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Key Points
We sometimes deal with both expressing intention for doing something—when anyone asks
us about it—and asking the intention on someone else about what she/he does. As what we
learned in previous lessons, there are many rules to obey in talking with others such as
appropriateness, politeness and suitability with the context. For example, you won’t ask the
intention on something that is already clear and commonly known. Asking the intention is
usually used for any unusual thing although it is sometimes a part of attention. However,
don’t get yourself down when anyone asks the intention on what you are doing although it is
perhaps commonly known. Keep believing that it is a caring expression or a sign of attention.
Take a look at the following example:
X: You look so busy studying. This is holiday, Buddy!
Y: Yes I know, I just focus on something else out of school. Thank you for asking by the
X: You read the book all the lesson time. Didn’t you pay attention on what the teacher spoke?

Y: I just feel bored to listen to him/her. Thanks anyway.

X: Hi, what are you looking for here? Is it some medicine literatures?
Y: Actually yes. I do love medicine although I take social science as my major.
Those three examples show how to ask and express intention on doing something. If you are
asking someone else, make sure you ask him/her politely both in diction and rhythm voice.
Show him/her that your question is an expression of care or attention instead of investigation
or intervention on someone else’s business. Remember that you are not recommended to ask
intention on any common or usual thing because it perhaps disturbs others. Meanwhile, when
someone asks your intention on doing something, no matter it is common, give as good as
possible respond or answer. Tell your condition properly as well as reason and intention on
doing that specific thing.
You can also notice that sometimes, question about intention on doing something contains
reason of the question, as what you see in first example. X tells Y that it was a holiday
implying his/her wonders why Y studied. The second example also contains it although the
second sentence tends to be an advice. Remember that you have to deliver it as polite as
possible. Meanwhile, the third contains a reminder about the condition for making sure that Y
is not in a wrong place. If you are the question-giver, make sure you give the response or
feedback after your interlocutor answers your question to show your sincerity. However if
you are the answer-maker, show your thankfulness whether directly or indirectly.

Pay attention to the short conversation below:

X: You give too much chili on your meal. Is it good for your stomach? It is still early
Y: Yes, I know. I just want to have as spicy as possible meal for my breakfast. My stomach
will be ok
X: Oh I see. Let us have a breakfast then.
X: You drive so fast. It is still 6 by the way. We will not come late.
Y: Oh, thank you for reminding. I guess it is already 6.30 and I am afraid we will come late.
X: Yes, you are very welcome.
Those two conversations show examples on how you should behave in asking and answering
question on intention for doing something properly.
To sum up, you have learned that in expressing intention on doing something, you have to:
Give answers or information clearly, simply, politely and properly.
Show your thankfulness for other’s attention or care either directly or indirectly.
Explain your reason on doing anything, if it is possible and needed.

Meanwhile, in asking the intention of others in doing something, you have to: Give the
question as polite as possible for showing your attention instead of intervention
Strengthen any reason why you ask the intention beyond what others do.
Mention anything that shows your sincerity such as advice, recommendation or reminder.
Expressing Intention

Social function:
To state plans or something intended to do in the future.
v I would like to ......
v I will ......
v I want to ......
v I am going to ......
v I would rather ......

To express willingness: use will

(+) Subject + will + V1 + Object/Complement
(-) Subject + will not + V1 + Object/Complement
(?) Will + subject + V1 + Object/complement

(+) She will visit her cousins on the next holiday.

(-) She will not visit her cousins on the next holiday.
(?) Will she visit her cousins on the next holiday?

To express a prior plan: Use only be going to

(+) Subject + Be going to + V1 + O/C

(-) Subject + Be not going to + V1 + O/C
(?) Be + Subject + going to + V1 + O/C

(+) She is going to visit her cousins on the next holiday.

(-) She is not going to visit her cousins on the next holiday?
(?) Is she going to visit her cousins on the next holiday?
1. I intend to… (Saya bermaksud/berniat untuk…)
I intend to have an interview with you (Saya bermaksud untuk melakukan wawancara dengan
I intend to visit my grandma in Bali (Saya berniat mengunjungi nenek saya di Bali)

2. My intention is to… (Saya berniat/bermaksud untuk…)

My intention is to help her the best I can (Saya berniat untuk membantu dia sebaik yang saya
My intention is to be a diligent student so I won’t disappoint my parents (Saya bermaksud
untuk menjadi murid yang rajin sehingga saya tidak akan mengecewakan kedua orang tua

3. I have the intention to… (Saya berniat untuk…)

I have the intention to finish all the job on time (Saya berniat untuk menyelesaikan seluruh
pekerjaan tepat waktu)
I have the intention to buy my parents a new car (Saya berniat untuk membelikan orang tua
saya mobil baru)

4. I am going to… (Saya akan/hendak…)

I am going to tell you an old story of mine (Saya hendak memberi tahu padamu sebuah cerita
lama dariku)
I am going to spend my money to travel around Bogor (Saya akan menghabiskan uang saya
untuk bepergian ke Bogor)
5. I would like to/I would love to … (Saya ingin/Saya mau…)
I would like to have a conversation with your father (Saya ingin berbicara dengan ayahmu)
I would like to inform you further details about the job (Saya ingin menginformasikan
kepadamu perincian lebih jauh tentang pekerjaan itu)

6. I will … (Saya akan…)

I will leave this town and live a better life (Saya akan meninggalkan kota ini dan menjalani
kehidupan yang lebih baik)
I will tell you anything you wanted to know about him (Aku akan memberi tahu kepadamu
apa saja yang ingin kamu ketahui tentang dia)

7. I want to … (Saya ingin…)

I want to paint my walls in yellow, so my room will look brighter (Saya ingin mengecat
tembok saya dengan warna kuning, sehingga kamar saya terlihat bisa lebih terang)
I want to go to the library to find some great books to read (Saya ingin pergi ke perpustakaan
untuk mencari buku-buku hebat untuk dibaca)

8. I am about to… (Saya akan/Saya hendak…)

I am about to call her to ask what’s going on between them (Saya hendak menelepon dia
untuk menanyakan apa yang sedang terjadi di antara mereka)
I am about to buy another pair of shoes for my sister (Saya akan membeli sepasang sepatu
untuk saudara perempuan saya)

9. I reckon I will… (Saya rasa saya akan…)

I reckon I will just move out from my parent’s house and live in a flat (Saya rasa saya akan
pindah saja dari rumah orang tua saya dan tinggal di apartement
I reckon I will not have any conversation with him for good (Saya rasa saya tidak akan
berbincang lagi dengan dia untuk selamanya)
10. I’m determined to… (Saya bertekad untuk…)
I’m determined to lose more weight by going on a diet (Saya bertekad untuk menurunkan
berat badan dengan menjalani diet)
I am determined to do whatever is possible to make this work out (Saya bertekad untuk
melakukan apa saja yang mungkin untuk membuat ini berhasil)

11. I am planning to/I’m planning on… (Saya berencana untuk…)

I am planning to have another cat or dog as a pet (Saya berencana untuk memelihara kucing
lagi atau seekor anjing)
I am planning on visiting my old friends in high school (Saya berencana mengunjungi teman-
teman lama saya di SMA)

12. I am here to… (Saya di sini untuk/akan…)

I am here to tell some important news you need to know (Saya di sini untuk memberitahu
berita penting yang Anda harus ketahui)
I am here to help you with your new job (Saya di sini akan membantumu dengan pekerjaan

13. I am thinking of… (Saya berpikiran untuk… – belum ada kepastian)

I am thinking of buying him a new shirt (Saya berpikiran untuk membelikannya baju baru)
I am thinking of cooking some Italian food (Saya berpikiran untuk memasak makanan Italia)

14. I hope to… (Saya berharap untuk…)

I hope to see him when I go there (Saya berharap untuk menemuinya ketika saya pergi ke
I hope to have a baby next year (Saya berharap memiliki anak tahun depan)
Asking Intention :
 What are you going to do?
 Any plan for the weekend?
 Are you thinking of...?
 Do you have any intention of...?
 Is it your intention to...?
Expressing Intention
 We would like to...
 He will...
 She would rather...
 My mother is going to...
 I am going to...
 I am planning to...
 I will make an effort to...
 I am thinking of...
 I reckon I will...
 I have every intention of...
 I fully intended to...
 She is going to cook a cake
 We will go to Bali next years
 The Moscow State Circus is going to be perform in Cheltenham next week
 We will celebrate our anniversary by flying to New York next month
Contoh Dialog Expressing Intention

Santi : So, what about you, Bayu? Do you have any plans? (jadi bagaimana denganmu bayu?
apakah kamu punya rencana?)
Bayu : Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing. We plan to go fishing in a lake
near my uncle's house. Would you like to come with us? (Tentu saja. Ayahku dan aku akan
pergi memancing. Kami berencana memancing di danau dekat rumah pamanku. Maukah
kamu datang bersama kami?)
Santi : I don't really like fishing. I would rather stay at home than go fishing. What about
you Riri? What would you like to do on the long weekend? (Aku tidak terlalu suka
memancing. Aku lebih baik diam di rumah daripada pergi memancing. Bagaimana
denganmu Riri? Apa yang akan kamu lakukan pada liburan panjang?)
Riri : I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend. We are
going to practice baking cookies. (aku sudah punya rencana dengan ibuku tentang apa
yang akan dilakukan di liburan panjang. Kami akan praktek membuat kue kering)
Bayu : Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like that the last time? (Apakah kamu
akan membuat kue choco chips seperti waktu itu.?)
Riri : Well, yes. That is my favourite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies. (Tentu
iya, itu adalah kesukaanku, tapi kami akan mencoba untuk membuat kue jahe)
Riri : Oh, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? You can come to my house.
(Oh, Apakah kamu ingin bergabung bersamaku untuk belajar membuat kue kering? kamu
bisa datang ke rumahku)
Bayu : It's a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad? (Itu ide yang bagus!
atau kamu akan pergi memancing bersama aku dan ayahku?)
Santi : Uhm, not fishing I guess. But I think I would like to bake cookies with Riri. Thanks
for asking me to join you Riri. (Uhm, sepertinya aku tidak mau memancing. Tapi sepertinya
aku ingin memanggang kue dengan Riri. Terima kasih karena mengajakku bersamamu Riri)
Adi: What are you doing Tio?
Tio: Nothing. I am just listening to music.
Adi: Have you heard that Budi’s house was on fire?
Tio: Yes, I have.
Adi: Don’t you want to help him? I thought you two quite close.
Tio: I intended to help him, but he said that he is fine and he doesn’t need my help.
Adi: He really said that?
Tio: Yes, he did.
Adi: Maybe he got emotional and said that to you. Just let him alone for now.
Tio: Yes I know.
Lia: Eva, have you heard that “Music Bank” concert will be held in Indonesia?
Eva: No, I haven’t heard that. Really?
Lia: Yes, really. I intend to save some money from now to buy the ticket.
Eva: I also will do it. So, we can watch the concert together.
Lia: Yeah. That’s great!

Sarah : Hello Ali, what are you going to do this weekend?

Ali : Hello, I am going to visit my grandmother in Jakarta. How about you?
Sarah : Well, I still do not have any plan for the weekend.
Ali : Why don’t you go to museum?
Sarah : That is a good idea. But, I have to do my assignment first. Have you done your
Ali : No, I have not, I’d like to do them this evening.
Sarah : Well, can we do together?
Ali : Yes, of course.
Sarah : Okay, great. I will go to your house at 4 P.M then.
Ali : I will be waiting for
Contoh Dialog Expressing Intentions 4
A: Hey, you look so serious. What is the matter ?
B: oh….I am just thinking about something
A: What is it about ?
B: I am thinking that I am gonna hold a birthday party in our class in this year.
A: Wow, Sounds Great !
B: Really ? You think so ?
A: yeah. But what is the purpose of that party ?
B : I am just thinking that is the best idea to gathering all of our class members.
A: I think it would be nice if we also make some compositions.
B : Ok. Now. I need to have permission from head master. I need his permit to use class room
and talk to our mother class to ask her to come and participate in that party.
A : Is there anything that I could do ?
B : we also need to make permission’s letter to give to our parents. It would be helpful if your
make it.
A: Sure. With my Pleasure.
Contoh Dialog Expressing Intentions 5
Riri : It will be a long weekend soon. Do you have any plans?
Santi : Uhm, I’m not sure. I don’t have any idea yet. I think I might stay at home.
Bayu : Stay at home? Well, you could do something more interesting!
Santi : So, what about you Bayu? Do you have any plans?
Bayu : Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing.
Santi : Fishing? It sounds boring too! Are you going to go fishing in the river near your
Bayu : No. We plan to go fishing in a lake near my uncle’s house. Would you like to come
with us?
Santi : Fishing? I don’t really like fishing. I would rather stay at home than go fishing.
Bayu : What about you, Riri? What would you like to do on the long weekend?
Riri : I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend. We are
going to practice baking cookies.
Santi : That sounds like a very good plan!
Bayu : Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like the last time?
Riri : Well, yes. That is my favorite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies.
Santi : Oh, how I envy you. My mother is going to accompany my little brother to attend a
drawing competition. I don’t think I can ask her to teach me baking cookies.
Bayu : Ha ha, I guess you should enjoy staying at home alone.
Riri : Oh, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? You can come to my house.
Bayu : It’s a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad?
Santi : Uhm, not fishing I guess. But I think I would like to bake cookies with Riri. Thanks
for asking me to join you Riri.
Riri : No problem. I will call you on Friday to let you know the time when we can start.
Santi : Thanks a lot. I will be waiting for your call.
Bayu : Have a nice long weekend everyone.
Santi : You too.
Fera: Hy Elvi!
(Hai Elvi!)
Elvi: Hy Fera!
(Hai Fera!)
Fera: Do you already have any plan for this holiday?
(Apa kamu sudah punya rencana untuk liburan kali ini?)
Elvi: Not really. How about you?
(Tidak juga. Bagaimana denganmu?)
Fera: I am planning to spend my holiday at my hometown.
(Aku berencana untuk menghabiskan waktu kiburan di kampung halamanku.)
Elvi: Your hometown? Where is it?
(Kampung halamanmu? Dimana itu?)
Fera: Lampung. I missed my hometown so much. It has been a year since the last time I
visited my hometown.
(Lampung. Aku sangat merindukan kampung halamanku. Sudah satu tahun sejak terakhir
kali aku mengunjunginya.)
Fairuz comes to the library for returning the borrowing book. He comes there in the break

Fairuz : Good morning, Mrs. Dwi I would like to return this book.

Librarian : Good morning ,You have passed the limited returning time. it had to return

Fairuz : Sorry ma’am. I was absent yesterday. I planned to return it by asking Nadine to
give here

Librarian : ok, but you have to pay the fine, Rp. 500.

Fairuz : Ok that is all right. Here you are

Librarian : Thank you

Dimas : Hi Robby, how are you? (Hai Robby, bagaimana kabarmu?).

Robby : Hi Dimas, I’m good. How about you? (Hai Dimas, Saya baik. Bagaimana

Dimas : Fine, thanks. I heard that you won a futsal competition last week? (Baik, terima
kasih. Saya dengar kamu memenangkan sebuah kompetisi futsal minggu lalu).

Robby : Yeah, I can’t say how pleased I am. That was because our work hard during 2
months. (Ya, saya tidak bisa mengungkapkan betapa bahagianya saya. Itu karena kerja keras
kami selama 2 bulan).

Dimas : That’s fantastic! I’m glad to hear that. (Itu luar biasa! Saya senang

Robby : The most memorable moment was when my teammates and I lifted the trophy.
How exciting it was! (Momen yang sangat mengesankan adalah ketika teman-teman saya
dan saya mengangkat piala. Betapa menyenangkannya saat itu!).

Dimas : It sounds fun. Actually I also like playing futsal, but just for fun only.
(Kedengarannya menyenangkan. Sesungguhnya saya juga suka bermain futsal, namun hanya
untuk kesenangan saja).

Robby : That’s good. I will invite you to play together next week. (Itu bagus. Aku akan
mengajakmu untuk bermain bersama minggu depan).

Dimas : Great! I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me. (Bagus! Saya menyukainya. Terima
kasih karena telah mengajakku).

Robby : You’re welcome Dimas. See you next week. I will call you to inform the day and
the time. (Sama-sama Dimas. Sampai jumpa minggu depan. Saya akan menghubungimu
untuk menginformasikan hari dan jamnya).

Dimas : Alright Robby, I will wait for your confirmation. See you. (Baik Robby, saya
akan menunggu konfirmasimu. Sampai jumpa).
Julia : Hi Mom! I have a good news for you! (Hai Bu! aku punya sebuah berita bagus
Mother : Hi my little girl. What is the good news? (Hai gadis kecilku. Apa berita
Julia : My English teacher told me that I will be the representative of my school in a
speech competition. I’m really delighted about it! (Guru Bahasa Inggrisku mengatakan
kepadaku jika aku akan menjadi perwakilan sekolah pada sebuah kompetisi pidato. Aku amat
senang dengan itu!).
Mother : Really? That’s incredible! I’m very proud of you my, daughter!” (Benarkah?
Itu luar biasa! Ibu sangat bangga padamu nak!).
Julia : Thanks Mom. I practiced hard to pass the selection. (Terima kasih Bu. Aku
berlatih giat untuk melewati seleksi).
Mother : Yeah I know. So that’s why you always study until midnight. (Ya Ibu tahu.
Maka dari itu kenapa kamu selalu belajar hingga tengah malam).
Julia : Yes, you are right Mom. (Ya, Ibu benar).
Mother : Anyway, I have something for you. (Ngomong-ngomong, Ibu punya sesuatu
Julia : What’s that Mom? May I open it? (Apa itu Ibu? Bolehkan Aku membukanya?).
Mother : Yes, of course. Just open the box. (Ya, tentu saja. Buka saja kotaknya).
Julia : Wow! What a nice dress! I love it Mom. (Wow! Betapa gaun yang bagus! Aku
menyukainya Bu).
Mother : I’m so happy if you love it. (Ibu sangat senang jika kamu meyukainya).
Julia : I will use it on my birthday party. (Aku akan memakainya pada acara ulang
Mother : Sure. It will be nice honey. (Tentu saja. Itu akan bagus sayang).
Julia : Thanks Mom. (Terima kasih Bu).
Mother : You are welcome my dear. (Sama-sama sayang).
Ceri : Have you made any vacation plans?
Berry: Well, I've decided on the thing - I am going to go camping.
Ceri : That's great! For how long?
Berry: I am going to be away for a week. I only have five days of vacation.
Ceri : So, when are you leaving?
Berry: I'm not sure. I will probably leave around the end of May.
Ceri : And where are you going to go?
Berry: I haven't thought about that yet. I guess I will go to one of the national park's.
Ceri : That sounds like fun.
Berry: Yeah. Maybe I will go hiking and do some fishing.
Ceri : Are you going to rent a camper?
Berry: I'm not sure. Actually, I probably will rent a camper - It's so expensive.
Ceri : Are you going to go with anyone?
Berry: No. I need some time alone. I'm going to travel by myself.
Budi: “Hi Amir, what’s up?”
Amir: “Hello, I’m fine thanks. How about you?”
Budi: “I am doing well. By the way, next week is the semester holiday. Have you got any
Amir: “I don’t know, but I think I will spend the holiday at home with my parents. What
about you?”
Budi: “I am going to go to Bali Island. I have never been there before.”
Amir: “People say the Bali is really beautiful. Which resorts will you visit?”
Budi: “Perhaps, I will go to Kuta Beach.”
Amir: “Will you surf, then?”
Budi: “No, I won’t. I cannot swim, Amir.”
Amir: “So, What are you going to do there?”
Budi: “I am going to enjoy the sunset, play sand on the beach and enjoying the scenery.”
Amir: “That sounds great! I hope you enjoy your holiday, Budi.”
Dina : Hey, u look so serious. What’s the matter ?
Bella : Oh.., i’m just thinking about something
Dina : What is it about ?
Bella : I’m thinking that i’m gonna hold a x’mas party in our class in this year
Dina : Wow, sounds great !
Bella : Really ? U think so ?
Dina : Yeah. But what’s the purpose of that party ?
Bella : I’m just thinking that’s the best idea to gathering all of our class members during the
x’mas eve this year
Dina : I think it would be nice if we also make an event, like change our present to our
Bella : Ok. Now, i need to have permission from head master. I need his permit to use our
class room on x’mas eve and talk to our mother class to ask her to come and participate in
that party
Dina : is there anything that i could do ?
Bella : we also need to make permission’s letter to give to our parents. It would be helpful if
u make it.
Dina : sure. With my pleasure
Badu : Hey, you have any plan for this coming holiday?

Benny : Yes, I am going to visit my Aunt in Bandung. What about you? Do you have any

Badu : Well, my mother is thinking of sending me and my brother to our grandmother's house
in Medan. I never been there before.

Benny : Are you exciting?

Badu : Yes, sure. I am exciting and can't wait for the holiday coming soon.

Benny : Yes, it's only two weeks away. I already packed up.

Badu : I will bring some books and toys to play with my cousins in there.

Benny : Sounds great. I am planning to pack up some more books this weekend.

Badu : Have a great holiday, Benny!

Benny : Thanks Badu, you too!

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