Proposal 2

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A documentary focusing on modern technology in sport, mainly VAR in


Why are you producing this production?

We wanted to produce something that appealed to a wide range of people

inside our target audience, so we chose football. We also wanted to include
a controversial topic in football so we decided to focus on the recent
introduction of VAR in football. However, to reach an even broader bracket,
we thought that we should also widen a small part of this documentary to
sport in general rather than just football.


Target audience is

16-22 year olds.

What they want to see

They want a “cool experience” rather than a “cool product”. They want to
see a mixture of 3 different views and opinions: fans, officials and players.
They would like to see every argument presented so they are educated
enough to make their own judgements on what they believe.

What you are creating based from that research

Based on what we have been told in survey’s and focus groups, we intend to
create a production that is new and engaging. We feel that we should make
every element interesting so as to keep the audience watching. When
looking at our secondary research we decided that we need to relate our
piece to the values that generation possesses. Mainly, equality and mental
health. If we link our piece to this, I think that it will be a really effective way to
appeal and relate to this generation.
Where the production will be aired (why – based on target audience)

Our production will be aired on YouTube because that is the streaming site
that is used the most by this generation. However, I think that we will air,
promotions and small clips on social media to reach as many people as
possible. Hopefully when we add the link to the clips, people who have seen
them will want to watch the entire video.

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