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Bora Dinoll’s curse 15.11.


Dinoll is waking up. He is feeling excited because it’s his birthday. He thinks that

his going to get expensive presents he wishes for a Nerf gun. His birthday is not going

to be as he planned. He is going to receive what he never wants …

He gets out of bed jumping up and down from happiness. He started to prepare

for school to be cool. When he went to school there was his cake and his friends were

singing happy birthday. There was a birthday clown. He was doing magic and he

laughing like crazy, and they were having fun. The birthday kid slammed a piece of cake

into the birthday clowns face. The clown was so angry that he clenched his fists and

gritted his teeth then he suddenly disappeared … the kids got jaw dropped because

they were shocked. And the clown went behind him and he became a killer clown.

He looks like that. He has a white mask he runs very fast , his face is black, his

eyes are red his nose is , the killer is going to kill him by a curse. The curse is to give

him nightmares.

The killer clown bit the birthday boy. And that’s now the curse appeared and the

clown disappeared. Then he ran home. And the clown followed him. And he was spying

on him.

When the boy returned home, the clown appeared in the mirror. And the boy was

frozen when he saw the clown in the mirror. The fear froze the boys heart.

Then he got cursed. And he became a ghost child. He joined the killer clown. The

child's voice sounds super scary and weird hes face is white, his clothes are all bloody,

he runs like crazy. He hunts everybody in their houses. His watching people in there

sleep. He makes sounds in the background.

Bora Dinoll’s curse 15.11.2019

His mother was trying to save her son. She become bloody mary because she

needs to kill the clown from the mirror by screaming and then his mom saved him

from the clown because he was about to die. Suddenly the child open his eyes. He saw

his mother that she’s normal. And he knew that everything was a dream.

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