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ISSUE DATE: 04/03/15

PROPOSALS DUE: 05/15/15 5:00 PM MST

301 Walnut Street | Windsor, Colorado | 80550 | phone 970-674-2400 | fax 970-674-2456 |
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Cody Groves, I.T. Representative
Town of Windsor
301 Walnut Street
Windsor CO 80550
RFP Name: Human Resource Information & Applicant Tracking System

Company: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Phone: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Reason for Non-Response:

☐ Insufficient Time to Respond ☐ Unable to Meet Government Agency

☐ Cannot Meet System Requirements
☐ Cannot Meet Proposed Schedule
☐ Scope of Work too Large/Small

If Other, Please Explain Below: Click here to enter text.

301 Walnut Street | Windsor, Colorado | 80550 | phone 970-674-2400 | fax 970-674-2456 |
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SECTION 1 – Project Background and RFP Process ..........................................................................................................8
1.1 Request for Proposal ...........................................................................................................................................8
1.2 Community Profile ...............................................................................................................................................9
1.2.1 Town of Windsor ..........................................................................................................................................9
1.2.2 Services for Citizens ......................................................................................................................................9
1.2.3 Support in Delivery of Services (SDSC)..........................................................................................................9
1.2.4 Management of Government Resources (MGR) ..........................................................................................9
1.2.5 Human Resource Management ..................................................................................................................10
1.3 Scope of Project .................................................................................................................................................11
1.3.1 Project Objectives .......................................................................................................................................11
1.4 RFP Process and Procedures ..............................................................................................................................12
1.5 Questions, Requests for Clarification, and RFP Addenda ..................................................................................12
1.6 Transmittal Letter ..............................................................................................................................................13
1.7 Proposal Submission ..........................................................................................................................................13
1.7.1 Submission of Sealed Proposals..................................................................................................................13
1.7.2 Liability for Proposal Preparation Expense .................................................................................................13
1.7.3 Proposal Security ........................................................................................................................................13
1.7.4 Record Disclosure/Confidentiality of Proprietary Records .........................................................................14
1.7.5 Tax Provisions .............................................................................................................................................14
SECTION 2 – Schedule of Events ....................................................................................................................................15
2.1 Timetable of Events ...........................................................................................................................................15
2.2 Description of Events .........................................................................................................................................15
2.2.1 RFP Posted and Available to Public ............................................................................................................15
2.2.2 RFP Questions Due .....................................................................................................................................15
2.2.3 Addendum to RFP .......................................................................................................................................16
2.2.4 Proposals Due .............................................................................................................................................16
2.2.5 TOW Reviews Proposals .............................................................................................................................16
2.2.6 Top Vendors Chosen ...................................................................................................................................16
2.2.7 TOW Selects Top Candidate........................................................................................................................17
2.2.8 Contract Negations Complete and Implementation is Scheduled ..............................................................17
SECTION 3 – Guidelines for Proposal Content and Structure..........................................................................................18
3.1 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................18
3.2 Company Background Information ....................................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Brief Historical Summary ............................................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Vendor Information ....................................................................................................................................19
3.2.3 Vendor Customer References and Financial Condition ..............................................................................20
3.3 Detailed RFP Responses .....................................................................................................................................21
3.3.1 Assumptions ...............................................................................................................................................21
3.3.2 Advantages of Proposed Solution ...............................................................................................................21
3.3.3 Project Costs and Pricing Options ...............................................................................................................21
3.3.4 Degree of Fit ...............................................................................................................................................24
3.3.5 On-Going Support .......................................................................................................................................24
3.3.6 Internal Information Technology Production Environment Support ..........................................................24
3.3.7 Written Documentation..............................................................................................................................24
3.3.8 Product Maintenance .................................................................................................................................24
3.3.9 Project Management Methodology and Implementation Plan ..................................................................25
3.3.10 Strategic Direction ....................................................................................................................................26
3.3.11 Annual Reports .........................................................................................................................................26
3.4 Terms and Conditions ........................................................................................................................................26
3.4.1 Acceptance of the Proposal ........................................................................................................................26
3.4.2 Proposal Revisions ......................................................................................................................................26
3.4.3 Financing of Proposals ................................................................................................................................26
3.4.4 Acceptance of RFP Conditions ....................................................................................................................26
3.4.5 Subcontracting ............................................................................................................................................26
3.4.6 Warranty .....................................................................................................................................................27
3.4.7 Negotiation Delay .......................................................................................................................................27
3.4.8 Funding and Vendor Selection ....................................................................................................................27
3.4.9 Indemnification ...........................................................................................................................................27
3.4.10 Termination ..............................................................................................................................................27
3.4.10 Proposal Withdrawal ................................................................................................................................27
3.4.11 Ownership.................................................................................................................................................27
SECTION 4 – Evaluation Criteria ....................................................................................................................................28
4.1 Degree of Fit ......................................................................................................................................................28
4.2 Project Management Methodology and Implementation Plan .........................................................................28
4.3 Installation/Training Track Record .....................................................................................................................28
4.4 Scripted Demonstrations and Gap Analysis .......................................................................................................28
4.5 On-Going Support Capability .............................................................................................................................28
4.6 Project/Lifecycle Cost ........................................................................................................................................29
SECTION 5 – Infrastructure and Information Systems Environment .............................................................................29
5.1 Network Environment .......................................................................................................................................29
5.2 Servers and Database Environment ...................................................................................................................29
5.3 Desktop Environment ........................................................................................................................................29
5.4 Process and System Integration Environment ...................................................................................................29
5.4.1 Purchased Solutions ...................................................................................................................................29
SECTION 6 – Process & System/Automation Requirements ..........................................................................................31
6.1 ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE....................................................................................................................................31
6.2 Organization Structure ......................................................................................................................................33
6.3 GLOBAL ..............................................................................................................................................................33
6.4 RECRUITING AND APPLICANT MANAGEMENT: .................................................................................................34
6.5 HIRING ...............................................................................................................................................................37
6.6 TERMINATION ....................................................................................................................................................37
6.7 ONBOARDING ....................................................................................................................................................38
6.8 HUMAN RESOURCES ..........................................................................................................................................40
6.9 COMPLIANCE .....................................................................................................................................................43
6.10 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL .............................................................................................................................44
6.11 SUCCESSION MANAGEMENT ...........................................................................................................................46
6.12 COMPENSATION ..............................................................................................................................................47
6.13 BUDGET............................................................................................................................................................48
6.14 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS .....................................................................................................................................51
6.15 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT ..............................................................................................................................51
6.16 OSHA and Safety ..............................................................................................................................................52
6.17 ORGANIZATION CHARTS ..................................................................................................................................53
6.18 BENEFITS ..........................................................................................................................................................54
6.19 OPEN ENROLLMENT.........................................................................................................................................57
6.20 LIFE EVENTS .....................................................................................................................................................60
6.21 LEAVE ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................61
6.22 Paid Time Off (PTO), Vacation, Personal Day, Sick ..........................................................................................62
6.23 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) ......................................................................................................................64
6.24 Pension ............................................................................................................................................................64
6.25 401(k) ...............................................................................................................................................................65
6.26 COBRA ..............................................................................................................................................................65
6.27 POSITION MANAGEMENT: ...............................................................................................................................66
6.28 PAYROLL ...........................................................................................................................................................68
6.29 EARNINGS ........................................................................................................................................................68
6.30 DEDUCTIONS/BENEFITS ...................................................................................................................................71
6.31 CALCULATING PAY ...........................................................................................................................................73
6.32 TAXES ...............................................................................................................................................................77
6.33 PAYROLL TIME ENTRY ......................................................................................................................................79
6.34 PAYROLL PROCESSING .....................................................................................................................................80
6.35 CHECK MANAGEMENT .....................................................................................................................................84
6.36 LABOR ALLOCATION: .......................................................................................................................................85
6.37 GENERAL LEDGER: ...........................................................................................................................................87
6.38TIME AND ATTENDANCE:..................................................................................................................................89
6.39 HISTORY ...........................................................................................................................................................91
6.40 CONVERSION ...................................................................................................................................................93
6.41 POST CONVERSION ..........................................................................................................................................93
6.42 EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE: ................................................................................................................................93
6.43 MANAGER SELF-SERVICE .................................................................................................................................97
6.44 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ..............................................................................................................................99
6.45 WORKFLOW ...................................................................................................................................................101
6.46 REPORTING ....................................................................................................................................................103
SECTION 7 – Technical Requirements .........................................................................................................................106
7.1 Required Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................................106
7.2 Standards and Design Criteria..........................................................................................................................106
7.3 Architecture .....................................................................................................................................................106
7.4 Data Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................108
7.5 System Administration, Security and Audits ....................................................................................................109
7.6 System Interfaces.............................................................................................................................................110
7.7 Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Hosted Solutions ........................................................................111
1.1 Request for Proposal

DATE OF ISSUE: 04/03/2015

PROPOSAL DUE DATE: 05/15/2015 5:00 PM MST

The Town of Windsor (TOW) is seeking proposals from vendors (“Vendor”) specializing in the design and
implementation of a Human Resource Information & Applicant Tracking System for the Town of Windsor. It is the
Town of Windsor’s desire to procure a solution that meets its process and system requirements and is as close to a
standard off-the-shelf, enterprise oriented, and service-proven system as possible.

This RFP has been prepared to provide general information, background, and proposal requirements. Please verify
by email that you have received the RFP document (sent in MS Word (.docx) format) within 2 business days. If the
document you have received is incomplete, please contact the Town’s designated contact:

Cody Groves, I.T. Representative

Information Technology Department

Phone: 970-674-2426


The identified I.T. Representative is the sole point of contact regarding this RFP from the date of distribution until
the selection of the successful vendor.

In addition to indicating the contents expected in a proposal, this RFP is intended to generally describe the terms
and conditions of an agreement to be entered into by a responsible vendor and the Town of Windsor and to assist
prospective vendors in determining whether or not to participate in this RFP.

As a result of this RFP, the Town of Windsor intends to enter into a contract with the selected vendor(s) to conduct
both the design and implementation of a Human Resource Information & Applicant Tracking System.

However, this does not commit the Town of Windsor to conclude an agreement for these services. The Town of
Windsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to (a) accept or reject in part or in its entirety any proposal received
as a result of this RFP if it is in the best interest of the Town to do so; (b) enter one or more agreements with one or
more qualified vendors if necessary to achieve the objectives of this RFP and if it is in the best interest of the Town
to do so.

The responsibilities of the Town are clearly defined in this RFP. The vendors responding to this RFP shall not make
any assumptions about participation by the Town’s technical personnel in the project.
1.2 Community Profile

1.2.1 Town of Windsor

The Town of Windsor covers approximately 26 square miles, has a population base of 22,100 citizens, and is located
in Weld County, Colorado. The Town’s budget and other financial documents can be found on the Town’s website
( by clicking here.

1.2.2 Services for Citizens

The following services are provided to Town Customers and Constituents.

• Business, Economic & Planning • Streets, Utilities, Wastewater

Development • Parks, Recreation & Culture (Museum
• Licensing, Code Enforcement & Services)
Compliance • Recycling Center
• Public Safety

1.2.3 Support in Delivery of Services (SDSC)

The following services are provided which support the delivery of services to Town Customers and Constituents.

• Internal Control and Oversight • Town Board

• Investment Planning and Budgeting • Advisory Boards
• Revenue & Taxation • Legal Regulatory Compliance
• Communications & Public Affairs

1.2.4 Management of Government Resources (MGR)

The following services are provided which support the Management of Government Resources.

• Administrative Management • Information Technology Management

• Financial Management • Facilities Maintenance Management
• Human Resource Management
1.2.5 Human Resource Management
The following types of services are provided which support the Management of Government Resources for Human
Resource Management.

• HR Strategy and Planning

• Organization and Position Management
• Personnel Management
• Benefits Administration & Management
• Compensation Management
• Customer Services
• Training & Development
• Safety & Risk Management
• Employee Development
• Certifications, Licensing, Degrees
• Tuition Reimbursement
• Performance Management
• HR Information Analytics
1.3 Scope of Project
The Town is requesting proposals for the design and implementation of a solution that will improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of Human Resource Management and Personnel processes, while ensuring the accurate and timely
payment to employees (via upload to accounting software or , vendors, and tax authorities. The Town has one bi-
weekly payroll, inclusive of full-time, part-time and seasonal employees.

Demographics and Statistics Number Additional Information

Total Employees 344
Full Time Employees 109
Part Time Employees 75
Seasonal/Temporary 160 Influx during summer months
Town Departments 13
Unions 0
Total Town Budget $53,000,000.00
W2s Issued 367
Annual Payroll $6,707,091.32

Once the final vendor has been selected, the Town will work with the vendor to develop the most cost effective
procurement and installation strategy. The Town may select more than one vendor in the event that a single vendor
cannot meet all requirements for the procurement and installation of the solution.

1.3.1 Project Objectives

The primary objectives for this project are:

• Evaluate and select a Vendor for a new Human Resource Information & Applicant Tracking System
• Implement a HRIS (Human Resource Information System) and ATS (Applicant Tracking System) that will
provide process improvements within the Human Resources Department, add and improve
recruitment processes Town-wide and reduce redundant processes between HR and Payroll systems.
1.4 RFP Process and Procedures
Throughout the entire RFP process, the following guidelines and procedures will apply: The Town of Windsor must
receive all proposals by May 1st 2015 at 5 PM (MST). The Town of Windsor reserves the right to reject any proposal
received after this date. All submitted proposals must be valid through one year past due date. The Town of Windsor
maintains the right to discontinue the RFP process with any vendor at any point in time.

• The Town of Windsor will notify in writing any vendor discontinued from the RFP process.
• Vendors shall promptly respond in writing to the Town of Windsor with additional inquiries. Please see
Section 1.5 below for specific instructions on submitting questions and requests for clarification.
• The Town of Windsor is under no obligation to award a contract to any vendor.
• No procedure is in place within this process for reconsideration of a vendor after a choice has been
made, and the Town of Windsor need give no reason for the selection or rejection of any vendor.
• If your RFP response is accepted, the Town of Windsor requires the parties to enter into a Professional
Services Agreement prior to the commencement of any work. The RFP and RFP responses may form
part of said agreement but will be subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement between the
Town of Windsor and the vendor as set out in Section 3.4.
• Participation in the RFP process is the vendor’s sole decision. Although the Town of Windsor intends
to adhere to the process as stated herein, the Town of Windsor reserves the right to modify the
process, requirements, and/or timetable. The Town of Windsor assumes no liability for costs or
damages incurred by the vendor during or resulting from this RFP process.

The Town of Windsor reserves the right to:

• Reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP.

• Investigate the vendor’s qualifications, financial stability, and ability to perform the required services
to successfully implement the vendor’s proposed solution within the Town of Windsor.
• Request additional information deemed necessary for the proper evaluation of the vendor’s proposal.
• Waive or modify any informal or immaterial deficiency in a proposal after prior notification to the

1.5 Questions, Requests for Clarification, and RFP Addenda

Questions that arise prior to or during proposal preparation must be submitted in writing or via email to the Town’s
designated contact pursuant to instructions in Section 1.1 of this Request for Proposals. Questions and answers will
be provided in an addendum and made available on the Town’s website. Questions for this RFP are due by April
15th 2015 5 PM (MST). An addendum containing all questions and answers will be posted no later than April 22nd
2015 5PM (MST). Please refer to Section 2.1 – Timetable of Events for a complete outline of events for this RFP. No
contact will be allowed between the Vendor and any other member of the Town with regard to this RFP during the
RFP process; unless specifically authorized in writing by the Town’s designated contact. Prohibited contact may be
grounds for Vendor disqualification.

In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, addenda will be provided to all that received the
original RFP.
1.6 Transmittal Letter
The vendor must submit a transmittal letter along with the proposal. The letter is an acknowledgement by the
vendor that its attached proposal is the vendor’s official response to the Town of Windsor RFP. The letter must state
that all information contained in the proposal is factually true and accurately meets the response criteria of all RFP
sections. An authorized officer of the vendor’s firm must sign the transmittal letter.

1.7 Proposal Submission

1.7.1 Submission of Sealed Proposals
All proposals and accompanying documentation will become the property of the Town of Windsor and will not be
returned. There are two methods of submittal:

1. Vendor should provide 10 hard copies and one soft copy on DVD for use by the Town of Windsor. Completed
responses are to be packaged, sealed and submitted to the Town of Windsor.
2. Vendor will provide a complete submittal via email.

All responses should be addressed to the Town’s designated contact:

Cody Groves, I.T. Representative

Information Technology Department

301 Walnut Street

Windsor, Colorado


All non-electronic proposals must have a label on the outside of the box or package itemizing the following

PROPOSAL ENCLOSED Due: (Preferably bold, large print, all capital letters)

If sending multiple boxes, please mark each one, X of Y where “X” is the box number and “Y” is the total number of

1.7.2 Liability for Proposal Preparation Expense

The Town of Windsor is not liable for any costs incurred by a Vendor in the preparation and production of a proposal.

1.7.3 Proposal Security

The content of each Vendor's proposal will be held in strict confidence during the evaluation process, and no details
of any proposal will be discussed outside the evaluation process.
1.7.4 Record Disclosure/Confidentiality of Proprietary Records
The vendor hereby agrees that all documents furnished shall be subject to public disclosure by the Town of Windsor
in the normal course of business in accordance with the requirements of the Colorado Open Records Act (C.R.S. 24-
72-201 to 24-72-309) (CORA) except for proprietary information the disclosure of which would cause substantial
injury to the competitive position of Vendor's enterprise. Information relating to Vendor price submissions,
including commercial, book or list pricing, applicable discounts or final price and like information, shall not be entitled
to confidentiality protection whether or not submitted or designated as proprietary by the Vendor. Vendor may
otherwise preserve proprietary rights as to confidential or business process information in accordance with
procedures established under CORA, provided that: (i) Vendor shall inform the Town prior to submission of its
information, in writing, that such records are going to be furnished, are proprietary and are not to be disclosed; (ii)
said records shall be sufficiently identified; and (iii) Vendor shall inform Town of Windsor the reasons why the
information should be exempted from disclosure; and (iv) designation of said records as exempt from disclosure is
reasonable and accepted by the Town .

1.7.5 Tax Provisions

Purchases made by the Town of Windsor are exempt from State and local sales tax and federal excise taxes, but the
Town of Windsor is not exempt from paying unemployment insurance or federal Social Security taxes. The official
Town of Windsor purchase order or voucher for materials, equipment, and supplies is sufficient evidence to qualify
the transaction exempt from sales tax.
2.1 Timetable of Events
All dates and times are subject to change. The Town of Windsor will delay the Vendor Selection process if required
to achieve specific Town of Windsor objectives. The vendor evaluation and selection process has specific timetables
and requirements, as noted below:

Date Activity

April 3rd, 2015 RFP Posted and Available to Public

April 15th 2015 5:00 PM (MST) RFP Questions Due

April 22nd 2015 5:00 PM (MST) Addendum to RFP with Questions and Answers Posted and are Available to
the Public

May 15st, 2015 5:00 PM (MST) Proposals & No Response Forms Due

May 15th 2015 to June 5th 2015 TOW Reviews Proposals

June 5th 2015 – July 10th 2015 TOW will notify top 3-5 vendors chosen to continue in selection process.
The Town will invite the top 3-5 vendors to interview and provide a
demonstration of products and services included the vendor's response to
the RFP.

July 10th 2015 – July 31st 2015 The Town will select its top vendor based off of the vendor's response to
the RFP, interview, reference checks and demonstration. The selected
vendor will be notified and begin contract negotiations.

TBD Once an implementation contract is signed, the Town and vendor will
proceed with implementation plan.

2.2 Description of Events

2.2.1 RFP Posted and Available to Public

The RFP will be posted on the Town’s website ( beginning April 3rd, 2015 for a
period of 30 business days.

2.2.2 RFP Questions Due

Any questions asked by the Vendor are to be received by the Town’s designated contact prior to April 15th 2015
5:00 PM (MST). Any questions received after this time not be included in the following addendum to the RFP. It is
up to the discretion of the Town’s designated contact to reply to questions posed after the due date. The addendum
will be added to the existing RFP on or before April 22nd 2015 5:00 PM (MST).
2.2.3 Addendum to RFP
Any questions sent to Town’s designated contact will be compiled and answered. All questions and responses will
be included in an addendum. The addendum will be added to the existing RFP on or before April 22nd 2015 5:00 PM
(MST). The RFP will be posted on the Town’s website (

2.2.4 Proposals Due

All responses to the RFP, including no response forms, are to be received by the Town’s designated contact prior to
May 15th 2015 5:00 PM (MST). Please refer to Section 1.7.1 - Submission of Sealed Proposals for submittal

2.2.5 TOW Reviews Proposals

Vendor selection will be based on a rating of Vendor proposals. The following criteria will be used for evaluation and

• Degree of fit to the Town’s process & system requirements and flexibility to meet potential changes in
future business requirements
• Project management plan including process analysis/consultation, training, experience, qualifications
of and references for the project management team
• Installation/training track record for previous project at locations comparable in scale and scope
• Capability to provide on-going support of the proposed solution; and
• Project and life cycle cost of the proposed solution

After an initial evaluation for Degree of Fit, Project Management Methodology and Implementation Plan,
Installation/Training Track Record, On-Going Support Capability and Project/Lifecycle Cost, the top ranking Vendors
will be invited to participate in scripted demonstrations of their proposed solution.

2.2.6 Top Vendors Chosen

Meetings will be scheduled with the top ranking Vendors to evaluate process & system requirements and obtain
clarification or supplemental information which will be evaluated according to the above criteria. It is expected that
these demonstrations will be in alignment with our process and system requirements and be as close to a “live”
system environment and demonstration as possible. These meetings will be held at the Town’s Town Hall in
Windsor, CO and will involve sessions with key staff from each functional discipline. Vendors will be asked to
demonstrate the functional capabilities of their proposed systems to identify any potential gaps in functionality
following a prescribed script. Vendors should ensure that both the sales and technical members of their organization
are present for these demonstrations.

Additional meetings may be scheduled with each Vendor following the scripted demos to discuss alternative gap
solutions for functionality gaps identified during the scripted demos.

The top ranking Vendors will be asked to provide the Town of Windsor with contact information for at least five
Customers who have fully implemented the proposed systems and are willing to participate in a Customer Survey,
phone consultation and/or site visit.
2.2.7 TOW Selects Top Candidate
The vendor and the Town of Windsor will negotiate a beneficial agreement to ensure a productive partnership. The
selected vendor’s response to this RFP will form the basis of these negotiations and may be considered part of the
final agreement.

The Town of Windsor has attached its standard Professional Services Agreement (PSA) which will be the basis for
the binding contract between the vendor and Town of Windsor. The vendor license agreement and statement of
work (defined as “contract”) will be attachments to this PSA. Each vendor(s) contract shall minimally cover the
following areas:

• License fees for use of any software or associated tools, to be scheduled in accordance with the
implementation functionality, and fixed at time of contract, to remain unchanged for a period of three
years following the final implementation phase.
• Consulting/training/implementation plan with associated costs and with a provision to guarantee
meeting plan milestones.
• Statement concerning the Town of Windsor’s access to Source Code and escrow protection.
• Provision for the ability to add additional users at any location and point in time.
• Annual product maintenance costs tied to a base expenditure and a controlled percentage increase
over the lifetime of use by the Town of Windsor.
• Payment milestones tied to the successful implementation of the vendor’s proposed solution and
distributed over an analysis, development/testing, training, production lifecycle.
• No additional license fees will be charged for training, development and business continuity based
• Any database or other software licenses required must be clearly identified in proposal.

No binding agreement between the vendor and the Town of Windsor will be established or inferred until a final PSA,
including all terms and conditions, has been signed. In the event of any conflict between this RFP, the vendor
response, and the final PSA, the terms of the final PSA will take precedence.

The selected vendor and the Town of Windsor evaluation team will collaborate to finalize the design and
implementation plan and costs and define the necessary interfaces to third party-data. If the vendor has a
partnership with another vendor which supplies software or hardware to meet specific technical or functional
requirements, the Town of Windsor may elect to negotiate separately with 3 party vendors.

2.2.8 Contract Negations Complete and Implementation is Scheduled

Once the implementation contract has been signed, the Town and the Vendor will proceed with the implementation
The following section describes the Town of Windsor’s RFP requirements that must be adhered to by each vendor
submitting a response to this RFP. Each proposal must be formatted as noted below and must contain the sections
described below along with a Table of Contents.

3.1 Executive Summary

The vendor must provide an executive summary of the proposed solution. Areas to be covered include:

• Brief overview of proposed solution and how this will benefit the Town of Windsor.
• Associated costs and timelines for implementation which comprehend the costs to integrate the
proposed solution with other 3 party solutions.
• Any additional information, which will be beneficial to the Town of Windsor in the evaluation process.

3.2 Company Background Information

3.2.1 Brief Historical Summary
The vendor must provide a brief historical summary of the vendor’s company. Areas to be covered include:

• Overall Vision and Mission.

• Financial history of the company covering the last three years. Attach the most recent copy of your
latest financial statements prepared by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles. Also include the following information: current balance
sheet, statement of revenues and expenses, statement of cash flows, and appropriate notes to these
documents. 501.3.c organizations must submit their most recent Form 990.
• Three-year history of research and development spending as a percentage of revenue.
• Company USA locations and associated staffing/functional organizations represented at each location.
• General background and current information about the company and key personnel.
• Strategic company direction and how this direction will benefit the Town of
• Current customers.
• Additional information useful for the Town of Windsor evaluation process.
3.2.2 Vendor Information
In this section each vendor will provide information on their company. Please respond within the format provided.
This will ensure that all information is provided and will facilitate our use of the information.

Question Vendor Response

Official Name of Company Click here to enter text.
Headquarters’ Address Click here to enter text.

Telephone Number Click here to enter text.

Fax Number Click here to enter text.
Federal Tax ID Number Click here to enter text.
Contact Name for questions concerning RFP Response Click here to enter text.
RFP response.
Contact’s Telephone Number Click here to enter text.
Contact’s E-mail Address Click here to enter text.
Is company authorized and/or licensed to do business Choose an item.
in the State of Colorado?
Does your company have an office in the area of Choose an item.
Windsor, Colorado or in the state of Colorado?
Company Ownership Choose an item.
If Private, list primary owners and their percentage Click here to enter text.
If Public, list stock trading symbol and market which it Click here to enter text.
is traded.
Has corporate ownership changed in the last 5 years? Click here to enter text.
If so, provide details.
Has the company purchased any other companies or Click here to enter text.
divisions of companies in the last 5 years? If so,
provide details.
Has the company or any of its principals defaulted on Click here to enter text.
any municipal contracts in the past 5 years? If so,
provide details.
Please provide details on any lawsuits involving the Click here to enter text.
company that are currently pending or occurred in the
past 5 years.
Has your company ever been declared bankrupt or Click here to enter text.
filed for protection from creditors under state or
federal proceedings? If so, state the date, court,
jurisdiction, amount of liabilities and amount of assets.
3.2.3 Vendor Customer References and Financial Condition

All Vendors are required to provide the names of at least five customer references similar in size to the Town of
Windsor with which you have conducted business for the last three years. At least three of which being government
organizations. Also include the name of an appropriate contact person in each organization. These references should
be customers for which the Vendor has designed and/or implemented a solution of similar size and scale.

The vendor should describe their installed base of clients including the following:

 Total number of clients currently utilizing systems similar to the proposed solution.
 Clients that are currently undergoing implementation.
 Clients that have been fully implemented and live for minimally 1 year.
 Any Clients that have switched to other vendors/solutions.

Representatives of the Town of Windsor expect to contact and possibly visit some of these reference clients. The
vendor should provide the following contact information for these client references:

Customer Reference Information:

Contact Information: Demographic Information:

• Company/organization name • Company/organization size

• Contact name and position • Solutions/systems installed, in what
• Address timeframe and sequence
• Telephone • Date(s) solutions/systems Installed
• E-mail address • Number of people required on
• Web site address implementation team from internal staff vs.
external resources
• Version currently being used

All Vendors must submit their audited financial statements for the last three years, as well as any interim statements
issued since the date of the last annual audited statement.

A company could be disqualified from the bidding process for one of the following reasons:

1) Severely adverse auditor opinions.

2) Severely adverse contingency notes.
3) Severely adverse reporting in trade financial references.

All Vendors must provide a copy of their certificate of incorporation.

1) If the Vendor is a partnership comprised of two or more corporations, then a copy of each partner’s
certificate of incorporation, along with a copy of the partnership papers, must be provided.
2) If the Vendor is a partnership comprised of non-corporate partners, the bidder must provide a copy of its
certificate of partnership.
3.3 Detailed RFP Responses
3.3.1 Assumptions
The vendor must clearly define any assumptions made in preparation of this RFP proposal.

3.3.2 Advantages of Proposed Solution

The vendor should describe the proposed advantages to the Town of Windsor and how these relate to the Town’s
overall project scope.

3.3.3 Project Costs and Pricing Options

The vendor must detail its pricing and payment terms in line with the project deliverables and milestone dates
provided in the recommended implementation plan. The proposal must provide a detailed breakdown of charges
for each service, product, and license, whether offered directly or indirectly through a third party. An explanation
of how cost overruns will be treated in the event of targets not being met must accompany this quotation. If
applicable, the Vendor should provide for multiple pricing options (i.e. enterprise, concurrent users, named users,
etc.) and detail each of the options.
On Premise System Implementation

Estimated Project Costs

Project Costs Implementation Post-Implementation Describe Licensing Hourly or Fixed Cost? Comments
Costs Costs (5 Years) Options

License Fees (site, concurrent users, etc.) Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Implementation Services Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Data Conversion enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Training enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Project Management enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
System Configuration and Setup enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Travel enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
System Development/Interfaces enterhere
Click text. here to enter Click
Click text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
System Data Migration enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Total Project Costs enterhere
Click text. here to enter
Click text. here to enter
Click Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Ongoing Costs enterhere
Click text. here to enter
Click text. here to enter
Click Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Maintenance and Support Costs Click
here Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
24X7 enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (M-F) Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (M-S) Click
here Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Other Costs Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Hardware and Server Costs Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Database Licensing/maintenance Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Recommended Time Clocks Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Implementations services for Upgrades Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
enter text. text. text.
SaaS (Software as a Service) Implementation

Estimated Project Costs

Project Costs Implementation Post-Implementation Describe Licensing Hourly or Fixed Cost? Comments
Costs Costs (5 Years) Options

License Fees (site, concurrent users, etc.) Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Implementation Services Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Data Conversion enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Training enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Project Management enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
System Configuration and Setup enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Travel enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
System Development/Interfaces enterhere
Click text. here to enter Click
Click text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
System Data Migration enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Total Project Costs enterhere
Click text. here to enter
Click text. here to enter
Click Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Ongoing Costs enterhere
Click text. here to enter
Click text. here to enter
Click Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Maintenance and Support Costs Click
here Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
24X7 enter
Click here text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (M-F) Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (M-S) Click
here Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Hosting Costs Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Other Costs Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Hardware and Server Costs Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Database Licensing/maintenance Click
enterhere Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Implementations services for Upgrades Click
here Click
text. here to enter Click
text. here to enter Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
enter text. text. text.
3.3.4 Degree of Fit
The Process & System Automation Requirements (see Section 6 – Process & System Automation Requirements and
Section 7 – Technical Requirements) must be completed, with reference comments made to describe what
functionality CANNOT be delivered in the current version of the proposed solution and what will be required to
address the gap(s). The Process & System Automation requirements are organized based on the Town’s Enterprise
Process Architecture and grouped by service, process and procedure. The detailed requirements are ordered under
each procedure. Presentation order should not be interpreted as the order of importance.

3.3.5 On-Going Support

Training and “Helpline” locations must be identified along with Sales offices. The vendor should describe its various
support options and recommend the preferred support option for the Town of Windsor based on its proposed

Reference Requirement Response Comments Toll Free Support Phone Number Choose an Click here to enter text. 24x7 Support item. an
Choose Click here to enter text. Software/Application Support item.
Choose an Click here to enter text. Remote diagnostic support software item. an
Choose Click here to enter text. Remote diagnostic support hardware item. an
Choose Click here to enter text. Documented escalation procedures item. an
Choose Click here to enter text. Dedicated Tier 2 (Mid-Level expertise) item. an
Choose Click here to enter text.
support staff item. Dedicated Tier 3 (Senior-Level expertise) Choose an Click here to enter text.
support staff item. Portal to exchange information and Choose an Click here to enter text.
support item.

3.3.6 Internal Information Technology Production Environment Support

Identify the various skill sets (e.g. Database Administrator, etc.) required by the Town (i.e. IT and/or Operating
Department) to properly maintain the system on a day-to-day basis.

Click here to enter text.

3.3.7 Written Documentation

The vendor must describe all technical and user documentation that is provided. In addition the vendor must
describe the policy and procedure regarding maintenance and enhancements to the documentation. The vendor
must also identify any additional or optional documentation that may be deemed beneficial to the Town of Windsor
and the associated costs for such documentation.

3.3.8 Product Maintenance

If the vendor proposes any specific products, either directly or through third parties, the vendor must describe the
past frequency of new product release updates (not to include Patches), the frequency with which the Town of
Windsor can expect to receive new product release upgrades (e.g. Yearly, Quarterly), Vendor release support terms
(# of previous versions supported) and a comprehensive list of outstanding errors/system deficiencies and the
anticipated schedule for their resolution. A description of how the vendor collects customer input on new features
that should be implemented in new releases is also required.

For proposed solutions that include software provided by third parties, the vendor should address the following

• How does the contracted vendor expect to handle releases of third-party software?
• What is the extent of the contracted vendor’s responsibility for software originating with other suppliers?

3.3.9 Project Management Methodology and Implementation Plan

The vendor should describe its project management strategy and methodology as well as provide example
deliverables for all major project milestones. This should include but not be limited to the following:

• Project Planning Process – include examples of deliverables

• Frequency of project meetings
• Action Item Tracking
• Issue Tracking
• Status Reporting
• Project Change Management
• Problem Resolution

The vendor is responsible for providing to the Town of Windsor a proposed Design and Implementation plan. This
plan will adhere to the Town of Windsor timelines and will include any and all associated consulting work either by
the vendor or a third party. The implementation plan will be reviewed as part of the selection process. The vendor’s
proposed implementation plan must include:

• Implementation methodology and approach – include examples of deliverables

• Project Management, communications, Change Management and reporting
• Business process re-engineering and system configuration
• Hardware and software training and development of standard procedures
• Overall project schedule with detailed timeline
• Proposed number of Vendor consultants and their qualifications and experience relevant this
• Expected deliverables and assumptions
• Required skill sets to ensure that the Town can perform future maintenance support and release upgrades
with minimal to no vendor consulting.
• Other areas critical to project success not defined above.

The vendor must describe in detail how it will assist the Town of Windsor in accomplishing the above areas. The
vendor must provide the proposed number of onsite personnel, and include information on the individuals’ relevant
training, experience and qualifications. The Town of Windsor implementation team, which will be responsible to
manage this project the entire engagement, reserves the right to request different people if the selected individuals
do not meet or perform to our expectations.
3.3.10 Strategic Direction
The vendor should describe its current technological and business functionality environment as well as any strategic
direction determined critical to the vendor’s long term success and viability in the marketplace. This analysis should
include a description of how this implementation or project fits into the Vendor’s strategic business plan and must
answer the following questions:

• What differentiates the vendor from its competitors?

• Why should the Town of Windsor select and implement the Vendor’s systems versus that of other vendors?

3.3.11 Annual Reports

Please provide documentation to include recent annual reports or comparable documentation if company is
privately held as noted in 3.2.2 and 3.2.3.

3.4 Terms and Conditions

3.4.1 Acceptance of the Proposal
The Town of Windsor reserves the right to reject any proposal. The RFP should not be construed as a contract to
purchase services and the Town of Windsor shall not be obligated in any manner until a written agreement relating
to an approved proposal has been duly executed.

3.4.2 Proposal Revisions

Proposal revisions must be received prior to the proposal submission/closing date and time.

3.4.3 Financing of Proposals

Vendor is solely responsible for any and all costs associated with preparing and submitting proposals and such costs
will not be borne by the Town of Windsor.

3.4.4 Acceptance of RFP Conditions

Receipt of proposal by the Town of Windsor will be considered acceptance of the RFP terms and conditions by the
Respondent, and will be incorporated into the Vendor’s proposal.

3.4.5 Subcontracting
Subcontracting is permitted for some requested services as a condition of the anticipated contract for service.
Proposed subcontractors must be listed in the proposal.
3.4.6 Warranty
Vendor represents and warrants that it is available to perform the services outlined in its proposal and furthermore
that it is under no conflicting obligations that may interfere with its duties to the Town of Windsor because of work
it may have undertaken with others if its proposal is accepted.

3.4.7 Negotiation Delay

If an agreement cannot be negotiated within fifteen business days of notification to the designated Vendor, the
Town of Windsor, may, in its sole discretion, terminate negotiations with that Vendor and either negotiate an
agreement with another Vendor of its choice or choose to terminate the RFP process and not enter into an
agreement with any of the Vendors.

3.4.8 Funding and Vendor Selection

The implementation of the selected proposal is dependent upon funding and vendor selection for the work set forth
in the proposal being approved by the Town’s implementation team. The Town is not obligated to accept the lowest
vendor bid proposal.

3.4.9 Indemnification
Vendor hereby indemnifies and holds the Town of Windsor harmless for and against any and all claims, losses,
damages, costs, expenses, and other actions made, sustained, brought, threatened or prosecuted in any manner
based upon or arising from any communication or action by the Vendor in the proposal or purported performance
of the agreement herein, or claims relating to the infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, or
any other confidential information or intellectual property of another.

3.4.10 Termination
The Town of Windsor may terminate this proposal at any time for any reason whatsoever.

3.4.10 Proposal Withdrawal

Prior to the proposal closing date, a submitted proposal may be withdrawn by the Vendor by submitting a written
request to the Town of Windsor designated contact named in the RFP. All such requests must be signed by a duly
authorized representative of the Vendor.

3.4.11 Ownership
All documents submitted by Vendor shall become the property of the Town of Windsor.
The Town of Windsor will review all proposals, rank each vendor based on the criteria noted below and select the
preferred vendors to be considered for further evaluation.

4.1 Degree of Fit

Each proposal will be reviewed to determine the proposed solution’s degree of fit to the Town of Windsor’s
functional requirements (see Section 6 – Process & System Automation Requirements and Section 7 – Technical
Requirements). Included in this review will be the flexibility of the proposed solution to adapt to potential changes
to business process and requirements in the future.

4.2 Project Management Methodology and Implementation Plan

The Town of Windsor will review the Vendor’s project management strategy and methodology to determine its
ability to successfully manage this project (see Section 3.3.9). The training, experience and qualifications of the
proposed consultant team will be major criteria in the selection of a Vendor. In addition, a survey of the customer
references provided by the vendor will be used to verify the vendor’s capability of successfully managing this project.

4.3 Installation/Training Track Record

The Town of Windsor requires each proposal to include references of clients that have implemented solutions similar
to the Vendor’s proposed solution over a similar timeframe (see Section 3.2.3- Vendor Customer References and
Financial Condition). The Town of Windsor will perform a survey with these references to determine the Vendor’s
capability to deliver on the proposed solution design and implementation plan.

4.4 Scripted Demonstrations and Gap Analysis

After an initial evaluation for Degree of Fit, Project Management Methodology and Implementation Plan,
Installation/Training Track Record and On-Going Support Capability and Project/Lifecycle Cost, the top 3 - 5 ranked
Vendors will be invited to participate in scripted demonstrations of their proposed solution. These Vendors will be
further evaluated on their ability to demonstrate the solution and how well it meets the stated requirements based
on the process and procedures listed in the Process & System/Automation Requirements (see Section 6 – Process &
System Automation Requirements) and Technical Requirements (see Section 7 – Technical Requirements). Each of
these vendors will also be evaluated on the ability to demonstrate how alternative gap solutions will be used to
resolve or mitigate gaps in functionality.

4.5 On-Going Support Capability

The Town of Windsor will review the Vendor’s capability to provide on-going product support and services after
successful implementation of the proposed solution (see Section 3.3.5 – On-Going Support).
4.6 Project/Lifecycle Cost
Each vendor will be evaluated on the project lifecycle economics (costs and delivery of benefits) based on the one
time startup cost, the annual operating cost, the five year total cost and an evaluation of the Vendor’s License
Agreement and Maintenance Agreement.


5.1 Network Environment
The Town of Windsor consists of 7 networked locations connected by a WAN Area Network (WAN) for both primary
(4) and secondary (3) sites. Primary sites are connected via Gigabit Fiber. Additional information for the network
design is available as needed for the purpose of this RFP.

5.2 Servers and Database Environment

® ® ®
The Town’s Data Center is virtualized on servers running VMware on DELL SAN with Microsoft Active Directory
® ® ®
(AD) and Exchange Server running on the Windows Server operating system and MS SQL Server . New applications
must be able to run on Windows Server 2012 R2, and SQL 2012 SP1 in VMWare ESXi 5.x environments.

5.3 Desktop Environment

® ® ®
All workstations are Intel /Microsoft based workstations that operate under the Windows 7 platforms running the
® ® ® ® ®
latest service packs. Microsoft Office including Word , Power Point , Excel , and Outlook is standard. New
® ®
applications must be fully compatible and supported on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, and compatible with Office
versions 2010 through Office 2013.

5.4 Process and System Integration Environment

The Town of Windsor currently utilizes a combination of Vendor Purchased solutions to support Town

The Town currently utilizes Springbrook Software as its ERP software.

As a part of this RFP, the Town requests that a system integration
proposal be included in the Vendor RFP proposal. Please refer to Section
7.6 – System Interfaces for more information.

5.4.1 Purchased Solutions

The Town of Windsor has several purchased solutions, which are SQL Server based and
support the following major services.

Some examples include:

• Enterprise Resource Planning – General accounting, budgeting, financial reporting, sales
tax, licensing, utility billing, fixed assets, AP, AR and payroll
• Human Resources Management – HRIS
• Community Development – development review process, document management
system, GIS
• Public Safety – Municipal court, police reports, evidence tracking
• Community Services – Recreation programs, facility reservations
• Administration – Document Management System
The following codes should be used in response to each service area/type specification.

Select “Standard” in the response column if this is a standard feature / function of the solution/system offered in
your base system price to the Town. These features must be currently in use at other client sites, and no user
programming or use of a supplied report writer is required. For this response, the Town will assume that the
specification is met by the package, the requirement can be demonstrated by the Vendor, and will hold the vendor
responsible for delivering that feature or function in its proposed package.

Select “Customizable” in the response column if this is not a standard feature / function of the current release of
the solution/system but the vendor is willing to customize/configure the system/solution to include this feature
at additional cost or the feature / function will be available in the next release of the solution/system.

Select “Not Offered” in the response column if this is not a standard feature / function even with custom
modifications and is not in the next release of the solution/system. Requirements therefore cannot be provided.

Select “Third Party” in the response column if this feature / function will be provided by a third party.

Select “N/A” in the response column if the requirement does not apply (i.e. certain technical requirements for
hosted solutions)

Comments\Reference – General comments can be entered in the field provided. Additionally a reference code may
be entered to provide additional clarification to an attached response.


How does your HRIS/payroll system support multiple companies?

How does the system handle acquisitions and mergers? Specifically, what is required to add a new company to the

Are you a global provider? If yes, please provide your definition of global. Is this provided through a 3 rd party.

Describe employee transfers between and/or within companies.

Describe how a cost center [job number / activity number] is added and deleted in your system.

Requirements Code Comments

Supports individual tax filings by EIN Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides capability to view all employees simultaneously regardless of Choose Click here to enter text.
EIN association or separately by company or division an item.

Reports on actual from check history Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirements Code Comments

Provides for client defined organizational levels Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides Web portal communication to all people in the organization Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides Web portal communication to a specific company Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides for the posting of company specifics, such as policies and Choose Click here to enter text.
forms, in the Web portal an item.

Provides employee searches by: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee Number Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Last Name & First Name Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Organizational Level Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Company Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Location Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Status Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Job Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Pay Group Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Department Manager Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Supports multiple languages Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Supports multiple currencies Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
6.2 Organization Structure
Explain how/if your system creates organization charts.

Describe how your system maintains associate “reports to” data.

Describe how your system handles/manages large reorganizations.

Requirements Code Comments

Provides ability to export data to an organizational charting application. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Structures the organizational chart based on the reporting Choose Click here to enter text.
relationships defined for each associate. an item.

Provides an on-line organization or report to chart. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Establishes new organization entities (i.e., companies, cost centers, Choose Click here to enter text.
etc.) without vendor professional services. an item.

Adds/changes organization entities and easily transfers associates Choose Click here to enter text.
within and/or across entities (including companies). an item.

Manages organization restructuring including position control and Choose Click here to enter text.
salary changes. an item.

Provides the ability to establish exports to create organization charts Choose Click here to enter text.
for: an item.

Companies Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Locations Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Pay groups Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Departments within company Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Are you a global provider? If yes, please explain.

What languages are supported within the standard product? List additional languages available as add-ons.

Please explain the extent to which the product meets regional and country-specific requirements for human
resources processes and information. List the countries supported by localizations, shipped as add-ons.

How does your solution support global capabilities for employee records, currencies, and compliance with
international data privacy?


Provide a brief description of your recruiting and applicant management system.

Describe your candidate pre-screening or qualification process.

What job boards are supported with your product? Describe how jobs are posted to Internet job sites.

Does your system allow for an automatic e-mail response to applicants and candidates? If so, please describe the
communication types included in the application. Can we customize the responses?

How is an applicant transitioned to an employee in your system? If the systems are integrated, describe the file
transfer process and the technology applied.

How does an applicant apply for a job online?

Requirement Code Comments

Communicates automatically with job boards. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Posts internal and external jobs to company Internet site and company Choose Click here to enter text.
intranet site with effective dates. an item.

Has a requisition library of job templates that can be utilized when Choose Click here to enter text.
creating requisitions. an item.

Tracks expenses by applicant/candidate level and associate them with Choose Click here to enter text.
a specific requisition or a general recruiting activity. an item.

Sends automatic responses, notifications, or e-mails to Choose Click here to enter text.
applicants/candidates. an item.

Allows administrators to customize verbiage on the e-mail messages Choose Click here to enter text.
(including confirmation acknowledgement and job filled) to external an item.
and internal applicants/candidates

Allows users to e-mail potential interview times, applications, Choose Click here to enter text.
corporate material, and job opening status. an item.

Provides a library of standard communication correspondence for Choose Click here to enter text.
printing and distribution. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Integrates seamlessly with standard e-mail systems (Microsoft Choose Click here to enter text.
Outlook, Lotus Notes) for applicant/candidate activity for hiring an item.
managers and recruiters.

Allows administrators to schedule interviews, notify interviewers of Choose Click here to enter text.
times, locations and topics to cover. an item.

Distinguishes applicant/candidate status for internal or external Choose Click here to enter text.
candidates. an item.

Associates applications and resumes to a specific requisition without Choose Click here to enter text.
having to change screens/databases. an item.

Has history that consists of one candidate record with all the associated Choose Click here to enter text.
recruiting activity regardless of the number of requisitions. an item.

Can a resume/application be maintained in the system? Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Can a resume/application be searched using key words? Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Stores resumes for future use by category, job title, skill, or other user- Choose Click here to enter text.
defined attributes. an item.

Allows applicants/candidates to modify or replace their existing Choose Click here to enter text.
resume. an item.

House interview question templates for each job Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can review pre-screened Choose Click here to enter text.
applicant/candidate an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can track applicant/candidate status Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can schedule interviews Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can communicate with Choose Click here to enter text.
applicants/candidates via e-mail an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can view communication history Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can report on communications Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

View multiple recruiter schedules Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can view and print assessments Choose Click here to enter text.
between applicants/candidates an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can view and print applicant/candidates Choose Click here to enter text.
job history, qualifications and resume an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can record interview notes Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Hiring managers and recruiters can enter additional applicant Choose Click here to enter text.
/candidate information if needed an item.

Searches applicants/candidates based on a variety of criteria (e.g., Choose Click here to enter text.
location, skills, prior employers, zip code, and metropolitan areas). an item.

Has embedded workflow for approvals based on company-defined Choose Click here to enter text.
process including requisition approval, offer approval, and new hire an item.

Allows users to attach documents to an applicant/candidate record. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides Web-based data collection for jobseeker users (both Choose Click here to enter text.
employee and non-employee) an item.

Allows administrators to create behavioral interview question sets per Choose Click here to enter text.
job opening an item.

Allows administrators to determine which fields are required for Choose Click here to enter text.
completion by applicant/candidate and/or recruiters/hiring managers. an item.

Allows administrators to establish access levels in the system by role Choose Click here to enter text.
(i.e., administrator, recruiter, hiring manager). an item.

Increments requisition numbers automatically or entered manually. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows users to enter and access secure Notes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Integrates with third-party screening services including: criminal Choose Click here to enter text.
background check, drug testing and assessments. an item.

Allows applicant/candidate to choose if he/she would like to be alerted Choose Click here to enter text.
when a future position becomes available based on qualifications. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Generates offer letters containing all compensation options to Choose Click here to enter text.
applicant/candidate an item.

Job openings will track the requisition number, status and reason for Choose Click here to enter text.
the opening an item.

Job openings will include employment information including FLSA type, Choose Click here to enter text.
salary range, and full/part time indicator. an item.

Job opening will include education and skill requirements. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Assist in the creation of and house job descriptions. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Job opening will include Metropolitan Area and location information. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Generates reports on all fields that exist in the database. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Describe your employer configurable new hire workflow.

Requirement Code Comments

HR and manager new hire/rehire checklist ability, by position, with Choose Click here to enter text.
check-off ability as tasks are completed (for example, offer letter has an item.
been sent and received).

Provides ability to automatically notify other areas of organization of Choose Click here to enter text.
new hire (security, payroll, etc.) an item.

Provides ability to automatically notify new hire of activities they need Choose Click here to enter text.
to complete and remind them if they don’t do them in a timely manner. an item.

Manager is prompted to assign correct property to the employee. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ability to enter new hire before start date (effective dating) and new Choose Click here to enter text.
person will not appear on org charts until effective start date. an item.

Describe your employer configurable termination workflow and how it supports termination of employees and
independent contractor assignments.

How is your system used to notify appropriate areas of the organization (security, IT, payroll) that an employee or
independent contractor has been terminated?

Requirement Code Comments

Enables manager self-service request for termination workflow. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks terminations by reason (e.g. discharged, better opportunity, Choose Click here to enter text.
etc.), date, rehire eligibility, COBRA election. an item.

Can the termination workflow be different based on the termination Choose Click here to enter text.
reason, or other termination criteria? an item.

Maintains exit interview information. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Can automatically cancel specified employee benefits upon Choose Click here to enter text.
termination. an item.

Please provide a brief overview of your onboarding solution.

What are examples of the forms your solution supports that are typically completed by the hiring manager and/or
new hire?

Please provide examples of how your solution assists in conducting employment verification.

Requirement Code Comments

Ability to predefine workflows and workflow tasks that vary according Choose Click here to enter text.
to the position being filled. an item.

Ability to delegate a proxy or change the owner for any specific task. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ability to track expected lead times vs. actual lead times to assist in Choose Click here to enter text.
planning (e.g., to determine the lead times for telephone provision is an item.
72 hours).

Ability to output a well-formatted completed form to hard copy print. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ability for hires to return and update or correct their information after Choose Click here to enter text.
the initial submission. an item.
Ability to provide task response and status via email reply. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ability to measure the performance of the onboarding process. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ability to vary the onboarding process workflow according to multiple Choose Click here to enter text.
candidate and position factors — employee type, business unit, job an item.
function, country and state, etc.

Ability to monitor the overall status of the onboarding process, Choose Click here to enter text.
providing a clear indication of “new hire readiness.” an item.

Ability to make completion of one task a firm prerequisite to the Choose Click here to enter text.
initiation of other tasks. an item.

Ability for the hiring manager to enter all required data on behalf of the Choose Click here to enter text.
contingent worker. an item.

Ability to pre-populate form fields using data provided by unified Choose Click here to enter text.
Recruitment. an item.

Ability to brand the forms and pages seen in the new hire portal or page Choose Click here to enter text.
flow. an item.

Ability to automatically notify other areas of organization of new hire Choose Click here to enter text.
(security, payroll, etc.). an item.

Ability to close the requisition tracker — does the new hire Choose Click here to enter text.
automatically close the open requisition? an item.

Ability to facilitate automation of new hire paperwork collection and Choose Click here to enter text.
new hire responses for all businesses within the company. an item.

Ability to link to person prior to bringing on board to enable new hire Choose Click here to enter text.
process to begin earlier. an item.

Ability for HR and manager new hire/rehire to create/access checklist, Choose Click here to enter text.
by position, with check-off ability as tasks are completed (e.g., offer an item.
letter has been sent and received).

Ability to automatically notify new hire of activities he/she needs to Choose Click here to enter text.
complete and then send reminder he/she does not complete these in an item.
a timely manner.

Ability to enter new hire before start date (effective dating) and new Choose Click here to enter text.
person will not appear on org charts until effective start date. an item.

Ability to click a button to hire the person, and data is automatically Choose Click here to enter text.
routed to payroll, benefits, and other applicable areas. an item.

Ability to interface employee’s I-9 to e-verify for United States. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ability to generate acceptance email notice/workflow notification to Choose Click here to enter text.
hiring manager, with start date. an item.

Ability to include range of documents, such as W-4, I-9, employee Choose Click here to enter text.
agreement, non-compete agreement, etc. an item.

Ability to provide electronic new hire packets, with ability to attach. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ability to deliver employment eligibility verification, with automatic Choose Click here to enter text.
status update and validation noted in employee profile. an item.

Ability to print a new hire package for candidate’s signature as well as Choose Click here to enter text.
workflow to generate appropriate pre-employment forms to be sent to an item.
the candidate.


Describe your system’s HR functionality.

Is this system integrated with the payroll system?

When was this human resources product developed?

Was this application developed in-house or purchased?

Describe the types of historical information your system maintains (including number of years maintained).

How do you support electronic signatures?

Describe the HR process for transferring an employee between departments and/or companies.

Are there duplicate fields in both HR and Payroll that can be updated and modified? What is the timing? Describe
how it works.

Explain how a “re-hire” is identified and how previous history and years of service are recognized.

Can electronic files and scanned documents be stored by associate on your system? What limitations, if any, exist?

Describe the process to terminate an associate on the system.

Describe how your system can trigger events beyond pay for terminated employees (e.g., remove system access,
revoke access cards, remove PIN numbers for wire transfers, etc.).
Describe how a terminate action can be reversed on the system.

Requirement Code Comments

Provide on-line support/instructions for completion of routine tasks. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Establish new organizational entities (e.g., companies, cost centers, Choose Click here to enter text.
and other variables) with no IT or programming required. an item.

Add/change organizational entities and easily/effectively transfer Choose Click here to enter text.
employees within and/or across them. an item.

Maintain employee demographic data for all employment-related Choose Click here to enter text.
details (e.g., birth date, employee number, gender, hire date, contact an item.

Maintain ethnic, visa, and I-9 related data. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintain marital, family, and dependent/beneficiary related and tax- Choose Click here to enter text.
related elections. an item.

Maintain historical data for current/former employees (e.g., names, Choose Click here to enter text.
employment, job/assignments, performance ratings, status, and pay). an item.

Maintain audit trails of employee file and data updates by date, time, Choose Click here to enter text.
and origin of update. an item.

Generate, identify, and track employees by unique employee number. Choose Click here to enter text.
Track Social Security Number for U.S. based employees. an item.

Maintain language, education, and certification data. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Establish jobs/roles/positions and all relevant details. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintain data for all job-related details (e.g., grade, exemption status, Choose Click here to enter text.
EEO code, salary, job family). an item.

Make simultaneous changes to large employee groups (e.g., new hires, Choose Click here to enter text.
salary changes, transfers). an item.

Enable effective/future dating of pending transactions/events, and Choose Click here to enter text.
maintain transaction history. an item.

New hires automatically routes approval based on company’s Choose Click here to enter text.
hierarchy. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Routes job/salary changes electronically for approval based on user Choose Click here to enter text.
defined approvals. an item.

Managers can view and change employee salary information with Choose Click here to enter text.
workflow. an item.

Managers can submit new hires. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can run reports. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Managers can create ad-hoc reports based on security access. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can view employee training and employment records. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Progressive disciplinary actions can be tracked and reported. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

E-mail alerts can be generated based on system or user defined events. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Data/transactions submitted by managers automatically validate for Choose Click here to enter text.
accuracy and completeness. an item.

Life-to-date history on all employee fields. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Audit trails for all additions, updates and changes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Retains employee status code history. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Narrative history (e.g., disciplinary actions, grievances). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

No limit to historical data captured. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Unlimited user defined fields. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
As human resource regulations change, how do you ensure your clients stay in compliance?

Explain how your system maintains OSHA logs.

Describe how the software facilitates the maintenance of employee data and creation of employee history.

Requirement Code Comments

Changes to compliance requirements are maintained and updated by Choose Click here to enter text.
HRIS vendor. an item.

All compliance reporting can be generated for current periods and Choose Click here to enter text.
historical periods. an item.

Standard compliance reports include: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

EEO-1 Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

OSHA 300 and OSHA 301 Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Multi-Worksite Reports Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Vets-100 Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Automatic notification of I-9 expiration/visa expiration. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

COBRA qualifying events are automatically triggered based on Choose Click here to enter text.
employee transactions. an item.

COBRA letters can be generated from the system. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks any accommodations made to support the American with Choose Click here to enter text.
Disabilities Act (ADA). an item.

Tracks ADA and disability information. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides military and veteran status for employees. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Includes affirmative action compliance features. Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Provides HIPAA support. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Provides worker’s compensation support. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Creates separate, mandated government reports for each individual Choose Click here to enter text.
tax entity. an item.

Includes state-mandated “New Hire” reports (for child support Choose Click here to enter text.
payment tracking). an item.

Updates from HRIS vendor when federal/state/local regulations Choose Click here to enter text.
change. an item.


Please describe your performance appraisal feature.

Describe how the system can provide real time monitoring of performance appraisals.

Can completed performance reviews be attached to an employee record?

Can another performance appraisal system be integrated with this module?

Requirement Code Comments

Delivers configurable comprehensive options to allow administrators Choose Click here to enter text.
to configure the performance review process to their specific business an item.
needs without the need for technical or consultative services.

Intuitive user experience that eliminates the need for end-user training Choose Click here to enter text.
for administrators, employees, and managers. an item.

Solicits performance feedback from multiple reviewers (e.g., Choose Click here to enter text.
subordinates, directors, other managers, peers) and exchanges data an item.
among multiple users simultaneously.

Saves work in process/draft reviews and provides option to return to Choose Click here to enter text.
complete. an item.

Enables administrators to assign different review forms for different Choose Click here to enter text.
employees within the same review cycle. an item.

Enables employees to complete self-evaluations. Choose Click here to enter text.

Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Tracks performance review status and dates (e.g., complete, Choose Click here to enter text.
incomplete). an item.

Provides email reminders and overdue notices throughout the process. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintains performance feedback and ratings history. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides historical reviews that can be accessed easily by managers or Choose Click here to enter text.
administrators. an item.

Enables administrators to view the status of the review process at any Choose Click here to enter text.
time. an item.

Provides delivery of standard competencies and objectives. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides goals management that allows either the employee or Choose Click here to enter text.
manager to create and add their own personal goals or objectives. an item.

Enables individual weighting of goals. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Provides ability to assign employee performance objectives that align Choose Click here to enter text.
with your overall business strategy. an item.

Provides access to all talent factors, including employee information, Choose Click here to enter text.
review history, skills and competencies, education, salary history, and an item.
learning history, based on role.

Enables reporting and analysis of performance ratings for various Choose Click here to enter text.
employee groups (e.g., by job, manager, geography). an item.

Provides a centralized gateway for managers to monitor the progress Choose Click here to enter text.
of their performance management activities — in one place. an item.

Summarizes performance review in an easy-to-read format that can be Choose Click here to enter text.
printed for future reference. an item.

Integrates with career development and succession management Choose Click here to enter text.
applications and processes (e.g., learning plans/career planning). an item.

Integrates with career development and succession management Choose Click here to enter text.
applications and processes (e.g., learning plans/career planning). an item.
Please provide a brief overview of your succession management functionality.

Please explain how Succession Management is unified with your Performance Management and Career
Development offerings.

Please explain how succession plans are created.

How much historical information is available?

What types of reporting and metrics are available on the succession data?

Requirement Code Comments

Stores multiple iterations of possible succession plans for each Choose Click here to enter text.
team/leader. an item.

Provides printable/PDF capabilities. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Allows configurability by the client (ASM) or allows hard-coding from Choose Click here to enter text.
the vendor. an item.

Provides the ability to track and report on critical roles and critical Choose Click here to enter text.
talent. an item.

Delivers robust reporting, including exception reporting. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides the ability to track core competencies associated with Choose Click here to enter text.
next/future job. an item.

Provides the ability to track the date/timeframe an employee will be Choose Click here to enter text.
ready for the next position. an item.

Provides the ability for employees and managers to create a Choose Click here to enter text.
development plan based on license, skills, training, education, and an item.

Provides the ability to track multiple language proficiency information, Choose Click here to enter text.
including speaking, reading, and writing, for each employee. an item.

Provides the ability to maintain multiple education information per Choose Click here to enter text.
employee such as schools attended, dates of attendance, degrees, and an item.
course of study.

Provides the ability to track and search on the following data: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
skill description Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

experience level Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

proficiency level Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

competency description Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Provides the ability to track employee licenses and certification and Choose Click here to enter text.
expiration dates. an item.

Provides the ability to track employee professional associations. Choose Click here to enter text.
Specify limit. an item.

Provides the ability to identify where employees are in their current Choose Click here to enter text.
performance and potential growth. an item.

Provides the ability to provide audit records. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides the ability to be delivered with standard competencies and Choose Click here to enter text.
objectives. Administrators should be able to add and modify client- an item.
specific, effective-dated competencies,

Enables the graphic display of the manager's direct report organization. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provide an overview of the key compensation features of your system.

How is the compensation features integrated with the HRIS and payroll functions?

Explain how your system creates and retains salary history.

What types of reports are available for compensation?

Describe how your system manages commissions.

Describe how your system manages bonus pay.

Describe how your system manages incentive pay.

Describe how your system manages separation pay and other discretionary pay.

Explain how pay changes are entered in the system.

Describe how a mid-period salary change is processed.

Explain how the system allows managers to plan salary increases online, process approvals via workflow, and
automatically implement increases on the effective date.

Explain how annual merit increases are processed in your system.

Does your system validate minimum and maximum salary (of grade) when pay is changed, and provide warning
messages as needed?

How is compensation modeling handled in your system?

Describe how salary ranges/grades are established in the system, grades are assigned to positions, and positions are
assigned to associates.

Describe how salary range/grade changes are made in the system, those changes are reflected in positions, and to
associates assigned to those positions.

Explain how job information is established and maintained in your system (e.g., grade, exemption status, EEO code,

Explain how your system calculates, displays, and reports compa-ratio and/or quartile information.

Explain how the same job can have different salary ranges based on job location.

Please describe how your budget administration tool will assist our organization with effective decisions regarding
future compensation.

What are the steps involved in creating a budget worksheet for your managers?

Requirement Code Comments

Managers can view summary data and analyze salary budget Choose Click here to enter text.
information for their departments. an item.

Managers can assign salary increases based on: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Dollar amounts Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Percentages Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Combination of dollar and percentages Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Managers can create “what if” employee scenarios to ensure that Choose Click here to enter text.
increases do not exceed the department salary budget. an item.

Managers can apply “across the board” salary increases for a Choose Click here to enter text.
department. an item.

Managers can allocate different percentages and/or dollar amounts to Choose Click here to enter text.
different employees. an item.

Assign multiple salary increases to one employee (i.e., cost of living and Choose Click here to enter text.
merit increases). an item.

Rate changes and increases are effective-dated for payroll processing. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager can plan for compensation, overtime, taxes and benefits. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager can utilize advanced functions to calculate benefits (nested Choose Click here to enter text.
if/then statements, etc.) an item.

Manager can plan for pre-tax benefits. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager can set budget using FTE or Headcount. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager can plan for terminations, leaves, and new hires. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can plan for transfers between locations, departments and Choose Click here to enter text.
sections. an item.

Managers can plan for temporary, part time, half time employees. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can plan for temporary employees from an outside agency. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager’s view of budget can be restricted to their respective Choose Click here to enter text.
departments/offices. an item.

Budget Data can be exported to excel. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Current and prior year payroll data is accessible in the budget planning Choose Click here to enter text.
module. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Manager can generate variance reports to compare budget to actual Choose Click here to enter text.
expense. an item.

System maintains historical budget records. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Budget assumes all existing comp, taxes and benefits remains the Choose Click here to enter text.
same, then allows for overrides as necessary. an item.

System allows data to be compiled for multiple companies and Choose Click here to enter text.
currencies. an item.

System allows all currencies to be reported in USD, using a pre- Choose Click here to enter text.
determined exchange rate. an item.

System has reporting capabilities: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Company Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Location Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Department Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Title Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Section of Law Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Status Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Currency Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Compensation Only Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Benefits & Taxes Only Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee versus Employer Expense Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Please describe how disciplinary actions are accommodated.

Please describe your capabilities to track grievances.

Requirement Code Comments

Tracks disciplinary actions including a description of the incident. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers and HR staff can record the type of action taken (i.e., written Choose Click here to enter text.
warning, verbal warning, and termination). an item.

Records required follow-up steps and the time frame for completion. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Schedules review of employee response to actions. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Grievances can be viewed in summary format. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can drill into specific grievances. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks the date and type of grievance (i.e., inequality, unfair pay, unfair Choose Click here to enter text.
working conditions). an item.

Tracks final outcome of the grievance and the date it was closed. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.


Please describe how employee development and succession planning are accommodated in your system.

Describe how the employee development feature is used by employees.

Requirement Code Comments

Tracks core competencies associated with next/future job. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Flags employees that are recommended for a specific job. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks the date an employee will be ready for the next position. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Managers can create a career plan based on license, skills, training and Choose Click here to enter text.
education. an item.

Tracks multiple language proficiency information including speaking, Choose Click here to enter text.
reading, and writing, for each employee. an item.

Maintains multiple education information per employee such as Choose Click here to enter text.
schools attended, dates of attendance, degrees, and course of study. an item.

Does the system track the following data? Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Skill code Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Skill description Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Experience level Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Proficiency level Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Last date skill used Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Tracks employee licenses and certification and expiration dates. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks employee professional associations. Specify limit. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

6.16 OSHA and Safety

Requirement Code Comments

Maintains OSHA logs at the employee level. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Can view a summary page/window showing all incidents for an Choose Click here to enter text.
employee. an item.

Can view the detail of an individual employee incident. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Incident details include: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Accident or exposure itself Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Date and time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Days away from work Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Days of restricted work Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Illness or injury Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Complete incident description Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Ability to add notes. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Case number may be auto incremented. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

OSHA reports are included as standard reports (OSHA 300, and OSHA Choose Click here to enter text.
301). an item.

All incident history is maintained indefinitely. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Incident information and history are accessible through reporting. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can view and update OSHA information using Manager Self- Choose Click here to enter text.
Service. an item.

Maintains required safety reporting for international operations. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.


Explain how your system creates organizational charts.

Describe how your system maintains employee “report to” data.

Describe how your system handles/manages large reorganizations.

Requirement Code Comments

Provides ability to export data to an organization charting Choose Click here to enter text.
application. an item.

Provides a standard employee export that provides data in the Choose Click here to enter text.
required format. an item.

Generates organization chart without requiring the user to make any Choose Click here to enter text.
changes. an item.

Provides ability to create more customized export templates. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Structures the organization chart based on the reporting Choose Click here to enter text.
relationships defined for each employee. an item.

Provides the ability to establish different export records to create Choose Click here to enter text.
organization charts for the following: an item.

Various companies Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Locations Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Pay groups Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Organization levels (by using the company and data selector Choose Click here to enter text.
options). an item.

Tracks open positions in the organization chart. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.


Describe the integration between benefits and payroll.

How does your system handle benefits administration?

Explain how your system facilitates reporting to third party vendors such as benefit providers.

Does the benefit data automatically populate in payroll? Is it real-time or a batch process?
Does your system have a module to maintain Worker’s Compensation Claims, Costs, tracking lost time, restrictions,
legal reporting requirements, regular reporting, etc.? Does the system allow for tracking of all notes, conversations,

Does the system allow for tracking of all notes, conversations, etc.?

How do you support electronic signatures?

Requirement Code Comments

Provides total integration between benefits and payroll including other Choose Click here to enter text.
payroll vendors. an item.

Maintain calculations and limits in compliance with federal legislation. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Assigns different benefit packages to different groups of employees Choose Click here to enter text.
based on eligibility rules. an item.

Establishes benefit/deduction plans with multiple types and options. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports effective dated: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Benefit/deduction plans Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee benefit/deduction plan enrollment Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employer benefit/deduction plan enrollment Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Updates benefit/deduction plans based on employee status change. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks “waived” benefit/deduction plans. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Assigns a rate schedule to apply new rates with future effective dates Choose Click here to enter text.
for the new plan year. an item.

Without writing a separate program, automatically updates premiums Choose Click here to enter text.
for age/salary driven benefit calculations. an item.

Automatically enrolls employees in required plans. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Automatically cancels specified employee benefits upon termination. Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Allows benefit costs to be set up for the new year while continuing Choose Click here to enter text.
processing for the current year. an item.

Tracks and maintains information for dependents and beneficiaries. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Calculates imputed income. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Tracks and reports workers’ compensation claims. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Facilitates reporting to third-party vendors such as benefit providers. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides one screen that shows employee data (“benefits-at-a- Choose Click here to enter text.
glance”), without having to scroll through multiple screens. an item.

Defines and maintains benefit/deductions for the employee and Choose Click here to enter text.
employer an item.

Includes automated schedules for benefits/deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports benefit/deduction goals and limits. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports “catch up” contributions on deferred compensation plans. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Recovers benefit/deduction amounts that have been put into arrears. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports multiple arrear types. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Includes defined start and stop dates for benefit/deduction. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Processes one-time benefit/deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Maintains and tracks savings bond benefits/deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Restricts participants from receiving more than the annual limit for Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

reimbursement accounts including 403(b) and 401(k). an item.

Includes pre-tax and post-tax benefits/deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports a designated default amount for each deduction code. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports multiple types of life insurance, long term disability, and short Choose Click here to enter text.
term disability. an item.

Supports flexible spending accounts (FSA). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Display flexible spending account information such as: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Plan information Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Balance of funds in account (s) Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

History of transactions for reimbursements Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Maintains updated FSA balance. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Includes minimum check option for FSA. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.


Describe the system capabilities for online benefits enrollment (e.g., eligibility rules, tenure or grade level based
premiums, plan dates).

Describe how your self-service solution can be used to guide employees through benefits enrollment.

What tools do you have available for benefit administrators to monitor and provide a smooth enrollment process
for the company and its employees?

Is workflow associated with benefit enrollment and life event changes?

Requirement Code Comments

System provides next-year enrollment capability while in current year. Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

an item.

From a Web browser, employees can: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

View current benefits and related information. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Compare current benefits to the new benefits employees may choose Choose Click here to enter text.
to elect. an item.

Compare the cost of current versus new benefits. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Make benefit elections from a list of eligible benefits. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Keep existing benefit elections with no changes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Modify existing benefit elections. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Make new benefit elections to replace existing benefits. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Waive or decline benefits. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Review, add, modify and remove dependents and beneficiaries. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Review benefits and summary description documents. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Link to benefit plan provider Web sites for additional information to Choose Click here to enter text.
help in making informed benefit and provider choices. an item.

Save “in progress” enrollments and then later return to modify choices, Choose Click here to enter text.
make additional elections and complete the enrollment process. an item.

Make life event (e.g., baby, marriage) benefit changes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

From a Web browser, managers can: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Describe benefit plans and include specific plan details. Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Include customized messages to employees on enrollment pages, (e.g., Choose Click here to enter text.
new benefit notifications, additional instructions, deadlines for an item.
completion, disclaimer for those employees who decline a benefit).

Specify the display order in which each benefit plan is viewed by the Choose Click here to enter text.
employee. an item.

Identify required and optional activities that designate an active versus Choose Click here to enter text.
passive enrollment. an item.

Limit the number of dependents to the employee for each benefit plan Choose Click here to enter text.
offered. an item.

Limit the number of dependent relationships to the employee for each Choose Click here to enter text.
benefit plan offered. an item.

View the statuses of all enrollments. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Drill into benefit groups and plans to check specific enrollment Choose Click here to enter text.
information such as a list of employees whose enrollments are an item.
completed, in progress, or not yet started.

Add or modify employee elections. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Send due date reminders using an integrated e-mail feature. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Use a “manage paperwork” feature to track requests for additional Choose Click here to enter text.
information or paperwork (e.g., proof that a dependent is enrolled in an item.
school, required Evidence of Insurability form).

Create Internet links to benefit plan provider Web sites so employees Choose Click here to enter text.
can obtain additional details to help them make informed choices. an item.

Attach enrollment worksheets for employees to use when making life Choose Click here to enter text.
event benefit changes. an item.

Report and track benefits-related information and activities as they Choose Click here to enter text.
relate to new hires, benefit group changes, dependents, session setup, an item.
employee elections, and terminations.

Export employee enrollment data (e.g., 401(k) plan), to a ready-to-send Choose Click here to enter text.
file that can be transmitted to appropriate plan providers or third party an item.
Requirement Code Comments

administrators prior to the plan effective date.

Supports default benefits which can be set up for new hires. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports unique enrollment dates for each benefit plan. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides a next year enrollment capability. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides ability to report life event (e.g., marriage) and allow “eligible” Choose Click here to enter text.
changes to benefit elections. an item.

Allows updates to dependent information for life events. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.


Please describe the life events that come standard without configuration.

Describe how the available life event options are established and maintained in your system.

Requirement Code Comments

Allows online enrollment form for associates to use when making life- Choose Click here to enter text.
event benefit changes. an item.

Supports life events processed through the associate self-serve Choose Click here to enter text.
function of the system. an item.

Provides online ability to make life event changes (marriage, birth of a Choose Click here to enter text.
child, death, divorce). an item.

Automatically prompts “eligible” changes to benefit elections when life Choose Click here to enter text.
event change made. an item.

Allows update to dependent information for life events. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows removing a dependent. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Alerts student status end date to associate and employer Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows update address changes. Choose Click here to enter text.

Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Allows change in marital status. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.


How are leaves of absence identified and processed in the system?, i.e. Personal Leave (PL) and Family and Medical
leave Act (FMLA)

Vista maintains all leave accrual information for each type of Leave (personal

Explain how your system facilitates handling the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Explain how you coordinate and manage FMLA with STD management. Describe in detail how the communication
and workflow would operate.

Describe how the system maintains leave of absence history records, time/hours used, including multiple leaves in
a 12-month period so time off does not exceed maximum time allowed.

Describe how your system monitors workers’ compensation and the related leave of absence

Describe the benefit premium collection process when associates are on leave without pay.

How are leave associates notified about open enrollment and their benefit elections processed?

Requirement Code Comments

Supports leave types Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Supports maximum duration of leave types and combined leaves, i.e. Choose Click here to enter text.
FMLA to PL, etc. an item.

Tracks due dates of Certification of Healthcare Provider Form by Choose Click here to enter text.
associate an item.

Tracks the approved date when the associate’s leave of absence is Choose Click here to enter text.
expected to start. an item.

Tracks the approved date when the associate is expected to return Choose Click here to enter text.
from the leave. an item.

Tracks and reports cumulative FMLA/PL time taken. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintains leave of absence history. Choose Click here to enter text.

Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Calculates the planned duration, based on expected end and expected Choose Click here to enter text.
start dates. an item.

Supports workflow approval processes for leave requests initiated by Choose Click here to enter text.
associates or managers. an item.

Displays warning message during pay processing if time entered Choose Click here to enter text.
exceeds the leave balance. an item.

6.22 Paid Time Off (PTO), Vacation, Personal Day, Sick

Can employees request PTO?

Describe how your system calculates accrued PTO. Can it handle multiple types of “time off” accounts (i.e. PTO, VAC,
and Sick & Personal Day)?

Requirement Code Comments

PTO accruals and leave administration can be processed without Time Choose Click here to enter text.
and Attendance feature. an item.

PTO plans can be configured for a lump sum accrual on an annual basis. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

PTO plans can be configured to accrue based on length of service and Choose Click here to enter text.
user defined rates. an item.

PTO plans can be configured to accrue based on user-defined Choose Click here to enter text.
frequencies. an item.

Per number of days Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Per number of weeks Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Per number of months Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Per number of years Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Per fixed date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Per included hours Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Per included earnings Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Per pay period Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Per customer defined rules Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

PTO plans can be configured to adhere to user-defined carryover rules. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports unlimited types of leave. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Tracks the approved date when the employee’s leave of absence is Choose Click here to enter text.
expected to start. an item.

Tracks the approved date when the employee is expected to return Choose Click here to enter text.
from the leave. an item.

Tracks and reports cumulative (FMLA) time taken. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintains leave of absence history. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Calculates the planned duration based on expected end and start Choose Click here to enter text.
dates. an item.

Employees can view PTO/leave plan balances. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Employees can request PTO/leave. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Manager can view PTO/leave plan balances. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can view pending employee PTO/leave requests. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager can request PTO/leave. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Workflow approval processes are included for PTO/leave requests Choose Click here to enter text.
initiated by employees or managers. an item.

Ability to have multiple leave rules based on the state in which the Choose Click here to enter text.
employee works. an item.

6.23 Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Does your system support multiple FSA accounts/ HSAs?

How does your system notify third party FSA vendors when an employee terminates?

Requirement Code Comments

Supports associate enrollment. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Enrolls associates in FSA/HSA plans through benefits open enrollment. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintains two open plan years so reimbursements can be paid from Choose Click here to enter text.
one year, while beginning claims processing for the new benefit year. an item.

Restricts participants from receiving more than the annual contribution Choose Click here to enter text.
election limit for reimbursement accounts. an item.

Supports associate enrollment. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

6.24 Pension
Provide an overview of pension-related features/functionality of your system.

Describe how the system manages years of service for rehires and breaks in service.

Explain how your system tracks pension payouts to terminated associates.

Describe how years of service are managed in the system.

Does your system provide a way to determine if a rehire has already had a pension pay out and the date of pay out?

Pension and service years can be determined reflecting an associate’s leave of absence under FMLA.

Can your system calculate the employer contribution amount by participant?

6.25 401(k)
Describe how your system exports 401(k) enrollment/change data to a ready-to-send file that can be transmitted to
record keeper/trustee on a weekly basis or at initial enrollment.

Describe how you manage 401(k) changes from third-party vendors.

What types of information have you provided to third-party vendor regarding address changes, terminations, etc?

Explain how your system will enable us to handle associate loans against 401(k) plans, including repayment through
payroll deductions.

How will the system notify us that an associate has an unpaid loan balance at termination?

Explain how your system handles maximum IRS allowable annual contributions. How is this maximum changed as
IRS maximums change?

Describe how your system calculates IRS maximum allowable contributions when participant chooses to contribute
in both pre-tax and after-tax plans.

Describe how calculations for “employer portions” are established and managed in the system. Pre-tax & after-tax?

How are “catch up” contributions handled in your system?

Describe how 401(k) contributions, sent to our record keeper/trustee, are reconciled.

6.26 COBRA
Requirement Code Comments

Defines employee’s COBRA status, date of qualifying COBRA event, Choose Click here to enter text.
description of COBRA event, and date the COBRA notification letter was an item.

Defines dependent’s COBRA status, date of qualifying COBRA event, Choose Click here to enter text.
description of COBRA event, and the date the COBRA notification letter an item.
was sent.

Automatically captures COBRA information during the termination Choose Click here to enter text.
process an item.

Automatically generates COBRA notifications. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Create COBRA notification letters and invoices. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Exports all employee and dependent COBRA information to a third Choose Click here to enter text.
party COBRA administrator. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Generates COBRA billing documents Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Maintains COBRA payment history Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Manager can request PTO/leave. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Workflow approval processes are included for PTO/leave requests Choose Click here to enter text.
initiated by employees or managers. an item.

Ability to have multiple leave rules based on the state in which the Choose Click here to enter text.
employee works. an item.


How are position statuses maintained in the system?

What information associated with the employee is controlled by the position?

What are the system rules for calculating FTE?

Will the system enable us to track positions currently including those budgeted now, in the future, and in the past?

Requirement Code Comments

Provides position management reports by different organizational Choose Click here to enter text.
levels. an item.

Tracks headcount and full time equivalents (FTE) associated with Choose Click here to enter text.
positions. an item.

Tracks multiple position assignments for an employee. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Calculates FTEs in multiple ways. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Stores unlimited history of changes recorded to the position record. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks unlimited history of changes to employee position assignments. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Records information for replacement planning, indicating possible new Choose Click here to enter text.
positions for employees. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Integrates with recruitment and staffing feature for establishing Choose Click here to enter text.
requisitions. an item.

Supports the generation of organization charts based on position Choose Click here to enter text.
“reports to” hierarchy. an item.

Tracks status of position approval. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Allows overstaffing for positions. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Prohibits assignments to a position if overstaffing is not allowed. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows position codes in the GL distribution. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allocates employee pay by position code automatically. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Assigns position number manually or automatically. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides on-line position incumbent data. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides on-line prior position incumbent data. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Indicates budget period. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Maintains approved budget by position including dollars, hours and Choose Click here to enter text.
FTEs. an item.

Tracks current budget accumulators and provides on-line views. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks budget variances. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Maintains multiple budget plan years on-line. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Standard reports that assess budgeted vs. actual FTE’s and dollar Choose Click here to enter text.
amounts. an item.

Describe your application's payroll functionality.

Is this application integrated with the main HRIS application?

Was this application developed in house or purchased?

Explain how changes are tracked and viewed throughout the system.

Describe the payroll process for transferring an associate between departments, companies, or states. Is this
integrated with the HR function or is a separate process required?

Describe tools/features available for employees to submit inquiries on their pay.

Requirement Code Comments

Ensures payroll system reflects appropriate earnings and deduction Choose Click here to enter text.
codes based on company benefits and compensation structures. an item.

Allows system to be set-up to receive and manage company initiatives Choose Click here to enter text.
such as United Way. an item.

Provides online help in application for end-users. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides online help in application for administrators. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides “wizards” to walk users through completing tasks. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides a “test” system for customers to test new features and Choose Click here to enter text.
potential changes. an item.

Provides a “test” system for customers to use for internal training. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.


Explain how your system will enable us to pay multiple earnings that are taxed differently, but paid on the same pay
check (e.g., regular wages taxed based on the W4 and bonus wages taxed at the supplemental rates on one pay

Explain how your system will enable us to combine multiple earnings for an individual working multiple positions or
Are there limits to the number of earning codes that can be established in your system?

Can specific earnings be scheduled for a specific payroll cycle?

Requirement Code Comments

Provides an unlimited number of earnings codes Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Pays various earnings types (e.g., severance or bonus) after an Choose Click here to enter text.
employee is terminated on system. an item.

Provides automatic gross up calculation for earnings. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allocates earnings by different organizational levels. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Delivers all federal, state and local earnings tax categories. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Calculates and initiates off-cycle/special payments (e.g., signing bonus, Choose Click here to enter text.
annual bonus). an item.

Delivers an expression builder to create company specific earnings Choose Click here to enter text.
calculations. an item.

Allows for earnings to be scheduled in the payroll calendar. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Specifies start and stop dates for earnings. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Differentiates which earnings to include/exclude from other Choose Click here to enter text.
calculations (e.g., shift, deferred compensation). an item.

Earnings codes are specific for different types or groups of employees Choose Click here to enter text.
(e.g., part time or executive). an item.

Tracks YTD amounts, by earnings type, for unlimited number of years Choose Click here to enter text.
in check detail history. an item.

Tracks YTD hours worked, by hours type, for unlimited number of years Choose Click here to enter text.
in check detail history. an item.

Supports the calculation of taxable fringe benefits. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports the calculation of imputed income. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Provides ability to enter non-taxable reimbursements. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Handles employees with multiple rates of pay. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Calculates various shift premiums. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Accurately pays shift premium for employees who work multiple shifts. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Overtime calculations include: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Half time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Time and a half Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Double time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Triple time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Calculates co-efficient overtime on the payroll input screen. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Distinguishes between regular and premium wages for workers’ Choose Click here to enter text.
compensation. an item.

Automatically accumulates hours and earnings by: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Fiscal year-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Year-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Quarter-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Month-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Last payroll Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employees can view YTD earnings through employee self -service. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Define hours per week by employee or job level. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Is file ID# unique i.e. no instances where a new number needs to be Choose Click here to enter text.
reassigned a new number regardless of entity. an item.


Describe the integration between benefits and payroll. When a change is made to an employee’s benefit election
(e.g., single to family coverage), how does the deduction amount get changed in payroll or other outside systems?

How does your product recover deduction amounts that have not been withheld from an employee’s pay?

Does your system calculate garnishments based on the state and federal calculation rulings?

Requirement Code Comments

Provides an unlimited number of deduction codes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Calculates garnishments based on the state and federal calculation Choose Click here to enter text.
rulings. an item.

Stores other relevant garnishment data at the deduction level (e.g., Choose Click here to enter text.
case number, payee). an item.

Delivered logic to properly calculate multiple garnishments. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Sends child support and/or other payroll deduction information to Choose Click here to enter text.
accounts payable for separate check processing. an item.

Delivers all federal, state and local deduction/benefit tax categories. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Accommodates one time deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Delivers an expression builder to create company specific deduction Choose Click here to enter text.
calculations. an item.

Allows for deductions to be scheduled in the payroll calendar. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows client-defined prioritizing of deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Associates goal limits to deduction codes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports start and stop dates for deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Automatically cancels specified employee deductions upon Choose Click here to enter text.
termination based on company business rules. an item.

Supports effective dating with deductions. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Includes a rate table at the company level for benefit deduction Choose Click here to enter text.
amounts, so they are not manually entered on each employee. an item.

Deduction cost can be entered for the new year, while continuing Choose Click here to enter text.
processing for the current year an item.

Deduction codes are specific for different types or groups of employees Choose Click here to enter text.
(e.g., part time or executive). an item.

Tracks YTD amounts, by deduction type, for unlimited number of years Choose Click here to enter text.
in check detail history. an item.

Allocates deductions by multiple organizational levels. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintains unlimited history of all deduction changes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Automatically accumulates deductions by: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Fiscal-year-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Year-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Quarter-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Month-to-date Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Last payroll Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Allows employees to view YTD deductions through employee self Choose Click here to enter text.
service. an item.

Ability to temporarily override deduction amounts Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Temporarily inactivate deductions at the employee level one-time or Choose Click here to enter text.
on an on-going basis an item.

Temporarily inactivate deductions at the company level to affect all Choose Click here to enter text.
employees an item.



Where is gross pay calculated (i.e., payroll or time and attendance system)?

Describe how a time and attendance system would be integrated into the calculation of pay.

Describe how an out-of-cycle check is calculated and processed. Manual payments allowed?

Describe how time without pay and partial pay are calculated by your system. Include exempt and non-exempt.

Describe how pay is calculated for new hires and terminations.

Describe how adjustments to exempt salaries are calculated, particularly partial pay.

Requirement Code Comments

Supports unlimited earnings, deductions and tax codes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports different types of income. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Supports associates with multiple rates of pay and department/cost Choose Click here to enter text.
center assignments. an item.

Tracks associates with multiple pay rates and departments/cost center Choose Click here to enter text.
assignments. an item.

Maintains and updates overtime and pay specific rules including state Choose Click here to enter text.
specific rules. an item.

Supports automatic retroactive pay calculations and payments. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Enables date-driven salary changes (allowing past and future changes). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allocates by different organizational levels and/or projects. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Calculates shift differentials and job premiums automatically. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Automatic calculations Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Performs gross to net calculations per associate per check and are Choose Click here to enter text.
immediately viewable. an item.

Calculates and initiates off-cycle and special payments (e.g., signing Choose Click here to enter text.
bonus, annual bonus). an item.

Provides automatic gross up calculation for earnings. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Overtime calculations include: Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Half time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Time and a half Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Double time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Triple time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Guaranteed overtime (e.g., paid overtime for working Saturday even if Choose Click here to enter text.
normal work week does not exceed 40 hours) an item.

Customer can override an associates pay check by entering or changing: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tax frequency Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Method of payment (check vs. direct deposit) Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Rate of pay Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Shift codes – How many are allowed? Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Hours Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Earnings Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Deductions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Deduction arrears Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Taxes (State, Federal, and Local) Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allocation fields (dept, project, location, etc.) Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Non-Wage Income Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Handles earned income credit. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Handles imputed income by pay period. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Handles moving expenses to reflect as income Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Wage Allocations Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Supports multi-tier wage allocations across multiple cost centers Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

System provides wage allocations by: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Companies Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Departments Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Divisions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Regions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Locations Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Branches Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Cost centers Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Projects Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Pay groups Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Terminated Associates Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Automatically stops deductions and calculates final pay based on Choose Click here to enter text.
associate’s termination date (including PTO, benefit deductions, etc.). an item.

Identifies associates who have pension dollars required to be paid out at Choose Click here to enter text.
termination. an item.

Reporting Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Provides standard wage allocation reports Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Reports can be created with actual cost allocations including: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Rate of pay Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Shift codes – How many are allowed? Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Hours Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Earnings Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Deductions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Deduction arrears Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Taxes (State, Federal, and Local) Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

6.32 TAXES

Describe tax resources provided to your customers on tax regulations at the federal, state, and local levels? How
do your customers access this information?

Note whether you developed your own tax calculation system or you use another company’s tax calculation system.
If you use another company’s tax calculation system, explain how it integrates with your payroll system.

What tax updates, if any, are provided and how are these updates received?

Describe how your system can accommodate consolidated tax returns for multiple companies.

Do you provide full tax filing processes?

Requirement Code Comments

Provides for all federal, state and local taxing jurisdictions within the Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

United States and its territories. an item.

Provides for all taxing jurisdictions for international locations. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports tax calculations of lived in versus worked in state and local Choose Click here to enter text.
payroll taxes. an item.

Supports state and local reciprocal agreements. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides all relevant end of year payroll processing reports, including Choose Click here to enter text.
W-2, 941, 1099s, State, SUI, and worksite reporting. an item.

Supports the outsourcing of payroll tax deposits and filings. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Vendor can provide a print service for W-2s. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports client with preparing tax deposits and filings internally. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Produces tax documents, magnetic media, and signature ready reports Choose Click here to enter text.
to file. an item.

Allows a customer to create/print their own W-2s. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows an employee to view/print their own W-2. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports federal, state and local supplemental wage taxation. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows for earnings to be taxed at different tax rates (e.g., regular and Choose Click here to enter text.
supplemental) on the same check. an item.

Delivers all wage tax categories for wages reported (e.g., W-2, 1099). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintains tax rates within the proposed system. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Maintains a history of tax tables by change date. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Employees can change W-4 information via a Web portal. Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Managers can change employee W-4 data via a Web portal. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tax documents (e.g., signed W-4, I-9) can be attached to an employee’s Choose Click here to enter text.
record. an item.

Employees can perform pay check modeling. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides a payroll tax reconciliation tool. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tracks YTD taxes, by tax, type for an unlimited number of years in check Choose Click here to enter text.
detail history. an item.

Tracks YTD taxable wages, by tax type, for an unlimited number of years Choose Click here to enter text.
in check detail history. an item.

Accommodates separate tax exempt controls for federal, state, and Choose Click here to enter text.
local taxes. an item.

Provides additional withholding fields for federal, state, and local taxes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports one time additional tax amounts in payroll processing. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows for payroll adjustments to correct taxes to be posted to current Choose Click here to enter text.
quarter. an item.

Allows for payroll adjustments to correct taxes to be posted to a prior Choose Click here to enter text.
quarter. an item.

Allows for a payroll administration user to generate an employee W- Choose Click here to enter text.
2C. an item.



Explain how employee timesheets can be entered on-line. How are these timesheets approved?
Requirement Code Comments

Allows customization of the pay sheet so that only data for a specific Choose Click here to enter text.
payroll appears on the pay sheet. an item.

Specifies the columns the user wants to display on the pay sheet. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Controls the properties of the columns the user specifies. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Designates specific groups of employees to pay. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Views employee and group totals as payroll data is entered. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.



Describe the process, steps, and time required for running payroll.

Describe the payroll gross-to-net process. Include manual checks.

Describe situations that cause down time for other areas of the application when payroll is processing.

Describe the audit process for each payroll.

How are unscheduled payrolls handled?

Describe payroll and year-end processing in the proposed system.

Describe your adjustment process for a typical payroll. How are quarter-end and year-end adjustments processed?

Are all custom payroll reports available to view during payroll processing? Please explain.

Are there any payroll reports that cannot be accessed while payroll is running? Why?

What is the process if payrolls need to be re-run multiple times?

Is there a limit to how many times payroll can be re-run?

Is data syncing necessary for payroll processing? Why?

Can you reprint checks if printer or something errors?

Requirement Code Comments

Run supplemental payrolls at any time. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides for pay data entry by: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Employee online Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Manager online Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Batch uploads Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Import from third party time and attendance solution Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Exception-based/autopay (e.g., salaried or fixed hourly employees). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Performs gross-to-net calculations per employee per check, which are Choose Click here to enter text.
immediately viewable. an item.

User can override an employee’s pay check by entering or changing: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Tax Frequency Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Method of payment (e.g., check vs. direct deposit) Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Rate of pay Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Hours Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Earnings Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Deductions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Deduction arrears Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Taxes Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Allocation fields (e.g., dept, job, project, location) Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Performs gross up calculations. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Allows for an unlimited number of checks issued to an employee per Choose Click here to enter text.
payroll processing. an item.

When preparing multiple checks for an employee during a payroll Choose Click here to enter text.
process, options exists for direct deposit or live check as well as the an item.
ability to exclude or process deductions.

Provides pre-check registers and audit reports prior to processing Choose Click here to enter text.
payroll. an item.

Allows for manual checks to be printed onsite or any location. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Voids payroll checks by selecting the appropriate check; changes Choose Click here to enter text.
should be applied to applicable quarter’s totals. an item.

Provides capability to re-run selected steps of the payroll process. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides for check reconciliation. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Using Web browser, administrators can run the entire payroll process Choose Click here to enter text.
including: an item.

Collect employee time Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Open payroll Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Calculating pay (including gross-to-net) Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Pre-check preview and editing Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Check payroll processing status Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Generating pay checks and/or direct deposit advises Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Payroll reporting Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

GL reporting Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Post payroll Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Close payroll Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Create manual checks (interim, voided) Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Print checks from the Web Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Update deduction goal amounts Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Perform check reconciliation Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Tax filing Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Supports different types of payment methods (e.g., direct deposit, live Choose Click here to enter text.
check). an item.

Print checks in any order, which may differ from payroll registers. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Proposed vendor can provide check printing services. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides internal check printing capability. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports laser printed pay statements to include MICR coding and Choose Click here to enter text.
signatures. an item.

Supports unlimited check detail history . Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Provides online pay statements to employees without creating paper Choose Click here to enter text.
statements. an item.

Allows for paid time off information (e.g.,. vacation) to be on pay Choose Click here to enter text.
statement. an item.

Supports paying employees from different bank accounts. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Create an “ACH” file for direct deposit. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Can rerun “ACH” file to include adjustments. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows employees to have up to 99 direct deposit accounts. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports partial direct deposits in either a flat dollar amount or a Choose Click here to enter text.
percentage of an employee’s pay. an item.

Supports Positive Pay. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Process a refund (negative deduction) with no earnings, pretax and Choose Click here to enter text.
after tax deductions (taxes adjusted with refund). an item.



Describe how your customers process and print a check locally at their site.

Explain how your system provides direct deposit for associates including direct deposit to multiple accounts. Indicate
the maximum number of accounts to which an associate can deposit pay and the methods (fixed amount, percent,
or other) by which the funds can be split.

Requirement Code Comments

Supports different types of payment methods (e.g., direct deposit, live Choose Click here to enter text.
check, etc). an item.

Supports printing checks in any order, which may differ from payroll Choose Click here to enter text.
registers. an item.

Supports check printing services by vendor. Choose Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Supports unlimited check detail history. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides online pay statements to associates, without creating paper Choose Click here to enter text.
statements. an item.

Allows for Paid Time Off and Accrued Absent Time (AAT) information Choose Click here to enter text.
to be on pay statement. an item.

Supports paying associates from different bank accounts. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Creates an ACH file for direct deposit. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows customer to rerun ACH file to include adjustments. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Voided Checks Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Provides ability to void checks by number and reversals are Choose Click here to enter text.
immediately fed to the general ledger. an item.

Provides ability to enter multiple check voids by range. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Direct Deposits Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Handles direct deposit to multiple financial institutions in various Choose Click here to enter text.
federal reserve districts. an item.

Allows for an unlimited number of checks issued to an associate per Choose Click here to enter text.
payroll processing. an item.

Allows for manual checks to be printed onsite. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.



Explain how the proposed system would allocate by different organizational levels and projects.
Describe how the proposed system handles employees with multiple rates of pay and department or cost center
assignments. How would employees with multiple jobs or positions be handled?

Describe how your system recognizes over time for employees who work across various divisions or companies
within the same work week.

Requirement Code Comments

System provides for an unlimited number of the following: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Companies in one database Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Departments Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Divisions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Locations Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Cost centers Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Jobs Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Supervisors Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Pay groups Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

GL base accounts Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Tracks an unlimited number of labor distributions in history. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows at least four client definable organizational levels. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Supports a multi tier labor allocation (e.g., allocation on different fields, Choose Click here to enter text.
dept, job, location). an item.

Reports can be created with actual cost allocations including: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Earnings Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee deductions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee taxes Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Net pay Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employer deductions Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employer taxes Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Workers’ compensation premiums Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Supports the creation of labor allocation files with user defined Choose Click here to enter text.
timeframes (e.g., 1 payroll period or 7 payroll periods). an item.

Allows actual labor allocations to be fed into General Ledger. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Creates labor allocation reports. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Allows for end of month accrual processing Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.



Describe your general ledger process.

Identify general ledger and financial systems that interface with your software?

Please describe how the proposed system will support multi-tier labor allocations to post actual employee cost to
GL. This includes the allocation of wages, employee and employer taxes, and employee and employer deductions
by multiple organizational levels.

What reporting tools are available to query General Ledger transactions generated from payroll?
Can data be exported to excel for editing capabilities?

Is there a limitation to length, character segments of General Ledger number?

Can you use descriptions in the General Ledger?

What setup is required for integration i.e. import and exports?

Requirement Code Comments

Maps GL account numbers within your payroll system. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Accommodates multiple GL segments and can be printed separately or Choose Click here to enter text.
all together on reports. an item.

GL setup tables are assessable by users to change at any time. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

GL distribution report or file can be created for a user defined period. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

An exception to the GL mapping is accommodated down to the Choose Click here to enter text.
employee level. an item.

Creates GL accruals. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

GL account numbers can be changed by the user and the GL can be Choose Click here to enter text.
rerun for specified pay period(s) an item.

Immediate availability of GL data when the payroll is posted to history. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

GL historical data is accessible to user. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Adjustments (e.g., manual and void checks) are automatically posted Choose Click here to enter text.
to GL. an item.

GL feature includes tools to export data in a user specified format. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides an ad hoc query tool for reporting on GL data. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides an OLAP tool for reporting on GL data Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Please describe your Time and Attendance functionality.

Does your system include a leave management feature?

Requirement Code Comments

Includes multiple rounding rules by pay group. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Multiple grace periods by pay group. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Unlimited number of user defined time/earnings codes Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Includes the definition and application of complex pay rules based on Choose Click here to enter text.
timesheet details. an item.

Date effective recording of all timesheet- and employee-related data. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Can maintain and modify any and all complex pay rules without vendor Choose Click here to enter text.
intervention. an item.

Allow employee punch captured for start and stop times of breaks and Choose Click here to enter text.
lunches. an item.

Allow group change capabilities to modify common elements in a group Choose Click here to enter text.
of employee timesheets. an item.

Employees can enter hours using on-line timesheets. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Timesheet values can be adjusted by week and selected days within a Choose Click here to enter text.
week by authorized users. an item.

Provides a comprehensive audit trail of all changes made to the Choose Click here to enter text.
timekeeping records. an item.

Tracks both standard and actual hours by activity code for analysis Choose Click here to enter text.
purposes. an item.

Choose Click here to enter text.

Stores employee (contractor) hours to be withheld from payroll upload.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Choose Click here to enter text.

Retro calculations based on payroll transfer date.
an item.

Choose Click here to enter text.

Allow the viewing of overtime by employee(s) by time period.
an item.

Allow validation of over 100,000 docket codes, in an on-line fashion, Choose Click here to enter text.
when activity code is entered at timekeeping device. an item.

Includes various types of payroll lockdown dates to freeze timesheet Choose Click here to enter text.
edits for payroll processing (i.e. supervisor lockout date, hands-off an item.
date, etc.).

Allow a fully reconciled payroll, labor and job activity information Choose Click here to enter text.
captured and maintained within the application an item.

Allow the tracking of labor metrics (includes project, job, department Choose Click here to enter text.
and dockets). an item.

Allow the real-time alerting of immediate time and attendance value/ Choose Click here to enter text.
rule violations including; an item.

 Minor rule violation

 State rule violation
 Local rule violation
 No shows
 Approaching Overtime

Allow employees to punch in and out and make position changes on- Choose Click here to enter text.
line. an item.

Allow on-line edits to daily timesheets by employee and by authorized Choose Click here to enter text.
users. an item.

Choose Click here to enter text.

Allow real time access to activities and related costing information.
an item.

Allow the validation of absence codes against associated leave Choose Click here to enter text.
balances. an item.

Choose Click here to enter text.

Allow for absence tracking with year at a glance scoring and analysis.
an item.

Allow for the viewing employee attendance data for a given year. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Allow employees to request time off, tracks status with dynamic Choose Click here to enter text.
validation against time off business rules. an item.

Allow for the employee to view their timesheet along with weekly Choose Click here to enter text.
hours and costs. an item.

Allow for non-technical personnel to generate standard reports via a Choose Click here to enter text.
web-based, wizard-style interface. an item.

Allow for scheduled reports to run automatically and be distributed to Choose Click here to enter text.
specific users/distribution lists, via email or other means of an item.

Allow for the building, modification and maintenance of custom Choose Click here to enter text.
reports by non-technical employees. an item.

Allow for the report hours of worked/dollars earned by employee by Choose Click here to enter text.
selected date range. an item.

Allow the reporting employee leave balances totals. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allow for reports to be created by copying an existing report and Choose Click here to enter text.
modifying it. an item.

Allow for the routing of exception report results to supervisors. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allow for business intelligence rules to be built supporting customer Choose Click here to enter text.
specific requests. an item.

Tracks FMLA including intermittent leave. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Report on FMLA status include intermittent leave based on rules Choose Click here to enter text.
established. an item.


Explain the kinds of historical information your system maintains.

What accumulators are standard? Please give examples.

For archived records, what is the retrieval time?

How is system performance affected by the growth of the historical records?

Requirement Code Comments

Provides a narrative history (e.g., for disciplinary actions, grievances, Choose Click here to enter text.
exit interviews). an item.

Provides point-in-time reporting capability. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

All historical data is viewable. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

All historical data is reportable. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Maintain unlimited history on the following: Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Job information Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Salary and wage data Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Evaluation and performance data Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Career, skills and education Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Training information Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

OSHA and workers’ compensation data Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Organizational changes Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee status Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Benefit elections Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Pay check details Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Earnings detail Choose Click here to enter text.

Requirement Code Comments

an item.

Deduction detail Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Tax detail Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Archives older historical records. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Can bring firm history from prior software. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Describe how existing history is extracted and imported to your system at conversion.

Are there fees associated with converting history?


Define the historical information your system maintains and how long it is available to your customers.



Describe your application's employee self-service functionality. What are the major features?

Is this application integrated with the main HRIS application?

When was this product developed?

Was this application developed in house or purchased?

Please explain how your employee self-service feature will assist in the communication between the company and
employees. What types of information can be made available to our employees, reducing the amount of calls to
human resources and payroll?

Can pictures be embedded in an employee record? What are the file types?

Requirement Code Comments

Employees can view communications posted from Choose an Click here to enter text.
administrators. item.
Requirement Code Comments

Employees can access links that can launch: Choose an Click here to enter text.

Documents (forms may be saved and/or printed). Choose an Click here to enter text.

Web sites Choose an Click here to enter text.


E-mails Choose an Click here to enter text.


Employees can model their paycheck for changes including Choose an Click here to enter text.
deductions, marital status, and exemptions. item.

Employees can view and/or update personal information Choose an Click here to enter text.
including: item.

Name Choose an Click here to enter text.


Address Choose an Click here to enter text.


Phone numbers Choose an Click here to enter text.


Emergency contacts Choose an Click here to enter text.


Previous employment Choose an Click here to enter text.


Educational background Choose an Click here to enter text.


Employees can view their status and key dates. Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can view company property assigned to them. Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can view EEO/I9 information. Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can view job information including: Choose an Click here to enter text.
Requirement Code Comments

Job code and title Choose an Click here to enter text.


Date and time in job Choose an Click here to enter text.


Compensation Choose an Click here to enter text.


Supervisor. Choose an Click here to enter text.


Organizational levels Choose an Click here to enter text.


Unlimited job history including change reasons Choose an Click here to enter text.

Unlimited performance review history Choose an Click here to enter text.


Unlimited salary review history Choose an Click here to enter text.


Licenses Choose an Click here to enter text.


Skills Choose an Click here to enter text.


Tests Choose an Click here to enter text.


Awards Choose an Click here to enter text.


Employees can view unlimited pay history including: Choose an Click here to enter text.

Net pay Choose an Click here to enter text.


Hours by code Choose an Click here to enter text.


Earnings by code Choose an Click here to enter text.

Requirement Code Comments

Deductions by code Choose an Click here to enter text.


Taxes by code Choose an Click here to enter text.


Direct deposit distribution Choose an Click here to enter text.


Employees can view current and previous year-to-date totals. Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can view and update their direct deposit distribution Choose an Click here to enter text.
and set effective date. item.

Employees can download and print their W-2. Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can designate that the electronic copy of the W-2 is Choose an Click here to enter text.
the only copy that they require. item.

Employees can enter time transactions. Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can view benefit information including: Choose an Click here to enter text.

Current benefit elections Choose an Click here to enter text.


Employer contributions by code Choose an Click here to enter text.


Beneficiaries and dependents Choose an Click here to enter text.


PTO accruals and balances Choose an Click here to enter text.


Cobra qualifying events Choose an Click here to enter text.


Participate in an electronic open enrollment Choose an Click here to enter text.


View all eligible plans Choose an Click here to enter text.

Requirement Code Comments

View the costs associated with these plans Choose an Click here to enter text.

Choose their benefit plan and coverage option Choose an Click here to enter text.

Request time off from their manager Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can update current benefits coverage based on the Choose an Click here to enter text.
following life events: item.

New hire Choose an Click here to enter text.


Adding a dependent Choose an Click here to enter text.


Removing a dependent Choose an Click here to enter text.


Change in marital status Choose an Click here to enter text.


Change in address/location Choose an Click here to enter text.


Employees can view documents attached to their employee Choose an Click here to enter text.
record. item.

Employees can view open jobs. Choose an Click here to enter text.

Employees can apply for open jobs. Choose an Click here to enter text.


Provide an overview of the features available through the manager self-serve.

Describe how managers are limited to information for only their direct reports (or within their organizations).

Describe the integration between your manager self-service application and your HRIS/payroll software.

Describe to what level access to information can be controlled (e.g., screen, field, etc.).

Does the application provide managers access to the entire employee self-service functionality? Please explain.
What employee data is a manager NOT able to access and does client control?

Are managers able to run reports from self-service? How is this performed?

Describe how managers can create and save their own reports.

Requirement Code Comments

Managers have access to the entire employee self-service capability. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

From a Web browser, managers can search for employees by name or Choose Click here to enter text.
employee number. an item.

From a Web browser, managers can view and/or modify the following Choose Click here to enter text.
information: an item.

Employee personal information Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee job information Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee job history Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Employee compensation history Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Previous employment information Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Educational background Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Licenses and certifications Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Salary reviews Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Performance reviews Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Begin requisition process to create job openings Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Review and approve vacation request Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Review and approve leave request Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Update organization information (e.g., department, division, and Choose Click here to enter text.
supervisor). an item.

Assign employee paid through dates Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Attach documents to an employee record Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Establish whether attached documents are viewable by the employee Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Begin termination workflow process. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Access on-line forms/checklist, etc. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.


Explain the delivered capabilities for a system administrator to manage self-service?

Can you have multiple system administrators?

What limitations would a system administrator have in managing self-service in a hosted environment?

Requirement Code Comments

Offers role-based security (system access based on an individual’s role Choose Click here to enter text.
within the organization). an item.

Offers control over which values a user may select from when changing Choose Click here to enter text.
employee data (e.g., user is allowed to assign a certain number of job an item.
or department codes).

Offers the ability to copy roles when creating them. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Includes built-in workflow. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Includes a Web business rules feature that enables administrators to Choose Click here to enter text.
view and edit entries in code and description tables. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Includes a company communications posting feature that enables you Choose Click here to enter text.
to make company information available 24 x 7 to users via the Web. an item.

Includes the ability to upload and securely share documents such as Choose Click here to enter text.
Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PDF files. an item.

Offers a page linking tool that allows users to create hyperlinks from Choose Click here to enter text.
your portal to external Web sites, other products or other Web pages an item.
(e.g., link to your benefits network).

Includes the ability to designate whether page links will appear inside Choose Click here to enter text.
the product framework or be launched in a second browser. an item.

Includes the ability to customize the color scheme for your Web pages. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Includes the ability to re-brand the Web pages (i.e., use your own logo). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Includes the ability to add your own menu items and Web pages, and Choose Click here to enter text.
still be contained within the system's security framework. an item.

Includes the ability to establish user-defined fields on Web pages. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Offers the choice to display or not display user-defined fields on Choose Click here to enter text.
employee Web pages. an item.

Designates different levels of ability to manage system administration Choose Click here to enter text.
activities, from a super user with all rights, to users with lesser degrees an item.
of system administration access.

Generates data-driven user names and passwords to increase the Choose Click here to enter text.
options for creating Web user login names and default passwords. an item.

Allows you to view user login activity. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Adds non-employee users (e.g., IT support, auditors) as system users. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Activates new Web users automatically or manually. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Terminates employees’ Web access inactivated automatically or Choose Click here to enter text.
manually. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Resets user passwords. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Requires strong passwords (case sensitive). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Requires that passwords expire based upon a number of days Choose Click here to enter text.
designated by the system administrator. an item.

Requires that passwords for a given user are always different by Choose Click here to enter text.
maintaining password history. an item.

Stores and displays password hints to help remind users of their Choose Click here to enter text.
passwords. an item.

Uses a mass password reset to change the default password for one or Choose Click here to enter text.
all users. an item.

Ability to secure at a field level. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Ability to audit who has viewed/changed items in the system. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Can the system establish single log on for all components of system? Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Describe the workflow capabilities delivered with employee self-service.

Is the workflow part of the employee self-service application, or is it delivered through a third party?

Please describe the workflow setup including where custom programming is required. Do you supply any predefined
workflow processes? If so, how many are delivered as standard? How much flexibility does client have in building

Can you have multiple levels of approvals for your workflow?

Ability to configure notifications upon hire/term via both email and APIs to enable automated business workflow

What tools are available to enable workflow in your system?

Is there any limit to the number of approvals an action can go through? Can there be different workflow/approval
paths based on reason or if/then else logic of a change (e.g. over threshold, level of person requesting the change)?
Requirement Code Comments

Provides built-in approvals for a hierarchy (multiple levels) of Choose Click here to enter text.
approvers. an item.

Provides for approval by role, where anyone who is assigned the role Choose Click here to enter text.
can approve incoming requests. an item.

Allows the re-allocation or delegation of tasks from one approver to Choose Click here to enter text.
another. an item.

Allows the assignment of observers and e-mail recipients to workflow Choose Click here to enter text.
processes. an item.

Automatically send e-mail notices to approvers to inform them that Choose Click here to enter text.
they have a request that requires attention. an item.

Automatically sends e-mail notices to the initiator of a request to let Choose Click here to enter text.
him/her know it has been approved. an item.

Allows users to view outstanding workflow transactions in various Choose Click here to enter text.
states such as pending or complete an item.

Allow out of the office delegations to automatically manage workflows Choose Click here to enter text.
during an individual's absence an item.

Allow users to cancel pending workflows (e.g., when an employee Choose Click here to enter text.
leaves the company). an item.

Provides wizards to walk managers through work event processes. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Uses audit trails to capture all modifications to employee information. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Captures the date and time when a request was approved. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Captures who approved a request. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Captures approver comments associated with a request. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Performs real-time updates to employee information. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows users to make date-sensitive changes, which are applied on the Choose Click here to enter text.
desired date. an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Allows users to view summary statistics about all workflow activity. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows workflow e-mail messages to be customized. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Displays warning and error messages to users in relation to requested Choose Click here to enter text.
changes. an item.

Provide a brief overview of your reporting tools and how they are integrated with your HR and payroll system.

Does your system have point-in-time reporting capabilities?

Describe your ability to create workforce alerts (e.g., email reminders, reports, etc.).

Describe the ad-hoc report writer that is delivered with your software.

Is this part of the software or a 3rd party addition?

Describe the difference between Web and client reporting functionality.

Describe your point-in-time reporting capabilities.

Describe your ability to create workforce alerts (e.g. e-mail reminders, reports).

Describe any limitations creating online web reports? (e.g. formatting, fields, tables)

Do hosted clients and non-hosted clients have the same ad-hoc and web reporting capabilities?

Can the system support links to other websites?

Discuss how a non-technical user can obtain reports from the system without assistance.

Requirement Code Comments

Provides standard report capabilities. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Provides ability to schedule standard reports. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides access to unlimited years of check and schedule history. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Provides flexibility for defining selection criteria, data ranges, sorting Choose Click here to enter text.
and grouping options, and report output enabling users to tailor an item.
information to their specific needs.

Provides ability to set up and run batch reports. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides ability to access reports area from within the system. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides user-friendly, graphical user interface for accessing and Choose Click here to enter text.
running reports. an item.

Provides point-in-time reporting capabilities. Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Provides integrated ad hoc report writer. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Generates reports on all fields that exist in the data dictionary. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Allows for incorporation of graphics such as logos. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides easy-to-use report catalog; user is not required to understand Choose Click here to enter text.
the database design. an item.

Presents data in a way that makes it easy for users to navigate within a Choose Click here to enter text.
database and assemble reports. an item.

Provides ability to change field names. Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Provides “open” system so that it can be used with other report writer Choose Click here to enter text.
tools. an item.

Provides managers with standard pre-formatted reporting Choose Click here to enter text.
functionality. an item.

Managers can run reports on live data Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can select report criteria at run time Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Access to reports is based on a manager’s role (filtered security setup). Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Data on reports is filtered by the manager’s security (filtered security Choose Click here to enter text.
setup). an item.

Report results can be stored Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Managers can view and reuse a previously stored report Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can select a report sort order Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager can select a report group order Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Manager can select report page breaks Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can set expiration dates for reports Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can output reports in PDF format Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can output reports in Excel format Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ad hoc Reporting from a Web browser Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Ad hoc reports can be scheduled Choose Click here to enter text.

an item.

Reports be run while managers are in other parts of the system Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can store and access previously run reports Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Managers can create custom reports Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Reports can be assigned an expiration date for automatic purging Choose Click here to enter text.
an item.

Does the system have the ability to export reports in a format that may Choose Click here to enter text.
be sent to recipients electronically without manual reformatting? an item.
Requirement Code Comments

Can letters be generated as well as mailing labels in multiple formats Choose Click here to enter text.
directly from the system? an item.

Can the system perform calculations within reports such as Turnover Choose Click here to enter text.
and Retention rates for a specific time interval? an item.


This section of the document defines the technical requirements for the proposed solution which address
infrastructure, architecture, data, security, and system interfaces.

7.1 Required Infrastructure

If the Town decides to internally host the solution, the hardware that supports the solution, including any servers in
the data center, will be purchased and configured by the Town. The Vendor must meet the Town’s technical
requirements outlined within sections 7.3 through 7.5. Additionally, for a Hosted Solution, the Vendor must meet
the Town’s technical requirements and guidelines for Hosted Solutions outlined within section 7.6.

7.2 Standards and Design Criteria

The solution must easily integrate with the Town’s existing infrastructure. There should be seamless transfer of
information between the Vendor’s solution and the other major systems such as the Town’s Financial System. The
solution should be customizable to serve the different operational needs. With customization comes internal support
challenges and resource availability issues. For an overview of the Town’s in-house Information Technology
standards, see Section 5 – Infrastructure and Information Systems Environment.

7.3 Architecture
The purpose for the Architecture is to depict the technical elements that come into play within an informational system,
in order to permit the applications to function smoothly with little or no downtime. It also functions as the baseline or
foundation on which the applications reside and depend upon.

Requirement Response Comments\Reference

In the event of connectivity or network outage, Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
hardware and software maintain the logic to operate
in an offline mode with the ability to automatically
synch when connection is restored.

Provide architecture that is modular, scalable, and Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Reside on standard hardware platform and operating Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
system (not proprietary).

Support all new releases from Vendors (Microsoft, Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
VMware, etc.) within one (1) year of release or
minimally before the software is out of mainstream

Perform a complete historic data recovery and Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
reporting during an event of hardware failure or
network failure emergencies (with data integrity from
last available backup that is no more than one work.

Operate on most current version of Internet Explorer Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
and any subsequent version within one (1) year or
minimally before the software is out of support.

Use HTTPS and other secure means of data Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
transmission including data encryption.

Interface with standard languages and protocols (not Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Configure software from an administrator point of Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
view, with full audit of any configuration change

Support full software change control process with Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
check-in and check-outs.

® Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Interface with Enterprise Edition Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 or higher.

Provide complete on line documentation including: Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Installation/Set-up & Configuration, Training/Tutorial,
Application, Process Flow and Reference.

Define alerts at the user level to notify specified Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
individuals or groups when triggered by an event.

Set-up alerts across all modules. Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Set-up and receive administrative notification of Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
specific activities that may not require user
intervention (System Alerts).

Interface with the following to provide notifications: Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
MS Outlook ActiveSync.
Remotely manage the environment from a Vendor or Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Town IT perspective using a web interface.

Operate on most current version of Internet Explorer, Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Firefox, or Chrome and any subsequent version within
one (1) year or minimally before the software is out of

Use HTTPS and other secure means of data Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
transmission including data encryption.

Interface with standard languages and protocols (not Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Configure software from an administrator point of Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
view, with full audit of any configuration change

Support full software change control process with Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
check-in and check-outs.

® Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Interface with Enterprise Edition Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 or higher.

Provide complete on line documentation including: Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Installation/Set-up & Configuration, Training/Tutorial,
Application, Process Flow and Reference.

Define alerts at the user level to notify specified Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Individuals or groups when triggered by an event.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Set-up alerts across all modules.

Set-up and receive administrative notification of Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
specific activities that may not require user
intervention (System Alerts).

7.4 Data Requirements

Requirement Response Comments\Reference

Support the translation of end user views and Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
instructions into multiple languages (e.g. English,

Provide Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) showing Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
layout of tables, fields and data integrity relationships
with primary and foreign keys.

Provide electronic data dictionary with ability to Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
interface to industry standard reporting environments
(i.e. Microsoft business intelligence).

Provide numerous user definable fields in every table Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
that will be used by the application and make available
for custom reporting all data fields and elements.

Automatically archive and purge data per Town Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
defined retention periods. In response, also reference
the process. Must comply with Colorado State Records
Retention Schedule

7.5 System Administration, Security and Audits

Requirement Response Comments\Reference

Maintain security patches promptly on systems Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
impacting Town data.

Authenticate a person’s credentials through Windows Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Active Directory .

Easily set-up and maintain users, within functional Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
groups/roles that can be nested, taking on the
parents’ rights and restricting that further (e.g. follow
Role Based Access and Control standards following
least privilege principles).

Effect Site/Group-level security (user can view site Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
specific data or multi-site data based on security
preferences assigned).

Effect Site/Group-Specific security configuration per Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
user (user security access may differ from site to site).

Define read/select, insert, update, and delete in any Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
combination or set for Module/Function/Field for any
Group or Individual in an easy to maintain way such as
role-based templates.

Produce reports which identify who has access to run Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
reports, audit trail log depicting report additions,
deletions or changes noting the user who made them,
time and date stamp.
Capture a before and after snapshot of data (audit Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
trails) changes within a system in a text based, non-
system specific, human readable format. This should
not hinder system performance, and be configurable
and user friendly.

Capture when reports are printed and noting the user, Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
time and date stamp on the report.

Capture when reports are viewed and noting the user, Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
time and date stamp on the report.

Limit access to information based on security level. Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Display fields based on security level. Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Limit editing capability to the record creator & security Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Customize the software based on the end-user's role Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
in the system.

Restrict the access and permissions at the role security Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

7.6 System Interfaces

The purpose of this section of the document is to provide easy access and integration between independent and but
related systems and assure accuracy in the transfer of data between them. Describe in the response how interfaces will
be addressed in the recommended solution. For example, are Application Program Interfaces (API’s) used or will
interfaces be developed on a case-by-case basis. In addition, identify if interfaces have been implemented with existing
customers and what type of applications have been interfaced with.

It is a requirement of the Town to have the proposed system integrate with existing an existing ERP system already
in place, Springbrook Software. It will be a requirement of the system to share core data between the two systems
(ie employee names, pay, pay history, benefit info, etc.) Springbrook is a .net application running on Windows
desktops and servers. Springbrook utilizes Progress OpenEdge and SAP Crystal Reporting. Please provide a best
estimate of cost and procedure for integration between the two systems. Questions can be forwarded to the
designated contact for this RFP. Please also provide examples of payroll/employee data integrations completed in
the past.

The vendor should provide a diagram that visually shows all integration points in their proposed solution, as well as
any other vendors’ or third party product recommended to meet the requirements of this RFP. In addition, the
vendor should describe its technical strategy to actively integrate to other vendors’ products or existing Town in-
house systems described in Section 5 – Infrastructure and Information Systems Environment that fulfill the Town of
Windsor’s process and automation/system needs outside the scope of this RFP.
Requirement Response Comments\Reference

rd Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Interface with 3 party software with options for
application programming interface (API), web services
and data import/export capabilities.

rd Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Interface with 3 Party Enterprise Financial Systems
(Springbrook Software). Reference current interface
examples and process for developing custom

rd Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Interface with 3 Party Applicant Tracking and

Recruitment System (i.e. NEOGOV, CivicPlus).

Interface with other 3rd party Human Resource Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

Management or Personnel Records Management


Provide plug-in designs that do not require special Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
coding or enhancements to software to accomplish

Interface with third party sources of information via a Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Web Service call.

Perform data imports and exports from and to both Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
desktop and applications running on other processors.

Interface seamlessly with barcode and other data Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
collection devices.

Provide remote help desk support via telephone and Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
live on-screen control.

7.7 Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Hosted Solutions

Requirement Response Comments\Reference

Host the solution for the Town of Windsor. Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

During any calendar month, solution will be available Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
minimally 99.9%, 24 x 7 x 365.

Vendor will provide an escrow agreement with an Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Escrow Agent for the source code of the system
software used to provide the Hosted Services.

Remotely manage the environment from a Vendor or Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
Town IT perspective using a web interface.

The Vendor shall engage an external auditor to conduct Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
regular security audits (e.g. at the firewall level, the
server level, and the application level), consistent with
control objectives and processes defined in the SSAE 16
auditing processes.

The Vendor will conduct SSAE 16 Audit annually and Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
correct identified deficiencies.

Must provide a test environment with the same Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
security as the production environment.

Vendor will furnish to Town upon request, within Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
specified period of time and in a Town consumable
format, an electronic database backup or export file of
Town Data.

Vendor will not convert records to proprietary formats Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
that could limit future access to the records and does
not use compression techniques that would result in
data loss.

Town Data will reside in a highly secure and redundant Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
data center environment, located within the United
States that is recoverable within twenty four hours in
the event of a primary data center/network

Town Data will not be transmitted or stored outside the Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
United States.

Vendor and its subcontractors agree to hold in Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
confidence, not disclose, and not use for its own
benefit, any of Town’s data.

Vendor will protect the Town’s data by maintaining and Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability and
authorized access.

Vendor will make an electronic database backup or Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
export file of Town Data upon request from the Town
and within a reasonably agreed upon timeframe.
The data center environment will be physically secure Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
with employee and customer access/monitoring
control practices in place and adhered to, and
customers / visitors are escorted at all times within the
data center environment.

Vendor has and will adhere to security release upgrades Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
and monitoring practices and critical Vendor security
patches will be implemented within 24 hours of
Vendor’s release of the security patch.

Vendor will conduct intrusion detection tests at least Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
once per year or with a greater frequency as agreed
upon (i.e. quarterly) with results published and Vendor
actions taken with both being available for customer
review. Town will be notified of any intrusions
immediately upon Vendor’s knowledge of such

Vendor will maintain compliance with State and Federal Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
data privacy laws (PCI DSS-credit card information or
HIPAA compliance).

Vendor offices and data center shall only be accessible Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
to authorized personnel. Vendor agrees to notify Town
immediately upon knowledge of any security breach.
All visitors or third parties will fill out the office log and
if required, the data center access log, which maintains
a record of the following: Visitor name, Date of Visit,
Time of Entry, Purpose of Visit, Time of Departure,
Initials of Escort, and report any data that was
determined to have been accessed or potentially

Vendor’s servers shall be fire-walled from the Internet Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
at large.

Inbound access to the Vendor environment will be Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
controlled using a series of firewalls, switches, and
application layer controls. By default, all inbound
network access is blocked.

Inbound access to the Web Application Servers will be Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
permitted on specific ports with all other ports are
blocked. This network-layer port filtering occurs on
both the external firewalls and the internal “DMZ”
switches. Inbound traffic will be filtered through both
external hardware devices and an IDS (Intrusion
Detection System) sensor located within the DMZ prior
to passing on to the Web Application Server.

Where appropriate, Vendor will allow inbound access Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
to the communications cluster based on strict access-
list controls based on current PCI-DSS two factor
authentication standards.

Vendor will allow only traffic originating from Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
authorized parties over a pre-defined, non-standard
port into the communications environment.

Town Data shall be stored in environments consistent Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
with data redundancy and data protection standards
necessary for recovery and maintenance. In the event
of individual drive failure, no degradation of access
level or time shall occur.

Vendor shall provide regular backup of the Town Data Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
to both a network accessible storage appliance at all
times as well as off-site storage of said backup data.
Fully system backups will be maintained minimally on a
daily basis.

All user access and control will be managed through Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
password security that is under the control of the Town.
Complete control is in the hands of authorized Town
designated administrative user(s). Town shall
determine what access a user is allowed to have and
whether any restrictions will be put in place for a given

Vendor shall provide the capability for using strong Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
passwords to access the application by the Town.

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