negligible then he may
If the probability of loss or damage to an
asset (including one’s body or health)
One of the methods of reducing
324 insurance cost of an insured is---- Rebate Deductible Co-insurance Reinsure Option 2

Holding strict confidence of clients none of

325 information is ethical unethical marketting tool these Option 1
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
company judicial none of
326 companies are scrutinized and itself IRDA authority these Option 2
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
companies are scrutinized and
All insurance policy wordings, rates and
the documents issued by insurance
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain none of
327 prescribed codes of conduct. rebate his own interest client interest these Option 1
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
The insurer, agent or any intermediary
should act according to certain
prescribed codes of conduct.
328 The IRDA was established in-------- 1999 2000 1938 1986 Option 2
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
329 incorporated at the end of proposal TRUE FALSE Option 1
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
incorporated at the end of proposal
Where the proposal is not filled by the
prospect, a certificate is to be
International Indian Insurance
330 IRDA Stands for Regulatory Regulatory & Regulatory & & Option 3
&Developmen Development Development
t Authority Authority Authority
t Authority
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance Both option A & None of
331 Assignment Nomination Option 2
products. B these
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
As per IRDA guidelines, only___________)
facility is available for health insurance
332 Which is launched an IGMS TRAI RBI SBI IRDA Option 4

Consumer disputes redressal agencies All the

333 are established which level District State National above Option 4

State level Consumer disputes Redressal

Agencies, value of 20 to 100 15 to 75 100 to 120 All the
334 Option 1
Goods/Service/Compansation claimed Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs above
upto _________

The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
335 the receipt of any communication from 10 days 15 days 7 days 30 days Option 1
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
issuing a duplicate policy within _____ of
the receipt of any communication from
The insurer should respond to all
policyholders’ servicing request such as
Both Insurer &
336 material information disclosure is only to insurer customer Customer advisor Option 3

During a service failure customer feels

337 there is a sense of unfairness, a feeling TRUE FALSE Option 1
of being cheated
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
338 Grievence redressel procedure in the TRUE FALSE Option 2
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
bought to notice of customer
Grievence redressel procedure in the
policy document should not be
Mediator for customers
insurer & insurers representati
339 Ombudsman is the judicial representative Option 1
Customer ve

How much fee for filing a complaint in

340 all three Consumer DisputesmRedressal Each Rs. Rs. 120 No fee Rs.500 Option 3
Agencies 100

341 Ombudsman award should not be more than 20 less than 20 lakh cannot award more than Option 1
lakh 10 lakh
342 Customer Grievance can be made thru IGMS Consumer forum al grivence cell All of these Option 4
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
343 An advocate is necessary for the True FALSE Option 2
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.
An advocate is necessary for the
purpose of filing a IGMS complaint.

Complaints can be made to the

Ombudsman, when the complaint is
344 True FALSE Option 2
pending in any Court or Consumer
Forum or in arbitration

trust and long-
trust and long-
trust and long-
trust and long-
trust and long-
trust and long-
needs to be a designer of term
risk assessor,
underwriter, customised relationship.
345 The role of insurance Agent is risk solutions and a building All of these Option 4
relationship trust and long-
management builder term
counsellor relationship.
trust and long-
trust and long-
trust and long-
trust and long-
trust and long-
customer trust and long-
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the inform
customer exactly on the informing
company well before
346 The agent needs to be in touch with the date of during grace customer care renewal due Option 4
customer renewal period to follow up
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
The agent needs to be in touch with the
customer to get the client
helps to resell to get
What are the benefits if an Agents and reaffirm thinking about referrals,to All are
347 deliver the policy the next correct Option 4
the need build prestige
time, assistance in
visiting time to any way
time, possible.
visiting time to moment of
time, difficulty or
visiting time to sorrow by
time, offering
visiting time to assistance in
time, any way
visiting time to possible.
time, moment of
visiting time to difficulty or
time, sorrow by
visiting time to offering
time, assistance in
visiting time to any way
time, possible.
visiting time to moment of
time, difficulty or
visiting time to sorrow by
time, offering
visiting time to assistance in
time, any way
visiting time to possible.
time, moment of
visiting time to difficulty or
time, sorrow by
visiting time to offering
time, assistance in
greeting him visiting time to any way
The relationship gets strengthened by on some time, possible.
348 keeping in touch with the client occasions like visiting time to moment of All of these Option 4
festivals time, difficulty or
visiting time to sorrow by
time, offering
visiting time to assistance in
time, any way
visiting time to possible.
time, moment of
visiting time to difficulty or
time, sorrow by
visiting time to offering
time, assistance in
visiting time to any way
time, possible.
visiting time to moment of
time, difficulty or
visiting time to sorrow by
time, offering
visiting time to assistance in
time, any way
visiting time to possible.
time, moment of
visiting time to difficulty or
time, sorrow by
visiting time to offering
time, assistance in
visiting time to any way
time, possible.
visiting time to moment of
time, difficulty or
visiting time to sorrow by
time, offering
Its not one of the Good First Impression Present yourself
349 in customer relationship Not be on time appropriately Confident All of these Option 1

350 Communication may take place Oral & Written Non verbal Using body All of these Option 4

351 How to appear confident and self Posture Eye Contact Gestures - All of these Option 4
assured to impression of someone ? Smiling face

Whether the appearance of agent help

352 to create the right first impression with YES NO Option 1

Which among the following is not an Paying good Being extremely Empathetic Responding
353 appropriatel Option 2
element of active listening? attention judgemental listening y

Which is one of the empathetic listening

354 I Don't see I Understand I see Above B & C Option 4

unethical behaviour automatically leads

355 to good governance TRUE FALSE Option 2

little concern
for others and high concern for both option A & none of
356 . Unethical behaviour shows others and little Option 1
high concern concern for self B these
for self
instruments to achieve better
accountability and governance.
Public Interest Litigation & Right to
Information Act have
assumed considerable importance as
instruments to achieve better
accountability and governance.
Public Interest Litigation & Right to
Information Act have
357 assumed considerable importance as TRUE FALSE Option 1
instruments to achieve better
accountability and governance.
Public Interest Litigation & Right to
Information Act have
assumed considerable importance as
instruments to achieve better
accountability and governance.
Public Interest Litigation & Right to
Information Act have
assumed considerable importance as
none of
358 Brech of trust is ethical unethical legal these Option 2

Recommending discontinuance of an
none of
359 existing policy and taking out a new one ethical unethical legal these Option 2
out of self intrest is

Which is the first life insurance Oriental Life Oriental Life Triton Insurance
360 insurance Co. insurance Co. Insurance Co. Option-2
company in India? Ltd. in 1850 Ltd. in 1818 Ltd. in 1850 Co. Ltd. in

When did Life Insurance Companies Act

361 pass in India? 2000 1958 1912 1948 Option-3

National Oriental Life

Which is the oldest insurance company IRDA Act
362 in India which still exists today? Insurance insurance Co. LIC Act 1956 1999 Option-1
1906 Ltd. in 1818

363 When was Life insurance business October . 2000 January . 2000 October . 1999 September . Option-4
nationalised? 1956
364 When was GIC nationalisation & set up? 1919 1972 1956 1949 Option-2

When was IRDA formed as a statutory September . March .

365 regulatory body? April . 2000 April . 1999 1956 1986 Option-1

How many LI companies are present in

366 26 21 25 24 Option-4
India today?

How many GI companies are present in

367 India today? 11 26 28 24 Option-3

368 What are the determinants of health? Lifestyle Environmental Genetic factors All the Option-4
factors factors three.

services healthcare
offered by the services specialized
doctors & provided by consultative
small clinics medical healthcare for
What does Primary health care refers which are specialists inpatients on none of
369 to? three Option-1
contacted first professionals referral from
by the patient who do not have secondary care
for any first contact providers.
sickness with patient

services services offered specialized
provided by by the doctors & consultative
medical healthcare for
What does Teritiary health care refers specialists small clinics inpatients on
370 to? professionals which are referral from option 1 & 2 Option-3
contacted first
who do not by the patient primary/second
have first for any sickness ary care
contact with providers.

Regular day
What are the examples of teritiary cancer OPD for stomach clinics/hospital care
371 health care? treatment pain s at taluka level treatment at Option-1
a clinic

What are the factors affecting the health Demographic All the
372 or Population Social trends Life expectancy Option-4
systems in India? related trends three.

health services
introduced for workers through a
373 What is applicable in case of Employees’ blue-collar employed in the network of its All the Option-4
State Insurance Scheme? formal private three.
workers sector own
and hospitals

Cash Funeral
Maternity Free health compensation expenses in
374 What benefits are not included in ESIC? for loss of case of Option-2
benefit check up wages due to death of
sickness worker
375 Workers earning upto what wages are
covered under the ESIC scheme? Rs. 10000 Rs. 5000 Rs. 15000 Rs. 12000 Option-3
Cent Govt
introduced in employees for
1954 for the pensioners and
What applicable in case of Central
377 Government Health Scheme (CGHS) central their family None of above option 1 & 2 Option-4
government members
employees working in
civilian jobs

In which year was Mediclaim introduced

378 in Indian Market? 1950 1986 1956 1999 Option-2

Which community volunteers serve as The Trained Birth (Accredited All the
379 link between govt & village at village Anganwadi Attendants Social Health three. Option-4
level? workers (TBA)
Which community volunteers do not Naari Shakti Trained Birth The
serve as link between govt & village at Social
380 Association Attendants Anganwadi Option-2
village level? Activist (NSA) (TBA) workers
by the people
381 What is applicable in case of Insurance by insurers by remunerated
customers by want
Brokers? way of and connect a&c Option-4
What is applicable in case of Insurance
customers by a&c Option-4
382 Brokers? way of and connect
insurance way of insurance them to
can act only
on behalf of
agents can place
usually insurance only one GIC, one
LIC, one
individuals with the
What is applicable in case of Insurance health
383 Agents ? but some can insurance a,b &d insurer and Option-3
be corporate company they
one of each
agents too have an agency
with of the mono

agents can
place Agents
insurance the represent the
choice of people who
What is applicable in case of Insurance insurance want insurance
384 Both a & b b Option-4
Agents? company they and are
wish remunerated by
irrespective of insurers by way
their agency of commission

385 In which year Third Party 2000 1986 1999 2001 Option-4
Administrators came into existence?

TPAs are
funded by TPAs are funded
insurers and by the insurers
are and are
TPAs get
remunerated remunerated by All are
386 What is applicable in case of TPA? monthly salary Option-1
by them by them by way of from insurers incorrect
way of fees fees which are a
which are a percentage of
percentage of brokerage
the premium.

387 Identify NON-SAHI Company Apollo Munich Star Health Magma HDI Max Bupa Option-3

388 Identify SAHI Company ICICI Lombard Kotak Mahindra IFFCO Tokio TTK Cigna Option-4

They seek
authorization to
newest types oldest types of perform
of service service telemarketing
What is correct in respect of Insurance providers to providers to be functions for
389 a&c Option-4
Web Aggregators? be governed governed by the insurers
by IRDAI IRDAI such as
regulations regulations premium
through online

They are They are

They are given remunerated by remunerated by
How are Insurance Web Aggregators insurers based brokers based none of
390 remunerated? commission on the leads on the leads three Option-2
by IRDA converted to converted to
business. business.

their web
site and/or
Through their telemarketi
They procure web site & ng, they
They procure business only telemarketing, solicit
business through they solicit insurance
How do Insurance Web Aggregators online through
391 work? Insurance telemarketing & insurance business Option-4
company's with coming face business by through
to face with the coming face to distance
portal prospects face with the marketing
prospect without
coming face
to face with
the prospect

392 When did General Insurance business 1972 1999 1930 2000 Option-1
Act come into existence?

In which year did IRDA act pass in the December .

393 March . 1986 December . 2000 July . 1999 Option-3
Government? 1999

To assist
It provides key insurance they are the
It provides key companies and
inputs to inputs to the TPAs in latest types
What is correct in case of Insurance Insurers to Regulator and assessing health of
394 help them intermediar Option-2
Information Bureau of India form effective the Government insurance risks ies to be
marketing to assist them in of prospective governed by
policymaking clients during
strategies acceptance of IRDAI

First through Health Four PSUs & all

Mediclaim in Insurance in private through ESI
1986, followed India formally insurance Scheme,
by ESI began with the companies are
How was the Evolution of health Scheme, then beginning of the soley then
395 Insurance in India? through CGHS ESI Scheme & till responisible for through Option-4
CGHS and
and then date is the only evolution of then widely
widely popular medium Health through
through to buy Health Insurance
Mediclaim Insurance Market Mediclaim

In case of disputes, redressal of

396 consumer grievences Branch Office Ombudsman Agent TPA Option-2

Which of these Health Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Web

397 intermediaries are governed by IRDA Brokers Agents Aggregators All of above Option-4

Which of theses Health Insurance Malhotra Insurance

Insurance Web Insurance
398 intermediaries are not governed by Aggregators Brokers Committee Marketing Option-3
IRDA Members Firms

To assist
companies in To explore and To seek IRDAI
health recommend authorization to
399 Why was Malhotra committee insurance changes for perform None of Option-2
established? development of telemarketing above
risks of insurance functions for
customers industry the insurers
acceptance of

400 The Great Fire of London took place in 1966 1591 14th Century 1680 Option-1
which year?

Need to set up healthcare facilities in a Social and Socio-economic

401 district or a state will be based upon mental health factors such as Death rate All of above Option-4
which health care factors? of the people affordability

Which of these educational institutes do Chartered Insurance National

402 not provide training to would-be agents Insurance Insurance Information Insurance Option-3
Institute of India
related to insurance? Institute Bureau of India Academy

403 What is the meaning of Geriatric Bariatric Old age related Spinal Cord Teritary Option-2
diseases surgeries surgeries diseases care
expenses in
404 Which expenses are not covered under OPD expenses IPD expenses Maternity case of Option-1
the ESIC scheme? expenses
death of
Accredited Associated Accredited
None Of
405 What is the full form of ASHA Social Health Social Health Social Health Above Option-3
Agent Activist Activist
406 Pharma sector in India comes under State Ministry of Urban India Ministry of Option-2
what? Government Chemicals Health

TPAs are not TPAs source

TPAs source authorized to business for
business for sell insurance. TPAs get selected
407 What is applicable in case of TPA? selected They provide monthly salary Insurance Option-1
Insurance administrative from insurers Firms as
Firms services to directed by
insurance firms IRDAI

Insurance Institute of Insurance Institute of

Information Information Investigation Investigatio
408 What is the full form of IIBI Bureau Of Broadcasting Of n Bureau Of Option-1
India India Bureau Of India India

Rahul's father underwent an intensive

treatment at home which generally
happens in a hospital. The attending Intensive Care Critical illness In-patient Domiciliary
409 treatment at Hospitalisat Option-4
doctor certified that the hospital had no treatment home Department ion
bed for taking him in then. In medical
insurance this is termed as

Hospital should have with at least__in-

410 patient beds in towns having a 12 15 20 10 Option-4
population of less than 10 Lakhs

In domiciliary hospitalisation certain cancer Dysentry, gout Brain tumor

411 heart attack Option-3
diseases excluded are: treatment & arthritis

TPAs represent customers and are True, if policy is None of

412 remunerated by Insurers TRUE FALSE in first year above Option-2

India being second largest populated

country in the world, she is exposed to Demographic or
413 problems associated with population Social Trends Economic Trends Population Option-3
growth and poverty. This holds true in related trends expectancy
respect of
………… a feature in health insurance
which enables to a policy holder to
transfer his policy from one insurer to Cashless Service portability Grace Period Free look B
another with all due credits gained and provision
allowance for time bound exclusions

charges incurred
primarily for
Cost of diagnostic Doctors fee,
What among the following is not included Room rent and C
415 in health insurance cover investigation nursing charges purposes specialists
and tests without active fee etc
treatment in

In domiciliary hospitalisation benefit

416 certain diseases excluded are Heart attack Cough, cold, flu Brain tumor Cancer B
and dysentry

Waiting period for PEDs in Health 15days 90days 48months 12months B

policies are
none of the
418 Smoking is ………. Peril physical risk Hazard given C
cost of
Anesthesia, change of sex or
What among the following is not included chemotherapy
419 blood and cosmetic/aesthe Dialysis C
in health insurance cover oxygen costs and radio tic treatment
420 Lung cancer is ………… ? Peril Hazard moral risk risk A
Only actual
In case of a property insured with two Both the Claim will be The insured loss will be
421 companies will D
companies and a claim arises,then………… rejected benefits. compensate
settle claim

Which document contains information

which are useful for the insurance
422 Proposal form claim form health report policy bond A
company to accept the risk offered for

If the reimbursement of Medical expenses

is at actuals, the policy is issued
Indemnity Hospital
423 Benefit Basis PPN Policy A
basis cashless

Paid If the Paid in full as per Not paid during Paid if taken
as rider in
424 Stem cell implantation is ……. claim is new Health lifetime of the health C
payable Regulation insured policy

Recovery benefit, Donor's Expenses, Loss Manadatory Optional Covers Basic covers Extended B
425 of pay, Reinstatement of policy are all ….. Covers Covers

Critical illness Hospital cash

Overseas plus plus Personal
426 Which of the these is not package policy? reimbursement reimbursement Accident D
Travel policy of Medical of Medical policy
Expenses Expenses

427 Personal accident policies offer cover ent Medical Education All of the D
against disability/Tem Extension Cover Benefit above

Employer Non Employer Employer

employee where All of the
428 Group Personal accident policies are given Employee employee names are not above
relationship relationship given
Special products include Disease Hospital cash Compensation A
429 specific covers products Based products subsidized

Services of independent organizatons for

430 managing health insurance claims are PPN AMC TPA Claims desk C
known as

A Network of hospitals created by Cashless Prefered Network

431 insurers to ensure quality services at Best Providers' TPA B
Rates is called …………….. Network Network provider

15 Days
30 days from 15 Days from 15 Days from from
432 Health Policy has free look period of proposal receipt of the B
reeived issuance of policy policy despatch of
the policy

Entire % of At the same rate 5 % for each depends on

433 After a claim, how would NCB be reduced? company to B
NCB it accrued claim company

Payable if
waiver of
Payable if Payable as per grace period
Claim during the grace period is Not payable IRDA's New A
434 renewed before health As selected
hospitalization Regulation at the time
of buying
health cover

On time issuance Underwritin

Claims paying
One of the key rating factors of an ability of the of policy Number of g policy of
435 insurance compnay is: insurance documents by the branches the A
Insurance Insurance
company Company Company

Who among the following is considered

436 as Primary Stakeholders in insurance Owners Insurance Agents Brokers Customers D
claim process

The health insurance loss ratio of various 65 to above 120

437 30 to 150 % 50 to 80 % 40 to 100 % B
insurers ranging from %

What is the pecularity of health

insurance portfolio in relation to claims:
1)The policies are issued on indemnity None of the
438 basis. 2)The subject matter covered is a Choice 1 Choices 1 & 2 All 3 of them C
human being 3)The fact that a above
human body cannot be standardized for

Submission of Verification of Releasing

439 What is the first step in claim process? Intimation documents Documents payment A

Which is the correct choice: "When

should a claim intimation be given to the
insurance company? 1)Before
hospitalisation in case of planned
440 hospitalisation 2)Within 24 hrs of Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Both 1 & 2 D
hospitalisation in case of emergency
hospitalisation 3)At the time of discharge
4)At the time of submission of

To check if
To carry out To discuss with the insured
checks on the the hospital and
Why do insurance companies insist on correctness of collect To make a has
441 timely intimation? insurance information on reserve/provisio sufficient A
n for the claim. balance in
claims by treatment and his policy
customer rates. account.

To record
442 How does the registration of the claim To assess loss To trace and number of To make B
help the insurer? track the claim claims coming in provisions

Hospital Documentar
443 Name the documents that is not verified registration Investigation Payment made y evidence of A
for processing the claims document. Reports and bills to the hospital illness
Treatment Treatment is
procedures is dependent on Cost is based on
standard and medicines used None of the
444 The advantage of package rates is: cost of the financial and length of above A
procedures is capacity of the treatment

Which among the given abbreviation

445 captures the procedures performed to ICD DCI CPT PCT C
treat the illness?

International Indian International Indian

446 What is ICD? Classification Classification of Code for Classificatio A
of Diseases Diseases Diagnosis n of Doctors

For a health claim to be admissible, name

two conditions to be satisfied: 1)The
person should be covered under the
447 insurance policy 2)Treatment must be Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1&4 Choice 3&4 Choice 2&3 B
taken only in a network hospital
3)Treatment must be for a minimum of 3
days. 4)Admission to hospital must be
during the policy period.
Under which of the following condition, is
domciliary hospitalisation is covered in a
health insurance policy: 1)Patient's
condition is such that he/she cannot be
removed to the Hospital. Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1&3 Choice 1&4 None of the C
448 2)No above
hospital available nearby.
3)No ambulance
available to shift
4)No hospital bed available

The reason for excluding pre-existing

disease is: 1) A certainty cannot be
449 covered in insurance 2) In due course, it Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 C
may result in a claim. 3)Both the above 4)
None of the above

Mention the illness for which there is Hospitalisati

450 awaiting period of one year / two years Cataract Heart Disease Malaria on due to A
on insurance policy accident

Treatment for Medical

The Standard exclusion under health Epidemic the same disease Hospitalisation Treatment D
451 insurance policies are Diseases more than once due to accident outside
in a policy period India

The duties of the insured in case of claim

are: 1)Intimation of claim within certain
None of the
452 period 2)Submission of documents within Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1 & 3 Choice 1, 2 & 3 above C
a certain period 3)Not being involved in

The expenses incurred in treating an

illness can be classified in to 1) Expenses
453 of Cure and Care 2)Expenses of Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 A
rehabilitation 3) Expenses on cosmetic
treatment 4)Expenses on rejuvenation
and restoration

Name few documents required for

settlement of health insurance claims: 1)
454 Claim form 2)Payment Receipts 3)Tests Only 1 & 2 Only 1 & 4 1, 2 & 4 All of them D
and investigation Reports 4)Discharge

Admission is Admitted for the Admitted in non

455 Reasons for denial of claims are only for same illness networking None of the A
investigation above
purpose twice in a year hospital

In case of denial claim, the insured has

Branch Insurance
456 the option to approach the following Manager Government Insurance Agent Ombudsman D

Few examples of fraud committed in Fabrication of Inflation of
457 health insurance are Impersonation documents converted to expenses All the four
458 TPA stands for Third Party Third Party Third Party Third Party C
Adjudicators Arbitrators Administrator Aggregator

The amount of provision made for all

459 claims in the books of the insurer based Reserving Sharing Investing Pooling A
on the status the claim is known as…..

The insurance
approves Insurance claim
Cashless facility means treatment is not paid by Cash is paid less None of the A
460 cash, but by to the hospital. above
expenses and
pays the same cheque or NEFT
directly to the
Money Back
461 Personal Accident Policies are ……. Benefit Policy Indemnity Policy Whole life policy Policy A

If there is
element of If accident is
The main objective of investigation under fraud or If insured is If insured's due to the
462 PA policies is to check exaggeration having any other family is covered fault of the A
policies for PA
of claim insured.

Which of the following documents are

NOT required to be submitted for
Permanent Total Disablility Claim:
463 1)Fitness Certificate from treating doctor. Both 1 & 2 Both 1 & 3 Both 2 & 4 Both 3 & 4 A
2)Discharge summary from the hospital
3)Completed Claim Form 4)Permanent
disablity certificate from a civil surgeon.

In Overseas Travel policies, foreign Only cashless None of the

464 currency payment is effected for ……… All claims claims Only PA claims above B

Under Overseas Travel Policies, By the By the Insured ent clams
465 reimbursement claims are filed…… Assistance By the TPA after return to are not C
Company India

Under Overseas Travel Policies in which

466 cases, claims are paid upfront by the Untenable Bail Bond cases All claims under None of the B
assistance company claims OMP Policies above

Control of Identification of Detection of study of
467 What is the object of Coding in claims? fraudulent D
claims hospitals claims claims and
its patterns.

An Insurer can appoint any one to None of the

468 Chief Agent Special Agent Principal Agent D
transact insurance business as above

Any one can offer,renew Insurance

469 policy through Multi level marketing TRUE FALSE B

An Insurance Agent who has

470 surrendered his appointment may seek TRUE FALSE A
fresh appointment with other insurer.

After how many days of seassation one

can seek appointment with other None of the
471 After 30 days After 180 days After 90 days above C

The Insurer need not to keep any record

472 of the agent after the appointment is TRUE FALSE B

Violates the Fails to comply

provisions of with the code of
Appointment of an agent can be Violates terms
473 suspended by the insurer if agent ? the Insurance conduct of appointment All above D
Act,1938 (4 of stipulated in
1938) Regulation 8

Fails to furnish
information Does not submit
relating to Fails to comply periodical
474 Appointment of an agent can be his/her with the returns as All above D
suspended by the insurer if agent ? activities as an directions issued required by the
agent as by the Authority; Insurer/Authori
required by ty;
the Insurer or
the Authority

Either directly
Fails to resolve or indirectly
the complaints involves in VioletsInsuranc
of the e Regulatory
policyholders embezzlement and
475 Appointment of an agent can be or fails to give of premiums / Development All above D
suspended by the insurer if agent ? cash collected
a satisfactory from Authority Act,
reply to the policyholders/pr 1999 (41 of
Authority in 1999)
ospects on
this behalf behalf
of insurer

An Insurance agent can Demand or

476 receive a share of proceeds from the TRUE FALSE B
beneficiary under an insurance

Appointment of Insurance Agent

477 regulations came into force with effect April 1st, 2016 July 1st 2016 May, 2015 None of A

The first time applicant for appointment

as an agent shall have completed
478 practical training in life or general or TRUE FALSE A
health insurance business from an
IRDAI approved institution or insurance
An individual
appointed by an
insurer for the
Person A Person
purpose of None of
479 An "Insurance Agent" means? nominated by nominated by soliciting or these C
IRDAI Insurer

One who is
an individual
who is appointed by One who is
two life
appointed as appointed by 2
insurance None of
480 “Composite Insurance Agent” means? an insurance companies and General these A
agent by two Insurance
two general
or more companies
insurer Insurance

All three
options Any Pvt Internally recruitment
Institution tests for
481 “Examination Body” means? mention conducted by D
which conducts insurance
below are examination insurer agents and
which is
by the

The Designated Official may refuse to

grant Agency Appointment to any
482 applicant if the applicant does not fulfil FALSE TRUE B
any of the conditions mentioned in
these Regulations.

The pass certificate issued by the Twenty

483 Examining Body shall be in force for a One Month Six Month Twelve Months Four C
period of Months

It is not necessary to disclose the scale Client can not
484 Not Necessary Necessary even if it is B
of commision even if it is asked asked not asked

An Agent must
Not required to At the time of It is none of
485 Adverse habitsofand incom inconsistancy
bring in to
notice of bring in to Claim it can be the duty of A
notice informed an agent

An Agent can become director of the

486 insurer TRUE FALSE A

Insurance agents who hold valid licence Common

487 to act as agent for both life and general insurance insurance agents B
Insurance are called … agents

Which of the intermediary is not Insurance Individual

involved in procurement of business? brokers agents

Insurance Regulatory and Development

Authority of India(IRDAI) Act 1999,
489 created the IRDAI as an independent TRUE FALSE A
authority for the purpose of regulating
the insurance industry.

If the insurance agent suffers, at any

time during the currency of the
appointment as agent, from any of the Barred for 3 Suspend for
490 disqualifications mentioned in the Cancelled years Warned some time A
regulations, then her / his appointment
can be

Health Insurance products may be None of
491 offered only by companies licensed by GIC IRDAI institute of these B

Agent must act in the interests of the

insurance company by understanding
492 the risk insured properly enough so as TRUE FALSE A
to avoid any adverse selection against
the insurance company

Agent role is to recommend to clients

493 the right products that address the TRUE FALSE A
clients’ needs.

The Form that a COMPOSITE

INSURANCE AGENT must use for
494 applying to the Designated Official of the Form I-B Form I-A Form I-C None of A
concerned life, non-life, health insurer these

Which CODE demands that the agent General

495 should disclose the commission scale in Agents’ code IRDAI's code of Insurance None of A
respect of the insurance product offered of conduct conduct Council code of these
for sale, if asked by the prospect? conduct

Any person who acts as an insurance

agent in contravention of the Act is
496 liable to pay a penalty which may extend Rs. 10000 Rs. 1 Crore Rs 10 Crore Rs. 10 Lacs A
up to

Any insurer or person acting on behalf

of an insurer who appoints any person
as an insurance agent not permitted to
497 act as such or transacts any insurance Rs. 10000 Rs. 1 Crore Rs 10 Crore Rs. 10 Lacs B
business in India through such person is
liable to pay a penalty which may extend
up to

The insurer shall be liable for any acts

or omissions of his agents including
498 violation of code of conduct and is liable Rs. 10000 Rs. 1 Crore Rs 10 Crore Rs. 10 Lacs B
to pay a penalty which may extend up to

An agent who has surrendered his

appointment may seek fresh
appointment with another insurer. In
499 such a case, the agent has to produce a Form I-B Form I-A Form I-C None of C
Cessation Certificate issued by the these
previous insurer issued in" Form......... .."
along with agency application form and
other details. Which Form...?

General conditions for appointment of

500 Agents by the insurer shall be as per 31st March 31st Dec every 1st April every No deadline. A
"Board Approved Policy’ which should every year year year
be filed with the IRDAI before

Prohibition of
Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 rebates in Prohibition of Prohibition of None of the
501 speaks about…….. commission rebates by rates by Brokers above A
by any agents alone alone
Published in
Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 the Voluntarily Demanded by Amount
502 does not prohibit rebates…… brochure/pros offered by the the client given by A
agent cheque

Which element of a valid contract deals I. Offer and IV. Capacity

503 with premium? acceptance II. Consideration III. Free consent of parties to II. Consideration

_____________ relates to inaccurate I. IV.

504 statements, which are made without any Misrepresenta II. Contribution III. Offer Representat I. Misrepresentation
fraudulent intention. tion ion

505 ________________
involves pressure applied II. Undue
through criminal means. I. Fraud influence III. Coercion IV. Mistake III. Coercion

III. They are

contracts III. They are
I. They are between two IV. They are contracts between
verbal II. They are
which are parties
to two
parties (insurer
Which among the following is true
506 regarding life insurance contracts? contracts not verbal legally and insured) as similar
wager and insured) as per
legally enforceable requirements per requirements of
enforceable of contracts Indian Contract Act,
Indian Contract 1872
Act, 1872

507 Which of the below is not a valid I. Money II. Property III. Bribe IV. Jewellery III. Bribe
consideration for a contract?
Which of the below party is not eligible I. Business IV.
508 II. Minor III. House wife Government II. Minor
to enter into a life insurance contract? owner

I. Lying about
II. Not revealing III. Disclosing III. Disclosing
known material known material IV. Paying known material
509 Which of the below action showcases medical facts on an facts on an premium on facts on an
the principle of “Uberrima Fides”? conditions on
insurance insurance time insurance proposal
an insurance
proposal form proposal form proposal form form

I. Father II. Spouses III. Friends Employer
taking out III. Friends taking
Which of the below is not correct with taking out taking out taking out
510 insurance out insurance on
regards to insurable interest? policy on his insurance on insurance on insurance one another
one another one another on

IV. Either at
III. Insurable time of
When is it essential for insurable I. At the time II. At the time of interest is not policy I. At the time of
511 interest to be present in case of life of taking out taking out
claim required in case purchase or
insurance? insurance insurance
of life insurance at the time
of claim

Find out the proximate cause for death

in the following scenario? Ajay falls off
a horse and breaks his back. He lies III. Falling off a III. Falling off a
512 there in a pool of water and contracts I. Pneumonia II. Broken back horse IV. Surgery horse
pneumonia. He is admitted to the
hospital and dies because of pneumonia.

I.Offer & IV. All the

513 Elements Of Valid Contract Acceptance II.Consideration III.Legality Above IV. All the Above

……….. Principle prevents profiting in I.Utmost good III. Causa

514 II. Indemnity IV. Coercion II. Indemnity
the name of insurance faith proxima

Consideration in insurance is the III. Insurance

515 I.Sum insured II. Bonus IV.Premium IV.Premium
……………….. company

Person taking an insurance policy is also

516 called …….? I. Insured II. Insurer III. Ombudsman IV.IRDA I. Insured

i. Above 18 II. Above 20

517 For contracting one should be …………. ? yers years III. Insolvent IV.Insane i. Above 18 yers

Applying pressure on someone through II. Mis III. Undue

518 I. Fraud IV.Coercion IV.Coercion
criminal means is …………..? representation influence

……………. prevents the insured from II.utmost good IV.Subrogati

519 I.Mistake III. indeminty IV.Subrogation
collecting twice for the loss faith on

II. Same asset is

insured with III. Company is IV.Asset is II. Same asset is
520 Principle of contribution applies when I. Asset is sold more than one insured with more
liquidated liquidated than one company
I. Seller IV.Beware of
521 “Caveat Emptor” means…………? beware II. Agent beware III.Buyer beware God III.Buyer beware

522 If undue influence is used, contract is I. Invalid II. Valid III.Enforcable IV.Legal I. Invalid

523 Giving wrong information in proposal I. Valid II. Claim III. Cancellation IV.No claim III. Cancellation of
form can lead to…………….? contracts settlement of contract bonus contract

524 Making false statements intentionally is I. Accepted in II. Good III. Coercion IV.Fraud IV.Fraud
……………? terms of law
I. Value II. Indemnity III. Both are IV.Both are II. Indemnity
525 Health Insurance Contracts are…………..?
Contracts Contracts correct wrong Contracts
526 Principle of contribution applies I. Life II. Non life III. Both are IV.Both are II. Non life
to………….? Insurance insurance correct wrong insurance

527 For taking insurance …………….is most I. Premium II. Agent III. Personal IV.Insurable IV.Insurable Interest
needed ? interest Interest

I. Does he II. Does the

Mr. Chandrasekhar owns a house for
which he has taken a mortgage loan of have an bank have an III. What about IV. Both A &
528 Rs. 15 lakhs from a bank. Ponder over insurable insurable his neighbour? B IV. Both A & B
interest in the interest in the
the below questions: house? house?

I. Does he
II. Does he stand
Mr. Srinivasan has a family consisting of have an to financially III. What about
529 spouse, two kids and old parents. insurable lose if any of his neighbour‟s IV. Both A & IV. Both A & B
interest in B
Ponder over the below questions: their well- them are kids?
being? hospitalised?

Which among the following options I. Ramesh‟s II. Ramesh‟s III. Ramesh‟s IV.
530 cannot be insured by Ramesh? house spouse friend Ramesh‟s III. Ramesh‟s friend

The special features of insurance i. Uberrima ii. Insurable iii. Proximate IV. All the
531 contracts include: fides, interest, cause Above IV. All the Above

532 The absence of which of the following I.Offer ii.Consideration III. Legality of IV.All the IV.All the three.
makes a contract void ? object three.

Mr.A threatened Mr. B and forced him to

533 enter a contract.This is an example I.Valid ii.Coercion III. IV.fraud ii.Coercion
contracts Consideration

The absence of which of the following III. Legality of IV.All the

534 makes a contract void ? I.Offer ii.Consideration object three. IV.All the three.

Mr.A threatened Mr. B and forced him to

enter a contract.This is an example I. Valid III.
535 contracts ii.Coercion Consideration IV.fraud ii.Coercion

536 There is NO insurable interest in one of I. Father -son ii.employee- III. husband-
following options. Which one? employer wife sister

III. both IV. neither

537 The principle of utmost good faith I. only insurers ii.only proposer insurers and insures nor III. both insurers
applies to................... proposer proposer and proposer

I. One party ii.One party III. One party IV.One party

makes an
A contract comes into existence makes an offer makes an offer makes an offer offer which IV.One party makes
538 when………………………….. which the which the other where other the other an offer which the
other party party put extra party gives other party accepts.
denies conditions counter offer party

I. Insuarnce
What differentiates insurance from has insurable ii.Gambling is III. Gambling is IV.Both are I. Insuarnce has
539 enforceable insurable interest
gambling? interest (Legal banned free. at law (Legal relationship)

I. to make
540 The concept of insurance is______________ money out of earn interest III. to share earn a III. to share losses
death losses by many status by many

Insurance reduces the extent of financial III. True, but IV.does not III. True, but only to
541 loss connected with uncertain I. TRUE ii.FALSE only to the reduce the the extent of
extent of
events______ insurance cover loss at all insurance cover

I. protects III. reduces the IV.Avoids III. reduces the

542 Insurance cover___________ assets ii. prevents loss impact of loss losses impact of loss
Personal accident does not cover the I. intentional II. accidental III. injuries IV. injuries I. intentional self-
543 while engaged due to dog
injuries resulting from___________ self-injury injuries in sports bite injury

The principle of _______________ ensures

that an insured does not profit by I. IV.
544 Subrogation II. Contribution III. co-insurance Indemnity II. Contribution
insuring with multiple insurers.

I. It ensures IV. It
that the III. It ensures ensures that
II. It ensures that that multiple the III. It ensures that
insured also all the insured insures premium is multiple insures
What is the significance of the principle contributes a who are a part of covering the contributed covering the same
545 certain
of contribution? portion of the the pool, same subject by the subject matter
claim along contribute to the matter insured in contribute in
claim contribute in equal proportion.
with the proportion. installments
insurer over

For taking insurance,the insured must IV.

546 bear a …………. Relationship ? I. illegal II. Personal III. Legal Professional III. Legal

The principle of utmost good faith

547 applies to………….. I. Insurer II. insured III.Both IV. None III.Both

548 insurance is an absolutely …………………. i. Legal ii. Quasi-legal III. Illegal IV. Wagering i. Legal

Ram has insured his house, worth Rs. 10

lakhs, for the full amount. He suffers loss iv.none of
549 on account of fire estimated at Rs. I.Rs.70,000 ii.10,00,000 iii.1,00,000 I.Rs.70,000
70000. The insurance company would the Above
pay him an amount of

Suppose the house, worth Rs. 10 lakhs

has only been insured for a sum of Rs. 5
550 lakhs. If the loss on account of fire is Rs. I. RS.60,000 II.70,000 III. 30,000 iv.none of III. 30,000
60000,The insurance company would the Above
pay him an amount of
David made a proposal for an insurance
policy. At the time of applying for the
policy, David was suffering from
Diabetes and under treatment, But II. Insurance III. Company II. Insurance Policy
Policy will be IV. None of
551 David did not disclose this fact to the I. Paid will pay Part will be declared
declared Null the above
insurance company. Few years down the and Void Payment Null and Void
line, David‟s health deteriorated He
could not recover and died, Claim will
be ............?

The special features of insurance i. Uberrima ii. Insurable iii. Proximate IV. All the
552 contracts include: fides, interest, cause Above IV. All the Above

553 Which is not covered in OPM policy Trip Pre Exesiting Hijack Cover Sponsor B
Cancellation Disease Protection
554 who are Payers of claims Customers Owners Government Hospital B
Maintain Ensure long
order in the Protect policy term financial All above
555 IRDA's main objective is insurance holder interest health of health three D
environment insurer.

556 Who is not stake holder in claim IRDA Shareholders of TPA Hospitals D
payment the company
To know
Health Insurance companies insist on Negotiating To avoid All above
557 genunience of D
for intimation charges with impersonation claim three

Billing is not To knowthe

To know the
Additional information is sought by the clear or break Genuinence of type of
558 detail of A
company while settling the claim when up is not customer claim policy
shown issued
generally accepted by the company at
dation is not
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in homeMeme
generally accepted by the company brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is family
generally accepted by the company dation is not insisting to
available in
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is get tratment
generally accepted by the company dation is not at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is homeMeme
available in
generally accepted by the company brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo family
dation is not
generally accepted by the company insisting to
available in
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo get tratment
generally accepted by the company at
dation is not
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is homeMeme
generally accepted by the company available in brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is family
generally accepted by the company dation is not insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in get tratment
generally accepted by the company dation is not at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in homeMeme
generally accepted by the company brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo family
generally accepted by the company dation is not insisting to
available in
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo get tratment
generally accepted by the company dation is not at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is homeMeme
generally accepted by the company available in brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo family
dation is not
generally accepted by the company available in insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo get tratment
generally accepted by the company at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not homeMeme
generally accepted by the company available in brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not family
generally accepted by the company available in insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is get tratment
generally accepted by the company hospitalsAccomo at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not homeMeme
available in
generally accepted by the company brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is Patient feels hospitalsAccomo family
dation is not
559 generally accepted by the company better care can IV Fluids are insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is be taken at available in not required get tratment
generally accepted by the company home hospitalsAccomo at
dation is not
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in homeMeme
generally accepted by the company hospitalsAccomo brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is family
dation is not
generally accepted by the company available in insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is get tratment
generally accepted by the company hospitalsAccomo at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not homeMeme
available in
generally accepted by the company hospitalsAccomo brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not family
generally accepted by the company insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in get tratment
generally accepted by the company hospitalsAccomo at
dation is not
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in homeMeme
generally accepted by the company hospitalsAccomo brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is family
generally accepted by the company dation is not insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in get tratment
generally accepted by the company dation is not at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is available in homeMeme
generally accepted by the company brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo family
generally accepted by the company dation is not insisting to
available in
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo get tratment
generally accepted by the company dation is not at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is homeMeme
generally accepted by the company available in brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo family
dation is not
generally accepted by the company available in insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is hospitalsAccomo get tratment
generally accepted by the company at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not homeMeme
generally accepted by the company available in brs of the
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not family
generally accepted by the company available in insisting to
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is get tratment
generally accepted by the company hospitalsAccomo at
whenDomicilliary hospitalization is dation is not homeMeme
months of months available in
generally accepted by the company of taking taking brs of the
policyDisease policyDisease policyDisease
existing existing existing
with in 48 with in 60
prior to 48 months of taking months of
months of policyDisease taking
policyDisease existing policyDisease
existing with in 48 existing
months of taking with in 60
prior to 48
months of policyDisease months of
existing taking
taking with in 48 policyDisease
policyDisease months of taking existing
prior to 48 policyDisease with in 60
months of existing months of
with in 48 taking
taking months of taking policyDisease
policyDisease policyDisease existing
prior to 48 existing with in 60
months of with in 48 months of
months of taking taking
taking policyDisease policyDisease
policyDisease existing existing Disease
existing existing nay
560 Pre existing Disease are prior to 48 with in 48 with in 60 time before B
months of months of taking months of taking
policyDisease taking
taking existing policyDisease policy
policyDisease with in 48 existing
prior to 48 months of taking with in 60
months of policyDisease months of
existing taking
taking with in 48 policyDisease
policyDisease months of taking existing
prior to 48 policyDisease with in 60
months of existing months of
with in 48 taking
taking months of taking policyDisease
policyDisease policyDisease existing
prior to 48 existing with in 60
months of with in 48 months of
months of taking taking
taking policyDisease policyDisease
policyDisease existing existing
prior to 48 with in 48 with in 60
months of months of taking months of
policyDisease taking
taking existing policyDisease
policyDisease with in 48 existing
Treatment like Dental, Cosmetic and Additional Permanent Accidental
561 Maternity which are not covered in Waiting Period exclusion Exclusion exclusion C
Policy are called
submitted certain specific admissible
by HospitalOn diseaseOn claimOn
final bill final net
submitted certain specific admissible
by HospitalOn diseaseOn claimOn
certain specific
final bill diseaseOn final net
submitted certain specific admissible
by HospitalOn claimOn
final bill diseaseOn final net
submitted certain specific admissible
by HospitalOn certain specific claimOn
final bill diseaseOn final net
submitted admissible
On Sum by HospitalOn certain specific claimOn
562 CO Payment is applicable on Insured final bill diseaseOn final net D
certain specific
submitted diseaseOn admissible
by HospitalOn certain specific claimOn
final bill final net
submitted diseaseOn admissible
by HospitalOn certain specific claimOn
final bill certain specific final net
submitted diseaseOn admissible
by HospitalOn claimOn
final bill certain specific final net
submitted diseaseOn admissible
certain specific
by HospitalOn diseaseOn claimOn
final bill certain specific final net
submitted admissible
supplementEx treatmentAny
penses for
care or during
penses for Investigation
care or
Protein Investigation
penses for
care or treatmentAny
supplementEx treatmentAny
penses for
care or
Protein during
penses for during
care or
supplementEx Investigation
penses for
care or Investigation
penses for treatmentAny
care or
Protein treatmentAny
penses for
care or during
supplementEx during
penses for
care or
Protein Investigation
during removel of rod
563 Expenses which are not paid treatmentAny inserted during Angioplasty A
penses for Investigation operation
care or
supplementEx treatmentAny
penses for
care or treatmentAny
penses for during
care or
Protein during
penses for
care or Investigation
supplementEx Investigation
penses for
care or
Protein treatmentAny
penses for during
care or treatmentAny
Protein during
supplementEx treatmentAny
penses for
care or Investigation
Protein during
supplementEx Investigation
penses for during
care or
Protein treatmentAny
supplementEx Investigation
penses for treatmentAny
care or Investigation
supplementEx during
penses for treatmentAny
are very important for Investigation
care or during
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for Discharge Final bill with All above
564 processing of claimsWhich documents D
summary reportSupportin Breakup three
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
are very important for g Investigation
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents reportSupportin
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for reportSupportin
processing of claimsWhich documents g Investigation
are very important for
processing of claimsWhich documents
are very important for of the reportSupportin
any valid
policyClaim reasonUndue
not in the
scope delay without
of the any valid
policyClaim delay without
not in the any valid
of the reasonUndue
policyClaim delay without
any valid
not in the reasonUndue
scope delay without
of the
policyClaim any valid
not in the reasonUndue
delay without
scope any valid
of the reasonUndue
not in the delay without
scope any valid
of the delay without
policyClaim any valid
not in the
scope reasonUndue
of the delay without
any valid
policyClaim reasonUndue
not in the delay without
of the any valid
policyClaim reasonUndue
delay without
not in the any valid
scope reasonUndue
of the
policyClaim delay without
not in the any valid
scope delay without
of the All above
any valid
565 Claim is denied due to policyClaim Impersonation reasonUndue three D
not in the delay without
of the any valid
policyClaim reasonUndue
delay without
not in the any valid
scope reasonUndue
of the
policyClaim delay without
not in the any valid
scope delay without
of the any valid
not in the reasonUndue
scope delay without
any valid
of the reasonUndue
policyClaim delay without
not in the
scope any valid
of the reasonUndue
delay without
policyClaim any valid
not in the reasonUndue
of the delay without
policyClaim any valid
not in the delay without
scope any valid
of the
policyClaim reasonUndue
not in the delay without
any valid
scope reasonUndue
of the delay without
not in the any valid
scope reasonUndue
delay without
of the any valid
policyClaim reasonUndue
not in the
If Claim is denied Customer can All above
566 approach Ombudsman IRDA Court three D
Which document is not necessary in Death AML
567 Personal accidental death FIR Hospital Bill Certificate document B
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich m form
document is not required for signed by
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich claimentclai
document is not required for m form
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich signed by
document is not required for claimentclai
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich m form
document is not required for signed by
Attested copy of Treating doctor
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich Attested copy claimentclai
568 of FIR Civil Surgeon certificate for C
document is not required for about disability fitness m form
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich signed by
document is not required for claimentclai
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich m form
document is not required for signed by
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich claimentclai
document is not required for m form
Permanent Disabilty ClaimWhich signed by
document is not required for claimentclai
On time issuance Underwritin
Claims paying
One of the key rating factors of an ability of the of policy Number of g policy of
569 documents by the A
insurance compnay is: insurance branches
the Insurance Insurance
company Company Company

Who among the following is considered

570 as Primary Stakeholders in insurance Owners Insurance Brokers Customers D
claim process

The health insurance loss ratio of 65 to above 120

571 30 to 150 % 50 to 80 % 40 to 100 % B
various insurers ranging from %

What is the pecularity of health

insurance portfolio in relation to claims:
1)The policies are issued on indemnity
None of the
572 basis. 2)The subject matter covered is a Choice 1 Choices 1 & 2 All 3 of them C
human being 3)The fact that a human above
body cannot be standardized for

Submission of Verification of Releasing

573 What is the first step in claim process? Intimation A
documents Documents payment

Which is the correct choice: "When

should a claim intimation be given to the
insurance company? 1)Before
hospitalisation in case of planned
574 hospitalisation 2)Within 24 hrs of Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Both 1 & 2 D
hospitalisation in case of emergency
hospitalisation 3)At the time of
discharge 4)At the time of submission of

To check if
To carry out To discuss with the insured
checks on the the hospital and
Why do insurance companies insist on correctness of collect To make a has
575 timely intimation? insurance information on reserve/provisi sufficient A
on for the claim. balance in
claims by treatment and his policy
customer rates. account.

To record
576 How does the registration of the claim To assess loss To trace and number of To make B
help the insurer? track the claim claims coming provisions
Hospital Documentar
577 Name the documents that is not verified registration Investigation Payment made y evidence A
for processing the claims document. Reports and bills to the hospital of illness
procedures is Treatment is Cost is based on
dependent on
578 The advantage of package rates is: standard and the financial medicines used None of the A
cost of capacity of the and length of above
procedures is treatment
pre-fixed patient

Which among the given abbreviation

579 captures the procedures performed to ICD DCI CPT PCT C
treat the illness?

International Indian International Indian

580 What is ICD? Classification Classification of Code for Classificatio A
of Diseases Diseases Diagnosis n of Doctors

For a health claim to be admissible,

name two conditions to be satisfied:
1)The person should be covered under
581 the insurance policy 2)Treatment must Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1&4 Choice 3&4 Choice 2&3 B
be taken only in a network hospital
3)Treatment must be for a minimum of
3 days. 4)Admission to hospital must be
during the policy period.

Under which of the following condition,

is domciliary hospitalisation is covered
in a health insurance policy: 1)Patient's
condition is such that he/she cannot be
582 removed to the Hospital. Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1&3 Choice 1&4 None of the C
2)No above
hospital available nearby.
3)No ambulance
available to shift
4)No hospital bed available

The reason for excluding pre-existing

disease is: 1) A certainty cannot be
583 covered in insurance 2) In due course, it Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 C
may result in a claim. 3)Both the above
4) None of the above

Mention the illness for which there is Hospitalisat

584 awaiting period of one year / two years Cataract Heart Disease Malaria ion due to A
on insurance policy accident

Treatment for Medical

The Standard exclusion under health Epidemic the same disease Hospitalisation Treatment
585 more than once D
insurance policies are Diseases in a policy due to accident outside
period India

The duties of the insured in case of

claim are: 1)Intimation of claim within
certain period 2)Submission of None of the
586 documents within a certain period Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1 & 3 Choice 1, 2 & 3 above C
3)Not being involved in

The expenses incurred in treating an

illness can be classified in to 1)
Expenses of Cure and Care 2)Expenses
587 of rehabilitation 3) Expenses on Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 A
cosmetic treatment 4)Expenses on
rejuvenation and restoration

Name few documents required for

settlement of health insurance claims:
588 1) Claim form 2)Payment Receipts Only 1 & 2 Only 1 & 4 1, 2 & 4 All of them D
3)Tests and investigation Reports
4)Discharge Summary

Admission is Admitted for the Admitted in non

only for None of the
589 Reasons for denial of claims are investigation same illness networking above A
purpose twice in a year hospital

In case of denial claim, the insured has Branch Insurance

590 the option to approach the following Manager Government Insurance Agent Ombudsma D
authority n

Few examples of fraud committed in Outpatient

Impersonation Fabrication
converted to Inflation
591 health insurance are documents expenses All the four
592 TPA stands for Third Party Third Party Third Party Third Party C
Adjudicators Arbitrators Administrator Aggregator

The amount of provision made for all

593 claims in the books of the insurer based Reserving Sharing Investing Pooling A
on the status the claim is known as…..
The insurance
Insurance claim
required is not paid by Cash is paid less None of the
594 Cashless facility means treatment A
cash, but by to the hospital. above
expenses and
pays the same cheque or NEFT
directly to the

Whole life Money Back

595 Personal Accident Policies are ……. Benefit Policy Indemnity Policy policy Policy A

If there is
element of If accident
The main objective of investigation fraud or If insured is If insured's is due to the
596 having any other family is A
under PA policies is to check exaggeration fault of the
policies covered for PA
of claim insured.

Which of the following documents are

NOT required to be submitted for
Permanent Total Disablility Claim:
1)Fitness Certificate from treating
597 Both 1 & 2 Both 1 & 3 Both 2 & 4 Both 3 & 4 A
doctor. 2)Discharge summary from the
hospital 3)Completed Claim Form
4)Permanent disablity certificate from a
civil surgeon.

In Overseas Travel policies, foreign Only cashless None of the

598 currency payment is effected for ……… All claims claims Only PA claims above B

Under Overseas Travel Policies, By the By the Insured ment clams
599 Assistance By the TPA after return to C
reimbursement claims are filed…… are not
Company India

Under Overseas Travel Policies in which

cases, claims are paid upfront by the Untenable All claims under None of the
600 claims Bail Bond cases OMP Policies above B
assistance company

Detection of Analytical
Control of Identification of study of
601 What is the object of Coding in claims? fraudulent D
claims hospitals claims claims and
its patterns.

Is the First instance between customer Claim Hospital Bill

602 and claim team registration Claim Intimation Claim Fraud for claim B

What does the sales persons seek from None of

603 selling ? Livelihood enjoyment adventure these A

With reference to appointment of agents IRDA act Insurance Act Life None of B. Insurance Act
604 “Act” means 1999 1938 insurance the Above 1938
companies Act

Deals with Deals with the C. Deals with the

605 An Appellate officer of an Insurance customer Deals with IRDA appeals of . Deals with appeals of
company Insurance Courts
complaints Agents Insurance Agents

More than one Not more than

life insurer,
one general one life insurer, B.Not more than
insurer, one one general Both A and one life insurer, one
A composite Agent can promote the insurer, one Both A and B general insurer, one
606 products of health insurer health insurer are wrong B are health insurer and
and one each and one each of correct one each of the
of the
mono-line the mono-line mono-line insurers
insurers insurers

List of agents
containing all C.List of agents
details of all containing all
607 “Centralised list of Agents” refers to List of LIC List of general Insurance None of the details of all
agents insurance agents agents Above Insurance agents
maintained by maintained by the
the Authority Authority (IRDA)

List of agents List of agents

maintained by
the Authority list of agents maintained by A.List of agents
whose maintained by the Insurer maintained by the
“Centralized list of black listed agents” the Authority whose All of the Authority whose
608 means appointment who has appointment is above appointment is
is surrendered cancelled/suspe cancelled/suspende
pended by the his/her license nded by the d by the insurers
insurers insurer

Agro Protect is an Insurance co. which

609 deals with agricultural losses only. This General Mono-line Both are wrong Both are B.Mono-line Insurer
Insurer Insurer correct
company is a

An Insurance co. carrying on one

particular specialized line of business Mono-line Single purpose None of the A.. Mono-line
610 General Insurer
such as agriculture insurance, export insurer insurer above insurer
credit guarantee business is known as

Should have
A completed passed the
application Should not examination
For a person to be appointed as agent by form along suffer from any and possess All the
611 an Insurer with pan requisite above D.All the above
details to disqualification knowledge to
submitted solicit insurance

Show the
agency identity
Disseminate the
Identify card to the requisite
himself and prospect, and information in
The code of conduct of an agent the insurer of also disclose the All the
612 demands whom he is an agency respect of above D.All the above
insurance appointment insurance
agent letter to the offered for sale
prospect on

Explain to the
Disclose the prospect the
scales of Indicate the nature of
commission in premium to be information
respect of the required in the
The code of conduct of an agent insurance charged by the proposal form All the
613 demands product insurer for the by the insurer, above D.All the above
offered for product offered and also the
sale, if asked for sale importance of
by the disclosure of
prospect material

All the
The Agent need not bring to the notice material facts The adverse Undeclared All the D. All the above are
614 of the insurer about the habits of the health condition above are wrong
prospect of the prospect wrong

Solicit or
procure Induce the Induce the
insurance prospect to omit prospect to All the
615 No Insurance agent shall business any material submit wrong above are D. All the above are
without being information in information in correct
appointed to the proposal the proposal correct
act as such by form form
the insurer

Interfere with
Behave in any proposal All the
616 An insurance agent shall not indulge in Multi level discourteous introduced by above are D. All the above are
marketing manner with the correct
prospect any other correct
insurance agent

Force a
policyholder to
terminate the
existing policy
Offering Demand or and to effect a
An agent can be disqualified /or different rates receive a share new policy from All the D. All the above are
617 other than him within above are
suspended if he is found involved in offered by the of proceeds from three years correct correct
Insurer the beneficiary from the date of
termination of
the earlier

a. Fails to
resolve the
complaints of
Violates the the
The appointment of an agent may be All the
provisions of Violates terms policyholders or above
are D. All the
above are
cancelled or suspended the Insurance of appointment fails to give a correct correct
Act , IRDA Act satisfactory
reply to the
Authority in
this behalf

"Mediclaim" was intorduced by the 4

619 public sector insurers in 1984 1985 1986 1981 Option III

621 the word HEALTH is derived from? Hoelth Heolth Hiolth Hoilth Option1

622 Illness is caused due to? Enviornment Sanitation/Diets Personal All 3 Option4
Health is a delicate balance of which
623 Blood/Phlegm Yellow Bile Black Bile All 3 option4
624 Which are the types of Health care Primary Secondary Tertiary All 3 option4
625 What includes in Secondary Health Care ICU Pathalogy All 3 Option4

What are the factors affecting the health and
626 system in India population Social Trends Life Expectancy All 3 Option4
related trends

Employee State Insurance Scheme was

627 introduced in? 1947 1948 1949 1950 Option2

Maternity Cash
628 What is covered in ESIS Benefit/Funeral All 3 Option4
Benefit Compensation
How many are covered in ESIS as of
629 65.5 Million 66.5 Million 67.5 Million 64.5 Million Option 1
March 2012
Central Government Health Scheme was
630 1954 1955 1956 1957 Option1
launched in?

Which were the insurance schemes

631 ESIS CGHS CHI All 3 Option4
started in initially in India

632 When was the first standardised health 1986 1985 1984 1987 Option1
product launched after nastionalisation

What is the link developed between the Accredited

Aganwadi Trained Birth
633 Village Community and Govt Social Health All 3 Option 4
Infrastructure Workers Attendants Activist

634 when was IRDAI formed 2000 1999 2001 2002 Option1
One of the key rating parameter in
635 insurance is the claims paying ability of Insurance Sales Manger Insurance IRDA Option III
agent Company

the primary
stakeholder as
Secondary Primary Stake
636 Customers, who buys insurance is stakeholder well as the holder None Option II
receiver of the

In which type of claim hospital provides

the medical services based on a pre-
Reimbursement Option I
637 approval from the insurer / TPA and Cashless claim Accidental claim None
later submits the documents for claim
settlement of the claim.

Claim intimation is the

Claim intimation is the

Claim intimation is the
First instance First
Claim intimation is the of contact First instance of First instance of instance of
contact between contact contact
between the the customer between the between the Option IV
638 Claim intimation is the customer and and the customer and customer
the sales
Claim intimation is the Manager insurance agent the hospital and the
claims team.
Claim intimation is the
Claim intimation is the
Claim intimation is the

In which type of claim,customer pays

the hospital from his own resources and Reimbursement Option II
639 Cashless claim Accidental claim None
then files claim with Insurer / TPA for claim

If a fraud is suspected by insurance

640 company in case of insurance claim, it is investigation for Rejection To hospital to customer Option I

By in-house
by an
or be
641 If a fraud is suspected, Investigation of a By IDRA Insurance agent By Sales entrusted to Option IV
claim is done Manager
n agency.

The amount of provision made for all

642 claims in the books of the insurer based Pooling Provisioning Reserving Investing Option III
on the status of the claims refers to

In case of a claim denial, who has the

643 option to approach the Insurance Sales Manager Customer Agent None Option II
Ombudsman or the consumer forums or
even the legal authorities

The regulator (Insurance Regulatory Maintain Ensure long

644 and Development Authority of India) order in the Protect policy term financial All of the Option IV
insurance holders‟ interest health of above
has objective of environment insurers

Who has the responsibility to

understand the claims and design the Third Party agents / Option I
645 products, decide policy terms, Underwriters Regulator Administrators brokers
conditions and pricing etc.

Insurance Human
Who among the following is not a
646 stakeholder in insurance claim process? company Regulator Resource TPA Option III
shareholders Department

Process of entering the claim in the

system and creating a reference number Option I
647 using which the claim can be traced any Registration Intimation Capturing None
time is called

The missing documentation of claim is Verification of Coding of Option III

648 noted at which stage of claim process Registration Intimation documents claim

Discharge Discharge investigatio
summary, summary, n report,
Discharge Supporting Supporting consolidate
summary, investigation, investigation, d bill with
Final Final
649 List of key documents which are Supporting consolidated bill consolidated break up, Option IV
required in processing of a claim are investigation with break up bill with break Prescription
and Payment s and
receipts into various up into various pharmacy
parts and parts and bills, Claim
Payment Payment
receipts receipts form,
Customer ID

Admission is
only for
The Member investigation
Which of the following is the reason for for whom the Due to Pre- All of the
650 claim denail claim is made existing illness purpose and above Option IV
is not covered. Hospitalization
is less than 24

Claim form is the formal and legal

651 request for processing the claim and is Customer Agent Sales Manger Hospital Option I
submitted in original signed by Staff

Identity proof required during claim identity/ All of the Option IV
652 process can be Driving license PAN card above
Adhar card

In which type of claims, FIR or Medico-

653 legal certificate issued by the hospital to Illness claim Accidental PED claims None Option II
the registered police station, may be Claims

The claims team uses certain internal Checklists for Scrutiny/ Quality checks / All of the
654 document formats for processing a document settlement sheet control format. Option IV
claim. These are verification

Which of the following document is Hospital

655 maintained at the hospital detailing all Investigation Settlement sheet Case paper registration Option III
treatment done to an in-patient? certificate

relating to the Advice on
656 Under Call centre
services, TPA does not services and No claim bonus missing
provide cashless documents in on claim Option II
hospitalizatio case of claims

All policy related information must be Option II

657 Customer Insurer IRDA Agent
available with the TPA. It is the duty

Illness Natural death deaths
Which is not the example of fraud and presented
658 leakage in personal accident claims presented as presented as Road Accident as Option III
accident accidental case accidental

Claims are chosen for investigation Routine claims Triggered claims Both are correct Both are Option III
659 based on Method Method incorrect
That the
Patient Treated the Expenses for
TPA will process the claim and treated is the patient for the treatment of
All of the
660 recommend for payment to the hospital same person same condition excluded illness, Option IV
after verifying for whom that it requested if any, is not
approval was the approval for part of the bill
Scan reports
Blood test All of the Option IV
661 Investigation reports usually consist of reports X-ray reports and Biopsy above

Additional documents such as case All of the
662 indoor papers required in case of or high value Low value claims Accidental claim above Option I

Percentage of Amount given

claim amount Additional
when there is a None of the
663 What is meant by Co-Pay? shared or payment given Option I
borne by along with claim delay in claim above

To facilitate
service to a To organise
customer of cashless
In respective to the objectives of third Both the
health treatment for Both the
party administration in health insuance statement
664 which of the following statement is insurance in the insured statement are are Option III
all possible patient at correct
correct incorrect
manners at network
the time of hospitals.

Policy which covers accidental death,

accidental disability (permanent / Personal Option I
665 Personal Care Health care Critical care
partial), Temporary total disability is accident

Critical Option III

666 The peril covered under the PA policy is Illness Normal death Accident illness
Check for any
Loss has
What are things to be checked by Claim fraud triggers
arisen out of Loss is within All of the Option IV
667 Manager on receipt of the notification “Accident” and the policy period and assign above
of the PA claim: investigation if
not sickness
need be

Who has the responsibility to maintain

the turnaround time (claim servicing Claims
668 IRDA Agent Brooker Option I
time) and keep the customer informed Manager
of the development of the claim.

Ascertain the Collection of

669 Main objective of claim investigation are Examine the extent and evidence and All of the Option IV
cause of loss. above
nature of loss. information
Death claim Death claim Death claim
670 Attested copy of Post Mortem Report if under PA under health under Motor All of the Option I
conducted is required in policy policy policy above

Permanent Total
Permanent disability certificate from a Disability (PTD)
civil surgeon or any equivalent Death claim and Permanent Death claim Critical
671 competent doctors certifying the under health Partial under PA policy illness Option II
disability of the insured is required in Disability(PPD)

from treating
the type of certificate from
disability and the treating Both the
disability Both the
672 Documents required in Temporary Total period. Leave doctor certifying statement are statement Option III
Disability(TTD) Claim are certificate that the insured correct are
is fit to perform incorrect
from employer his normal
giving details duties
of exact leave
period, duly
signed and
sealed by the

Permanent Fitness
disability certificate
Duly certificate from from the
completed Attested copy of a civil surgeon treating
Which of the following documents are First or any doctor
673 not required to be submitted for Personal Information equivalent certifying Option IV
Permanent Total Disability claim? Accident claim Report if competent that the
form signed by
the claimant applicable doctors insured is fit
certifying the to perform
disability of the his normal
insured. duties

Which insurance policy have all the

three benefits of Medical and sickness Personal Overseas travel Health All of the
674 Option II
section,Repatriation and evacuation and accident insurance policy insurance above
Personal accident cover.

_____ are paid upfront by Assistance Overseas travel

675 Company and later claimed from Bail bond Personal insurance Untenable Option I
insurance company cases accident claims claims claims

Which is not an exclusion under Health cosmetic fertility suicide Option I

676 insurance policy Dengue surgeries treatment attempt

What is the minimum hours of minimum
677 hospitalization required for Day-care 24 hours 36 hours 48 hours hour Option IV
hospitalizations? specificatio

Girish Saxena‟s insurance claim was Nothing

denied by insurance company. In case of To approach To approach To approach could be
678 a denial, what is the option available to done in case Option II
Girish Saxena, apart from the Government legal authorities insurance agent of case
representation to the insurer? denial

During investigation, of a health

insurance claim presented by Rajiv Outpatient
Mehto, insurance company finds that treatment
instead of Rajiv Mehto, his brother Fabrication of Exaggeration of converted to
679 Rajesh Mehto had been admitted to Impersonation documents expenses in-patient / Option I
hospital for treatment. The policy of hospitalizati
Rajiv Mehto is not a family floater plan. on
This is an example of ___________fraud.

The condition
of the patient The patient
is such that cannot be The treatment Duration of
removed to
Under which of the following condition, he/she can be Hospital/Nursin can be carried hospitalizati
680 is domiciliary hospitalization is covered removed to g Home for lack out only in on is Option II
in a health insurance policy? the hospital/Nursin exceeding
Hospital/Nurs of g home 24 hours
ing Home , but accommodation
prefer not to

Which of the following codes capture

681 the procedures performed to treat the ICD DCI CPT PCT Option III

Copy of passport/Visa with Entry and Personal Health Critical

682 exit stamp required in accident Insurance overseas claims illness Option III
claims Claims claims

__________is typically characteristic of US None of the

683 healthcare and as such, is not applicable Re-pricing Agreed rates Final bill Option I
for non US cases above

Medical Fitness Leave

from treating certificate from certificate from Attested
Which of the following documents are doctor the treating employer giving copy of First
doctor certifying details of exact Option IV
684 not required to be submitted for mentioning that the insured leave period, Information
Temporary Total Disability(TTD) Claim? the type of is fit to perform duly signed and Report if
disability and applicable
disability his normal sealed by the
period. duties employer

685 ……….. Principle privents profitting in Utmost good Indemnity Causa proxima Coercion Option 2
the name of insurance faith
686 Consideration means ?? Sum insured Bonus company Premium Option 4
687 ……….govern all contracts in India? Insurance Act SEBI Act MRTP Act Contract Option 4
Act, 1872
688 In insurance, the offer is made by…….. ? insured Agent Proposer Broker Option 3

689 The consideration from the insurer is Premium compensation sum insured discount Option 2
…………… ? for the loss.
690 For contracting one should be …………. ? Above 18 yers Above 20 years Insolvent Insane Option 1

691 Insurance
cannot be taken for smuggled
goods since smuggling is ……….? Legal Permitted Illegal Hazardous Option 3

692 applying
pressure on someone through Mis
criminal means is …………..? Fraud representation Undue influence Coercion Option 4
……………. prevents the insured from utmost good
693 collecting twice for the loss Mistake faith indeminty Subrogation Option 4

Same asset is
insured with Company is Asset is
694 Principle of contribution applies when Asset is sold more than one liquidated liqiidated Option 2

695 “Caveat Emptor” means…………? Seller beware Agent beware Buyer beware Good faith Option 3

696 If undue influence is used ……………. Contract is Valid enforcable legal Option 1
A person is incapable of contracing if he
697 is…………? Above 18 yers Of sound mind Healthy Insolvent Option 4

Giving wrong information in proposal Cancellation of No claim

698 Valid contracts Claim settlement Option 3
form can lead to…………….? contract bonus

All contracts in India are governed Indian Life insurance

699 Contract Act, RBI Act SEBI Act Option 1
by…………….? Act
Cannot enter none of the
700 In which contract can a minor enter ? Any contract into any given Option 3
contract contracts options
Threatening to commit suicide Mis
701 is……………….. ? A legal Act Coercion representation Fraud Option 2
Making false statements intentionally is Accepted in
702 ……………? terms of law Good Coercion Fraud Option 4
Value Indemnity Both are
703 Health Insurance Contracts are…………..? Both are correct Option 2
Contracts Contracts wrong
Principle of contribution applies Non life Both are
704 to………….? Life Insurance insurance Both are correct wrong Option 2

705 For taking insurance …………….is most Premium Agent Personal iterest Insurable Option 4
needed ? Interest

The absence of which of the following Legality of All the

706 Offer Consideration Option 4
makes a contract void ? object mentioned

Mr.A threatened Mr. B and forced him to

707 enter a contract.This is an example Valid contracts Coercion Consideration fraud Option 2

If both parties are mistaken,the contract

708 is Valid Enforcable Voidable Invalid Option 4

……………...prevents the insured from concensus ad insurable

709 indeminity Subrogation Option 4
collecting twice for the loss idem interest

none of the
710 Uberrima Fides means………..? Good faith Utmost good Insurable given Option 2
faith interest options
711 Calvert Emptor means………….? Buyer beware Seller beware Advisor beware bewware Option 1
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently, Mis none of the
712 following which he decides to take a representation valid contract Mis selling given Option 1
medical policy but does not reveal his of facts options
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a
medical policy but does not reveal his
condition.This is an example of …………..?
An executive is suffering from
Hypertension and has had a mild heart
attack recently,
following which he decides to take a none of the
The presence of ……….makes a contract
713 unenforcable ? Premium fraud Claim given Option 2

A person has………..interest in his own

714 life ? limited personal Professional Unlimited Option 4

715 Breach of utmost good faith occurs due Concealment Non disclosure Mis All the Option 4
to representation mentioned

The transfer of all rights with respect to

716 the subject matter of insurance from Subrogation Contribution Utmost good Indemnity Option 1
insured to insurer Is called ……….?

Non life Both are

717 Contribution applies to Life Insurance insurance Both are correct wrong Option 2

The principle of utmost good faith

718 applies to………….. Insurer insured Both None Option 3

Both the Only actual

In case of a property insured with two
719 companies and a claim companies Claim will be The insured loss will be Option 4
arises,then………… will settle rejected benefits. compensate
claim d

720 The provisions of the Indian Contract TRUE FALSE OPTION-1

Act, 1872 govern all contracts in India

An insurance policy is a contract

entered into between two parties, viz.,
721 the company, called the insured and TRUE FALSE OPTION-2
customer called as the insurer

Acceptance needs to be communicated

722 to the proposer which results in the TRUE FALSE OPTION-1
formation of a contract

The policy bond becomes the evidence

723 of the contract. TRUE FALSE OPTION-1

When consent to an agreement is

724 caused by coercion, fraud or VOIDABLE VALID VOID LEGAL OPTION-1
misrepresentation, the agreement is .

Proposer has a legal duty to disclose all UBERRIMAE PROXIMATE

725 material information about the subject INDEMINTY NONE OPTION-1
matter of insurance FIDEI CAUSE

If utmost good faith is not observed by

726 either party, the contract may be TRUE FALSE OPTION-1
avoided by the other.

Material fact has been defined as a fact

727 that would affect the judgment of an FALSE TRUE OPTION-2
insurance underwriter in deciding
whether to accept the risk

Mr. Rajan has taken a insurance policy does not

for a term of fifteen years. Six years after Is lucky to be need to disclose need to disclose need to
728 taking the policy, Mr. Rajan has some disclose this OPTION-4
alive it to insurer it to IRDA
heart problems and has to undergo fact to the
some surgery. Mr. Rajan…………….. insurer.
A policy of insurance may be called in
question at any time within ................
years from the date of issuance of the
policy or the date of commencement of
729 10 years 25 years 3 years 8 years OPTION-3
risk or the date of revival, of the policy
or the date of the rider to the policy,
whichever is later, on the ground of

730 Free look period is 15 days 30 days 60 days none OPTION-1

Subrogation is the process an insurance

company uses to recover claim amounts
paid to a policy holder from a negligent
third party.

Subrogation arises only in case of ALL ARE

732 contracts of Life Insurance LAND INDEMNITY CORRECT OPTION-3

A contract is an agreement between

parties, un enforceable at law

Ramesh threatening to kill Mahesh if he

UBERRIMAE utmost good
734 does not sign the contract is an example FIDEI faith INDEMNITY COERCION OPTION-4
of ……………….

735 ______is the basis of contract. Policy bond premium proposal form A

Which document contains information

which are useful for the insurance
736 company to accept the risk offered for Proposal form claim form health report policy bond B

As per guidelines, an insurance

737 company has to process an insurance 7days 15days 45days 30days B
proposal within ………………

The premium related to all the riders

738 put together should not exceed _______ of 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.2 B
the premium of the main product.

The risk
The risk may The risk may be The risk may be may be
be assumed on assumed on the assumed on the assumed on
In case the premium payment is made date on which date on which the date on
739 by cheque, then which of the below the date on the cheque is the cheque is which the A
statement will hold true? which the deposited by the received by the cheque is
cheque is
posted insurance insurance issued by
company company the

Which of the following documents is Investigation Confidential

740 considered basic to take any decision Proposal form Agent's report report report B
on accepting or refusing the insurance?

At what point in Insurance contract Premium Agent's

741 does the principle of utmost good faith Policy bond Proposal form B
and duty of disclosure begin? receipt report

There is a standard format and practice

742 for insurance companies to add a TRUE FALSE C
printed note in a proposal form.

In non-life insurance contract, till which

Though out the
743 stage does the duty to disclose material Proposal stage policy Issue of policy Claim A
facts remain?.

It is mandatory to indicate suminsured

744 in all proposal form.. TRUE FALSE D

From which section of proposal form previous

745 underwriter gets Insurance history of Proposer Proposer contact details and present B
name profession
proposer. insurance

If certain terms and conditions of the

policy need to be modified at the time of Modificatio
746 Warranty Endorsement Alteration ns are not A
issuance, it is done by setting out the possible
amendments through __________.

A warranty
is not
A warranty is stated in the
a condition A warranty is an
expressly implied All claims are policy. It is
Which of the below statement is correct stated in the condition and is paid even if a communicat
747 ed to the D
with regards to a warranty? policy and it not stated warranty is insured not
has to be explicitly in the breached. as part of
literally policy.
complied with. the policy

Health Renewals can policyholde
insurance It is not be effected r can file a
contacts are
generally mandatory for within 30 days consumer
748 Which statement is NOT TRUE so far as annual insurance of expriy of case against A
renewal is concerned? companies to earlier policy the insurer,
contracts and send renewal with all if s/he fails
require notices. continuity to get a
renewal every
year. benefits. renewal

Before every Issue of

claim, a prospectus is
customer is governed by
expected to Insurance Act Prospectus is a A customer
read the 1938, Protection document that information
What among the statements is true introduces a sheet is a
749 regarding the prospectus? Prospectus of Policyholders' product to its necessary C
and declare in Regulation 2002, prospective part of the
the Claim and Health
Form that he Insurance buyers. Prospectus.
has read the Regulations
prospectus. 2013.

Which parties have obligations to Intermediaries

750 comply with the Protection of Insurers only Both Neither. D
Policyholders' Regulations? only

What areas are covered under the Obligations at All the three
751 Protection of Policyholders' the point of Policy servicing Claims servicing B
Regulations? sale mentioned

Break in policy occurs when premium

752 has been paid to renew a policy after 15 30 45 90 B
……. days of expiry of previous policy .

As per guidelines an Insurance

753 company has to process an Insurance 7 days 15 days 30 days 45 days Option B
proposal within
cheque, on which the company. The e risk may
when which of the statement will hold cheque is risk may be be assumed
posted. The assumed on the on the date
true? In case the premium is made by risk may be date on on
cheque, assumed on which the which the
when which of the statement will hold
true? In case the premium is made by the date cheque is The risk may cheque is
cheque, on which the deposited by the be assumed on issued by
cheque is Insurance the date on the
when which of the statement will hold posted. The company. The which the proposerTh
754 true? In case the premium is made by risk may be risk may be cheque is e risk may Option B
when which of the statement will hold assumed on assumed on the received by the be assumed
true? In case the premium is made by the date date on Insurance on the date
on which the which the company. on
cheque, cheque is cheque is which the
when which of the statement will hold posted. The deposited by the cheque is
true? In case the premium is made by
cheque, risk may be Insurance issued by
when which of the statement will hold assumed on company. The the
the date risk may be proposerTh
without is documentA
paid if it is
being stated in Warranty is a not material
the policyA condition
to riskIf the
warranty is a expressly
condition stated in the warranty is
which is and
the claim
implied communicated can still be
without is to the insured
paid if it is
being stated in separately and
the policyA not as a part of not material
to riskIf the
warranty is a documentA
warranty is
condition Warranty is a breached,
which is condition
the claim
implied expressly
without is stated in the can still be
paid if it is
being stated in and
not material
the policyA communicated to riskIf the
warranty is a to the insured
warranty is
condition separately and
which is not as a part of breached,
the claim
implied documentA
can still be
without is Warranty is a paid if it is
being stated in condition
not material
the policyA expressly
warranty is a stated in the to riskIf the
warranty is
condition and
which is communicated the claim
implied to the insured
can still be
without is separately and
being stated in A Warranty is a not as a part of paid if it is
not material
Which of the statement is correct with the policyA condition documentA
755 to riskIf the Option A
regards to Warranty warranty is a expressly stated Warranty is a warranty is
condition in the policy condition
which is expressly
implied stated in the the claim
can still be
without is and
paid if it is
being stated in communicated not material
the policyA to the insured
to riskIf the
warranty is a separately and warranty is
condition not as a part of
which is documentA
implied Warranty is a the claim
can still be
without is condition
paid if it is
being stated in expressly not material
the policyA stated in the
to riskIf the
warranty is a and
condition communicated warranty is
which is to the insured
the claim
implied separately and can still be
without is not as a part of
paid if it is
being stated in documentA
the policyA Warranty is a not material
to riskIf the
warranty is a condition
warranty is
condition expressly breached,
which is stated in the
the claim
implied and
without is communicated can still be
paid if it is
being stated in to the insured
the policyA separately and not material
warranty is a not as a part of to riskIf the
warranty is
condition documentA breached,
certain terms and conditions of the which is Warranty is a
policy need to be modified
at the time Of issuance, it is done by
setting out the amendments throughIf
certain terms and conditions of the
policy need to be modified
at the time Of issuance, it is done by Modificatio
setting out the amendments throughIf
756 certain terms and conditions of the Warranty Endorsement Alteration n are not Option B
policy need to be modified possible
at the time Of issuance, it is done by
setting out the amendments throughIf
certain terms and conditions of the
policy need to be modified
at the time Of issuance, it is done by
setting out the amendments throughIf before the
expiry of
a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
30 days before 7 days before the
Which of the below statements is 15 days before
757 correct with regards to renewal notice the expiry the expiry policy the expiry policy.send Option A
policy policy a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
a renewal
notice to
before the
expiry of
a renewal
premium related to all the riders put notice to
together should not exceed_______ of the
premiumof the main productThe
premium related to all the riders put
together should not exceed_______ of the
premiumof the main productThe
premium related to all the riders put
together should not exceed_______ of the
758 premiumof the main productThe 15% 45% 20% 30% Option D
premium related to all the riders put
together should not exceed_______ of the
premiumof the main productThe
premium related to all the riders put
together should not exceed_______ of the
premiumof the main productThe
premium related
contract, tilltowhich
all thestage
riders put
does theshould not
duty of exceed_______
disclosure of the
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material proposal stage throughout the Issue of the
759 facts remainIn non life Insurance policy policy Claim Option C
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
facts remainIn non life Insurance
contract, till which stage
does the duty of disclosure material
the proposerFrom which section of
proposal form
underwrites gets Insurance history of
the proposerFrom which section of
proposal form
underwrites gets Insurance history of
the proposerFrom which section of
proposal form
underwrites gets Insurance history of
the proposerFrom which section of Proposer Proposer previous
760 contact details and present Option D
proposal form name profession
underwrites gets Insurance history of
the proposerFrom which section of
proposal form
underwrites gets Insurance history of
the proposerFrom which section of
proposal form
underwrites gets Insurance history of
the proposerFrom which section of
practice for
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal both are wrong both are
761 True False Option B
formThere is standard format and correct
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
practice for insurance companies
to add a printed note in a proposal
formThere is standard format and
inpractice for insurance
policy occurs companies
when premium has
been paid to
renew a policy after days
____________days of expiry of policyBreak
in policy occurs when premium has
been paid to
renew a policy after days
____________days of expiry of policyBreak
762 in policy occurs when premium has 15 days 45days 30 days 90days. Option B
been paid to
renew a policy after days
____________days of expiry of policyBreak
in policy occurs when premium has
been paid to
renew a policy after days
____________days of expiry of policyBreak

The ______________ has jurisdiction to

763 entertain complaints, where value of the District Forum State Zilla Parishad National Option I
goods or services and the compensation Commission Commission
claimed is up to Rs.20 lakhs.

Insurance Indian General Integrated Intelligent

General Grievance Grievance
764 Expand the term IGMS. Management Management Management Managemen Option III
System System System t System

Which of the below consumer grievance

redressal agencies would handle State National Zilla
765 consumer disputes amounting between District Forum Commission Commission Parishad Option II
Rs. 20 lakhs and Rs. 100 lakhs?

Shopkeeper Shopkeeper not

Which among the following cannot form charging a advising the Allergy warning
the basis for a valid consumer price above customer on the not provided on Faulty
766 products Option II
complaint? the MRP for a best product in a a drug bottle
product category

Which of the below will be the most

appropriate option for a customer to Insurance District
767 lodge an insurance policy related Police Supreme Court Ombudsman Court Option III

Which of the below statement is correct Insurance Insurance Insurance n operates
with regards to the territorial Ombudsman Ombudsman has Ombudsman only within
768 Option IV
jurisdiction of the Insurance has National State has District the
Ombudsman? jurisdiction jurisdiction jurisdiction specified

complaint is
The complaint The complaint is The complaint to be made
769 How is the complaint to be launched is to be made to be made is to be made through Option I
with an insurance ombudsman? orally over the orally in a face
in writing phone to face manner newspaper

Within one
Within two Within three Within one year month of
years of years of rejection of
770 What is the time limit for approaching rejection of rejection of the of rejection of the Option III
an Insurance Ombudsman? the complaint complaint by the the complaint complaint
by the insurer
by the insurer insurer by the

The complaint The complaint Complainant The total

Which among the following is not a pre- must be by an must be lodged has to approach relief sought
771 requisite for launching a complaint with individual on a within 1 year of a consumer must be Option III
„Personal the insurer forum prior to within an
the Ombudsman? Lines‟ rejecting the the amount of
insurance complaint Ombudsman Rs.20 lakhs.

20% of the 10% of the

Are there any fee / charges that need to A fee of Rs 100 No fee or relief sought relief sought
772 be paid for lodging the complaint with needs to be charges need to must be paid as must be Option II
the Ombudsman? paid be paid
fee paid as fee

can be
Complaints Complaint can launched
Yes, complaint
Can a complaint be launched against a can be can be launched be launched against
773 private insurer? launched against private against private private Option II
against public insurers only in insurers
insurers only insurers the Life Sector only in the

In case of denial claim, the insured has Insurance

774 the option to approach the following Manager Government Insurance Agent Ombudsma Option IV
authority n

A mediator Customer's
775 Ombudsman is ………………. between Judicial officer Insurer's representati Option I
insurer & representative
Customer ve

776 Ombudsman award should not Rs.10 lakh Rs.20 lakh Rs.30 lakh Rs.40 lakh Option II

A customer can resolve his complaint

through: (1)Insurers' individual
777 grievance (1) alone (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) Any of the 4 Option IV
cell (2)IGMS (3)Ombudsman
(4)Consumer Forum.

One can approach the Ombudsman,

even as the complaint is pending in any
778 Court or Consumer Forum or in True FALSE Option II

An award passed by Ombudsman can

779 never be contested by the insurer…. True FALSE Option I

One cannot file an IGMS complaint

780 without the help of an advocate. True FALSE Option II
A tool for A tool for A tool for
monitoring monitoring monitoring
It’s a court
781 IGMS is grievance grievance grievance of law to get Option II
redressal in redressal in redressal in
banking insurance Telecom
industry industry industry

Which of the below consumer grievance

redressal agencies would handle State National Zilla
782 District Forum Option III
consumer disputes amounting which Commission Commission Parishad
exceeds Rs. 100 lakhs?

Are there any fee / charges that need to 20% of the 10% of the
be paid for lodging the complaint with A fee of Rs No fee or relief sought relief sought
783 1000 needs to charges need to Option II
the District /State/National must be paid as must be
be paid be paid
Commission? fee paid as fee

Delay in
784 In most cases consumer disputes comes settlement of Repudiation of Non-settlement Quantum of All the above
uder which category? claims of claims loss

Within how many days Ombudsman

should made recommendations after Four
785 One month Three months Two months months Option I
receiving complaint

Within how many days the complainant

786 & insurer should receive the 30 days 15 days 90 days 45 days Option II
recommendations in writing

The consumer protection Act, 1986 was

787 2000 2001 2002 2003 Option III
amemded in the year

The ______________ has jurisdiction to

entertain complaints, where value of the State National
788 goods or services and the compensation District Forum Commission Zilla Parishad Commission
claimed is up to Rs.20 lakhs.

Insurance Integrated Intelligent

Indian General
General Grievance Grievance
789 Expand the term IGMS. Management
Management System Management Managemen
System System t System

Which of the below consumer grievance

redressal agencies would handle State National Zilla
790 consumer disputes amounting between District Forum Commission Commission Parishad
Rs. 20 lakhs and Rs. 100 lakhs?

Shopkeeper Shopkeeper not

Which among the following cannot form charging a advising the Allergy warning
the basis for a valid consumer price above customer on the not provided on Faulty
791 products
complaint? the MRP for a best product in a a drug bottle
product category

Which of the below will be the most

appropriate option for a customer to Insurance District
792 lodge an insurance policy related Police Supreme Court Ombudsman Court 64

Which of the below statement is correct Insurance Insurance Insurance n operates
with regards to the territorial Ombudsman Ombudsman has Ombudsman only within
jurisdiction of the Insurance has National State has District the
Ombudsman? jurisdiction jurisdiction jurisdiction specified

complaint is
The complaint The complaint is The complaint to be made
794 How is the complaint to be launched is to be made to be made is to be made through
with an insurance ombudsman? orally over the orally in a face
in writing phone to face manner newspaper

Within one
Within two Within three Within one year month of
years of years of rejection of
795 What is the time limit for approaching rejection of rejection of the of rejection of the
an Insurance Ombudsman? the complaint complaint by the the complaint complaint
by the insurer
by the insurer insurer by the

The complaint The complaint Complainant The total

must be by an must be lodged has to approach relief sought
Which among the following is not a pre-
796 requisite for launching a complaint with individual on a within 1 year of a consumer must be
the Ombudsman? „Personal the insurer forum prior to within an
Lines‟ rejecting the the amount of
insurance complaint Ombudsman Rs.20 lakhs

20% of the 10% of the

Are there any fee / charges that need to A fee of Rs 100 No fee or relief sought relief sought
797 be paid for lodging the complaint with needs to be charges need to must be
the Ombudsman? paid be paid must be paid as paid as fee
fee 65

can be
Complaints Complaint can launched
Yes, complaint
Can a complaint be launched against a can be can be launched be launched against
798 private insurer? launched against private against private private
against public insurers only in insurers
insurers only insurers the Life Sector only in the

Which of the below consumer grievance State National Zilla

799 redressal agencies would handle District Forum
consumer disputes upto Rs. 20 lakhs? Commission Commission Parishad

Which of the below consumer grievance

redressal agencies would handle State National Zilla
800 consumer disputes amounting more District Forum Commission Commission Parishad
than Rs. 1Cr ?

The awards by Ombudsman cannot be

801 10 Lakh 20 Lakh 25 Lakh 50 Lakh
more than …

What is the maximum period for

802 passing the award by Ombudsman? 15 Days 1 Month 3 Months 2 Months

Insurance involves contractual

803 agreement to provide ____________ health financial life family Option II

804 Premium in insurance is called contribution indemnification subrogation n option IV

805 The Indian Contract Act was formed in 2015 1972 1872 1875 Option III
the year
which of the options is not an element of offer and
806 coercion consideration free consent Option I
a valid contract? acceptance

do not enter in Should be subject

agree to the
807 consensus ad-idem means to a contract same thing in consious while matter Option II
when the same sense signing should be
unconsious agreement legal

consent is said to be free when it is not undue

808 coercion fraud mistake All are correct
caused by ------ influence

when a person dominates the will of

809 another using position to obtain robbery fraud undue influence mistake option III

Yes, if no! premium

no! because
810 can smuggled gold be given insurance necessary will be high. no, because it is smuggling is option IV
cover premium is hence not a high risk not legal
paid profitable

811 Applying pressure to enter in to a trespass robbery coersion dacoity Option III
contract by criminal means

812 Error in one's knowledge or belief or mistake foolery dementia All are Option I
interpretation of a thing or event correct

Principle of disclosing all material facts consensus ad misrepresen

813 uberrima fides caveat emptor Option I
about the subject matter of insurance idem tation

When the insured is silent about All are

814 fraud non disclosure cheating Option II
material facts, it is called correct

interest interest in
obtained from financial
interest lack of
815 Insurable interest means in the property another interest in Option II
insurance to insure it persons insurance
policy property

816 What makes insurance legal and insurance insurable Indian contract IRDAI Option II
gambling illegal contract interest act
In which of the options there is no Husband and creditor and brother and
817 insurable interest father and son wife debtor sister Option IV

Claims paying On time issuance Underwritin

of policy g policy of
818 One of the key rating factors of an ability of the documents by Number of the A
insurance compnay is: insurance the Insurance branches Insurance
Company Company

Who among the following is considered

819 as Primary Stakeholders in insurance Owners Agents Brokers Customers D
claim process
The health insurance loss ratio of 65 to above 120
820 various insurers ranging from 30 to 150 % % 50 to 80 % 40 to 100 % B

What is the pecularity of health

insurance portfolio in relation to claims:
1)The policies are issued on indemnity None of the
821 basis. 2)The subject matter covered is a Choice 1 Choices 1 & 2 All 3 of them C
human being 3)The fact that
a human body cannot be standardized
for treatment

Submission of Verification of Releasing

822 What is the first step in claim process? Intimation A
documents Documents payment

Which is the correct choice: "When

should a claim intimation be given to the
insurance company? 1)Before
hospitalisation in case of planned
823 hospitalisation 2)Within 24 hrs of Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Both 1 & 2 D
hospitalisation in case of emergency
hospitalisation 3)At the time of
discharge 4)At the time of submission of

To check if
To carry out To discuss with
the insured
checks on the the hospital and
Why do insurance companies insist on correctness of collect To make a has
824 reserve/provisi sufficient A
timely intimation? insurance information on
on for the claim. balance in
claims by treatment and his policy
customer rates.

To record
825 How does the registration of the claim To assess loss To trace and number of To make B
help the insurer? track the claim claims coming provisions
Hospital Documentar
826 Name the documents that is not verified registration Investigation Payment made y evidence A
for processing the claims Reports and bills to the hospital
document. of illness
Treatment Treatment is
procedures is Cost is based on
dependent on
827 The advantage of package rates is: standard and the financial medicines used None of the A
cost of capacity of the and length of above
procedures is treatment
pre-fixed patient

Which among the given abbreviation

828 captures the procedures performed to ICD DCI CPT PCT C
treat the illness?

International Indian International Indian

829 What is ICD? Classification Classification of Code for Classificatio A
of Diseases Diseases Diagnosis n of Doctors

For a health claim to be admissible,

name two conditions to be satisfied:
1)The person should be covered under
the insurance policy 2)Treatment must
830 be taken only in a network hospital Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1&4 Choice 3&4 Choice 2&3 B
3)Treatment must be for a minimum of
3 days. 4)Admission to hospital must be
during the policy period.

Under which of the following condition,

is domciliary hospitalisation is covered
in a health insurance policy: 1)Patient's
condition is such that he/she cannot be
831 removed to the Hospital. Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1&3 Choice 1&4 None of the C
2)No above
hospital available nearby.
3)No ambulance
available to shift
4)No hospital bed available

The reason for excluding pre-existing

disease is: 1) A certainty cannot be
832 covered in insurance 2) In due course, it Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 C
may result in a claim. 3)Both the above
4) None of the above

Mention the illness for which there is Hospitalisat

833 awaiting period of one year / two years Cataract Heart Disease Malaria ion due to A
on insurance policy accident

Treatment for
the same disease Medical
The Standard exclusion under health Epidemic Hospitalisation Treatment
834 insurance policies are Diseases more than once due to accident outside D
in a policy India

The duties of the insured in case of

claim are: 1)Intimation of claim within
certain period 2)Submission of None of the
835 documents within a certain period Choice 1 & 2 Choice 1 & 3 Choice 1, 2 & 3 above C
3)Not being involved in

The expenses incurred in treating an

illness can be classified in to 1)
Expenses of Cure and Care 2)Expenses
836 of rehabilitation 3) Expenses on Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 A
cosmetic treatment 4)Expenses on
rejuvenation and restoration

Name few documents required for

settlement of health insurance claims:
837 1) Claim form 2)Payment Receipts Only 1 & 2 Only 1 & 4 1, 2 & 4 All of them D
3)Tests and investigation Reports
4)Discharge Summary

Admission is Admitted for the Admitted in non

only for None of the
838 Reasons for denial of claims are investigation same illness networking above A
purpose twice in a year hospital

In case of denial claim, the insured has Insurance

839 the option to approach the following Branch Government Insurance Agent Ombudsma D
authority n

840 Few examples of fraud committed in Impersonation Fabrication of converted to Inflation of All the four
health insurance are documents expenses
Third Party Third Party Third Party Third Party
841 TPA stands for Adjudicators Arbitrators Administrator Aggregator C

The amount of provision made for all

842 claims in the books of the insurer based Reserving Sharing Investing Pooling A
on the status the claim is known as…..

The insurance
required Insurance claim
843 Cashless facility means treatment is not paid by Cash is paid less None of the A
cash, but by to the hospital. above
expenses and cheque or NEFT
pays the same
directly to the

844 Personal Accident Policies are ……. Benefit Policy Indemnity Policy Whole life Money Back A
policy Policy
If there is
element of If insured is If insured's isIfdue
The main objective of investigation fraud or to the
exaggeration having
845 any other family is A
under PA policies is to check
covered for PA fault
of the
of claim policies insured.

Which of the following documents are

NOT required to be submitted for
Permanent Total Disablility Claim:
1)Fitness Certificate from treating
846 doctor. Both 1 & 2 Both 1 & 3 Both 2 & 4 Both 3 & 4 A
2)Discharge summary from the
hospital 3)Completed Claim Form
4)Permanent disablity certificate from a
civil surgeon.
In Overseas Travel policies, foreign Only cashless None of the
847 All claims Only PA claims B
currency payment is effected for ……… claims above

By the By the Insured
Under Overseas Travel Policies, ment clams
848 Assistance By the TPA after return to C
reimbursement claims are filed…… Company India are not

Under Overseas Travel Policies in which

Untenable All claims under None of the
849 cases, claims are paid upfront by the Bail Bond cases B
assistance company claims OMP Policies above

Detection of
850 What is the object of Coding in claims? Control of Identification of fraudulent study of D
claims hospitals claims and
its patterns.

Process of
Process of
Process of Process of assessing and assessing
851 What is Underwriting ? assessing the assessing the the income Option III
analyzing the
income health and health
risk both
852 Underwriting is done by ? Underwriter Sales Manager Advisor Option I
Classify the
risk and
Either accept or
853 Job of Underwriter is to ? Accept the risk Reject the risk decide the Option VI
Reject the risk
terms of

In health insurance more focus is on

854 health findings than financial. No Yes Sometime Cannot Say Option II

855 The tools of Underwriting are Medical Financial Age Proof All Three Option VI
Reports Documents

856 Underwriting decision can be Accept risk at Accept risk at an All Three Decline the Option III
standard rates extra premium cover

To withdraw a health insurance product,

None of the
857 the insurer shall take prior approval of Policyholder Authority Advisor Option II
the _______________ three

At least four
At least three At least two At least one
Any revision or modification in a policy months
months prior months prior to months prior to
858 which is approved by the Authority shall to the date of the date of such the date of such prior to the Option I
be notified to each policy holder date of such
such revision revision revision

Basic principle of insurance are Utmost

859 good faith and Insurable __________________ Income Interest Loss Profit Option II

Underwriting process comprises of Non-Medical Bio-Medical Scientific

860 medical underwriting and Underwriting Underwriting Underwriting None Option I

If there is a deliberate intention of

861 taking insurance just to collect a claim it Hazard Physical hazard Moral Hazard None Option III
can be considered as a case of

862 Those people whose anticipated Substandard Preferred Risk Standard Risk Declined Option III
morbidity is average are considered as Risk Risk

Those people whose anticipated

morbidity is significantly lower than Substandard Preferred
863 Standard Risk Risk Declined Risk Risk Option IV

864 Those are the ones whose anticipated Substandard Standard Risk Preferred Risk Declined Option I
morbidity is higher than the average Risk Risk

Underwriting or the selection process Underwritin

865 may be said to take place at two levels, Advisor level Customer Level Area Level department Option IV
one at field level and other at level

866 All health insurance policies are Moveable Tranferable Portable Dependable Option III

Policyholder should initiate action to

At renewal Well before After renewal
867 approach another insurer, to take date renewal date date At any time Option II
advantage of portability

The agent can monitor if any wilful non- Representatio Misrepresentati

868 disclosure or ___________________ has been n Hiding on All the three Option III
made with intent to mislead.

The Customer Information Sheet given Details of the waiting period, Renewal
869 to the customer along with policy cover,co-pay conditions and All the three Option IV
document contains or deductible cancellation benefits

All particulars of any product shall after

870 introduction be reviewed by the Appointed Underwriter Insurer Authority Option I
_____________ atleast once a year

Appointed Actuary shall review the Interest

871 performance of the product in terms of Morbidity Inflation All the three rates Option III

At least 45 At least 30 days At least 15 days Any time

A policyholder wanting to port his days before before the before the prior to
872 policy to another insurance company Option I
has to apply to such insurance company the premium premium premium renewal
renewal date renewal date renewal date date

The insurance company shall address

873 the existing insurance company seeking Mail Letter Web Portal Either of the Option III
necessary details on portability through three

874 Which of the following factor does not Gender Spouse job Habits Residence Option II
affect the morbidity of an individual? location

The actual
The actual The sum insured
According to the principle of indemnity, losses to the irrespective of A fixed amount losses
875 the insured is paid for __________. extent of the the amount agreed between irrespective Option I
both the parties of the sum
sum insured actually spent assured

The first and the primary source of

876 information about an applicant, for the Age proof Financial Previous Proposal Option IV
underwriter is his ________________. documents documents medical records form

All the critical
information received
related to the information
The policy is All the medical is carefully
health and issued to the examinations assessed
877 The underwriting process is completed personal proposer after and tests of the and Option IV
when ___________________. details of the
proposer are risk selection proposer are classified
collected and pricing. completed into
through the risk
proposal form categories

rating method Analysis of
difficult or It ensures
provides doubtful cases is This method consistency
Which of the following statements about greater speed not possible on can be used by between the
in the persons without
878 the numerical rating method is handling of a the basis of any specific decisions of Option II
incorrect? large business numerical points knowledge of different
without medical underwriter
with the help referees or medical science. s.
of trained experts.

Process adopted in underwriting,

wherein numerical or percentage Numerical Numerical Percentage
879 Rating Method Option III
assessments are made on each Method Rating Method Method
component of the risk.

880 The core principles of insurance are utmost good insurable indemnity d Himself Option IV
faith interest

To determine To determine To determine To

the determine
the health the financial occupational the age of
881 Medical underwriting is a process status of an status of an Option I
status of an an
individual individual
individual individual

882 The primary Underwriter is Insurer Advisor Sales Manager Ihe Insur Option II

The purpose of underwriting is to

883 prevent _____________________ selection Adverse Average Proper Right Option I

Underwriting is the process of risk

884 Identification Pricing Updating Focussing Option II
selection and risk ______________

Health insurance is based on the

885 concept of ____________________ Morbidity Mortality Both None Option I

Coinsurance refers to the acceptance of More Than one Three

886 a risk by One Insurer Two Insurer insurer Insurer Option III
Insurer re- Insurer re-
insuring his
Two Times insuring his
887 What is reinsurance ? None risks with Option IV
Insurance risks with other
parent company

Underwriter uses methods of

888 transferring his risks especially in case Multi Group Insurance Coinsurance & None Option III
insurance Reinsurance
of large group policies, they are

889 Reinsurance is done in World wide India Asia Europe Option I

If cover is required only for the Off-duty
890 Duty Covers Extra Cover None Option I
restricted hours, it is called covers

Drivers of
Builders, Persons working
891 Risk group III comprises of Contractors in underground trucks or lorries Machine Option II
and other heavy Operators
and Engineers mines

people professional
892 Risk group II comprises of involved in Jockeys athletes and Option III
hang gliding sportsmen
working in Veterinary Contractors and Teachers,
893 Risk group I comprises of Option IV
underground Doctors Engineers Bankers

In personal accident insurance, the main

894 factor considered is the _________________ Occupation Financial Status Health Status Option I
of the insured.

In Overseas Travel premium rate will Age of Duration of

895 depend on proposer travel None Both Option IV

Premium rates are normally much

896 higher compared to domestic health TRUE FALSE Sometimes Never Option I
insurance policies in travel insurance

Even among the foreign countries, USA

897 FALSE TRUE Never Sometimes Option II
and Canada premium is the highest.

Group insurance is underwritten mainly Insurable Utmost good Law of

898 law of averages Option III
on the interest faith Indemnity

Proposers have to undergo medical and

899 pathological investigations to assess TRUE FALSE Never Always Option I
their health risk profile.

Impose a higher
Accept risk at Either of the
900 Underwriting decisions could be standard rates Decline the cover deductible or three Option IV














to strike the
correct To increase the
916 What is the need of Underwriting balance profit of option (I) both (i)and (IV)
between risk organization
and business
approved by
approved by approved by
917 Health Insurance Underwriting Policy the Board of approved by R.B.I IRDA court (i)
the Company.

918 Any proposal for health insurance may TRUE FALSE (I)
be accepted or denied

in writing,
919 A denial of a proposal shall be recording the ORALLY THROUGH THROUGH (I)
communicated to the prospect reasons for NEWS PAPER SMS

The insured shall be informed of any
920 underwriting loading charged FALSE TRUE NOT REQUIRED IMPORTAN (II)

All individual
921 Portability shall be allowed in the health family floater NOT ALLOWED (I) AND (II) (IV)
following cases: insurance policies
922 Portability can be opted by the THE POLICY AT RENEWAL AT INCEPTION ANY TIME (II)
policyholder only at

45 days before
A policyholder wanting to port his the premium before one
923 policy has to apply to such insurance renewal date before 2 months month any time (i)
of existing

Portabilty option (i)

924 The policyholder shall fill Proposal form option (I) (IV)
form and (ii)
Every company designs its products target wants and ALL ARE
925 keeping in mind customers needs affordability CORRECT (IV)

926 Every new product needs approval court IRDA SEBI RBI (II)

shoud be family member

927 Any revision or modification in a policy notify to the of the policy NOT REQUIRED all are (i)
which is approved by the Authority wrong
policy holder holder

the insurer
shall take prior approval
928 To withdraw a health insurance product prior apporval from policy NOT REQUIRED all wrong (i)
of the holder
approved by
Company's shall evolve a Health
the Board of approved by R.B.I approved
by approved by
929 Insurance Underwriting Policy underwriter employees (i)
the Company
930 The Underwriting Policy shall be filed authority companu court of law consumer (I)
with court

No commission payable to
931 intermediary on the acceptance of a TRUE FALSE (I)
ported policy

Sum Insured can be increased on the

The principle of utmost good faith in both the insurer medical
933 underwriting is required to be followed Insurer insured (iii)
and the insured underwriter
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share The amount
Financial of loss when of the loss
interest of the The asset which
more than one that can be
934 Insurable interest refers to _ person in the is already (i)
asset to be insured company covers recovered
the same from the
lossEach insurer
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
insurer‟s share
of loss when
more than one
company covers
the same
occupation of family size
living style of
935 In personal accident insurance the insured is person is (i)
considered considered
936 classiffication of risk in accidental policy risk group 1 risk group 2 risk group 3 all are (IV)
Doctors, persons
Lawyers, Engineers,Teach engaged in ALL ARE
937 Risk group I Architects, ers bankers administration CORRECT (iv)
Consulting functions
Person person engaged persons
938 Risk group II engaged in in engaged in ALL ARE (i)
administrative CORRECT
manual labour functions risky jobs

Persons persons
working in electrical engaged in
underground installation with ALL ARE
939 Risk group III mines, high tension activities like CORRECT (IV)
explosives supply, racing on
Risk groups are also known in the form ALL ARE
940 of Normal Medium High CORRECT (iv)
Personal Physical Habits and ALL ARE
941 The Proposal Form details condition pastimes CORRECT (IV)

refers to the
acceptance of refers to the refers to the refers to the
acceptance of a acceptance
942 Coinsurance a risk by more risk by one acceptance of a of a risk by (I)
than one insurer risk by IRDA RBI
accept risks of
insurers by Habits and persons
943 Reinsurance way of Personal details pastimes engaged in
standing risky jobs

944 Reinsurance is done word-wide TRUE FALSE (I)

numerical or
945 Numerical rating ARE USED IN OPTION IS (I)
each aspect of
the risk.

Good underwriting will lead to

946 profitability of an organization false true (ii)

947 Underwriting should be done carefully false TRUE (ii)

Group insurance is underwritten mainly

948 on the law of averages TRUE FALSE (i)

Premium rate in travel insurance policy age of the duration of living style of option (i)
949 will depend upon proposer foreign travel person and (ii) (IV)

While giving accidental policy income

950 from gainful employment should be TRUE FALSE (i)

"Mediclaim" was introduced by the 4

951 public sector insurers in …… 1984 1985 1986 1981 C

PSU introduced a low cost mediclaim Jana Arogya Bhavishya Pravasi bharati Jana pravasi
952 policy for poor people is called Bima Policy Arogya Bima policy bharati A
policy policy

The health product offered by life Shall remain Shall remain shall remain shall remain
953 insurance company has a condition that unchanged for same for lifetime sameyear
for one same till A
premium 3 years claim comes

IRDA Issued guidelines of

954 standardization 2014 2013 2002 2012 B
in health insurance in…

Health insurance product can be Fixed benefit Individual,Floate Package, Combi Individual,B
955 anka & A
classified into 3 categories & Critical r & Group & Govt. schemes Corporate
Govt schem Group policy Group policy policy
956 Rastriya Swasth Bima Yojana is covering BPL offered at lowest subsidised by covering A
Population premium Govt handicap
IRDA health GI council
List of excluded items of expenses in Insurance Act Companies
957 Regulation decision in A
hospitalization was introduced by 2013 1926 2014 of their own

If the reimbursement of Medical

expenses is at actuals, the policy is
issued on………………
Indemnity Hospital
958 basis Benefit Basis cashless PPN Policy A

A regular hospitalistion Indemnity

product covers the following :
1)Hospitalisation stay of more than 24
The first four The first three Only first
959 hours 2)Day care treatment 3)Pre post All the five B
types types type
hospitalisation treatment 4) Post-
hospitalisation treatment 5)OPD

Day Care treatment involve procedures

and surgeries done within ………. hours
960 of admission due to advancment of 12 8 24 72 C
Medical technologies.

Not payable Only if an

Pre and Post hospitalization expenses As part of As part of a under additional
961 overall sum A
are paid ….. separate limit. hospitalization premium is
claim paid.

As per IRDA guidelines, grace period

962 allowed for renewal of idividual health TRUE FALSE B

PED definition changes from company

963 to company 15 days Thirty days Fortyfive days Sixty day B

The Initial waiting period applicable for

964 the first year policy runs for …... 30 Days 45 Days 90 days 180 days A

ases/ Surgeries and Day care Only
The following treatments are NOT surgeries and
965 excluded in the initial waiting period…. surgeries/acci accident accident accident D
dent treatments treatments treatments

A cost sharing
wherein the Amt of claim Payment which Loading on
Claims paid
966 Co-Payment is: insured has to payble in excess is made by by the A
pay a certain of limit Company customer
portion of the

If the proposal Mandated

is accepted for now that
Paid in full as underwriting, the insurer
967 Cost of pre policy check up Not payable per new Health the cost can be must pay D
Regulation covered 50% of
upt050% or health check
100%. up expenses

Till the
968 Health policies are renewable …………. Upto age 75 Upto age 80 diagnosis of Lifetime D
Critical illness

Covering AYUSH treament in health

policies is manadatory

Maternity cover, Critical Illness cover, Manadatory Extended

970 Reinstatement of Sum Insured , are all Add on covers Basic covers B
….. Covers Covers

Premium to be
fair and Information of Exclusive
Which of the following are manadated channel to
971 by IRDA as a special provision for Senior transarent, underwriting process claims All of the D
Citizen justified and loading before and related above
disclosed issuance
upfront. issues

A plan that
A high targets different A Plan for BPL A Plan for
972 Catastrophe based plan is deductible mass A
plan sections of the families epidemics.

A lump sum amount over and above the Having a One that has run Offered by the Issued with
973 actual claim is paid when the policy Benefit plan as for 10 years higher A
is……. a rider without a claim Government. premiums.

Indemnity Lump Sum Cover Fixed benefit Multiple-

974 Hospital cash, Critical illness cover are … benefits C
cover policy Policy insurance cover
provided for Reimbursement Lump Sum subsidized
people of Medical exp Payment on the plan for
975 Critical illness policy is diagnosed only in case of diagnosis of C
with critical critical illness critical illness critically ill
illness people

Product which offers the life cover

Two-in-one Life-health
976 along-with health insurance is known as Product Combi Product Mixed Product cover B

Health policy Health plan

Health Policy Health policy for which takes which is
977 Bhavishya Arogya Policy is for dependant Dependant care of Initiated by C
Childern parents healthcare after Govt of
the retirement India

Critical illness Hospital cash

plus plus Personal
978 Which of these is not package policy? Travel policy reimbursement reimbursement Accident D
of Medical of Medical policy
Expenses Expenses

Micro insurance products are People Low income Physically

working in People from
979 specifically designed for the protection Micro rural areas population from challenged C
of…… industries rural areas population

One of the Policy which Policy for

Micro Scheme covers terminally
980 Jan Arogya Bima Policy is insurance launched by individual A/C ill section of A
policy offered Govt of India holder of the BPL families
by PSU's Bank

In RSBY the premium contribution

981 proportion by Central and State Govt is 1:3 2:2 3:1 1:4 C

Pradhan Mantri Bima Suraksha Yojana Actual Medical Lump Sum for Death :- Natural Accidental
982 death and D
Covers Expenses Critical Illness and Accidental disability

Under Pradhan Mantri Jan dhan Yojana 12.45

983 10 Crores 20 crores 15.59 Crores C
a record of ………….accounts opened Crores

984 Personal accident policies offer cover ent Medical Education All of the D
against disability/Tem Extension Cover Benefit above
Group Personal accident policies are Employer Non Employer employee All of the
985 given Employee employee where names above D
relationship relationship
are not given
986 Special products include Disease Hospital cash Compensation subsidized A
specific covers products Based products

987 Policies which coverd medical treatment Corporate Overseas travel Frequent flyers Liability B
during his foreign stay is called as policy Insurance policy policy

Services of independent organizatons

988 for managing health insurance claims PPN AMC TPA Claims desk C
are known as

A Network of hospitals created by Cashless Prefered Network

989 insurers to ensure quality services at Providers' TPA B
Best Rates is called …………….. Network Network provider

15 Days
30 days from 15 Days from 15 Days from from
990 Health Policy has free look period of proposal issuance of receipt of the B
reeived policy policy despatch of
the policy

Claims loading Claims loading Additional

Claims loading S.I.
991 What is Malus? collected at for group for individual thetaken at B
the time of time of
claim policies policies renewal

depends on
992 After a claim, how would NCB be Entire % of At the same rate 5 % for each company to B
reduced? NCB it accrued claim company

Policies can be cancelled as per Non-

993 standardized regulatory provisions only disclousre of Misrepresentati Non- All of the D
in case of ……….. material facts on/ fraud cooperation above
charges, for
the specific
provider and
consistent As per the
AS per the As per the Rate
with the
standard of the limitations schedule
994 Reasonable and Necessary clause states prevailing Hospital, mentioned in published A
………….. charges in the
displayed in the policy by Medical
geographical their schedule clause Council of
area for the
same nature of

No grace
Grace period for renewing in Health period for
995 15 days 30 days 45 Days A
policies is… Health

Health insurance
Health Health
Health provides insurance insurnce
insurance financial
provides provides
provides protection
996 Identify which statement is correct security against protection Cover B
against all against
against uncertain
uncertainties of critical
disease medical health dieases

Critical illness Critical illness Critical illness policy is a
policy is a policy is a policy is a
benefit policy, indemnity indemnity
997 Which of the statement is correct provide lump policy, provide policy, provide policy, B
sum amt lump sum amt lump sum amt
lump sum
against certain against certain against all amt against
named illness named illness illness
all critical

An extra SI,
An extra Excess amt of employee
floating sum
Medical can use.
insured to A special policy
meet excess for people expenses over Cover
998 Corporate buffer is ………. and above S.I. allocated for A
expenses over working in the
which is to be another
and above the Corporate sector. borne by emplyee,
Family Sum
corporate body only if it is
unused and

Claims loading Claim

Claim loading can be charged
can be Claims loading in individual loading can
charged at the cannot be policies at be charged
999 Which of the statement is correct anytime A
time of charged in group renewal giving during the
renewal in policies notice of 30 policy
group policies days from the
date of renewal period

Payable if
Payable as per waiver of
Payable if grace period
1000 Claim during the grace period is Not payable renewed before IRDA's New As selected A
hospitalization health at the time
of buying
health cover

Life insurance Life insurance Applicablle to to
companies companies all insurance standalone
1001 File and use rule is applicable to health product health C
alone only companies insurers

Latest Regulation of appointment of

1002 Insurance Agent regulations came into 1-Aug-15 1-Apr-16 2000 2001 Option 2
force with effect from

Appellate Officer” means an officer

1003 authorized by The……….. to consider and Insurer Insured Agent Employee Option 1
dispose representations and appeals
received from an Insurance Agent

individual who is appointed as an

insurance agent by two or more
insurers subject to the condition that Composite
1004 he/she shall not act as insurance agent Agent Individual agent Firm Corporate Option 1
for more than one life insurer, one
general insurer, one health insurer and
one each of the mono-line insurers

agents maintained by the Authority

whose appointment is
1005 cancelled/suspended by a designated Black Listed Active Agent Inactive Agent New Agent Option 1
official of insurer on grounds of Agent
violation of code of conduct and / or

An applicant seeking appointment as an

1006 insurance agent of an Insurer shall Form I-A Form I-B Form I-C Not Option 1
submit an application in Form Required

The applicant so appointed as an

1007 insurance agent shall be provided an TRUE FALSE Option 1
identity card

The Designated Official shall

communicate the reasons for refusal for
1008 appointment as agent to the applicant in TRUE FALSE Option 1
writing, within 21 days of receipt of the

The Designated Official of the insurer,

on receipt of the application, shall
1009 satisfy himself that the applicant:- Has TRUE FALSE Option 1
furnished the Agency Application in
Form I-A complete in all respects

The Designated Official of the insurer,

on receipt of the application, shall
1010 satisfy himself that the applicant:- Has TRUE FALSE Option 1
submitted the PAN details along with
the Agency Application Form

The Designated Official of the insurer,

on receipt of the application, shall
1011 satisfy himself that the applicant:-Has TRUE FALSE Option 1
passed the insurance examination as
specified under Regulations 6

The Designated Official of the insurer,

on receipt of the application, shall
1012 satisfy himself that the applicant:-Does TRUE FALSE Option 1
not suffer from any of the
disqualifications mentioned in
Regulation 7

The Designated Official of the insurer,

on receipt of the application, shall
1013 satisfy himself that the applicant:-Has TRUE FALSE Option 1
the requisite knowledge to solicit and
procure insurance business

agency application and grant

appointment to the applicant as an
insurance agent by issuing an
1014 appointment letter within 15 days of TRUE FALSE Option 1
receipt of all documents from the

The letter of appointment shall be

1015 dispatched not later than 7 days after TRUE FALSE Option 1
the appointment of the agent

The Designated Official shall

communicate the reasons for refusal for
1016 appointment as agent to the applicant in TRUE FALSE Option 1
writing, within 21 days of receipt of the
An applicant seeking appointment as a
„Composite Insurance Agent‟ shall make
an application to the Designated Official None of
1017 Form I-B Form I-A Form I-C Option 1
of respective life, general, health insurer these
or mono-line insurer as the case may be,
in the „Composite Agency Application

The applicant who has successfully

passed the Insurance Agency
1018 Examination as mentioned in above TRUE FALSE Option 1
shall be issued a pass certificate by the
Examination Body

The pass certificate issued by the

Examining Body shall be in force for a
1019 period of twelve months, for the TRUE FALSE Option 1
purpose of seeking appointment as an
agent with any insurer for the first time

Section 42
The conditions for disqualification shall Section 42 (3) Section 43 (3) of Section 43 (4)
1020 (4) of the Option 1
be as stipulated under Section of the Act the Act of the Act

Disclose the scales of commission in

1021 respect of the insurance product offered TRUE FALSE Option 1
for sale, if asked by the prospect

Do not the scales of commission in

1022 respect of the insurance product offered TRUE FALSE Option 2
for sale, if asked by the prospect

Advise every prospect to effect

1023 TRUE FALSE Option 1
nomination under the policy

Never Advise every prospect to effect

1024 TRUE FALSE Option 2
nomination under the policy

Render necessary assistance to the

policyholders or claimants or
1025 beneficiaries in complying with the TRUE FALSE Option 1
requirements for settlement of claims
by the insurer

Never give assistance to the

policyholders or claimants or
1026 beneficiaries in complying with the TRUE FALSE Option 2
requirements for settlement of claims
by the insurer

Inform promptly the prospect about the

1027 acceptance or rejection of the proposal TRUE FALSE Option 1
by the insurer

Not required to Inform the prospect

1028 about the acceptance or rejection of the TRUE FALSE Option 2
proposal by the insurer

Insurance Agent shall Offer different

1029 rates, advantages, terms and conditions TRUE FALSE Option 2
other than those offered by his insurer

No Insurance Agent shall Force a

policyholder to terminate the existing
1030 policy and to effect a new policy from TRUE FALSE Option 1
him within three years from the date of
such termination of the earlier policy

Apply for fresh agency appointment to

act as an insurance agent, if his agency
appointment was earlier cancelled by
1031 the designated official, and a period of TRUE FALSE Option 1
five years has not elapsed from the date
of such cancellation

Any person who acts as an insurance

agent in contravention of the provisions
1032 of the Insurance Act, 1938 and Rs. 10000 Rs. 100000 Rs. 1000000 Rs. 5000 Option 1
Regulations made there under shall be
liable to a penalty which may extend to

any insurer or any person acting on

behalf of an insurer, who appoints any
person as an insurance agent not
1033 permitted to act as such or transact any One Lac One Crore Ten Thousand No Option 2
insurance business in India through any
such person shall be liable to penalty
which may extend to

The insurer shall be responsible for all

acts and omissions of its agents
including violation of code of conduct
1034 specified under these Regulations, and TRUE FALSE Option 1
shall be liable to a penalty which may
extend to one crore rupees.

The insurer shall be responsible for all

acts and omissions of its agents
including violation of code of conduct
1035 specified under these Regulations, and One Lac One Crore Ten Thousand No Option 2
shall be liable to a penalty which may
extend to

The insurer shall be responsible for all

acts and omissions of its agents
including violation of code of conduct
1036 specified under these Regulations, and TRUE FALSE Option 1
shall be liable to a penalty which may
extend to 10 Thousand only

The appointment of an agent may be

cancelled or suspended after due notice
1037 and after giving him/her a reasonable TRUE FALSE Option 1
opportunity of being heard if he/she
Violates terms of appointment

The insurer shall recover the

appointment letter and Identity card
1038 from the agent whose appointment has TRUE FALSE Option 1
been cancelled under these Regulations
within 7 days of issuance of final order
effecting cancellation of appointment

In case an insurance agent appointed by

an insurer wishes to surrender his
agency with his/her insurer, he/she
1039 shall surrender his appointment letter TRUE FALSE Option 1
and identity card to the designated
official of the insurer with whom he/she
is currently holding agency
The Insurer shall issue the cessation
certificate as detailed in Form I-C within
1040 a period of 15 days from the date of TRUE FALSE Option 1
resignation or surrender of

An Insurance Agent who has

1041 surrendered his appointment may seek TRUE FALSE Option 1
fresh appointment with other insurer

An Insurance Agent who has

surrendered his appointment may seek
fresh appointment with other insurer,
1042 he has to produce Cessation Certificate TRUE FALSE Option 1
issued by the previous insurer issued in
Form I-C

No individual shall act as an insurance

agent for more than one life insurer, one
1043 general insurer, one health insurer and TRUE FALSE Option 1
one each of mono-line insurers

Any individual, who acts as an insurance

agent in contravention of the provisions
1044 of this Act, shall be liable to a penalty TRUE FALSE Option 1
which may extend to ten thousand

No insurer shall, on or after the

commencement of the Insurance Laws
1045 (Amendment) Act, 2015 appoint any TRUE FALSE Option 1
Principal Agent, Chief Agent, and Special
Agent and transact any insurance
business in India through them.

No person shall allow or offer to allow,

either directly or indirectly or as an
1046 inducement, to any person to take out or TRUE FALSE Option 1
renew or continue an insurance policy
through multilevel marketing scheme.

The Authority may through an officer

authorized in this behalf, make a
complaint to the appropriate police
1047 authorities relating to the entity or TRUE FALSE Option 1
persons involved in the Multi-Level
Marketing schemes

The insurer will consider the agency

application after a period of NINETY
1048 DAYS from the date of the issue of the TRUE FALSE Option 1
cessation certificate by the previous

Any person shall allow or offer to allow,

either directly or indirectly or as an
1049 inducement, to any person to take out or TRUE FALSE Option 2
renew or continue an insurance policy
through multilevel marketing scheme.

Suspension of Appointment of an Agent

if Fails to comply with the code of
1050 conduct stipulated in Regulation 8 and TRUE FALSE Option 1
directions issued by the Authority from
time to time

Suspension of Appointment of an Agent

1051 Does not co-operate with any inspection TRUE FALSE Option 1
or enquiry conducted by the Authority

Suspension of Appointment of an Agent

if Violates the provisions of the
Insurance Act,1938 (4 of 1938),
1052 TRUE FALSE Option 1
Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999) or
rules or regulations

Which of the following is not element Offer and Capacity of the

1053 of a valid contract? Acceptance Coersion parties Considerati OPTION 2

If the policy If the insured If the

Principle of utmost good faith will Every time has lapsed and it person falls sick insured
1054 premium is person OPTION 2
operate in existing policy paid has to be and is admitted changes his
revived. to hospital. job

Both the parties to a contract must

1055 agree and understand the same thing Consideration Legality of an Consensus ad Acceptance OPTION 3
and in the same sense which is called object idem

Non Fraudulent
Under which situation may leads to Concealment of All of the
1056 breach of the duty of utmost good faith? disclosure of a material fact misrepresentati above OPTION 4
material facts on of facts

Insurance Insurance Insurance

1057 Principle of Indemnity cannot be should not taken cannot be taken All of the OPTION 1
denotes………………….. used to make a by high risk above
profit people by politicians

Facts of
1058 The principle of utmost good faith is not common Facts of law Facts those are All of the OPTION 4
applicable to………………. not material above

In an insurance contract the insurable

1059 interest needs to be at the time claim revival inception surrender OPTION 3
of ...............................

1060 Where do you not find insurable interest Father -son employee- husband-wife brother- OPTION 4
in the following options ? employer sister

1061 The principle of utmost good faith only insurers only proposer both insurers insures nor OPTION 3
applies to................... and proposer proposer

One party
One party One party makes One party makes an
makes an offer an offer which makes an offer offer which
1062 A contract comes into existence which the the other party where other the other OPTION 4
other party put extra party gives party
denies conditions counter offer accepts the
Client and Insurance
An insurance agent is intermediary Insurance Company and Client and IRDA and Re-
1063 between…………………… insurance OPTION 1
Company IRDA

The concept of indemnity is based on Paying Profiting

1064 the key principle that policyholders Insuring Making false excessively for from OPTION4
should be prevented from existing losses insurance claims
……………………. insurance cover insurance

If Insurable interest does not exists at

the time of inception of the insurance
1065 Voidable Invalid Valid Null & void OPTION 4
policy then, insurance contract

disclose the
material facts
What do you mean by Complete disclose the . disclose all he he know and none of the
1066 disclosure? material facts knows also the above OPTION 3
he knows material facts
he ought to

transfer of
sharing of
something of indemnity rights of an
1067 Subrogation means___________ monetary by a to make good insured to OPTION 4
group of loss
value insurers another
. the
The doctrine of contribution is a the principle the principle of the principle of principle of
1068 corollary of _________ of insurable indemnity subrogation utmost good OPTION 2

________ provides guidelines to decide Proximate Contribution

1069 whether the loss is caused by an insured Indemnity Considerati OPTION 2
peril or an expected peril. clause clause on

injuries while injuries due

1070 Personal accident does not cover the intentional accidental engaged in OPTION 1
injuries resulting from___________ self-injury injuries to dog bite
The principle of _______________ ensures
1071 that an insured does not profit by OPTION 2
insuring with multiple insurers. Subrogation Contribution insurance Indemnity

all the insured

1072 What is the significance of the principle contributes a who are a part of multiple insures contributed
of contribution? certain the pool, covering the by the OPTION 3
1073 portion of the same subject insured in
contribute to the Utmost Good
1074 What is Uberrima Fides ? Good faith Understanding Subrogation OPTION 3
1075 The existence of ‘insurable interest’ is TRUE FALSE OPTION 1
an essential requirement of every
1076 insurance
Indian Indian
The Insurance Contracts are governed Indian Contract Indian Contract
1077 Contract Contract OPTION 2
by…………………….. Act,1856 Act, 1872 Act, 1862 Act, 1838
Particular part Consumer
1078 Insurance cannot be taken for of body Aircrafts Smuggled goods Durables OPTION 3
Health All general
1079 The doctrine of Caveat Emptor governs insurance Group insurance Commercial insurance OPTION 3
________ contracts contracts
contracts contracts.
1080 __________ is a contract between the Proximate
insurer and the insured under which the Insurance Agreement Indemnity OPTION 1
1081 clause
insurer undertakes to
The amount paid by the insured to the Overhead
1082 Commission Brokerage Premium OPTION 3
insurer is known as ___________ charges

The amount of Promise to pay Both the parties

Both are
1083 Which of the following is the similarity loss to be paid on the win on enforceable OPTION 1
between insurance and gambling? is known happening of an happening of an
at law
before hand event event

to make
to share losses to earn a
1084 The concept of insurance is______________ money out of to earn interest OPTION 3
by many status

Insurance reduces the extent of financial does not

to the extent of
1085 loss connected with uncertain TRUE FALSE reduce the OPTION 3
insurance cover
events______ loss at all

reduces the insurances

1086 Insurance cover___________ protects assets prevents loss OPTION 3
impact of loss immortality

“The company will not be on risk until

1087 the proposal has been accepted the TRUE FALSE Option I
Company and full premium paid” ?

Health insurance is
An A mutual
1088 ___________between the insurer and the agreement A contract A deal consent Option II
insured ?

Which of the following is the most vital Job / Age in

1089 factor in calculating the premium for an profession of Area of completed Plan opted Option III
individual health insurance policy ? proposer residence years for

Which of the following hospitalization

1090 costs are normally not covered under Accommodati Surgeon’s fee Radiotherapy Maternity Option VI
charges costs
hospitalization indemnity plans ? on costs

All of the following are common No waiting

1091 clauses of a health insurance contract Deductibles Renewal Cancellation period Option VI

Minimum 24 treatment
The minimum
Treatment number of beds hours should be
Which of the following clauses related can be taken in the hospital hospitalization done under
is required the
1092 to health insurance contract is in any where the except for the supervision Option I
incorrect ? hospital/nursi treatment is few specialized of
ng home. taken should be
15 day care registered
procedures. medical

______________is a state of
1093 unconsciousness with no reaction to Cancer Coma Heart attack Paralysis Option II
external stimuli or internal needs.

Who is the Regulator for Insurance

1094 companies? IRDA RBI AMFI SEBI Option I

It does not It is based

Insurance contracts are different from It protects the It covers result in profit on principle
1095 other contracts because _____________ asset uncertain losses for any of the of “utmost Option VI
parties good faith”

about any It does not It is based
Self-declaration by the applicant in a illness in the It covers result in profit on principle
1096 proposal form includes_____________ various uncertain losses for any of the of “utmost Option I
systems of the parties good faith”
body of the

Objective of an exclusion clause in a Avoid staged Avoid misuse of Keep costs of All the
1097 health insurance contract is to or fradulent insurance for claim low above Option VI
____________ ? claims profit motive

______________is the maximum liability for

Lum sum
1098 all the claims made during the policy Cashless Indemnity Fixed amount payment Option II

Perform Evaluate
rating, Make informed Decide the the
An underwriter uses health insurance classification decisions related company’s
1099 data to __________________________ and to the marketing acceptance or liabilities Option III
segmentation strategy denial of a risk for financial
analysis reporting

As per the IRDA definition, what is the

1100 maximum waiting period for covering 1 year 24 months 36 months 48 months Option VI
pre-existing diseases ?

1101 The IRDA was established in_____________ 1999 2000 1938 1998 Option II

When did Life Insurance Companies Act

1102 pass in India? 2000 1912 1958 1948 Option-2

1103 When was GIC nationalisation & set up? 1919 1972 1956 1949 Option-2

1104 How many LI companies are present in 26 21 25 24 Option-4

India today?
Lifestyle Environmental All the
1105 What are the determinants of health? Genetic factors Option-4
factors factors three.

services services offered specialized
provided by consultative
medical by the doctors & healthcare for
What does Teritiary health care refers specialists small clinics inpatients on
1106 which are
to? professionals contacted first referral from option 1 & 2 Option-3
who do not by the patient primary/second
have first ary care
contact with for any sickness providers.

Oriental Life Oriental Life Triton Triton

Which is the first life insurance Insurance
1107 company in India? insurance Co. insurance Co. Insurance Co. Co. Ltd. in Option-2
Ltd. in 1850 Ltd. in 1818 Ltd. in 1850 1818

can act only

on behalf of
agents can place
usually insurance only one GIC, one
individuals with the LIC, one
What is applicable in case of Insurance health
1108 Agents ? but some can insurance a,b &d insurer and Option-3
be corporate company they one of each
agents too have an agency
with of the mono

TPAs are
funded by TPAs are funded
insurers and by the insurers
are and are TPAs get
1109 What is applicable in case of TPA? remunerated remunerated by monthly salary All are Option-1
by them by them by way of incorrect
way of fees fees which are a from insurers
which are a percentage of
percentage of brokerage
the premium.

their web
site and/or
Through their telemarketi
They procure web site & ng, they
They procure
business business only telemarketing, solicit
How do Insurance Web Aggregators online through through they solicit insurance
1110 telemarketing & insurance business Option-4
work? Insurance with coming face business by through
company's to face with the coming face to distance
prospects face with the marketing
prospect without
coming face
to face with
the prospect

To assist
It provides key It provides key companies and they are the
inputs to latest types
Insurers to inputs to the TPAs in of
1111 What is correct in case of Insurance help them theRegulator and assessing health intermediar Option-2
Information Bureau of India Government insurance risks
form effective to assist them in of prospective ies to beby
marketing policymaking clients during governed
strategies IRDAI
acceptance of
Which of theses Health Insurance Insurance Web Insurance Malhotra Insurance
1112 intermediaries are not governed by Committee Marketing Option-3
Aggregators Brokers
IRDA Members Firms

expenses in
Which expenses are not covered under Maternity case of
1113 the ESIC scheme? OPD expenses IPD expenses expenses Option-1
death of

Rahul's father underwent an intensive

treatment at home which generally
Critical illness Domiciliary
happens in a hospital. The attending Intensive Care In-patient
1114 treatment at Hospitalisat Option-4
doctor certified that the hospital had no treatment home Department ion
bed for taking him in then. In medical
insurance this is termed as

National Oriental Life

Which is the oldest insurance company IRDA Act
1115 Insurance insurance Co. LIC Act 1956 Option-1
in India which still exists today? 1906 Ltd. in 1818 1999

1116 Identify SAHI Company ICICI Lombard Kotak Mahindra IFFCO Tokio TTK Cigna Option-4

In which year did IRDA act pass in the December .

1117 March . 1986 December . 2000 July . 1999 Option-3
Government? 1999

India being second largest populated

country in the world, she is exposed to Demographic or
1118 problems associated with population Social Trends Economic Trends Population expectancy Option-3
growth and poverty. This holds true in related trends
respect of

In domiciliary hospitalisation certain cancer Dysentry, gout

1119 diseases excluded are: treatment heart attack & arthritis Brain tumor Option-3

Need to set up healthcare facilities in a Social and Socio-economic

1120 district or a state will be based upon mental health factors such as Death rate All of above Option-4
which health care factors? of the people affordability

In which year was Mediclaim introduced

1121 in Indian Market? 1950 1986 1956 1999 Option-2

Which community volunteers do not Naari Shakti Trained Birth The
1122 serve as link between govt & village at Social Health Association Attendants Anganwadi Option-2
village level? Activist (NSA) (TBA) workers

1123 TPAs represent customers and are TRUE FALSE True, if policy is None of Option-2
remunerated by Insurers in first year above

TPAs are not TPAs source

TPAs source authorized to business for
business for sell insurance. TPAs get selected
1124 What is applicable in case of TPA? selected They provide monthly salary Insurance Option-1
Insurance administrative from insurers Firms as
Firms services to directed by
insurance firms IRDAI

Accredited Associated Accredited None Of

1125 What is the full form of ASHA Social Health Social Health Social Health Option-3
Agent Activist Activist Above

health services
introduced for workers through a
What is applicable in case of Employees’ employed in the All the
1126 State Insurance Scheme? blue-collar formal private network of its three. Option-4
workers sector own
and hospitals
1127 Workers earning upto what wages are
covered under the ESIC scheme? Rs. 10000 Rs. 5000 Rs. 15000 Rs. 12000 Option-3
"Mediclaim" was introduced by the 4 1984 1985 1986 1981 III
1129 public sector insurers in ……

PSU introduced a low cost mediclaim Jana Arogya Bhavishya Pravasi bharati Jana pravasi
1130 Arogya Bima bharati I
policy for poor people is called Bima Policy policy
policy policy

The health product offered by life Shall remain shall remain shall remain
1131 insurance company has a condition that unchanged for Shall remain same for one same till I
premium 3 years same for lifetime year claim comes

IRDA Issued guidelines of 2014 2013 2002 2012 II

standardization in health insurance in…

Health insurance product can be Indemnity, Individual,Floate Package, Combi Individual,B

1133 Fixed benefit & anka & I
classified into 3 categories Critical illnes r & Group & Govt. schemes Corporate

Govt schem Group policy Group policy policy
1134 Rastriya Swasth Bima Yojana is covering BPL offered at lowest subsidised by covering I
Population premium Govt handicap

IRDA health Insurance

1135 List of excluded items of expenses in Regulation Insurance Act GI council Companies I
hospitalization was introduced by 1926 decision in 2014 of their own
2013 choice

If the reimbursement of Medical expenses

is at actuals, the policy is issued
1136 Indemnity Benefit Basis Hospital PPN Policy I
basis cashless

A regular hospitalistion Indemnity

product covers the following :
1)Hospitalisation stay of more than 24
The first four The first three Only first
1137 hours 2)Day care treatment 3)Pre post All the five types types type II
hospitalisation treatment 4) Post-
hospitalisation treatment 5)OPD

Day Care treatment involve procedures

and surgeries done within ………. hours of
1138 12 8 24 72 III
admission due to advancment of Medical

Not payable Only if an

As part of
1139 Pre and Post hospitalization expenses are overall sum As part of a under additional I
paid ….. insured. separate limit. hospitalization premium is
claim paid.

1140 An exclusion can be removed by paying TRUE FALSE II

additional premium

PED definition changes from company to TRUE FALSE II


The Initial waiting period applicable for 30 Days 45 Days 90 days 180 days I
1142 the first year policy runs for …...

Illnesses/disea Day care

The following treatments are NOT ses/ Surgeries and surgeries and Only
1143 surgeries/acci accident accident IV
excluded in the initial waiting period…. dent treatments accident treatments
treatments treatments

A cost sharing
wherein the Amt of claim Payment which Loading on
Claims paid
1144 Co-Payment is: insured has to payble in excess is made by by the I
pay a certain of limit Company customer
portion of the

Paid if taken
Paid If the Paid in full as per Not paid during
1145 Stem cell implantation is ……. claim is new Health lifetime of as rider in III
payable Regulation insured the health

Till the
1146 Health policies are renewable …………. Upto age 75 Upto age 80 diagnosis of Lifetime IV
Critical illness

Covering AYUSH treament in health TRUE FALSE III

1147 policies is manadatory

Recovery benefit, Donor's Expenses, Loss Manadatory Optional Covers Basic covers Extended III
1148 of pay, Reinstatement of policy are all ….. Covers Covers

Premium to be
fair and
Which of the following are manadated by transarent, Information of channel to
1149 IRDA as a special provision for Senior underwriting process claims All of the IV
justified and loading before above
Citizen disclosed issuance and related
upfront. issues

A plan that
A high
targets different A Plan for BPL A Plan
1150 Catastrophe based plan is deductible mass I
plan sections of the families epidemics.

Having a
A lump sum amount over and above the Benefit One that has run Offered by the Issued with
1151 actual plan as for 10 years higher I
claim is paid when the policy is……. a rider without a claim Government. premiums.

1152 Hospital
Cash, Critical illness insurance Indemnity Lump Sum Cover Fixed benefit
benefits III
plans are examples of……. cover policy Policy insurance cover
Cover provided Reimbursement Lump Sum
1153 Critical illness policy is for people of Medical exp Payment on the plan for III
diagnosed with only in case of diagnosis of
critically ill
critical illness critical illness critical illness

Product which offers the life cover along- Two-in-one Combi Product Mixed Product Life-health II
with health insurance is known as ……… Product cover

Health policy Health plan

Health Policy Health policy for which takes care
which is
1155 Bhavishya Arogya Policy is for dependant Dependant of healthcare III
Childern parents after the Initiated by
Govt of India

Critical illness Hospital cash

plus plus Personal
Which of the these is not package policy? Overseas IV
1156 reimbursement reimbursement Accident
Travel policy
of Medical of Medical policy
Expenses Expenses
Micro insurance products are specifically working in People from Low income Physically
1157 population from challenged III
designed for the protection of…… Micro rural areas
rural areas population
One of the Policy which
Policy for
Micro Scheme launched covers terminally ill
1158 Jan Arogya Bima Policy is insurance individual A/C I
by Govt of India section of
policy offered holder of the
by PSU's Bank BPL families

In RSBY the premium contribution

1159 proportion by Central and State Govt is 1:3 2:2 3:1 1:4 III

Pradhan Mantri Bima Suraksha Yojana Actual Medical Lump Sum for Death :- Natural Accidental IV
1160 death and
Covers Expenses Critical Illness and Accidental

Under Pradhan Mantri Jan dhan Yojana a

1161 10 Crores 20 crores 15.59 Crores 12.45 Crores III
record of ………….accounts opened

Personal accident policies offer cover ent Medical Education All of the
1162 IV
against disability/Tem Extension Cover Benefit above
Employer Non Employer
1163 Group Personal accident policies are given Employee employee employee where All of the IV
relationship relationship names are not above
1164 Special products include Disease Hospital cash Compensation subsidized I
specific covers products Based products products

1165 Policies which coverd medical treatment Corporate Overseas travel Frequent flyers Liability II
during his foreign stay is called as policy Insurance policy policy

Services of independent organizatons for

1166 managing health insurance claims are PPN AMC TPA Claims desk III
known as

A Network of hospitals created by Prefered

1167 insurers to ensure quality services at Best Cashless Providers' Network TPA II
Network provider
Rates is called …………….. Network

15 Days
30 days from 15 Days from 15 Days from from
1168 Health Policy has free look period of proposal issuance of policy receipt of the despatch of II
reeived policy
the policy

Claims loading Claims loading Claims loading S.I. taken at
1169 What is Malus? collected at the for group policies for individual the time of II
time of claim policies

Entire % of At the same rate 5 % for each depends on

1170 After a claim, how would NCB be reduced? company to II
NCB it accrued claim company

Policies can be cancelled as per Non-disclouser Misrepresentatio All of the

1171 standardized regulatory provisions only of material n/ fraud
in case of ……….. facts

charges, for
the specific
provider and As per the
consistent with AS per the As per the Rate
standard of the schedule
1172 Reasonable and Necessary clause states the prevailing Hospital, limitations published by I
………….. charges in the displayed in their mentioned in the Medical
identical policy clause
geographical schedule Council of
area for the India
same nature of

No grace
Grace period for renewing in Health 15 days 30 days 45 Days period for I
1173 policies is… Health

Health insurance
Health Health
Health provides insurance insurnce
insurance financial provides provides
1174 Identify which statement is correct provides against protection Cover II
security uncertain against all against
against disease uncertainties of critical
medical health dieases

Critical illness Critical illness Critical illness illness policy
policy is a policy is a policy is a is a benefit
benefit policy, indemnity policy, indemnity policy,
1175 Which of the statement is correct provide lump provide lump policy, provide provide II
sum amt sum amt against lump sum amt lump sum
against certain certain named against all amt against
named illness illness illness all critical

An extra SI,
An extra Excess amt of employee
floating sum Medical can use.
insured to A special policy
meet excess for people expenses over Cover
1176 Corporate buffer is ………. I
expenses over working in the and above S.I. allocated for
which is to be another
and above the Corporate sector. borne by emplyee,
Family Sum corporate body only if it is
unused and

Claims loading
can be charged Claim
Claim loading loading can
can be charged Claims loading in individual be charged
1177 Which of the statement is correct at the time of cannot be policies at anytime I
charged in group renewal giving
renewal in policies notice of 30 days during the
group policies from the date of policy

Payable if
waiver of
Payable if Payable as per grace period
Claim during the grace period is Not payable IRDA's New I
1178 renewed before health As selected
hospitalization Regulation at the time
of buying
health cover

Life insurance Life insurance Applicablle to all to
1179 File and use rule is applicable to companies companies health insurance standalone III
alone product only companies health
insurers only

Risk selection none of the

1180 Underwriting is a process of Risk selection Risk pricinng 3
and pricing above
1181 Health insurance is based on the concept of Mortality Morbidty Mortality and none of the 2
Morbidity above

1182 In risk classfication among prefered risk Average Lower than Higher than All the above 2
the anticipated morbidty is average average
Any revision or modification in a policy
which is approved by the Authority shall
be notified to each policy holder at
least_________ prior to the date when such re vision or modification
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
1183 approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
3 Months 30 days 90 days 3 years 1
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effect. Any rev ision or modification in a policy which is
approved by the Authority shall be notified to e ach policy holde r at
least_________ prior to the date when such revision or modif ication
comes into effe ct.

Who is the primary underwriter Underwriting Agent Customer Branch 2

1184 officer Manager

only to stand
Can the life insurance health policies yes NO none of the 3
1185 alone health
ported to other General or Standalone Co above
insurance co

Portability can be opted by the During policy Renewal Both option 1 & none of the 2
policyholder only at period 2 above

A policyholder wanting to port his policy

1187 to another insurance company has to at least 45 at least 15 days at least 30 days at least 40 1
apply ________before the premium renewal days days
dt of the existing policy.

The insurance company receiving such a

request on portability shall furnish the
requisite data in the data format for none of the
1188 porting insurance policies prescribed in 10 30 7 above 3
the web portal of IRDA within___ working
days of the receipt of the request.

No commission shall be payable to any

1189 intermediary on the acceptance of a TRUE FALSE 1
ported policy.

period already elapsed under the existing

policy with respect to pre-existing
1190 diseases & time bound exclusions Shall be TRUE FALSE 1
taken into account & reduced to that
extent under the newly ported policy

The portability shall be applicable to the

1191 sum insured under the previous policy TRUE FALSE 1
and also to an enhanced sum insured.

All Health insurance policies issued with

1192 medicals only TRUE FALSE 2

1193 Tools for underwriting Proposal form Age proof Agent & Medical All the above 4

The purpose of underwriting to prevent

adverse selection against __________ and The Insurer, Insured and none of the
1194 also ensure proper classification and Equity Equity Agent, Insurer, above 1
_________ among risks.

The principle of utmost good faith in

Both the insurer The medical
1195 underwriting is required to be followed The insurer The insured
and the insured examiners

Financial Each insurer’s The amount

interest of the The asset which share of loss of the loss
when more than that can be
1196 Insurable interest refers to person in the is already one company recovered 1
asset to be insured covers the same from the
loss insurer

1) In a group health insurance, any of the

individual constituting the group could Statement 1 is Statement 2 is Statement 1 and Statement 1
true and true and and 4
1197 anti select against the insurer.2) Group statement 2 is statement 1 is statement 2 are statement 2
health insurance provides coverage only false false true are false
to employer-employee groups.

1198 In risk classfication among standard risk Average Lower than Higher than All the above 1
the anticipated morbidty is average average

1199 In risk classfication among sub standard Average Lower than Higher than All the above 3
risk the anticipated morbidty is average average
marketed by any insurer unless it has the
prior Clearance of the Authority accorded
as per the File and Use Procedure.
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has the
1200 prior Clearance of the Authority accorded TRUE FALSE 1
as per the File and Use Procedure.
No health insurance product shall be
marketed by any insurer unless it has the
prior Clearance of the Authority accorded
as per the File and Use Procedure.

Any subsequent revision or modification

1201 of any approved health insurance product TRUE FALSE 2
doesnot require the prior clearance of the

The insurer has to take prior approval of

the authority by giving reasons for TRUE FALSE 1
1202 withdrawal and complete details of the
treatment to the existing -policyholders

In overseas travel insurance the premium

rates are would depend on the ______ of none of the
1203 the proposer and the _________ of foreign age, duration age, purpose habits, purpose above 1
travel.& which country

For PA underwriting the following falls

under which risk group. Dr,
1204 Lawyer's,Consulting engineers, Agents, Risk Group 1 Risk Group 2 Risk Group 3 Risk Group 4 1
Bankers and people involved in admin

For PA underwriting the following falls

under which risk carrying
employees, garage and motor Mechanics,
1205 Machine operators, Drivers of trucks or Risk Group 1 Risk Group 2 Risk Group 3 Risk Group 4 2
lorries and other heavy vehicles,
professional athletes and sportsmen,
woodworking Machinists

For PA underwriting the following falls

under which risk group. Persons working
in underground mines, explosives
magazines, and workers involved in
electrical installation with high tension
1206 supply, Jockeys, circus personnel, persons Risk Group 1 Risk Group 2 Risk Group 3 Risk Group 4 3
engaged in activities like racing on
wheels or horseback, big game hunting,
mountaineering, winter sports, skiing, ice
hockey, ballooning, hang gliding, river
rafting, polo
the acceptance of a risk by more than one
insurer. This is done by way of allocating
1207 a percentage of the risk to each insurer. Re insurance Insurance Co insurance All the above 3
Thus the policy may be accepted by two
insurers Know as

The insurance company protects his risk

1208 by insuring his risks with other insurance Re insurance Insurance Co insurance All the above 1
companies known as

Mr.Ramesh ported this FY, his 5 year old

policy of SI 2 Lac with NCB 50000 from
1209 Insurance Co A to B for S I of 5 lac. If he 4 lac 2 lac 3 lac 2.5 lac 4
admited for PED in this FY and
admissiable hospitalization bill is for 4
lac. How much will be settled

Reinsurers accept risks of insurers by way Treaties & Treaties facultative Either of 2 & 2
of standing arrangements called facultative 3

Reinsurers accept risks of insurers by way Treaties & Treaties facultative Either of 2 & 3
of case to case basis is called facultative 3

Mr Sudhir working for a company for the

last 2 years, Which provides a group
health insurance form a Gen Insurance
1212 Company A. Now he wants to take a yes / yes No / No Yes / No No 1
retails policy with the same insurer A.
Can he port ? If yes whether he will get 2
years seniority benefit or not ?

The morbidity premiums for infants and

children are higher than young
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
1213 and accidents.The morbidity premiums TRUE FALSE 1
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.The morbidity premiums
for infants and children are higher than
adults due to increased risk of infections
and accidents.

For adults beyond the age of 45 years, the

premiums are higher, as the probability
1214 of an individual suffering from a chronic TRUE FALSE 1
ailment like diabetes, a sudden heart
ailment or other such morbidity is much

The term “Equity” means that applicants As per

Same premium Different none of the
1215 who are exposed to similar degrees of risk class premium calss underwriter above 1
must be placed in wish

intention of
1216 What is Moral Hazard Age Gender Occupation nsurance 4
just to
collect a
extended, if requested by the policyholder,
for the short periodWhen the outcome of
acceptance of portability is still awaited
from the
new insurer on the date of renewal. the
existing policy shall be allowed to be
extended, if requested by the policyholder,
for the short periodWhen the outcome of Both the
1217 acceptance of portability is still awaited By paying pro By paying full Both above are above are 1
rate premium premium false
from the true
new insurer on the date of renewal. the
existing policy shall be allowed to be
extended, if requested by the policyholder,
for the short periodWhen the outcome of
acceptance of portability is still awaited
from the

In India, age proof documents are divided

into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
1218 documents are divided into broad Standard age Non standard Sub standard Option 1 & 2 4
categories asIn India, age proof proof age proof age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories asIn India, age proof
documents are divided into broad
categories as

1219 PAN Card and Passport Standard age Non standard Sub standard Option 2 & 3 1
proof age proof age proof
Standard age Non standard Sub standard
1220 Ration card, Voter ID Option 2 & 3 3
proof age proof age proof

For an accident family package cover

1221 usually ___% discount given on gross 10% 5% 7% 3% 2

Which of the following factor does not Residence

1222 Gender Spouse job Habits 2
affect the morbidity of an individual? location

The actual The sum insured A fixed amount The actual

1223 According
to the principle of indemnity, losses to the irrespective of agreed 1
between irrespective
the insured is paid for extent of the the amount
sum insured actually spent both the parties ofassured
the sum
The first and the primary source of
information about an applicant, for the
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
applicant, for the
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
applicant, for the
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
applicant, for the
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
Age proof Financial Previous Proposal
1224 applicant, for the 4
documents documents medical records form
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
applicant, for the
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
applicant, for the
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
applicant, for the
underwriter is hisThe first and the
primary source of information about an
applicant, for the
underwriter is his

health and
details of the
proposer are
through the
formAll the
The received
related to the The policy is
All the medical information is
health and examinations carefully issued to the
The underwriting process is completed personal proposer
1225 and tests of the assessed and 3
when details of the proposer are classified into after risk
proposer are completed appropriate risk selection
collected and pricing.
through the categories
formAll the
related to the
health and
details of the
are doubtful cases is
greater be used by
Which of the following statements about not possible on between the
1226 the numerical rating method is incorrect? in the handling the basis of persons without decisions of 2
of a large any specific
business with numerical knowledge of different
points without underwriter
The principle of utmost good faith in Both the insurer The medical
1227 underwriting is required to be followed The insurer The insured 3
by and the insured examiners

Each insurer‟s The amount

interest of the The asset which share of loss of the loss
1228 Insurable interest refers to person in the is already when more than that can be 1
one company recovered
asset to be insured covers the same from the
insured loss insurer

Proposers have
It involves high Current health to undergo Percentage
cost in status and age medical and assessment
are the key
1229 Which of the following statements about collecting and factors in pathological is made on 4
medical underwriting is incorrect? assessing medical investigations to each
medical assess their component
reports underwriting for health risk of the risk
health insurance profile
individual constituting the group could
anti-select against the insurer.
2) Group health insurance provides
coverage only to employer-employee
1) In a group health insurance, any of the
individual constituting the group could
anti-select against the insurer. Statement 1 is Statement 2 is Statement 1 and Statement 1
1230 2) Group health insurance provides true and true and statement 2 are and 4
statement 2 is statement 1 is statement 2
coverage only to employer-employee false false true are false
1) In a group health insurance, any of the
individual constituting the group could
anti-select against the insurer.
2) Group health insurance provides
coverage only to employer-employee


Spouse job
Gender Spouse job
Spouse job
Spouse job
Which of the following factor does not Gender Spouse job Residence
1231 Habits 2
affect the morbidity of an individual? Gender Spouse job location
Spouse job
Spouse job
Gender Spouse job

The actual
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured
The actual
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured
The actual
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured
The actual
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured
The actual The actual
losses to the The sum insured A fixed amount losses
According to the principle of indemnity, irrespective of
1232 the insured is paid for extent of the the amount agreed between irrespective 1
sum insured actually spent both the parties of the sum
The actual assured
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured
The actual
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured
The actual
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured
The actual
losses to the
extent of the
sum insured

The first and the primary source of Age proof Financial Previous Proposal
1233 information about an applicant, for the 4
underwriter is his documents documents medical records form

All the critical

information The received
related to the The policy is
health and All the medical information is issued to the
The underwriting process is completed personal examinations carefully proposer
1234 and tests of the assessed and 3
when details of the proposer are classified into after risk
proposer are completed appropriate risk selection
collected and pricing.
through the categories
proposal form

Analysis of
rating method difficult or It ensures
provides doubtful cases is This method can consistency
greater speed be used by
Which of the following statements in the handling not possible on persons without between the
1235 about the numerical rating method is of a large the basis of any specific decisions of 2
business with numerical
points knowledge of different
the help of without
medical medical
referees or science. underwriter
personnel experts.

Claims paying Issuance of

One of the key rating factors in ability of the policy Sound
underwriting None
of the
1236 insurance is the insurance documents in above Option I
company time

Who among the following is considered Insurance

1237 as Primary Stakeholders in insurance Owners Agents Brokers Customer Option IV
claim process

The health insurance loss ratio of

30 to 150 % 65 to above
1238 50 to 80 % 40 to 100 % Option II
various insurers ranging from %
The policies The fact that a
The subject human body
What is the pecularity of health are issued on None of the
1239 matter covered cannot be Option I, II & III
insurance portfolio in relation to claims indemnity is human being standardized above
for treatment

Verification of
1240 Mention few steps in claim process Intimation Registration the Billing All the four
Documents information

Before Within 24 hrs of

hospitalisation hospitalisation
When a claim is intimation be given to At the time of None of the
1241 the insurance company in case of in case of discharge above Option I to III
planned emergency
hospitalisation hospitalisation

To revise the To make a

To verify the
The claim intimation will help the reserve once the reserve None of the
1242 genuiness of Option I
insurer the customer amount of (provision) for above
liablity is known the claim

To find out To match

How the registration of the claim helps To detect To negotiate whether there the insured
1243 Option IV
the insurer fraud charges is any person
impersonation details

Treatment Further
1244 Name few documents which need to be taken under Investigation Payment made advice for Option II, III & IV
verified for processing the claims Reports to the hospital
OPD treatment

Cost of many To standardize

procedures Claims are None of the
1245 The advantage of package rates are the treatment Option I to III
has been pre easier to handle above
fixed procedures

Which of the following codes caputure

1246 the procedures performed to treat the ICD DCI CPT PCT Option III

Helps in
Helps in
capturing the Helps in
How the coding of claims helps in Helps to detect containing
1247 settlement of claims diseases in a identifying the the fraud claims the claim Option I, III & IV
standardized hospitals

The member
hospitalised Duration of Treatment
Treatment only
1248 For a health claim to be admissible, must be in networking Hospitalisation procedure / Option I & IV
name few conditions to be satisfied covered under is less than 24 Line of
the insurance hrs treatment

The condition
Under which of the following condition, of the patient The treatment Duration of
1249 is domciliary hospitalisation is covered is such that can be carried Hospitalisation None of the Option IV
he / she can out only in is exceeding 24 above
in a health insurance policy be removed to hospital hrs
the Hospital

A certainity Difficult to
The reason for excluding pre existing cannot be May result in ascertain the None of the
1250 claim in due Option I to III
disease is covered under course duration of above
the insurance illness

Mention the illness for which there is Hospitalisat

1251 awaiting period of one year / two years Cataract Heart Disease Malaria ion due to Option I
on insurance policy accident

Treatment for
The Standard exclusion under health Epidemic the same disease Hospitalisation Treatment
1252 insurance policies are Diseases more than once due to accident outside Option IV
in a policy
period India

Submission of Not being

The duties of the insured in case of Intimation of documents involved in None of the
1253 claim claim within within a certain misrepresentati above Option I to III
certain period
period on

The expenses incurred in treating an Expenses of Expenses Expenses on

1254 illness can be classified in to Cure Expenses of Care incurred Comfort Option I & II
towards Rest

Name few documents required for Payment Investigation Dischage

1255 settlement of health insurance claims Claim form Receipts Reports Summery All the four

Admission is Admitted for the Admitted in non

only for None of the
1256 Reasons for denial of claims are investigation same illness networking above Option I
purpose twice in a year hospital

In case of denial claim, the insured has Branch Insurance

1257 the option to approach the following Manager Government Insurance Agent Ombudsma Option IV
authorities n

Few examples of fraud committed in Fabrication of Outpatient Inflation of

1258 health insurance are Impersonation documents converted to expenses All the four
1259 TPA stands for Third Party Third Party Third Party None of the Option III
Adjudicators Arbitrators Administrator above

The amount of provision made for all

1260 claims in the books of the insurer based Pooling Sharing Investing None of the Option I
on the status the claim is known as

The insured Directly cash is

need not paid by the TPA directly
None of the
1261 Cashless facility means upfront clear insurance remit the cash above Option I
the bill of the company to the to the hospital
hospital hospital
Whole life Money Back
1262 Personal Accident Policies are Benefit Policy Indemnity Policy policy Policy Option I

To ascertain if
there is Hospitalisation
The main objectives of investigation element of Hospitalisation is due to any None of the
1263 fraud or is due to any Option I
under PA policies are exaggeration sickness weather above
of claim condition

Fitness Permanent
Which of the following documents not Certificate Discharge disablity
1264 required to be submitted for Permanent from the summery from claim form certificate Option I & II
Total Disablility Claim treating the hospital from a civil
doctor surgeon

Under Overseas Travel Policies in which Untenable All claims under None of the
1265 cases, claims are paid upfront by the claims Bail Bond cases OMP Policies above Option II
assistance company

Expenses of Expenses of None of the

1266 Non Payable items in a health claim Expenses of Care Cure & Option III
Cure Expenses Care above

For hospitalization of Day Care 24 hrs exceeding 24 hrs less than 24 hrs None of the
1267 hospitalizatio hospitalization hospitalization Option III
Treatment n Required Required Required above

Which of the following document is Investigation Hospital

1268 maintained at the hospital detailing all Settlement sheet registration Case paper Option IV
treatment done to an in-patient? report certificate

In Personal Accident Policy, add on medical Funeral Educational None of the
1269 benefits covered for expenses expenses above Option I to III

Which of the following documents are POST DEATH FITNESS None of the
1270 not required to be submitted for MORTUM Option I & II
Temporary Total Disability(TTD) Claim? REPORT CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE above

To Organize
cashless treat issuance of Issuance of ID None of the
1271 WHAT IS THE OBJECTIVE OF TPA ment for the policies cards these Option I

1272 When was TPA Intruduced by IRDA 9/17/2001 9/17/2010 9/17/2005 None of the Option I
1273 The peril coveres under PA policy is Accident Disease Sicness Illness Option I

Examise the Ascertain the Collection of To ascertain

1274 The main objective of Investigations are cause of Loss extent and evidence and if there is Option I, II, III & IV
nature of loss information any fraud

Health insurance policies written in Anywhere Anywhere in the Anywheter in Anywheter

1275 India covers Hospitalization within the World the same City in the same Option I
Country State
Name few non Medical covers under Trip
1276 Omp policies Cancellation loss of passport Hijack ACCIDENT Option I, II & III

Waht claims are paid upfront by Personal

1277 assitence company and later claims accident Medical Lossof passport Bail bond Option IV
expenses Claims claims cases
from insurance company claims

Expenses of
Expenses of None of the
1278 Non Payable items in a health claim Cure Expenses of Care Cure & above Option III
Expenses Care

24 hrs exceeding 24 hrs less than 24 hrs

For hospitalization of Day Care
hospitalizatio hospitalization hospitalization None
of the
1279 Treatment above Option III
n Required Required Required

Which of the following document is Hospital

1280 maintained at the hospital detailing all Investigation
report Settlement sheet registration Case paper Option IV
treatment done to an in-patient? certificate

In Personal Accident Policy, add on Accidental Funeral Educational None of the

1281 benefits covered for medical expenses expenses above Option I
A percentage
of the
1282 TPA Remunerationof
is given on the basis % on the claim depends on no. None of the
(excluding Option I
service tax) amount of claims settled above
charged to the
Date of Treatment
admission is The claim has
Denial repudiation of claim happens, taken in non
1283 not within th not been All the three Option I
because period of registered network

Diseases caused Treatment

Name few exclusions in health Dental Treatment
1284 by alcohol / taken outside Option I to IV
insurance policy Treatement drug abused India for fertility

No waiting
1285 Initial waiting period for health claims 30 days From Day one period 15 days Option I

these events are

Why people become anxious and afraid people don't
1286 about uncertainity? it makes mad have time and causesto all are false C
economic loss
and grief

In Babylonian traders opted security material Sabrogation Botttomry

1287 Indemnity loan D
against tradeloans are known as…………? security security loans

The security measures adopted against capeof good inhabitats of Utmost good None of the
1288 B
"Jettisoning"during distress is called hope Rhodes faith above

The method adopted by chinese traders dividing dividing and all of the
1289 conservingfaith keeping goods in C
aginst loss in transport was by resources above
different boats

Which is the first Life Insurance Company mutual Triton Insurance Oriental Life
1290 insurancecompa Fire office C
to be set up in India Assurance Company
Society Ltd
Oriental life national mutual
Which is the first indian insurance Triton insurance
1291 insurance insurance Assurance D
company formed in mumbai company
company company society

When was life insurance corporation of

1292 1938 1870 1956 1999 C
india formed

1293 When did Malhotra commette was setup 1956 1972 2000 1993 D

Insurance Insurance
Indian International
Regulatory Regulatory And Regulatory and Regulatory
1294 IRDAI refers as Development And B
Development Development
Authority Authority of Authority Developmen
India t Authority

The term insurance of part of one

insurer's risk by another insurer who Re Insurance Risk Transfer Insurance Agent Contract A
1295 accept the risk for a mutually acceptable
premim is called as

The process of collecting numerous

individual contributions from various
1296 persons which are exposed to similar risk Pooling Peril Asset Premium A
is called as_________

The asset may lose its value if a certain None of the

1297 event happens this chance of loss is called Peril Hazard Risk

None of the
1298 The cause of the risk event is known as Pooling Peril Risk B

1299 Controlling Risk by avoiding aloss Risk Reduction Risk Transfer Risk Avoidance Risk C
situation is known as Retention

One try to
manage the One tries to
impact of risk Controlling risk manage the risk None of the
1300 Self insurance means and decide to by avoiding a and decide to A
bear the risk loss situation seek help above
and effect by froman insurer

The pool of funds and compensating the

1301 unluckyfew is carried out througt an Insured Insurer Insuring None of the B
institution known as the_________

_______ consist of looses that are

actually suffered by household and Primary burden Secondary All the
1302 business unit as a result of pure risk Risk burden of risk burden of risk Above B

1303 The measur to reduce the chance of Loss reduction loss prevention Risk financing No0ne of the B
occurrence are known as____ above

training or
Which of the following measures taken By transfering All the
1304 for risk reduction Financing the risk making Above C

Refers to the
provision of Transfering the By transfering Taking steps
Risk financing refers as funds to meet losses to another the cash to to lower the A
1305 chances of
losses that party insurer occurance
may occur

1306 The cost of transfering the risk is called Premium Insurance Probability cost Pooling A

What schemes have been put forward by

the central and state government in 1948 Janatha Employee state None of the
1307 Personal Jan arogya insurance C
to providebetter insurance to employees Accident corporation above
under Employee State insurance Act

The insurance industry itself offers on

acommercial basis insurance covers Employees Crop insurance All of the
1308 which have the ultimate objective of state insurance Jan arogya C
social security which of the below corporation scheme above
insurance scheme is that

1309 Insurance work on the principle Sharing of Probabilities large numbers None of the D
of__________ losses above
Reduce the
Make Assets Prevent adverse financial All of the
1310 Insurance helps to______ continuously situation from consequences of above C
productive occuring adverse

Which of the statement is/are correct. Damage to Impact on the Leakage of toxic All the
1311 machinery and health/life of a productsinto the D
The term risk includes property person atmosphere Above

1312 Which of the below cannot be dying too dying too early Natural wear Living with C
categorised under risk young and tear disability

Which amoung the following cannot be

1313 termed as an asset Car Air Human life House C

setting asider
the reserves as a Hospitalizati
Which amoung the following is a interrruption goods damaged provision for on cost as a C
1314 secondary burden of risk cost meeting result of
potential losses heatrattack
in the future

1315 Which amoung the following is a method Bank FD insurance Equity shares Real estate B
of risk transfer

Which amoung the following would you Transactional None of the

1316 recommend in order to seek protect Insurance products like Shares above A
against unforseen events Bank FD

Insurance is
only one of the Controlling risk
1317 State which of the following is correct methods by avoiding a Both A and B None of the C
dealing with loss situation is above
the risk by risk avoidance

A person has
the capacity to A person has none of the
1318 State which of the following is correct bear medical decide to retain Both A and B above C
expense upto the risk itself
certain limits

While the measures to reduce the degree Loss prevention Loss reduction Risk reduction Risk control B
1319 of loss are known as_________

Reducing the None of the

1320 Risk reduction invoves Size of losses frequency Both A and B above C

_______ involves transfering the None of the

1321 responsibility for losses to another party Risk Retention Risk Reduction Risk Transfer above C

insurance is insurance is only

one of the one of the None of the
1322 State which of the following is correct
major forms of methods
dealing Both A and B C
Risk transfer with
the risk by

Insurance Insurance avoid compensate
full None
of the
1323 State which of the following is correct avoid Risk loss above A
insurance None of the
1324 State which of the following is correct related to Risk We can avoid risk Both A and B above A
Benefit to the
insured and encouragemento increase allof the
1325 Insurance helps to______ D
capital f investment creditworthiness above
All of the
1326 Insurance Useful To Person country soceity D

The amount paid by the insured to the Overhead

1327 Commission Brokerage Premium C
insurer is known as ___________ charges

Amicable mutual
Which is the first life insurance company society for a Life insurance Triton insurance
1328 Assurance A
in the world perpetual corp[oration company
society society

National mutual
Which is the oldest Insurance company in Innsurance Triton insurance IRDAI Assurance A
1329 India which is still in business company
Company society

losses that are actually suffered by

Primary Secondary
1330 households as a result of pure risk events Risk Transfer Risk loss A
burdenof risk burden of risk
is called_________

The orign of commercial insurance

1331 business as practised today is traced at Fire office Lloyds coffe house london India B

None of the
1332 Insurance is Risk transfer through Risk Retention Risk aviodance Risk pooling C

The need of setting aside reserves as a Primary Secondary Pooling None of the B
1333 provision for potential losses in future is burdenof risk burden of risk above

The insurace context_______ indicates a

None of the
1334 situation where one decide to bear the Risk retention Risk transfer Risk Avoidance A
risk and its effect

The Sharing of lossses of a few by manyis None of the

1335 Insurance Pooling Fund A
defined as________ above

1336 who is determining premium level for An Actua ry

insurance product?

what is the investment by foreign direct

1337 investors in to insurance companies? 26%

what facility do the insurer use to cover

1338 risk beyond their limits? Re-i ns ura nce

1339 who i s the customers of rei ns ura nce? Ins urer

what is the main objective of taking life

1340 protection
insurance policy?

Ins. Brokers
According to insurance brokers association represent the client
1341 of India, what is the most appropriate and the insurer
relationship between insurer and broker? remunerate the

what is the basic elements of life Death cover and

1342 insurance? maturity benefit
What is a professional insurance market
1343 Need based selling
1344 what direct channel marketing included? Internet
The business of insurance is connected Economic values of
1345 with ____ ? assets

what is the need of life insurance for Because death is

1346 human beings? uncertain

The timing of death is uncertain, so when

1347 one should take life insurance? At a n ea rl y a ge

Financial goals of
1348 which of life insurance protects basically? insured
1349 who i s the pri ma ry underwri ters ? Agents

1350 what i s pool i ng of ri s k? All similar risks are

pooled together
1351 pure ri s k i s cl a s s i fied under ____? Ins ura bl e ri s ks

which E sales refers to sales of insurance

1352 products through? Internet

Insurance business is classified into main Life, non

three types, what are these types? life,reinsurance

Insurance is a legal
1354 what i s the mea ni ng of i ns ura nce? contract between
two parties

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