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Member of Groups:

1. Dewi Rohaini (B3117011)

2. Yosi Varela (B3117039)

1. The two versions of the translation should be back to the owner. Then in pairs, try to
analyze them based on these questions:
- Is the idea of the text really delivered enough to the target text (TT)? If yes, prove
it based on your assessment and if no, why do you think so?

Qotrunnada’s Translation Galuh’s Translation

The messages delivered enough, but All the messages delivered enough.
there is an undelivered message, such as Every paragraph were translated well.
secangkir teh hangat is translated to be a There are just some unchosen world that
cup of tea. slightly change the meaning

- Is the TT still funny for you? Give the explanation

Yes, the story still funny for us.
Qotrunnada and Galuh translation’s is still funny and easy to understand. The main part
of the “funny part” is translated well. That part is when Yode left her motorcycle at the

- Which one is the most accurate?

We decided that the most accurate translation is Qotrunnada’s Translation.
Qotrunnada’s Translation Galuh’s Translation
There are an untranslated phrase, such as There are many grammatical errors in the
secangkir the hangat is translated to be a tenses. The text should be simple past
cup of tea. There are also some tense, but there are some sentences that
grammatical errors, such as the word used simple present tense.
room, mind and feeling should be without
“S” but nada’s translating is with “S”

- Which one is the most acceptable?

The most acceptable translation is Qotrunnada’s Translation
Qotrunnada’s Translation Galuh’s Translation
There are some unappropriated word, There are some unappropriated word,
such as uneasy. It should be something such as confidence, slack, journey and
was missing whereabouts. The sentence She has to
eat rice should be She had to breakfast
- Which one is the most readable?
The most acceptable translation is Qotrunnada’s Translation
We can easily understand the translation on the first reading.

2. Based on your experience in translating any kind of text, what is the most difficult thing to
deal? You can write from both sides (you & your partner)
 The most difficult things to deal in translating is how to translate the text in a simple
ways but still easy to understand and doesn’t reduce the message of the source text.
 To translate the text in the same expression. For the example when we translate the
funny source text, we must keep the translation in the funny text but in different
 To translate the text in the natural ways (the choices words)

3. What is your problem solving in translating the text? What media or devices or references
will you use? How do you use it/them?
 Search some reference in the internet. For example, search the same genre of the
source text. Search some synonym words at the dictionary (Thesaurus) then find
the appropriate words.
 Media that we used to solve the problem is internet and dictionary.

4. From these translation theories below, could you please explain them by your own word?
a. “Accuracy is no doubt an important aim of translation, but it also important to bear in
mind that the target reader plays an important role in keeping the communication
channels open” Mona Baker (1992:57)
The point of Accuracy is the most important things that should be cared by translator,
because that is the main aims of translation, to transfer the message as well. But, in
other side target reader also plays an important role to keep the communication
channels open. So when you give the focus on the accuracy (transferred the message)
don’t forget that the readers also need to understand your translation. You should thing
about ability of the readers (culture, dictions act.)
b. “The acceptability of the translation is determined by the faithfulness to the linguistic
and the literary norm of target system” Toury (1995:33)
The acceptable translation is depend on the ways to translate the text related with the
linguistic and the literary norm of the reader or target language. So when you translate
the text, you should consider about the reader linguistic and literary norm.
c. “Readability is the sum total (including the ons) of all those elements within a given
piece of printed material that affects the success a group of readers have with it” Dale
and Chall (in Nababan, 2003:63)
When all the elements (accuracy and acceptability) are completely well at a text, the
readability will also completely well.
So the accuracy and acceptability give the important effect for readability. If a target
language have a good accuracy and acceptability it will also have a good readability.

5. If you are translating the text, what aspect do you keep or maintain (accuracy, acceptability,
readability)? Explain your reason!
Accuracy, because the translator must be precise and accurate in translating the source
language text to the target language. When the translator does not focus on the translation,
it will cause inaccurate translation, it also create the fatal errors, especially for the reader
interpretation of the text that has been translated. Therefore. When the text is less accurate,
it will give the effect on the acceptability and readability, because the message wasn't
conveyed properly.

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